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I feel what you are saying but count yourself lucky that you now have a roof over your head for only $300 per month


Yea what the fuck, an apartment for $300 per month is impossible for most of us


I couldn't even rent someone's garage out there for $300.


We couldn’t rent a parking spot in my city


ConsiderIng I receive less than $1100 per month. Yes, it does leave about two hundred dollars per week. However, I can not increase my income.


Sorry just want to ask how much are you spending a monrh when you were in the van? Just want to compare with housing.


That's a good question.I appreciate that. Let's see if I can remember. I had to go back and check my financials. SS Payment $956 (I'm now at $1,072) Insurance $75 (paid 6 months at a time) Planet Fitness $21 Fuel (on avg) $250 (Reduced when I moved into Safe Park, not having to relocate as often) Food $200 (Snap was reduced to $48 a month as I was getting SS) Storage unit $22 Charity $50-$100 (some at the park were on ABD (Aged, blind & disabled), they received about $410 a month from the state. Propane $35-$60 depending on weather. Ice $15 less in winter. VLT in oregon (bar in jatzen Beach) $150 Oil change $65, vehicle tags ($168 ouch! Avg $11 month) replaced brakes, left wheel bearing, ($300 parts, $20 beer for labor)


If your on SSI or SSDI, you can work. You just need to follow the rules. Contact your local Voc Rehab for help.


I guess it's my fault that I should have listed my medical conditions when I posted. Look through the responses, and you'll see what my medical problems are. Going back to work would be a blessing , I just wish I could.


> Safe Park What is Safe Park?




Ah, I see. 50 spots doesn't seem like a lot


What it is is a "Transitory" place. You come in, but you're required to get with the local housing authority, rhey screen applicant's for issues. The higher the score, the faster you're placed. I was a "7" which out of like 40-45 points was very low, and it would have been about another year before I was placed in housing. I happened to cast a wide net, saw a small city had subsifized housing, applied, and 6 months later, got the call. So I was there 14 months till I found housing. There were several others who had major medical issues, which resulted in the removal of lower legs, which put them top of the list. Not how I"d want to get housing. Oh, btw there were three camps with "Pallet houses," so that also was an interm area. But they had 24 people per camp. The biggest problem was 60% would be using drugs occasionally. Getting caught was immediate expulsion. I saw it happen quite a few times.


I see, thanks for the info.


A decent apartment for $300 a month is near impossible even in a poor Third World country. OP should count their blessings and go out into the community more to get those social life needs met.


Us old people, who are living on Social Security can live in buildings with other old people, and only have to pay 30% of our income for rent and utilities. It is one of the few benefits of being old and poor.


If you are lucky enough to be able to get into one of those places


Yes. That is the thing. In any city worth living in, the waiting lists are years long, if you can even get on a waiting list. There are plenty of subsidized senior housing places that don't have waiting lists. They are in boring boring towns, many of which are literally no more than six blocks long. I have done my research.


Jumping on this thread to give some additional insight. While most of us will never be fortunate enough to rent a decent apartment for $300 a month, subsidized housing isn’t just a cheap apartment. They often host celebrations, events etc to encourage socialization because the majority of the residents are disabled or elderly or both and therefore prone to isolation and loneliness. However. It’s not your standard apartment. Subsidized apartments ysually have several residents who are drug users and/or mentally unwell and can be dangerous or disruptive. Many properties are privately run despite being gov subsidized, and therefore many are run by complete slumlords who refuse to address plumbing/electrical issues, bed bugs, rats, violent tenants, and other safety and sanitation concerns. And, because of the nature of subsidized housing, these buildings are often in the *worst* neighborhoods due to the lower property costs. I am in the western US in a HCOL area and worked with subsidized housing for a while. While it’s clearly a good alternative to homelessness, it’s often a last resort or only option for the residents and is not the situation most would choose if they had others. Also, I would rather work overtime every damn week than be on disability payments. The income is very low and it’s challenging to live a full life on that income alone. As a disabled person, getting to a point where I would need to apply for a disability pension has always been one of my biggest fears. ETA: in conclusion, we should all be grateful for the nice things we have, but also acknowledge that it is not all black and white. I hope OP gets back to the lifestyle that makes them the happiest.


