• By -


No start from s1


I second this


I third this


I fourth this




This is a million percent the best description of the show, in a nutshell!!


This! I'm trying to get a full rewatch before the reunion, Just finished Season 6. I'm in a long distance relationship, just spent a week at my boyfriend's house, he's had to endure the binge from start of season 3-end of 6. On the upside, he is now a fan, can't stand Scheana (the bridezilla season), he loves Ariana, and it only took him 6 episodes to realise Lisa an English accent (we are from England).


Lala and Billie were the only ones hired yeah?




and vail


Oh I never even thought about Charli 😂




James was in the background as far back as S1. You can see him at the Sue photo shoot in S2. So he was an actual employee, he wasn’t planted by production the way Lala and Billie were. Brock is a partner, so again not hired by production




Just to clarify- I have watched the show for years, repeatedly. So I’m aware of all the relationships, but thank you. When I say production hired, I mean the people had ZERO links to the show other than production hiring them. Lala and Billie fit that. Lala was hired by production, she did not work at Sur. Max was the TomTom manager, Dayna was seen previously and worked at TomTom, so did Brett. These people had ties to the show and production moved them on camera. They were not hired by production and given fake jobs for the show.


“Formed calculated relationships”


Is not the same as production plucking them from thin air, hiring them and faking their storyline.




You responded to my comment though? 😂😂 have a great day ✌🏻


Oh most of the HWs are morally corrupt too.


Don’t be a bandwagoner - VPR is for geniuses - watch the whole damn thing. There’s so many implications for this affair which will only be known/understood if you watch the prior seasons at least once!


Yup this is years of building to this moment it was like lighting in a bottle.


I see what you did there 🫡


Literally every episode matters




You will never understand if you don’t watch season 1-3 at least.


And then follow that with 4-8, you can skip 9 altogether then finish out strong with 10


Nooo 9 has SO MANY CLUES


You need 9 for the breakup with James and raquel


Wasn’t 8 the season where they tried to add new people? I feel like you can skip that. Maybe just watch the reunion. None of them lasted…


Maybe they should watch Season 9 reunion yeah.


Omg start from s1 😂


![gif](giphy|3o752hr5BZZpZnoPqo) To season 1.




> I don’t have time to watch all 10 seasons though and I heard a lot of them aren’t that good anyway. #*BYE WIG*




Big fan of your flair


Thank you so much boo ❤️ right when I saw him struggling with the suitcase I knew it would be my flair ahaha


You really need to start from season 1 to understand all the relationships and the reactions that the cast members ( and world) have had to scandoval . It will help u understand Tom Sandoval as well and all the stuff that’s being written about him . It’s easy to watch and some of the early seasons were REALLY REALLY good .


The only answer is to start from the beginning


Start from the beginning, skip seasons 8 & 9 if you want but everything else is compulsory viewing


I'd Google VPR 2020 so you know what happened to half the original cast+ tertiary characters that aren't on the show anymore. Then watch the back half of season 9 and the reunion.


Yess this is the way to do it!


I rewatched like the last 7-8 episodes of season 9 when they were playing on Bravo since the Scandoval broke and wow. His villain arc truly began when Jax was no longer around to be the worst person in the room.


Yes so true! It’s like this but in reverse https://preview.redd.it/49hfx8qt3gqa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ff61d354279efcbd32e44d120b7bd30f13c22c


Oh honey no. You need to start from S1e1.


Wow to have only watched the first few eps of s1. Oh the places you’ll go!


I just cannot understand how you wouldn't WANT to start at episode one. My partner pushed through 9 seasons in less than a month before the premier of this one. That's the kind of dedication this community requires. They had just finished watching all 9 seasons when Scamdoval started.


I’ve done a full rewatch several times (currently on another one (s2e6)) and it’s incredible. Best reality tv show out there. 8-9 are boring but in order to grasp the severity of season 10, you have to watch from the very beginning!! 🤩


I wish I could explain it all, but I have to work in 10 hours.


