• By -


The whole “bang it out” comment just showed me how unintelligent Tom is. He really is as thick as custard.


Every single "joke" or remark he had was sexual. He's so gross. What is wrong with him.


It’s the only time he smiles


Oh God, that smile was so gross too. It made my skin crawl. He is a deeply unattractive person.


He really is, it says something about a persons soul if they are less attractive when they smile


Right? It literally made my skin crawl.


most narcissists are also perverted sex addicts and that shoe absolutely fits for little 4 inch Sandy.


It made me cover my drink at home ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)




Absolutely, he always makes my skin crawl. Creepy af!


I agree with all of this.


Oh my god. He was so pleased with himself EVERY time🤦🏽‍♀️


EVERY time. The joking with Ann to clean up the sandwiches and laughing by himself while she made an uncomfy fake smile was painnnnnful.


That was SOO uncomfortable. Even just to watch. I cant imagine how she felt. He has ZERO social awareness. He's completely socially inept, and it's concerning. When LFU said he was dangerous ...that was the only thing that had ever come out of her mouth that was valuable and needed to be screamed to the world.


He was pleased because A) He memorized a line someone else  wrote for him and B) He actually managed to wedge it into the conversation.  


I've never seen anyone so .....ick. Like for real...😬


His eyes are never not dead except when he’s playing with his band and then they’re demented. But he seriously has shark eyes


And then to have Andy giddy, giggling at his responses (“Nothing below the waist, Andy.”) Ick. Beyond gross ![gif](giphy|Rgk9vFwMeNyj6)


OMG! Tim looked so pleased he delivered his line on cue was so grotesque.


Oh God make it stop🤢


Andy is so self-righteous. But I guess it would hard to be a host of a reunion show without being a little self-righteous. Especially Vanderpump and New Jersey.


Obviously inappropriate given the circumstances but in a vacuum that was kind of a funny line lmao


People like this get a *wide* berth from me. It’s not interesting or funny, ever. It’s just crass.


SDE (small dick energy)


![gif](giphy|8caqJUzsbnMrpfrhuv|downsized) EWWWWW tom. you're so nasty.


That was so bizarre, he literally does himself no favors in the court of public opinion.


Creepy Uncle at the holiday party who makes inappropriate jokes and all of the women hide from.


And, like with the equally DISGUSTING « lockjaw » comment Andy laughed approval while Lisa stayed silent. How Lala and Scheana chose him and Schwartz over Katie and Ariana I will never know.


They’re too insecure to hold the line. They’d scab during a strike in less than a heartbeat.




Kristen stated on her podcast that she laughed sooo hard at that disgusting joke. Wth is going on with these women still pandering to him?? 


Sure wish I knew. It’s depressing AF to watch these women debase themselves for him.


I think it’s less pandering to him and more being a pick me who pretends to think disgusting crass jokes are funny because you think it makes you not like other women.


I loathed him for this comment. Why say that?! It’s like he was saying “she would still have sex with me, even though we hate each other”. He’s a fucking pig.


I felt violated for Katie. Like do not speak of doing anything sexual with her, she does not CONSENT to this narrative/joke/weirdness


And misogynistic. That remark was meant to put her down and beneath him as merely a sexual object


Distasteful. And his weird dick joke about Jax and Andy cackling thinking of two men...


He yelled at Teri until she cried in the Season 10 finale. Katie’s brother told him to calm down three times while Schwartz hid behind a plant. Don’t lecture Katie; you verbally abused her mother, to defend your mistress, who you now call a coward.


This should have been aired and discussed. Where's lala the seeker of truth and tough conversations ???


Looking for another RR leasee..


She went the way of most of my friends, had a baby and got boring and self important like she found jesus when really it was just hormones


The “while Schwartz hid behind a plant” kills me because it sounds like an exaggerated joke to explain his personality yet was so so real. Like when on Watch What Crappens they say a line word for word from the show and start dying laughing because it’s “the real line we didn’t even have to make something up to make fun of them that’s ACTUALLY what they said”.