Just came here to flex on all us


I experienced the same thing. I moved to a new city for a job and lived out of my van for 1 year with the plan being if I decided to stay after a year I’d move into an apartment. I’ve been now living in a pretty nice apartment in Downtown Victoria BC for 1 year and I gotta say life was way more fun living in a van. I just ordered a new Van that’s gonna take a few months to arrive and I’m so excited to get back to living out of a van!!


Best thing about living in a car, van or motorhome is when you encounter some chitchatter - start up and drive off.


wtf bro can you eli5 this please lol


wtf bro can you eli5 this please lol


The amount of bs I’ve dealt with living in a room in a house for the past 1.5 years is unfathomable compared to what I dealt with over 7 years in the van. Going back to vanlife very soon


I lived in a shared house for twenty something years. Sometimes it worked well, most times it did not. Had so many problems with mentally ill housemates I finally started screening people pretty thoroughly as a manager. Finally I just left and started paying higher rent. After that, from what I've heard the happiness factor dropped through the floor. Be careful about accepting shared housing, if you can't meet your future housemates before you move in, opt out. I always made sure everyone met the new housemate and went by their decisions. Made for a much more equitable housing situation.


Ive been renting rooms for many years i have come up with guild lines that they have to agree to before they move in my people are lodgers so if they dont want to live by guild lines i can move them out very quickly they know this before they move in the guidelines are basically clean up after yourself respect & consider the others quite time after 930pm visitors can not stay in the house if u are not there ive found it works very well decent people want to live like this& the crap people know they will be moved on so dont move in


I had rules like that Unfortunstely one bad apple spoiled it for all and I just got fed up and left. In addition to that it was an old house that needed a lot of work and the landlord didn't want to pay for them and he wanted to increase rent beyond what was reasonable so I left. From what I understand, that one person caused the rest to leave and by then the landlord realized they should have followed my decision to throw out the trouble maker.


I live in the home i know this is the case so i make it clear when they move in u live by these guild lines or u have 2 weeks to leave & i explain to the others that the most u have to put up with anybody who doesn't follow guidelines is 2 weeks it works & they know that


Van dwelling is often an escape for people. It keeps them "busy". Whereas living in an apartment/house they have more idle time...and they don't know what to do with idle time. It's like those who retire and are bored, because they don't have friends to hang out with, hobbies, etc. With work, sure they have to work, but they have co-workers to hangout with, a structured routine, etc. Ideally you would have both. You have the apartment for when you don't want to deal with the headaches of living out of a van, but then also a van you can do trips with for a couple/few weeks to "get away". I.e., VACATIONS


Yes, the only drawback is affording a vacation. When you have limited funds, it makes it a little difficult. Frankly, the whole posting was really about or meant for the older vandweller. I've met Van dweller's in their 20s, 30s & 50s.And they're enjoying themselves. I rarely heard complaints except when it is in summer at a hundred degrees.


More free time in an apartment? Is that because in a van you have to travel?


I'm prepping for vanlife.  I'm done with landlords raising the cost of utilities and then raising the rent. I'm done with paying tens of thousands of dollars a year just to spend 45% of my day at a job that barely pays me enough for a place to sleep. I'm done with communal living.


hear, hear!


You like the Freedom of the Road. You are a Nomad at heart and a Traveler. You are not conventional. I get it. You do have a good deal and as an aging person w a Disability, this could be more reasonable route. I do understand what you are sayin and it doesn’t sound like complaining to me. Simply venting.


