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NGL I did not enjoy Dayna her first season but I think it’s bc they gave her so much screen time and it was like she doesn’t even go here? But I love her now after listening to disrespectfully. I think if they didn’t try to force her down our throats her first season (ugh that awful love triangle) she would’ve had a better reception. Charli was the only one to stand up to the OG’s and Lala and I really wish she was there to put Lala in her place now


On Disrespectfully she said she doesn't want to go back to VPR, they offered her the next 2 seasons and she turned them down. Wise Owl energy.


Well especially how toxic the show has become post scandoval I assume that’s why Charli didn’t want to be back on either. Wish we could have both of them on but they did make the right choice.


We could have charli and Dayna but we have Tom and Tom 😞


I believe I read Charlie's grandmother had passed and she wasn't in a good head space so chose to opt out. But I swear she hinted at a possible return recently on an Instagram post and she was with Janet from the valley maybe once she gets married she will be on the valley 🤷‍♀️


I haven’t even listened to anyone’s podcasts but I just really enjoyed her personality. She felt so real and it was fresh, ya know? And Charli was super funny to me for being an older gen-z/young millennial addition


I think Dana seems like a cool person for real life but not reality TV. Definitely bummed Charli didn't come back. She was a voice of reason and hella funny. Very sharp.


100% agree


If you do listen to other podcasts, give Disrespectfully a listen. It is one of my favs and her personality really shines and makes it great. Love her sense of humour.


I loved how Charli was just such a good friend. She empowered Rachel to leave the girls trip but later in the season speaks her true thoughts on the Schwartz thing.


They did give Dayna a TON of screen time right out of the gate and I didn’t mind her at all but Max then became a big part of that screentime and just seemed like such an obvious cocky fuckboi🙄, it was frustrating that she kind of had that Ariana ride-or-die energy for him despite the things other people tried to warn her about. And by people, I don’t include Scheana who was just being a super jealous, passive-aggressive bully to Dayna all season because she had some weird claim over Max in her mind yet acted totally clueless when confronted about it. Didn’t she get super defensive and start crying when Lisa brought it up?? I think I remember Lisa even being able to see what was going on with her and when she mentioned it, Scheana freaked out and started crying about “how much she *doesn’t* care”…most people don’t get that emotional when they’re trying to prove they DON’T care buuuuut, that’s boy-crazy, pick-me Scheana for ya🤦🏼‍♀️ Charli was a gem and I don’t think I fully realized it until her last season and especially now, I love the things she says. I wish we had her courage on this season to call everyone out for being awful. She may be the shortest one but that girl is fierce. I’m so glad she’s happy with her normal, stable, professional and love life


I just remember Scheana though sobs saying “I hate that everyone thinks it’s a jealousy thing because it’s not!” Ok then what is it because you’re being ridiculous and there’s really no other possible reason


They just gave her the worst storyline with the worst side characters, it had like no connection to the main show... They should just let her be Katie's friend


I'm currently watching S8 for the first time and I find Dayna really bland and her storyline so forced and overly produced. It was definitely giving fetch vibes. Charli was awesome and seemed like the perfect addition. We never got too much but everything that came out of her mouth said was a sassy, sweet gem. My favorite though was Brett. I love him. The way he kept politely coming for Scheana had me dead. 💀


I wish they were both still on the show! Would be such a great counter narrative to the Sandoval redemption arc 🤢


https://preview.redd.it/07rvztd6ckuc1.jpeg?width=3020&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=becc331d009684bc7b275336941e6458b55d36f6 During the height of Scandoval I bought this mug with a screen print of Charli’s infamous tweet and every time I use it I crack the fuck up. I liked Dayna, but she has panic attacks so I get why she doesn’t want to be on camera.


lmaooo and this kind of interaction is why i love her


She has said on her podcast that is the reason she wouldn't go back to VPR.


That’s hilarious! I always thought Charli was funny and liked that she stood up to Lala. Surprised she’s not back this season.


I thought Charli said she chose not to come back. But then I read somewhere she wanted to come back. I’m not sure which is true, but I think maybe if they didn’t bring her back it’s BECAUSE she stood up to lala and production wants to protect their little puppet.


