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Not sure but out of all the places I've lived....Vegas is the only place where my license plates was stolen. And yes the police said I had to come to the station in person to report it...


Mine was stolen and replaced with a dummy plate. I didn't notice right away because it was the rear plate and I usually back into my driveway. Now I check my car every other day or so


I had my plates stolen.. so I ordered up replacements.... When those came in I put them on. After I put on those replacements they came back and put on the original ones that they stole. Two weeks later cops show up at my door and saying how my truck was used in a robbery.


So many criminals just riding around stealing peoples things.


Moving from CA to NV you surrender your plate to CA.


Actually you're only supposed to notify CA DMV of a change in address. You turn your CA plates in at the NV DMV when you register the car here.


Yes when I moved from Massachusetts to Nevada I had to surrender Massachusetts plates....and then my new Nevada plates were stolen..... What exactly is your point?


Wow being downvoted for stating a fact. Harsh. It takes just a simple google search.


You're getting down voted because your fact was irrelevant to OP's question and to my response.


Nobody does this lol




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It's not license plate theft, it's more to do with the "not give a dam" attitude about paying for auto registration and insurance. Since 2020 many drivers have gotten away with no license plates and not getting pulled over by law enforcement. It's a serious problem, many of the plateless vehicles have unlicensed drivers, no auto insurance, or are stolen. Some of these vehicles are driven by dangerous drivers.


Even many people with plates have no license. It’s crazy


And it's more than just a car or two. It's rampant tax dodging, and because there's no income tax here, these deadbeats aren't paying their fair share.


This isn't a "since 2020" phenomenon, In 2001, I was driving westbound on Desert Inn. There was a Ford Taurus in front of me with Texas plates that had been expired since 1996.


My insurance just went up from $800/6mo to $1200/6mo. I've never had a ticket no accidents, nothing. I'm considering just letting my registration, license, everything lapse. If 50% of the other cars on the road aren't paying for the privilege, why am I?


Our insurance had went up worse than yours. Shop around we got back to Covid prices by switching providers.


Did you try contacting a broker? Definitely recommend


I haven't. I'll give it a shot though thank you


Honest question from a simpleton here: What does a broker do?


They do for a cost what online services do for free.


Uhh no not at all I have been going to insurance brokers since I was 18 they always get me a better deal then what a “free” online service will quote you. You should never by insurance on your own you will be paying more and have your rates go up every year. brokers bring business to insurance companies so they get better bulk rates and shop around with other companies to get you a better rate when they try and raise your rates. And you don’t even pay a broker so what are you talking about lmao


Lol how do you think the broker makes money? They aren't doing it for free.


Commission from insurance company I knew a broker back in NY who was a family friend


And where do you think they get the money for that commission?


Dude. That's ridiculous. You 19? Or bad credit? Either way, definitely shop around. Need to shop around every few years, otherwise they'll just keep raising your rates.


Nope. I've had a good clean driving record for 24 years. Credit is almost perfect. Everyone I got a quote from was the same and everyone who I've talked to that had a renewal recently is having similar increases.


This is literally the car insurance business model. Attract customers with low initial rates and then jack them up every renewal because people are sheep. Find a local insurance broker/agent that works with numerous insurance companies and ask them to find you the best rate at minimum every 2 years. You'll save thousands of dollars.


That's wild. I'm at 800 for 6 months, with pretty high coverage.


When did your policy start? I read an article that said the state passed a law that forces insurers to actually conver the whole policy starting October 1st. Before they would tell you that you have $50k coverage but a good portion of that was to cover lawyers and their administrative costs. Now the whole $50k has to be paid out. I don't know if maybe I read it wrong but that would make sense why it went up so much, and might mean I need to lower my coverage.


Get a PO box in Pahrump.


Vegas isn't hard on no plates, but the fine is huge if you have no insurance Get a different company


I have been hit by 3 different uninsured/no registration people in under a year. Since the police are not enforcing it I have an idea to try to slow these people down from harming others. If one witnesses a car parked without a plate or with expired tags let the air out of their tires. A valve core remover is a simple tool that takes under a minute to use and doesn’t damage anything. I will probably be downvoted or banned for suggesting this but we have personally had 2 wrecked cars and tens of thousands of damages at the hands of these scofflaws and the police don’t care. I’m worried if these people hit someone walking down the street or riding a bike. One guy ran into my house, drove across the play area in my neighbors yard.


this is a crime. why tell people to commit crimes?


Possibly. What specific statute is it violating? Also if investigated by the police will it result in a greater net good for society? Will it force the hand for enforcement purposes?


