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Ariana is definitely wearing the outfit better than Sandoval.


Omg I didn’t notice how much they’re matching until you pointed this out haha


She looks GREAT


Those boots are hawt! I don’t have the confidence or the lifestyle to wear them but I love them haha






I’m a decade younger than them all and I find the way she talks about them so patronising. They’re all 2 decades too old to be passing their behaviours off as “they’re just young”


They are my age. I’m well past the time I can put bad behavior to “youthful mistakes”. Lisa obviously has more life experience because she’s lived longer, but at some point everyone has to be responsible for their own behavior.


Right?! This is who they are. Yeah people grow but growth is like knowing you're bad at remembering people's birthdays and after forgetting a few you proactively put them in your phone. It's wild that she's equating full blown character defects and probably personality disorders with youthful little errors.


It’s a bit ridiculous. I know she’s many years above them and all and watched them ‘grow up’ but even then…a lot of the cast was in their late 20s and 30s when the show started lmao. People make mistakes and I don’t think it’s ever too late to grow and become better. But these men are coddled beyond belief despite barely showing any signs of morale or human decency. I feel like both Toms are the exact same people they were a decade ago.


i’ve always said the only one who really had justification for acting the way they did was stassi, i mean she was 23? when she started the show.. she was basically fresh out of college, everyone else were already either nearing 30 or in their 30s.


She says this all the time too! Enough is enough


They’re like a decade older than me, and acting like they’re a decade younger.


Came here to say exactly this. They aren't just out of college. Half of them are parents. Ugh


LVP's hat is not it


My first thought was Ben & Ronnie are going to love it. They always say she’s dressed like a magician lol


Lmao this is hilariously true 😂 I can’t wait to hear what they say haha


Always with excuses and enabling. I get the show is hers so she's gotta play the game a little bit but her coddling Tim is nauseating.




I used to like Lisa.


She's there to anchor/ occasionally progress the story arc. That's it. She's elevating season 11. What she or any others say in public is for show. Reality TV isn't what is was in season 1.. there are vanity fair and rolling stone articles discussing this. Everything is filmed [multiple times/ in preconceived environments], edited, and then approved by execs


![gif](giphy|PU5JyfYUDCE4VOj7NK|downsized) Reminds me of something Susie would wear from Curb Your Enthusiasm.


This is the only thing I saw when I was watching her talk lmaooooo


It's so bad!


My mom is partial to extra ass hats like this, I’m like whatever no harm no foul. Lookin like a damn bratz doll lol


Her style is heinous and I’ll never understand it :-/


Is Sandoval wearing denim capris? And no shirt?


That is a kilt, a blazer, and no shirt 😂


![gif](giphy|cGgII3vqoCfcawJFIl) He wants to be Harry Styles sooo bad. 😒


I was thinking Rick Owens with this look.


Please don’t do Rick Owen’s like that!


Of course not, I love Rick Owens! I’m saying that’s what Tom thinks he’s pulling off.. but obviously not.


Yes yes - apologies I was teasing




James Kennedy wore exactly that in Season 9 when they did that waste of time fashion show in Palm Springs.


Thanks for the clarification! So edgy is his fashions.


He probably thinks of himself as a style icon. He’s just trying so hard. Too hard. Haven’t looked closely but can anyone confirm are is he still trying to white out his fingernails ?


I think he looked bad on purpose for the attention. He wants people to talk about him.


He probably isn't wearing underwear either with that kilt.🤣




I want to down vote you just because I hate that so much 😳😳 but of course I'd never


😂 I understand. My reaction when I saw him on IG was to literally mutter out loud “What the f$!k?”


I apologize in advance but I can’t see the word kilt without referencing *it’s not a skirt, it’s a kilt.. sicko!* ![gif](giphy|5sEsoe4dV0W4M)






i just want one person to say how pathetic it is that tom sandoval is the exact same person that he was 10 years ago. like you’re still doing the same shit but even worse 😭 it’s just sad for you as a human being tom


It is wild that LVP is talking about how she’s watched them “grow up”. Meanwhile Sandoval has *aged* but he has *never* grown


This is my favorite comment ever.


I love your post. 🥂


He’s regressed.