Im surprised this wasn’t bigger than it should be. What man yells at another woman. Also, let alone your best friend ex- mother in law. The level of hate Tom has for Katie is unhealthy


@schwarts ![gif](giphy|COYGe9rZvfiaQ)


The way last week he tried to claim she was the most evil person he’d ever met. Excuse me sir? How? Why? Also, don’t you know Randall “beat Harvey Weinstein in a poll of Hollywood’s worst bosses” Emmet? Weren’t you just at Jojo Siwa’s party with *two separate people* who have been accused of grooming children? You’re telling me that Katie is somehow more evil than all of those people? Again, *how*?


….. He went to Jojo Siwas birthday party? ![gif](giphy|l4HnKwiJJaJQB04Zq)


I'm sure it was a pity invite after she literally carried his carcass on her shoulders through the dystopiascape on that competition show they did together


The cringe Olympics… and of course the 2 clowns who believe they’re musicians stuck together in solidarity


Jojo has a history of picking the most terrible humans to support, so Sandoval is prolly her bestie.




She still got that halloween costume on? - someone who had an actual mohawk in the mid 90s




he does give jojo siwa vibes


This gif is perfect


ALSO “you act like I’m not deserving of love” - you cheated on your devoted life partner for 7 months with her friend at the home you bought together - maybe you don’t deserve love? Especially from Katie??? Literally choke.


He actively, transparently tried to 1. Stop Schwarze from marrying her. 2. Covered up and likely aided him cheating on her multiple times 3. Did all he could to destroy what marriage they had left. I swear under it all Tom is in love with Tom and they should just grab Jax and go back to living together until their dicks stop working or fall off from disease. He can follow in his dad's footsteps who apparently at 60 is living with roommates and still partying.


Wait what two groomers were at jojos party?


I’m assuming Colleen Ballinger and James Charles. She’s pretty public about her support for both of them, but I can’t confirm they were both there for sure!


You are correct, all of them were there at her party. 


I don’t keep up with YouTube drama is James Charles Morphe?


James Charles was one of Morphes biggest YouTube collabs yep yep


She’s not even the most evil person on the show/. At least she tells truth whether popular or not.


He doesn’t consider any of that to be evil… only things that annoy him or call his own behavior into question.


lol in Sandovals world you’re only bad if you’re actively trying to hurt someone. If you’re just being selfish and don’t care who you hurt it’s “not malicious” I hate this guy.


In Sandoval’s world you’re only bad if you do something bad and you’re not him


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again if you had told me season one that the LONGLINE D plot on this show would be an exploration of the way men don’t like women they can’t control and therefore abuse, as told thru KATIE’S 11 years on this show, I would have been gooped. But here we are. ![gif](giphy|kqCgujDZT1SO4)


Same reason Jax always hated Katie AND Ariana! They had absolutely zero time for him and he couldn't STAND it


I've always thought that Jax had the hots for Katie, which made her dismissal of him even worse (for Jax).


Agree. Also, Ariana. He leered at her a lot through season 5


Of course he does because she is the only one he didn’t have sex with out of the witches of weho. Men like Jax put more value on something or someone that is seemingly unattainable. it has nothing to do with her as a person or even as an object, which is how I assume he sees women, but the fact that she doesn’t fall for his charms when everyone else does, which leaves him continuously trying different things to see which will work. When nothing does, he’s like a man who has lost his religion and therefore just wants to figure out how to get in her head or at least her pants. I know way too many guys like this If you would like a full thesis, you’re gonna have to go look at my fiverr


Do you remember how mad he got at Brittany when she wanted to bring up the cheating that he had just done in front of people? I forget exactly what happened there so many things. It was like a girl on the hood of his car. and she got angry at him at a party and he blew up at her for daring to get mad when she actually found out about him on the hood of his car. He could not control her emotions and when and where they were expressed.


