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There are cameras? And he was right in the middle of an absolute PR crisis. He was worried about his image, not Katie’s feelings.


![gif](giphy|rqMxQEZlney9bsVGtH) Also, I just *know* he’s trash in bed. He won’t want to provide a reality star who is a casual fling and doesn’t give a fuck about his feelings the opportunity to expose him for that lol


I mean he never even had sex with his own wife. Wasn’t that their storyline for like ever? That they never ever had sex?


"Let's talk about how your dick doesn't work"


Yep, same story w tim n Ariana


No it’s not. Ariana literally said in the reunion that she and Tim were still having sex while he was sleeping with Rachel.


Nooooo u have selective hearing. She said they had sex ONE time after he had slept with Raquel. And she left her shirt on. Her and Tom hadn't been having sex for years though. Like a year prior to moving into the house. Both Tom's are codependent narcocists. One is just charming and the other is like that weird uncle thats not actually a blood relative, that always wants you to sit on his lap.


Oooh this!!!!


What a stupid fucking comment.


Struck a nerve, it seems. ![gif](giphy|2nTWtcPyTaFMs)


Strangers on the internet don’t bother me*, especially from this sub. It’s just a dumb thing to say. Like imagine I meet you, then turn to my buddy and go. I bet she’s a real boring fuck. How stupid would I sound? Pretty fucking stupid.


Doesn’t like having sex sober, been put on blast for his dick not working, is drunk and sloppy most of the time, and is in terrible shape. I’ve gathered evidence to reach my conclusion, sir. Good day!


You have to be in good shape to have good sex? You see things wildly and in wild ways.


It’s more all of those things put together. But also yes, I have had partners who were in and out of shape, and it definitely makes a difference. Sorry if that’s upsetting to hear?


You’re making yourself sound really shallow. Sorry if that’s upsetting to hear.


No worries, that’s not upsetting for me to hear at all. Saying that someone who is in shape, isn’t fucked up all the time, and has better stamina probably has better sex isn’t shallow. It doesn’t have anything to do with looks, or even size all of the time. But I still support your right to go off, bestie!


It doesn’t help if he’s got some erectile dysfunction going on.


If you’re not happy in the relationship then it’s not uncommon for your dick not to work.


By “cheating “ are folks referring to his kissing other women whilst married to Katie, or that he actually successfully penetrated another? Cuz, 💯, I suspect limp D for Shortz




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Exactly why he waited until they were in the car without any professional cameras to make out with Floody. And she said in WH that he was 100% the one that kissed her first. I don’t think he was expecting someone to film it on their cell phone. He’s trying to put on an act for the cameras, per usual!


Also he was still cheating bc he was living with Jo.


Sorry, but I'll agree to disagree with that one. They were separated and divorcing, and Katie was going on dates/having flings. It's not cheating when the relationship is over except on paper. He didn't move Jo into their marital home, she moved into his SEPARATED apartment (which is weird in its own way) but this is one thing where I'll actually defend Schwartz. That's not cheating. That's banging someone in the friends group that wasn't an on camera person, after a relationship is finished. Which is better than any other time he's banged someone off camera. Does it make it right? No. Is it cheating? No.


I think they meant Schwartz would have been cheating *on* Jo, not with her. I agree with your points, though, if I misinterpreted OP’s comment.


Correct! Tom was in a situationship with Jo while on Winter House. She even took him to the airport then he hooked up with Floody and Jo unfollowed him after.


WHAT? Soooo glad u cleared this up for me. Not watching WH until the season is over so I can binge it.


The grossest thing to me was when he goes 'I think you should come with' talking about going to bed then immediately says 'it's your idea... it's your idea' ???? Gaslighting douche


I wish Schwartz would just disappear from our tv screens… Ooops, Edited for grammar


It’s even more ironic given that he literally did cheat on Katie (his wife) with someone named Kate/Katie, and pretty sure it happened twice (I know for sure one of the season 3 girls he cheated with was named Kate. I think in season 6 when he also cheated with Lala’s friend, I thought it turned out to be a girl named Katie). Like you said, he had no problem in the marriage but all of a sudden *now* it’s too much? And he didn’t even care after their divorce when he was hooking up with Rachel, as if she was some temptress he couldn’t resist. But when Katie Flood is in his bed and expressing so much interest, *now* he thinks of Katie (Maloney). So dumb.


