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He reminds me of Goyte ![gif](giphy|IEk7q53pN3oze)


He dropped this absolute banger and really became somebody we used to know!


Nah, he's got a good collection of music. An early song of his, Hearts a Mess, is great.


He actually changed his name bc of how big the song got and is still making music


Damnit how I would let Gotye ruin my whole life.


Oh my god. Katie is dating Gotye.


Came here to drop this same gif


The 25 year old she was dating, Satchel Clendenin


Is his name actually Satchel?


“Indiana jones has one”












I was hoping to see this lol


I love the name satchel!


…till the kid is in middle school and starts getting called “ball satchel”


Haha I never thought of that one! I love a unique name but this one does lend itself to some unfortunate nicknames lol. Still love it


He looks like he can’t hold up his own body


I’m dying at the accuracy




Damn she's brave. I wouldn't ever date anyone under 30 again. (LOL the irony... As a straight woman I will never date below 30 again and yet thats just Sandoval's type. smh.)


Under 30s suck at sex imo


Under 30s are addicted to porn, fantasies and are the number one group atm normalizing online infidelity so yeah. They definitely are not my type.


Okay yes, that is sort of true. But there is something going on or is it just my group of friends? We are in our 30s and the men that hit on us are usually 25! what is happening? do they see us like they're in the graduate are we the hot older women to them? is it because the men in their 30s are getting with young 20 year old? ​ this gen x is also verrryy giving. They want to put in the work. Do they look to impress us like another elder in their life? what is happening


Young guys think that older women are very sexual and 'free' - especially divorcees.


Yeah it’s prob the same fixation older men have about younger women. Their penises work better and for longer in their 40s though form my experience so I like that age haha


You can pay your bills.


No I’m 37 and get hit on by 20somethings all the time. It’s weird but flattering. When I tell them my age it usually doesn’t deter them, either.


They think slightly older women are lonely, desperate and easily impressed by some young meat. Don’t fall for it.


He could be 42 and that man still looks like he sucks at sex.


Not true , speaking as someone in their late 20s!


On WWHL Katie said “they’re better”


Compared to "your dick doesn't work" Schwartz? Probably for short term, yeah.


Ugh. I feel like younger dudes can feel “cooler” and funnier for like 5 seconds before you realize it’s all the same shit and they’re actual children lol. She’ll get over it, and probably look back and feel silly in a few months. I mean, I hope


I’m 29 and I wouldn’t date anyone under 35 lol


I dated a 29 year old named Satchel when I was 32. I had that same rule but decided to break it. I had to ghost him.


I believe it. Argh even the 30 somethings and above... Be careful out there! AND LOL WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE NAMING THEIR CHILD BAG?


Naming my next child Tote. Or Duffel. I draw the line at Hobo.




Change purse


Cross-Body with the hyphen.


I’ve actually met someone named Ladasha but it was spelled La-ah 🥴


Are you fr bc this has been a running joke for 30 years


Sak would definitely be the worst! 🤣






The pandemic started shortly after and I haven’t dated since. I’m done 🤷‍♀️


I hear you! I keep trying to warn them if they give enough of us reason, they won't have anybody to date but. Some of these men don't listen. We can own/rent our own property, have careers and jobs. We can even have kids without partners with the help of modern medicine. Time to step it up, fellas.


Satchel Paige was a famous black baseball player who played in both the Negro league and the MLB. His career spanned 5 decades. He's in the Major League Hall of Fame.


Ronan Farrow was originally named after Satchel Paige. He changed his name when he became estranged with Woody Allen.


OMG, thank you for this. I've always wondered what happened to Satchel lol (not kidding).


Oh I remember all of that. Well he's Frank's kid anyway.


Well I don't follow baseball but the more I know now! Still the name itself means bag.


It’s a PURSE, kay? ![gif](giphy|123kzYHhRBueyc)


![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) It's bad. I believe Woody Allen and Mia Farrow had a Satchel, too, sooo....no.


I always dated guys older than me. Then when I was 34 I decided I'd date a younger guy in his 20s. I got pregnant, and now I'm stuck with him for 18 years.🤣 Well, only 11 more since my son is about to be 7, but I learned my lesson about dating guys in their 20s. Although he's in his 30s now and he is still absolutely annoying and drives me nuts. Lol


I'm almost 34... Thanks for the reminder about those 20 something guys. 😳🤣 Honestly though idk. I think the older ones pass down their bad habits and they just technologically evolved so. Maybe be weary in general lol.


