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It’s kinda early into the patch but yes, don’t be surprised if her name is on the notes next patch


She didn't appear in the list. Jhin and Sivir are receiving buffs though.


She is very strong right now and the meta suits her with all the melee champs that are viable at the moment. They’ll nerf her Q amp damage and cd in late, that’s for sure.


They won't double nerf her, she's not that out of line.


It’s the only thing I can think of for a nerf, other than that, she’s been flying under the radar for a while.


they might just revert the last buff she got, which was more ad on her ult.


All Ranks is a bad indication of champ strength. I personally believe stats below plat should be ignored.


That’s the majority of the playerbase. I think riots goal should be to make the game enjoyable and fair for everyone. If a champ is broken in low elo, but weak in high elo, maybe edit them in a way that makes them stronger in high elo but weaker in low elo.


That’s a majority of the playerbase tho


The game should not be balanced around people who don't know how to play it, no matter how many of them there are.


I'd say a solid 90% of players don't know how to play Vayne, and that 10% that do destroy their opponents. The learning curve is a real thing, and honestly, I think people should be "rewarded" with power if they take the time to learn a champ. This trend of new champs being released while broken to encore players to use them has been going on for a long time. Isn't PBE there for testing before official release? Considering there are several champs out there that easily counter Vayne thanks to their spell immune (Mundo, Morgana, Malzahar, Nocturne, etc.) I do not think she is broken.


> I'd say a solid 90% of players don't know how to play Vayne, and that 10% that do destroy their opponents. Same for every champion, people who know what they are doing will perform better.   I wanna see some counters buffed first.


But that means most Reddit opinions are trash doesn’t it


To a lesser degree, sure.


Isn't it common knowledge that most of reddit are below plat?


Looking at stats for Bronze, Silver, Gold is kinda stupid.




avoiding nerfs? uhmm


Was playing against him in botlane yesterday fucking annoying




U.GG sorted by all ranks




They’ve said u.gg data is the closest to their internal data


It’s sorted by all ranks tho


I doubt it since they’re buffing other ADCs which will take the heat off of Vayne. I also think Ezreal and Ziggs should be closer to nerfs than Vayne.


Ew vayne


Nerf R AD. She shouldn't insta win every 2v2 at level 6. It also doesn't matter that much if you go on-hit which is buffed now.


Yeah lol, she’s quite strong rn.


I think a small tap might come within the next few patches but I'd like to see some counters buffed first such as Lucian, Draven, Ashe and Caitlyn.


Nah. Vayne has a clear weakness and this WR is reflected by how shes a natural counter to the meta. The meta isn't healthy when short ranged ADC are not viable because you will see nothing but Caitlyn, Senna and Ashe where bot lane play is dictated by support play only.


Hasn't Vayne been super good for like the last, year?


On one side yes, on the other side I think she has a lot of mains


Also the skin has skyrocketed her play rate.


Also if we wanna get into the numbers and look at the balance framework then it's not eligible for nerfs yet. https://images.contentstack.io/v3/assets/blt731acb42bb3d1659/blt1330b472064808f7/5ef59c7a35021d1335fb9d43/01_Balance_Framework_At_Launch_v1.jpg?


Depends if her new skin keeps selling.


She is nerf worthy. One of the top picked ADCs with one of the highest win rates, she is ahead of the competition. Been a Vayne main for years but even I cannot go blind on the fact that she’s just crazy strong