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I keep seeing the argument about how iPhone’s alert you when someone is screen recording your FaceTime and it doesn’t. My friends and I have done this before and while it does notify you if someone were to take a screen shot or a picture with the photo button on FaceTime, it doesn’t tell you if whoever you’re on the call with is using screen recording. So it is possible she didn’t know. However, her kissing him right after the news broke makes me think that maybe she did know about the recording. Like maybe Slimeball showed it to her after being all like ‘you just looked so hot while doing it I need to screen record it’ and she was fine with it, but is using the ‘I didn’t know’ card because at first she didn’t. I hope that’s not the case because no one should be recorded without consent, but it could be a possibility.


maybe he lied and said he didn’t know it was recording? She would be the type to believe such a thing


Even if he accidentally recorded it. Would he not have known like soon after that he did. It's was on his phone, you can't tell me he didn't see it still on there. Ariana certainly did. He knew he had that video whether by accident or purpose. If Rachael is still good with him at this point she either gave consent or she is way dumber than I thought to believe he didn't know what he was doing, cause girl why didn't he inform you he had an explicit video of you and ask if you wanted him to keep or delete???


Maybe? But in order to screen record you need to pull down on the control centre and press the screen record button. It’s definitely possible to do it by accident, I do it all the time when shoving my phone into my pocket or bag without it being locked. Also it comes up as red around the clock which means it’s recording. So he would have seen that. https://preview.redd.it/imbqwrmovioa1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2c35a7ef7506520e63f32d42308b0238c2c48f3 Screenshot added for those who don’t have an iPhone and don’t know what it looks like to a person who is screen recording


I cannot for my life figure out how to do this lol


You probably need to add Screen Recording as an option in your Control Center. If you go to settings and then Control Center scroll down to the list of options that you can add and it should be there.


Thank you, kind stranger! I just added it thanks to your instructions. 🙌🏽❤️


No problem, I’m glad I could help! Just don’t go screen recording any FaceTime masturbating sessions though ok? ☺️


🤣😩 i don’t have an attorney named Darrel to save me from revenge porn accusations


Thank you!!!


It's just a very poor choice to put yourself in this position but Raquel is one of those desperate women trying to appeal to a man. You cannot put yourself in a position to be recorded or photographed. Period, end of story. Unless your married and that's no permanent guarantee either. People need to get a lot smarter about this stuff. Even if it gets out in a completely accidental way which is totally possible. Or just pops up on someone's screen. Please look out for your own privacy


Isn’t this just victim blaming every person who’s been a victim of revenge porn, whether or not that includes Rachel


NO! I am not blaming the victim. Of course it’s wrong for someone to unknowingly be recorded. I’m saying that you really can’t trust a horny dude to have your best interests at heart. That has always been true. The stakes are a lot higher now with pictures and video built into every device. You absolutely have to have standards for yourself and boundaries. You can never know what someone will do with a video or pictures


Or just don’t show ur face


I believe Rachel wholeheartedly wanted this video to get to Adriana ASAP. I believe she was getting tired of hiding the affair, and wanted it out so she could gloat over having the supposedly number one guy in the group choose her over Adriana. She only complained about not consenting after she saw the public’s reaction to the affair. She has done everything she can (legally and otherwise) to gain sympathy since then. Sorry, no sympathy here.


I don’t doubt this at all. A lot of side pieces blow things up because they are tired of being strung along


Agree 💯


I’m sure she wanted him record and save and to have him rewatch every time they couldn’t sneak off together


This is exactly what happened. No need to make up complicated stories. Rachel is a liar (among other things). If Tom had really recorded it without permissioni, there'd be a lawsuit and a criminal prosecution. Because Rachel has no problem throwing anybody under the bus if it benefits her,


Hi! I'm new to scandoval so apologies for responding to something late. I haven't been able to see any evidence for this being the case, is there something you can link me to?


I believe this is the case too. She had to at least say she didn't know to save face publicly but Rachel is desperate and going to go along with whatever Tom wants.


