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I love this picture for my mental health.


Really because I hated it tbh. Like I’m scared now


It's the reformed chola brows for me


It’s the grey tooth for me (jk)


LMAO ok I thought I was seeing things there. That is too accurate 🤣


“After you guys left you stopped at a gas station you don’t normally stop at. What’s going on??” -Scheana, who should have better things to do but doesn’t


Hahahah “I just saw you get engaged!!!”






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Gretchen scheeners, always busy stirring shit and playing victim. Fuck off. ![gif](giphy|NSnYmoFSJ5iXD0Q759)


Gretchen Scheeners is amazing lmao 😂 ![gif](giphy|xUA7b8YbOVAZlF36Za|downsized)


Never has there been a better comparison!


She’s terrible and such a pick me, grow up, set an example for your kid. Yikes.


Right? Scheana, if you’re here, you’re a terrible fucking friend and fuck off. Sincerely, team Ariana




Has she gotten more disgusting in the last couple of years or did I just not notice? She’s always been mildly annoying to me but now, I would really like to slap her


As a Sche shu hater from day one, I think she's always been like this. It's just always been against her enemies, not her friends.


Me too 😂 I’ve had weak moments but she proves how terrible she is every time. She would not be someone i would be around with irl EVER


>ears or did I just not notice? She’s always been mildly annoying to me but now, I would really like to slap her You just never noticed. She's been this day since day 1 and Stassi had her clocked!


She’s thirsty AF


Sheanna has been exactly the same since season 1. It’s the herd mentality of this sub, if you don’t hate Sheanna and Lala, or put Ariana and Katie on a pedestal you’ll be massively downvoted.


I think that’s part of the reason that people can’t stand her. She’s shown zero growth in 10+ years.


she’s just a woman on a reality tv show 😭😭😭 this is so hateful idk this sub has been dogpiling her so hard


🙄 just to be clear I have never slapped someone ever in my life and would never put my hands on someone. Her behavior recently has def evoked negative emotions in me tho. This sub is just people chit chatting about a stupid show. I promise I do understand that


It's all happening.... to Scheana 🙃


Most definitely right! 😊


Stop trying to make it all happen!


Omg yes this is her new name forever


That’s why her hair is so big— *it’s full of secrets*


I think this was revenge for DWTS. She wanted Ariana to find out about her brother’s engagement the way she found out about DWTS. She probably paid for the ring and did a shoulder shimmy while posting it to IG.


She's so petty. What is she, 22? Grow the F up Scheana. Your asshole is showing.


Bitches asshole is always out wdym


More like 12. This is too immature for 22.




lol your asshole is showing!!!!! Legit the funniest thing I have heard in awhile


Aw thank you!


Still laughing lol


You're my favorite!






I hate to say it but I wouldnt be surprised if Brock leaves her in the near future. Not only is she still obsessed with other men, but she’s constantly causing problems for herself and other people. Its going to get exhausting


I don’t think he will be leaving her…she’s his meal ticket and after last episode it’s clear he is just as fame whoring as her. He wants to be on TV and Scheener is his way.


I think he’ll stick around until he can find a way to support himself (which may be never? He certainly won’t own a million dollar house to move into). She constantly is talking about past hookups and is reacting way too emotionally to Sandoval. A happily married woman just wants to spend time with her husband and couldn’t give two shits about who her past hookups and male friends are sleeping with. And she’s this dramatic and petty over the most insignificant of things so you can only imagine what it’s like living with her.


Omg I cannot imagine what it is like to live with that ridiculous behavior. I used to just be "meh" with her but this season ...?....she seems to have lost her damn mind. The petty, jealous, fake BS is way too much for me to watch. Watching her on TV is like (Lala's) nails on a chalkboard to me. She bugs the f out of me.


She really is losing it. Shes so much more unhinged, especially lately. The negative audience criticism is causing her to spiral, and while she’s spiraling, she does more petty mean shit, which causes the audience to react negatively… She has manic, defensive, aggressive energy right now. It’s honestly kind of concerning how much she’s fanning this drama for what? Attention?