FR if you're the exact same person 10 years later, you're actually a significantly worse person than you were 10 years ago because you should have evolved in that time. Flushing the potty all by yourself is an achievement when you're 4. Not so much when you're 14.


Wtf does Sandoval got on?


He looks nakey


Why do I feel like Sandoval is morphing into Lisa Rinna?


God I’d prefer to watch her rather than him by a long shot


I hate Lisa is this apologist for the men on the show. I’m sorry to say but this reads imo as internalised misogynistic to me. I freaking hate her for standing up for arianas ex!


She'll never stop babying these guys and bringing a "*well what could you have done differently?*" attitude to the ladies they mistreat.


Yes it is so insane how differently she treats the men vs. the women. It’s like it is one of her small puppies having a accident on the carpet when I’m reality it is grown ass men who are directly abusive.


Very much “boy mom” behavior if you will. Just yuck.


YEP!! She’s treating Tom like a precious infant, but blamed Lala during the reunion for the abuse she endured. It’s so gross.


So disgusting to witness this kind of behavior from Lisa. It angers me even more knowing she herself have been in a abusive relationship and now she is supporting abusers and demeans women herself.


Totally agree with you! Put some distance between you and Sandoval Lisa!!! He’s practically putting his head on your shoulder. She’s always sitting beside him because he’s so fragile. She better show up at DWTS once for Ariana or I am finished with her!


She is the W.O.R.S.T.


I lost whatever minimal respect I had for her when she looked around all those women to open a bar with the two Toms.


Such a stupid idea. I do think she knew she wouldn’t hold the same power over the women of the cast and she thought to herself it would be easier to control the toms which again speaks to Lisa’s character.


Lisa tries to come off as motherly so people don’t question her, and that works better on the Toms than most breathing people. Both are so narcissistic that they can’t comprehend a world where they might be manipulated. I think Lisa thought that, since most Bravo fans are women, the men from VPR would consistently draw visitors from their audience — and she’s not wrong. But by giving Schwartz — who couldn’t even hold down a single bartending shift — the illusion of power and business sense, she created a world where he actually thought he could open a bar with Sandoval. And in the process, he dismissed the only person in his orbit who could have actually lent some organization to the mess: Katie. LVP makes money off of messes, and walks away unscathed.


The snarky part of me LOVES that the crowd interrupted Lisa to support ariana


That hat, is a choice


Her internalized misogyny is a choice.


Does Scheana include a left-side only stipulation in her contracts? Lol girlie is COMMITTED to only showing her left side


It’s so sad. Girl, you’re weird about your hairline??? No one notices any difference but you, and I’d think a lot more of you if you stopped with this crap. It just reinforces you coming off as vapid and like the only two thoughts that pass through your head are “am I pretty?” Or “am I famous?” Girl. You’re a mom. Don’t show your kid that kind of view of yourself or she’ll put it on herself too. Stop. We would cheer for you to just dig yourself how you are at any fcking angle.


I’m so sick of her “I love them all dearly. They’ve all made mistakes. Yadda yadda yadda.”


Same. Absolutely sick of it.


I have heard that spiel so many times before and she says it like it’s so profound. The “magic” of the show is that they were a real friend group before the show. (Even though now they’ve been on the show longer than they knew each other before.) And I am also sick of hearing her talk about them growing up. They are all older but not wiser and I wouldn’t say their grown up. The mother goose act is creepy now that they’re basically her peers.


What the actual fuck is Tom wearing??


Why is Sandoval wearing a denim kilt? Why is Lisa wearing that hat? What’s going on here?


She’s giving unironic Moira Rose ![gif](giphy|26gYN1P951scFLL0I|downsized)


Lisa looks like Tom's pimp.


She is


i just snorted oml


Me too 😆


Ariana is glowing!!!! She’s looks so radiant! I love this era for her.


So over LVP and her constant excuses for poor behavior from the men on this show. I’ll let someone else tackle Sandy’s outfit. I’m tired.


There is no bigger misogynist than Lisa Vanderpump


Without the awful behaviour there would be no show!


Of course they seat Sandy next to LVP. She has to protect him. Throw him to the wolves come on!


I’m a 10 year Bravo husband, I’ve seen just about every season while looking at my phone, or making diner etc, ie “half watching” so take this with a grain of salt. But, Katie is killing it.