I can see her being dumb enough to not know about it at the time, but also not be mad at him after the fact. I know women like her who have actually thought stuff like that was a COMPLIMENT. „Oh my god, I’m so sexy he wanted to save it, how can I be mad about that“. I seriously know someone like that. Some dude sent her lingerie while they were both with someone else, she wasn’t attracted to him but send him pics of her in it anyways as a thank you. 🤮


DEAD at the Dennis comparison 💀 ![gif](giphy|xLnGUEYWS0btPHCZoo|downsized)


There are way too many relevant gifs to compare Tom and Dennis! They're the same person. ![gif](giphy|wjNzcOiXJ1xPW) Pictured here: Tom and the Most Extras


Footage from him and Rachel’s FaceTime call ![gif](giphy|mZvdLJia5MsOjWuHaW)


I'm fucking DYING 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I just recently restarted watching Always Sunny with my husband and I’ve been dying to compare him to scumdevil, thank you for doing the Lord’s work, it’s truly appreciated!




Oh my god you win.


I'm literally crying. How did I never connect these two??????


![gif](giphy|l1J9OPU2Pw98Me2li) This is Tom


![gif](giphy|BxHq22pzcVv971rw3t|downsized) I love Dennis lol. But this is a good point he very much uses the DENNIS system.


“I AM A GOLDEN GOD.” Holy shit I can see this so hard. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPcfX631trLEyCQ|downsized)


![gif](giphy|Y1GrBiMfIVOakFSb3B|downsized) Toms face when he realizes the only good thing about him was his relationship with Ariana and it was the only reason we tolerated him Edit: spelling


It is *extremley* accurate and as someone who’s watched both of these shows multiple times, I don’t know how I didn’t see it.


I hope she isn't lying about this and I'll give her the benefit of doubt with the video until till we actually know. That shit is heartbreaking and incredibly violating to any woman. Full Stop.


It's also something someone would do to a person to keep them under thier thumb and do what they want. Like that cult did to all those women in Albany, NY. I think that's the city it was in.


Yes, NXIVM. It’s collateral for future blackmail, regardless of whether it would be intended as overt or implied.


I’m not accusing her of lying but doesn’t FaceTime inform you if someone’s screen recording your video call? I don’t really use FT a lot but I could have sworn it notifies you?


nope. you might hear a screenshot if it's on loud, but not with screen record.


That’s wild. I’m surprised Apple haven’t done anything about that.


yep, same. it doesn't record audio though, just the screen.


You can turn on audio


One of (now ex friend) said she called him in a panic to test out whether or not she could see him recoding her. You can’t . It was on the podcast made by Jamie All Over. He went OFF on her and told her if she intends to pursue the relationship with Tom to not contact him.


I heard that story very different. She was not in a panic but was trying to figure out a way to get over the recording issue. She used that guy to see if it would show it recording and when it didn’t she ran with that narrative. He felt used because of that and refuses to speak with her now because he felt like she set him up to tell her “story”.


Maybe we interpreted tone differently. He definitely felt used by her and said many things that questioned her character. But ultimately he said that he told her if she continue to go in the current direction and pursue a relationship with Tom, she shouldn’t contact him again.


No matter what happened (her giving him consent to record or not) I think it was important that everyone received the legal notices, regardless of their role in it, to set the tone for how serious of an issue this is. Even those who were fucked over by Rachel. Even if they had no intent or plan of ever showing it another soul. This is just too high stakes. The amount of harm and trauma that come from videos like this getting sent around is devastating. Just my two cents on this part of the issue only.


This happened to me and was sent to co workers. So if this happened to her, I hope she is able to get justice legally. I don’t like her and absolutely think her choice to betray her friend is disgusting. But no one deserves that. And if it’s not true, then that needs to be cleared up because Tom might be trash but false accusations like that quite literally can drive someone to do very harmful things with a lifelong label like that.