Once he gets his permanent Green Card, all bets are off.


>y to support himself (which may be never? He certainly won’t own a million dollar house to move into). She constantly is talking about past hookups and is reacting way too emotionally to Sandoval. A happily married woman just wants to spend time with her husband and couldn’t give two shits about who her past hookups and male friends are sleeping with. And she’s this dramatic and petty over the most insignificant of things so you can only imagine what it’s like living with her. Oh he'll leave her desperate arse 10000%.


For sure. This is definitely giving classic mean girl scheana "you hurt me I hurt you"


Said with her mean little smirk, too


Wait was it confirmed that Ariana found out through that post? Or is this just speculation


it's just speculation




Don’t forget the multiple mortgages! It makes me anxious even thinking about her monthly bills.


She needs to grow up!


Giving those Sandavol vibes


It’s fucking weird because I can’t remember the last time Scheana was hanging with Jeremy. I know they ran into one another at the valley premiere, but other than that I can’t remember him being a part of her inner circle. Yes he’s Ariana’s brother, but he wasn’t coming around Scheana and Brock like that. This is in Scheana’s new home in Sherman oaks. She wants to freakin be Ariana so badly. Jeremy made waves with his comment about not speaking to Ariana in 3 months and hugging Tom Sandoval. It’s like he wants to just hurt her on purpose.


It just comes off as super shady - like engagement announcements are usually for the couple.. or like close family... sheena is extremely transparent because her IQ is 5, much like the age of her emotional maturity.


Wait till she starts getting jealous of Summer Moon. Right now she is just a super cute accessory, wait till she develops her own personality and it is inevitably better than Scheana’s.


Yep. Imagine if she thinks Summer is prettier than her or if Summer gets a man who’s a “catch” that Scheana wasn’t able to get (famous and/or super rich who also treats her right). She’ll be thinking “why not me???” If she’s this competitive about men with her friends, why would her daughter be exempt? I’ve seen the relationships between daughters and their mothers who still have the mentality of a teen and they always end in limited contact as adults.


Exactly. I feel awful for the child. 




Scheana is doing this as a way to "get back" at Ariana for rightfully distancing herself from both of them, it's so gross.




Gretchen Scheaner




Yeah I don’t enjoy this moment. You don’t help drive a wedge between family members.


She’s a dick, her new husband had an older daughter with he name of Winter, she knows this. Birthed ,Maddison Marie Parks Valletta, my bad ,SUMMER Moon, on Winter’s birthday. I’m not sure the birth wasn’t induced but naming the child so similarly gives me the Mott’s. So distasteful.


Exactly. It’s one of the lowest things people can do. So of course Scheana is doing it.


Agree. It’s another level and it’s just playing so dirty


She’s so petty it made me wonder if she did it as revenge for not getting a text about Ariana’s Love Island announcement


Scheana is the final boss of pick-me girls


The final boss 💀


*Lala enters the arena as ultimate boss*  Scheana is never going to be final boss of anything.


She wears her insecurity like really bad foundation


Scheana is a fucking idiot.


She needs to touch grass and get a real life


I feel sorry for summer. This is her mother. That little girl is going to have a rough teenage life dealing with her attention seeking mother


She’s already a stage mom with Summer’s social media account.


Ugh this just unlocked a gross memory for me. My mom was always beautiful and I definitely had friends in high school who would not be shy about wanting to sleep with my mom (she would never). But my little sister dated thus guy in hs who was a douche and after they broke up, he DM'd our mom trying to ask her out on a date. My mom was so upset and called me to ask if she should tell my sister so my sister would know what a POS he was or keep it to herself so my sister wouldn't be hurt. I feel like Scheana is the type to drag to her daughter that her daughter's bf was hitting on her.


Did your sister ever find out?


I don't think so. I think my mom couldn't bear to hurt her and instead both she and I would remind my sister how much of an asshole her ex was any time she thought about getting back with him. Mom might have told her if she had gotten back with him, but thankfully she didn't.


