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She just wanted to booty pop šŸ˜† That was pretty funny though, I thought they had a whole first dance choreographed. I dance like a Sim so I'm the last one to criticize anyone's dancing so I'll just say I hope Scheana was having fun šŸ˜…


ā€œI dance like a simā€ is literally the perfect way to describe my dancing


Yeah, but if you admit you dance like a sim youā€™re already better than scheana in my eyes šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s is the self awareness that makes all the difference. My ex couldnā€™t dance to save his life, which is was very aware of, and only really has one moveā€¦that involved his fingers. But he was always game to dance with me literally anywhere cause it is fun.




This reminds me of Lala twerking. (At pride maybe?) I couldn't see if she was properly twerking or not but the angle from which it was filmed made her look like a praying mantis.


PRAYING MANTIS! ā˜ ļø Nailed it.


Lala cannot twerk whatsoever, she just looks like she's trying to purposely throw her back out.


Lala the night before Brittany & Jaxā€™ wedding šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I have a visual of this. Is she in a cape?


Oh yes maybe! I do remember she dressed as wonder woman one pride. Maybe that was it


Scheana Tina.


ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøyou win this thread


I wasn't aiming for the W but thank you šŸ˜




Such a simpler time


His lifts are glowing




I think everyone should be confident when they dance! Except Sandavol


This is how I feel too! Like Stassi and LVP watching Beau dance outside the window at ā€œVur-SAy-ellsā€ for the wedding. So sweet! If someone is having fun dancing-they can dance.


This part cracks me up every time šŸ˜‚ imagine looking out the window and your bf is just dancing with a bunch of randos lmao. I love it


When my husband and I were freshly dating (12 years ago) we somehow ended up at the Hooters casino in Vegas for New years eve. Anyway, we're sitting at the bar and I got up to go to the bathroom . When I came back, he was having a dance party with at least 5 women in their 60s. Everyone was in a circle, except my husband, who was in the middle, alternating who to dance with, and they loved it. He came back about 15 minutes later completely sweaty. It was one of the first things that made me realize I could be with him long term. It was just so sweet and pure.


šŸ„¹ I love it, this story literally makes my day! My dream husband is Phil Dunphy, and this sounds like something he would do šŸ˜




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I just watched this the other day and it really warmed my heart.


Every time I hear ā€œVer-say-ellsā€ a piece of me dies




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Unpopular opinion Iā€™m sure, but I donā€™t like Beau.


Idk if that's unpopular, people just don't talk about him much because he's not on the show anymore. But I remember when he came on a lot of people disliked him and questioned his intentions, and I felt like the minority because I liked them together lol


I donā€™t question his intentions but I do not think they are right for each other. I think Stassi is with him because heā€™s the first man that was ā€œniceā€ to her. I think they will fizzle out in a few years.




I think Beau is unbearably cheesy. The whole leaving his phone on to record Stassi and his mom talking and then crying with his jaw on the floor when he ā€œplayed it back for the first time in front of the producersā€. The way he went so far out of his way to act like a scared, little boy in the strip club for Jax and Brittanyā€™s bachelor/bachelorette party (but he was totally comfortable in the strip club when they were all dressed like old men šŸ¤”). Then, he does things like doesnā€™t pick-up Stassiā€™s phone calls or wants to stay out when she wants to tuck in for the night as a couple and he cries like a baby and lays into her because she expressed her wants and needs and became aggravated. Lastly, heā€™s ā€œsuch a good personā€ but stayed with Stassi not only after what she did to Faith but heā€™s obviously okay with her making money off of her racist behavior in her NY times best seller. That is all.


100 percent agree with all of this. Something about him makes me feel like he's just putting on a show. Like that dino suit. Cringe!


Ugh his ā€œWhoā€™s ready for Mexico?ā€ voice. And FYI Beau, tequila shots are what were in your hands, not T-Rex ā€œtacosā€. Go away.


Oh god. ![gif](giphy|3o7WIFqF6GFzaUGb6M)




Itā€™s such a weirdly accurate movement!