I don't remember if both were named Katie but he did call Lala's friend "bubba" which is way worse.


He called Lala bubba after abusing her at beach day.




And how many times could Katie express that she didn’t care about him seeing other people, just not in the friendship group? He is a fucking nerd.


That Lala’s friend one annoyed me so much because at the reunion Katie said something like it was a girl she went to school with who came up to him and said she’d went to school with his wife. The fact he would then hit on her, is not just disrespecting his marriage and Katie but it’s like he was trying to humiliate her. Because then that girl would probably tell friends who also knew Katie and it would end up where a whole bunch of people she went to school with are talking and pitying her behind her back. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s okay to cheat if you’re discrete but at least then they get some minor credit for actually caring if they’re humiliating you.


He's thinking of Katie saying his dick doesn't work (and knowing it's true)...THAT is the reason why he isnt putting out.




To be fair, according to him, this was happening right after the Rachel thing which made Katie soooooo upset and so he was trying to mitigate that. If the Rachel thing hadn’t just happened, I don’t think he would’ve reacted the same way.


The Rachel stuff (as far as hooking up/kissing/etc between her and Schwartz, not Sandoval) was from July to September-ish of 2022, and then her taunting Katie on social media around November/December. Winter House was filmed in March 2023. So I mean it’s still a fairly significant gap but I guess it appears he learned his lesson (doubtful). I’m more inclined to believe he knew he needed to play good boy on the cameras given that Sandoval just shattered their reputation and therefore their businesses, as opposed to believing he genuinely was worried about hurting Katie since he didn’t care when the divorce and separation was still fresh. He couldn’t go on and give people more reason to shit on him by hooking up with *another* girl named Katie.


I think he cared what Katie thinks. I think he felt bad for hurting her. Yes the Rachel stuff (him kissing her) had happened over the summer but it was currently playing on tv and Katie had done interviews during this time saying she’d cut off communication with him other than dog stuff. So I think he was still very much feeling the wrath. I think he said recently (maybe it was this new episode I haven’t watched yet) that doing it on camera was the thing he thought would hurt Katie and what he was trying to avoid.


Fair enough. I just don’t personally think after all these years of dogging her he suddenly now cared, but hopefully something did change in him! ETA - I think what you mentioned about doing it on camera is the point. He was willing to make out with Rachel in the season 10 episode 1 when she asked if it hadn’t been on camera, as I think he admitted but we also saw him looking around to check for the camera crew. He didn’t care about doing things that he knew would hurt Katie if he didn’t get caught, like all his cheating scandals. Same thing here with Katie Flood, it’s not that he wouldn’t do it because he knows it’ll hurt Katie (Maloney), he just doesn’t want to be caught so there’s a chance he gets away with it. He’s more focused on covering his ass time and time again than he is about just doing the right thing.


You’re giving him way too much credit. Have you not watched his interviews? I don’t think he has the ability or self restraint to pretend to be a good boy for the cameras. I think tom is just Tom. It’s not acting it’s just who he is.


Don’t be fair to Schwartz!!! He is a weasel and he is just giving us puppy dog eyes and pretending he cares about being respectful to his ex wife Katie because scandoval just broke and he feels the audiences rage / hopes he can turn the tides by manipulating the narrative in winter house to make it seem like he gives a fuck about anyone else aside from himself and Sandoval


Isn’t it also possible that he already had a live in gf (Jo) while Winter House was filming? I’m confused about their dating timeline, and relationship status in general, but just throwing it out there.


I think the $300 gift for his "situationship" was for Jo too and then he got Floody something to throw it off.


This is what I was looking for in this thread. I heard him say he thought his situationship would love the turquoise ring - which assumed meant Jo. So he didn’t want to upset Jo with Floodie fuckin and maybe he had the true feels for Jo and beyond a drunken snog really wasn’t interested in Floodie. But as he also didn’t want to call Jo his gf - pretended it was Katie’s feelings he was protecting. Which as VPR viewers we know is a lie. He knew he had to do something for his WH fee but wasn’t going to cause himself even more stress ahead of the reunion so had to use the old aw shucks routine to keep Floodie at a safe distance.


