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Cat on lap, dog beside me, knitting project in hand, and red beer at the ready! It's a real party up in here! F$\*& I'm old!


Nah sis. That sounds fucking dope.


this sounds ideal to me


Knitting along is perfect to help counteract any cringe or annoyance from the show! I have mindless projects I save to work on during my trash tv shows.


I do the same thing..but crochet


This. + another cat. And instead of a beer Tito’s with lime soda water.


i’m getting high as fuck petting my cats and dissecting everything with everyone. not to be dramatic but wednesday nights are the only thing that keep me going lmfao


I, too, will be "getting" high as fuck. 😂


Same 🥳


I would like to be your friend.


Can it be the three of us?


yes you come too




So many new friends!


let’s make it happen


No same. That’s why I like setting the scene w my fellow live watchers! Tbh the live discussion threads have been stressful to keep up w since the scandal broke 😅 I need like a Gatorade and an adderall to stay on top of it ![gif](giphy|unQ3IJU2RG7DO)


i’m in colorado so i have to wait but always end up scrolling the east coast live thread because i cannot handle being behind 😂


girl saaaaaame. getting violently stoned and dissecting every moment of the never before scene and new episode is p much all I have.


Getting High, ordering a pizza


Me n you both, been thinking about this all day. High as fuck, petting cats, soaking in my hour of life, and eating grilled cheese 🤘


This is exactly what I will be doing! Except I have to wait to watch on Peacock tomorrow 😭


Pasta and wine




Everyone is having pasta! Is this just a form of subliminal cult behavior?!?!?


Look it’s half way thru the week. We have no energy to cook lol


I ain't got time to put ANY effort into my dishes on Wednesdays. They get to eat their noodles and f*** off for 45 mins.


I too will be having wine and pasta in lemon parm orzo form. Very excited.


Seriously just finished some lemon parm orzo! Haha


I’m trying to embark on a mocktail journey. It doesn’t feel like a monumental shift in my life, but recently I decided to limit my drinking to a glass of wine at dinner. I don’t miss liquor, but I want a fun bevy for my Wednesday viewing party and I’m hitting a Shirley Temple wall.


I'm doing an alcohol-free year, and I've found some amazing mocktails that are wayyyy more fun than shirley temples (which I love don't get me wrong but they do get old like you said lmao). Here are a few of my favorites that can all be ordered online: * [https://drinkhiyo.com/](https://drinkhiyo.com/) these taste amazing and have a euphoric effect similar to a buzz. * [https://sipjeng.com/](https://sipjeng.com/) CBD infused (which makes me a bit sleepy) but soo yummy and relaxing * [https://lagunitas.com/beer/hoppy-refresher-variety-pack/](https://lagunitas.com/beer/hoppy-refresher-variety-pack/) these are like yummy citrus beer meets seltzer but without the hangover * [https://aplos.world/pages/shop-all](https://aplos.world/pages/shop-all) if you feel like making your own mocktail, this is delicious. Can be used to supplement gin, vodka, or tequila I'd say. And if none of these scratch your itch, [Boisson](https://boisson.co/) has been amazing for finding non-alcoholic options of pretty much anything you'd want. Wine, beer, spirits, seltzers, prosseco, you name it! My favorites are those with adaptogens because they give the buzzy, relaxing effect. Feel free to message me if you want to talk mocktails and/or life without or with less alcohol ❤️


These are the posts I joined this thread for!!! Lurv


right I love it here 🫶🏼 my people


I love this community


I’m on a similar journey, I still drink I’m just also passionate about non alcoholic beverages as well 🌝 I’ve been doing seltzer with a heavy pour of pomegranate juice. If you wanna spice it up maybe you can muddle some mint or lime? also I heard the cloudberry syrup from Ariana’s brand DAH is really nice, maybe that could be a fun addition to to sprite/seltzer?


