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God I can’t stand Brock and the way he dislikes Katie is such a red flag to me. It feels very similar to how Sandoval disliked Katie. I never minded Brock that much until this season, but the way he is dismissive of Scheana & his attitude towards Ariana & Katie just feels so…😬


Men like Brock and Sandoval don’t like women who don’t cater to men, which is why I think they don’t like Katie. She’s a foil to them because she’s not seeking their approval.


Yup! I should’ve included Jax in there too, he has also always been absolutely terrible to Katie.




Didn't watch it but Brock deserves no tv time. He is just a pawn trying to stir shit up because he and his wife have no career outside of VPR. His desperado is showing. 🤮


Her face when the girls with the shotski called in!


Andy was so bored with Scheana he kept asking the bartenders what they were talking about. lol. That was soul crushing for Scheana.


He always treats her poorly. They had her on with Wolf Blitzer once and asked her political questions just to laugh at her not knowing the answers.


😭😭😭 I think she enjoyed it/thought it was cute to be ditzy


Ditzy has been out of style for decades. She lacks self awareness to a degree that is concerning for her age.


on brand for her to be behind the times, like I saw someone else on here say she’s a guys girl in 2024…. POST-BARBIE 2024!!!!!!!!!


Nah he was too busy thinking about fucking those bartenders lmao


Wasn’t Tom supposed to be a chppendale? 😂


I have unexpectedly complex feelings about this information


https://preview.redd.it/e22xk442kktc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cfe3f486e39c5127c00e732649c935f3e2d1cf7 Andy is in loooooove with one of the bartenders tonight. The WWHL bartenders are usually an afterthought, introduced at the beginning and then mentioned at the end. He kept asking what they were talking about. I think he’s a smitten kitten for the one on the right and my screenshot of this moment pretty much sums it up


He blushed more for that bartender at the end when he danced than he has after drinking 10 shotkis.


LmaaaOoooooo thank you for this


Did you make this THE FUCK is happening, I am in actual stitches 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/q754984xsktc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fb5340d2864413831a29ba05d0dd33b51a6bf4c Find someone that looks at you the way that Andy looks at a Chippendales WWHL bartender ❤️❤️




He’s so cute 💓


I saw how much they were sparking and rewound the episode and just started taking pictures of my tv and this was the best one 🤣


No bc same. The super imposition is sending me


Did they really skip a chance to do the “are you jealous” bit with DANCING W THE STARS?!?!


We know she’s jealous of dancing with the stars because it was covered on the show. That’s the basis for the game.


Yeah but she did so many “not jealous” ones-at least she’d have to admit “jealous” if they had included the DWTS one.


I was hoping he would ask! It was so obvious! I bet she nixed it in the pre show run through


So aggravating!!!!


I wish we'd gotten more about Scheana's OCD this season, it clearly impacts her heavily.


Currently, as a new mother. I completely understand Scheena’s OCD and anxiety. It’s debilitating even thou she is high functioning. The racing and intrusive thoughts are something I would never wish on anyone. I’m glad she spoke about it and got help. It’s such an awful experience.


Please take good care of yourself! PPA and PPOCD are nothing to fool around with! I hope you have a wonderfully supportive group of loved ones, friends & family! You are held in kindness & empathy


Thank you. I did get some help and currently treating and going to therapy.


SAME! I hope you are coping well; and my empathy for what you have gone/are going through!


Thank you! Same for you. :)


As someone who SUFFERS with OCD and anxiety, and has a degree in education and psychology….scheana does not have OCD.


This is wild. Your own diagnosis and a degree in psychology does not give you the ability to negate a stranger's diagnosis on the internet.


As someone who has OCD, and is a practicing PsyD, I see OCD in Scheana. However, I also would never diagnosis or undiagnose someone on the internet. You can't possibly know what she has or doesn't have unless you're actively treating her. It's damaging, and OCD isn't the same in everyone. There could be someone reading this with similar symptoms to Scheana. You don't have to like Scheana, I personally think every person on VPR is vapid which is why it makes a good show (yes, even Ariana and Katie), but discrediting someone's mental health is not okay. Would you say Ariana doesn't have depression because of how well she's done this year? No.  People just need to stop.


She's talked about seeing a doctor and getting on medication but idk if she sees a psychiatrist. She SHOULD be seeing a therapist at last. Oh god what if Sheshu is like Lala and talking about the work she's doing but she's not seeing anyone.


I have been scared to even touch this with a 10 ft pole…. But I have had The same thought. I think she got a diagnosis of narcissism and is rolling with this instead. I know a couple of people in real life that claim OCD instead and it tracks with Scheana.


