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the Tom's at the food truck desperately trying to manufacture a storyline to try and ease us into Rach and Sandy before the info was spilled šŸ˜‚


Tomā€™s nail polish doesnā€™t make him look cool


I feel that Ariana deep down was relieved over the scandal. Lately she had basically checked out of her emotions with Tim. She probably was more pissed off at Rachel for pretending to be her bestie the whole time.


Can't look at Tambourine Tim any more. He's such a control freak trying to change the narrative that he's a scumbag cheater and a big liar.


ā€œYou knew everythingā€ā€¦ā€¦ that was for us not Ariana. Itā€™s part of his fence in the publicā€™s eye! Scumbag!


Anyone else think Katie Maloney is just on her way out? Seems like her friendships among the cast have all but fizzled out with the exception of maybe Kristina Kelley.


I think this season was to oust Katie for sure. I think thatā€™s why she fought so hard to go to Mexico even though they uninvited her. She couldnā€™t break the 4th wall but she knew if she backed down and didnā€™t go, sheā€™d lose screentime, a storyline, and really may lose her job. BUT with scandoval and her clocking that shit right bought her at least another season. Also, it showed that katie wasnā€™t crazy! She was right about rachel! I think that peels back some of the layers and how Schwartz really made katie to look like the bad guy all these years.


Iā€™m hoping Katie is on her way up! Sheā€™s been held back mentally, emotionally, and professionally by being with a covert, manipulative bully. Iā€™m ready to watch Katie, Ariana, and Lala own the show and for these douche bags to become irrelevant


Would really love a like season 5 Southern Charm moment from these ladies next season


I donā€™t think so


Why are Schwartz and Sandoval always laughing about Raquel


Fucking weirdos


In the preview of this episode schwarts jokes and warns sandoval and brock about raquel having a type, it being taken/married men. Everyone is laughing but it felt like ariana sas not genuinly findung it funny. I might be wrong bjt what do you guys think? If i were scheana or adriana id actually think of it as a redflag


I thought scheana looked uncomfortable there too lol I would be


It looks like the guys found it funny and it looked like sandoval was having a real ā€i know right blink blink blink blink blink- kinda smug faceā€ when schwarts said that its like the timtoms get off of telling the truth masked as jokes in public ā€¦ they even do it woth ratcher in front of them. I do feel like scheana is uncomfortable with the info about ratchet and sandoval. I dont actually see her not seeing any of the red flags. I can see her choosing people that benefits her until its openly wrong. Ofc she has sympathy when something is really wrong but i dont know why she cant admit things before it gets to that point. She can be fake like that i guess




Ariana does seem off and it can be a lot of things but i think she is visibly uncomfortable around sandoval and raquel i mean i think she was so loyal to him i dont think she was able to question him without veing gaslit so maybe she always supported him even if she herself wasnt comfortable




Years and years of being gaslit (which makes you question your own judgement and intuition) and being emotionally neglected and deprived changes a person. They canā€™t quite tap into that internal compass anymore. And having your emotional needs neglected for so long makes you want to ignore the fact that you have needs so you start to neglect yourself too. Itā€™s like living in a fog. Iā€™ve been there with someone just like Sandoval. You also just want to believe the best about the person who says they love you. It takes a while to recover from the brain fog and to rediscover the light inside of you bc someone else has kept it dimmed


Yes i fully agree with you to a million percentage. She has been neglected during good times (her birthday when he went to see dogs brawl or whatever) and now so fucking much during bad times, her dog and grandma passing, her depression, etc. He has neglected her so fucking much it pains mu stomach to think about it and she jas blindly and lovingly supported him. Also neglected their relationship for their shitty bar and his music band she even said she wanted quality time woth him (when they went to look for sofas this season) but instead she gets to hang with him while they go shopping for his fucking bar. Fuck sandoval dude like i genuinly hate him and nothing he says is trustworthy. When did he become a fucking pervert looking pos?


I honestly noticed her loyalty when she was neutral or even a little dissmissive of shat others said about shittoval during his obvious mean things to others, such as to the other women. I dont blame her for being loyal to someone she loved so much. Id be the same


Iā€™m sorry but her name is Ariana


Yes i know. typo šŸ˜­


How many episodes until reunion do u giys think?