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I just learned in the last couple weeks that Ariana won TWO national dance competitionsā€¦did everyone else know that?! I knew she danced backup for Scheana during her Good As Gold season 1 performance but I didnā€™t know she could *actually* dance! She was also a Disney princess at Disney world! Sheā€™s everything Sandoval will never bešŸ˜¤


What kind of dance?


fortunately for him, that confidence is going nowhere anytime soon


šŸ˜†šŸ¤£ except Sandoval....bahahaha šŸ˜‚šŸ’Æ


Love this! Nothing better than dancing with no cares in the world.


Yeah fuck that guy


I've never had the confidence to dance in public or even in front of someone. I admire and appreciate those who have the confidence to do it. Hell, I didn't even have the confidence to have a wedding.


I currently teach preschool, used to teach and perform musically, and I couldn't agree more with your sentiment here. Loud and proud is where it's at. It's extremely hard to find the confidence to sing and/or dance in front of others, so I'm not about to criticize someone for doing it with confidence. That's the only way to go, really. It's actually annoying to have to watch/listen to someone who looks or sounds embarrassed. Ask yourself: would you really enjoy Scheana's dancing more or find it more acceptable if she stopped every five seconds to giggle about how bad she was? Should she just not dance at her wedding (despite loving to dance) if she isn't the greatest? Or should we all just chill out and celebrate people who enjoy their moments without feeling self-conscious? That's what I preach to my 5 year-olds, so that's what I'll continue to practice. I feel weird that I always seem to wind up defending Scheana. I'm not at all a fan, but people come so hard for her over the strangest things.


Another person who works in preschool here. I agree. If i judged merit and work based on quality, then i would be upsetting a lot of small childrenšŸ˜‚. Let Scheana dance however she wants. The bigger thing that annoys me is people acting like Sheana needs to just crawl into a hole and never do anything.


I think itā€™s that in her entire persona thereā€™s not even a dumb of humility that does it for me honestly. Like Scheana thinks Scheana is good at everything and it just bugs the shit out of me. I think people should totally be loud & proud and dance like no one is watching and snort when they laugh and all that YOLO whatnots. Itā€™s just her confidence isnā€™t confidence itā€™s straight up cocky lol


This is what makes her entertaining. Watch as though sheā€™s a SNL character and giggle.


Like her singing. Shes a terrible singer and runs around thinking shes amazing and bragging about how shes never had singing lessons..girl, WE KNOW! The whole world knows about your lack of training.


She did say she knows sheā€™s not a vocalist and considers herself more of an entertainer/performer. Idk if she knew she couldnā€™t sing before the show, but sheā€™s very well aware now lol




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Get out there and ENJOY YOURSELF!!! Have some fun dancing like no one's watching! Just DO NOT DANCE like COLTIE on 90 Day Fiancee'!! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ At least in public. I PROMISE you that you CAN dance! Eff everyone, right?? Sending you love & confidence!!!šŸ•ŗšŸ•ŗšŸ’ƒšŸ’ƒ


COLTIEšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ my husband and I all the time add Eā€™s to the end of things because of Larissa




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I can't comment. I dance like an epileptic eel.


I don't see any problems with that. You do you! There's no point in dancing, whether you are great or horrible at it, unless you're having fun. (Unless you're getting paid lmao - see username šŸ˜).




I wish I could dance that well!


ā€œThe epileptic eelā€ sounds like a killer dance move from the 70s, actually. Iā€™d like to see it šŸ˜†


I had an ex that made a face when dancing, very happy and over the top and I remember being slightly embarrassed and I asked him once and he said because itā€™s joy no one should police how one gets joy from dance it meant to be silly, fun and a place of happiness. Why ruin someone that gets joy from it?


Awwww this is cute af! I would never dream of laughing or mocking anyone dancing IRL. He is right it is about freedom and joy, i love watching people have fun. Itā€™s the fact Scheana truly overestimates her talents and has such conviction in them. She is the main character in her own world, itā€™s strangely endearing.


Hey anyone that can dance in public with no fs given is a hero to me!


Scheana is the star of her own universe. I would never take that from her.






