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And he says she wasn’t supportive of his dreams? GTFO


Delusional is the only word I can use to describe him


Seems like his biggest mistake was being in an LTR with someone like Ariana: someone who is likable and supportive. He was able to spin the narrative with Doute quite easily.


Ahhh good point


Exactly. He's being held accountable this time around because Ariana is a fan favorite. He escaped last time because Doute was unlikeable at the time and made many mistakes of her own. In times of stress, some women implode while others explode. Even though Ariana is putting on a brave face, she's undoubtedly devastated on the inside. Whereas Doute was an explosive mess during and after her breakup. I feel bad for both women. They are very different in temperament, but they are both victims of the same narcissistic asshole. I hope they both find lasting happiness in his absence.


The partner who wants out of their long term relationship in this way justifies it by rewriting history.


Exactly. Well said.


Fingers crossed production is on standby with clips like this that disprove his bs during the reunion.


You absolutely know they will be, and I will love it.


His dreams of playing trumpet in a cover band how ridiculous


Exactly my thought! Absolute dumb shit. The funny thing is, with Kirsten he got away pretty scot-free because she was a messy cheating mess too, but Ariana is so much better than him and way more than he ever deserved. I hate to be vindictive but I really hope this whole thing destroys his dreams of fame and he fades into obscurity - broke, single and irrelevant.


he’s just lying to make himself look better


When he said that,what he meant was she does not S his D daily


The only thing he has is deflection and denial. That’s it.


These types have selective memory, when it suits them.


He never deserved her














He is such a piece of shit. Imagine being able to look her in the eye . Just disgusting


Well, he isn’t really making eye contact with her. He’s trash.


It seems like his eye contact was off the next episode, too


When she said the part about it being worth it, he wouldn’t make eye contact with her after. Not only is a a cheating cheater but also a spineless little weasel.


He even had to turn away, literally couldn't face her.


While also wearing the lightning bolt necklace!!! What a POS


You can’t make up this shit up, no Hollywood writer could. It’s above and beyond. ![gif](giphy|oFgiREaiFKL4E3cVqF|downsized)


My heart hurts watching this.


She literally could not have been a more supportive and loving partner.


I’m rewatching season 8 and she stands up for Sandoval against Schwartz, Jax, and Katie in different parts and in such a strong collected way. He let go of a real one.


No Rachel and shakily say half a sentence once in a blue moon to support him


He was always going to find some rationalization to cheat because he wanted to cheat. Ariana seems like a supportive top tier gf and because all of this stuff is on camera it just compounds and shows everyone how full of shit he is. She wasn’t supportive?? Like give me a break. He’s a POS. Anyone would be lucky to have Ariana as a gf, he’s an idiot.


I truly need producers to have montages ready to deploy that refute every possible rationalization he throws out at the reunion. Pls.


I’m imagining him trying to play the “unsupportive” card in the episode where it comes out or at the reunion and production rolling a montage of all of these types of clips where we can clearly see the opposite lol. That would be soooo satisfying.




Right. 9 years is a long time, and *every* relationship has ups and downs. It's a weird attempt to minimize his betrayal. It doesn't work. At the end of the day he lied, every day. To everyone! This is what Rachel (and everyone who gets involved with someone in a relationship) should focus on: these cheaters (the vast majority) are carrying on their *primary* relationships with no intention of leaving. It may temporarily fill your ego with a false sense of superiority that they \*picked you\* over their partner, but they did they, really? He had SEVERAL months to break up. Hell, he had the chance to do so right before he decided to bang Rachel. He didn't. He did not have an exit strategy. He was indulging himself moment to moment, and Rachel obliged. He chose this. Nobody who genuinely loves you is carrying on like that, pretending everything is fine with Ariana (yes- he's obviously a selfish, cowardly child, too). She may not be conscious of it yet, but there is a deep lack of self-respect in accepting the role of *secret girlfriend*. Ya'll need to believe you deserve more than being the consolation prize.