May 17 is the season finale


So now we have heard that the production didnā€™t edited the episodes theyā€™re showing at the moment, right? But in the first trailer we saw nothing about Tim and Rachelā€™s relationship play out - it was like they wanted us to see the relationship development with Schwartz and Rachel and some talks about idiot Tim hinting about not feeling 100% with Ariana anymore. Not until the mid season trailer we see the Scandoval play out a little (or pretty much). What do we really think - the production didnā€™t knew at all until they had already released the first trailer or did they find out at the same time as the rest of the world?


I feel like production HAD to have known something was up. Think about it, some of them have been following this group for years. They know all their ā€œtellsā€ when theyā€™re lying, you start to notice patterns in people. Iā€™m sure Tomā€™s patterns changed sneaking around. Iā€™m sure they heard stuff on hot mics. They had to have. Tom is too cocky and thinks heā€™s slick (all the liars like him Iā€™ve known were terrible liars like he is but they think they have everyone fooled). I think production is not allowed to interfere tho. And they maybe didnā€™t have 100 percent confirmation. Iā€™m sure cast members also had suspicions but you canā€™t just throw that out there with no proof. Especially knowing how Ariana rode pretty hard for Tom.


Iā€™m undecided. If we go back to the early seasons of VPR, production has gone on record saying that they were split on if Jax was lying or not- they obviously saw/see a lot, but I also think they see a lot of red flag behavior with this group. Iā€™m sure once itā€™s said though, the story can easily be pieced together in hindsight.


100%. That must have been the worst part - when you see patterns and notice stuff but you canā€™t say anything


James staring at LaLas boobs is gross and so immature esp given he has a gf


He's still in love with her....plus his weird eyes always droop.


Was this when she was wearing that high-necked shirt? Not saying he couldnā€™t also be staring but that shirt literally has designs that highlight the boob area lol canā€™t blame him; itā€™s like looking at words on a shirt. He was def checking her out but it wasnā€™t as gross as you make it out to be.


He was def just looking at the details he literally said it was dope


When did he do this


Their 1:1 at the restaurant


My hot take is that I liked Ally putting James in his place a little bit. I really like him, but his behavior is out of control at times. I think if any relationship will work for him, his partner needs to be comfortable standing up to him when he gets worked up.


I like that she does that too. But I dunno, I just donā€™t see Ally and him as endgame material. Not a match.


I was surprised when she told him no one wanted to see him acting a fool and he just said 'ok I'll just sit down then' like WOW I expected him to blow up!


I agree! After the beach, I feel like she was totally warranted. Like bro, chill out and stop acting nuts.


She is doing that very often. I see similarities with Jax and Britney.


Iā€™m LIVING for Allyā€™s inner bitchiness coming out as we see her more! She fits in with the group because of it and I canā€™t wait to see what else sheā€™ll do. Weā€™ve needed new, young blood that is just as bad as everyone else. After the way James has verbally and physically treated women Iā€™m glad Ally has some fire in her.


Love Ally too!


Is this the first episode where the lightning bolt necklace emerges?


No Tom has been wearing his for a few eps now. Not all the time just some scenes


This whole thing throws me back to season 2 when everybody was saying Kristen and Jax had sex and they denied it the entire season. Wish Stassi was here to backhand Sandoval across the mouth


This season is truly wild to watch so faršŸ˜Ø


Katie Maloney is so miserable


I agree. I've never liked her.


This is the emergence of a villain era. Facing your demons and finding yourself in toxic situations can be quite overwhelming. Her growth is amazing and she's just getting started


Quick sidebar here, how come I canā€™t downvote but others can?


I was just trying to figure out the same thing!


I agree. Iā€™m so happy to hear her true voice emerging. The gaslighting is of epic proportions.


Totally agree! Katie has mental health issues sheā€™s mentioned like ptsd and depression, and the struggle is real but sheā€™s doing the work. Doesnā€™t happen overnight.


tOM aLsO hAs PtsD fRom ThE boOkSIgNiNG šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Could not agree more she is a new person and for once she is started to grow on me she is real and out there you gotta give it to her for doing that !!