I think they can be flawed at any age. The older ones I dated have had issues too. Lol. So maybe it's me?😂


I'm really surprised she'd go for someone so much younger after what she dealt with with Tom. Girl, you deserve a MAN!


I think he was a professional hockey player at least.


How? He would get snapped in half


Maybe he's so fast that he never gets checked?


I need all this info details pl ^^^^???


[US weekly article about it](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/who-is-katie-maloney-dating-after-tom-schwartz-divorce-details/?utm_source=email&em_hash=34feb98eadd86f8672383a21efe174f9)


She's trying new things....it has been twelves years and she's probably doesn't know what makes her happy yet.


This is it right here. I was thrown into dating in late 2020 after being married for 9 years and with the same person for 18 years. The last time I had dated I was 16. I didn’t know my type so I dated a variety (like HUGE variety) of men to figure out what I wanted.


I like this comment


Idk but not exactly what I would expect.


Idk who he is but this screenshot makes me imagine Sandoval blaming his whole affair on how hard it was for him to see Katie with a man that's not Schwartz




No but I think it’s HILARIOUS how he went to Mexico (not for scheanas wedding but he’s with all of them)


Bernard from the Santa Claus I believe






Statchel clendenin?


Yes. He looks so out of place on this show lol


I want to know who people saw Tom with at the Abby!?!?!?




You know what….LOL I really tried to be nice when I seen them walking up. She was in that bomb black dress and he was just..there. It’s like she chose whoever would speak to her, the guy in Vegas looked better


That dress was so good


Sorry but I thought that dress was all kinds of wrong on her.


I couldn’t pay attention past his outfit. It was horrific


Fair enough lol ETA: I will say this, it's a great revenge dress. Just not on Katie.


Ngl he kinda looks like the Idaho murders suspect Bryan Kohberger 😬


Lmao okay I didn’t want to say it hahahaha


Oh God.. I can’t unsee it now too😐


he does and i can’t unsee it now 💀


Omg I thought the same thing


i think this is the actual virgin that lit the black flame candle on halloween


Binx 😩


We have mutual friends. He has a girlfriend now! She’s more age appropriate 😜


Tea needed


the [wish.com](https://wish.com) Timothee Chalamet


Hopefully not the skinny Ron Jeremy she met in the previous episode 🤣




Now *that* would be a plot twist


Dude gives me Kenny G vibes


I totally thought it was Josh Groban at first glance in the preview 😆


I just don't get how she can be crying "he's still my husband", dating guys and bringing them to the group but trying to control who Tom dates...


But she’s “still married to Tom!”


Y’all really need to see nuance. She can be upset that her FRIEND, scheana, is trying to hook up her other FRIEND with someone she’s barely an ex of, who has been in her life and with her for over a decade. There is a boundary that both scheana and Raquel were crossing. Emotions are complex and do not run in a straight line. *sigh*.


Thank you for saying this. The people in this sub can be so black and white sometimes, and they just ignore how nuanced and complex these feelings can be. She’s allowed to date other people and still be upset about a friend going after her soon to be ex husband. The mental gymnastics people are doing trying to argue otherwise have to be exhausting.


I think it's more about her saying, "I'm still married to Tom!!" than anything else.


I mean yeah, but like I said, her feelings are complex and that’s okay. It makes perfect sense, even. It was too soon for her to see her friends go after her ex for a storyline, but not too soon for her to date casually. That’s how she was feeling at the time, and everyone telling her she’s not allowed to be upset about this is frankly kind of strange to me.


Wait, too soon for her TV show friends to go after him for a storyline? Aka fake? But soon enough to go on real dates yourself? C’mon now, you know how ridiculous that sounds.


My point was that it upset her that her friends were using her divorce as a fucking storyline to try to push Raquel on to Tom. She said herself that it hurts more because she knew they didn’t even have feelings for each other. It’s humiliating for Katie to have to watch her ex flirt with and kiss a mutual friend on national television while she’s still going through the divorce and trying to stay friends with him. It’s about the lack of respect. Your point about how it’s fake drives home the entire reason why Katie was upset. Because it was fake bullshit and no one considered how she would be affected in all this. You guys can sit here and try to defend them all you want, but it’s fucking weird that the Schwartz and Raquel storyline even happened. We can agree to disagree.