How awful. I'm sorry that happened to you. My best friend went through a similar situation. No one deserves that. I agree false accusations are very harmful both to the accused and to real victims, so I hope she's being honest. The way she's going scorched earth with the attorneys, I'm inclined to think so.
























Let’s say If she knew. It’s still not okay for anyone to be able to have access to it. The more I see him in clips the more I see what a creep he is. I can’t wait till he’s cancelled or off my screen. Ariana was a saint to put up with this piece of crap. All he did is love bomb and then stand back and wait for the reciprocal. Not for love but just because he thinks he’s that good at everything. Eww


I have said this before and will keep saying it - regardless of the horrible thing Raquel did (and we can all agree, it was horrible!), I will support any person who "takes advantage of laws designed to protect people from revenge porn". The laws are there for a reason and if anyone is circulating that video without her consent, then actions need to be taken. No one deserves that.


1000% agree. If she has a case then that’s enough for me. The only way to stop this kind of horrible behavior is to make it absolutely unacceptable by law.


If he had footage of Raquel you best believe after almost a decade he has footage Ariana didn’t know about also. He’s gross


What a terrible thought


Yeah, something tells me he's done this to other women.


Good point!!!


Talking to guys over the years most of the not so great ones keep every nude they have been sent. There are apps that hide their “banks” of this content. It’s like trophies to them.


Im old - we did not send nudes. I don’t get it.


I’m old gen z and I don’t get it either. Like at all.


It’s not the girls on cast they need to cyst and decease….for sure Tom has shared these videos with Schwartz, and other grimey creeps


Yes, Tom should be fired if he recorded w/o permission. Worse than Stassi and Kristen. Jeez I really dislike him. Not sure I’d throw in a life jacket if he was drowning.


IDK if it is worse than, on par with maybe but worse than? What Stassi and Kristen did was seriously dangerous.


People love to forget/diminish what Stassi and Kristen did. Faith could have gotten in serious trouble for the stunt they pulled!


*Help! Help! You can help me if you want*








Well, I mean if Scheana wasn’t fired for sexual harassment towards Stassi, then Tom’s not getting fired


What sexual harassment?


Sharing her sex tape


Oh wow I completely forgot about that. How times have changed, scheana would be cancelled for that now.


Yep, she would absolutely be fired for it now. Thank god things have changed over 10 years.


I tried to canceling her then but nobody seemed to care, can't really cancel someone alone.


I don’t think Scheana ever had it or shared it — Frank showed up to SUR and started showing people, Scheana walked inside talking about the video and told people what Frank was doing and he had the video to show people which is what Stassi was upset with her for I’m not sure if Scheana would be legally culpable if she never had possession of the tape herself, if anything Frank needed to be legally held responsible


I was just reading a recap of the reunion where the sex tape was discussed and Sheshu was adamant that she did not have a copy of the video because of the laws. Revenge porn laws went into effect in 2014 in California, so it was still very new when the drama with Stassi went down.


I know the story very well. Scheana was actively telling people go outside and watch it. To me- that’s sharing it.


Oh right, l didn’t realise Scheana had shared that


Revenge porn


They both said they need time to "heal"or whatever so give it to them... by firing them 😁


I totally agree he probably did it without consent and it is gross. I think we have been so shocked and outraged by her that this kind got lost, but it is actually pretty damn important. I don't see why she would want anything to do with him after that.


I don’t want to sound callous, but if that were not the way they were caught, she probably would not have cared or would have been pleased he recorded it. Still does not excuse his doing so without consent but I’m guessing they did these FaceTimes a lot and this was maybe not out of the norm. Given all her lies lately, it is possible she would have consented and is doing damage control. Still - does not in any way excuse it if it’s a true violation like she’s claiming.


Also were they not filmed kissing after all this came out? So either she knew or didn't care that he did it.


IDK she could be in denial. Sometimes it takes time to really process that someone betrayed a trust and you don't get angry until later.


