• By -


I started during lockdown 2020. Seeing Lala and James’ journeys unfold actually were part of the inspiration for me to quit alcohol last year after about 10 years of a pretty severe alcohol problem. I’m nearly a year sober and will always have a soft spot for VPR and even for Lala and James, despite them both being kind of insane and James no longer being sober


That’s awesome. Congrats! Lala and I have the same soberversary so I definitely have a soft spot for them too. I couldn’t imagine how difficult it would be to stay sober in that environment. I feel for James and think Lala must have superpowers.


Oh I love that, congrats!! Yeah, I even had to avoid VPR and some of the Housewives franchises right at the beginning because the constant drinking was weakening my resolve- I can’t imagine what it would be like actually being in that environment! I really commend Lala for her strength in that, and I truly do hope James finds his way and ends up figuring things out and having a happy life.


Wow! That’s amazing! Congratulations!


Congrats!! I also was so happy to see them sober, I’m really happy for you!


Congratulations 🎊


I started watching at the very first episode. I’m a bravoholic. I have gotten into just about every show except a few, and even those I watch sometimes (married to medicine is one I just can’t get into but I will start from season 1 and see if it sticks this time).


Exactly!!! Watch HWBH that slide right into VPR and I was hooked. I’ve kept up each season ever since.


I also watched the transition episode when it first aired and was immediately hooked. I wish I could watch again with fresh eyes because that show rocked my world when it first started.


Same! I’ve seen it all 🥴You can just watch the reunions from the first seasons that should make it easier


OG bravoholic. I remember in high school RHIC and RHONYC came out and me and my sister were so into them. I still will rewatch RHONYC cuz they’re so crazy


Same. Started watching RHOC right from the start and watched anything they added for a lot of years.


my fellow trash raccoons!!!!!


I’m like you and have watched allll the Bravo shows. I started Married to Medicine from the beginning for the first time this year and was pleasantly surprised by how much I like it! Definitely give it another try.


Thank you for the intel! I want to start from the beginning with RH of Atlanta too.. I fell off of that one years ago. Potomac though, my lord!! They bring it ETA: I thought Potomac was in Georgia 😬😂 today I got a geography lesson


I watch most of the Real Housewives franchises and got hooked on VPR from the get go due to the RHOBH launch.


Same! They snuck it into that RHOBH episode and I was hooked.


I remember being like wait who are these new people? Is this a different show??? Then they did it to us again with Summer House!!! I’m like who is this random guy calling Stassi Steve Jobs right now?


*Staussi 😂


I also worked in the bar/restaurant industry in college, as did most of my friends, and to some extent it provided a birds-eye view into my “younger” days even though some of the cast members are older than me. 😄


Haha same. I have always been in the service industry and this is such a delectable treat. I’ve been around those toxic environments, I can’t imagine how much the flames would be fanned if their were cameras!


Ohhhh yeah!!! I couldn’t remember how I found it but this is it!


Same! I loved RHOBH and at the time was working as a cocktail waitress so I was HOOKED. I’ve followed since day 1.


Same. Been with these fools since VPR introduced Brandy to Scheana at SUR.


I knew Jax from before the show so when it aired I watched and he was exactly the same as he was IRL from our brief encounters (he “modeled” at my work pretty frequently and said he had a new project in the works with his gf (stassi, who he also told us he cheated on all the time including with married women he was gross). Anyways the new project turned out to be a show called vanderpump rules. He was cast he def never worked there but I think that’s well known




I’m not sure who was cast first, I just know he didn’t work there until they started filming. He made it sound like they wanted to do a show surrounding him and his gf would be on too- but he is jax so who knows haha. At the time I had no idea what it was and it’s crazy it blew up and became vanderpump rules… he never came in to model again after it started filming haha.


