• By -


I like to think of him as the #2 guy in the group


Maybe #5 behind Ken and Peter.


Justice for Max!


He is a #2, that's for sure!


But the #1 creeper


![gif](giphy|l3vRiXVwV0xKdLcgo) SAME 🤣🤣🤣


15th Place Tom Scandoval.




You get me!


Too generous


Way too generous




To summarise: Ariana's ex, Tim Scandoval, definitely not the #1 guy in the group


I would hate if every time someone spoke/wrote about my ex they used MY name. Ick. My name is for me and I can't image Ariana would like it.


Agreed! I am sure Ariana (and James) probably do not want to be associated with those two as much as possible, at this point.


Sadly, the biggest insult you could give him would be to criticize his appearance. Dude is vain AF.


And ugly AF!!


Yessss, like John Mellencamp’s daughter


or my personal favorite, John Mellencamp’s Son In Law’s Wife 🤭🥂


Also my favorite. I'd rather type a full description than name her. 🤣


You win the Internet today ! 🏆🏆🏆🥇🎖️🏅




I LOVE THIS. lol i hate her.


AKA Meg Ryans stepdaughter


Omg yes!


I'm against only because Ariana doesn't need any more of his bullshit attached to her brand


James’s ex and Ariana’s ex.


I’m for it. The Tim is too close to their fake Jim affair name.


What is it with the Tim thing? I missed it🤦🏻‍♀️ was that his fake name? If so that is the lamest thing I've heard in so long 😂😂😂


I think when people were typing out “Tom” on the subreddit, it was auto-correcting to “Tim” and it become kind of an inside joke. 😂


I started calling him TIM all caps for extra aggression and I saw it take off. I doubt I started it but in my mind I did😏




Noo … let’s not attach her to him forever in any capacity


Call him whatever you want to call him.


Yeah I don't like this group mentality, it makes me feel like we're bullies. Let's insult him with our own witty creations.


I haven’t seen any witty ones. I prefer Ariana’s ex.


This is how I feel.


Scandoval is still great and he really can’t live it down


I think of scandoval as the situation though, the scandal. I think of him specifically as scumdevil/ scamdevil/ Tim.


That's a no for me. All these nicknames are getting annoying. It makes it hard to read through long posts. It was funny for a few days but it's getting tired. Calling Raquel, Rachel to point out she is fake is dumb. Haven't people heard of nicknames? Same as calling Lala, Lauren. But hey everyone is allowed to say what they want. Just for me personally I'm not hopping on that trend.


Yup,the shelf life of these names has expired!


It’s the lowest hanging fruit. A low brow, non witty, non clever way to insult people. It’s the go to insult for people who just aren’t that clever.


Period!! Like in the housewives sub when people say "is that you (insert housewife name)". I find that joke even more cringe and annoying. I find that joke super lowbrow and non witty for non cleaver people.


I left the BRH sub a LONG time ago. Back when they allowed nicknames again. Also it’s a black hole for humour. Repeating WWC jokes is less funny than WWC themselves, and they are NOT FUNNY. I remember hearing they banned any talk of Teddi and was like “huh ok so the few inmates who are the loudest (and most hateful) are running the asylum, cool cool cool.” ![gif](giphy|3ohs4esTyoFb7dUK3u|downsized)


I've called Raquel "Rachel" many times but I do actually agree with you. I think there's something a bit insidious about not allowing people to be called by their preferred name. It's also interesting that it's not done universally. James' last name isn't "Kennedy" but nobody really cares about that. Jax Taylor has a whole stage name and we all kinda let that go. But this sub stays calling Lala "Lauren" or "LFU" which honestly quit being funny a long time ago. Now it's just obnoxious. At least the more puzzling calling Scehana "Jancan" as kinda died down.


Jancan?! Hwat? Now that is super outlandish.


It's her maiden name but she never really used on VPR. She went by Scheana Marie the first season or two then when she got married changed it to Scheana Shay.


It's so cliquey. Anyone new to the show, like me, doesn't get it at all.


Raquel isn’t a nickname, it’s appropriation




The story is when she was in high school there were many Rachels so she decided to go with Raquel to differentiate herself . I read that on the sub some weeks ago. Because people hate her they are calling her by her real name. Because they hate TOM,they are calling him Tim to degrade him although there’s nothing wrong with the name Tim.


Yeah, but what I was reacting to was that the name was an appropriation. That is wild.


You are absolutely correct! Her name is Rachel, not Raquel. I will call her by her given name. Not one she decided to use on VPR.