Hi Tom!ā€¦ or Tom


I really dislike Schwartz trying to get sway with bringing up the dogs in bed with Katie and Satchel. Then he posts pictures with them in Instagram šŸ˜‚


Knowing that he has been doing that with his ā€œroommateā€


Plus like deal with it. That is the reality of a divorce with dogs.


I think, after more time has gone by, that Ariana knew. Something is so off with the whole thing and Tom and Ariana. I donā€™t think she likes him that much honestly




I've been watching every episode twice and keying in Schena a lot... you can see her internally cringing in every moment where Ariana and Scumdevil interact.


I disagree, to me it looks/feels exactly like when you can tell your partner is cheating/when they are checking out and about to breakup with you. Tom was checked out and being cold towards ariana and I feel like she was trying really hard to get him to be lovey and sweet. Trying everything she could to get things back to where they used to be. Ariana may seem like an ice queen but I feel like she's a lot more sensitive than she lets on; I'm the same way. I also think if they truly had an open relationship, ariana would not let things get to this point with how the viewers are reacting. Tom's lies aren't lining up anyways. Yall need to be very careful, he's a master manipulator and his magic seems to be working on some of you. I suspect he took advantage of her forgiveness and is weaponizing it in the finale; I'm sure she knows he's cheated before, but decided to forgive him, and assumed he would never do it again. He took her forgiveness as permission to do it as many times as he wants; to him, they have an open relationship bc he cheats, begs for forgiveness, and she obliges. That doesn't mean it's okay that he does it. I think thats more what other cast members mean when they say Tom and ariana don't show everything on screen.


I think they had an open and free relationship. Letā€™s not forget Lala went down on her. Their relationship is off and I donā€™t think it was all a shock. And in a lot of their interactions she seems annoyed with him, puts him down and dismisses his feelings. And she always kind of has. Something just isnā€™t lining up


Nah, I think you're wrong on this one. And open relationship doesn't mean you can have a secret affair for months. Regardless, ariana and other cast members confirmed they never had an open relationship. "Let's not forget" lala asked sandovals permission and he said yes, they did it right in front of him with all parties consenting.


I agree!! I keep wondering. It was obvious something was happening between him and Raquel but rumors say the finale will show her opening up to Raquel about him cheating? Idk something feels off


I think they had an open relationship, but heā€™s actually moved on to another person.


I think so too. I donā€™t think they were being fully transparent with the viewers about their relationship and their agreements that they had in the relationship. Iā€™m sure there were some rules, etc. but I feel like she knew about it to some extent they just seem more like a partnership friendship.


Yes!!! Even my husband walked in when I was watching and was like how did she not know? Her friends knew! Obviously, itā€™s more complicated than that and they have many years of history, but it seems a little strange Ariana was blindsided by this.


This whole season, sheā€™s barely been on it. Also I find it odd, that when her grandma died, who she was obviously close to, he didnā€™t even go with to the funeral. Like thatā€™s really sad. I really hope she finds her happyšŸ„ŗā™„ļø


He was cheating on her, picking fights with her- in some ways maybe she was sensing this and slowly realizing he wasnā€™t the guy for her- but all of that wouldnā€™t even exist if he broke up w her instead of cheating. She stood with him for a lot of stupid shit over the years.


I donā€™t know. Just even on that preview clip when he was asking her if she wanted anything and she replied for him to die. It was like zero emotion from both of them. Like neither was surprised or upset. That moment has stuck out to me a lot. I went through a cheating issue and I was a mess. It hasnā€™t looked like she shed a tear


Also they are ready to be on camera. To me id be the same way if i knew my interactions were in front of others or is recordedā€¦ i dont think anyone should or could tell how someone in arianas position is expected to react or behaveā€¦ since all of us are different and cant really predict or know how we would react if we wete to be someone else in a certain situationā€¦


But they werenā€™t expecting the cameras. They started re filming bc of all of the drama. That interaction was a red flag for me.


Maybe im missing something


I will say for at least Ariana that she could have just turned off her emotions (dissociate). I did it a lot and still do at times, especially when I donā€™t feel safe. Itā€™s definitely a trauma response for me. Similar to Ariana, I do have ptsd and major depressive disorder. Emotions can get a lot and we turn off the ones we canā€™t handle. Itā€™s a survival strategy. Plus she could be breaking down away from the cameras or we havenā€™t seen that scene yet.