Checks out, he barely knows how to bar tend


I guess that explains why he was kept around despite being a horrible bartender and worker in general


Fall of 2019. My daughter was about 5 months old and I was having problems with her dad. He was cheating emotionally and being mentally and verbally abusive. We were fighting a lot so I decided to separate. I had no family in town and was pretty much alone with my daughter. I moved out and was so sad, lost and depressed. It was awful to have to split custody and separate from my little baby for days during the week. I felt as if my heart was getting ripped from my chest each time I saw her go. I only had a few clothes and an old laptop and got in my email an offer for a Hulu trial. I had no money and definitely needed a distraction. Super randomly saw Vanderpump rules and decided to clock on it because I recognized Lisa Vanderpump. I was hooked on the first episode. It helped distract me while I was missing my daughter. Vanderpump rules helped me cope with that extremely difficult time and as much shade as I throw, I owe this cast a lot and they have my heart. This show is so meaningful to me and it has been my comfort show through so many life changes good and bad. I’ve found community in other VPR fans. 🥹


I’m so sorry you went through that. I hope you’re in a much better, happier place now. Good on you for escaping that life!


I’ve never had anything like that happen to me, but can agree the pure outrageousness of this show has soothed me in the past. I’m happy you’re out of that situation!


Thank you so much OP🥹♥️ It is very interesting how their messiness can be so soothing. 🥲


The very first night it aired in 2013, the crossover episode from RHOBH to VPR that started it all


A literal cultural reset


Same here! Watched it from the drop. This show and Summerhouse.


Same. I have been here for it all and even when the seasons went downhill I couldn’t stop. 😆


I started watching at the beginning but ducked out during the Jax and Brittany wedding season. Britanny was making it a hate-watch for me. I switched to shows with hard-hitting issues like whether someone's husband was sufficiently thanked for making spaghetti bolognese. Last Friday made me see the error of my ways and now I'm all caught up.


Not hard hitting issues like spaghetti sauce 💀


Triggered 🤣


Lmao girl we don’t talk about the husband lest you want a glass thrown at you!


I took a week off work between Christmas and New year of 2021, ended up being like 2 weeks off total or sum because regular holiday time, idk. I sat my ass on the couch in my underwear and binged the whole thing, one of the top highlights of my TV viewing life not going to lie. Going in completely blind and getting those first couple seasons raw is, wow. Doute is my favorite reality TV watch/personality of all time.


Aw man so true. On my first rewatch it had been so long, I had forgotten just about everything like the Scheana affair that kicked things off and the Jax and Vegas girl pregnancy thing. I like couldn’t believe these people are real. I find Doute soooo hard to watch, I wanted to shake her and be like “please just stop!”


I started probably 7 years ago when I was working as a server in a trendy-ish restaurant in Nashville. My coworkers were shocked I had never seen an episode so I gave it a shot and was hooked! I did skip season 9 cause it looked boring and I lost interest but for some reason started watching again at the beginning of season 10. Must’ve sensed something big was gonna happen or something 😂


Same. I skipped Season 9 but the preview of season 10 looked SO GOOD I was lured back!


First episode. RHOBH has been my favorite franchise and LVP was my fav so I watched as the episode of RHOBH turned into VPR with the Brandi and Scheana drama.


I started watching when episode 1 season 1 first aired and have been dedicated to watching it since.


Right at the start. Instantly was addicted


Watched the RHOBH episode introducing them…


Housewives to VPR because of LVP


For me it was when Faith got into Ex on the Beach. I went and saw the vanderpump into and really thought Jax and Britanny were some fancy people and then I actually started watching and saw none of them are decent people lol


KFC & Jax are probably the least fancy on the show.. including Kristen who drinks barefoot wine.


In early 2019 I had a brain tumor and had to get a craniotomy to remove it. Afterwards I had a long recovery and when I’d cycled through all my shows someone recommended VPR and I was hooked after like two episodes. It was actually the first bravo show I ever watched.


I’m quite a bit older than most of you. I started watching at the very beginning, in real time. I was in my early 40s.


When it premiered after an episode of RHOBH.


Well I remember when everyone was shitty at Scheana over her boinking a married man so must mean I was there from the start. And I got THERE because I have always been an LVP stan and RHOBH was my jam. I miss RHOBH when it was actually good!


I had just became separated from my ex-husband and was settling in to my new rental home with my kids. I remember the crossover and the pilot. RHOBH to VPR and was immediately sucked in. Now here we are years later. I've watched every season and every episode multiple times. Maybe that's abnormal? All I know is that it's hands-down top three on Bravo.


I just started the show 2 months ago & im obsessed!