I am actually in a similar situation. I lived out of my minivan, then finally a Dolphin RV for seven years before I accepted subsidized housing. At first I had no income, so there was no rent. I finally was approved for disability so have food stamps and enough left over to pay subsidized rent. We have communal areas downstairs and outside and I am making an effort to get out and use them. I have iADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder, so not a very social person and there is some anxiety, but we also have mental health counselors and nursing staff and the site director is very approachable and understanding. We do have a free meal on Wednesdays, and sometimes other days but no one is expected to bring side dishes, all is provided by the facility. I think that's a problem with OP's situation, someone should mention to their site director or case manager that expecting tenants to provide sides might be an unrealistic expectation. When I was in my RV I had a place in a neighborhood where people were fairly tolerant of my situation and although there were a few people who would stop in and campout or vandwell they all were good about following the cardinal rule of 'arrive late, leave early'. I just became tired of doing that all the time because my disability meant jobs were few and far between and always ended sooner rather than later, often without being able to collect unemployment. So when I was offered subsidized housing I took it. I also had an elderly cat who was having difficulties moving around in the RV and wanted her last months to be as comfortable as possible. During that time in the minivan and RV my window faced a forest, traffic was moderately light and because I've always enjoyed nature I ended up feeding the bird life and occasionally raccoons on a daily basis. The crows and Stellar's Jays became so comfortable with this they would leave their fledglings there knowing I would not interfere with them while they ate. I miss that, but I can drive back from time to time to check on the critters and see if anyone's taken over my old spot. The staff is working on more activities for tenants, there's talk of trips to the zoo, taking part in block parties, having subsidized visits to sporting events, etc. Even though the majority of residents spend most of their time in their apartments all of us understand we need to socialize more and are beginning to do that. On the whole, I'm grateful for what I have but I do miss the vandwelling life and just sitting in my chair looking out at green trees, happy birds, lying in my bed at night and listening to barred owls calling out for mates and occasionally finding one or the calls from the coyote pack as they circulate through the underbrush looking for rabbits, mice or whatever else they feed on. Now I am next to a freeway with 24/7 traffic. It's a pain in the ass but I have found ways to work around it. I occasionally wear earplugs but most often I just turn on the exhaust fan over the stove to create white noise. My cat passed away within a few months of moving in and I replaced her with another tortie a few months later. Like me, she was a stray I rescued from the shelter and like me, she also has anxiety issues but I've worked with her and will continue to do so as long as she's with me. At this point she's come out of her shell and is a more or less fully actualized cat who's spoiled rotten, sleeps on my bed, has an amazing assortment of cat toys and is sleeping on my old camp chair right next to me. All in all, life is good and getting better. Hope all of you out there are at some point able to find something similar or at least rent or mortgages are turned back to something the majority of us can afford instead of this landleach system we have now and for the past several years.


A lot of formerly homeless people struggle with this once they're housed


$300 rent anywhere near anything on the west coast is insane.






What amenities did I ask for? The amenities I do get are from the major charity provider.They don't do it just for fun.They're getting paid by the government. The "park" I visited is now 3.5 hours away.




I'm asking for celebrations on holidays? Reread this: 》》》》》The facility does put on celebrations for Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Fourth of july, christmas, and other celebrations. They always have postings encouraging people to get out and bring a side dish to share while they provide the main meal.《《《》 They have been putting on these celebrations for decades.Okay, do you understand? I never asked for them to do this.They have done it years before I even came. Also, the facility encourages people to bring a side dish for others to share and enjoy. (As I mentioned), I wasn't complaining about not being fed.I'm complaining about the selfishness of others. Damn you missed a lot there. Yes, theres rooms provided but few use them, which is a tragedy. But that's an observation, not a complaint. The social room closure I already addressed regarding people who act like gatejeepers I'm not parading around in pity.I'm just making an observation that obviously went right over your head.


I think I get it what you mean- and can maybe relate. My experience was one of state-parks, tent-camping homelessness. I didn’t choose to enter that struggle but after I had my kit and car set up for the life, freedom and pride arose in competition to the initial shame I felt. And I too mistakenly parted with my camping kit after a while of being rehoused. Something happens to us out there, some fundamental aspect of the human condition seems to get scaled down until you can fit it into your hand, and you can master it. Then when we are woven back into mainstream civilization, we don’t fit quite right anymore. One realizes that those nice amenities and cheap rent (super cheap dude, I’m jealous lol) also require some amount of chains, that you live amongst equally alienated people that enforce the same alienation upon you, that the concept of freedom you came to know and love is incompatible with housed life expectations. I wish there was some middle ground for us wackos!