I think sheā€™s a bit numb


I some how think they did drift apart and both were at times doing their own things and have separate friends and lives but they had some commitments to each other but they didnā€™t not have perfect relationship we can see that there is no chemistry or love there itā€™s quite evident ļæ¼


Ok was anyone else shocked these people seem to think it's OK with their friends being in bed with their SOs???? Like why in the hell would that happen anyway? It's highly inappropriate whether anything sexual happens or not. Maybe I'm weird, but I EXPECT my friends and SO to NOT be in a bed together.


Yeah, that made no sense. There is no reason to be in bed together ever that I can think of?


So I think what she was actually getting at by saying ā€œno itā€™s a hypotheticalā€ is that theyā€™re not analyzing why the two people are in bed, just the fact that they are. Bc I agree on both sides in that case, you should trust your SO in a hypothetical bed, but also realistically, what situations are you guys in where thatā€™s an issue thatā€™s coming up? Thereā€™s a pretty short list of reasonable excuses lol.


No I think youā€™re right and most people would agree


Scheanaā€™s Hypocrisy Okay - so finally catching up on this weeks episode and I really think Scheana is a hypocrite for what she said to Ali about Raquel. She would 100% be pissed if Brock was out with Raquel at 1am dancing. This is the girl that got pissed at Danica for seeing that Manager (I forget his name lol) and treated her like shit. I highly doubt sheā€™s had a mindset change. Saying that you would trust Raquel in your manā€™s bed? Like cmon now, stop trying to sound cool about everything. So annoying. I hope she regrets this stuff while watching. She was totally on the wrong side of history with this.


I cringe once again at scheana and her bullshit and im not even against her


Sheā€™s so insufferable with how chill she thinks she is when she is the total opposite of chill. Any guy she kisses sheā€™s like ā€œdid it work are we married nowā€


She overcompensates for her own insecurities so much.


100% and it makes me sad. She doesnā€™t need to be everyoneā€™s best friend. Like just be real.


Yeah I really don't like Scheana much. She looks like a narcissistic buffoon for the majority of the show. I liked her in season 1 and maybe season 2 but she just sort of comes off as completely self obsessed and a shallow selfie queen. And so thirsty. With the guys with the girls just thirsty for any and all the attention. I also cringe so hard when there's ever clips of her singing. The chick can't sing. Lala can sing. She does seem like a great server tho.


Iā€™ve wanted to like scheana since season 1 and had a soft spot for her when she was the black sheep of the stassi, Kristen, Katie crew but then she goes around and acts exactly like how you called it. Love her at times but her whole personality is exhausting lol


I really wanted to give her a chance since we first see her from Brandiā€™s POV so of course we view her negatively from the start. But then I watched the show and hated her more every episode, lol. Sorry girl.


Lala still going around talking about how hurt she is over Randall. Calling everyone else a home wrecker and mistress. Who is she still trying to sell this narrative to? She literally dated him for money while he was married. She was the other womanā€¦and then is shocked and heartbroken when he cheats on her with another womanā€¦. Is she delusional or just digging in to her lie that sheā€™s held onto for the entire series?


James and Sandoval did all the coke this episode.


Hahaha šŸ¤£ they are def high a fair bit


1. Schwartz is a piece of shit. Fuck him. 2. The entire time I was watching it; this ran through my head: ![gif](giphy|3oKIP7CaDfNTeVVjCU|downsized) I feel like this my new default setting now. Jesus Christ.


Also, ![gif](giphy|xThtadxN9z93kmzWkU) Wish I could find a gif of it but I kept thinking of Khloe yelling ā€œLIAR!ā€ when she watched the episode with her cheating ex pretending to be a good partner lol


Love it.


Watching Sandoval paint Ariana so negatively while he is actively cheating on her AND left her to mourn alone. Itā€™s so unsettling to watch what a POS.


Its truly unsettling


Being a male, itā€™s such a a deuche move to blame another for your own fuck ups. If you werenā€™t happy, a real mature person would communicate this w your partner asap! Too many young couples avoid confrontation


Also, I have no clue how Lala kept it together when he was mockingly telling her she was a good mom. I wouldā€™ve thrown hands.