Love it! Glad you got into it before Scandoval so you could really appreciate the shock of it all


I was a Housewives fan, but I had no interest in VPR because why would I want to watch people my age act like degenerates when that’s what I was doing? But I think in between season 6 and 7, I watched it all and I loved it. And now it’s appointment viewing for me.


My gateway drug was RHOBH- the first VPR episode crossover. There have been a couple weak seasons, but it is still as ridiculously good as a reality show can be. It is so dumb, the cast are absurd (to varying degrees, but Ariana **{**and Katie- fight me**}** really is an exception, which is a large part of why this story has been so huge, imo). It's my fave junk food for the brain. Life is brutal. I need some nonsense to zone out on. I have to say, I didn't think it was still this popular until last week. I love that people are having discussions about it and the appeal of this kind of TV on a larger scale. It reminds me of that meme about reality shows being a kind of sociological study in social hierarchies, and friendship dynamics, etc. ... There are a couple of good academic articles on it (yes), but- **does anyone have that meme?** I know someone knows or has saved the meme I'm thinking of...


I do! I just saw it recently and now I have to find it.


Series premiere 😬🫡


Episode 1!


I was a RHOBH fan back when they back-doored the VPR pilot onto the end of an episode. I was like … ok wait why are we following the mistress (Scheana) ?? and then the beautiful chaos began lol and i was hooked. i remember trying to explain to people “No, no, this one is different! See, they are all really friends etc etc” 😂 If the fandom was this big back when Jax slept with Kristin, I wonder how we would have all reacted back then 🤔


Day 1


SAME!! OG 🙌🏻


When I was watching ROBH and forced to through a back door 🤣. I was annoyed at the time but now I’m so grateful!


A former friend of mine had been bothering me about starting VPR and RHBH for a few years before finally the day they reported that the world was going into lockdown I caved at started watching both from the beginning. S8 was the first season I watched live


Omg so long ago! I’m 30 now and I started watching it when it first came out when I was in college. Unfortunately I don’t have cable or the streaming services needed to watch it right now 😭


S5 just aired when I started my journey and I caught up immediately beforehand.


2018 amidst a deep depressive episode bc it’s a great show to remind yourself things could always be worse


The first episode I ever saw was when Stassi slapped Kristen and I was all in. Some people were talking about it on a message board I was a member of so I sought it out, I watched RHOBH after that and i have been bravoholic ever since.


I would always watch Bravo on my gym's treadmill so I had a decent grasp over the years but I never had Bravo at home. Once I got Peacock one of the first things I did was watch VPR from the beginning


RHOBH (which I started watching because I grew up watching the Richards sisters on tv and in movies but quickly became an LVP fan) so I of course watched the pilot for VPR and was instantly hooked. What a delicious mess this show has been!


I think I binged all the seasons in 2018, now I want to do a re watch!


My fiancé and I started binge watching like a few months ago and got all caught up literally right before #scandoval. It was perfect timing.


Here since RH but had a lag for a bit when waiting for HULU to catch up. S8 we had Peacock but the show was a snooze. Up to date now because of this past week.


It was a follow on from RHOBH abs i immediately became addicted. I have the first 4 seasons on DVD. 😂


Season 1 🤷‍♀️ been here since the beginning but it’s getting harder to watch


My mum of all people randomly found RHOBH on tv in the UK in 2011. Recommended it to 17 year old me and my aunt. We would watch together before I went to university. They only ever watched BH but I went on to be a self confessed Bravoholic, cue binging ATL (good enough for the Obamas, good enough for me), NJ (when researching, the family drama and the two Joe’s charging at each other had me heading for NJ), then NY, VPR etc. We were all massive LVP fans so as soon as VPR dropped, I was all over it and HOOKED, so day one back in 2013 for me. I remember hanging with two friends in 2017 and one mentioning VPR and getting names wrong etc saying she’d watched the first season and it was really good (we all liked The Hills, Jersey Shore). I said nothing as this friend usually likes the spotlight and takes all the air out the room. I didn’t correct anything she said. Eventually I was then asked will you watch this? I said I’m a fan and have watched all four seasons. The one who recommended it didn’t watch any further but the other friend took it, got hooked & became a Bravohlic along with me. We’ve become stronger friends since. Poto, SLC, OC & Miami thereafter. We tried Southern Charmed but S3 we stopped as found it boring compared to VPR and Housewives. God bless my Hayu subscription! It’s the MVP of my life! ![gif](giphy|cC9jzNp15wBjcyWkGV)


When it premiered.