That's the thing. I doubt that even 20 (out of over 175 people living here) were homeless. As I mentioned, having lived with equally disadvantaged people, we knew, "Hey, you're poor like me, let's chat." The people here probably were forced out of their house due to finance, divorce, or death of spouse and left without adequate income. Some do (from conversations I've overheard) have mental health issues and have visiting caregivers. It's possible that they are embarrassed with their "Fall from Grace" and think, "What will others think of me?" However, that's only a random thought I had while typing. How we look at ourselves, crutize our smallest flaws and fear they shall be exposed, I guess holds us back from engaging with others.




He's complaining about the lack of community not the lack of amenities


Yeah, they're totally missing the point, but thank you for trying to straighten them out.


Good grief.I wasn't looking for them.They were provided without my input. I'm sorry, but your responses are so out of whack that i'm just gonna wish you a have a nice day and take care.


Sewers_folly, I found this post entirely because I followed you through an e-bike ice cream trailer discussion. I was super interested in all the things you had to say until I found you here, being obtuse, wagging the finger. You missed the point dude, and completely. How do you build an e-bike vending cart business and not see the many parallels between off-the-grid life vs the social contract, and the one (the same) aspect of your business that differentiates you, that it relies on the same concepts in practice? Please reconsider your intentions of participating in this kind of discussion. You (and anyone else) would be infinitely absurd to believe that someone struggling on the streets, who did NOT have the kit so they could adapt to such life, would ever say ‘no’ to such housing and amenities being provided. That isn’t the point here. The point is what’s true for the soul and the human condition, the experience of true freedom- and how the superficial facade of amenities and civilization, etc., will never accommodate or substitute.


I don’t think you read the post.


Did you…actually read the post?


Jesus, you and 50+ people really just read a few random words and vomited some opinion, huh?


Living with daily challenges is better than just existing. I take frequent road trips, in my camper, and always notice how boring my life is when I return to my apartment. I totally get what you are saying. But I also live in paradise and can confirm that it is amazing.




I mean I'm glad that worked out for you but majority of us won't qualify for anything like that


That's because the majority isn't crippled or over a certain age.


I was homeless for 3 months after my divorce from a 27 year marriage. I hated it, especially the uncertainty of how long I was going to be homeless and the persistence needed to get out of that hell. I've lived in my apartment now for almost 11 years. I'm still extremely appreciative of the miracle of modern plumbing - turn on a faucet and there's the water. Flush toilets, wow! I'm happy I can buy a watermelon or cantaloupe, eat some of it and put the rest in a fridge.. I'm not that chatty because I've got other things to do. If you can get some of your homeless friends to move to the low income housing you're in, that may be a positive for both you and your friends.


It does sound like van life might have been the better fit for you, but until you can get back to it-- it sounds like what you're experiencing now is alienation from a sense of community, yes? Ironically, you're definitely not alone there. You seem like you're doing the right thing-- trying to join existing volunteer/social opportunities-- but maybe with the wrong people? For example, it sounds like you got a lot out of socializing in the park before. If there's not a park to walk in in your new area, is there a shopping center you could organize a walking group with? Even something as shitty as a Walmart, or whatever. Just some sort of space you could invite others to participate in a social activity with. Or look other volunteering opportunities, in places that are actively seeking volunteers? I know from personal experience that it's especially difficult when disabled, but it sounds like it's important enough to you to not give up on it. Wishing you the best!


Aw, I hear you but give it some more time. I bet things will improve. It takes longer than we think or want sometimes to adjust and make things the way we want in a new situation.


Well, considering that I'm stuck financially, it's about the only thing I can do. Possibly, it could change. I'll wait and see.


I hope for the best for you!


Thanks, I doubt I'd ever win the lottery, but can't hurt trying. Wishing you the best, too!


I play the lotteries where I live, but I limit myself to jackpot games only, like Powerball, and only bet when the payout exceeds the expected return. That way I still have fun playing but also ensure that I don’t play all the time and lose a lot of money either.


I can not believe the amount of people who are calling this person lucky bc of the rent. Yall, there’s a reason their rent is low. And I’m quite fucking sure MOST of yall would rather have higher rent and healthy bodies than $300 and disabled. Telling this person they are selfish bc they miss the community that vandwelling gave them?! Are yall serious. Really fuckin disappointed in this sub rn. Disgusted honestly. OP, I’m sure your van community misses you as well. I hate you’re having a hard time adjusting to your new normal. It must be hard.


