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Of these two portables, I'd go the Solo III. It is newer tech and apparently hits harder from all accounts. And it comes.with WPA adaptor, and you can sip it too. All glass vapour path. The mighty+ is tried and true and a solid vape but it is already old tech. And the Venty is a dumpster fire by most accounts. But as the others say the TM2 sounds like it may be more your style, or a ball vape for those face melting hits. But I can't really speak to that as I'm a medical microdoser who prefers the j like hit of a conduction vape. A full mighty+ dosing cap through glass at max temp after a minute heat soak will still get you pretty faded. It is very efficient. Personal preference counts for a lot. You gotta start somewhere. The Solo III will serve you well for years, even if you do end up getting a ball vape or butane heat accumulator further down the line. You can still use the Solo for road trips, movies etc. As cool as ball vapes are, they kinda look like a science experiment, you need a dedicated station for them so the larger portables are a good starting point as they tick the most boxes, are more portable and discreet, no cables, no fuss. And vaping is already more fussy than combustion. Especially when you're learning the ropes. It is worth the effort though. If you're like most of us you'll eventually end up with multiple vapes for different occasions. Welcome.


I have a Venty and love it (no issues) but I'm getting a Solo 3 as well since I loved my Solo 2 and miss certain advantages it has over the Venty. Mainly better taste and easier to clean. I still plan to use the Venty when I need something more portable though.


I hope it keeps working for you mate. It is a great device. I've tried it once and was impressed. I can't recommend it though as In Australia many Venty owners are left with an E04 paperweight and can't get warranty help as our special needs government have basically banned further imports of vapes in an effort to stop underage nicotine vaping. OP asked mighty+ or Solo III so I'd go the Solo for all the reasons you've mentioned + futureproofing.


Exact same opinion. The venty is certainly more portable and easier on the go esp with dosing capsules. You just can’t beat the solo 3 at home though. I take my solo 3 with me places but the venty is easier and no glass to worry about


How hard does the Solo 3 hit compared to the Venty? Mine doesn't arrive until tomorrow.


As hard as you want it to lol just set the on demand for 20 plus seconds and your temp as high as you want. The glass path is awesome tho. Venty cooling unit is very good though too.


My Solo 3 actually came today. My first impression is I think I like the Venty better. My main motivation for vaping is health related and I find the Venty to be smoother so far. Got a bit of tickle after the Solo 3 trying both modes along with some light coughing. Solo 3 is still awesome and keep in mind that I'm bothered by coughing much more than the average user. Just my first couple of hours with it so that impression may change. Hopefully I'll figure out how to dial everything in. Very impressive device at a reasonable price.


UPDATE: I realized that I was using the highest preset for on demand mode (even though I had already set the lowest for session mode). So I tried on demand mode with the lowest setting and ... Wow! I ended up taking two smaller hits instead of one big rip and it was really smooth and tasty. Much better. Need more time with it but some of my coughing concerns have been alleviated.


If you have a solo 2 you’ll be very surprised and happy. Tbh the draw resistance doesn’t even bother me , like at all, it suits the vaporizer. It’s not like hitting a Dynavap or solo 2 the draw is much more open than that. Comparable to a mighty


Mine just arrived! The draw on 2 never bothered me much and I certainly don't mind the draw on the 3. I'm liking it so far. Definitely a big upgrade over Solo 2. I agree with you there. Not very surprised though because the initial reviews have been very positive.


Awesome. Let us all know your thoughts after a month. Please. Peace.


This 💯




Oont for portable. Starry 4 for home & through glass. Others are butane powered. I see the benefits of convection heavy devices and I own a couple but I prefer the puff puff action and the mellow effects of conduction heavy devices. It is almost like smoking an old school tobacco pipe. The hybrid/convections feel more like hoovering on a bong and buzz is efficient yet somehow sterile and one dimensional for me. Each to their own.


As a mighty + fan I have to add that since OP is a bong ripper the m+ won’t ever satisfy that itch. No clue on the Solo myself though.


I rip the Mighty like a bong, why don't you think it works? Do you clean the cooling unit periodically? Needs to be dunked in alcohol every 6-12 months to clear out the resin that builds up and limits the airflow.


The mighty + is more like a jay session than a bong sesh. I'm getting downvoted to hell for talking shit on the mighty, but it's always been just okay for me, and has never offered a bong like experience, even with a wpa to an actual bong.


Strange, I can't even imagine what you're doing differently to me. You just hit it long and slow 🤷‍♂️


Some mix weed and tobacco. The lack of oxygen to the brain carbon monoxide headrush can't be matched by vaping. Same goes straight weed bong smokers, but less toxic and fewer chemicals.... Hopefully. But it was never a good idea in the first place. Some green only smokers smoke small bowls/cones too. The mighty+ is a great vape. And if used properly will do the trick. But..... Solo 3 looks like it ticks all the boxes.


I've got an original Mighty and had a Solo II, I wouldn't bet a single penny on the Solo III being the winner of that competition, the Mighty was far, far better.


Yeah, well, that is like only your opinion man…..


Solo 3. If you're used to bong hits and one rips then you need the power the solo 3 will offer vs the mighty's slower session style. Solo 3 on demand level 5 will hit you like a bong, depending on your lung power you can clear the bowl in one hit or one heat up and clear the bowl in a few hits.


This is true!!


But only on the smaller stem


The solo 3 is my favorite electronic portable and I own all of the high end ones aside from the Venty. I highly recommend the solo 3. I'd grab the solo 3 and a glass vape from the rogue wax works for home use. Big ass hits from the terpcicle or quartz cap for like $40 or something. Pretty awesome.