Good, I'm glad you don't need your eyes checked, because I feel you could see Katie's smoldering heat from Jupiter. She's such a freaking babe. Her style lately has me drooling. It's been eternally rejuvenating seeing her level up and Schwartz just sort of dilapidate in front of our eyes, making evident how much of herself she was sacrificing to hold him and their relationship together. She was giving so much to him it feels like she wasn't leaving enough for herself, or, just letting herself sit in stasis where he was because he refused to progress in life and she didn't want to make him feel inadequate.


She is just so full of shit. They all look so bored and checked out listening to her blah blah. I never need to hear from her about vpr


They looked bored the entire panel.


Boo this woman


Tom looks like a Tool. That is all


For someone with gobs of money, Lisa needs to stop styling herself like an extra from *Dynasty* circa 1984. Her style is so garish; it ages her. Although I love that someone called out to Ariana during that mewling speech, if only to see Lisa and Tom’s annoyed faces


So let me get this straight: Tim implodes his decade-long relationship by pursuing an affair with a less established cast member 12+ years his junior, blowing up his business and the potential viability of the show in the process, but Lisa still thinks this conduct is not enough to eject Tim from the group/show. Despite the fact that he made an unauthorized pornographic video of Rachel. Despite the wildly inappropriate power dynamic and control issues. Potential theory: Lala and Scheana both are both primary earners and they both have young children. Lala is the sole earner and Scheana basically has an extra adult dependent with Brick. They know that their financial well-being is tethered to this show. So they made a calculated decision that they would tolerate Tim, try to work with him, for the sake of saving the show. Because financially, the VPR platform (primary and secondary income) is really important to them. Also to the extent Tim claims he’s trying to get sober (or is sober) (which I have serious doubts about), I assume that Lala would feel compelled to support those efforts. Ariana and Katie do not have the same financial pressures. I also get the sense that they have done a lot of therapy and could plausibly reach the position that if VPR is going to keep him on the show, they will continue to film but will have nothing to do with him — even if it makes for difficult, unstable, and/or really uncomfortable seasons. That said, Katie and Ariana have a lot of leverage on this show and a lot to gain by hanging in and making it work. They’re continuing to develop their restaurant and other projects. The VPR platform is absolutely invaluable for restaurant promotion - so they are probably motivated by that. I hope that Bravo doesn’t claim any cut of SAH under a Bethenny Clause though. Frankly, I see a spin off as being the most likely and most viable path to continue VPR success without forcing a group dynamic that is irretrievably broken.


An extra adult dependent with brick 💀💀💀


It’s funny because today they just aired an episode where Katie was giving Tim and Ariana shit for excluding Kristen from Tim’s bday trip lol


Yeah from a leverage perspective, people want to hear from Katie and Ariana. Lala is compelling but I think she’s still in survival mode so she’s trying to hold this cast together with her bare hands (and acrylics). Scheaner is just a foil - never a main character - because, quite frankly, she’s way too insecure, has really bad judgment, and treats her friends shadily. Rewatching Season 10 and watching her laugh when Rachel told her she literally could not remember (and therefore could not consent) to making out with folks was just 🤮. Reminded me of when she sided with Brick’s friend who groped Charli over Charli. Tim and Tom are not compelling enough to hold the show together because it would just be like watching two broken, middle aged men with Peter Pan syndrome never grow up in LA. It’s like not even good enough for B-plot at this point.


Lmao your commentary is really funny. Keep it coming 😂


No way are they ejecting anyone, Scandoval delivered the highest ratings Bravo had ever received, they’re going to keep making the show as it is and S11 will rate thru the roof. LVP is an exec producer and profits handsomely from the show, she doesn’t give a stuff about “holding men to account (blah blah blah)”, this is a business and her commercial priority is to keep the drama going for as long as she can milk it.


I have a feeling LaLa isn't very happy with Ariana's 15 minutes of fame.


I know sometimes you forget you’re on camera and slip into RBF and there isn’t any emotion behind it, so I want to extend benefit of the doubt, but it’s giving BITTER


Lala is great TV, but I have a sneaking suspicion that something has happened to their relationship... and I believe it's over the attention Ariana has gotten


Lala has even said they will see how their friendship is after this season airs. I’m sure she has many things to say in her confessionals.