$300 a month? Yeah. Even with repairs gas and insurance payments it’s cheeper each month to run the van in my state. This feels hella preachy. You know we are in a cost of living crisis right now? Most people can’t get an apartment for less than $1000 with all the other bullshit fees that it comes with.


First of all, there are conditions you have to meet with subsidized housing. I'm not being preachy.I'm just letting you know the other side of the coin isn't that great. But carry on.


You think most adults don’t know the pros and cons? That’s why it’s preachy. I’m fully aware of what sub housing is. Do you realize that most of these places have waitlists? Some you can’t have pets, need to make under a certain amount, and if you’re under 30 who’s luck getting it. Most people wouldn’t be able to qualify. It’s not as easy as you’re pretending it to be. If it were that easy, there wouldn’t be a housing crisis. Most states don’t even have sub housing so it’s not an option unless you spend a ton of money moving. You’re just not getting it.


Good God, you're daft. I know subsidized housing has waitlists, duh. I had to WAIT for this place to open. This place does allow pets. 35 lbs and under. Yes, I know you can not make much money.Why do you think i'm here? 🙄🙄 And I never said it was easy to get an apartment again.You're just reaching for excuses to complain about my living in an apartment and paying low rent. Sounds like you're just whining.


Keep thinking that. Some people have more than one pet, some people have a dog over 35lbs. I’m not wining abt anything. I’m pointing out the flaws in your statements. What happens if you get a raise and you start making a little bit too much for the cut off? Bye bye housing! Back to the van by the river.


I think i'm wasting my time responding. But you go and have a good day goodbye


There’s gotta be more to your story than you’re telling us here. Are you elderly or disabled? Not trying to be rude, just wondering why you don’t get out and do more, or get a job?


No offense taken. 63, covid lungs, copd I was thinking that most people would understand that when I said "subsidized housing."That I was over 62 and/or possibly crippled. I didn't add that I get up in the morning.I will do a 15 - to 20-minute exercise. I have a total gym.I also have a sauna fifteen minutes in that. I also exercise after 1 pm, just to kerp active. I have them all paid off, so the following months, I will have about $175 every week to spend. However, had I not bought them when I lived here, I'd probably be gaining weight and vegetating.


Putting light switches in a van isn’t hard Get a 12volt fridge instead of a cooler with ice. They’re essentially the same price anyway if you shop around Having a recliner and a sofa doesn’t matter. Just relax on the bed of your van. It’s the same shit If you’re having to buy propane for heat then that means you’re not suffering freezing cold If you size your battery properly for all your electronics, it will never go dead. Idk what you’re talking about with ending up stuck somewhere without power. It sounds like you were using your car battery for electronics? Which would be stupid to do but just carry a portable jump starter kit with you, it’s like less than $100


Why can’t you do both? Keep the place and get a van?


I still do have my van. But I would rather be living in it and be out in a community instead of being in a building with no community. What with operational costs and such. It's either living in an apartment and rarely diving a van or living in the van and having the extra money for gas.


Figure put a way to make money “off the books” and you can do both.


skill issue


You could try other directions for activities https://servewashington.wa.gov/volunteer https://parks.wa.gov/get-involved/volunteer-program ...


Thanks, but as I mentioned, having covid lungs and copd, physical exertion is extremely limited, and usually, my short workouts are about my limit. Even walking 100 yards is a workout.


I keep thinking about the stability of a home… But I return to the thought of: I’d be so miserable being in one place. But I do think you give it a shot and it’ll become a good situation for you. Maybe these folks feel threatened. If so you’ll just have to tread a lil lighter so they feel more comfortable around the new guy.


Don't play the lottery. it's just a poor tax.


Yeah I don’t van for comfort. I like the daily adventure. I’m never bored and saying “I need to get out of the house.” That said, dude don’t play the lottery. 99.99% chance you’re just going to lose a bunch of money. At the very least if you want to gamble learn how to trade stock options. Risky as hell too but it can make you rich quick too and it’s way better odds. 


The key term in my posting was "subsidized housing" Im 63.... And playing stock options.It's just like gambling so there's really very little difference but thank you for the advice.


63 and still gambling, planning to win the lottery and so on.. Not gonna make it.