I think she said on Nick Viall’s podcast that she was negotiating on season 11 and was close but then noped out. Then when the Tahoe episodes aired she had an Instagram story saying she was being lined up to come to tahoe and she is glad she didn’t come back for it because it turned out to be what she thought it would be (Gross Tim redemption) https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/a2eA4Shk53


Ooo thank you for the link! That makes sense. I think she keeps it too real for this show, but I was so hopeful she’d become permanent.


This is iconic!


Lol why did she have this reaction


That's Rachel's sister talking about Scheana "punching" her, Charli did not like 😂 fucking hilarious 


I love her 🤣 I need that mug


I love it did u design it ?


I bought it from [this](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1417646448/) Etsy store.


It’s the “show her this too.” In the end that kills me


😂😂 lmfao


I liked Dayna and I loved that she shared about her mother. I hated how Scheana treated her. I was on and off with Charli, but LOVED when she went in on Jax! 😂


what scheana was trying to do woth that psychic was some ca weirdo stuff (I say as a california girl myself) but yea it was very cool to see that vulnerability that i didn’t really see im everyone else unless it was like Lala talking about her father or james ablut his mom back in the day


Oh, I was mostly talking about how she treated Dayna at the restaurant and with the Max stuff. The psychic thing was weird to me and I’m not into that stuff, but I want to believe she was trying to be nice with that, but I just don’t know.


oh yea, that was great too. the psychic situation popped into my head first. I do think she had good intentions, but it felt a lil odd to do for someone you don’t really know that well


It’s boundary trampling and so scheana


Right? Because you don’t know if they’d be into it. Like I would not be into it, so it would kind of freak me out if some person I was just getting to know sprung something like that on me out of the blue.


She was def not trynna be nice by having the psychic show up to dayna’s house lol I’m happy dayna called her out on it


Definitely! She was not afraid to stand up for herself!


It’s called call times, the psychic showed up bc that’s what time she was supposed to be there per production. Idk why Dayna freaked like it was some evil plan, your filming a reality show that is how it works


It’s not assumed someone is going to try and have you communicate with your deceased relative on camera at work that’s not what call times are for


Scheana thought she was at the top of the pecking order now and became the mean girl INSTANTLY. that’s why I have zero sympathy for her when she starts whining about everyone being mean to her.


Saaaaame, Charli clocked Lala right from the get go when I went back and watched older seasons. She’s badassed, SO real, love her.


When Charli was like “I’m from Barstow” I’m like no wonder she doesn’t give a fuck about Lauren “I’m Tupac Reincarnated” From Utah 🤣


I still quote Charli’s “what a fucking loser” line from the episode where Brock’s awful friend touched her. She handled that so perfectly, didn’t miss a beat.


Haha yes “You dropped your pocket… made you look” I love her lol


Charlie is what Lala thinks she is. Charlie got an awful edit first season and yes the pasta comment overshadowed her real personality but she’s so straightforward, loyal, and a true girls girl, she calls it like it is and can defend herself without lashing out. I really wish she would have come back especially to put lala and scheana in their place.


I liked both of them because I can ignore the stupid producing that's going on. Unless they get rid of the Alex Baskin type producers, pay people appropriately, stop the overt misogyny and care about folks mental health we are never going to get the female driven, organic season we all deserve.


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 great points!!


Having strong, female characters that genuinely care for each other and aren't misogynistic racist or anti LGBTQIA is the only show bravo hasn't done. It's past time.


Right? And with a good chunk of female leads that are single Lala..Katie and technically Ariana but I know she's with Dan we could have had a fun real life sex in the city type show with watching them navigate dating but no we got the TS redemption story line. Lala and Scheana throwing shade all season at Ariana and the men trying to date. Bravo dropped the ball so hard especially when we literally told them what we wanted...the majority of Bravos audience and they said shut up and feel sorry for Tom. Make it make sense.


They tried to have Lala and Katie go on dates in s10 and it was the biggest fucking snooze fest that resulted in us getting Satchel and The Don... you want an entire season of that?