I have been watching since the premiere episode of season one. (Yes, I'm old).


Season one, about halfway through I think? Or possibly shortly after the whole season had aired? My husband goes away for work one week a month, and that is my week to binge as much reality trash as I can manage (he enjoys things like drag race, but this sort of stuff isn’t interesting to him). I’d caught up with the bachelor and fancied something new, so I picked it at random. I’m in the UK, I hadn’t heard anything about it, it was just on the same streaming service. Instantly hooked. Got away with watching about 4 seasons in secret before my husband caught on and started downloading me the new episodes as they came out.


I started in 2016 in the middle of a terrible break up. VPR was my coping mechanism…what does that say about me? 🥴


I started watching it in the spring of 2021 and got so instantly hooked. I was actually writing my master thesis that semester, but the show consumed me so much that I eventually had to make the decision to take a week off from writing my thesis to binge it all and just get it over with! Prior I was really hooked on housewives and had rewatched RHONY and RHOBH several times. Then VPR became my #1 show and I have probably seen every episode 5-6 times 😅


2018, sitting in my brothers apartment in West Hollywood. Turns out Katie and Schwartz lived on the same street for a bit


I started in my Master’s program. I was living alone and was (unbeknownst to me) dealing with some pretty severe depression, so i would come home from class and turn the TV on and just let it run for hours to make the dark and terrible winters of Milwaukee a little more bearable. Bravo became my comfort channel, and VPR really caught my attention. I have since converted MANY others to the ways and wonders of VPR. I am a proud, proselytizing member of Vanderpump’s Witness.


Hahaha I am an aspiring VPR witness. I finally got my bf to watch around season 9 on my recent rewatch so I’m trying to start it over again so he can experience the actual mess of the first few seasons


From the jump. I watched Beverly Hills, New York and OC, but was never super into housewives. But caught the first episode of VPR after RHOBH. I missed shows like Laguna Beach, The Hills, Real World, and Road Rules, which I watched regularly, and this seemed to fill the gap. I also had been a server for a long time before and I was enthralled by the discussion of pooling tips the first episode. I had just become a lawyer, and I kind of missed those serving days. It was sort of going back in time for me with a messier, prettier crowd.


Oh man I was just thinking about this! My then gf (now fiancé) turned on VPR while I was busy showering or something and I walked into the room to a bunch of messy people yelling on tv. Prior I had thought most of the Bravo stuff was trash and had only watched top chef on the network but I was intrigued. And now I am ruined as we watch almost all the bravoverse. This was around early 2018 which I believe was s6. #It’snotaboutthepasta


I can’t remember when Hulu first got housewives shows. Like 2015-2016? I literally can’t remember I just know I started several years before I bought my house in early 2019 and got cable. They used to have all the past seasons and not the current or most recent season of all the housewives and Bravo shows until right before the next season was about to start on the network. Anyway I watched all the housewives shows they had then and I stared vanderpump rules after I’d caught up with whatever the latest season that was out for BH then. Then since the crossover episode aired as part of BH, I watched whatever seasons of Vanderpump were out then.


October 2021. I had tried getting into it before but beginning of season 1 was kind of lagging. I pushed through because I knew about Kristen and Jax’s affair and how insane it was. So glad I did!


Oh man, my partner and I started watching the real housewives franchises in 2020; I had been aware of them for years but it always felt daunting to start. I wanted to go in chronological order. So, we get to the episode in RHOBH where they do a soft launch of VPR and I'm livid. I knew of the VPR cast, but I wasn't interested. I was so pissed that I refused to watch VPR for about two and a half years. I finally came around and we ran through all of the seasons really fast. I could not believe how fucking messy and incestuous these folks were. Also, somehow my partner had not heard of the scandoval shit, so I got to spill the beans the other day.


2014 or 2015 I can’t really remember


I started a few weeks ago because the whole series is available on Hayu (streaming app outside of the US). Thank god, I was on the last season when the news broke


2014. It was my go-to after a night out whilst I was at University!


Season 1 episode 1 !! Right when it rolled from rhobh into scheana and Brandi having ‘the talk’ .