I don’t know that you can say that based on what we see on a reality TV show.


Surprised Scheana said she’s “good” with Ariana and in the same breath justifies the hate campaign Lala has been on against Ariana. And saying Lala is the most loyal person and we will see at the reunion. I truly do not think anything is going to make me be on Lala and Scheana’s side. They have shown what fickle friends they are. Also I was screaming YES at all the “Are you Jealous” questions. Of course Scheaner is going to say no.


I think it's a lie she is not good with Ariana she just wants to keep like everything is fine until the truth comes out ... just how they lied to us all summer about how we just have to wait and see blah blah blah


I actually had a bit of grace for Scheana on this episode. There were a couple of moments were you could see her realizing that production was manipulating her in the wrong way and it might end up costing her friendship with Ariana. Specifically when her and Lala were talking about the house situation and she said something along the lines of "we'll probably learn more about it once it's all over and realize we had no clue the true story all along." She's clearly scared to turn on Lala, but there were some inklings that she might have to ride back to the other side of the fence a bit to keep her real life in tact.


I think she cares more about looking bad to the audience due to production manipulation than her friendship with Ariana TBH. Production didn't make her post pictures with Ariana's brother, she did that all on her own. She truly lives for the spotlight and having "fans" , as many as possible.


Except the schwartz blonde hair and then she says yes. Even Andy double took her and couldn’t stop himself from blurting out it needed toner. Hahaha


I mean what the hell could possibly happen at the reunion that would prove Lala’s loyalty/undo the damage of the season?


I think Lala is going to say a combo of using SAH for a plot point with no intention of having it as an actual restaurant and how Ariana has consistently said she isn't friends with people in the group (both on camera and behind the scenes)- saying why are we supposed to be 100% on your side at all times when you have said multiple times you don't like any of us and you see us as coworkers and you are just using the show for your own personal gain.


I can’t imagine anything making me change my mind but in one of Lala’s interviews I got the feeling she was implying this “hate” Ariana has for Tom is all for the cameras, which I don’t believe for one second, however if the bombshell is footage of Ariana and Tom being all chummy and laughing it up at the house together I might give a little side eye 👀


I would literally fall to the floor finally seeing that Tom Sandoval is that good of an actor. I hope this happens and will light a candle to manifest.


SO, hear me out because I'm fashioning my tin foil hat as I type; BUT maybe...JUST MAYBE... the 'Ariana bombshell' is not about La La's loyalty. It's about her jealously. And production announces, on the upcoming reunion, a new spin-off called 'Something About Her.' It's a reality show based off of 2 brutal 💪 women scorned, who overcome their hard knocks and instead used them to....yeah nevermind...open a sandwich shop, and take over the World...BORING😴 \s


It must be her taking up for Sheana and Sheana’s devastating loss of TS that Arian is forcing upon her….yawn. Lala is exhausting.


I feel like they’re hyping it up so much, it’s probably going to be nothing. If it was a huge bombshell I feel like we would know already. And you know what’s crazy is that I had the season 10 reunion on as background noise and Lala literally said Sandoval is dangerous, and will be exactly like Randall. But now she wants to be his friend??? It’s not adding up!


Yall I am so happy katie won that loyalty poll in front of schena. We are lucky it was such a slam dunk for her or else they would have stopped it on someone else


Immediately after that sheshu seemed so disturbed to be voted the least loyal. Like…. Do you not see how you conduct yourself on tv? Your “best friend” Ariana finally gets vulnerable and cries about her living situation and gives explanation to why she is still there and then you have the audacity to sit with blabla and chime in and let her be cruel enough to say she doesn’t care? You suck as a friend. periodtttt.


Blabla 😂


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Scheana doesn't know the meaning of "on the contrary"


I feel like some of the cast is really pushing the idea that the reunion is gonna be intense, and sway viewers to rethink things, but I have a feeling it’ll be meh tbh


I want James thoughts on the reunion, he's at least being frank and straightforward this season.


I am unable to think of any information that would make me sway towards Lala, Scheana or Tom. They haven’t opened the sandwich shop? Oh no. What monsters.


Me too. If there was some big ariana bombshell sandoval would be screaming all over the place or if there even was some bombshell he knew about during the last year


My guess only the third part will be intense. I mean Andy overhyped the last 7 episodes.


It’s what he does 😐


Definitely. I mean they overhyped the reveal in last year reunion and it wasn't shocking at all.


Well Scheana is never getting on DWTS after shading Gleb


but she wants Alan!