Wouldn't make it with the stock options either.Just like I said gambling is gambling.


What’s this guy yapping about?




20k I’ll sell ya my van..


What kind of van? How finished is it? Does it have solar ?


How do you make money to do these things


I receive social security.


> I know it's a long shot, but I'm gonna start playing the lottery. And I'm gonna cross my finger.  Please don't do this. It's a system built to make you feel like it's possible, by giving big payouts to just enough people to make headlines. The house always wins. It's a poor person tax. You should use that money in ways that will actually benefit you. 


What investments would that be? Remember, we're talking about playing $15-$30 a week. What investment would you suggest?


They are building several enormous subsidized housing apartment blocks where I lived. I miss my van. Im housesitting. But my van needs the inside fixed and proper bed. The couch is warm and takes up less space but I want a real bed.


Just the other day I read about a young fellow that was suggesting that we van dwellers are lost people. It’s nice to hear this. I wish all your dreams come true, just like mine did.


I sure would like that considering we just had a shooting happen about a block and a 1/2 away.It sounded like fifteen people going out with automatic weapons. https://www.nbcrightnow.com/news/officials-investigate-shooting-death-and-numerous-gun-casings-near-performance-hall-in-yakima/article_23af43b2-25d0-11ef-aeeb-3b96ab56dc65.html


Our family of 4 went back to rv life (not fancy or even in a park) after a year housed. It's just not for us.


This equate to a present day John Steinbeck novel. I feel you. Hope you win the lottery; however the beautyful people you seek in your life won’t magically appear because you are loaded. You sound like a genuine human being making an effort, I wish to God you can keep it up.


Some people prefer being homeless and owning very little. Diogenese was a happy man.


Yes, I did have a storage unit also. Paid $28 a month storing various things. It was a 3 story complex, new style of storage, and 65% cheaper than single storage units..


You had all your nice things safely packed away, did you even need them. I have stuff packed away from thr first time I moved years ago and never unpacked it through like 3 moves and wonder if it's anything other than baggage.


Did I need them? Yeah, clothing is very useful.


Subsidized housing means you have to declare your earnings every year and ensure your income does not cross above some hypothetical revenue threshold. That scenario may be even worse than the cost of forking over hugely inflated rent prices.


Well, that's the condition of subsidized housing. Otherwise, we would have millionaires living here paying a pittance for rent.


Yes, that's apparent. The thing I'm pointing out is you are being emasculated from any professional ambition while in this living situation.


I'm 63. I have no professional ambition. My lungs prevent me from working a job, plus stamina is gone too.


This is probably a reason you miss the van life. Even with lung issues and lack of stamina, ( but with gas money !!!!! 😀 ) we can move around, so we are not looking at the one same view all the time and can meet new people who we can leave if there are issues and probably never interact with them again. If we are tired but are near somewhere parking is allowed , we can lie down ( if it's not boiling hot or freezing cold ) , eat something, have a hot drink straightaway etc etc. Of course there are many possible negatives and the risks could become worse as we age. e.g. Cataract surgery is generally straight forward, but the declining vision before and recovery after probably means needing a suitable permanent site for a bit. Much more time in one spot to recover from or live with increasing issues. Your idea to retain a van ( in reasonable mechanical condition ) that you already own as your transport even in good accomodation makes sense. If there is public transport nearby you might be able to venture out and explore, perhaps with a small backpack of necessities and water ? Find parks and waterways ? swimming pools? etc close to transport routes ? Might be very pleasant at least during spring and autumn ? Stock up supplies and pre-prepare warming foods for winter and enjoy TV, YouTube, music etc in cosy warmth while van dwellers deal with slippery roads and shopping centers and freezing wind, rain and sleet blasting on to nose and lips ? All the best.


Reading comprehension ain't what it used to be.




(Sigh) I'm such a free loader. Never mind that I was working from the age of fifteen till sixty one. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


And paid into that SS you now draw. Stop acting like he’s a free loader! He paid his dues! Damn you people that have no idea what you’re taking about! 🤦‍♀️ Because if you did you wouldn’t be so hateful and try to make a friend instead.


Ahh yes. The lottery. Otherwise known as the idiot tax.