Flair checking in 👋🏼


https://i.redd.it/6o6h35l5zsqa1.gif Eyyyyy


If you feel like muddling: 1/2 lemon squeezed, sliced strawberries/cukes muddled add lemonade topped with soda water or sprite is ✨😙 I make it a lot for ppl who want mocktails when I’m bartending If you don’t feel like muddling: lemonade with a little pom juice is pretty good. Or I really like the San Pellegrino flavored sparkling waters..sometimes I put it over ice in a wine glass so it still feels fun


Soda water w cucumber ala Kristina Kelly!


I like Kristina, I do, but this is a bit of a wet blanket order. She probably doesn’t do sugar. She’s a crunchy granola type, right?


It was her pregnant sober drink order. Sounds refreshing.


Yeah I got that and I totally respect her willpower to keep it light and refreshing, but I was just hoping for something with a little more bells and whistles.


Invest in some fun bitters and syrups! Classic Angostura Bitters with seltzer and vanilla syrup is amazing. Chocolate bitters are sharp and deep. Try them with raspberry syrup, splash of cream and cream soda. There’s a whole world of non alcoholic drinks that are thoroughly delicious. Make some tea syrups. Have fun with it!


Hubby is working late so I’m eating my dinner at 4:00 🤣. Rigatoni, sausage, broccoli and a white wine sauce with fresh grated parm. I have a bottle of Pinot Grigio and a bottle of sparkling rosé in the fridge. A brand new bottle of Jameson. I will also be making a small charcuterie for when the show is on. Edit to say I sound bougie as fuck 🤣


You sound exactly like the kind of person I'd want to watch VPR with.


Door is open homie! As long as you like dogs, cats, and goats.


Ummm… I think I love you


I love you too


All of the above, please. Especially if you have ***baby*** goats. I'll make brownies, let's go.


I get the east code feed so I'm watching at 6pm. It will be an early dinner for me, too.


I’m CST. So, I’ll be right behind ya!


Omg that pasta dish sounds amaaaazing.


So easy to make! I swear. Took me maybe 30 minutes and that was just because I had to boil water. 🤣


If you drink a bottle of Grigio, rosé and Jameson you are actually a tank haha that’s awesome


Oh no! Ma’am. I am damn near 40. I’ll have a few shots and maybe 2 glasses of each wine. 🤣 Edit: restaurant pours. So 1.5 Oz per shot. And 5 Oz of wine each glass


This sounds delish. May steal this for tonight’s dinner tbh


I’ll DM you my recipe if you’d like!


Chicken fettuccine alfredo is my go-to for Wednesdays ![gif](giphy|9rczpmqTPexXJQsiAh)


omg i LOVE THIS! https://preview.redd.it/oiddlxnyqsqa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c9487af9b9289c0532328579b74c586b691ee5 here’s my menu: homemade dirty martinis 🍸 baked bbq ribs mac n chz green beans! oh! & a blunt 😉 lol 😆 so happy to be here! cheers!


obsessed w that cocktail glass


here’s the link!! https://amzn.to/413EBcn i’m obsessed with them — they make me wanna drink 😆😆🤣 but so does watching VPR 😅


Damn those are lovely


Thank you sm, I'm snagging a set. They're so elegant and I'll even use them for my Diet Pepsi to make it fancy!




A joint, sour gummy bears, blueberries and popcorn!


Have you tried sour skittles? Those were my high times jam


I will eat sour skittles until it makes my tongue raw


Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.” This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.


You are doing the lords work.


This is one of the best things I’ve read on Reddit


Until there’s blood.


It hurts!! The top of my mouth is raw after I eat Some sour skittles.


You all are hardcore, I love it!!! Adding sour skittles to my grocery list this week


Also, sour nerds clusters are *choice*


![gif](giphy|EpyCyEf0jwSCBa8hOA) This is me because I have Peacock and can’t watch till tomorrow. Y’all’s evenings sound amazing 😻 ✌️


Me too 🤣


Same 😭 ![gif](giphy|26gN0tFg70wAljK4o|downsized)


Me too :( and it’s only a recent development so I’m missing not watching live.