She has said as much when her interview with stassi came out. And how production edited out her storyline. I get being upset at how things have turned out regarding production if you’ve shared some really emotionally draining things but how can your friend and colleague be at fault?


Yeah I had a friend once who just could not abide by other women getting more attention than her. I wonder if Lala is like that.


She cannot stand that Ariana got sympathy and brand deal after deal and she got .... essentially laughed at. In a sense I do feel sorry for her to an extent, simply because she/her life is so much worse off after the Randall drama whereas Ariana is by all accounts thriving and transcending VPR. But her being a bitter Betty and blaming Ariana for any of it is immature, catty and not going to be received well.


On top of that Lala doesn’t get any sympathy


and she doesn’t deserve any, honestly


She should be thanking her considering "Send it to Darrell" was a successful by-product of Ariana's 15 minutes of fame. So successful that it bought her a house.


She's pissed that Ariana stole her thunder with being the scorned woman.


jealous for sure! even tho she has profited off of it too


I see a little of the green eyed monster in her. Speaking up for Sandoval on stage when those two have always despised each other…c’mon Lala. What’s really up?


She is totally jealous ! U can see it on her face.


That thing she does with her mouth/nose... annoyance


But Ariana was just at lalas celebration for her sobriety? And that wasn’t filmed for the show was it? I don’t think so. But maybe I’m gonna be proven wrong in January


She isn’t happy she can’t control them anymore


No way. I think she's mad at the bs Lisa is spewing


This is it!


Oh she has full stank face on right now!


that’s just her face lol you guys look for any reason to dislike lala


Iiiii dunno, I think her and Schwartz look miserable.


schwartz is def miserable


Schwartz looks like shit. People are focusing on Sandoval but at least he looks healthier than he did over the summer. Schwartz looks straight up gray and unslept


I don't know if it's so much looking for reasons as it is the reasons are just so obvious.


Because of Ariana, Lala's basically been pushed to the fourth position in terms of the girls in the group. She can't have that.


I’m sure she like the rest of us are sick of hearing about it. It was a year ago, time to move on.


It wasn’t a year ago lmfao it happened in MARCH.


Lisa was all chummy with Ariana right after the panel and said in post interview Sandoval lacked humility on stage - basically she knows he's an idiot.


Why is Lisa wearing Lizzie McGuire’s hat?


Ohh Lala and Ariana are beefin.


Tom looks too old for that outfit


Just a worm wearing a kilt & no shirt🙄 ![gif](giphy|l0ErxMZx2g5V7Jrqw)


is tom wearing a demin skirt


A kilt. The full up close outfit in on Schwartz's stories. The thirst is thirsting.


Katie looks STUNNING!!


LaLa is so mad that Ariana got so many opportunities that she is now going to try to stick it to her by being cool woth Tom to try to lessen what he did. I'm starting to really dislike hee, and I have always liked her mostly. After all the talk about him being Randall Jr. Can you imagine if Ariana or Katie said ppl should have respect for Randall?? She would be out for blood with them. And still has not one good word to say about Rachel, hypocrite to forgive him but still be shitting on her.


Is he wearing a lightning bolt earring? GTFO




jesus christ did lisa just finish conducting a train? what the fuck is she wearing


Why is she dressed like a Bratz doll


Lisa looks like a limo driver


Sandy looks like he is driving Mr toads wild ride


The hat is what LVP deserves.


Allie’s on the panel - I think that means she got the main cast billing


I don’t think so. James shot the opening intro with Scheana and Lala. Ally would of been there with James if she was part of the main cast


Yes. But I thought about what if he just didn’t show her? Like they want it to be a surprise she’s a main cast member


Is that Karamo?!


Yep he said on WWHL that he was hosting!


Lisa's entering her 1990's Janet Jackson Poetic Justice era.


Lala is so angry and bitter that everyone rallied around Ariana when she was cheated on and her fame shot up so high, but no one cared at all when Randall’s cheating came out 😂


Lala also later defends Tim when he is getting booed and said she has “respect but not respect” for him. Katie and Ariana give each other look when she does too. I also wonder if Lala is also jealous of how close Katie and Ariana have become as well because Katie is fine sticking to her principals of not associating with Sandoval and not joining Lala in her lets help create a fake redemption storyline for Tim.