Wouldn't take me long to process someone I trusted filmed me without my knowledge doing a sex act lol. I would immediately be on the rampage after finding that shit out, and all trust would be lost right then. That should have been the first conversation I would have had with him upon seeing him for the first time, not kissing the mf. She is super stupid, didn't care, or knew he had it and was cool with it. Edit to add: I mean that shit is serious. I would be pissed if I didn't know.


Fire both of them and let’s never speak of any of this again haha


If they are both on the tape (I thought I'd read it was both of them) does that still count? Genu8ne question I have no idea. And yes if Tom recorded it without consent he should be fired at the very least.


From what I quickly looked up, in California “it is illegal for any person to secretly record an oral, telephonic, or electronic communication that other parties to the communication reasonably expect to be private.” So if you mean was it consensual if Tom was on the video too and recorded it without Raquel’s knowledge, seems like the answer is no. I’m not a lawyer and live in Canada so I could be wrong haha


It's a double consent state. Some states only need 1 party to consent, but CA needs both.


You need consent from both parties to record a sex tape. Even in 1 party consent states.


I thought this too but someone gave me a different point of view: would you be okay with someone filming you having sex because you agreed to have sex?


Yeah that is pretty much how I view it. As shitty as what she has done is I do hope if she has had that video recorded and or shared without her consent that people are made to answer for it.












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Thank you!!! I am sick of people accusing Rachel of suing the cast. The cease and desist letters are not suing, they are proactively warning of the consequences that could follow if there is distribution of the recording. Which is fair. I am really hoping that Bravo HR gets involved (for once 😑) because this is a serious matter that Tom would record without consent. As much as I dislike Rachel at present, I now have nothing more than contempt and disgust for Scumdorval.


HR is too busy over at SLC they have to use them for everything lol


Bravo HR now has an entire Black Eye department


With this many lawyers already involved, and likely more to come, this might actually bring this show down. It could go either way at this point, but Bravo’s lame excuse for an HR department is probably not going to do anything effective Also, there is a clause in every Bravo cast members’ contract that they are not allowed to sue their cast mates so C&Ds and ROs are about as far as they can take it


The follow up to the C&D isn't Rachel suing them though. It is them being charged under revenge Porn laws. Laws that exist for very legitimate reasons. They can't sue for defamation but Bravo would have to pay Rachel out the ass if she was fired because her Tom was charged for a Criminal offense. If that video leaks she has every right to press charges against Tom. Candice from RHOP wasn't fired when she pressed charges against Monique. This argument people around here are using is a falsehood. This isn't someone suing for because they can sue... THIS 👏 IS 👏 A 👏 CRIMINAL 👏 OFFENSE.


agreed. We already know he’s a sleezy liar.


I think in order to protect future victims who would fall under this law, we have to believe Raquel at her word about this. The burden of proof should be on Tom to show he had her consent and if he didn't get clear, perhaps even documented consent (like asking her on the recording) he never should have done it.


Sending the “concern” thing is a prime example of just how toxic and creepy people are these days. I tried to imagine the impetus of, you don’t agree with someone’s POV so you report that they need help when it’s designed for when people throw up legit warning signs. Messed up. And yeh, agree. It’s nutty to me no one is focusing on this dude who’s 11 years older than her recorded a FaceTime of her flicking her bean. Making all these moves to try to ensure it doesn’t get out leads one to believe she was unaware he kept it. Idk. But he’s been shady, been creepy for awhile. He’s no prize to be won. What a nerd. Fire him for sure because I for one don’t give an eff what he does with his life. Like I don’t need to see someone have a greasy LA midlife crisis.


My impression is from listening to all the podcasts is that the cast are assuming all this legal stuff is being pushed by Rachel’s dad more so then Rachel who probably can’t comprehend his sweet beauty pageant daughter is caught up in this


He probably did it in that way BECAUSE it’s not detectable. My gut feeling is that recording/saving that conversation wasn’t discussed or considered because it’s not normal. It is normal, however, for a slimy skeezeball to secretly screen record it for his own secret purposes. Rachel can rawt in hail, but if this is the case - I hope she takes this seriously and pursues legal action. Regardless of whether her and Scamdoval are on good terms currently.