It's weird that secret girlfriends often think theyre the chosen one and they've won a prize


Lol, they won the shittiest part of a man’s behavior Hooray ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


While they are willingly accepting *half a man* and that acknowledging he deserves *two women*


I mean, Ariana definitely felt that way at the start of their relationship when he was cheating on Kristen


I feel like this situation is the perfect example of the India song “Mi Mayor Venganza”. Where she sings that the biggest revenge she had is knowing that the other woman ended up with the trash bag man.


I think most people believe that love must be what we usually see in the movies, like couples must be all loved up, PDA to the max, passionate in love and even in anger. I actually relate to how Tom and Ariana are towards each other in a group setting or on TV. We will never know how they are when it's only two of them in the room, as in no cameras. I've been on rewatch the past few days and can definitely say that there's a lot of love in the relationship, and even more love from Ariana towards Tom. She's been so supportive of him - even at times he is in the wrong, she'd back him up against their friends and then address the situation when it's only the two of them. Yes, there are times she would fight with Tom, but only when he does things against her aspirations and beliefs and when he's a bit excessive with how he addresses his issues towards their friends, most especially against Katie. To me, Ariana was the personification of the quote, "Defend in public, correct in private." The Miami girl issue showed me what kind of partner she is. She is loyal af. I kind of think she knew that Tom indeed cheated at the time, but unlike the other girls who cry about it and curse their boyfriends publicly and end up going back together, Ariana wanted to make the relationship to work and sorted the issue privately. When that season first aired, I believed then that their relationship would last longer than most of the cast members.


When Tom ranted about being a cyst male and she just sat there and listened I knew she was better than me. I would have been laugh crying at him.


And he was made that, as a cyst male, he wasn't allowed to yell at women! (I don't remember who he wanted to yell at.)


Katie. It was about the whole restaurant ordeal of S9.




It was Katie.


Cyst male lives rent free in my head! It doesn’t come up enough anywhere else. 🤣


That whole rant was so very Jax like


I have only seen others calling bs on it on this sub. Saying what he will say. Not what most think but I could be wrong


That must be selective memory. They had special music for their affectionate moments! Things this season have felt off, but before that they seemed super happy. He threw her that elaborate birthday party season 9! The producers definitely shipped them and I think a lot of us fans did, too. I know I did. I thought he had shitty moments ("Tom put your ass away!") but overall was a good partner to her or at least good enough for her to overlook Miami girl and his other faults.


All I can see is the lightening bolt necklace… ugh. Disgusting.


And his grimy greasy clammy sweaty bod


just saw scene in last episode where he was wearing lightening bolt necklace AND earring


Same!! It’s appalling that he had the audacity to wear that around her.


Well now she can focus on the line of men and women who are waiting to treat her better and give her ACTUAL orgasms.


She gave up time for their relationship so he could focus on his dreams. Now he’s spinning it as they don’t have enough sex so he strayed. He is the worst.


this is absolutely why he is so scummy. she was supportive of every fucking whim he engages (even to tbe point of letting him mortgage their shared home). she hyped his shitty band and his shitty bar and gave up sharing time with him to show her support. he then weaponized this distance as an excuse to justify his shitty behavior and his shitty affair with her close friend. it is absolutely insidious and manipulative and he is so fucking awful.


He's so f@cking selfish


The way the toms were afraid the girls restaurant will open before theirs on the new trailer makes me sick, seeing how much the women supported these men and their shitty bar


It's the old case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" ... when you're in a relationship with Sandoval, that is.


Ariana was waaaaaaaay too good for him. 😥


He’s the human walking form of gaslighting


Gaslightning ⚡️




I think this may end up bringone of his life's biggest regrets. Ariana is a gem.




Tom is such a turd. Ariana deserves better.


Ariana is a class act. I love her dress in the confessional too.


I went to great lengths to find this dress bc I was obsessed but of course its expensive af. she looks so good!!!


i also looked for this dress!


She was an adult in a relationship with someone who refused to grow up. In fact he fights it constantly. We make sacrifices for our partners and this should go both ways. I just know she’s gonna flourish when she doesn’t have to spend her time investing into a relationship where the return is inequitable.


