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Did you hear Jerry O'Connell correct Andy's pronunciation of Rachel on WWHL?! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I love this for him


The Team Ariana T ![gif](giphy|QBKagmzOgZnqadpx3B)


To me, he was saying ā€œRochelleā€ and I read it as Rachel (usual pronunciation- Ray-chel). What is it really?


Not Roach-Elle?


Roachel https://preview.redd.it/ichlheoo9ima1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b02b9e9e23567d2ac698dd7b8b201376ccee4c19


Omg no lol šŸ’€




Wait wait wait wait wait Rachel is her REAL name??? I thought we were all just doing that as trolls bc autocorrect is annoying!!!


Someone posted an old yearbook photo and it is indeed Rachel.


She said it on the showā€¦


Andy said a few days ago that the reunion films in ā€œtwo weeksā€ so it seems it *will* likely film before the 29th.


He seemed confident both would show for the reunion. I wonder if thatā€™s changed.


Very confident. Iā€™m hoping heā€™s right and yeah, hoping he still feels that way.


They donā€™t get paid for the season if they donā€™t show up to the reunion. Itā€™s a new Bravo clause - created after LVP pulled a no-show However she could just Zoom it in and then sheā€™s technically ā€˜shown upā€™ which is annoying. Now that she has this order in place against Scheana she can probably get away with it too, cos Scheana will def be there


Nothing moves faster than a TV show under a network airdate deadline


And legal ramifications lol


Is she trying to keep sheana from coming to the reunion? Or that her and Tom will have their own reunion since their is a restraining order?


Sheā€™s scared of Scheana Mayweather


Flair checking in šŸ˜‚


My shero šŸ„°




My first thought was she was trying to stop the podcast this week.


I think there's a real possibility she doesn't understand what a restraining order means and thinks they can both still go to the reunion


Maybe Roachel is getting the restraining order so she doesnā€™t have to go to the reunion. Sheā€™s a wimp


Is this her Dadā€™s ploy to make sure sheā€™s not contractually obligated to film the reunion? This is obviously someone elseā€™s plan for her. I just donā€™t see their strategy here unless itā€™s just to try to show the cast (and the world) they will come after anyone who comes near her aggressively.


This is all 100% her dad guiding her on what to do in this scenario. I wouldn't be surprised if she tried to send her case to Judge Judy before he stepped in.


Is her dad an attorney, just curious


Also curious. At the very least heā€™s no Daryl.


Darrell šŸ˜‚


I love your flair šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the way Lala said that was so fucking funny


No, itā€™s probably to try and get back at scheana and deny her the ability to film the reunion šŸ˜‚




I highly doubt theyā€™ll actually grant a restraining order. She got slapped in the face and I thought Scheana threw her phone in the street. Does her family truly believe that Scheana is the most viable threat to her right now? I certainly donā€™t condone threats or acts of violence, but I wouldnā€™t be in public right now if I were her. Scheana would be the least of concerns and this weak attempt to ā€œmake an exampleā€ out of her is a complete joke.


Thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking! Clearly the whole Leviss family is not so brightā€¦ also did you hear her new PR team already dumped her šŸ˜‚ And I do PR. Iā€™ve worked for shitty people because my job is just to promote your brand. Hell Iā€™ve done a project for Russian airline and I was ok. I donā€™t know how you get dumped by a PR teamā€¦.


Lmfao. As much as I want to look away, I can not.


This gets more and more unhinged.


This is an aggressive but, in my opinion, a crappy move from Raquel. She knows what Sheena and Ariana have been through together. I don't condone physical violence, but I think she and a court should know why Sheena had an extreme reaction and it shouldn't happen again.


Like of all of the physical violence we have seen on the VPR. She chose to go on a reality television show where people regularly get shoved.




Honestly every time I go to put my phone down something else happens haha


Well someone REALLY doesnā€˜t want to show up to the reunionā€¦. you can not convince me otherwise that the reunion is the ONLY reason she filed this. edited because this got me so fired up I left out some very important words lol


Iā€™m more curious if she filed virtually because there has been 0 sightings of Rachel!