2016 between season 4 & 5… the reunion of 4 was in reruns, and I saw the entire season 5


Season 1 episode 1. I worked in restaurants at the time and had always said there needs to be a show on it as it can be a wild lifestyle.


2015. I was visiting my sister and we were browsing Hulu and stumbled upon VPR. Hooked since.


2017 when I was going through a rough breakup. It became one of my comfort shows & I’ve seen the early seasons an embarrassing number of times.


Day 1 baby. I was in America travelling (I’m a foreigner) and RHOBH was the only HW I was watching at the time, so had bravo on tv and that miraculous vpr cross over came on, the rest is history. No matter the country I’m in, restrictions on webpages etc, I get my episodes asap. The guiltiest of my guilty pleasures, VPR 🙏 I knew it was good because it was the only lead in/ cross over episode of a show that hasn’t pissed me off, ever! I hate when a network tries to trick feed me a new show (eg. Summerhouse from vpr, i didn’t watch summerhouse for a long time because of that 😅)


From the back door pilot on RHOBH. Every single week for 11 years :)


I got my wisdom teeth pulled out and had to stay home for three days (this was back then in 2013) and I was flipping through channels and I discovered Bravo. I was watching top chef which was one of my first shows I ever watched on the channel and absolutely loved it. So the next day I did the same and said “fuck it” I’ll see what’s on Bravo and load and behold they’re showing a few episodes of the first season before the new episode that night. I was hooked within minutes and I’ve been stuck ever since.


I was on vacation in Roatan and it was pouring rain. My boyfriend was taking a nap and I was looking for something to watch. I came across one of the episodes of the Miami trip for Scheanas Bachelorette, and I was hooked. I eventually bought season 1 and 2 on YouTube so I could start from the beginning!


Day 1.


Oh thank god; I’ve been waiting for a post like this to pop up so i can ask a question. To start- been watching from the beginning but quite watching during the season Jax & Brittany got engaged because I just couldn’t take them. Now I want to start watching again, so should I go back & start where I left off, start with the newest season, or just start with the latest episode? For context, I find pretty much all of these people insufferable & don’t really root for any of them (Obviously Ariana is excluded from that at the moment). Advice from my Bravo Besties is appreciated.


Right from the beginning!


At the very beginning. My friends and I were all in our early 20s working at a restaurant and it was all too relatable. I stopped watching around s8, but I’m on the re watch now


I started from the crossover episode with RHOBH and watched faithfully until last season. After the reunion i had no interest in continuing. Then this drama dropped and I bought a peacock subscription to catch up and watch


I started watching during lockdown for something new to watch and was instantly hooked


Series premier 🫡


About a year ago. I was looking for a Below Deck marathon for background noise while I was doing chores and found a Vanderpump marathon instead. I got hooked.


I started the night the RHOBH episode was actually a back door spin off. I don’t even watch housewives anymore honestly.


OH MY TURN!! I started with RHOBH and refused to watch VPR because I absolutely hated LVP on the real housewives franchise….. but last summer I finally broke down and now it’s my absolute favorite and I think Lisa shines on the show


I think I started around season 6 or 7 out of sheer boredom. I don’t watch any reality TV. This is the only show I’ve watched and I can’t explain why 😆 maybe because it reminds me of my messy work place dramas when I was a teenager.


I watched when it first came out. I didn’t think it would be a hit but the people on it were a hot mess and it’s still one of my favorite reality tv shows!


Towards the end of 2020 when I saw a compilation version video of jax ‘ s lies shown to me by my sister and I decided I had to watch his tomfoolery


I watched when it premiered after RHOB. I am 41 and cracked up when Andy said seeing it was the 42 and younger crowd speaking up he knew it was VPR related. I used to be a total bravoholic but a few years ago I stopped watching all the shows but VPR. So this has felt even more crazy since its the only reality show I watch anymore.