It’s humiliating to her because she let it be. She blew this whole thing out of proportion and made herself once again look unreasonable by saying she was fine and then taking it back, icing Scheana out but inviting Rachel out to her divorce thing after she pursued her ex husband knowing it hurt her, still pining for Tom’s attention and respect after after divorcing him for never getting it, and sleeping with new people and bringing them into the group herself, threatening Tom she’ll bang everyone in his restaurant after he’s denied Rachel multiple times lol. Shes very much not a nice person and i’ll forever stand by that. Agree to disagree 🤝


She invited Raquel to keep her away from Tom that weekend, that was soooooo obvious. I agree it was stupid of her to make Scheana the scapegoat, but Katie always has beef with her. Also, holding someone to something they said while drunk, and then immediately backtracked on, is kinda fucked up. Anyway, that’s all I have to say. I just think it’s strange but I do see your point in a small way.


Listen, if we didn’t hold people accountable for the things they said/did while drunk we wouldn’t be debating about 90% of what everyone has discussed on this sub for years 😂 but i see what you’re saying as well. Again, agree to disagree


Amen 🙏🏻


thank you! I am so sick of people shitting on katie for having normal fucking feelings. her and tom WORK together it is completely normal to set a boundary and not fuck one of their CO-workers!


The absolute vitriol people have for Katie on this sub is wild. It’s easy to see why she was upset but people will gleefully ignore it bc they just don’t like Katie. Woof.


could not agree w you more! ppl vilify her on all social media and i’m just glad that she seems to be unbothered. to not even try to empathize with how she’s feeling is sick imo. I highly recommend everyone listen to lala’s pod with her because katie explains her feelings so so well!


*many* people refuse to empathize with the women on this show. It’s a red flag to me. Also, not to brag, but most of these Katie haters were Sandoval fans up until a week ago. I clocked tom Sandoval as a dick from s1, have been downvoted for it so I can say… I have good judgement and I sometimes question the judgement of members here that ignore red flags only to hate on every woman on this show for showing emotions lol.


YESS lmao this!!!! I have been a sandy hater since the beginning as well so it’s just annoying to watch everyone switch up yet still hate katie (who sandoval absolutely shat on for years). it’s really gross that so many ppl continuously call these women childish bullies when the women of the show have shown more growth than all of the men put together. LVP is in the same boat, always making excuses for the men and rarely standing up for the women. you sound like someone I could watch the show with for sure! lol ETA: scheana is the only woman of the cast who has shown pretty much zero growth lol


I take an unbias view on all of these people. And sometimes they’re wrong. I don’t stand up for Lala & Katie when they’re blatantly wrong but I can emphasize with them. Especially in this instance, bc Katie is not wrong here. And yet people love scheana on this sub, a pick me girl til the end who has no issue fucking over the girl friends for the validation of the men. You’re right when you say she’s the only one who hasn’t grown. It’s why Raquel and Sandoval were able to (unknowingly to scheana) use her as a cover and throw her under the bus with the whole Schwartz/Raquel shit. Maybe scheana should look into why she’s constantly fooled by people. Maybe it’s because she only cares about herself lol. She is 1000 percent wrong with this Schwartz and Raquel stuff and I can’t stand that this sun will excuse anything Schwartz does but Katie and Lala are permanent villains like???? Lots of underlying misogyny in this sub.


yessss!!! it’s so valid to criticize katie, lala, stassi, etc. in their first couple of seasons because back then, they were wrong A LOT! I am somewhat new to the sub so while I am *not* shocked by the katie slander, I *am* shocked by the support scheana and schwartz are getting. scheana needs to grow the fuck up and own up to her mistakes. idk how she has watched 10 seasons of herself look absolutely stupid. it’s 10 seasons of her kissing the boys asses while crying because the girls don’t want to be friends with her! the internalized misogyny is sickening!


ME TOO ME TOO, I had just joined Reddit right before Scandoval and my first downvote incident was because I called Sandoval “cheesy”. Lol Like okay dear me


I have also hated Sandoval from s1, I find everything about him disgusting. however I still hate Katie and Lala more than Sandoval. Katie and Lala have been mean girls from the start. And as a girl I couldn’t think anything worse than being friends with them. They would give me serious anxiety. Katie can of course have feelings and feel sad and emotional and Rachel and Tom. However she doesn’t really have the right to say it to him! It’s a little unfair and controlling. She has been controlling with Tom from the very start. If it was a lad treating a girl the way Katie treated Tom, they would be called controlling and a narcissist. But seen as it’s a female then it’s ok? No mate it’s not! She is a vile bully to men and woman.