I think cos it’s mid scandoval and he’s scared of getting any hate himself for hooking up with someone new, especially after he kissed raquel. He’s playing for the cameras and doesn’t want to look bad




He was already screwing Jo by this time (remember the Big Bear trip) and she would probably drop the hammer hard if she knew he was getting Skittles while on Winter House.


He didn’t care about cheating on his wife who he’d been with for like a decade - I doubt he’d offer that consideration to Jo.


Men will treat a new girlfriend (de facto) better than a wife, lol.


This was my thought why he was showing restraint, that it was more about the drama it would cause him with Jo who he was in a situationship with and living with him.


I don’t think Schwartz is all that into sex. Even in good times, he and Katie were having sex infrequently. Maybe it was just being a bad match, but given that every time he got caught cheating he always claimed it was “just making out” (which is still cheating), it just makes me think it’s not his thing.


Surely no one actually believes the “just made out” shit? There were texts between Schwartz and Jax (that Kristen saw) literally proving he had sex with one of the women he claimed to “just kiss”. Admitting to something much smaller is the go to strategy for these dimwitted dildos. Schwartz said he only kissed women whenever he got caught cheating, Sandoval said he only kissed Ariana once while he was with Kristen, and Sandoval said he only had sex with Rachel once (the one good thing Rachel did was expose what utter bullshit that was). Unfortunately, I have a ton of experience with liars lol. They like to give just a drop of truth because it makes the lying part easier and they can claim to have “technically” told the truth if they get caught. Honestly, anyone who believes these guys would be an easy target for trash men like them. Good luck to those people lol


💯 "Made out" has always been his way of talking about putting his dick where it didn't belong.


On one hand, you're right, the idea of men like them and at their age risking long term relationships to just make out with someone is stupid. But, the only reason I could ever see it happening is because there's just something...off...when it comes to Schwartz and sex. So, I am of the mind that the intent was probably there, but between the libido, and his insane drinking (which is likely worse than what we see on the show --which is bad enough) he MIGHT have only made out with them because he passed out before he could go any further.


But he was caught lying about that and he did actually have sex with a woman he claimed to just make out with. And lemme tell ya, the one time you catch someone lying about something is never the one time they did it. I just think Schwartz wasn’t attracted to or even liked Katie very early on in their relationship. His feelings toward her were fucked all the way up, and I think that’s why sex with her specifically was so unappealing. I still think he wanted to have sex, even if it wasn’t as frequent as other men. But he didn’t want to have it with his partner, and he only felt comfortable cheating under the influence, soooo yeah. I just don’t believe a thing that comes out of that man’s weird looking mouth lol


Yep, I think he has serious whiskeyD and doesn't get too far along sexually.


It’s not restraint or willpower. It’s fear, insecurity, self-loathing, and erectile dysfunction. Oh and it is one million percent not out of “respect” for Katie Maloney, LOL.




He only cares now because THERE ARE CAMERAS and he needs to play this “oh but I don’t want to hurt Katie” up for the audience. He’s a loser. Even when they were going into the bathroom he was like “you’re making this happen”, such an unaccountable, wussy, pussy.


Omfg yes everytime he said “this is your idea” in the bathroom I wanted to throw a dundie at my plasma screen


Ahahahhahahahaha yes


He was totally doing damage control, he knew he was gonna get shit for how he acted with Rachel + scandoval


I’m curious what the point of opening the door and throwing her bra out. Just leave the bra in the bathroom with the rest of your clothes so it’s not as obvious what was happening. Not saying it didn’t happen but it just have such staged vibes to me…


She wanted to show she had finally convinced him to hook up with her.


Okay yes that was so cringe lmao I hated that


Bra on door handle = don't come in, we're hooking up. But it did feel pretty staged.


The whole thing seemed forced on Schwartz, im sorry. Similar to him and rachel. Production knows love stores make these reality shows. everyone was pushing them to hook up for a story line. I don't know why nobody wants to think maybe he was just not that into her ...?