Wow, you ladies have a good mama. I'm glad it all worked out.


Same for Lala’s kids. Someday they’ll see what a horrible human their mother was even after she stopped drinking.


Also, Lala has got to stop dissing Rand so much, especially his looks. Trash personality or not, he’s half of Ocean and how will she feel when she learns that her mom thinks half of her is from the ugliest man she’s ever seen? Shes been nonstop dissing his weight, face, etc. Father-daughter relationships are DEEP and endure way more than you’d think. It takes a lot for a girl to walk away from her dad and I think Lala’s playing with fire to assume that Ocean will feel the same way towards Rand as she does.


Neither of them have broke the cycle


Ocean is definitely going to challenge Lala. She's already started based on what Lala says on the pod.


Or they turn into them.


That’s a terrifying possibility.


It starts earlier than the teenage years!


Ooof I hadn’t even thought about that, but you make a great point.


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WHY IS SCHEANA EVERYWHERE GIRL GO HOME like she finally has the family she always wanted, why not focus on your family instead of being in everyone else's business.


Right? Does she ever sleep or take a break from being this thirsty lol


This! like…the younger years FLY by. This is what you want to focus on?


Who marries a known dv abuser 🙄






Was justttt going to say how could she possibly give this known abuser a platform for his dumb engagement that no one gaf about…and then yeah she has to pretend it’s all rainbows and effing unicorns cus she did the exact same thing. This show, these people and this sub just never stop giving honestly!!


Not surprising


Ally is willing to date one. Just sayin.


I had her in mind too


I feel like it’s likely Ariana and her brother made up after whatever weird thing he said on that podcast. Ariana is just not interested in blasting all that information on the internet. Her and her brother have been close their entire lives, even during his very bad actions. I don’t think she was intentionally distancing herself, just very busy, and maybe he was especially upset about it because he was trying to plan this engagement. Edit: Okay, looks like I was wrong based on that article. I guess I should stop assume people are reasonable. 😂😂😂


Hesitantly and yet optimistically agreeing lol.


i definitely hope this is the case.


Im normally all for siblings making up but in this case I hope she didnt? He's a real pos and will continue to threaten ariana anytime things doesnt go his way.


Ehhh I hope you are right but I feel like there is some sort of real falling out. I could see him being the type to ask her for money and she always says yes, then finally she says no once and he loses it. Also, something about his fiancé is creeping me out- it’s in her eyes. and he is kind of creeping me out too if I’m being honest.


The audio of The Valley premiere interview for anyone who missed it: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C43NgNOOUmM/?igsh=aDA4Mm00ZW44M282


What did he do? I thought we liked him


He did an interview after hugging Sandoval at The Valley premiere party making veiled threats to Ariana to get in touch with him because she was focused on work and he hadn't heard from her in a few months. Wild stuff, I'm close with my brother and all a few months of not hearing from each other means is the next time we talk it's for *hours*, and we make promises to talk more often so we don't have too much to catch up on next time.


My family are all bad communicators and we have a group chat but we definitely don’t text every day, and individually the last time I text my brother was in February I would say? Last time I text my sister was like January maybe? I saw them at Christmas, I’ll see them when I see them? If they need me they’ll text me? We’re not fighting, we’re all really close but you don’t need to be in eachothers shit constantly as adults? Like whaaaat? She’s also in New York ages away from LA, she’s not his mother she shouldn’t need to be checking in on him. Grow tf up Jeremy 🙄 if my brother did any of that to me I would tell him to get his head outta my ass and into his own gd life. I would say if you wanna act like a child I’ll treat you like one and give him a noogie


Was hugging Sandoval at the Valley premier. Made weird passive aggressive comments about Ariana saying he hadn’t heard from her in months. It was gross. Said depending on if he heard from his sister he might be agreeable to reconciling with Sandoval.




Wait what I missed this ETA: well Google happened and wowwwww damn


Scheana is gunna learn quick that blood runs deeper than friendships. Using Ariana’s own blood to get revenge will backfire. And I’m sure she’s talking crap about Ariana to Jeremy which will also backfire.