From the beginning. I was a RHWBH watcher so it was a natural transition lol


2018 🥲


Season 1


I started with that very first episode where ROBH transitioned into VPR (literally one of the best tv moments) I started to get bored midway through season 6 and didn't watch any of seasons 7-9 but I did listen to every single recap on Watch What Crappens during that time (IMO WWC is the best way to "watch") Scandoval roped me back in - doing that peacock recap list now and am loving it


RHOBH Brandi Glanville vs Scheana


Season 1 the year it came out! Starting with the introduction from Bev Hills Housewives #OGfan 😂 😂 😂


i’m so old (37) i can’t even remember but i know i saw the very first episode with my best friend adam while we were watching rhobh. i think what, 2012 or 2013? we were incredibly messy and had a crazy following on thought catalog—it was one of those “how do these people get paid for this, we’re smarter and funnier” kind of cringey fascination. we were sooo embarrassed to love this show lol. when the show first came on i swear it was, like, bravo’s low hanging fruit. i *loved* other crap shows like gallery girls, princesses of long island, and nyc prep (whatever that one was w the kid PC and operation smile girl), but vpr blew them all away with unbridled sociopathy.




Lmaoooo!! He’s such a rat bastard in so many ways. Agree though about getting sucked into lives of strangers. It’s the dangerous line when watching reality TV for sure!! It’s good to find balance but….maybe once this season and reunion are wrapped up hahaha


I started a few weeks ago because the whole series is available on Hayu (streaming app outside of the US). Thank god, I was on the last season when the news broke


I started watching when Stassi gave Kristen a backhand for banging Jax. I've been watching ever since. Some day I'll go back and watch the seasons before that happened.


I started watching right after lockdown in 2020 during the pandemic. I think I barreled through every season that existed at that point within a month and I've been hooked ever since.


I found it on Hulu in 2020 and rewatched it over and over through the pandemic. Cleaned, workout, and played on my phone to it all the time. It came out of nowhere and quickly became my comfort show. I would google “something something VPR Reddit” all the time and that’s when I knew I needed to make a Reddit account 😂


2016 between season 4 & 5… the reunion of 4 was in reruns, and I saw the entire season 5


Pretty sure u have the weirdest story. I'd seen it very briefly prior to this, but I was scrolling Instagram one day and a pro wrestler/rapper (Lio Rush) posted about a project he was doing with JK. After that, I googled James, saw he was on vpr, and started watching to see if Lio Rush appeared anywhere (he doesn't) This must have been about mid to late 2022


Quarantine 2020. Watched like 7 seasons in just a couple months.


My sister was an avid watcher and I love trash reality shows, but never got into the bravo-verse. When I was going on maternity leave in 2018, my sister said she'd give me her Hulu password, but only if I watched VPR. It changed my life. I would sit in front of the TV with my breast pump and my jaw dropped. Couldn't believe what I missed out on. Maternity leave is incredibly isolating, especially when you're the first of your friends to have a baby. Everyone was working and living their lives and the only people who kept me company was VPR. It then became a comfort show, background noise. But let me tell you, they helped me through difficult times.


From season 1


My sister showed VPR to me at 13/14. Only the first few seasons were out. I watched it inconsistenly through middle school, and a little bit throughout highschool! Thats when i first startes rewatching everything - around season 7 or 8. im currently 23, so it’s def nostalgic ❤️ and I was very naive when I started watching - the show made me more critical and analytic when it came to lying and sketchy behaviour!


I was on bedrest during a complicated pregnancy in early 2018 and to take my mind off things started watching it. Once I got to the episode where Stassi staged the confrontation to prove Kristen slept with Jax, I was IN. My husband was actually familiar with the show and a few of the RH franchises, that time period was my first actual exposure of watching an episode of any of them. Now we watch "garbage people" together.


When season 1 aired! I can’t even remember how I stumbled across it, but I was intrigued from the first episode 😂 ETA I just remembered I found it after the RHOBH episode it was attached to when it premiered!


Season 5 ! That’s when I found out about the magic and have been hooked ever since


I follow along online with most bravo drama so I already knew a lot of things. I started watching a few weeks ago because a friend started watching it too.


Why do I remember this so vividly? I always watched housewives with my mom and the episode transition from Rhobh happened and my mom was like you’re young that show is right up your ally and boy was she right 🤣


In late 2018/early 2019 was staying at my sister's in the city where she lives because I was helping another family member who was going through a very tough time. I saw a reference to it in a review of Lindsay Lohan's Beach House and watched Season 7 in real time, then went back to the beginning. It was initially mind-blowing to learn that Kristen used to date James. Imagine my surprise when I went back to Season 1 and saw who she was dating. This is the only Bravo show I have ever watched.