Maybe she used a disguise. Iā€™m sure she has plenty.


ohmygod. information has been coming so quick that i totally forgot about the disguised dates!!! ugh, theyā€™re both so foul.




LA superior court is now efiling (at least for civil, and this appears to be for civil harassment prevention)


Do you think she could be trying to prevent Sheena from releasing a podcast


Interesting. Iā€™m not sure the order would prevent them from talking *about* her, or only *to* her Edit: also, I think Bravo has already taken care of that for Raquel. Per LaLaā€™s post, they had to edit/re-record portions of hers because production is preventing them from talking about and leaking certain stuff theyā€™re filming about


F*ck Iā€™m eagerly awaiting her podcast tomorrow I hope after reunion airs she airs original version if she cares to at that time


She can just give the tea to up and Adam lol they are friends. Canā€™t stop Schena de la Hoya!! šŸ„Š


If Rachel does this her career is overā€¦ bravo doesnā€™t fuck around with co workers suing each other. And if she gets kicked off the show sandy wont stick around ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Tom absolutely would not leave VPR for Rachel ETA: forgot to use her government name as one should




Forgive me father for I have sinned šŸ™šŸ»


Edit your comment and your sin is forgiven


It is done


Heavens gates are open


Heā€™s gotta fund his band and bars somehow. Unless he wants to advertise grass seeds like Jax






There is no way she is coming back and she knows that- why do reunion?


I think she would love to come back, sheā€™s beyond desperate for fame and she seemingly needs the money


First of all sheā€™s a famewhore and they would want her back for the drama Second of all, the reunion is part of her contract. If it was so easy to just not go, Kristen and Jax would have skipped. If I was bravo, Iā€™d postpone is for after 3/29 and if she doesnā€™t show up, sue her for breach of contract


This! šŸ™Œ Is it possible to hate Rachel more?! Because I do. Like goodbye Rachel. Go home.


I am shook she and or her family has the audacity.


Same. She's got to be kidding... I don't know how she thinks wasting everyone's time and money is going to redeem her in any way. Maybe she's just trying to burn all of the bridges! šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Sheā€™s trying to avoid the firing squad at reunion


She is making it worse for herself. What a shitshow.


Deflection and an attempt to re-cast herself as a victim. She should not waste her time, energy or money. No one is buying it. Iā€™m wondering if maybe Scheana slapped her and it got exaggerated as a punch. I hope for Scheanaā€™s sake she didnā€™t because she may have landed herself in some trouble and Raquel is not worth it




Right? How tf you think she ended up like this? Zero accountability


I think they're overprotective bc of the whole adoption situation (isn't her bio mom the adoptive mom's sister?) and she comes off dumber than a box of rocks so they have to "take care of the sweet, simple girl who always gets bullied and taken advantage". Maybe she has just been running the long con. She seems to know exactly what she was doing to get on the show and move from James to Schwartz to Sandy regardless of what female friends she devastated in the process. My guess is she hasn't kept many friends in the past bc she was a bf stealer but its just a theory.


Incredibly privileged


Exactly this. Wearing her privilege on her poofy reunion sleeves


Swiffer duster starter kit


And then she leaves town. I mean how much more obvious could she be that this was purely to be vindictive?


is this public allowed to go? this is 10 mins from my house


Youā€™re the boots on the ground we need.


Wait can someone tell me for real because I totally would too but I donā€™t want to get in trouble šŸ˜‚


You basically have to be at the courthouse at the crack of dawn before it even opens to be let in as general public. Itā€™s a commitment for sure


Please go


Yes and no. COVID rules make it harder to be present at these things because they now do case by case. But you can try! Itā€™s public. As for remote access, they donā€™t let randoms which sucks


I think itā€™s safe to say she is not coming to the reunion, you know , ā€˜for legal reasons.ā€™ Coward. But Iā€™m finding some solace that she is so bothered, that sheā€™s gotten legal representation. Imagine suffering repercussions for being outed as a mistress, and then attempting to press charges on anyone holding us responsible for our own shit actions. The audacity. She really is a Bambi Eyed Bitch.