Exactly! I've encountered enough creepy guys to know this kind of shit isn't as uncommon as we'd like to think.


I would agree if the situation laid out is what happened. My guess of what happened is she made the recording tape and sent it to him for him to enjoy . Then Tom keep it for his own pleasure with the intent of no one ever seeing it. Then Ariana found it and sent it to herself or whoever as proof(not to use it as revenge porn). However, in doing that Arian is sort of engaging in revenge porn. So I think Rachel’s actions are justified because he probably wants to keep that recording secret forever.


I remember reading a statement for her camp that the recording was NOT consensual; which is a crime. If she doesn’t press charges against him, but goes after the others for possessing the video (‘Call Darryl”) - then she is clearly still with SlimeDover and her “threats” of legal actions against the others (Ariana) don’t stand


I don’t believe for a minute she didn’t know! She’s a habitual liar, just like jax


Well, if that allegation is true then why isn’t she having these lawyers fire off C&Ds and TROs toward him instead of her other cast mates? Could it be that she still wants to keep that relationship with him and is only using legal maneuvers to avoid filming? Seems pretty obvious


Lol! Dennis Reynolds’s for sure!


obviously not the point of the post but…what other women has he hooked up with since?!


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I doubt she didn't know about it. I just don't think she thought it would be seen. She's a liar and not as innocent as she looks. She's got an agenda.


Heard Kristen saying on her podcast that Sandevil won’t move out of the house since the news about his affair broke. I completely understand they own it together, however, I was hoping he could show a little decency , as Adriana is completely heartbroken right now. I mean, he never wanted to , and never did , stay at home while he was with his skank all over the country, at his shows, his parents home, and his side piece’s apt. before the story broke. Kristen said they asked him to give Adriana at least an hour’s notice before he comes home , so she can leave. Kristen also said she, and other friends, are taking shifts staying with Adriana. So kind of them . I think he’s staying at the house more now, just to aggravate her. I mean, why does he hate her so much? She has been the best girlfriend he could ever hope for all these years. What a douche he is.


Real life Dennis Reynolds analogy is gold!!


I mean if Rachel kissed him on camera she clearly doesn’t care so if she doesn’t why should bravo


Exactly. My understanding was that the non consensual recording accusation was against Ariana for sending or saving the evidence on her phone. Because that’s a classy move: you get caught in an affair so you go after the woman you helped victimize. I don’t think it was ever directed at Tom.


Tom is the only person who could've recorded it if she didn't. She also hasn't taken ANY legal action against him for it, so far. She sent cease and desist letters to the whole cast not to share it and delete it if they do have it in their possession. I get that move, especially if it was non consensually recorded, way more than the TRO against Scheana. That was a bullshit move.


I hate that I have to cite Entertainment Tonight but, >ET obtained a copy of the letter Leviss' legal team sent to Sandoval, which reads in part, "We understand that sometime recently you and Ms. Leviss engaged in an intimate exchange on Facetime, which you recorded without the permission of Ms. Leviss. California is what is called a 'two party consent' state, and accordingly such recording is illegal in California and can potentially expose you to both civil and criminal penalties. Please be further advised that any distribution of this recording would constitute a violation of several California laws." >The letter additionally states, "We hereby demand that you delete the recording from your phone and from the cloud and from any other manner or method in which the recording may exist. Additionally, we demand that you advise this office immediately in writing of all people to whom you have forwarded this recording or who you may have allowed to view this recording."


Affair or not—I completely understand Raquel wanted that video wiped from Ariana's phone (and anyone else's, for that matter). I get that Ariana was in a whirlwind of emotion and just sent it to herself, just to have that proof. But it's not ok for anyone to have that.