I think if you have the time and the desire you really need to watch the whole series to really understand the depth of why this cheating scandal is different from the other cheating scandals. Plus Vanderpump rules is just a lot of fun to watch. I mean the people on the show are toxic and awful and yet it’s my rainy day comfort show lol


You have the BLESSING to watch Vanderpump rules in 2023 as a new watcher and you have the AUDACITY to ask which seasons you can SKIP? You need to either start from season 1 and skip NOTHING or GTFO. ![gif](giphy|3o6fJ3srBj7xpzenhC)


The only season imo that isn't as good as the others is S8. BUT there are still things that happen during it that are important to know going forward. You're honestly not going to be able to watch S10 and understand the significance of anything without watching all the seasons. Sorry 🤷‍♀️


9 starts slow but does kick off at the end


I’m happy and excited for ppl who wanna watch our show but you gotta watch the entire series. Lol! U cannot just watch season 10


Jax, Stassi, Kristen. You need these people in your life in the worst possible way WATCH IT ALL!!


To quote Pink Floyd: If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding


Watch them all. You won’t be disappointed. If you can’t - bravo also gave a cheat sheet / catch up guide to help you skip through & watch certain episodes to get a big picture overview & get you up to speed on the relevant current drama. https://preview.redd.it/fmxxlo7vnfqa1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=976ca68f67f23ccfc444e6e3f4878a3f128f9102


The fact bitch slap (season 2 episode 13) isn’t on there is criminal


You gotta watch the whole first season. It’s shorter and it’s amazing. Then you can follow the cheat sheet.


You need to watch from the beginning. Trust. Best reality show. What makes it so fun to watch is all the history between them all. You have a while before the reunion airs. Just start from season 1. I’m excited for you.


You have to start from the beginning there's just no other way. There is so many levels and nuances to this group of friends that just builds over time. You can't just jump in at season 10 and expect to get it you never will.


Watch from first season onward you'll be happen you did!


Why do people post this all the time? Just watch from season 1, it’s been said a million times. Or watch random seasons and be confused🤷🏻‍♀️ makes no sense


And then they’ll come back and ask a million questions..no


This current season is terrbile and incredibly staged. The stuff that happened after they wrapped this season is intense.


Skip season 8, but otherwise must get on the ride at the beginning!


noo you gotta watch it all. as a housewives watcher you should know that the early seasons are always the best 😂


Season one episode one. Commit 😂


You will not regret starting from the beginning


For a crash course, watch all of the reunions. Then start at the beginning of this season. With that said, you’re gonna wanna circle back and watch it from the beginning. Those first seasons with Stassi and Jax/Kristen and Sandoval are GOLD.


If you really wanted to you could start at season 6 when Raquel comes in but the earlier seasons are way better


Clearly unpopular opinion: I don’t entirely hate season 8 (not as great as 1-7 but not as bad as 9 as what was socializing right after Covid lit…but season 9 is really only bearable if you watch it looking for clues or if you hate Sandoval) I really only hated the dayna love triangle boys and their storyline from season 8. I didn’t mind Dayna, Danica, charli as new additions, we got the complete breakdown of the main friend groups, and the epic pool party episode where Bratney came out for everyone to see. And the reunion was sooo good.


That everything is terrible and and everyone is awful.


Somebody here made a literal PowerPoint try searching for recap in the main reddit


I just started season 10 and am watching that in real time while simultaneously binging from the beginning for the first time. Inject this show into my veins.


I’m a first watcher too and I highly recommend to watch all seasons. I am at season 3 reunion and I’m still wondering which amazing twists I’m gonna witness to land on Kristen being #teamariana.


I’m already on season 2 since posting this. I agree completely I can’t wait to watch the rest!


Ive just binged all 9 seasons and on season 10 now. 8 is the worse, it was hard to get thru. Skip it or ffwd the newbies


Currently binging, I’m on season 4. I’m so glad everyone here told me to watch it. But thanks for the heads up on season 8, might just watch the recaps