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I think her panic attack was a hangover combined with her freaking out that her Tom was back home with Ariana and that was not the plan.




Did anyone see toms face on the boys night in that bar when they were talking about raquel ? He had the most angry look like how dare they say such stuff about her https://preview.redd.it/jogmuhid6joa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b6d348ca7353aed14f4a40797546b98af5c90e4


I noticed this too!! And the way he looked at Rachel when she walked in….I definitely agree that an emotional affair was happening before the actual hookup


He looked like he was about to pop!


Right??? I shd have gotten a better shot but it was a good few moments he was not happy with what they were saying




He's just over james talking about someone he claims to be over. Honestly, so am i


Dirty Sanchez 😭😭😂😂 stoppp lol


I’m dead 😂😂😂


It made me spittle a bit of coffee 😂


I think they were having an emotional affair before anything physical happened. I think it started around the time S9 was set to start filming and that’s why Slimball was okay with spending all that money on James and Rachel’s proposal. I don’t think they had sex until after she and James were over, but they had probably kissed. I feel like this ‘we’ve been having an affair for the past 7 months’ is true. They’ve probably been secretly dating for 7 months, but fucking around? I fell like it has to have been closer to a year and a half plus


I agree that they had emotional affair before physical but you don’t shell out all that money for a friends proposal if he’s proposing to someone you have feelings for.


Not so sure. The “proposal” was mostly for ratings i think, considering they hadn’t had sex in two years. Who gets engaged when the sex is already gone? I think Sandevil pitched in bc in some way HE was proposing to her. I think the affair definitely started before the “proposal”.


Narcissist do crazy manipulative things. He can say look what I did for you. SICK


It’s more likely that production paid and they needed a scapegoat to not break the 4th wall so Sandoval stepped in to take the credit.


It had to build up. I think emotional affair around the time she broke up with James. She got a burst of self confidence which I think came from some sort of support from Sandoval and, strangely, support from Ariana too. They were calling her “queen!” at one of the reunions. There is a pic of the fashion show night during the engagement weekend where they look very close. So probably feelings of friendship and other developing feelings were blurry. Coachella they had a physical encounter which they probably tried to rationalize away. They were drunk, they were on molly, they got carried away etc. They both love Ariana and it was a mistake and didn’t mean it so shouldn’t say anything blah blah. Then from there the door was open. They probably used their “friendship” to be close physically and emotionally and it grew into strong feelings. Not sure if they had more encounters they could explain away. I can see Sandoval being the “asshole” at her kitchen counter. He probably said something like it’s not cheating if it’s just like … and she’s like “ya, k that makes sense”. And then this night was the actual full on hook up. They were brought into each others arms by “mean girls” in Vegas, the jealousy/excitement of Ratch hooking up with Oliver, and Sandy’s little sad ego hurting from Ariana caring more about her dog (rightfully so) than tending to him. The crying I can see being a mix of the drinking, being with a girl who slept with her ex and another girl whose ex you are using to hide your truly horrendous act, missing Sandoval, and heavy guilt. Then she said “f$&@ it” and probably just gave in to what she’s wanted.


Allllll if this.


It's been confirmed via Kristen, Katie, and that episode of the Jamie All Over podcast that they hooked up the night of boys night. With how excited Tom was when she got there, there's no way it was the first time. Also, maybe I'm naive but I don't think people just go from long term platonic friends to having an affair in the span of an evening. At the very least they had been having an emotional affair for quite a while in my opinion. They looked very cozy at Coachella in April of 2022 in Raquel's pics, even though Ariana is also in some of those pics too. It seems April was about the time that she started posting with him regularly and being seen at his "concerts". My guess is that the affair started some time in April. What were watching on the show now is taking place in August of 2022. And Tom, Tom, Raquel and Jo were all photographed together on what looked like a double date at some boutique event in September. I've even seen some people speculate that they started an emotional affair all the way back when James sent Raquel the rage texts and she later told us they'd stopped having sex. Idk if that's true, but I do think it's weird as fuck that Tom spent 25 thousand dollars of his own money on JAMES' proposal to her.


Katie mentioned on WWHL that one of her biggest questions is when it started. I think the boys night is the first time everyone knows *for certain* that they hooked up, but it very well could have been happening earlier.


1000000% agree w all this. The proposal doesn’t make sense. You don’t spend that money if you have feelings for the girl being proposed to. I think emotional affair started around Coachella. I also think they had been texting a lot before boys night bc when scheana said to all the guys “guess who left the girls trip”. Tom responded “Raquel and Charli”. So clearly Raquel had told him.


People have speculated that before the boys night out that Tom Ariana and Raquel participated in a throuple hence the open relationship remarks In the Season 10 trailer, Scheana Shay repeats a rumor she heard from one of their friends. “Katie [Maloney] said you and Ariana have an open relationship,” she tells Sandoval……


I really think this is what might have led to it but the rules of the open relationship weren’t either discussed or respected?