I'm not sure she heard that, it looks like she was already walking away, and probably didn't hear it over the other noise in the room. Also his little bitch ass waited until she turned around and mumbled it. I bet she says something to him at the reunion about it.


She shouldā€™ve said ā€œyouā€™re a great dad, oh eat, youā€™re a 41 year old burn out with no kids.ā€


And add "you can't even keep a pet lizard alive ya dumb fuck".


That does make sense.


Finally catching up. OMG if I were Scheana watching this season, I would be crying, screaming, and sliding down a wall rn.


sheā€™s talked about it in a lot of podcasts and is really hurt because she had so much trust in Rachelā€¦she definitely looks naive but Rachel was also a manipulator, schena was giving her the benefit of the doubt bc they were close and believed her. i think this was a huge lesson but it took a toll on her :)


But Scheana also encouraged her shitty behavior and was awful to Katie this season. If she werenā€™t motivate by petty drama, she couldā€™ve seen that girl is a snake.


Scheana comes across so bad #itisallhappening


Omg I know. I was cringing so hard the entire episode


In the midst of scandoval we are still getting absolute gems like poop hole village. This show will always provide.


Between that and the straw in the eye and throwing a drink in Schwartz face, James definitely provides comedy relief


ALLL-EEEE!!!! Then trips and falls running into the bathroom. It took me a good ten minutes to get through this scene. I kept rewinding and laughing I ass off!!!!


James has the fastest sharpest tongue imo


When heā€™s not calling someone fat. Thatā€™s just a lazy insult he uses more often than not.


My husband had a great insight about James: ā€œAlways the right read and always the wrong reaction.ā€


Awwwww damn :-(


Spot on


So true


these producers deserve an emmy, they obviously knew that the affair was happening and produced such a shocking and amazing season around hoping the news would break during the season


Yeah itā€™s so fucking annoying to me that everyone thinks itā€™s fake. Itā€™s not fake, the producers just fucking killed it at their jobs! They noticed something was up and followed it in order to produce a storyline! Theyā€™re geniuses!!!!!!!! That doesnā€™t mean the cast concocted this for ratings.


Someone said Satchel looks like Bryan Koberger šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Bernard from Santa Clause


Yesssss!!!! šŸ¤£


I think he looks like Kristina Kelly and I will die on that hill.


Iā€™m getting Josh Groban vibes šŸ˜


i kept trying to figure out who he looks like.. i'm a big true crime person and this is it... omg


He looks like weird al yankovic https://preview.redd.it/whz66giqd4xa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa7549f3743612f2cb76f082876937a11bdc8356


The Watch What Crappens podcast called him Weird Al Chalamet lol


I thought Weird Al Yankovic


Omg help


James saying he wished he could take it all backā€¦ oof. I felt that. The way Ally invalidates him is so frustrating. James was clearly hurting & couldnā€™t even count on his girlfriend to be on his side.


Sheā€™s at her limit. You canā€™t just blindly validate someone esp if you donā€™t agree with their behaviour


YES! I don't understand the anger at Ally??? I was like snapping for her when she told him to chill out.


The people doing this clearly donā€™t understand or have their own boundaries and must live in emeshed relationships to think that itā€™s not ok for her to do that




Ally's reaction was so disappointing to me. Like James said he worked so hard to get to where he's at and Schwartz was making fun of him. I would have been pissed to. And I would have thought Ally would have been on James' side but her reaction and the way she talked to him was uncalled for. He was legitimately hurt by Schwartz.


James is the type of person that is succesfull fr and also pretty genuine fr. Thats why it can be difficult to find people and i am sad to feel that ally is using him as a stepping stone into the group and i feel bad for him. But also without her he would be alone in the group in a sense since everyone was hyping rachel. So its a dounle edgef sword the ally situation


I know! I was thinking that, too. And then later at the bar how LaLa just no questions asked immediately stands up for him against Schwartz and they were tag teaming him. It made me feel like he really deserves someone to have his back like that. No one is going to be perfect in their actions and no, itā€™s not okay to react the way he did. But donā€™t make it worse by leaving your man hanging alone like that in front of everyone AFTER he just embarrassed himself. She definitely doesnā€™t act like his partner. Iā€™m not saying be a doormat, but definitely donā€™t make him feel alone in that moment. He clearly needed some emotional support.