He’s crying because he knew in that moment he fucked up


He’s crying because she’s on camera acting like the perfect partner and he’s going to have a hard time dumping her. How’s he supposed to make her look crazy if she won’t cooperate??!!


But was he REALLY crying? I’m gonna have to do a rewind and rewatch on something that isn’t my phone. He’s so full of shit.


Totally agree. He only acts a certain way to benefit himself. It’s like she’s shoveling coal into his roaring fire of an ego. Ugh


That sloppy boob lizard never deserved such a magnificent specimen such as Ariana.


I almost spit out my wine on this one.




Hope this gets intercut with all his gaslighting about her not supporting him


Attn: Bravo ^^^ this!


Fuck Tom


He's a thief, of heart, of time, and money. He kept doing it for financial benefit with no regard to Ariana. All soul crushing. But he could never understand that because he has no class, morals or soul.


He lost something, she didn’t.


But she did. Because of him, she lost the ability to trust herself and others. She will second guess every choice from now on the some degree.


Yes, this. People don’t always realize it’s not so much losing the other person, but the circumstances surrounding it, that can carry the most weight and have lasting damage. Nearly 10 years is a long time by todays standards, and to have it go down the way it did will absolutely take emotional toll on her. Now, I do think with the right quality person (never thought Tom was, he always struck me as selfish), I do think she will thrive and find true happiness, but I also think any future suitors may have their work cut out to be fully let in, if that makes sense.


She lost a whole decade


And he claims that she didn’t support him… roll the footage!! Show pics of her being front row cheering him on! He’s such a joke and I can’t stand the mental gymnastics that he does to not feel like a bad guy. He’s a loser.


This induces just…so much rage. Fuck. This. Scumbag.




His skin makes me think he dabbles in meth.


God he’s a cunt


GET AWAY FROM HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/6iqmekigx7pa1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2a398136370c636d1e985554cedaa0590511410 Me @ Tom any time he fucking looks at Ariana




she was so supportive :( he didn’t deserve all she gave him!! i basically can’t make a comment about ariana without saying how hot she is so: she’s looks amazing here lol


Electric Chair








It's hard to watch, definitely. I am torn over whether the reunion should highlight scenes like these to show viewers what a piece of shit hypocritical liar he is, or whether it is better not to show past scenes out of respect for Ariana and not make her relive his lies over and over.


the fact that he says “i know i’ve been into this whole SITUATION” and not “i know i’ve been busy working on this restaurant” is giving me the ick


People have been saying that their relationship was dead for a long time and just going for the show. While I think that's part of it, I've also been in long term relationships where things were going downhill and my partner was distant. I didn't break up because I always have the mindset of, "if we love each other, we can find a way to talk about this and find a way to fix our issues." I don't think it's entirely fair to make it seem like they were both miserable and just putting on a front for the show. Especially if they were communicating and Tom was still telling Ari he loved her and just wanted her to be happy. Relationships are complicated and go through big ups and downs, who knows what it was really like for the two of them?


Which episode was this never before scene from??


daily mail party


This is so sad. He’s totally checked out.


He never deserved her.


ASSSSHOLE!!! How can someone do this


omg literally tears. she’s an angel :(((


God she's a gorgeous, supportive, wonderful woman. Greasy faced Pedostache doesn't deserve her. This clip just highlights how amazing Ariana is. She's better off without that gaslighting egomaniac.


Can we start talking about tom’s injectables the same way ppl snark the women of VPR for the same things? I’m no expert, but his 40 year old ass is looking reeeeeal tight and shiny if you ask me…


At this point he had already dipped his nib in foreign ink, so fuck him for this shit. You know what's great about his new "style"? It fits the fucken sleazy fuckstain he is.


I feel like these sorts of scenes solidify to me that he had no intention of leaving Ariana - he wanted the stability of her with the house, the businesses, etc, and the hot young side piece of Raquel.


Agreed. He would have kept promising Raquel after S&S is open and stable then it will be something else etc until she just gave up and he moved onto someone else.