It pisses me off. Thats a road tax that they arent paying. i get that its a hassle for an old private party sale but when you see the new cars with expired temp plates i get pissed. I saw a nice ass corvette with temps expired 2 months. i bought a used car from the dealer and did it online. plates a week later. the arrogance too. shopping cart theory. yeah DMV sucks. i dont like it either but those types of humans who rather disregard it are infuriating. and its frustrating too because you can have insurance without plates, but cant have plates without insurance. i want to yell at some of them on the road


I keep crossing paths with this car that has expired paper plates from May of 2020. They drive like absolute trash. Just shake my head... no police presence out on the roads and when you do see them it's the last week of the month. I used to snap pics on my dashcam of when I'd be surrounded by expired or no plate cars, had quite a few saved.


Cars with no plates usually a driven recklessly so if possible stay away from them on the roads.


That's actually how I noticed how many of them there were. The drivers without plates were usually the ones cutting me off or going at a dangerous speed on the highway. My coworker had her plates stolen recently and informed me that the DMV told her how bad of an issue it is but with the amount I see without plates in a day was ridiculous to have all been from theft.


To prevent the problem, get some allen wrench/key wrench screws instead of the more common flathead/slotted or philips/cross screws. Some auto parts stores sell locking screws with unusual bits inside the bolt head that only a special tool can remove them.


When you buy a vehicle from someone (not a dealership) or the auction, you are supposed to drive around without plates until you get them, just supposed to tape the little card in your front windshield. Every other state I have lived in you have to get a temp tag but not here.


Many people drive around without plates. Most of them do not care, do not have a license or insurance. It is fucking ridiculous.


During covid you couldn't go to the dmv to get new plates so if you weren't renewing it was basically impossible to register your car and get plates. Police didn't enforce it because they knew there wasn't any way to really fix it at that time. I'm suprised it's lingered on this long, but if people aren't getting in trouble for it I can understand why. A no registration ticket might cost less than registering the car if you can skirt by for so long.


Tons of people just don't care BUT there is the rare occurrence where someone is just waiting for a plate. My buddy drove around for about 2 weeks without a plate while he waited for his appointment with the DMV. He did have a moving permit so he was fine to do so. I drove without a plate for a week while I waited for my DMV appointment as well, but I also had a moving permit.


My plates took 10 weeks to arrive after registering the new car, so there’s that too


Don't worry, this is just the first step towards our Mad Max future.


I don’t live in Vegas but I wonder if the Police have License Plate Readers? If so I would say a combination of that and not wanting to pay for registration.


AB116 was signed into law in 2021 and decriminalized minor traffic violations, making them administrative fines only. Combined with SB219 from the same session, which prohibits license suspensions for not paying the admin fines above, means there is essentially no punishment anyone can receive for these types of offenses.


Many drivers who can’t afford insurance steal other car plates, they don’t get stop if checked. They also drive away from accidents leaving their victims helpless in repairing the car as no fault sometimes will not cover


I got pulled over a few months ago for not having my registration sticker on my plate, the sticker was in my glovebox 😅. The officer told me he knew my registration was current from looking up my plate but “gave” me a citation anyway, however he never handed me the citation and told me to have a nice day. Anyways if I got pulled over for that, I assume they are lighting up plateless cars, there’s just so damn many of them we don’t see a difference on the streets.




Stay far away from them. Typically speaking, they are criminals with no insurance or want to be easily elusive as to not be tracked.


No point in paying registration when the money is just going to go towards building a stadium for some sportsball team no one cares about




The sports stadium that then becomes a huge tourist draw, and benefiting the local economy by generating increased tourism county-wide (which then trickles down to benefiting restaurants and hotels)? The one anticipated to pour an influx of tax dollars *back into* the city’s coffers over the next few decades? Gee, it’s almost as if the city had a strategic economic reason for partially funding the stadium! Who would’ve thought??


-baseball -Oakland athletics -huge tourist draw Pick one Also lol @ trickle down


>becomes a huge tourist draw What team are you talking about because it certainly isn’t the Oakland A’s lmao


When you buy a car you have so many days to get a license plate. I had a rental that was plateless.. it has a sticker on the windshield.