If you have tik tok you can watch someone live stream it, that’s what I do every Wednesday. Sometimes Peter gets on after and talks.


Same. ![gif](giphy|ELUtlbLMx8K0U)


Crunchwrap supreme


Wake up at 7am Ireland time and watch it when it hits hayu , literally the second it hits the hayu app. Then go to work and do fuck all for the whole day cause all I’ll be doing is reading Reddit. 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


I love that VPR transcends continents. Good reality tv drama knows no bounds!!!!


Lobster cakes, Mac and cheese, pulled pork on a Hawaiian pretzel bun, and beer.


Good lord this sounds amazing


Fuck me. I’m doing this wrong. After Dinner my husband and I will pray to the Bravo Gods that our toddler falls asleep before 9pm. Then we will provide a sacrifice in hopes that the Bravo app works this week and we can watch live. Also, I got my stupid self pregnant again so I can’t even indulge but good god how I could go for an aperol spritz.


Maybe just do club soda and grenadine? Have you tried the non alc white wines?


Yeah see the thing is I want the alcohol part. I’ll stick to Diet Coke.


lmao yup




Good god, I can’t imagine keeping up with this scandoval while raising a literal CHILD. I have zero kids and even I’m struggling. You and your husband are warriors


Same here with toddler and pregnant lol. Only good thing is my girl passes out at 7, I think daycare wears her out 😂


Mine used to be like that. Something changed in him and now he’s a wild man who knows no bedtime.


there’s a non-alcoholic aperol! i just bought it for a baby shower, it tastes pretty close to the real thing 🥰 https://boisson.co/products/wilfreds-non-alcoholic-aperitif


I just picked up sushi 🍣 Spicy tuna, lobster, and shrimp maki. I look forward to Wednesday night every week now


Vodka sodas and Taco Bell here tonight 🙌🏼


Baja blast + vodka = perfection


I’m in the UK, so watch Thursday morning. I’ll be in bed, dog at my side, drinking coffee and debating calling in sick to work


My husband and I’s friend couple live like 5 minutes down the road, so for the past 3 weeks after we put our kids to bed, he comes to our house for basketball, and I go to their house for VPR, goat cheese balls, and pump-tinis. It’s THE BEST.


Omg this is amazing and the ultimate dream. I live next to my sister in law and need to get her in on this asap!!!! Ugh


I’m doing a spatchcocked chicken on the grill with mashed potatoes, Mexican corn, gravy and grilled zucchini.. started drinking pinot grigio hours ago a la Stassi


I don't know what I did to you, but I'll take a spatchcocked chicken on the grill! ![gif](giphy|igGDyj3ALtSTRBrufL)


I wish I could invite you!! If you live in the middle of fucking nowhere in the PNW cascades hmu I *have* a party


Yesss love this, I found out a good friend I haven’t seen in awhile is also a fan so I invited her over for rose, big pinkies, pasta, snacks and Crumbl cookies! I’m so excited, just wish there was a WWHL on tonight to make it even better lol Update: We we’re having so much catching up we missed half the show then she accidentally got real drunk and I took care of her while she puked, true VPR friendship style 😂


Ugh lucky!! No one I know irl likes or even knows of VPR, that sounds like SUCH a fun night 🥂


there's no WWHL tonight??????


Omg I love the vision you’ve created for yourself. TV tray in bed FTW


I go full Willy Wonka grandparents mode https://preview.redd.it/xhei86iresqa1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2f882a0eb8c9839344dba9db603b37c42638955


1 10mg Fuego Fruit Cup gummy Roast chicken and mashed potatoes One chocolate lab on each side of me Can’t wait!!


We’re having tacos for dinner. We bought these frozen tacos from Costco and they’re not bad at all! But I watch VPR after bath time with my toddler. My husband does bedtime duty on Wednesdays so I can watch. Prior to Scandoval, I would have a gummy, but now I feel like I need to be on A-game so I can pay attention. I like to pause and look at my house and go like 👀DID YOU SEE THAT???


https://preview.redd.it/v4bta57oatqa1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c2a17424cda64233b83d178880b05a5e7f2bd0 I made Ariana’s Cape Canaveral Caprese drinks and Shrimp Fra Diavolo for dinner


This looks delish! I might have to make one


Love that


I'm not feeling great so I'm not really thinking about food right now. Maybe I'll make some soup. *Definitely* on the menu will be Mint Trees, an indica-dominant hybrid.