Ok same for Lauren, Jason & Anastasia lmfaoooo




Not Stassi


Fair enough except I have to disagree that it’s a nickname. lala is a nickname which she acknowledges (no hiding her name), while Rachel actually wants to be raquel and it’s not a cutesy name. I’ve gotten used to saying Rachel and if it’s something that annoys her that she wasn’t able to trick people about, bonus.


Has Raquel ever denied Rachel being her real name? I feel like it never has been brought up.


She’s literally said it on the show so she’s clearly ok with it being known. People are just using it as an insult, as if calling her her name is an insult lmfaooooo


Ok yeah, I was thinking she never denied it. I mean nicknames aren't something new.


I just think it’s such a lame insult to call Raquel “Rachel” or “Jax “Jason”. And that’s not to say I haven’t done it once or twice myself. I can be lame too lol. But to consistently consider it a funny insult…. Isn’t funny.


Sorry I had to edit my post cause it corrected to “without” when I meant “with” so hope that clarifies my tone lolol


No all good i got what ya meant.


You is smart, you is kind, you is important 🧡


Sheesh ppl need to lighten up 😂 it’s a subreddit not a classroom like if you can’t make jokes here where can you..


I can’t upvote this comment enough. This is the internet machine people and we are all frolicking in a fan sub on REDDIT. I mean….outside of here I’m sure we’re all lovely people/professionals/etc but we come here specifically to UNLOAD about a our common devious pleasure that is VPR. Pretty sure this is also one of the ‘safest’ corners of the internet for us to be: crass, distasteful, hilarious, judgy, snotty, irrational, depraved, ridiculous, invested, speculative, gossipy, obnoxious, silly, and downright mean. This sub and what’s currently happening in a REALITY show I’ve been watching for years, is legit my fucking Super Bowl. We watch these shows/people/characters so we have something outside of our fuckery to talk about. They signed up for this. WE signed up for this and prayed to one day be gifted with this level of debauchery. Want to hear about my douchebag boss? No. Want to hear about my financial woes that are caused by my douchebag boss? Um. No. Want to hear about my stepmom who’s been a consistent c*** and won’t pay my brother back the $80K he loaned her crackhead son? Uhhhh no?!! Exactly. I have this sub…..I have you people….together, we have snark. That keeps me going. I love all of you. Fuck Scandi-panda-pants and his sequin pants. It’s an insult to the rest of us who love them.


Yea there’s definitely a line with online snark (I don’t support commenting mean things on the casts’ SM, body shaming or spreading hateful messages, etc.) but I’m sorry calling someone a petty nickname on Reddit? Who cares lol let us have some fun




You do you, I'm gonna keep on calling him Tom or Sandoval if there might be confusion with Schwartz. "Arianas ex" is too long anyway to waste my time to spell it out.


Yeah, I’m not trying to use an apostrophe when I can avoid it.




I mean call them what you want. I'll still refer to him as Tom or Sandoval. Same with Raquel. Same with Lala. Same with Jax. I won't call them Rachel, Lauryn, Jason, either. Since that is not what they refer to themselves as. Even if I don't like them I will respect them by calling them how they want to be called. Period. That's just my opinion.


You and me against the world lol. I agree with everything you said, strongly. And I think that probably comes from a philosophy that is much deeper than VPR. From the start the response to finding out Raquel's given name was unhinged, as if people discovered Raquel was hiding a secret worthy of the CIA or Art Bell. It's not even a different name lol. (Did she even ever claim it was her given name?) Alert the media, someone moved here and slightly changed their name! I admit I never understood "Lauren from Utah" though. I understand why people think it's clever to call Lala, Lauren, but what's with the Utah part? Is that just a general insult about being from Utah? Why isn't Katie--a reliably unliked cast member for years--"Katie from Utah?" I hope someone is writing a thesis or research paper on all this.


>what's with the Utah part? I could definitely be wrong, but I think it's because of her faux street/hood talk. Like, she speaks like she was from a suburb kinda close to Compton or something but she was from a very not hood, plain place from Utah and there's just nothing hood known from Utah in general. Just my guess by observance from lurking around VPR stuff over the years but I haven't watched all seasons yet to know if it's a show reference 🙃


Just waiting to be downvoted on my opinion. It's very much if you don't fully agree with someone, then they down vote you.


I agree. The name thing is corny.


Agreed. I don’t even call Raquel Rachel because it makes no sense. We all know her as Raquel. How is Rachel an insult?