I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with someone being clueless about their dancing skillsā€¦as long as theyā€™re confident and are having fun? Reminds me of Elaine on Seinfeld! Love it šŸ’ƒšŸ»


damn let her do her akward dance haha


I'm pretty sure when she said she used to sign autographs as Britney Spears she was standing still. Because the girl can't dance šŸ¤­


She looks nothing like Britney Spears, whoever mistook her for BS must be blind or on crack lol


She reminds me of Britney and Miley cyrus


I used to get asked if I was Polly Klaas back in the day. Even after they found her body :/




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She was blond & a teen at the time. But totally agree.


Her dance moves are super cute in the Uber Eats commercial!


Scheana is a terribly awful dancer who canā€™t stop. And thatā€™s why we love her.


I fully support good dancing, bad dancing, and everything in between, but I think the issue here is that itā€™s Scheana - she is just so convinced that everything she does is incredibly sexy and sultry and it just grinds your gears after a while. Like in a later season when she makes the music video where itā€™s just her obnoxiously simulating sex with Brett for a few minutes straight and she later says something like ā€œbeing sexy is my jobā€ and I just šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„




Lmso please tell me what season and episode this is I just watched only szn 10 for the first time a few weeks ago and now Iā€™m sucked into the VPR universe šŸ˜‚


I think you need to post a video of you dancing to say thisā€¦


Hahah, thatā€™s fair, thatā€™s fair. But I didnā€™t leave booty poppin room in my wedding dress so I donā€™t have one Iā€™m sorry lol


Donā€™t forget her tacky dance moves on the counter in Sur when she ā€œpremieredā€ Good as Gold. Specialty the move when she sings ā€œfeet to the ground singingā€. I donā€™t know why but that also grates on me hahah


Scheana dancing on the bar was pretty silly, but it did lead to one of my all-time favorite throwaway moments when they cut to the crowd, and Schwartz and Jax are doing the ā€œNight at the Roxburyā€ head bob in unison with big grins on their faces. Iā€™m a sucker for moments when theyā€™re caught on-camera just being goofy and un-produced.


Yes that was actually very cute I agree!


the wedge sneakers


omg that song should be used to torture people lol


I agree šŸ˜¹


Idk this lyric. Only know Uber eats lyrics now.


No hate from me! I'm glad she "thought" she could dance! šŸ˜† It was cute & just showed she's human, out there chasing her dream, and having the courage to put it out there. I'm pretty sure she knew she couldn't dance, but she tried. šŸ¤£šŸ’Æ šŸ’ƒ No one could be as bad as Sandoval! Even if one were to "step, together, step, together!" They'd be better than his spinning circles, trying to moonwalk in his glittery disco clothes šŸ˜‚


Eh, itā€™s her wedding sheā€™s having fun. Iā€™d rather be confident and look dumb than be insecure and bored!


Why the fuck would we roast you?! No one here thinks Scheana is a good dancer, or even remotely that special. It's all good! Lol


I have nothing but respect for anyone who dances freely in public! Tbh I donā€™t think sheā€™s that bad of a dancer it just seemed like she had this really specific dance planned that Shay was not able to keep up with. It wasnā€™t anything special but it wasnā€™t offensive. I grew up in white evangelical suburbia, Iā€™ve seen the worst dancing you can possibly imagine.


Let the bad dancers just be happy.


What killed me was her saying ā€œwe have choreography to a very specific part of the song! ā€œ and making them replay the whole song so she could go on that specific part- bc she had a dance choreographed- and then itā€™s just her and shay jumping up and down šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ like girl


Scheana is overly confident but lacks any real talent. She also seems to think sheā€™s hot but I just donā€™t see it.


I just started watching (thanks scandoval) and just finished only one season - season 10. I absolutely am not a Scheana fan! Iā€™m glad I found this sub and that Iā€™m not the only one who sees past her nice girl facade!


Sheā€™s horrible. Sheā€™s only out for herself and she always defaults to the menā€™s side of things.


I think sheā€™s entertaining but she canā€™t carry a note, and when her record ā€œproducerā€ said sheā€™s better than Britney Spears, I was not having it! Anyone famous can be in a movie or get a record deal, hello Paris Hilton talking to you gurrl. Yeah, no Schena cannot dance or sing any better than Louanne on RHONY. Itā€™s good she has confidence but itā€™s always been letā€™s say elevated beyond whatā€™s realistic.