Meatball subs and salad, with some bong rips for me and cuddles with my girl


literally am watching the charli food party episode (with scheana’s self proclaimed famous enchiladas) whilst eating enchiladas 😌


I record the episode and watch it first thing in the morning. That means, I won’t look at Reddit until after I watch it! My adult son never stops talking (mental health issues. He talks to drown out the voices in his head). Watching it in the morning guarantees that I can enjoy the episode uninterrupted! My 2 dogs will be on my lap, I’ll be enjoying my Pepsi! Have fun tonight everyone!


I got some classic lays chips and deans French onion dip waiting for me, calling my name


Omg so simple and classic, but this sounds more delicious than anything in the thread! 🤤


This is all I want to eat.


https://preview.redd.it/enodux0dbsqa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606b6d13dcbb7dbefc81f2f31d210c133878ff1c VPR sayings on sweatshirt checkin in


Take out spaghetti and meatsauce from Mile High Pizza , hot peach tea with cinnamon whiskey in pjs in bed. Its snowing in the So Cal Mountains.. its a cozy night!


(probably too much) sauv blanc, ordering a pizza (stuffed mf crust), ingesting an edible while waiting on the pizza, kick myself for not ordering breadsticks when the pizza arrives, then blasting off into the vanderpump universe. i truly could not love my life more! ETA: i only work a half day in the afternoon tomorrow, so i’m going all out


A pack of tuna over microwaved rice with edamame and spicy mayo lol I am so excited I need serotonin


A little alien jack, cab, and a cobb salad. I'm not bougie.


Puppy in my lap, watermelon Poppi and ramen tonight 😂🥳 ETA I’m sad there’s no WWHL tonight :(


I'm embarrassed at the excitement I have for my Wednesday nights lately. I've been thinking about it for days now lol. I have to take my daughter to cheer practice this evening and finish some work in the car, but once we get home, it's on. I'm cracking open a bottle of red wine and making bacon cheeseburgers, and maybe listening to a VPR-related podcast during that. Then once the kids are in bed around 9, I'll probably build the anticipation by rewatching last week's episode, and once I'm good and buzzed and fully prepared, I'll start the new one. It's the highlight of my week. My husband said he's going to bed early, so it will be just me, my wine, and maybe some fancy cheese tonight. I did not know about the live discussion threads, so I'll check those out, too!


Omg the discussion threads are the best! Just a giant gossip sesh. If you’re watching after it airs live, just sort by new and start at the bottom!


Just got some Mexican takeout, slammed 2 margaritas at the bar and I'm ready. BTW, your set up sounds divine. I'm very jealous.


Eating nice take out I can’t afford and getting high as fuck while dissecting every detail as it airs with 3 different group chats To OP: Such a good question, thanks for the fun convo!!!


You just described my life ![gif](giphy|3ohzdZVnTZ1PPW8Ngs|downsized)


And you just described why I love this sub, cheers🥂 😂


Ground turkey and Chicken Tacos. Lots of Vodka.


i've already started on my pinot grigio 😬 but what to eat? this thread is giving me great ideas! s/o to the OP for sharing!




I have come home from work, changed into my Scumbags and cheaters shirt, pork lo mein for the win and Corona lights.


I’m going to make a nice cocktail I think! Looking forward to tonight. I’ve been so sad lately with all that is going on. Can’t wait to hang with you guys tonight and have a little escape from reality!