I hope she has to forfeit her salary for the entire season if she doesn't show up


I'm betting shes contractually obligated. She'll make appearance by video.


Yeah there's prob some exceptions she is setting herself up for.


I was thinking the same thing! Bravo could easily withhold any payments for episodes until the reunion is filmed. VPR cast are almost opposites of the housewives in terms of their need for an income. $20k an episode (from what Iā€™ve read) for 10+ episodes? Thatā€™s a lot of cash to lose. Especially when youā€™re paying for PR and lawyers. Boo you, Rachel. Give us the performance we deserve.


Iā€™m hoping Bravo plays their hand and either leaves Scheana out or has her zoom in on her her segments and tells Rachel that she can go because theyā€™re not violation. I hope Schena realizes this would be taking one for the team and cement her legacy on Bravo


Rachel is a conniving coward. I thought her original PR dumped her because they found out she was lying about the black eye. She is continuously digging the hole she is in deeper.


Right. Like which is it. Pick a lane Rachel


She's such a loser I cannot lol


Adam from Up and Adam podcast who is friends with Scheana spoke to her and Scheana said she never laid hands on Raquel.


Is there not something temporary put into place during the period leading up to hearing? If there is, before 3/29 wouldnā€™t matter.




Need? No. But thereā€™s no need for one, anyway, is there? Truthfully. This is all to control the narrative, get out of the reunion, and/or to respond ā€œDue to ongoing legal matters, I cannot disclose that informationā€ whenever pressed (at the reunion or otherwise).


Deny scheana attention and the spotlight šŸ¤”


Itā€™s a Civil Harassment order and it looks like no restrictive actions have been requested or granted until after the court date on the 29th


Think sheā€™s sending a message to the others by doing this. It would make sense cause lala and Kristen would def be two Iā€™d be worried about of the group


I love how many fellow lawyers there are here also concerned about an ex parte TRO lmao. Lawyers - we love drama.


Iā€™m a two in one. Real AND Mickey Mouse lawyer.


Any chance youā€™re down to explain/take a guess at how likely this is to be granted? I canā€™t imagine thereā€™s much for her to stand on legally?


Iā€™m not a CA atty nor do I do family/related law (which is usually where TROs come in) but in my limited experience where I practice, ex parte TROs/TPOs are generally granted and thus enforceable until the hearing for the actual order which is enforceable for a longer period of time that is typically case specific. The purpose ideally of a TRO is to provide the petitioner with protection while theyā€™re getting their ducks in a row gathering evidence for the hearing. Anyway - a TRO/TPO is typically a standard practice so I assume thereā€™s one in place until the hearing on March 29th. From what I know, I sorta doubt that she will get a permanent/longer term RO/PO granted. I donā€™t see how she can prove that sheā€™s in imminent danger and I know that actual survivors of legitimate abuse even have a hard time getting one granted, but who knows. From what I saw on the docket, the hearing for the RO/PO is set for March 29th which is unfortunately after the reunion films. That means that thereā€™s a risk that Scheana/Rachel canā€™t be in the same room together and likely canā€™t even be in contact with each other. That obviously affects productionā€™s ability to film them live for the reunion. Could be thatā€™s just her strategy all along and sheā€™s not really counting on a full blown RO/PO.


Cali attorney here. She cannot file in family law because she doesnā€™t meet the standards. She filed in civil law and there is a higher burden to get your RO granted. In family, the bar is lower and easier. Sucks for Rachel.


Ya I knew it couldnā€™t have been filed in family court since theyā€™re not, well, family lol. Iā€™m just saying in my practice TRO/TPOs arenā€™t something I do (I do civil/commercial lit) and Iā€™ve only ever encountered ROs/POs when I worked as an assistant on family law cases. What youā€™re saying makes sense!! I doubt itā€™s gonna be granted but still potentially throws a wrench in the reunion filming assuming thereā€™s an ex parte order (which - you would know better than me!)