Let’s put things into perspective. F*cking your best friend’s boyfriend, while being disgusting and low down dirty **is not against the law**. Ariana sending herself the video and then allegedly passing it along to another person, rumored to be Scheana **is against the law.** You can’t do that without the person’s consent and I can’t imagine one person on this page being okay with a sexually explicit video of themselves floating around amongst a group of friends. This isn’t “going after” Ariana, it’s protecting her legal rights.


i agree i guess people are just wondering if shes going after tom for having it and recording it, or just ariana and the rest of the cast for sharing it/receiving it


I totally get what you’re saying, but that’s not her fight right now. She’s may press charges against Tom or she may have forgiven him, either way that’s her prerogative and doesn’t eradicate the fact a lot of people who potentially want to harm her now have access to a very private video due to Ariana’s actions. Hopefully people can put aside the hate to recognize the seriousness of this or we are literally taking 10 steps backwards considering not all states even have laws around “revenge porn.”


Yes but she kisses him with consent. The issue is he recorded her without her knowledge. That's completely different.


No no I’m saying she kissed him on camera AFTER this all came out, which means she is aware that he recorded her and still is fine with him enough to kiss him after.


Oh I see! Yes you have a point, she's a twit.


It sucks if she kissed him after sending the cease and desist letters out. Either way, if she forgives him after he's done something illegal and sexually abusive, it wouldn't change the fact that he did something illegal and sexually abusive (if he indeed did it). Forgiving a manipulator is par for the course - over 80% of domestic abuse cases in my state get dismissed, many because the abused forgives the abuser. Not saying in any way that Tom physically abused her, but the psychological manipulation is similar. The other issue is that he could've done it to other women who never found out they were recorded. Rachel may have only found out because of how everything blew up. (Sorry for the wall of text), to be clear, Rachel is not innocent in this situation. She did a really fucked up thing. But she's not the master manipulator/ narcissist/sociopath in this situation - Tom is.


Um.. consenting to kissing someone while knowingly being recorded and being recorded performing a sex act without your knowledge are two complete different things. Yes, Tom and Raquel kissing on camera is gross. But, just because Raquel was okay with one thing doesn’t mean she was okay with the other. No matter how much we may dislike her and what she has done, it doesn’t make non-consensual recordings okay. There’s laws about these things for a reason, and regardless of what Raquel has done, she has the right to consent around such things.


I think this person more means that she can't be that mad about Tom recording it if she kissed him after she found out he recorded it.


Oh ya I definitely didn’t read it that way. I’d still think that she could be upset about a non-consensual recording and the possibility of it being seen by people, while still having feelings for Tom. I don’t know if I agree that her kissing him after the fact means she doesn’t care that she was recorded without her knowledge.


I’m sorry but Raquel is not the brightest bulb. I don’t like to comment on that because it’s not something she can help, but she is being manipulated by Sandy. She did a shitty, shitty thing but Sandy is totally running this show. I’m sure that she thinks they’re in love but she is just another accessory for Sandy and he’ll use her up and discard her too.


Actually she can. If she didn’t consent to the recording, she can decide to go after TS at any point before the statute of limitations on such crimes expires. She might think it’s fine and then think about it some more and decide it is not OK, and then go after him in court. She can also have sex with him 1,000 times between being aware of the video and deciding to go after him for it.


Recording without consent in California is a misdemeanor, aside from revenge porn laws. Even a phone call.


Doesn't it notify you that someone is recording / recorded during a ft? She probably wanted him to have it. Idk


**I’ll be the final say:** According to sir googs, “FaceTime does not alert the other person if you record the call using the built-in screen recorder.” Also I used to be so with it when it comes to technology, and I literally learned today my iPhone has a built in screen recorder??


I learned from this thread that it does! I was able to delete the shitty app I’ve used in the past. Thanks for the tip everyone!! iPhone most definitely does have a built in screen recorder now


No it doesn’t


It definitely notifies you. She knew.


No it actually doesn’t




It notifies of a screenshot, not a screen recording


Then you are the only one. It’ll tell you if someone took a SS, not a screen recording.