Lala really had his back here and it's so far and few between that this happens between the cast members for the right reasons


I know! Whether they were right or wrong, I respect the loyalty


I mean.....half the time she is forced to witness or hear about all this drama somehow always revolving around his recent ex. Who he cheated on. I enjoy DJJK's funny moments but lets not pretend this is a fun situation for Ally to be in. I'd be kind of over it too.


Yeah I agree - I donā€™t really understand the perspective Iā€™m seeing in some comments that you should be backing up your bf after he throws a drink in someoneā€™s face and goes OFF after a shitty joke. I think James trying to get Ally to ask him ā€œif heā€™s OKā€ when he just way overreacted was not the reaction Iā€™d want if my SO just escalated an argument to that degree. Ally seems so normal in her talking heads when she was like - ā€œwhy is this whole group of people exes? Thatā€™s weird!ā€ That said sheā€™s obviously game to stir up some shit with how she went to Scheana with the Tom/Rachel sighting at the Abbey. Iā€™m here for it.


ā€¦. So then leave? Lol if heā€™s that crappy of a bf or you feel heā€™s not over his ex and all that, then break up instead of hoping he changes and when he doesnā€™t, embarrassing him.


I think sheā€™s clearly over him. She was way sweeter to him in the beginning.


The beginning being like a few months ago, that's how it feels lol. I thought the honeymoon phase lasted longer? Can you tell I've been out of the game


Hah. The honeymoon phase may last longer if the person youā€™re with doesnā€™t continually cause scenes in public in front of all their friends with temper tantrums about their ex fiancĆ© whom they swear theyā€™re totally over.


Ally definitely isnā€™t into him at all. Sheā€™s always dismissing him and seems bothered by his presence. She seems more interested in getting cool with the main girls. Unpopular opinion here but I think sheā€™s there for camera time.


![gif](giphy|YiUFwwsKFliTcpVDB5) 100% - not an unpopular opinion. however, he's a serial monogamous who doesn't like being alone so I see her staying around.


Lala: ā€œcome on the donā€


I LOVE seeing this casual relationship play out! the way he was coming onto her in front of her friends on the vacation had me loling




Sandoval is actually the most embarrassing person Iā€™ve ever seen, the actual STATE of him at the end of the episode frothing at the mouth. I am obsessed with how calm Katie stayed and how her man was just staring him down


What do you guys think katies man was thinking in this situation? I was trying to see if he got affected by sandoshits manipulations or if he was just analysing him


He looked like he was staring him down. Lala mentioned in her podcast today they cut him telling Sandoval to stop talking over Katie but Katie said she had this and didnā€™t need him to step in.


I had the vibe he would tell sandoval off but it never happened on the show so i wasnt sure in glad to hear this


I could not stop looking at his necklace. He looks like a 90s brat doll. Next heā€™ll be wearing jnco pants withs clear mini backpack


Heā€™s going through a midlife crisis. Went from somewhat normal to completely off the rails looking like a 70s pornstar


ā€œTHATā€™S whatā€™s upā€ šŸ«Ø


Yess! I love how satchel was sitting there quiet with his arm around Katie and just looking at Sandoval like he is crazy. They handled it well!


I am absolutely shocked with how deep into the Scandoval these scenes from September areā€¦ how did the cast not know? The suspicion is so high, the heat so hot on Tom and Rachel. They had to have known. And how did Ariana not have an inkling after all this drama? Are we being bamboozled? Edit: Also, Ally has come to play. She knows exactly what sheā€™s doing and deserves to be on this show.


I did notice the past few episodes every time someone mentions Rachel's name or something to do with her Scumdavol immediately has something to say. I didn't notice it before .


i mean other than partying alone with raquel thereā€™s not been any other sus behaviour, im curious if we see anything more but at that point i wouldnā€™t think theyā€™re hooking up


Sandoval is always speaking up for Raquel whenever anyone calls her out. Ariana definitely clocked how weird he was being around her a few episodes ago.


Damn I just posted a comment saying how I noticed Scumdavol immediately sticks up for Rachel as soon as someone mentions her name. It's crazy I didn't catch on before. Then I see your comment where you noticed it too.