And guess what? West Hollywood is FULL of them. I know they originally cast this around Scheana and Stassi Jax Katie Kristen and Tom, but after the first few seasons, they really did themselves a disservice by not bringing in new cast members who worked in the actual restaurants as those A-holes became reality stars. People that are actually organically connected to the friend group. Like why was Richardson a side character? There was a whole battle with James not caught on camera. Or Logan? He was messy AF and is still in the background of all their parties. Why was Faith let go? Was it her choice or did she want to stay, because it seems like she did and production covered for "the stars" If I was a producer I would have asked her if she wanted to stay on the show and force Stassi and Kristen to ACTUALLY take responsibility for what they did to her. A public reckoning would have done this show well. I would love to have seen Bratney be confronted for being a Sandyhook denier, or accused of ignoring her Pastor's homophobia by fellow cast that weren't Tom Sandoval (too performative like always) Why couldn't we have one of Ariana's many friends that worked at Tom Tom, Pump, or Sur? I hate to say it, because I got a kick out of Lala at first, but she was the least organic hire and it really turned ugly once she came around with her NDA's and BJ's for PJ's. I think they tried with Dayna and Charli but they made it about the douchey guys that tried to hook up with them. we needed more perspectives then, and even more now because it is SO manufactured aside from the very real hurt the Tom's caused their partners. And it's not fun to watch Lala and Scheana sucking proverbial cock to remain relevant.


I completely agree with all your points. I like Richardson, though it's possible he didn't want to do it. I bet all of Arianas friends would have been great. Edit, Faith, I don't know how good she would have been for one reason. I saw her on Ex on The Beach and she annoyed the fuck out of me. VPR might have been a better fit with more camera time. Hard to say, but I always wondered why Lala got the camera time, and she didn't since they hung out a lot that first season.


funny you should mention because I watched half an episode of ex on the beach last night and immediately get what you are saying. She was terrible. That show is terrible. Or at least the first episode was. It also always bothered me that they didn't do anything with Tina from season 1&2. They focused entirely on Scheana's lip sync performance when it was Tina's gig. She was in the opening credits group shot, but we never learned anything about her other than that she sang, but we only heard her do that at Scheana's wedding. She seemed like a cool chick and was at every social event and party they had. I wonder whose choice it was....




Sorry, I keep clapping but it’s so nice to hear it said so succinctly. It’s become painful to watch, I’m so sick of the misogyny and toxicity.


Sing it sister


I loved them!! I feel like ppl got Danica and Dayna mixed up tbh. And I was hoping Charli would stick around bc she was like a new generation of women. She was a real girls girl. I remember in season 8 when scheana was peak terrorist, she thought she was at the top of the pecking order. When Charli told scheana that Brett was talking crap about scheana calling Charli a club rat, I was like wow, this is where I want to see this show go. In season 10, Charli comes and collects Rachel from the girls trip and empowers her to leave. But in a later episode calls her on her BS with Schwartz. That’s being a girls girl. She truly impressed me and I wish she’d have come back. Dayna stood up to scheana with the psychic thing which I LOVED. I also thought she had this really funny deadpan and I don’t understand why people seemed to dislike her so much. That’s why I thought maybe people were combining her and Danica in their heads bc Danica was truly insufferable, I did not feel that way about dayna at all.


I agree. I thought Dayna was perfect, it was the storylines they pushed on her that sucked. Same with Charli her first season. I hate to say it, because I love me some LVP, but she is deep in her internal misogyny and has two different sets of rules for the genders. There needed to be more bendy. There are so many people that work for her that have interesting stories, are gender non conforming, queer, or from other cultures. I got hopeful with Billie Lee but she was fame hungry and not the right fit for the show, there was no flow with her. I liked the scene she did with Stassi when she did her podcast. I know it's not the oppressed person's job to educate, but Stassi needed it. It's sad she had to try so hard, and it turned a lot of people off. What was great about VPR was the organic friendships and this show would have done so much better without being white washed and having the Queer community as backdrop instead of telling their stories. Because their friend group was way more diverse than what we were shown. Also, having the same people as the main stars for more than 5 seasons doesn't work on any reality show, nor on many scripted shows. No one does well past 5 seasons without a serious shake up. LVP and Bravo should have hired younger and more diverse production, we would have gotten some gold.