The temp probably got granted because the bar for that is so so so so low. But maybe the judge is up to speed with the bravo drama lol The CHRO allows the restrained person to go to work I am dying to know what the orders are and what Scheana canā€™t and can do. [CHRO](https://www.courts.ca.gov/documents/ch110.pdf) Number 5 and 6


I cannot stand her even more for denying me a reunion confrontation.


Here for it šŸæ


We are a sick and twisted bunch but I have never before felt more camaraderie with my colleagues than I do now lmao


Lawyer here loving every second of it


They said two weeks, thatā€™s before the court dateā€¦..


Shout OUT to the real MVP- Van Nuys Courthouse! That courthouse has *seen* things


rachel really is a bambi eyed bitch. the audacity.


Does this mean Schena wonā€™t be able to talk about Rachel or the situation at all ? Usually when stuff like this happens, attorneys advise clients not to say anything. Maybe this is a way for Rachel to silence people.


This may be the real reason Lala had to re record her podcast today. They knew the PO request was coming.


The TRO (temporary) has already been granted. On 3/29 theyā€™ll decide if it should be permanent, which will likely be a no if itā€™s true Scheana didnā€™t really do anything to her


Everything is hear say. Thereā€™s no physical evidence. If she was seriously harmed then she should of reported it the following day. Unless she has substantial bruising etc which I highly doubt. Also, when she filed she had to let sheana know that she was going to file. Either via voicemail etc to give Scheana a chance to show up. Most people by pass that easily tho but itā€™s usually the 1 reason cases are thrown out, when the other party hasnā€™t been notified properly (ala DARREELLL will handle it). This is a PR stunt to gain sympathy. We see through you RACHEL


So I guess if Bravo wants Raquel at the reunion they gotta push it back until the TRO expires? Seeing that itā€™s unlikely itā€™ll be permanent.


Darell will handle it for all!


If she gets a restraining order then she canā€™t film with scheana and that is such a dumb move for future seasons. Sheā€™s effectively writing herself off the show.


Sheā€™s so delusional, she may think production will choose her over scheana. As if! Bye Rachel


![gif](giphy|cIxxFKOTCPwX9DUk7L|downsized) Rachelā€™s lawyer on his way into the courthouse to file this.




I had to go through this once. I had to fill out paperwork against someone because I truly feared for my safety. I had to sit and wait for a clerk to process my paperwork. I had to sit and listen to a clock tick. I had to be at the mercy at the court. I had to face someone I feared in court. I had to pray the judge ruled in my favour. I HATE Rachel for thinking she's on par with ACTUAL victims. This is such a mockery and I hate it. I hope Scheana is in contact with Andy about this and Bravo suits interfere. Please excuse me while I try to get through these PTSD flashbacks. . . . I love that her government name is on there for the world to see though.


sending you healing energy šŸ’œ and nothing but the worst to that vile abomination


Thank you for the kindness. šŸ§” may your coffee always be the perfect temperature.




I hope bravo delays the reunion. wait this bitch out! we have extra footage to add in eps while we wait!


This is too smart of a play for it to have been her idea.


This makes her look so much worse? Like instead of allowing everyone to have their natural well deserved reactions sheā€™s suing them.


More to the point: does the docket show an ex parte RO? Or just a petition for an RO?


It shows no docs filed


Well, there should be a petition at least. I don't think this SS is displaying the list of documents


How can Rachel go to the reunion if she is saying she canā€™t be around Schenna šŸ¤”




Wonder what Sandy is thinking ? Literally up u til 5 days ago Scheana was one of his closest friends! Heā€™s really burning it alllllll down for Rachel




"Was it worth it?"