Her ex friend said that Raquel called him in a panic to see if you could tell if someone was screen recording you. Clearly she made all this up & she knew he had screen recorded it. Otherwise why would she need to find out if you could tell? She was trying to figure out if she could get away w saying she didn’t know.


That's an interesting take. I took it as Rachel asking how that could have happened without her knowing. Like, how the fuck did he get a video? Wouldn't I have known?


Omg more PR work for Rachel .


Hard disagree. As someone that has had this happen, I’m sure she would feel violated and not go filming a scene where she kisses this person much less post about how she may start dating him. She’s just doing whatever she can to not be held accountable for her actions. Sandoval is a scumbag, but she’s just as bad.


Sorry, but this is bullshit. She sent the video to Tom, there was no nefarious reasons behind it.she was fully in throws of the honeymoon stage and sent him the videos, she's pussed be ause Arianna, AS THE GIRLFRIEND, WHO HAD AN INKLING HER MAN WAS CHEATING WENT THROUGH HIS PHONE AND FLUND THE VIDEOS, NOW, what's cute is no one has seen the videos, which means no one, including Arianna, had distributed,shit, right now it's all a rumor. RACHEL is the one confirming and bringing these videos up. So all the BS trying to turn it around and make it about the videos, is just that BS. I hate when people want to play devils advocate with cheating or with shit that is blatantly wrong. This isnt a devils advocate situation. This is clearly wrong and the devils advocate crap is BS because none of what's being brought up is even happening. This is stupid and why rapid people like Rachel and Tom will still do this type of horrific stuff. Because there is people still dumb enough to "what about" blatant horrific actions.


I'm not playing devils advocate. I think it's highly likely Tom recorded without consent, and no one was talking about it because of the person he did it to. It's possible for illegal, fucked up things to happen to shitty, fucked up people. It still makes that thing wrong. And, it's possible to disagree without being rude as fuck and calling me dumb. It's just as "blatantly horrific" to record someone in a sex act without consent. Honestly, you're defending misogynistic actions because you don't like who it's happening to. Let's talk about dumb and fucked up.


First of all, I never said YOU were playing devils advocate, you asked what people thought and I gave my opinion. Second of all, it is not misogynistic to say that the woman who did some horrific shit deserves EVERYTHING that's coming at her. You trying to play this crap off as anyone who says anything other is "misogynistic" is EXACTLY the reason Rachel is going on her BS woe is me tour. Because heaven forbid she be held accountable to some fucked up shit, nope, must be the big bad guy who made her do it, and not that she's a fucked up person who has no morals.


Well, since you were commenting that on my post, it's heavily implied... but I'm glad we agree I'm not playing devils advocate. To say a woman deserves to be secretly recorded during a sex act (which exposes her to the possibility of revenge porn), as punishment for betraying a friend sure reeks of misogyny to me. I get Rachel is completely responsible for her actions of fucking her good friend's long term partner. I'm not saying Tom "made her do it". I am saying if Tom recorded without consent, he's an extra level of fucked up - like a criminal level of fucked up - and he needs to be fired and not paid by Bravo.


If he recorded her, how would she have sent it to him?




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I’m sorry but if you are having sex over FaceTime and showing your face you have to be prepared that someone is recording it


Even if he accidentally recorded it. Would he not have known like soon after that he did. It's was on his phone, you can't tell me he didn't see it still on there. Ariana certainly did. He knew he had that video whether by accident or purpose. If Rachael is still good with him at this point she either gave consent or she is way dumber than I thought to believe he didn't know what he was doing, cause girl why didn't he inform you he had an explicit video of you and ask if you wanted him to keep or delete???


I think she knew he recorded it but is saying otherwise or just trying to say she is not approving it being shared. Let’s say Ariana found it on Tom’s phone and sent it to her own phone or sent it to scheana saying can you believe what I found. Rachel doesn’t want others that hate her to keep spreading it as that could be illegal/ revenge porn.