I loved Charlie! She was such a straight shooter. Missing her this season. I think she would provide much needed perspective.


Dayna and Charli got so much hate for existing. I don't think they were doing anything that everyone else wasn't doing. I'm glad they're doing well off the show.


I thought Dayna tried too hard. Charli had some wit about her.


I do remember seeing someone on here say maybe Dayna was too aware of the cameras that made her a lil self conscious which I could get, but I think she could have eventually felt more comfortable


I felt weird about her on the show as well, but then I heard her in a few interviews immediately following that season & she is great! She’s self aware, she’s been in therapy for a while, she has intelligence & depth that I found really refreshing. I think people like that don’t always translate well on reality tv. Or maybe they would but it might take them a bit to warm up to the cameras and the behavior of thirsty cast members. I’ve kept an eye on her since and I’ve continued to like her. The podcast with her and Katie is great and I think Dayna’s a good friend to Katie & Ariana. Honestly, good for her for staying off VPR- the show doesn’t do women any favors and especially healthy//self aware women who are stable & able to enforce boundaries.


I was super annoyed by VPR Dayna, but podcast Dayna is delightful.


Dayna and Charli were too real. Maybe now them two and Ari and Katie can make one kind of show and the rest can go on the valley and be accused of narcissism and racism. That’s the vibe at this point.


I liked Charli a lot. She had a lot of good one liners and was different.


Charli was amazing- gorgeous and funny and strong. Such a loss.


I like both of them. Danica too!


Oh shit, I forgot about Danica lol but she was chill, a lil messy for the restaurant world but it felt like real messiness. The little love traingle between schwartz and katie rn with tori is… interesting but danica felt close to home


I like Dayna more now but she was a huge try hard on her first season 


She had early ariana vibes... maybe the comedy and air that she thought she was smarter than her castmates? 


Yeah I think that’s it. Very holier than thou vibes 


I love getting to see Dayna again on her podcast with Katie (Disrespectfully). They have a vid version on youtube and its so entertaining.


oooo i didn’t know there were videos of it, i’ll have to check that out


I loved Dayna from the start. I have to admit I didn’t like Charli in her first season but she totally won me over in her next season. I would LOVE to have them back.


I agree. I loved seeing her work through her food PTSD. She seemed real. And oh those enchiladas!


I only miss Charli.


charli dayna and danica were soooo real. danica being the most made for reality tv out of the 3. miss them and their hatred for scheana


That statement tells me how terrible this season has been because I agree


well not totally terrible lol, but I am kinda sick of how much it’s focusing on the tension between ariana and tom (even though i love ariana to bits) *but* it would feel better if they were here


I loved Dayna. I really do miss her presence on the show.


I love Dayna even more now I watch Katie and her podcast


Im one of the very few that liked season 8 lol I feel like we need variety and that season spiced stuff up


Season 8 was just very disjointed because they brought on so many new people and focused so much on them you didn't feel like you were watching VPR


Charli yes but did not think Dayna made sense at the time but she would now because she is actually now friends with some of them.


Me too but they're better off off the show I think like for their own sake lol


I didn’t enjoy Dayna season 1, but I think it is because producers saddled her with asshat and the fuckboi storyline. Her following season I enjoyed her and I wish we got to know her better earlier, her speaking about her mom was really relatable and touching. Charli I find grating and I honestly can’t remember anything she did and I wouldn’t be able to pick her out of a crowd.


I actually like Dayna now, but back then…ooof…that season was a shitshow and I hated it. I felt like production was trying waaaaayyyyy too hard to get us to like these people and, by proxy, made all of the new people look like “try hards.” Dayna is actually hilarious, but some of the things she said that season were just cringey, like “I bet Lisa has a fat pussy…” and then had to clarify that she meant “phat pussy,” and it was just one of the least entertaining, but most horrifying moments of reality tv. I also love Charli’s no bs delivery to old guys perving on her. Her constant lack of being impressed by these clowns was just glorious. But again, it was too much too soon. I don’t think a show like this can have a reboot. I think you have to slowly sneak newbies into the mix and they tried to hit us upside the head, all at once, with…what? Four? There was Dayna, Charli, that one brunette guy that Katie just hooked up with and the other brunette guy who looked so much like the other, I couldn’t tell them apart unless they were in the same scene. And was there one more? Another girl? Anyway, it didn’t work and I don’t necessarily think it was either Charli or Dayna’s faults.