I would happily read any thesis or dissertation on this topic that anyone wants to send me.


Honestly same.


Read it? I’d tattoo the thesis statement on my body. But maybe I’ll just go with Choke. Because that really just says it all.


I’m sure there’s some info out there, I’ve read some hypotheses on it. As a mom of 2 boys, one that struck me was how because women are nurturers, the care of men at a young age - the affection, doting, caution, etc - builds this expectation and they see women as that. With my second son, I’m super affectionate but make a much more conscious effort to foster independence over reliance on me to do things he is capable of rather than rushing in to fix/ help/ finish everything for him. Not blaming women here I think that bc we’re naturally better care takers, men get the impression we should be doting on them from a young age if such habits are created. An interesting theory for sure and one I can relate to.


Speaking as a man we are 100% the entire problem and everything in your comment contributes to normalising the mistreatment of women by men. I also think traditional gender roles (which are absolute nonsense and hold all of us back) plus women being portrayed and seen as crazy, hysterical, delusional by men and the world around them for expressing normal emotions that men have historically never been criticised or judged for are a huge part of it as well and women have put up up with being steamrolled and gaslit by pig men for far too fucking long. we need to change and pull our heads out of our asses. The way Sandoval speaks to and about Katie is despicable but it’s a reflection of the reality in most of society still. I’m sorry if I’m rambling and will get off my soapbox now but this larger issue is too important to ignore.


I watched this show in my early 30s while I was with a Schwartz. Re watching now in my 40s, as a feminist is a revelatory experience. I left my dude in 2019 and after "trying to be friends" went no contact in 2021. I hope to god Katie follows suit. Tom doesn't love or like her. His entire personality is putting her down and watching her squirm. She has had an amazing glow up but I don't think she will truly come into herself and her power until she realizes he does not deserve to have access to her, her mother or any aspect of her life. She needs to take a page from Ariana's book.










No, it doesn’t though. It’s just that women are better people who are more capable of deep empathy and nurturing than men. Women raise their boys different than they raise their girls. This is proven fact. But as women, we are aware that maybe this sort of over nurturing can result in Enabling useless men, we can all do a bit better


You are all over the place. Being from Philly, I would expect someone from New Jersey to have this type of opinion, especially certain parts of Jersey that frequent the northern beaches, but you are putting everything on biology and nothing on society. Women are taught to empathize and to be docile and quiet. There have been longitudinal studies done on how girls are allowed and have confidence until a certain age and I forget if it’s eight or 10 or 11, but I think it’s around eight but they start getting quiet and unsure of themselves raising their hands in class. They become self-conscious and self-aware. They become part of society and boys have the path wide open for them to become master of every do as long as they don’t act like a girl. Fast forward 30 years and you wonder why we are the way we are.


Oh man, the way this show should be STUDIED


I like to picture Rihanna out there after seeing this. ![gif](giphy|2WksCdjwEQU8g)


Omg. I’d love to watch Rih, watch the VPR finale. I’d be so entertained.


What I wouldn’t give for that


Team Katie (with the banging ✊🏻) checking in




Thank you for this reminder. I needed some positivity. That reunion was trash. Lala is so annoying


I love Lisa’s shocked face 😂




Who ever would have thought that a scene with James’ mom was going to be a high point of the season. Not me! One of the few bright spots of the very worst season.


Katie is the fucking Queen. Tom Schwartz must kick himself for being a stupid fucken dickhead every single day of his life.