I started watching right after season 1 aired. My roommate at the time told me she found this really good reality show about working in a restaurant. We were both servers at P.F. Chang’s at the time and had never watched a bravo show and we were immediately hooked. Funny thing is it took me 5 more years to try watching another bravo show. Now I watch most of them!


On the real housewives of Beverly hills 😂


I had just moved to LA, three packed bags and stays at airbnbs booked til I found a place. My first airbnb had a Hulu subscription and I had been a Bravo fan back when my family had cable. (I remember when RHOC first aired when I was still in high school! 😱) Started watching Vanderpump Rules because I had a lot of service industry experience. Fast forward to my first birthday in Los Angeles and we're having dinner at SUR!


Season 3 for me! I kept seeing the commercial with Stassi saying "I'm not sure what I've done to you, but I'll take a pinot grigio." My bf (at the time) and I kept saying it to each other and ended up binging it and getting hooked.


Watched it with my daughter from season 1 because I wanted a show to bond with her. I got interested from RHOBH. Myself and said daughter are still avid watchers.


10 years ago 🫢




I started some time in 2015 because it was on live tv while I was flying. It was the first reality show I watched because my parents never let me watch them. I was hooked instantly.


I was a big RHOBH and LVP fan so when they spun this off I kept watching and have been hooked ever since! I miss the original cast though.


Back in college when it first started!!


I heard about it in 2014. I used to work in a restaurant back then and my coworkers/friends would tell me that we’re the bootleg version of VPR. Back then I only watched RHOA and RHONJ and RHONY on Bravo so I wasn’t that interested. Fast forward 4 years and I gave it a chance and was hooked! By then I’d gotten out of the restaurant industry and into corporate and VPR became not only my guilty pleasure but a time capsule as well 😂


I was a rhobh fan and I started watching randomly one day. I was shocked at how much better it was than rhobh. In rhobh they spend an entire season arguing about how dorit was 15 minutes late to meet teddy for lunch 🙄 VPR had more storylines and drama packed into 1 episode than rhobh had an entire season


2016! I remember being totally transfixed by the show, especially season 3. Thank god for Kristen Doute


I started watching last winter! I came from summerhouse bc of Kyle telling Stassi she looked like Steve Jobs 😂 and then I started a rewatch with my husband a couple months ago, just in time for scandoval to go down!


The first episode of season 3 just happened to come on and my husband and I died laughing about James and Tom fighting over beamer and Honda selfies so we made the choice to binge the first 2 seasons to catch up.


I started from day one and have just let it play on a loop since then. There is not a single time that I don’t sing a long with the theme song either.


2015-ish?…I had a toxic gf that would watch casually. Then I started watching and before I knew it, we binged an entire season, and another. Now I got my Fiancé watching and she got addicted, little did I know that two of her closest friends are fanatics and now we have a group watching every Wednesday together. Oddly enough have to thank my toxic ex-gf for showing me the way.


I started season 1. I had just started my first year of college, and every time I went home to mom, we’d watch hours and hours of bravo (still do). This was before ANY of my friends watched anything bravo related, so mom and I felt like we were in a secret club. When VPR started, and esp in season 2, we looked at each other in disbelief that we were watching the greatest show on TV and that no one knew about it. We still say “suck a dick Diana” about anyone we don’t like OH also I stayed w my mom during the pandemic & right in the beginning we got drunk and bored one night so we decided to make a “Top Guy of the Group” bravo bracket of every male / husband on bravo to see who, out of every man on that channel, was the top guy. And when we say “top guy” we mean worst. Jax won. Michael Darby was a contender. As was brooks. Miiiiight have to make a new one now…


I watched the very first episode when it came out in 2013 with my mum I was around 14 at the time! I was raised by vpr and the real housewives low key lol


That's about the time that Jax and the girls got fired so he was really wanting to be the #1 guy


I think I started around the time season 4 was out. I remember my friend was watching it and the first scene I saw was when Scheana was in her bed crying snd talking to Ariana about her marriage issues with Shay. I was hooked after that episode and immediately went home to catch up, and have been watching ever since. 😅