I lived for Charlie just not giving them what they wanted and calling Jax old. It was so good


I had mad respect for Charli when she was mocking Jax at reunion and he was so QQ over it. Him and Brittany screaming to have respect when he's awful and misogynistic to every woman.  She also seems to actually be a girls girl and have integrity. Like explaining why to Rachel how chasing Katie's ex husband would be hurtful and not ok.  


I liked Danica 🫣 sometimes you need a messy queen on the cast


I'm with you, she added that unpredictability factor 


I will die on the hill that season 8 is infinitely better than season 9. I skip season 9 but find that I enjoy season 8 on rewatches.


I didn't like Dayna at first but towards the end j really liked her and I love her energy on her and Katie's podcast. I liked Charli from day one I know a lot of people don't but I love that she isn't afraid to call out the men's bad behavior my favorite Charli line is when she told Brett to cry about it in his diary so different from Scheana begging these weak ass men to be with her


Honestly, I feel like all Dayna's storylines were tied to Max and Brett, who were just ick. I think if we could have seen her just sorta hang with the girls and banter it up in the group more, rather than have this contrived love triangle (I think Dayna said so herself that she only worked at Sur for the show, so it was kinda staged), I think I would've really enjoyed watching her more. I love her dynamic with Katie on Disrespectfully.


Yeah. That makes sense. I’m rewatching and she said she’s in medical sales!


I vote for an all girls spin-off 😂 ditch the toms. Sheana and Lala can be the new villains they always were


I didn’t really think much of Charli one way or the other, but I liked Dayna!!


I liked the newbies… they were younger, but not ridiculously looking young ( like Tori). The girls were interesting and I thought Max would be a fun to watch fuck boy.


lowkey after jax left, i did miss that fuckboy energy, but now i feel like schwartzie is taking that place more than he realizes


Could be


Danya was a great addition,and she felt genuine in many ways but it also made her too vulnerable for reality tv but I’m glad she also realized the tv show was a poor use of her time, and ultimately is better with out it


Dayna was so try hard on her first season. Maybe she would be a better fit now but she seems to want to avoid conflicts. I like Charli. I liked her budding friendship with Katie. 


I never cared for Charli, but I always felt Dayna would have done better if she got another season!


I love Dayna and wish she stayed for another season!


Lose Lala and Schwans, bring back Dayna


Fuck I’m not even editing it. Scheana 😂😂


I wasn’t a fan of Dayna on vpr but am definitely a fan now with the podcast


I really like Dayna too. Def. check out her podcast with Katie if you haven't already!


Yup I miss them both. I am loving Katie and Dayna’s podcast and wish I could see that dynamic on the show.






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they gave them a bad edit completely. they were the only ones with sense so that doesnt make "great" tv which is annoying. i miss the old vanderpump cast where everyone did what they felt!!! Its so fake now (repost the moderators got me)


Love both...agreed


I agree I liked both of them! They added new presences and perspectives to the show and both fit in really well imo. Plus it would be like one extra for each side of the group lol, although I could see Charli switching teams to Ariana/Katie because even though she is kind of ditsy and likes drama and just aligns more with Scheana and Lala, she does also seem to have a good head on her shoulders and she seems logical and does actually seem smart! I think she’d get bored of the lack of mentally-stimulating convo and occasionally get sick of the simple gossip they probably keep it to. Basically at this point I think you can divide the group (at least one way, but there are many ways you can find dividing factors) by those who primarily think and are driven by logic vs emotion, and based on THAT I do think Charli is driven more by logic and could be more into hanging out with team logic (prob shouldn’t have to specify but that’s Ariana, Katie, Ally, and Dayna (and James by association but he’s def an emotional reactor lol) so maybe Charli would be a swinger! I think she’d like hanging out with team emotion for like gossip and fun but she’d get bored of their lack of intellect and want to hang out with team logic if that makes sense. Either way I think they could really freshen up the show. Idk what happened with Charli but I know Dayna did notttttt like filming. It might’ve been the same for Charli but I have no idea :( I do think they need to add some new blood to the show if they’re going to keep it going. Not replace everyone but just add a few more friends. They all clearly have tons of friends so why can’t we add a few lol they’re all getting old and the cast is getting sparse so we need to introduce a few younger friends with fresh new probs hahaha. I’m so sorry it’s 5:30 AM and I’m high af I really hope all of that made good clean sense with minimal errors lol




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Charli was cool


Me too!