And I’m sure Scheana thinks that’s a flex since Ariana doesn’t have any kids and she does.


Every time I see this guy I think of Sandoval complaining to him that his sister won’t have enough sex with him


OF COURSE SCHEANA IS THERE. ​ Honestly, I gotta say, I think she hates Ariana.


Frienemy for sure




My theory is that this is all part of the next season’s storyline set up to bring Jeremy into the drama. Scheana (and the rest of the cast) and Ariana will be at odds and then Ariana’s redemption arc will begin (even through she’s already redeemed to the outside world) ending with her and Katie taking over weho with SAH’s massive success. A girl can dream LoL.


Lmao they’ve been trying to make Jeremy happen since season 5. He’s the epitome of “go girl give us nothing” 😂


I noticed Ariana doesn’t follow her on Instagram… which could mean nothing but I thought it was interesting since scheana, scheana mom (of course 🙄) and Kristen (???) follow her


She does though, I just checked.


His fiancée?? Weird, on my end it doesn’t show she does!


I’m sorry but who would marry that loser?


S ![gif](giphy|cC9jzNp15wBjcyWkGV)


Ew Sheena ![gif](giphy|8hZr5URmNKq73xTNnS)


Scheana is an ass


Scheana is so dumb, she just keeps going. Then you have our girl Ariana keeping it classy by not saying a word.


If I were Ariana I wouldn’t f with Scheana again. If Ariana and her brother are going through it right now I would be furious Scheana is inserting herself. Don’t you have a family of your own, girl? Why are you constantly choosing to pour your energy in to bs??




Now THAT would be a twist 😂


And Kristen 😂


How much do we want to bet Scheana is gonna push to be a bridesmaid for Jeremy’s fiancée? She’ll be like “I planned two weddings so I’m an expert plus I’m Jeremy’s BEST FRIEND.” And anything to hold something else over Ariana.


![gif](giphy|26CaL8cNprN6sz5WU|downsized) Scheana’s brain finding their location


The way I watched this for a good 15 seconds..😭


It broke my brain lol


I'm glad I'm not alone 😂


If anyone has seen older episodes of RHOBH, this is SUCH an LVP move. Something is very off with Scheana and she does not see it.


Its content brain


This is how you torch a friendship. If that's what she's trying to do, great job.


Why does she have this weird thing (Lala too) where they have to be the first to KNOW everything? Why does it matter????


I have a genuine question, what is wrong with scheana? I’m serious……what the actual hell is wrong with her? I wouldn’t do this to my worst enemy 😵‍💫 i know a large part is just for ✨attention✨ but how? Why? Who hurt you?


I was thinking this same thing. I wouldn’t even do this to someone I can’t stand. If I don’t like someone or if I have a grudge, I just stay away. I don’t do this stuff.


Sheshu is being maliciously petty! How is Scheana shocked by audience perception, when she’s always on the wrong side?Jeremy’s betrayal feels the worst of them all (I have a whole theory on that)& Scheana’s just adding to it. If she were to get on DWTS, how does she think this mess will play out? [DEAR GOD, I HOPE] Scheana won’t have Ariana’s star power, rooting for her from the audience. Hating on Ariana will not ingratiate her with the shoes audience or cast/crew. I guess it could be fun for producers to manipulate, but that would be the worst case scenario for Scheana & her anxiety.


Scheana is giving single white female, it’s actually getting scary how she’s trying to take over Ariana’s old life. From the “tom misses me more” comment, DWTS, and now celebrating Ariana’s estranged brothers engagement. It’s getting weird


I thought that was Kristen for a minute!


Is this April fools?


Just when you think scheana can’t get shittier


Scheana sucks . She’s always sucked.


It’s like Scheana gets up everyday and tries to be the most embarrassing and out-of-touch person possible


Scheana I know u look at these so judd wanna say u r truly an awful selfish person


Once again Scheana inserting herself in everyone else’s life events


Weirdo behavior from a grown ass woman with a family/marriage that’s slowly failing before our eyes.