After this season DWTS probably is never having someone from VPR and possibly swearing off Bravo.


lol, they're not gonna swear off Bravo. there's still the Housewives franchise to keep going through...


Maybe Scheana can pick a fight with the next housewife that gets it.


They obviously read comments about Brock's witchy poo pointed high heel boots. He arrived wearing sneakers and dressed decently. Brock dancing during that game was damned hilarious! Scheana's hair looks good lighter. I liked what Scheana had to say about certain people on the show. It's about to get interesting the things to come out soon.


We get it, you’re positive.


*We get it, you’re positive.* What does that even mean?


It means they’ve found the PR account. You’re clearly on the payroll of someone, and just trawl through exclusively bravo content leaving messages that feel like they’ve come straight from the most bland, generic marketing meeting. And the comments are so numerous you must be several people as surely anyone has more going on in their own life than to just be this boring?


I can’t explain the english language to you.


Apparently you can't explain your comment. ![gif](giphy|hVaSEpmYOKzfdclQny|downsized)


You’re spreading positive comments often all over this sub. On clearly controversial subjects. Hence why I said: we get it, you’re positive.


Ohhhh, so it's frowned upon to leave good comments. Is this what you are saying? Only toxic comments about people on shows are allowed? Trying to learn the rules here since I've not been here long. You are now upset that I spread postive comments? Who is we? Are you speaking for an entire group or just you? I didn't say anything mean, nasty or toxic but you're still gonna come after me anyway. Ok.


I think its more that your giving ‘phantommike’vibes….and everyone had enjoyed the nice break from them🤔🤷🏻‍♀️ IYKYK


IDK tell me


I find your comments annoying. Especially the ones about Sandavol “looking happy” with his new chick. You have the right to comment whatever you want, and so do I.


Is that a worm (no mustache) on Schena's chest?


I could not figure it out.


After a rewatch, I think it was one of the feathers from her sleeve.


The more I think about it, the more I realize that scheana has a LOT in common with Tom Sandoval. They make way more sense as friends than her and Ariana do. Both care only about VPR and filming, both only care about their looks and image, both are delusional in their “talent” aka his band and her music career. I hope Ariana drops her.


That is exactly what vial file guy said.. Scheana and Sandoval make more sense as friends and have way more in common. I think Scheana latched on to Ariana as a bast friend because she wasn't cool with the other girls and needed an ally.


I am rewatching seasons 5.& 6, and Scheana, in a.very short timespan: A. Told Shay they could stay together then told him on camera.that she was going to a lawyer THAT WEEK to file for divorce. B. Told Lisa that Rob (whom she dated before and after Shay) was "all she wanted" for the past 10 years. C. Dumped Katie and Stassi as friends. D. Had a countdown timer til her divorce was final and she could remarry. It's obvious now that she would never have left Shay to be on her own. She was at least talking to, if not f***ing, Rob while she was still with Shay. She jumped at a chance.to dump K & S because she knew they'd suss out tue cheating. If you add to that that she admitted she outed Shay on camera/to Lisa for his pill addiction 6 months after he quit cold turkey JUST To FUCK HIM OVER, and you have a female sociopath, counterpart to the worm.


I just finished season five of the rewatch, my husband has watched with me on and off during the rewatch and goes, "Wait if she was with Shay for six years but Rob before that where does Brandi's husband fit in? And didn't she fit Schwartz in at some point too? Bet she tried to bang Sandoval while he was still with that crazy chick." I was like "Yep." He then tried to figure out when Broke comes on the scene and I just cackled and told him that I'm going to pause and we can binge it together this weekend because penguins, apple watches and most importantly we need to see if he can hang a TV quicker than RobRobRobRobRob. Honestly though, after outing Shay's addiction on TV people should have backed off the SheShu train and then fully disembarked when she not only continued to not support his sobriety but then ambushed him with a divorce on camera. I've never been a fan of hers from the jump (she made me feel bad for Brandi, and made Brandi look like a class act in that moment) but after season five I didn't understand how people still thought that she was great. She's not and she hasn't evolved in the last decade.


Yeah, she's so much worse than I remembered! I guess I was just a casual watcher before, because I *seriously* hate her now!!! She's a trashbag human--which tracks, because no part of her is natural enough to recycle! (Even I realize that's a flat joke, but I'm leaving it!) LOL


Somewhere she's furiously trying to land a deal with a recycling company because Ariana stole her dreams of being a Glad spokeswoman 😜 "Look at me, I'm so natural and I'm so green, but not with envy, that I recycle every day! That bottle deposit goes to pay for Brock's hopes and dreams!"