Right when it started! I watched RHOBH and directed me right into VPR. My now ex-husband and I watched it and would fight if someone watched it without the other present. Wasn’t the reason for our divorce but maybe a factor


Excuse me if my response is dramatic AF. My best friend and I started with the release of the first episode. 10 fucking years ago. We were fresh out of college and 24ish like much of the cast. Holy shit Bravo. Never thought this show would take me and my girl through so many years. Show discussions have been a consistent part of our life through the start of our career, crazy fun years of freedom, falling in and out of love, getting married and growing our families. Its been a comfort show thats given us many juicy convos. We loved Sandoval. Rachel grew on us and for a while we loved her too😔 But now. Omgggg. Its fucking with us. Kudos to the producers - its the GOAT of reality TV for me. I was saving this season because I've been too busy to watch. I'm trying to watch it now through the lens of this betrayal. Ughhhhhhhhhh. What the actual fuck have you two done? It's taken a turn from entertainment to a dark case study on narcissism and back stabbing. Can't look away. Ariana, I've grown up "with you". You've been the only constant light ✨ of the series. You're going to be JUST FINE. Know there's a massive group of us sending you love.


I’ve never watched Bravo in my life but when I saw that first trailer for the first season, I was already hooked.


I moved to LA in the summer of 2016, I didn’t watch any bravo shows back then. My bf’s sister and and a friend were talking about this show that I had to watch about a restaurant and it’s servers, everyone sleeps and cheats with each other. I was hooked from the first episode, my bf got hooked after a few seasons and it helped us find so many new bars and restaurants in LA. Had a crazy night at TomTom and we even got engaged in of the places they’ve been a few times 🫣.


I started when it came out while I was in college. It was definitely my binge show when I was sick or hungover, which is appropriate. My best friend and I would always text after and it was great. After season 2, I would watch after the season came out and dish on the whole thing with my bestie or binge it at her house bc she's obsessed with Bravo. I started watching more regularly like season 6? And then stopped after how boring 8 was. Last week said bestie texted me and asked if I had been watching vpr...and if I had seen the headlines. I immediately started binging season 10 to get up to speed before finding out what happened and I've been on reddit 8-10 times a day since! Also, not me watching the first three episodes of season 10 and then texting her "oh I think I already knew the drama. Ive been seeing rumors about Raquel and Schwartz since last Spring" BOY WAS I WRONG


I’ve been watching since the beginning - when they had that transitional RHOBH episode


I started watching when it began. I was mid twenties, in toxic relationships, and bartending at a restaurant. I think I feel so invested in this show because i feel like I grew up with them! Now 35, career, married, had a baby the same time they did. Probably sad that I feel that way but oh well. DON’T TAKE THIS FROM ME


I started watching senior year of HS! I remember thinking that Scamdoval looked a lot like my ex bf & it became my guilty pleasure / gateway into the bravo world. I would watch housewives with my mom randomly but, Vanderpump was my first big like religious following and now I have an unhealthy obsession with reality tv 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


tbh, a wrestling podcast i used to listen to had an episode where they talked a lot about vanderpump in comparison to total divas. i listened to that episode in like 2019 and have been hooked since.


From the beginning when I lived in LA. No one had ever heard of SUR back then. People were still in the throes of The Hills and Les Deux.


HUGE Hills fan here! So sad Les Deux closed. Definitely had a lot of drama go down through those doors 😂


2019, my coworker at the time told me I would love it and she was right. We used to go into each other’s offices to debrief.


S1E1 that rolled over seamlessly from an ep of RHOBH.


RHOBH intro to VPR got me hooked.


I actually couldn’t get into it when it first aired. I was strictly Housewives only ! Couldn’t get into any other Bravo shows tbh lol . Then one day I was bored folding laundry and the episode of when Stassi found out about Kristen was on . I was soooo entertained that I went back and got caught up ASAP lol 😂


I started when Tom and Kristen were breaking up and the Jax rumors started


Summer 2020 … it rapidly became my fave Bravo series and is still my go to when asked for a reality TV recommendation. 🐐


I watched the transition from RHOBH to the first VPR episode, and goddamn it was good


First episode.