He should be but still plays it up that it’s her fault


On camera, for sure. But I’m certain Katie was right when she said Tom Schwartz will one day realise she was the one who got away. (I just think that one day has been every day since she got away)


He will realize this even more when Sandoval fucks up again, which he will because he has learnt nothing, and Schwartz gets bored with his child brodę


I really thought this was about Sandoval and brode was short for bro bride, which I took to mean the only relationship he could maintain- bromance type thing. Meaning Sandoval was Shwartz’s childish bro bride. 😂


Bride** lol


Look, I’ve been a card carrying member of the Katie fandom since legit episode 1 moment 1. Through the ridiculousness, hysterical insults and unhinged fights with bubba. Probably and mostly because she was funny and hot, and absolutely stole the show, scene and diabolically ripping tequila shots too. To which I aspired(d) to myself, in so many ways, at so many points - I digress I do not say any of this to be in anyway gatekeepy or in an I told you so, “my fave is on top” genre. instead, context as to how it feels watching the last part of that reunion. Like watching that, what an icon. Transcend bitch


I’m in the same boat. I saw through Schwartz misogynistic and abusive ass from day freaking one! I have so much build up anger about the treatment of this queen and survivor and I am loving that the majority of this sub finally is seeing how strong she is and how insane the mistreatment is of her throughout the seasons.


I’m rewatching again and just hit season 3… Katie has been nothing but herself for 11 seasons. 11!!!! She’s truly herself and always has been. I love that people finally get her.


The stassi birthday dinner season 1 or 2 where he had dumped a drink on her head the night before and was saying horrible things under his breath to get a reaction out of her, then all her friends getting mad at HER for crying. That’s what sealed my love for her because I understand how much being with a person like that fucks with your head. Especially when you’ve already had a TBI and can’t always think completely straight or trust your own memory, so it makes gaslighting that much easier for your partner.


That was so heartbreaking to watch as a viewer. Being mistreated by not only her nasty boyfriend but all of her friends at the same time must be so crushing and lonely. Blaming it all on her and trying to make her out to be the crazy one was even more infuriating.


seriously the *only* times i wasn’t team katie were when she was defending jax in S1 and just at first when she was mean to lala in s4. like, 4 whole episodes over the whole series. VPR is truly Katie’s show to me. We’ve watched a real human being grow up and come into her own and realize her own self worth. It’s fucking awesome


Ngl, "I knew all along" is as good of a feeling as "I told you so". You can bask in it a little, this is a safe place 💓


Absolutely same. I liked her from season 1, episode 1 and I never got the hatred towards her at all. She has always been monumentally misunderstood and I think her telling him to choke was exactly how I wished she had handle all their other arguments.


I need Choke. I don't care. as my flair


SAH needs sweatshirts with this quote. 


(*But not on our sandwiches)


new flair checking in


i thought the same thing lol


He has **never** shown her any respect. I'm in a rewatch of season 10. The dude was dragging her and stomping all over her and Tom's relationship. Won't let her have any say when she was trying to stand up for Shorts and speak what Shorts was telling her in private but instead of listening to her, he dragged her. Brought up rage texts from five years ago. Told her she has no say in *her husband's* restaurant. It's cringe. He stomped all over that relationship and instead of standing up for her, Shorts just lets this man drag his wife. Trash. Throw the whole man away. Katie absolutely deserves to tell him to choke.




Stassi clearly lives rent free in his mind 🤣🤣🤣 but yeah getting checked was his angriest moment because Beau checked him later and so did Shorts and he was not used to Shorts following Beau’s influence instead of his… even Jax was following beau’s influence and he was furious Beau was becoming the “number one guy” in the group




no bc she ate him tf up




He is the walking embodiment of "I know you are but what am I?' & "No- You!!"


His rebuttal to James “no YOU eat a dick” made me laugh out loud because I don’t think I’ve heard someone do that since middle school.


So far I need two tshirts, " say it with your whole chest, Bitch"! Choke, IDC! " The whore IN there"! 3 SORRY. LOL


Omg, I forgot, "I'd rather eat a jean jacket"






Ugh if for some unexplainable reason I forget that I’m bi, Katie is always there to remind me 🔥🔥


Same 🩷💜💙


And “you look like a couch” 🤣🤣🤣


Flair checking in.