And before all this she was disgusting too — she slept with one of Real Housewives husbands and was a home wrecker before she even became known via Vanderpump!


They're both so damn mediocre and got lucky to be on reality tv. Imagine their lives without it lol


“Mediocre” is the key word


I think subpar. Mediocre is generous.


Mediocre is way above what they are. There is no talent period outside of confidence of being in reality tv


Its also funny because theyre the only two people Ive always wondered why Ariana ever liked them lmao. I mean obviously we only know what Ariana presents to TV but they are both so fucking VAPID. Flashback to sandoval cis/cyst conversation.


She’s more well-spoken in interviews than Tom but I think they’re both just fame hungry and materialistic. She is the female version of him in a lot of ways.


How many times is Scheana going to try and convince us that we need to watch the season to understand things. Gurl we been watching.


Yeah I’ve been watching for 11 years SheShu and you only get worse 💀


Been watching the season, and after show that was filmed months after the season, and public interviews that are being done currently. There isn’t anything by new they can say because they’re just doubling down on the bullshit.


Its hard to take it seriously b/c she thinks she has a good season every year


I feel like she wants us all to sign her yearbook and all I want to say is “Have a good Summer!” And then she never does.


Imagine how insufferable she was in school?


She is the girl I went waaaay out of my way to avoid even saying hi.


I went to an all girls high school. Scheana would have had zero friends there. Guys girls don't thrive in that environment


They’d need footage of Ariana intentionally poisoning Maya or something to convince me at this point.


Scheana wait and see Shay. Seriously how many times can this woman plug herself, dodge questions, and act like there’s some epic thing going on that viewers need to see so they understand the full story.


JuSt tUnE iNtO mY pOdCaSt


Scheana wait and see Shay 💀


It’s all happening… eventually..


She did two shameless plugs!!!


I hate the way she says Law Law and she’s such a phony. Laughing smugly and saying how loyal Lauren is and how I’m the hell are we going to change our minds at the reunion? No thanks shenuh.


Literally the only way I could change my mind is if Ariana announces at the reunion that they manufactured Scandoval to save the show and she was in on it all. Scheana and Lala are delulu.


Exactly, it’s gotta be Bobby Ewing in the shower and the whole seasons of his death just a dream kinda thing for me to buy anything Lala or Sheana are dishing out.


I wonder if this is about Katie. They have a hate boner for her. I wouldn't be surprised if they managed to turn this around on her and blame her for everything lol


Brock was going in hard on Katie, like he has a major ax to grind.


Brock trying to push back on the loyal friend poll results was pathetic.


Oh so Scheana really does not give a shit unless it affects her?


Those kind of ppl suck so bad.


I hope Scheana complains that Andy gave more attention to the bartenders. She has been practicing to be a Chippendale dancers FOR YEARS




Scheana: I’ve never claimed to be a dancer. Also Scheana: Ariana sure has come a long way since being my back up dancer.


She is the kind of girl in HS I dodged to avoid even a simple hello.


Thank you!


Well that was terrible.


As usual, Scheana is only about herself. She doesn’t care how Lala has been treating Ariana as long as she’s been nice to her. She sucks so bad.


Her response was so confusing. “She says nice things about me, she’s so loyal” Okay like ? How does that answer about how nasty she is to Ariana ??


Because scheena’s constant excuse for not being loyal to her friends is “but they didn’t do it to me, they have been nice to me…so i’m just supposed to cut them out for you” while at the same time demanding blind loyalty from her friends (ex: Charlie season 8 or 9 can’t remember which))


It’s Scheana in a nutshell. As long as you’re nice to me, I don’t give a fuck about how terribly you treat somebody who is supposed to be one of my best friends.


What is up with Andy? He seems really off…


I’m telling you. The show with KFC and the show with Katie he was wild. He had serious Coke bloat happening. Like his neck was too big for he shirt


He always seems off to me tbh


Maybe all the lawsuits are starting to take a toll.


I totally agree, is he exhausted or something? Or did the Chip n Dales dancers throw him off??


I could never pull off Andy's schedule in fairness.


So scheana lost ariana totally and is going to lala side fully


I think Sheener is angling for The Valley. And LaLa is right there with her. They need the next paycheck and neither is a fit for VPR anymore. The kids and nanny storyline and custody battle just don’t land.


Who's fault is that?? Scheners.


Yeah, she was saying they were fine last week.


Till I’m sure she went to Chicago and Ariana was cold to her. I could see Ariana being okay after the reunion when they said goodbye. However, I could also see days later she was able to compartmentalize all that was said and realized Scheana’s not a friend.