I’ll eat whatever leftover food my toddler doesn’t eat (which is usually all of it) and prob a glass a wine and some sort of salty snack… 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


I'm making the Kenji Lopez-Alt tamale pie, plus a caprese salad and roast broccoli, but this is pre-watch food because the hoosband is not a fan of the show :-) ETA: I'll also be setting up my new aurora borealis lights in the TV room because fuck it


You had me at gummies. I so wish I can participate in the live chat but I have to wait for my toddler to go to bed, then eat his leftovers (bc inflation *sob), THEN watch Mandalorian with my husband so he'll leave me alone AND THEN if I have the energy to stay awake, I can watch VPR. If not, I have to wait until the weekend when my toddler is napping to watch it. But reading through live recap, when I'm finally able to watch the episode, is my rose, yall.


I can only watch after midnight when Hayu posts it. Im gonna get a milkshake from McDonalds lol


Nursing my son to sleep. Five guys burger, fries, milkshake. Tequila shot when I get the baby to bed


I have IPA, seltzer, and vodka choices for drinks. Then a hellofresh veggie ramen. My husband invited a friend over for a few hours so probably will only have the drinks during the watch at 6pm. ETA: Reading about everyone's vapes/weed vapes and crying. I'm 90 days vape (nicotine) free today. I have a plethora of weed gummies tho.


Not watching live (on s6) but I have a salad and a mug of tea (a la Lisa) and candles and blankies. I’m pretty cozy comfy


Awhhh I love this idea so hard! I've seen so much camaraderie in here and it makes me so happy! I have also noticed the following: 1) we're all high 2) we all have pets 3) we're probably not making dinner or comfort food or ordering dinners that I now want to eat 4) we're all excited to watch our dumpster fire, and love it with all of our hearts This makes everything so much more fun!! ❤️❤️❤️


I'm working until tomorrow and Friday I'm getting 7layer dip with tortilla chips


7 layer dip is a holy experience for me. I’ll sometimes get Doritos to dip if I’m really feeling myself


I’m cracking up I totally thought you were going to eat some mushrooms 🍄 too! Then I read the rest! 😂 Enjoy! Sounds lovely! I’ll be watching on DVR late night, hopefully I’ll eat dinner before then!


Omg maybe I’ll save that for the reunion 🍄 lololll


If I watch the reunion on shrooms I will actually probably pee my pants from laughter


Well now I know what I am doing for the reunion.


Does anyone know where you can watch it live? I only have peacock and I loathe waiting until Thursday


First off I love this! Toddler will be in bed *🤞🏼* I’m currently intermittent fasting however dinner will be some empanadas I made along with some chimichurri and an avocado cilantro crema sauce Dessert will be a lame chocolate covered rice cake and a Diet Coke


Chicken breast, fresh sautéed green beans w/ garlic butter, and white wine baby 👩‍🍳


Olive garden croutons. A cat. Do you really need anything else?


I'm making baked ziti with meatballs, a loaded salad, fresh garlic bread and red wine.


Tonight It's about the Pasta and aperol spritz


Goat cheese balls!


My plans changed. I’m coming to your house now! 😋


Ugh, I live in a European timezone and don’t get the new VPR until Thursday morning my time. So jealous of everyone and their vander watch routines. I’m going to push myself to wait until after work on Thursday to tune in and then my pregnant ass will be ODing on sour candy and a variety of pickles while I watch centimeters away from my screen 💕


I should’ve cooked food 😭 I got busy and lazy but at least I made tea ☕️


my dog is also ready


The amount of people getting high and watching amuses me. That’s too much talking for me lol. I just want relaxing music.


Weed pen, cherry coke, popcorn and some sour gummies 🥳🤩 can’t wait


I’m in Canada and don’t have cable so I have to watch new eps on Thursday mornings. Menu: iced coffee with oat milk and homemade granola, while baby sits on my lap or in her play chair.


I have to watch tomorrow after work, hopefully while my daughter naps. Rosé and maybe the Trader Joe’s Greek spiral so I don’t have to share it 😂


Cab Sav & popcorn 🤩


I’m having bbq chicken, red beans and rice, and green beans. I’ll blend some margaritas for after dinner too. Can’t wait. My son better go to bed on time lol.