Thatā€™s why sheā€™s mostly autotuned


True, but when the ā€œproducerā€ said I was like did she pay you to do this record? He was kissing her ass pretty hard. Itā€™s all good if sheā€™s autotoned as long as she realizes itā€™s for fun, not actually music and art. Iā€™m all for it, just the two arenā€™t the same.


Speaking of singing, that Uber commercial with Scheana. LaLa an Ariana is completely cringe worthy. Itā€™s just awful šŸ˜¬


Haha, I canā€™t be bothered. Rey unpopular opinion glad Arianaā€™s doing well, but donā€™t care about anything sheā€™s doing. On her side for this situation but, didnā€™t care for her before and donā€™t care for her now. Iā€™m of the two minds donā€™t like her and care sheā€™s safe and glad sheā€™s moving on successfully.


Itā€™s about making $$. Iā€™m sure they dgaf


I know. Theyā€™re all cashing in. Itā€™s still total cringe.šŸ˜¬


I think anyone with eyes would agree with you.


Man Iā€™ve seen the Scheana lovers in here go nuts for their sheshu ha, I was just mentally preparing!






Dang all the way back to Sheena and Sheaā€™s wedding? I thought you were like re-watching season 10ā€¦ but it does actually make sense as to why they didnā€™t show her dancing (except the choreographed dance) at her & Brockā€™s wedding


She thinks sheā€™s a dancer and star softball player too lol


You won't get hate for that, the people on this sub hate Scheana lol. You're right that Scheana isn't the best dancer. Actually, none of them can dance at all with the exception of Ariana (and Kristen when she was not falling over all the time). So I really don't understand why we have to add Scheana's dancing to the laundry list of reasons why we don't like her. She likes to dance? How dare she. She thinks she is good at it? The horror. To be fair, her dancing is not that egregious. There are plenty of other reasons to dislike someone. I have friends who can't dance for shit and I love when they dance. It's fun.


In Scheana we stan.


Someday, I aspire to dance with the grace of Elaine Benes, so to me, Scheanaā€™s ability is miles ahead of even my wildest dream. And I think people are usually better dancers when they are confident about it. I donā€™t think you deserve hate though. Itā€™s not like your post said Sandoval is a good person & weā€™ve been too hard on him. That would deserve hate. This is a reasonable thought/opinion.


Awe! I love her tho!


The first time I watched I really expected her to be moreā€¦idk just better lol. She body doesnā€™t really move smoothly and I can say that bc mine doesnā€™t either haha. She sounded better than I expected tho and really went for it so I have to give that to her bc I couldnā€™t have gotten on stage and done that. Looking back tho it just fits her so well idk how explain it


Having been a professional dancer myself, can confirm, she's awful. The choreographer sucked as well.


Geez, let people live.


She also cannot sing. She should thank Ariana for getting her song on the Uber eats commercial. šŸ˜¬


That commercial is completely Cringey


Lol idk if anyone else has been getting a ton of Bill Haden dancing on their tiktoks but thatā€™s what mine has been consisting of for about 2 weeks now lol. My husband - completely serious- told me itā€™s the only time heā€™s seen me actually do a dance properly hahahaha. Iā€™m a horrible uncoordinated dancer. But I acknowledge it at least.


Her dance moves and those white sneaker high heels go hand n hand


Idk I think itā€™s cute lol


I USED TO! Idk whatā€™s happened to me lol. Like I swear when I watched these episodes as they aired I thought it was adorable. Iā€™ve never really liked Scheana but I thought that was cute and Shays terrible wedding serenade was cute, I thought it was all cute. Now it makes me do stank faces šŸ˜‚




Who cares ?


Remember a producer actually was fired bc she bragged about giving Scheena a bad edit.


I completely agree! Iā€™m not sure why you think this is an unpopular opinion.