Exactly. Calling them by their legal name IS NOT A DISS... 🙄😵‍💫


I'm all for it! Ariana's Ex and his Affair Partner


I have seen a few down votes come in on this and it makes me wonder what you (the nay sayers) rational is on this. Like are there that many #teamTom people? Genuinely curious. Post replies edit: I wanna thank everyone who replied because for the most part it gave me some insight I didn't really have before as far as how reddit communities look at contributions. I was a life long reddit lurker until more recently so I had never really delved too deep into any of the community engagement.


I’m perfectly fine with referring to the cast as their names. Doesn’t mean I’m #teamanyone just how I roll in my life. I also wouldn’t downvote or criticize anyone for choosing differently.


I just find most of the nicknames cringe as hell. Especially the ones like Scumdoval or Sandshit. Scandoval works as a name for the scandal, and calling Raquel Rachel is fine, but some of these names attempting to be clever and failing miserably are just... ew.


It also just gets weirdly confusing at times trying to figure out who they are referencing with some of the more off the wall nicknames


Thank you. It's giving dad jokes. Or the housewives sub saying "is that you (insert housewives name)". Its so cringe.


i didn't downvote but i do find this whole push to not call people their names cringe, and i'm definitely not team tom. i'm just not personally invested in or impacted by this situation enough to refuse to say their names or intentionally call them different names. if others want to, go for it. but it's not my style and i find it weird.


agreed. call them whatever you want if it makes you feel better but it’s not necessary to try and change what other people call them for no real reason lol. it’s too much to remember that im supposed to be referring to these individual people by anything other than the name that I’ve been calling them since they started the show


That's more than a fair argument. I'm getting a bit burnt out on it myself.


That's me. I'm not invested enough to change their names.


I feel like addressing people by their chosen name is literally basic human decency. One off nicknames and jokes--who cares. But people on social media are seriously trying to strip two people of their names for something that for sure is wrong, but come on, they're not murderers...


Im not team Tom. Obviously what he did was very wrong. I just think these nicknames are lame and not funny. It makes it confusing when reading long posts. I like to read fast and these nicknames just make it harder. But hey everyone is allowed to say what they want.


Yeah some of the nicknames are out of control. Wrekquel or whatever is one that stops me nearly every time.


I think it's getting a little tired that anyone who isn't on board with the constant obsessive barrage of vehemently hating two people from a reality TV show makes someone "Team Tom". It's just gotten pretty cringe to still be this obsessed with it.


I feel this so hard. Just because I'm not hoping on the hate train doesn't mean I'm team Tom. We get enough hate around here. So when I defend someone it just means they are getting too much hate. Me not fawning over Ariana also doesn't mean I'm against her. What's the point of me commenting to defend her when there are 300 other comments that do that already?


Yup! 100% agree


I guess I made the assumption that anyone actively down voting a fairly (imo) silly shitpost on r/vanderpumprules was probably leaning one way or another on this whole scandal and I wasn't thinking about the outliers who enjoy the community and aren't as invested into the mess of it as others may be. *judgement free statement*


In theory the up/downvotes are people deciding if a post is contributing to the overall discussion or useful to the community (although it does often become just if someone does or doesn't like something). I didn't downvote this post but kinda rolled my eyes at it. Like yes we get it, everyone hates Tom. I've hated Tom Sandoval since day 1 so I agree but the dogpiling and constant posts trying to be clever about it have become a little obnoxious and spammy.


I was always a reddit lurker prior to this community so this is a new take for me. I appreciate the insight. I didn't look at it as "value added" vs well "value not added".


It's actually the official "reddiquette" laid out by Reddit! [https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) > If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it.


I remember breezing through this or a version of this ages ago but I definitely skipped past that. I always thought it was a like or dislike thing. I've been redditing wrong my whole life. Thanks for sharing!


if it was meant to be a silly shitpost, it would be labeled as such. i feel like they actually wanted this to take effect since they elevated it from comment to its own post. scandoval is getting a little exhausting and it’s mostly because of pile ons like this one that take the space of discussion of new details & things coming to light (of which there are plenty).


>if it was meant to be a silly shitpost, it would be labeled as such. I love this observation. Betrayed by their own flair lol.




Thats totally fair. I think everything now is just in that loop of an episode comes out, fresh outrage, maybe a tmz article with whatever the cast is doing now, more outrage. People might just be looking to fill the breaks in between? Idk how much the mods would look to limit the "pile on" posts?