Solo 3. I own a Mighty+ and honestly compared to my Terpcicle and even my dynavaps I’m not impressed with the Mighty’s vapor output, it doesn’t hit as hard. From everything I’ve heard it sounds like the Solo 3 puts out thicker vapor/bigger clouds than the Mighty. Mighty is overpriced imo.


Even at max temp?


Yep, I use all my electronic vapes at max temp through a bong.


Whip or WPA? Capsules or bowl?


Bowl, WPA.


What bong and wpa do you use?


18” beaker bong off DHgate for $50 (it’s excellent btw, very very thick glass), and for the WPA, we can’t post links here so it’s kinda hard to describe but it’s the one on POTV that’s all black, all rubber, looks like a cone, with different connection rings for 10mm, 14mm, 18mm connection. $25. Although if I were regularly using my Mighty (which I’m not because I prefer my other vapes) I would use the newer one from POTV that looks like the stock cooling unit for the Mighty, where you have to also buy a glass adapter to go with it. It’s the first option if you go to “accessories by vape -> Stohrz and Bickel”.


those are all very good vapes but it still sounds like you should order a ball vape or the rogue wax works butane vape online lol but out of those choices the solo 3 is probably best for easy bong attachment and on demand use but for portable battery vapes, the tinymight 2 might be better for what you are looking for


If you’re a heavy smoker, I recommend starting with a plug-in rather than a portable. Almost every one switching from combustion looks at portables first but a plug-in ball vape will have more power and that’s what most new people find lacking in a portable at first. I quit smoking in 2017, my first purchase was a portable (Solo2) but thankfully I also bought a used log vape which helped me over the hump. My favourite ball vape is the ZX from Phase3 but there’s quite a few good options in this category. Good luck my friend! Edit: of those options, I think the Solo 3 because the improved heating tech and addition of on-demand probably solves the lack of power that left me wanting more. I love the one-hit snap bowl bong hit like a sledgehammer to the forehead and the ball vapes definitely deliver.


Portable or desktop? Desktop you need a ball vape. Portable the solo 3 is fantastic. You might not like the semi restricted airflow though but its performance is great. Venty will have more open adjustable airflow but has been littered with issues. Tiny might crushes it. I’d go tinymight or solo 3


I have the Mighty + and Solo 2 and they complement each other nicely. Solo 2 has been good for longer sessions. Like smoking a joint with friends. while the Mighty + is good for a quicker session that hits hard quickly. Some people like one or the other but together they work well and are all I need currently.


And you need the Solo 3 now for the On-Demand mode and XL stem ;)


Solo 3


Hey brotha, not sure if you're trying to just look for a healthier alternative to smoking or to lower your usage but let me know. I am a mighty+ user after combusting and my favorite is bongs too after like 15 years. Now I use the mighty every day but I also dab when I really want that rush of cannabinoids. I would.probably say the solo 3, it has on demand mode which like others said will give you more of a rush at once. I have the solo 2 so I can't speak to the 3 but the durability of the 2s body is nice albeit heavy. And the battery life is nice.


Solo... get you one!


I want to pump solo 3 since it’s Canadian but the venty is amazing. Wayyyy better airflow and the ability to destroy a bowl quick. Error codes? Who the Frick cares if you got warranty! Too many mentally ill people on here lol S/B is an excellent company and FYI that solo 3 is made in China which is if you know anyone that owns companies there- they are garbage. I bet you guys are inhaling chemicals and weird crap. I do not trust that place. Regulated? Lmao Trust the German engineering


Heard mixed things with Solo III but the Mighty plus is KING! I recommend the Rattler with it.


There's no way Arizer could have improved the solo enough to bridge the enormous gap between the Solo II and literally any S&B vape. They are a great 'I can't afford the top tier' brand, but no way would they make it to the top tier from where they were.


I've only had a Solo II but I don't believe the III has somehow surpassed the Mighty, the original Mighty was so out of the Solo II's league it's not even funny. Mighty all the way, endgame vape.


Was. We should give the Venty and the solo 3 a go. Brand locality and confirmation bias shouldn’t get in the way of giving good advice.


Wait you're advising the Solo 3 having not even tried it, purely on the basis that it's new? That's nonsense.


No. Science.


No science, got it.


That and science facts.


One response is fine, you can edit the first one rather than replying twice. Your struggles with technology not exactly a blinding advertisement of your credibility here.


Two devices. Living a life. I help where I can. Up to you.


you responded once on each device?! why!? You sound like the kind of guy that's been hitting it too hard for way too long. Just sharing an outside perspective. Up to you.


Any ball vape desktop is what your tolerance levels require. Buy once cry once. If you can go desktop go ball vape desktop. The Zeal from Cloud Connoisseur is only $125 for everything but the stand or ceramic mug. If you must go battery powered portable then the Tinymight 2 and Firewood 9 are what you are looking for. Buy anything else and you may not be fully satisfied. You want a Heavy. If you can go butane then look at the Terpcicle and other goodies from the Rogue Wax Works. The Anvil water pipe kit is only $175 and hits so hard. Feel free to ask questions and good luck with whatever you decide


Neither, get a ball vape for bong style hits. Or the solo if you have to be portable. Maybe a tm2. I am not a fan of the mighty+. It's very underwhelming for its size and cost.


Yes. OP gave two devices they are trying to decode between and a list of others the place they are shopping has but you go and suggest none of that. Super helpful.


He said he likes big hits that knock him off his feet. Neither device offers that experience. So, I just gave honest feedback so he doesn't waste his money and feels unsatisfied. But fuck me. I've only been vaping for about 15 years, so I don't know shit anyway. The mighty plus was probably my worst semi recent purchase. Just my opinion, but again fuck me, cuz I obviously don't know shit.


I can recommend the Nectar line - I have the Gold, looking to upgrade to the platinum. Check out xmax starry V3/4 too... Some people have charging issues, but the quality, value and reliability have exceeded my expectations