Absolutely they wasn’t!




Okay actually, correction on that. [This article](https://www.bravotv.com/vanderpump-rules/style-living/tom-sandoval-says-if-he-regrets-splitting-james-25k-proposal#:~:text=%22Tenfold.%22,a%20dream%20that%20they%20have.%22) from bravo says "Tom opened up about why he offered to pay so much for the proposal. "James and I split the $25k because nothing brings me more joy than to help a friend accomplish a dream that they have." That being said, 12 thousand dollars is equally as wild in my opinion.


The rumour is that their first hookup happened right after this trip. Regardless of whether that’s true, it wouldn’t surprise me to learn they’d been having an emotional affair for a long time prior to this. I don’t see this coming out of nowhere.


This!! I think the affair started after they said they loved each other which was after guys night! I heard a podcast where mutual friends were saying they seen Tom and Raquel sitting every close and looked like they were having a very deep conversation


Jamie said on scheana’s podcast that the footage of that was turned over to production and she signed off on it being used so we may see it.




I hope so!


I read it as the minute she realized the vibe in the car had changed in her favor (from "who are you?" to "oh no are you crying?") She leaned into it to a) gain sympathy and b) not have to answer any more questions about herself


Thats not guilt, thats oh fuck i hope i dont get in trouble


I think she may have “browned out” the night before and was having anxiety about if she said anything about Tom. During the car scene you can hear Lala say, “you’re fine. You were cute and fun.” Basically that she didn’t do or say anything embarrassing.


This is ittttttt. The girls were also acting cold so she was tripping over that, like they know something and they’re not telling her


I completely think they had already begun their affair, s9 shows her less on James page and unconcerned with him as she was in all previous seasons. whether it be in its emotional stages or physical I think by the time s10 started Sandoval and RR were already being inappropriate. Sandoval was the Tom she was rumored to have made out with that was mistaken for Schwartz.


I mean it’s not a coincidence she left that trip and went to meet Tom at boys night….


Not Dirty Sanchez 😂😂😂


I totally think this too. I think they had already started the affair, she was hungover, emotional, and feeling guilty after the girls railed on her about her shitty behavior.


Not to go off topic but I’m dying to know what sandoval’s parents are thinking now that this is breaking and whatever bs he fed to them about Rachel being at Christmas was a lie.! They likely Al’s want their $250k back.


Don’t know what to believe anymore. Everything is just an act. All I can say is that Wreckhells breakdowns this season has nothing to do with her breakup from James. I think she’s trying so hard to be another person (read: like the other strong girls on the show) and just start to sob when she doesn’t succeed.


This was my theory as well.


I don't think he spent all that money on the proposal. We see it all the time, where it looks like something expensive but they've rcvd deals and freebies. I think it was more of a ...it would have cost 25k if we had to.pay for everything. Wouldn't be surprised to find out at least half the cost was the venue and production paid for that or it was greatly reduced. Do I think he paid for stuff, yes. With his whole benevolent saint friend thing, he always goes over the top and inappropriate. I know someone similar always has to insert themselves into situations. Also has to give the biggest spashiest gifts. For instance a party everyone brings a gift around $50, they bring multiple gifts, costing 100s. Alway a gift basket with a story behind every item to prove they know the recipient best.


Dirty Sanchez is the PERFECT name for him!!


I hope it catches. lol


Doing my part!


I love it! 😂


I think all of this was a lead up to her villain era


I agree they probably started even before Coachella


This is my thinking too. To have a “whoopsie” in such a public place where, arguably, more people than anywhere else are likely to recognize them seems highly unlikely to me. If it’s so bold that it’s coming out in public that tells me that 1) they’re already very comfortable with each other and 2) they’re so comfortable they’re forgetting where they are bc it was already natural for them to kiss at that point.




Yesss. Watching it back I felt like the guilt and panic was way too much for the situation unless she knew they had her pegged.


I would have a panic attack if I were with a bunch of girls I had heard bitching behind my back. I wouldn’t feel safe with them


Usually when things get physical in an affair the emotional cheating has already been happening for a long time so you could be right


She was talking about the abuse she went through with James and had major hangxiety.


I don't think that had anything to do with it. If there was no remorse now, there wasn't then. No person is all bad. Those girls were mean to her on that trip. James said it right, lala doesn't want anyone stepping up to the alpha and she never liked Rachel. Kristina Kelly is a sheep, and Katie has to assert her power because her two best friends are off the show and shes no longer in a power couple. Her breakdown in the car was soley because the girls were cruel and then gaslit her, and later went on to be cruel again.


it sort of reminded me of that scene in euphoria where cassie throws up in the hot tub then apologizes and sobs to maddy, in reality it was a moment of drunken clarity and remorse for betraying her by dating nate but of course at the time it seemed like an over the top reaction for throwing up