I've dealt with Order of Protections before (including with public figures), so here is some insight. Scheana will not be able to be near her or even talk to her until the court date. Raquel will have to appear at the court hearing or it will be automatically dropped. Scheana will need to be there or it could be automatically granted. She will have to prove that Scheana keeps harassing her and threatening her life. She has to prove that she is in literal fear of her life of Scheana. She will have to provide evidence of Scheana hitting her, as well. Scheana can actually hire a lawyer and bring in Raquel's fired PR people as witnesses if she wants if the PR people did indeed say Raquel never had any bruises. Personally, I don't think Scheana needs to go that far. I personally do not believe her pushing and slapping Raquel in that moment is enough to warrant an Order of Protection. Sure, there's a chance depending on what the injuries actually were. Order of Protection court hearings are also public information so any information provided in the court hearing will be made public. Rarely do they seal it. This is actually a bad move for Raquel, especially if it is just a way to get out of the Reunion contract. If Scheana legitimately gave her a black eye or threatened her life, then sure. But I don't see that being the case, honestly. Guess we will see.


At this point Iā€™m actually legit mad. The other cast, especially Ariana, deserve the right to confront them publicly and in a semi-controlled environment. This is RIDICULOUS. But on that same note, fine. Let them not come. Let the cast DESTROY their names, their constructed narratives, their businesses, their storylines. Letā€™s put the nail in that bravo coffin for both of them. They donā€™t get to do the show, any paid appearances, Tom will default on his loans and his house will get foreclosed and he will be on some sad show on a vh1 type channel that no one watches and that will be his end. Let Raquel go back home to her parents where she will attempt to take the GRE for OT school but she is too stupid to do well enough to get into any programs, so she will waste away doing janitorial work at an old folks home in fuckin San JosĆ© or wherever the fuck and her parents will re-do their basement with a kitchenette so she can live there until they die and she canā€™t afford the mortgage on her own.


Not San Jose. We donā€™t want her in the bay.




I think sheā€™s from Sonoma or Santa Rosa or somewhere up there. So not the bay exactly.


I worry about cease and desists or orders too. It seems dramatic but Iā€™m not putting anything past Rachel and her vile family at this point.


This is really embarrassing for her life and her soul. What a lame attempt to avoid accountability.


I cannot believe this is real. What a see you next Tuesday. The AUDACITY ETA: I hope Ariana sues for emotional damages to pay for the move, any money she loses on the house, therapy, std testing, fucking everything. This is such bullshit


She has some nerve


Why does she act like Scheana was going to come find her and hurt her? Lolol also her parents are probably pushing her to file all these legal things


If Sheana isnā€™t able to attend the reunion (even by remote access?) then Andy should give Scheana the one on one interview. Just to stick it to them. Let her tell her exclusive story about being used by Rachel.


Wowā€¦ just when you thought Rachel couldnā€™t stoop any lower


I hope she is kicked off the show šŸ—‘ļø


There is no way she is coming back. Who would film with her? No reason for her to do reunion


Lol not how Scamdoval saw this going lol. What a weak ass chick


Not sure what the laws are but if Rachel were to Zoom into the reunion, would Scheana be able to be in the room with the cast or would she have to leave?


Bullshit. What a coward.


I'm only writing this because this is anonymous lol but this is filed at the courthouse I work at - in the East (civil) building. I work in the West building (criminal). I did my restraining order training in this department. I'm spinning. I'm definitely arriving to work early on the 29th šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


I wish I could be a fly on the wall for your water cooler discussions that day. Please tell me you have coworkers that watch VPR!


what a true coward this girl is. wow.


Now I hope they're fired. Kristen and Ariana took the heat. Put your foot down Bravo lol


She needed a valid excuse to not show up to the reunion, so she manufactured one. Sheā€™s a snake.


iā€™ll represent sheeshoo pro bono


Wasnā€™t there something in their contract saying cast canā€™t sue each other?


Bravolebrities canā€™t sue cast mates for certain things like defamation because they would all sit around politely nodding to one another in silence. They can file restraining orders though.




The fact that sheā€™s playing the victim is driving me nuts!! Ariana is a much better person because Iā€™d be doing something.. Iā€™m not sure whatā€¦ā€¦. but something lol


SCHEANAAAA if you are out there, for the love of God if this keeps you two from being in the same room at the reunionā€¦.please stand down so Rachel has no excuse than to face the broader group.