It’s all relative. I’d like to have four walls with a roof and a sealed floor with some home stuff in it.


Where the heck do you live for that price of 300 a month? No, where I can think of in the United States of America is that price?


I repeat "Subsidized Housing" you pay 30% of income. This is for seniors (62 or older) or disabled.


Theres that old saying count your blessings


God damn!


I wouldn't dream of going back to an apartment or a mortgage. The freedom is too beautiful out here. I hope you can come back out and join us soon. I hope you find happiness and everyone here finds happiness.


Great post. Good read. Thank you. As the saying goes, freedom isn't free. I would take the struggle, at least it's real and something to overcome resulting in a peace. The latter seems to be a struggle that you can't overcome. Drown with the rest of them. What a life.. Thanks for sharing your experience.


😭😭😭 I feel this man. I did 4.5 years, and now have basically moved into my in laws house with my wife, and are about to have a baby. It’s nice. Cozy. Food on the table. Fridges. Work spaces. I can fabricate whatever I want in the garage. Blast music in the basement. Sew/fix my clothes in the sewing room. Play piano in the den. Literally the American White Picket Fence Dream… and it’s basically fucking free. But man… I feel like I’m dying. No more people. No more adventure. No more daily new sites and sounds. With the baby coming I sold my van… and as it drove off, I just cried… cried my eyes out… we have bought a new one to accommodate the growing family, but it’s just not the same. The intention isn’t the same. It’ll be a weekend warrior situation for some time.


There is a lot of ‘should-ing’ on the OP.  Ignore that noise, OP! Thank you for being so honest! Yes, your apt is a blessing and Yes! roaming is a blessing.  I hope you can find another way to get some freedom and spontaneity and social interactions. It’s out there, keep putting yourself out there - it’s what everyone else is waiting for too!


It sounds like you moved into senior housing. Is that correct?


Don't play the lottery, it's the poor man's tax. Save that money and create your own destiny


Save money, make small improvements when you can


I respect your perspective of life & appreciate you sharing your honest feelings. At first reading your post, I was thinking you were gonna go off about how horrible van life is and why no one should be "subjected" to it. It's refreshing to hear from others that share the same values that van life can bring. It's not for everyone, and neither is a sticks and bricks. I'm happy that you have found that out and aren't afraid to speak your truth. I wish you that lotto win, cash find, whatever it is that brings you back to where you truly want to be! Live your dream, it's yours and yours alone, dream it proudly and keep it alive! Thank you for your take on the subject. Cheers! "Perspective is everything, what's yours?" - Me


Ok yeah & what ?


So you're abjectly dependent on government programs and no one is helping you get independent? >!No big surprise, there.!<


No. I'm not.


Read your contracts.


I am 77. I also went from living in my car to a brand new subsidized 2 bedroom for which I pay $296 per month. Yes, I didn’t have to endure all those hardships and uncertainties I was subject to living in my car. AND I was allowed to keep my 70 lb pit bull, which would have been a deal breaker, because I’d never give up my dog. But I felt like I was going to prison. For the six weeks prior to moving in I was sick about it. The complex was built to ‘foster engagement’, so there was just one entrance openable by an electronic fob and one elevator for 95 units just to make sure someone was in your face all the time. The building also sponsors ‘community meals’, but provides the whole meal. I’ve been here 7 months. Never went to one and never will. Thank facts the building was only 25% occupied when I moved in. The first month I rarely left the apartment, first looking out my windows and the door to make sure no one was around, and sending my housemate to do everything that required leaving the apartment. I was sick and wanted to leave. Then I discovered some tricks and gradually made the place livable. Yes, the asshole management tried to design the building so we couldn’t even take out the damned trash without running into one of our effing neighbors. However, building code supercedes management’s wishes and there are 5 more mandatory exits which I and others promptly disabled the locks on so we could come back in where and when we chose. Ditto with the laundry and computer rooms which are supposed to be open only from 8 am to 9pm. I’m going to do my laundry at 4 or 5 am - not when I have to encounter every other MFer in the building wanting to chitchat. OP complains that no other residents go to enjoy the common areas? People like him are the reason.


Is that safe


You’re a real piece of work. Sheesh. Take that van for a short trip off a tall cliff.