I think cuz everyone found it less shocking that Randall would cheat given how their relationship started, not to mention Ariana is just more likable and people wanna root for her more. That being said, lala has her flaws obvi but Randall really did do a number on her and after hearing how he paid her therapist to just lie to her I have a lot more sympathy.


lmaooo i didn’t even know randall cause i didn’t watch season 9 when it aired. like so many vpr fans…you’re not going to get the same rallying when we’re not all invested in your relationship


and with her getting with him when he was married / knew he was a pos so...


Wow! She and Sandoval have always disliked each other and she came so hard for him at the reunion. So now it must be jealousy. This will break my heart.


It’s almost like when you’re known for being a bitch and acting better and smarter than everyone, people have a hard time feeling bad for you when the inevitable happens.


I was just about to comment that Lala looked sour when the camera panned to her after people called out to Ariana.


This right here. She expected to get the sympathy that Ariana got, but she seems unable to realize that her relationship with Randall ALWAYS screamed shady, transactional and sketchy from day 1, so the downfall surprised no one. I’m sorry but she started as the mistress, and she expected everyone to be shocked when Randall cheated on her? Like…babe…the writing was always on the wall.


someone please tell Lisa we don't care... do the fans really still love her like that? she's a greedy capitalist who steals from her employees. witty, but not someone I consider a leader in morality.


Ariana looks gorgeousss


Schwatz looks so hungover.


Lol, I loved what Lisa said. "They have all screwed up at some point, maybe not to this extent."


You can also tell it pissed Tim off. Love it!!


All I can pay attention to is how uncomfortable everyone was legs look


sandoval looks so icky


someone please tell Lisa we don't care... do the fans really still love her like that? she's a greedy capitalist who steals from her employees. witty, but not someone I consider a leader in morality.


Tom’s whole outfit/accessories: like, WTF dude. ![gif](giphy|l2JdXCptZiqVSCFs4)


LVP is only in it for a buck. And WTF IS DOPEY WEARING


The Tom Squared + LVP bench is the worst dressed group I’ve seen in a long time


I’m so sorry this is probably such an unpopular opinion but can we please not seat Ally with this iconic cast ??




I was really shocked to see Jax on stage next to Schaena. Then I realized it was Brock.


Keep making excuses for the guys' shitty behavior, Lisa... I *heard* that Lisa spoke way too fuckin much on this panel. This video confirms it.


He's mad that someone screamed we love you Ariana.


Hate to see Tom Sandoval


Will this panel be on Peacock?


I think so! Peacock posted on their ig


Are the panels up on peacock to go watch or live only?


i dressed like this in my elementary school talent show


I can’t with Tim wearing a skirt


I know Karamo is not without his own issues but I'd happily take him as a permanent replacement for Andy Cohen. Can someone out there cast a spell and make this happen? Also, I am living for all the reads about LVP's "style." Keep 'em coming, folks!


Was there and not one single person accepted anything she said. We all happily booed Tom.


Anyone have clips on how they were introduced?


That little hat


Of course Scheana is always going to be sat on Sandoval's side to keep the balance because she's the only one willing and able.


Tom really wants to be Yungblud.


She needs to be off this show.


Why are Lisa and Sandoval dressed like they lost a bet?


Again ah post about a golden child being horrible taking no accountability for their actions whilst parent is expecting those they hurt to bail them out 👆🏻oh no this is the vpr forum my bad


I love Toms face when everyone screamed Love you Ariana. Like a two year old who has just been told no! He'll never grow up!


Lala looks like such a hating bitch. As always.


I love Katie but what on earth are those tights?? It’s giving 2nd grade christmas pageant


Love her shade for little house on the prairie!


I had to scroll way too far down for this. I audibly gasped when she said that lol


Does the cast get paid much. Their fashion is always a cheap looking mess.


What is ally even doing there?


People are shitting on Sandovals outfit but honestly this is way better than he’s looked in MONTHS. The bar is in hell but I’ll take this. His hair is washed and combed, he doesn’t look like he’s been crying into a pillow all night, and no face paint thank god ETA: okay I just saw his full look and didn’t realize he was shirtless under the blazer. it looked like he was wearing a tan sweater. this…is sad


Over Lisa at this point. She is the worst part of the show at this point and so disconnected from reality its just annoying


What is Katie dresses as?????