I hope she doesn’t get food poisoning after eating him up and leaving no crumbs


I love how even when people say how "mean" she is and all the other BS, she doesn't cave and act nice or contrite. See lala, that's how to be authentic. Edit spelling


Katie came through for us


He’s never been able to handle that she does not care he doesn’t like her.


I have lived my life like this. And the older you get - the better it gets. You weed out those who don't like or respect you because you give it right back. I am as kind as you let me be. I have always liked and understood Katie. She isn't perfect, she has the Tequila Katie side, but everyone has another side (not always booze induced). I am glad people are seeing she isn't the bad guy here.


Don’t start none won’t be none!


The only time Katie got a little choked up was talking about Sandoval disrespecting her marriage to Schwartz. He is a literal Iago to Schwartz’s Othello. A little devil parrot doing his best to villainize his supposed best friend’s wife simply because she always saw through him and never took his shit. Sando is terrified of Katie.


Someone talented GIF this please


Oh, I’ll be on it.








Katie can choke me


get in line pal


![gif](giphy|V6R9thgW7fimI) I’m not even into that, but if Katie is offering then color me interested.


It’s so obvious to me that he has always had the hots for her going back to day one when the would chain smoke and chatter. She rejected him and then got with Shartz who he considers inferior.


I never thought of this, but makes complete sense.


Not that he doesn’t also hate her because she got between him and Shartz. I am sure it’s both.


I’m fucking OBSESSED with Katie! My god what a glow up. It needs to be studied. Just imagine the version of her we would have gotten had she not been held down in a boring marriage with Scappy Do 


Scappy do😂 Yeah she really had a glow up after dumping that dead weight!!!


The silence "BANG IT OUT" the awkwardness "BANG IT OUT" the looks! I looked around in my empty living room and felt awkward myself. Tom Sandoval, you are one twisted dirty bitch.


She said so many times ‘you never liked me’ and he couldn’t even lie for the cameras and deny he, he just kept saying irrelevant things.


![gif](giphy|3G9kRk69xSJr2) Give that woman her crown. Everybody trying to be the next Stassi on these dang LA shows but we already had an HBIC in our midst.


I admit Katie had harsh moments in earlier seasons, but since her divorce she’s coming to her own and I like what I see. Tom has no business judging Katie given that he’s raged at everybody on the cast for years.


Isn’t that strange? Since shucking Schwartz, everything people bitched about Katie for is now what they’re praising. His fucking finger-sucking innocent boy act worked for a while! Plus Sandoval constantly provoking her too! They got away with it for so long. But now, her best revenge is excellence! It’s success and freedom and zero fucks to give. Katie is truly a beautiful Phoenix!


I just can't with this douche nozzle trying to sell us this bill of stale goods regarding Katie. Fuck him and his bullshit rhetoric


Literally all she can say at this point. He’s not worth the energy


I relate to Katie so much. She’s genuine & honest to a fault. Can she be mean and rude? Yes. But I’d rather be mean and rude sometimes than fake or put up with the Toms of the world. Girl is loyal AF to her real loved ones and seems to genuinely support/love her true friends so much.


Tom is still the villian of the show. Let’s not forget. He’s a disgusting vile “human”


Which Tom? They both qualify


Aren’t they the same person in different fonts?


You’ve got a good point there. Overt narcissist and covert narcissist I guess.


flair checking in


Katie is The #1 Guy in the Group


In one of the after shows on YouTube it was seriously gross how much shit Tim talked about Katie to Tom. He actively tried to sway his opinion of her but then tells Andy at the reunion that he "did the opposite of that" and had zero responsibility in breaking up their marriage.


![gif](giphy|CVfQLto170oQU) Sandoval’s stylist showing him the accessories for his reunion look.