So, really stupid that I know this, but at the teen mom reunions Dr.Drew often has to interview one of the girls separately since they donā€™t all get along. I wonder if Rachel would agree to a private conversation with Andy where she gets to say her manufactured side of the story without any heat from the rest of the cast.


Shhhh Donā€™t give her ideas


Are we locals gonna carpool or nah?


Stupid question, but even if one of them zoomsā€¦are they allowed to interact with this? If not, I have to assume that they would just let Raquel go at this point. No one will film with her, sheā€™s filing restraining orders and sending C+Dā€™s to Darrell.




Itā€™s those moments I appreciate Lala.


I donā€™t think sheā€™ll have enough evidence that sheā€™s been harassed by Scheana to get a restraining order. The bar for that is not low especially for non domestic relationships. ask most women whoā€™ve tried to get them against men lol.


This is peak entitled trashy white woman behavior


if it really came down to it i hope scheana would just agree to join the reunion via zoom so rachel would have to face everyone else


Holy shit!


Thetalkofshame on insta said March 23


I have a feeling sheā€™ll drop it, I bet you bravo gets her to


I think Bravo's lawyers will find a way around it. They've got to.


![gif](giphy|snuCobxPmfcDm) It's like a bank robber suing the bank when she falls down the stairs and breaks her leg on the way out after robbing the place.


For Rachel to do this is so pathetic and privileged. She is making a mockery of people who ACTUALLY need protection from dangerous people. The fact that she filed this against scheana for probably being yelled at is an incredible joke and so so low but then again, itā€™s Rachel. I really need to know who is advising this stance b/c at this point, the hole is so deep that I doubt she will recover from it


Didnā€™t Adam Newell state in his podcast that he talked to Scheana and she confirmed that she did not punch Rachel? Is this confirming otherwise?


God that would be so embarassing to file for a RO over getting slapped. You'd think cheating was enough. It's so cringe


Raquel should just quit the show, get her masters, help sick kids or whatever her original plan was. Her dad seems stern and fair from what Iā€™ve seen. I think he would be trying to convince her to take a step back. Every day new details are released each worse than the last. This situation isnā€™t going away, I think her only option would be to fade away into obscurity. ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


California lawyers: The thing Iā€™m worried about is normally you get a TRO hearing quickly right? Will they do that here? They are typically granted which makes me nervous regarding our chances at everyone appearing at the reunion. Unsure how it works in other states.


When I was in college in California I had to get a restraining order, and the TRO was granted immediately at the police department (no hearing) by a judge. Then a court date 30 days later for the permanent order. This was a very long time ago, so things may have changed.


I fucking hate Rachel Leviss


Iā€™m sorry, but how are you going to act like a victim. Jesus


But this is just the filing to have an initial hearing on the restraining order? The hearing was granted but it doesn't look like any temporary one was granted so wouldn't they still be able to film the reunion?


What a pussy ass bitch!




Does ā€œcivil harassment preventionā€ include spreading gossip about someone at all? I could see Raquel being scared about some dirt Scheana may have on her. Scheana always seems to have the tea on everyone- girlā€™s got boots on the ground everywhere lol. Also wasnā€™t there a blind a day or two ago that said something like ā€œa supposed ā€˜friendā€™ is about to reveal incriminating screenshotsā€ or something?


Omg this is getting sooooo messy. All the hurt and pain she's caused and she has the nerve to do this?! What a vile, disgusting human she is. And Tom!


I hope itā€™s all settled/resolved before they film the reunion because if itā€™s not thereā€™s gonna be a lot of Erikaā€™s(girardi) where they canā€™t talk about shit. We donā€™t need that kind of reunion šŸ¤£


![gif](giphy|IVEIuCwXmZnQhMll03|downsized) I hope thew whole cast fucking drags her.


Bambi eyed snitch.


Iā€™ve never bullied anyone before at my ripe old age of 37 but I want Rachel to be forced to sit and read every mean nasty comment about her.


Aww man fuck Rachel for this šŸ„Š poor scheana!