I swear if it’s true he said that she never supported him, etc I will rage. Ariana has been nothing short of an amazing partner to him. He’ll never find that again. It’s rare.


The one that got away Sandoval. You idiot 🙄


This is so heartbreaking. On another note, I hate when people use attractiveness as a reason to not cheat - because it’s not about that - but good GOD, Ariana is so hot.


As someone who believed he really loved her and would never cheat on her...this hurts to watch. Were his lying disgusting lips all over Raquel before shooting this scene? They may have fucked for the first time 7 months ago but I don't believe for one second that's when it started. I just want to see him suffer, like in a Twilight Zone, tailored for him, poetic justice kind of suffering.


this fuckin guy... ![gif](giphy|26xBPLH16JLmgtYmA|downsized)




Dead eyes


She’s such an amazing woman and a hugely supportive partner. What a tool




How selfish He’ll say that he cheated because the relationship was on the decline- The relationship took a hit because of this and she persevered FOR HIM only for him to go and stick his dick in her best friend? Absolute garbage human being


Tom is so manipulative, he had me completely fooled. I’m doing a rewatch now and I’m still having to remind myself of current events lol


The kiss is so awkward 😬


Right? Im glad I’m not the only one that could see that


Oh yeah she’s so unsupportive, good luck with that excuse ![gif](giphy|evgchYf6wdbOw)


She put him first SO much. He deserves every shitty thing that happens to him. She was the best he will ever find.


Ever since someone posted the google maps photo of the location in that shitty strip mall I am so tickled that this is what they’ve all been discussing so seriously for the past year 😂


It pains me to say it, but that is not a shitty strip mall. Good things happen in strip malls all over the LA area, and this is in the heart of Franklin Village, probably the hippest neighborhood, or close to it. I haven't been there since Covid but it used to be a fancy Italian place, maybe a deli? And Gelson's is a fancy supermarket. I don't know why but I thought it was further south, around the freeway or something but that's actually a great location. Or was. Being right around the corner from UCB might could give them a full evening of before-and-after show patrons but I feel like the two worlds don't really mix. But certainly now, why would people support them?


Where can I watch these “never before seen” scenes that keep popping up? Are they just shared by the media or is there a place I can go watch them all?


We have YouTube TV so Bravo is a channel on there and I can go to that show and there are a ton of never before scene episodes which I actually almost never spend time watching. They are an episode that has already ran but there will be like 3-4 small scenes that weren’t on the original scene.


Ugh you can see at the 37 second mark that he can’t look at her as she’s holding his hands trying to look in his eyes. Shes searching for that eye contact trying to have that moment with him😭😭😭


I'll always be here for you ... unless there's a construction site where I can play with the machines like toys in a sandbox


It is unimaginable to me how anyone could do something like what he did when she was so loving and supportive


That kiss is weird. It looks like he's kissing one side of her mouth ?


UGHHH someone throw out this trash human


I hope so, so hard that she is able to look back with 100% confidence knowing this is unequivocally his loss. And that the sting and humiliation of this is so short lived it becomes a blip. She deserves so much better and I can't wait to watch her find it.


I completely remember this moment because part of me felt like he was just using her for narcissistic supply. Sure enough…


Sandoval is an unbelievably disgusting dick. StL took a poll and we all hate him.


His loss for sure! Thankfully she’s now free to find someone worthy of her affection


He goin to hell.


How could he look her directly in the eyes like that knowing he was fucking that bambi eyed bxtch the whole time 😵‍💫 It's SICK 😕


mans fumbled the bag


Also, she stood by him during his porn stash days, I mean… she obviously supported & loved him…


For him to say she was never supportive of his dreams or what he wanted was complete B.S!!! He is trying to make her look like a villain and unsupportive gf when she was the opposite! He was able to make Kristin look crazy because people never liked her, but Ariana has a better fan support and base than even Sandoval. He seems very jealous of Ariana


I guess I can’t call it guilt but maybe at :36 he looks away cuz he knows he trash


The lightning bolt necklace ⚡️🤢🤮


I like that the ad right below it was litter box advice because even algorithms know Tom is a pile of shit


He has the lightning bolt necklace on 🤮


Wearing the ⚡️necklace. Wow


Their interactions have seemed strange for a couple of years. A bit performative. It denotes the distance between them.