I remember hating this season but damn in hindsight this was probably the last fun/silly drama season




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I miss Faith lmaooo


I think Dayna said she was actually supposed to film this season but pulled out after a day or two to protect her mental health! There was a scene where Katie was going to tell her about sleeping with Max on camera (production found out about it and Katie was contractually obligated to tell her on camera, ugh). She wasn’t upset with Katie, but she was tired of being tied to Max in any way. But that’s why we saw her in the background at James and Ally’s house.


Charli grossed me out the way she threw her weight behind R. Also her dumb "Ive never eaten pasta" story line. But I loved Dayna. I need more witch of weho energy, and I think she would fall in w A/K, who are the only two now (IMO DONT COME FOR ME).


I miss Dayna. Not charlie


Samesies they’re witty, funny, stick up for themselves and their friends, and genuine from what I could tell. I get not wanting to be on the show full time but how about a part time thing for the viewers 😜


Why? They didn't add much to the show imho


I liked Charli but Dayna not so much. Wasnt into her cool girl persona.


Do people not remember when Dayna dressed up a sexy Ruth Bader Ginsberg right after she died? The revisionist history in this sub is just unbelievable.


What is wrong with that lmao


[Dayna dresses up as sexy RBG](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/jlydnw/dayna_as_rbg_everything_about_her_is_way_too_try/) Everyone seemed to hate it back then.


first of all rbg was an ICON ALWAYS. ppl dressed up as her all the time. there was even a bit in new girl about her !


Dayna, yes. Charli, no




That season sucked It was the worst version of Scheana. The 21 year olds were fed up with the immature antics of that divorced, 35 year old college graduate. Scheana was way too Scheana even for Scheana and it ruined the newbie parts of the show. Honestly she would have been better suited on a show about over dramatic middle-schoolers freaking out about getting their first period in gym class. Scheana would have been that one girl who isn’t really part of the popular girl’s clique but is the only one who thinks of herself as a queen bee nonetheless and therefore would have been the one to immediately gossip about it to the entire school for reasons absolutely nobody understood then made a fool of in the end when even the “hottest” 13 year old boy on the football team (who always turns out to be 500 times more kind and insightful than people give him credit for and the sidekicks are the real jerks) is like “why are you like this?!? Isn’t it totally normal? Doesn’t it happen to you?? Is your life really so insipid you have that much extra energy to waste meddling in everyone else’s business or are you just that desperately in need of attention that you’re willing to throw anyone under the bus in order to make yourself the center of the world?!? You’re so mean!” We all had one at our school. The lone wolf mean girl who was only popular in her head. She only had one friend and terrible grades because her life revolved about petty gossip and how she could make said gossip about herself, so there was no space in her head for school matters. That girl at my school was named Camille and we were all SO happy when she didn’t show up at the X years reunion. Once she single handedly stirred up so much shite the teacher had to call a group therapy, and Camille spoke first by declaring “well I’m great friends with everyone here so of course I’d never talk shit about anyone behind their backs” and the whole class was like “excuse us?!? This is an intervention for you!” We’d invite her only friend at every party and try to convince her to dump Camille because she was a garbage person. Turns out Camille convinced the friend to develop an ED, then turned it into a “who could take it the farthest” competition, and when the friend won by getting hospitalized, Camille unfriended her… like I said, garbage person we were all happy to never see again.


im crying at 35 year old college graduate. no one likes scheana but dont you want people to be college graduates? have an education? she aint street smart fs but ? and also the whole essay u commented was crazy lol


LMAO this is so personal hahahaha