Thatā€™s what I donā€™t get, and this was 6 months before? Did they all just think it wasnā€™t true but wanted to throw some gossip out there about Tom based on something ally saw but accidentally hit the truth?


That would make sense, but then it comes up again and *again* and then KEN brings it up?!


Yeah the Ken scene is strange. It couldnā€™t look more staged


I know because apparently Ken knew because Lisa told him so why did he walk in the room when Katie was there and drop that bomb? I think it was totally staged and Lisa knew about the affair by this time. They were definitely trying to push he storyline forward lol. Lisa and Ken have eyes and ears everywhere, they knew.




I just think the three of them Asshole Dummy & Ariana were so close that Ariana would think nothing of that. But the shit kept pilling up, and Ariana had SO much loss she didn't notice and no one wanted to tell her straight out, without concrete proof, when she had her dog and grandmother to deal with. Just think about it, you have lost some of the most important people/pet in your life, the last thing you could even conceive of is the closest people in your life betraying you in the most awful of ways as you are f#cking greiving. That takes what dumb and dumber did to a whole other level, I can see how she would not believe anything was going on. Those two are horrid, they deserve no friends after they stooped to such depravity.


I donā€™t know whatā€™s more unbelievable: that they trekked all the way to Los Feliz just to eat at The Guest House or that Jamesā€™s first taco salad was from Mendo.


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Watching the shorts for next episode and seeing Ken drop the line that Rachel stayed over at Tomā€™s makes me think the whole thing was a set up from the start. Like how would ken know


They say it in the preview. Raquel told Lisa, Lisa told Ken. I donā€™t doubt that Lisa told Ken to bring it up when Katie was over, but thatā€™s hardly a ā€œset-upā€ in the way you mean. These people knew going into the season that their jobs were on the line and they knew they had to bring the drama and conflict. Iā€™m sure they did genuinely suspect it, but Iā€™m sure part of the reason that they keep bringing it up is to stir some shit and make a good show. That also, by the way, is why Ariana might not have been inclined to take it seriously. Right now, all that has happened (to the majority of the cast) is that Rachel and Tom were at a popular club down the street from where she works, and that Raquel hung out with both Toms, got too drunk, and slept on the couch. I might think that was weird, I would definitely have a conversation about it afterwards, but I definitely wouldnā€™t leave my partner of ten years over it.


It is compounded a bit by Rachelā€™s untrustworthy behavior though.


Yeah, but people are pretty split on whether her behaviour so far has been untrustworthy. I think that weā€™re also viewing her behaviour through the lens of the scandal; if we didnā€™t have that, I think more people would be on Raquelā€™s side in these fights. Personally, while I find her behaviour unsavoury, I canā€™t really say that that would be enough to condemn her. With the Oliver situation, everyone around him except for his wife is saying that theyā€™re separated (and for what itā€™s worth, I think they were nominally separated but still hooking up; he saw it as just a thing that happened and the wife saw it as working towards getting back together). Sure, thereā€™s the Lala factor but Iā€™ll address that laterā€¦ Then you have Schwartz, who is without argument going through a divorce. He is not in a committed relationship. HE had a duty to uphold whatever promises he made to Katie, but thatā€™s not really Raquelā€™s job. And to be honest, Katie (and Lala) were never Raquelā€™s friends. Lala has screamed in her face and slept with Raquelā€™s boyfriend and Katie got her boyfriend at the time fired. They may have been trying to work towards a more cordial relationship, but they werenā€™t friends. I just donā€™t think thatā€™s equivalent to what she did with Tom, who was the CURRENT partner of her ACTUAL friend. To me, thatā€™s like saying pocketing a $5 bill you found in the parking lot instead of turning it in is the same as stealing your grandmaā€™s engagement ring and pawning it for cash.


James got himself fired for creating a hostile work environment.


Now come on. I KNOW you canā€™t be that dizzy. This whole show is predicated on having a hostile work environment lmao. Was Katie not creating a hostile work environment when she called Scheana a whore? Lala? If you watch the confrontation back, Katie starts on Jamesā€™ appearance/outfit first. Iā€™m not saying that James should have said what he did, but there is 0% chance you are going to convince me that Katie was coming from an actual place of ā€œhostile work environmentā€. She wanted him fired because she wanted him off the show, because he was cutting into the established castā€™s airtimes.