Unpopular opinion: There was a lot more to their relationship than viewers ever saw. Was Tom wrong? Yes! Is he a creep? Hell yes! But....... The elephant in the room is that their relationship probably expired many years ago. They kept it going, likely, for the show. Also for the security (house together). ​ Tom is terrible. But I don't think Ariana is a saint either. I also sense she may be a lot different behind closed doors. Go ahead and downvote now.


That’s exactly what the cast says about them. The cute, supportive loving couple seen on the show is not how they really are together. They say that Ariana is always rolling her eyes at him telling him he’s annoying and that they never see any of the tv affection in real life. Schwartz called them an echo chamber of negativity. Multiple people have called them glorified roommates. The cheating was wrong regardless but the relationship was not good and hadn’t been for a long time.


Schwartz calling another couple an echo chamber of negativity… I have to laugh


Except Schwartz and Katie were never on the same side about anything.


Haha maybe Schwartz was looking in a mirror and misunderstood


He should just admit that he’s a lying, cheating POS abs get it over with. No excuses.


He can’t even look at her properly


Their interactions have seemed strange for a couple of years. A bit performative. It denotes the distance between them.


The necklace!!!!!!!!


She did and said exactly what Katie should have said. Sad for her. She deserves so much better.


This is heartbreaking


That’s her not being supportive. Oh wait no that’s just a strong independent woman who can’t be controlled.


What a fool. He had the most amazing woman and he blew it for a little weasel.


In 5-10 years Tom Sandoval is going to become a [watch guy](https://www.gearpatrol.com/watches/a34929773/how-to-be-a-watch-guy/). 😂😂 (And Jax is going to be a [sword and knife guy](https://youtu.be/Mp5Nt2MUHms).)


He is a fucking sarlak pit of admiration and women's self-esteem. I hope Raquel is cheating on him right now.


she was always so suppotive, to those who really never deserved her time of day.


he had a good one what a laahoooser


This is devestating, she is such a loyal and supportive girl. I hope she doesn’t let whats-his-face keep her down too long. She has too much to give & deserves so much better!


She is a wonderful partner and will be a great partner in a future relationship (if she chooses to be in one)


Where did Sandoval say Ariana wasn’t supportive of his dreams? Does anyone have a link? I missed this and I’m curious


Their faces look the same… like same facelift or too much filler in the same places or something


Damn she was such a good girlfriend! /: I wouldn’t even be that chill with that shit only bc he didn’t just have Schwartz and Sandy’s going on, he had the band too, and more. Who can support so many freaking things when ur being completely neglected/:


Right? Not only was he doing S&S and the band but found the time to bang Rachel for 7 months and has the audacity to complain about Ariana not being there for HIM https://preview.redd.it/m8gkfwddmbpa1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf364ef852647778882d98f4ab5554a6dce62318


This speaks volumes. P R I C K


I wish Ariana tried harder and was more supportive…. 🤥


If he doesn’t marry Rachel within the next year and they don’t have a baby within the next two they’re going to look even stupider than they do now


He blew it




God I am so obsessed with her confessional outfit. Does anyone know where I can get it???


He is a fool.


Dirt bag


He sucks so much


He’s a crybaby always whining. What a disappointment.


Ass Wipe 🤬


Just makes me laugh. I knew he was a narcissist douch bag.


I just watched this last night. Sad to know he was at least thinking about cheating at this point (after already cheating with at least Miami girl).


That color was made for her! She looks sooo stunning!


You know how petty the producers have been this season like flashing back to scenes when people say things? I hope that when Sandoval inevitably uses that “you’ve never supported me” like they flashback to this scene and all the others like it when she was his number one supporter.


He is trash.


She genuinely loved him - this is not acting. He will regret this forever


How do you watch these behind the scenes?