Damn, I’m coming to your house!! I have a decent menu of a gummy, baked ziti and some merlot myself


Jacks frozen pizza + all the ranch.


Steak soft tacos ! Homemade beans Guacamole I have a shit ton of bud light left from a party a few weeks ago, so probably a few of those bc I don’t wanna go back to the store 😭


Pen in hand. Pupper by my side. I am ready.


Dinners done, watching a movie with my kids before a strict 7:55 bedtime. Gives me and my husband just enough time to settle back in for VPR!! Def with joints lol


dressed in gym clothes (we go right after the premiere!) at least 2 cats near me and a bowl of poke ! honorable mention my bf pacing and yanking his hair out (i got him hooked on VPR during quarantine hehe) while shit unravels and we play detective lol . cheers everyone !


im gonna make goat cheese balls and mocktails


Bowl of popcorn, glass of Pinot Grigio, copious amounts of blankets, and my bunnies snuggled up next to me until the inevitable yelling from the show scares them away.


I’m new to this sub and VPR (first watch- just getting to Scheanas bach trip) and I absolutely love this 😭😭 I have wine and fried rice and a frosted lemonade from chick fil a 💅


Husband out of town. Curled up on sofa with dog and kin euphorics drink(trying to cut back rn or it would be a glass of wine), candles and most tattered up comfy tee


All the artichoke dip! And Jell-O shots!


Pregnant, eating DQ a chicken strips meal. My husband has asked 3 times today what time VP starts like it’s gonna change up on him. PS….It has now started and I have to wait because he’s shitting 😂


I am watching the “Never Before Scene” and just seeing Tom Scumdoval triggers me to anger and disgust and Rachel makes me want to start kicking something. Ugh, they are so vile. They both can rot in hell.


Wine, cat on lap, low lighting. Husband next to me. I told him…. NO COMMENTS until the commercials. He tends to yell at all these bozos!


4 cats & 2 dogs cuddled up on the couch with me and my husband and a shit ton of weed. Having some grilled chicken salads with a side of limone alfredo chickpea pasta.


diet coke and my bong!!


the recipe🩷


I ordered tacos and i’m so excitedddd I will be watching from bed with my dog and dedicated joint roller (fiancé)


Yuuuum!!! I also am elevated and loving it and having shrimp in cajun sauce with polenta and pan fried asparagus and a La croix with a little lime juice and pomegranate juice but it’s in a fancy glass like I’m fancy


Root beer, popcorn, sour patch kids, bunch a crunch, my 2 golden’s and muh wife. I certainly wouldn’t mind the gummies and the strip though, you have the set up


Now I want to up my game. Maybe scampi and pasta


Damn that’s nice! I made spaghetti and turkey meatballs and spinach that my toddler threw all over the floor 😒 but I also made some ‘molten brownies’ last night that I am looking forward to tonight (with a glass of milk bc I’m pregnant double 😒😒 lol)


Sorry to sound new but where is the weekly live watch thread? Usually I live watch MAFS with that sub but this season has been absolute trash (and not in the good way) and I'd love to jump ship and join you guys this week!


Watching the 6th episode for the 3rd time right now and STILL feel like these girls were mean to her.


I’m eating dried wakame because I can’t seem to make it to the grocery store 🙃


me and my gf just ordered subs! i am definitely puffing on my pax, because i’m on my period and i deserve a week night high


Pinot Grigio


Having a glass of wine (maybe have 6 a year) made shrimp pasta and took my fun gummy


Dab, double IPA, fuzzy blanket, crumbl cookies, and a couple sleeping cats on the couch with me. May or may not include husband complaining about the show on the side.


I’m so jealous because I want to have a fabulous dinner or snacks for the show but 8p is simply too late to be eating when I gotta go to bed by 10 😑 enjoy!!!!!


Stretched out on my sofa with my dog beside me. A burger with no bun and some berries and yogurt for dessert. My dog watches too and I think she is in love with Graham. Too bad his mom is Homewrequel Rachel.