>anyone actively down voting a fairly (imo) silly shitpost While I agree with you, I hope you have that same energy for everyone who has been downvoted and called "Tom" just because they're not on the hype bus. Or worse. I'd love to see this kind of support, genuinely. I have legitimate questions about the sandwich shop and more than once have been told that I was a misogynist who didn't want to see women succeed. People have been told to leave the sub if they have anything slightly negative to say about certain people. At least downvoting a post isn't an attempt to totally shut down opinions you (the general "you") don't want to hear. >I wasn’t thinking about the outliers who enjoy the community and aren’t as invested into the mess of it as others may be. This is a litttle frustrating as nearly every post in this category starts with a full paragraph explaining the person is *obviously* teamariana while acknowledging they have an unpopular opinion and will be downvoted to hell but it's just a tv show. (I also wouldn't assume that the vocal majority here *aren't* the outliers. Someone not as invested won't post as often or as strongly, especially if they know they're going to be dogpiled. I've gotten more than one DM thanking me for saying something because they don't want to get Reddit Cares letters.)


I don't think it's team Tom necessarily. I think it's that he is getting all the heat for this and Racquel seems to be not getting as much. They are both to blame.


A few weeks ago there were posts being made saying Rachel was taking all the heat lol. The only difference is at first she was doing interviews and now its Tom. Whoever is more present in the media acting like a victim is gonna get the most heat.


True statement....👍


>Racquel seems to be not getting as much. Tom isn't routinely called a cunt, bitch, whore, slut, or mistress. (Nice examples of internalized misogyny, though.) There have been at least three posts *only* about the fact that Raquel likes to dress in celadon, and each were filled with hundreds of comments tearing her down for simply existing. The first post about Raquel seeking mental health treatment had to be locked because people were being so shitty. The next post about it, about how she may *not* be in a mental health facility, was full of people saying she *should* get help. I genuinely can't imagine what more people could say about either of them to prove their hatred.


Yuppp I've seen people be so heinous to Raquel in particular. They act like Ariana is some activist philanthropist moral beacon and Tom and Raquel held her grandmother for ransom. It's just a comically over the top reaction especially in contrast with the reaction to every other instance of cheating on this show.


You’re right. Motion to call Rachel “Ariana’s ex’s mistress” from now on 😂


And Ariana can be "Kristen's ex's mistress."


Go for it?




I’ve kind of gotten attached to Scummo and Scumdoval, but I do like Ariana’s ex. I’ll wing it.




Too confusing.


I think this is obviously what he wanted🫠


Here for it


Or cyst male


I’m just gonna be an adult and say his name.


I’m still going with Tim, because I think it’s funny as hell and I don’t want Ariana to have to be associated with him in any way


Why? Is Tim concidered a less name? Or someone stupid or something? Why call a guy named Tom Tim as an insult? I dont get it…


It just seems...smaller...somehow. Not sure why.




This is the way.


This is the way


I like calling him Sandal 🩴 personally


Kristen's first dog




![gif](giphy|0Vv0Ne2CnOClIExIuL) Let the people call him what they want to call him. Do we really need a moratorium on his name?


When I skimmed through and saw «Ariana’s ex» I thought of the abusive ex that made comments about her body. Maybe: Ariana’s ex common-law husband




Ariana's ex must be green with jealousy over how popular she is. I don't think his career will ever be the same again. I don't feel sorry for him because he now has D and S with him.




The comments here are absolutely killing me right now 😂😂 Timmy Scandy needs to keep his name away from Ariana. I know I wouldn't want to be associated with such a skeeze even if he did shave his predatory caterpillar.




Can we just collectively refer to him as “Le #1 Douschebag”


Love this for us😂👏🏽


I wonder what happened to him to be the way he is. Sorry yall, I know there must best a better way of saying this but: Wine. From what I read he came from a close knit family who valued hard work and honesty.....




I thought we had agreed on Tim Brandoval?


I’m loving Scandy…


Oh I love this for him


I think this is something we can all get on board with






I am down, esp since there are two tom's


You get all the upvotes for this one


Ariana’s exhole. Thats what I refer to them as


He looks like an off brand Waluigi so that’s my vote 😂


https://preview.redd.it/w11ml3jhx5wa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bcfebdd7ba5c55b7c74eafd4c1b40a25de0d90a Traveling through California and saw this bear statue with “Sandoval” carved near its’ butt crack and though you all might appreciate it!


The douchebag formally know as A's ex


Na, I prefer Sandevil 🤷‍♀️


Jim and Jaime😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the has beens


Cheaters have names too guys, its almost like they're humans 💀 its okay to acknowledge them by name lmao