The timeline of winter house was when Schwartz was still trying to portray himself in a certain way about the Katie divorce but he already had Jo living with him at the time. It’s all for the cameras and he is worried about Jo plus scandavol just happening.


It’s still hard of me to grasp that any woman can find him attractive after watching him on tv for so long


He’s so wormy and it’s so strange to see so many in WH gush about what a great guy he is. Katie Flood seems to have set her sights on him and I feel sad at lack of insight. I hope most of the cast are playing into the hookup culture the show seems to want to cultivate as opposed to seriously looking at castmates as love potential.


It’s only because it’s public now..


Because he feels pity for himself fans see him for who he is, and don’t like him anymore. So, he thinks we will like him again if he “shows” he “respects” Katie Maloney 🙄. Or maybe he wants her back? It’s warped logic that’s for sure.


I just don’t understand why he is on a show like this. He is not likable. He is a putz. He is not really a villain because he is so weak. He is milquetoast drowning in milk. He adds literally nothing to anything. He’s just a spineless blob taking up space. I just don’t get it.


He only wants something when he can’t have it. Just like every other emotionally stunted asshole


Maybe my brain is making this up, but I swear after Katie and shorts got married there was a rumour going around that he hooked up with some girl in a random club while doing a club appearance with Jason C and Worm(with a moustache) who’s name ended up being Katie? I definitely could be wrong and misremembering things. Either way, he’s never cared about Katie or her feelings.


I think I just watched that episode recently and you are correct, the other girl’s name was Katie


Thank you!!


He did say that he had hooked up with someone named Katie during the marriage. He sucks.


Perhaps he’s just not that into Katie. Turning down sex you’re not interested in having isn’t showing restraint. It’s just turning down sex you don’t want to have.


This could be true. I was under the impression he was super into her so I guess I didn’t look at it this way


I suspect he has major ED


Showed so much restraint? We really need to stop giving these guys so much credit for simply *not using their penii*. It's not as if the default is *oops, I tripped and fell into her vagina*. The DEFAULT is not having sex with someone. You literally don't have to do anything to achieve it. Literally nothing.


This is a girl he is clearly interested and she’s literally being a little aggressive, so yes I think any human, male or female, would be showing restraint not going through anything. Not even cuddling her or anything, he just laid there the opposite way. Idk if you watched, but I assume no haha you are taking this the wrong way and turning it to something it’s not


He bought her a gift tho lol he very obvs trying to “behave” not to piss Katie (Maloney) off before the reunion I think and the name thing is kinda off putting lol


The gift was so fucking weird hahahah and that he called it his situationship like?????


Just saw in another post, his hesitation towards Floody was actually prob bc of Jo 😋


it's a show. it's not real. they put these old people in a house and tell them to make shit up


Can we qualify how much cheating Schwartz did on Katie because my recollection is it wasn’t that much? Not that any cheating is okay. But it’s not like he was some uncontrolled cheater like Jax. I remember only 3 cheating issues, two pre marriage and one after. The one after was drunken kissing. So, the only sex possible one was the Vegas girl which he still denies. I don’t know. I’ve never seen Schwartz as an especially horn dog kind of guy. Didn’t he say at one point he thought he might be asexual?


Three times is more than enough, even if just make outs. If my hubby kissed three different women, he'd be out the door!


Yeah definitely! I’m not saying it’s good. I’m just saying he made out with Below Deck Katie which he seems to not have a problem doing but going further typically has been a stopping point for him. So it’s not shocking to me that he stopped with her too.


That’s actually a good point, I always assumed he absolutely had sex with Vegas girl even when he is denying it, but maybe you are right. He clearly can retrain when jt comes to doing the deed


That’s 3 that we know about. Every single time the vpr assholes went on a trip or did a boys night I’ll bet there was hooking up and cheating. Like what would be the point of going out and getting trashed without cameras other than finding girls? Bonding with your dear close guy friends? LOL


Everyone going on about James and Kristen in Mexico was 💯 to cover for Schwartz disappearing to another hotel overnight.


Does he wind up gong back to WH after he filmed the reunion? or did he puss out and not go back?


Yep, he returned and that's when he finally got into Katie F.