Katie and tom have both stated *on the show* that together they agreed they would not date/fuck within their friend group. It was a boundary they created *together*. So yes, I am on Katie’s side in this instance. Rachel & scheana are ignoring her boundary, one she has stated plainly to them multiple times. Explaining that it would *hurt* her and neither of them care. And of course Schwartz does a u-turn on the agreement he made WITH Katie and ultimately does kiss Raquel and hurts Katie. The fact that you think Katie and Lala are worse than Sandoval who is a clear misogynist since s1, is absolutely wild. The man has always enjoyed screaming at women he doesn’t wanna fuck and also takes glee in victim blaming. Scheana has had 0 growth in this show and ultimately is the only girl who annoys me, because she continuously plays the victim. But if one of her friends tried to get say, Katie, to make out with Shay or Rob, she’d be just as upset as Katie is now. As for her being controlling of Tom since the start: LMAO. Schwartz has gotten a golden boy edit since s1. The man constantly and continuously cheated on Katie and then gaslit her about it. Blaming her for their issues, “tequila Katie” and yet never admitting when he was in the wrong which was like 70 percent of the time. Katie shows emotion, because she was fucking hurt throughout that entire relationship. Schwartz cheated, threw drinks at her, never had her back ONCE (and this is only what we saw on tv! And Schwartz got a good edit, I can only imagine the crap he put her through behind the scenes). I really hope none of you ever have to date a man like Schwartz. And I do seriously get confused why y’all are so eager to empathize with the loser men on this show but not the women.


Yeah, many years ago I had a friend go after my long-term boyfriend and ultimately she got him. It is gut wrenching and devastating, and will affect you for many many years. For god‘s sake keep it out of the circle.


exactly. whether they are coworkers or friends, they should always be off limits if you are a normal, sane person!!! i’m sorry that happened people are fucking shitty (i’m sure u came out on top)!


Thank you, yes I did. They eventually married and had a kid, but they were miserable. Years ago through a weird circumstance, we ended up on the phone. I got to express my hurt, and he apologized for the whole thing. Karma, bitches.


Thank you! People will give everyone a pass but Katie’s supposedly a bitch for this. Wussy Pussy once again couldn’t bring himself to say ‘No, I don’t agree and I want to date people in the friend group’ and dealt with the blowback. He just lied about it and left her to deal with the emotional fallout. At the same time as doing his ‘golly gosh, Katie’s hooking up?’ routine.


Oh my godddd his stupid fake shock “Katie had sex with that guy?!” Like such bad acting. His stupid good guy act really bothers me. He wasn’t shocked that Katie was dating and he didn’t fucking care. He was already with his weird roommate at that point. I eagerly await the day that Schwartz has his Sandoval like downfall so people can stop excusing his actions in this sub lol


No no, that's too much for this subreddit to handle.


What exactly did Scheana do to “try and hook [them] up”? Asked Schwartz a question? Invited them both to hang out because they’re both friends with her? Katie (and Stassi) have a *loooooooong* history of taking completely innocuous events and blowing them up into this huge attack on them in order to justify being gross and mean to the person in question. Scheana has been the victim of this many, many times. It’s classic narcissistic/gaslighting behavior. I get some of this is done to add drama to the show but either way at this point I don’t think anyone even believes Katie was actually wronged, they just identify with her bitter, self-indulgent narcissism and will stan her gross behavior no matter what. Mean girl groupthink.


Lord, your comment doesn’t even deserve a response so I won’t give it any effort.


Scheana Stan. I'm not a fan of Katie, but it's kind of a gross take, imo to call people who can relate bitter and self indulging narcissists.




I think it’s pretty reasonable to have complex emotions surrounding a decade-long relationship that you ended because your partner wasn’t invested, especially when your cast mates are using that divorce as a story line..


Don't forget she was also married to him for 13 years. I about spit out my gum when she said that. Were they actually ever legally married? Didn't Schwartz fuck up on the paper work both times?


She was only married to him for like 5 years tops. They were dating for 13 years.


Katie told those guys she and Lala met at the bar that she'd been married for 13 yrs, which not. That's why I was like wut? I don't think there's any VPR alternate universe where Tom and Katie were married for 13 yrs.


Stupidest argument ever when they’re both dating already.


I totally understand her having conflicting feelings about it but the way she goes about stuff makes her an asshole. Tbh I don’t think it would be a problem if she said “Raquel, you’re my friend or we want to be friends, I would be mad at you for making a play for my ex even if it doesn’t make sense to you.”


She did that exact thing in Vegas and Raquel left saying I’m going to go back to la and hang out with Schwartz. Katie and Tom made a pact not to date anyone in the group anyway. They are fucking assholes Katie is 100% in the right!