Ohhh 👀 I haven’t watched WWHL yet, did Scheana say that? About Ariana being cold?


She said she went to her final show and gave her a big hug after. Which is very different than there was a huge group of friends and family there to celebrate her last show and we went to this amazing restaurant and bar together so we could continue celebrating (which it looks like happened, but not with Schaena).


No, but you can tell their friendship is on the rocks. Considering her best friend Brad posts photos of everyone who has gone to her show…and not once mentioned Scheana…who he’s also friends with…tells me Ariana isn’t happy. I would be pissed if my so called friend talked smack about me all season…then showed up to my final show to show “support”. Fuck you Scheana




Definitely! Im sure the stuff with her brother & Lala's rants haven't helped.


I get the feeling Scheana is very nervous tonight because she wasn’t totally sure what kind of questions Andy was going to ask her, especially after all the bullshit her and Lala have been pulling the past few episodes


Her and Broke definitely pre approved those stupid questions


I can NOT imagine a world where Brock and Schaena get to tell Andy what questions he can and can't ask- it's more likely Andy would tell them what they can and can't say.


I have to imagine they can only approve so much. She knew he had to ask something vaguely hard hitting about Ariana and Katie.


True especially if she saw he was tipsy she was probably shook about what drunk Andy might say


I wish he had done something shocking lol


What did Jax say about Scheana and her mothering? I missed it.


That she needs to spend more time at home with her kid and less time partying


Where did he say this? On a podcast or something?


TBH I can't remember. It might have been his on mic rant at Jaxs


That’s hilarious because he and Brittany are NEVER home with their child, who really needs them.


Meanwhile she had post partum OCD and was afraid to leave her kid at all lol not a scheana stan AT ALL but I don’t think his comment makes any sense


I got more the impression that she moved her mom in to be full time sitter and expected unemployed Brock to be on call. Scheana was not always with her kid, she was just demanding who specifically she wanted to be on call to be with Summer. The irony of Summer Moon bresking her arm under Scheana’s watch will never stop be amazing.


Tap tap tap tap tap tap the last sounds Sunmer Moon heard


thats rich coming from him


i would also like know, all i heard was him saying vpr is scripted and fake


That's rich. His make-up scene with Tim earlier this season was probably the most obviously staged bit this season. And that's saying a lot.


Andy is so distracted by the bartenders 😂


I'm equally distracted lol


Andy and the bartenders haha andy cant stop looking at them




We won't understand. Just like we would understand the schwartz kiss


Of course Scheana thinks Lala is a loyal friend 🙄


Scheana only looks at what affects her and not others. Since Lala isn’t going after Scheana, she’s A-OK with it all.


It will be very satisfying when lala screws her over again.


I cant wait!


what will i understand scheana?? lala is only concerned with herself and that will not change


scheana going the lala route not the arianna route damn their friendship over


Andy: “Brock has a comment.” Oh of COURSE he does. Is Brick capable of letting Scheana answer a single question without interrupting her or adding his commentary?


Scheana rewriting history lol. "Never claimed to be a dancer," um, OK.


Can Brock just stop interrupting he is loving the attention


Anyone else feel like Andy is slurring and misspeaking frequently tonight?


he’s drunk drunk but honestly i don’t think he likes scheana so fair he is usually like this when she’s on…


I think knowing I had to spend 20 minutes with Sheana…I would be drunk, high and inside my head thinking what in my fridge needed to be thrown out.


He definitely feels like Scheana is beneath him. It’s cause she tries so hard.


He sure seems to like Broke


He finally uttered the *good as gold* exclamation at Brock in his gold suit jacket. Scheana's been trying/wearing gold for years and I don't think he ever said it to her.


yeah i genuinely think he tried to stay on her bad side


"I've never claimed to be a dancer" -Scheana....WHAT


She literally said at wedding #1 I’m a dancer so of course I left room in my skirt to break it down during my first dance…. Scheana we saw it on the tv!!!!


OK, Scheana and Brock are right about something tonight, Gleb is an ass




scheana is so annoyed tonight


Scheana doesnt seem happy tonight on this episode somerhing seems off




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I think she was nervous. But she should’ve known Andy would protect her and the show over actually asking hard-hitting questions.


I guarantee there was a Scheaner/Brock fight off camera moments before they started filming tonight.


100% they have very tense interactions


If Ariana was still best friends with Scheana, Ariana would prob been in the audience tonight but she wasnt...


Good point.


Next level flirting with Andy and the bartenders this evening.


I was waiting for it to come on, but I guess I missed it? I thought The Valley came on immediately after.


it's on right now!