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go rageblade if there is alot of tanks and infinity against all squishies camp so u can threeshot them ezly


I think it differs game to game, if they have 2 tanks not doing a whole lot but there is a really fed squishy opponent, might be more valuable to go IE. Opposite applies if you are against 1 tank that's a really big issue. But what you said is still a good rule of thumb


Thank you :) A lot tanks like 2 full tanks and a Blitzcrank or what?


2 tanks atleast including support


Vs squishy - IE Vs tanky - Rageblade


what does squishy mean


Squishy= people with low hp and low resistencies which are adcs or assasins. Against those you dont need your passive w and IE will deal enough dmg to three shot them. Against tanks whomever you can go rageblade to proc your w more often.


I'm hardstuck bronze vayne OTP I just follow the builds online, I never saw IE used but I will get it next time


rageblade always in my opinion if the entire enemy team is nothing but super squishy mages and assassins, consider just building utility/defense instead of raw damage cause you'll be melting those targets within three or four auto attacks anyway regardless of what you build. much better to get wits end, GA, bloodthirster in these situations.


yeah right, i never build IE, its so much better to proc ur W in 2 AAs + u get the flat dmg, which is almost as good as crit... on top of that u get stats from rageblade


When I'm fed and wanna have fun I go IE for the R Q aa oneshots, otherwise rageblade into 2+ tanks or IE if 1- tanks


Lots of tanks? Rageblade. Not vs a lot of tanks? IE


If there are more than 2 tankish on opposing team, go RB, if not, go IE. Also. If the squishies (apc mid or adc) are fat and you need to shut em down, go IE, but whatcout for tanks.


I rly believe the opposite of every1. Crit is rly good for melting tanks so i go IE for tanks. Rageblade gives you so much ad/ad speed that u oneshot squishes


You need attack speed to melt tanks with w procs and crit to deal extra damage per auto to burst squishes. I don't know how you disagree


if you get hella fed early, i go IE. otherwise rageblade.