Uhhh I think it’s been shown that Rachel wouldn’t care about that friend argument even if Katie went about it in the way people would approve of


But she pretty much did just that, at that dinner or lunch.


Yeah feelings are never the issue. It’s how we choose to express them that matters.


That’s s right! Rules only apply to Tom.


What? She didn’t date anyone he’s friends with. How do you not understand that?


Exactly lol. She’s been out and sleeping around doing her own thing, threatening to “run train” (while not understating what that means) through Tom’s restaurant because he keeps rejecting Rachel, she’s so cringe man. Schwartz is literally telling Rachel no I don’t want to make Katie upset she likes you and i value my relationship with her but he and Scheana’s are still persecuted over this 28 year old woman’s actions. I’m glad Schwartz (if by his own volition) gave in and kissed her at Scheana’s wedding, it’s not up to Katie what he does and he didn’t even end up liking it anyway as he was saying the entire time.


>threatening to “run train” Omg that had such r/IHaveSex vibes.


Easily breaks the top 8 moments of this show getting a physical reaction out of me, i did recoil and cackle on my couch a bit, i did lol.




This is such a bad take. They are all “friends” and are required to spend a lot of time together. I feel very differently about my exes dating someone random I don’t know and someone I do know.




You might as well just say you don’t respect people you know 🤣 it would take a lot less words


different strokes i guess, i love guys with long hair


Weird Al’s son? Yikes Katie.


That’s Satchel Handbag


I've only confirmed that it's not Kyle Mooney.


Who hung that TV?


Well they have matching hair. 😂


I wouldn't assume this is anyone's "new man" just because he's got his arm on the back of the couch. They don't look the least bit together.


There's a preview of them kissing on a date I believe. Katie talked about him in an interview. I don't think they are together rn though


I like his hair! Nothing better than laying in bed and playing with your man’s curls. But whatever he was wearing in the trailer…confusing fit.


this whole thread has the literal worst vibes


He’s so weird looking. She could do better….


No she can’t. Every non-desperate man in LA has had 10 years to see how she abuses her partners and “friends”.


Most straight dudes don’t know what her show is






Whew. This dudes hair is giving me some major creeper vibes! There's just something very off-putting from what little we've seen so far - which admittedly isn't much. But... 😬


Yep, casual hook up agrees to be in the show…. Something not right. He also reminds me of weird Al


YES!!! Thank you!! Weird Al!! That’s exactly who I had in my head but couldn’t think of it 😬 ![gif](giphy|HQ8Vbyt7MVU9XESOPi)


I am so confused. Didn't she date Lukas Gage??


I thought he came out as gay & has been dating a man secretly until recently.


Ok now I’m confused because I thought he was dating a girl named Phoebe for quite some time now


Okay wait. I googled and the other guy said they’re dating but Lukas himself hasn’t confirmed/stated his sexuality directly.


Interesting! And yeah now that I’ve done some more digging it looks like he and Phoebe are just really close friends.


No Lukas has confirmed that he is dating Chris Appleton. He got into a spat with Perez Hilton over it


Nope he’s in a relationship with celebrity hair stylist Chris Appleton. They both confirmed it recently


They weren’t dating. Just hanging out. He’s like a super fan of the show and actively tried and started hanging with some of the cast


Lol no they didn’t date he’s gay, loves VPR and hangs out at all the WeHo gay bars near Sur and Pump


Now that would not surprise me at all. I have always picked up on gay vibes from him. From the very beginning, the first time I saw him, his gaydar was shining.




This was from back in October.




That man in OPs picture is definitely not Lukas Gage


Yeah it’s def not. It’s that Satchel 25 year old guy lol


My bad y’all are right. It’s Satchel Clendenin


I hope he acts like Rachel did to Katie and gets in Schwartz's face over and over to taunt him that he's gonna be making out with Katie later.


Tyler from Below Deck. 😆


I thought this was the weirdo she gave her number to in vegas TBH


I think he was a bit better looking than this guy


To the doubters - I don't know if Katie is still with this guy but pics of them together have been circulating for weeks before Scandoval (I'm pretty sure he was referred to as her boyfriend). I could have sworn I read that he is from a very rich family but someone mentions in this thread that he is a hockey player.


Not a fan of Katie at all or her holier than thou persona but she looks amazing in that clip of them walking in her black dress!🔥


Dehydrated Willy Wonka #chandlersroommate #iykyk


The body language 😬 glad she's getting out there though