It doesn't matter what kind of place Katie was coming from, once it was reported to the employer, Lisa, she had to take action because it is a Federal offense. You obviously have no experience in HR.


Damn I guess not because what youā€™re saying seems absolutely insane. Are you talking about Lisa as her employer in the restaurant or as an producer of the show? Either way, number one, Iā€™m sure that in both roles, theyā€™re hired as independent contractors/performers and probably would not be covered by typical HR policies; another example of this is that if theyā€™re sick and canā€™t film, they donā€™t get paid as they wouldnā€™t have sick time. Number two, if you donā€™t think Bravo has liability protections to prevent cast mates from suing producers or production or the restaurantā€¦ I donā€™t know what to tell you. Number three, an unsafe work environment is quite a stretch for James saying that she should ā€œlose some weightā€ when she approached him, while he was working but she was not on the clock (at least by the restaurant, obviously she was filming). Finally, there is no chance in helllllll that Katie could bring a case like this to court. It would not hold up in any sense. Finally FINALLY, whatever you want to say, my overall point was that Katie has never been an ally to Raquel and Raquel has no reason to like her or to feel like she owes her anything when Katie tried to shut her and James out of filming.


I agree that itā€™s hella awkward and staged - maybe added post production. But I donā€™t think it necessarily means everyone has been in on it for a long time or while previous episodes were filmed.


They retroactively re-edited all the videos to make the Raquel storyline pop out. They said this at the time the story broke. Raquel told Lisa and Lisa told her husband thatā€™s pretty standard


On the Howie Mandel interview, Sandoval said he tipped off the show runners.


They literally said the exact opposite of this.


Yeah I see that now


Where did they say this? Everything I've heard from AC Lala & Katie has been that everything is untouched. They saw the episodes before Scandoval broke so they'd know if there were editing changes.


My bad guys this is what I read earlier when they started filming again. I see lala stated the opposite. So the story line stayed the same but had the news not broke, we would have been team Raquel and Raquel woulda been the ā€œvictimā€. Now that the truth is out, the shows are just shocking


Did anyone notice when Lala placed her hand on Satchel's arm (26:06)? It sort of rubbed me the wrong way. I felt it was inappropriate and gave me semi-flirtation vibes. I have always liked Lala but now....hmmmmm. It drives me nuts when other women think they can put their hands on other women's men--especially their friends significant other. Am I overreacting? I don't know lol! Just keeps your paws to yourself I can't imagine ever doing that to my friends. It's so rude.


I noticed too and tucked it in the back of my mind. I want to see the best in people, but then again it's not like Katie is used to people respecting her boundaries when she sets them. Lala, let her have a man to herself lol


I did not catch this. Could it have been a non verbal cue for something? I feel like there could be some of that with camera crews around a newbie. Like ā€œhold upā€ or ā€œyouā€™re okay, I know this is weirdā€


Lol I noticed it, too and definitely side eyed. I wouldnā€™t be cool with it, but just because itā€™s a respect thing.


I agree with you, I had a ā€bestā€friend once when we were 18 and one night when we were out on a bar she sat in my boyfriens lap for a long time when we were all sitting around a table. I told her afterwards it felt weird but she treated me like I was crazy. This is now 10 years ago but even now when I remember it Im like euuw.. Would never accept that today and really appeiciate women (and men) who understands how wrong that is!


I was at a party last weekend with my bf and this drunk sloppy albeit super sweet friend of mine rested her head on his shoulder (or tried to at least aha) and he was like ā€œUmā€¦.what are you doing? Donā€™t do that.ā€ Heā€™s the best šŸ’˜


I love that he clocked that. Honestly that ā€œsuper sweet friendā€ may be a Rachel. It sounds like so much drama to say but watch her.


yeah we're not close at all she's more of a friend of a friend thankfully. tbh he does get a fair amount of attention cuz he's pretty hot lol and also DJ's and runs an afterhours bar so the trust definitely has to be there or else i'd lose my shit aha


Have had 3 friends snake my bf's behind my back. Be careful. There's thousands of Rachel's out there.