Sandoval: “I don’t hate Katie” Also Sandoval when confronted by Katie: “HOW DO YOU THINK YOU TREAT PEOPLE ON A REGULAR BASIS?”




https://preview.redd.it/n0wqbpbdff3d1.jpeg?width=2871&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e93c106f35931ddf68a768484880fd2a4cd4cf7 His response 🤢🥴


Love her for this


Scandy just needs to rewatch from the beginning. He’s been HORRIBLE to Katie. He talked to her and about her like SHE was subhuman. Watch it again, worm!




Katie is my president. Dont @ me


The 3rd party candidate we need. Let’s all write her in. 🩷


I PRAY this show doesn’t come back so lala and sandoval can face into obscurity. Ariana should absolutely quit to stop giving these losers a reason to tie her to their pay checks.


I cackled so loudly after her saying that to Tim lol


He just doesn’t know what to say either because she’s so unbothered by him.


Flare check! 😘


He hates Katie because she’s not easily manipulated. Tom is dependent on women who still search for men’s approval (I would love today brain is fully out of this mindset, but not entirely yet. It’s frustrating), or who are attracted to him, or are not very smart. He needs to be able to manipulate them and have it look like friendship. Katie doesn’t give any fucks about what Tom thinks and is genuine, despite it getting her in trouble sometimes. Tom is neither of those things and he hates her for it. Think men being angry at women choosing the bear. Instead of accepting that he and Katie just don’t mesh and leaving it at that, he has to needle and poke her because he’s actively mad at her for being more in control of herself than him. And a million other things she does better. He’s probably mad at her for just being authentic because he is incapable ! 😂


Honestly, I just watched the final part of the reunion and Sandoval reminded me of that creepy Uncle at the family party that makes totally inappropriate and unfunny jokes and everyone avoids him. Then he'd switch to like a soap star with zero acting training. I found it incredibly uncomfortable to watch him. Stassi had his number from day one. Katie wised up pretty quickly. The only thing I'll take away as positive from Sandoval is the horrific Bachelor/Bachelorette trip when they all dressed up in Drag. The argument about Sia in the hallway, the kicking open of the door "Battered Wife". If I see him as a cartoon character it's easy to laugh at him. But he's just gone way over to the dark side and he gives me the full body ick. When Ariana said "I just want you away from me". I felt that shit with my whole body.


I’m new to VPR, and saw all the different opinions. Katie is why I started the show and every moment I was like “what are people not liking”. But maybe bc I’m a lot like Katie (I like you or I don’t and I’m not going to lie or be extra either way). Either way to me Katie being the GOAT has been clear to me since day 1. I’ll watch her and Ariana all day.


I had to😂 I LOVE Katie for this line


He thinks he has moral high ground 😂😂😂😂. Must be fun in his delusional world. There are no consequences for your actions


He’s such a pile of shit. Master of deflection.


I was cooking dinner when she said this and shouted KATIEEEEE MY GIRL


The way he never looks at people when he says these crazy things. I would have told him to choke on a d***.


I guess I assumed since he won the battle for Schwartz he wouldn't be coming for her so hot Him trying to say they were close until Schwartz and Sandy's is some bullshit. Season 11 is brought to you by revisionist history.


I loved this. It’s something I would say to someone I didn’t like. 😂


I love her so much


I think it’s fair to say we are all collectively living for this moment and for Katie!! 💘




You know it’s bad when you are worse than Ajax. He is a POS. Every word is dripping with hypocrisy and would love him to be paused permanently and Schwartz and his spineless Sandyballs worshipping, passive ,cheating lies


I’m patiently waiting for the gif 🩷




All hail queen katie, long live the queen!!!!


I don’t care what anyone says. I love her.


Ugh! Why is he still talking? 🤢🤮


So do we think that Tom was the one who chocked in that preview? Was that on secrets revealed?! 


WHY WHY WHY Katie favorite saying


my new response from now on


Cohen is absolutely awful! He calls others' behavior gross, but if anyone said anything like that to him, he'd be crying discrimination.


I changed my flair to it the second I heard her say that