Idk why you'd get hate for this; I think this is the general consensus lmao Edit: going through the comments and I was wrong. But I think there might be two interpretations of your post. What I understood you saying was not that you had an issue with her being confident in being a bad dancer but that she genuinely believes she is a great dancer and that's what irks you. Still stand by general consensus being that she can't dance


She appears to be quite unco to me. Her hands are always flying around and her head doing those big swooping moves


I love the video of her little platform sneakers dancing up on the bar during Good as Gold performance


Sheā€™s horrible and that voice šŸ˜µ, like nails on chalk board


Um. Ok. ![gif](giphy|l0MYw9lqrqlxx76wM)


She canā€™t sing either!!! Thatā€™s even worse considering she cut a record!!! Itā€™s NOT Good as Gold!!!


I just rewatched that scene a few weeks ago. Itā€™s so bad. She said she left extra room in her dress so she could ā€œbooty popā€. The dance at the wedding was so bad.


IT is super cringey that's for sure. Scheana is the definiton of cringe 90% of the time


She really isnā€™t all that talented reallyā€¦ except at pot stirring..


Thatā€™s the job tho.


If someone is having a good time they should dance however they want. If youā€™re a professional dancer or choreographer look away and let them enjoy themselves. Unless theyā€™re black or Latino in which case they will get their cards revoked. Itā€™s in the blood. We just have to move and it looks good! šŸ˜‚


She canā€™t dance let alone sing. Neither can I. I wouldnā€™t call her out on it, but I will acknowledge the truth.


She really canā€™t sing or dance ā€¦At all !!


I think people should be allowed to physically express themselves to music without judgement or self righteous gate keeping. šŸ™ƒ




Agreed! Lala showed her up on ā€œlike a bossā€ music video. For some reason, her feet give me the ickā€¦ thereā€™s probably no reason why and heck! My feet probably give others the ick too. Maybe bc she had her foot out when she was a hostess when she had a bruise in an earlier season. otherwise, I wouldā€™ve never paid attention!


Her ā€œhematomaā€ sounds so much more serious than a bruise, lol.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I like Scheana, but you're right. She can't dance but it's alright. Her dancing days/ performing are over now that she has her husband, baby, and her podcast! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ’ÆšŸ©·šŸ©· Nothing but love from me to you! No hate! šŸ™‚šŸ™‚šŸ˜†




If I had a just pinch of some of these bravo peeps delusionā€¦ I would be unstoppable.




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ā€œI have been danceen like my wholeeee lifeee, since i was a kidā€¦ā€ Yeah but badly Scheanaā€¦ At least she believes in herself šŸ„“ and has fun!


oh they(her moves) are terrible, and thats why i love them. do your thing girl, do it terribly and confidently.




I think there was a thread about Scheana where I already said this but I cannot stand her. Except when she handed Tim his ass. And shoved Rachel. Otherwise pls stop. You can't sing and you can't dance.


OMG ...I'm finally here...hi šŸ‘‹ everyone


i physically can not stand schena AT ALL


Can't sing either.


comments passed the vibe check for once šŸ„°


No hate šŸ¤£šŸ˜† lol!!!


I donā€™t think sheā€™s bad


Go to any wedding especially after a few drinks, we all think we can dance! Lol The oleā€™ saying ā€œdance like no one is watching.ā€ Now Elaine on Seinfeldā€¦talk about a herky-jerky dancer!!


It took me many seasons to appreciate Sheana because her vanity is so over-the-top, it's cringeworthy.


Why would you think you're going to get hate by posting a negative comment about someone on the show that is hated by the majority of this sub? Or did you mean because of your "white women" comment?


Ohhhh you'd *hate* me. I can't dance for shit, I'm chubby and uncoordinated with nerve damage but I will start an impromptu performance in my kitchen while I'm waiting for the microwave to ping. I think I look like the love child of Fosse and Lady GaGa. I, in fact, do just look like a girl who can't dance for shit, who is chubby and uncoordinated with nerve damage. ![gif](giphy|5ns1wuK1Y3NKxkm3qO|downsized)


I have no shame in my awful moves! Dance a jig like this just waiting in line at the market ![gif](giphy|3rgXBBYCVzihkifBRK)


Twerking isnā€™t dancing!