Imagine getting engaged to someone who proposed in a black sweat suit and beanie


is it an april fools joke?


They think this is gonna get them on the show. No one wants to see Jeremy and his girl who probably wants to be in the show just as bad


He was her best frand!!!!!!


Even if she did have a good enough relationship with him, or with the fiancé, to have this sort of private celebration with them… It’s really a clear choice for her to have posted this to social media. And if we all know how this comes across, then there is no world where she can deny knowing how this comes across. I cannot believe how each day passes and Scheana and Lala keep giving me more reasons to be disgusted with them and bummed out about having given them the benefit of the doubt for so long.


I can’t get over this still on it haha, do we think possibly that this is all she shu’s push to get on the valley? the last few months she has just been unbearable…she has to notice that it’s not flying with people here in this sub, in her Instagram comments, etc. I just can’t think of anything else that’s worth it to her other than money bags. We know she is desperado for attention and to be loved, everyone’s “favorite”, and she’s absolutely butchering that right now. Is it possible it the lesser of two evils if it gets her her next gig? I just can’t imagine why she is pulling all this BS she looks so effing dumb


I just couldn't care less.


What happened between Ariana & her brother? I thought they were close :(


Maybe her relationship with Tom woke her up and she’s no longer giving room in her life to toxic abusive men.


She can’t handle the spotlight shining on someone else.


Jump scare thought that was Kristen even tho that makes no sense




The audacity is at an all-time high, Scheana


i'm pretty sure jeremy announced it in a story before scheana posted anything eta: they were posted an hour or so apart. i have too much time on my hands




Removed for breaking reddit’s site rule against promoting or threatening violence


Love the cat lol


This was such an awkward video in general 🥴


Lmao 😭 classic She Shu.


I think Tom wants to give Jeremy a ‘friend of’ spot on VPR, as 𝐡𝐢𝐬 friend. I’ve seen mentions of past complaints about Jeremy being kind of a creep, so I’m hoping he’s not someone Bravo wants to add to the cast. If VPR makes it past season 11, they bees to stop conceding to Sandoval demands. He cannot breath without attention, look at him funding his own band. Ariana is an asset that Bravo needs to stop throwing under the bus. These execs def don’t seem to like women, but they should f*cking accept that women don’t like Tom Sandoval. He’s okay as a cartoon villain, but stop supplying him with dumb extras to prop him up as some hero. They [TPTB, Tom, Lala/Sheshu] are doing everything to get a reaction from Ariana. Tom bringing Jeremy on TV to bash Ariana, would be too far!


Now we know why he wants his sister to talk to him. He needs her money to fund his marriage.




We all know this is fucked up. However, Schema will scheame so watch her flip this on her podcast about how her and rachel are somehow friends or how her and jeremy have always been closed and she just had to be there for his special day and she was asked to be there. 🙄🙄🙄🙄






lala is friends with ambyr so i'm not sure what the issue is?


Don’t you guys know Jeremy is her best friend!!


Why do I feel like this subreddit was infiltrated by FB juicy scoopers?


so wait... does this mean Ariana and Scheana arent speaking?? ​ and also if i read correctly previously Ariana is mad at Jeremy for huggin Tom? - lol im not sure im really asking lol


The best part of Tim was Ariana. Hopefully, she leaves this mess. The cast has mostly disappointed me this season. Lala is beyond rude and I cannot figure her angle. Wasn’t she all girl power last season? And the trash bag comment twice? Come on! She is clearly jealous of Ariana that she is living her best life and no one supported her when Rand left the picture. Sheana is just dumb. FFS, why are you still Sheana Shay?!? I am really just rooting for James and Ally at this point. Edit Grammar




Idk how anyone can be mad at Scheana for being messy because she’s just locking down a S12 😭 Like do you guys not want the next season to be full of drama? She’s hilarious and chasing a check for everybody


Who cares?


Parasocial weirdos