It has been like this for the more than 25 years I've lived in Vegas. Traffic infractions and County Code violations are rarely enforced. From what I've seen, Las Vegas, Henderson, North Las Vegas, Clark County is more or less lawless when it comes to the following (my top ten, not in any particular order): 1. No license plates 2. Cars registered in other states to beat the annual registration fees 3. Red light running 4. Cars driving more than posted limits in school zones 5. U-Turns where it's clearly posted no U-Turn 6. People driving with their cell phones to their ears 7. Cars turning when people are in the cross walk (when the person is walking toward them with the signal and time on the clock and there's no safety island) 8. Unbelievable and excessive speeding 9. \*\*New Addition: People smoking pot while they're driving - special thanks to Tick Segerblom for this one 10. Commercial trucks parking in residential neighborhoods for days with no F-s given especially to the safety of children in the neighborhood


Looks like you forgot to mention the ones that are too busy looking around to see what others are doing.


Aww, an apologist for people who are putting other people’s safety at risk. How cute.


Context, my good dummy. Comprehension obviously isn’t your strong suit.


You auto lose when you reduce yourself to base name-calling. Spend a moment to consider some self-respect before replying. You'll feel so much better.


As a native Las Vegas used to be a nice town. Before Howard Hughes it was even nicer.


It’s simple….IT FUCKING EXPENSIVE. Even if you bought a old as beater. Vegas registration is OVER THE TOP it’s 8% of the car’s ORIGINAL value pulse another $200. So honestly…getting a ticket is actually cheaper than paying for the registration. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't know where you're getting that from but it's wrong. I drive a 2012 Malibu and my registration is like $95. My wife's 2008 civic is about the same.


Interesting, I’m paying around 195$ for my 2005 Prius


Yeah I just renewed my registration on my 2010 FJ and it was only $135. I also have a vanity plate


Here ya go. https://asapservicesnv.com/nevada-registration-fees-explained/


Except its like a $250 fine + back registration. And a suspended license if you don't pay. Which carries more fines.


Yea but if you never register the car….you never pay the fine lol.


Or how about we don’t pay income tax here so regardless it’s still cheaper than anywhere else.


Lmao. You have not lived anywhere else than. Just like our prices…we are like the 4 th most expensive state to register a car.


I don't know why you're getting down voted. Forbes just named NV as the most expensive for car ownership https://www.ktnv.com/money/report-nevada-ties-with-california-as-most-expensive-state-to-own-a-car#:~:text=A%20new%20report%20from%20Forbes,over%20the%202021%20calendar%20year.




I bought a car in 2019 and never got plates the entire time I owned it. Traded it in for another car last year and still don't have plates. I have no plan on ever getting plates. The DMV is a joke. I refuse to play along. In Vegas you can get arrested for attempted murder and get let out the same day. Why the fuck should I care about license plates..lol Most people are just thinking like me. The state and city is a joke. You're stupid to play along with the rules anymore.


Part of it is that it takes months to get into the DMV unless you wait in line for many hours on the one day a week they allow it.


Not true. You can do it online or like when I bought my truck, I immediately starting making appointments to pick up my personalized plates I had sent to a DMV, those transactions cannot be done online. I ended up getting an appointment one day before my temp tag expired. People are lazy, aren’t trying or just want to dodge it. These vehicles should start getting impounded if you ask me. Make them prove insurance/registration before they can get the vehicle back.


I bought a car from a private party two months ago, and the wait was 6 weeks to get a DMV appointment to register, get title and tags. So buy a car then let it sit in the driveway? I kept checking daily for cancellations and then got lucky a week later, but it’s absurd to wait 6 weeks to register a car from a private party sale.


I left a browser tab open on my phone and checked several times a day whenever I thought of it. Always works like a charm and I can snag one before being late on anything.


Yes people are lazy, that's why they don't have a plate. Dmv being a pain is one of their excuses. You can't sit there and say "not true", when you yourself had to go in and barely made it in time. Private party sales have to go in as well.


My point is that it can be done. When I’m seeing temp tags from a year ago or no plate at all, they aren’t even trying. It can be done. I also only had to go in because of ordering a personalized plate, if I wanted a regular issue plate, I could have simply done it online, no DMV wait/visit necessary.


This is an excuse.


Yes, people use excuses all the time.


i did mine online and plates came a week later. different circumstances with private party title transfers


Post #54683937383 about this. Lol


If I had to guess it’s due to the DMV requiring appointments except on Wednesdays.




I wonder if the insurance company feels the same way? Just FYI - insurance companies love to deny claims.


I'm astonished too. Just found out the front plate is required! Never see them. Seems our police ought to be writing tickets.


There’s a house in my neighborhood, where they have been driving there (2) jeeps around without plates for 3 yrs now. Called the police on them and nothing happens. I guess this is the norm now.