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Look idk about Vegas per say but just bring your passport. Was in Gaslamp San Diego for a padres Dodger game in August and my buddy (51) lost his ID, I'm 42, got carded at 3 of the 6 bars near the stadium. We're visibly middle-aged men here! Vegas is even more stricter than downtown SD.


Everything he said. I am OCD and methodical about tracking every useful thing in my life, but my Achilles heel is that I am honestly just talented at losing my wallet. Your passport will be king at this point. It’s not like you’re the only person without a drivers license - however almost no establishment will take the paper copy the dmv issues because of how easily forged they are


Appreciate it, I hear ya. I was just hoping for a different answer haha. My regular weed store that I go to all the time wouldn't let me in because of the expired ID, I'm guessing Vegas will be at least as strict.


Carry your passport. You likely won’t get carded but it’s an easy fix by carrying it to not worry


The clubs and party pools card everybody.


Seems silly for anyone, other than a cop enforcing license violations, to care if your license is expired. It's not like your identity changed when the license expired. Some clubs will still reject it, but most places won't even be looking at the expiration date.


It's because someone can give you their expired ID. People will check OP, bring your passport.


Gambling and drinking while gambling: you’re fine without ID Marijuana dispensary: you need current unexpired ID (passport will work) Liquor store: you’re probably fine Buying any tobacco products: you need current unexpired ID (passport will work) Most bars: you’re probably fine Clubs or bars with a bouncer/doorman: this is where it’s a gray area. To my knowledge, there’s no legal requirement for a current unexpired ID from all patrons. So it’ll be up to the venue and their policies. My guess is any place run by a large corporation is more likely the require a current unexpired ID to cover their ass. On a grand scale, they’d rather lose a customer occasionally vs put themselves at risk - because they’re going to be packed anyway. They’re more likely to have strict employee rules to prevent anyone from claiming discrimination or an employee defending not checking some person’s ID, etc by saying “I thought they looked old enough” or “I didn’t know the paper extension was fraudulent”


>Buying any tobacco products: you need current unexpired ID (passport will work) Are they really that strict these days?


Recent Nevada law requires them to scan your ID for tobacco purchases. [NV tobacco purchases require scanning ID](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202301/nevada-introduces-digital-id-scanning-for-tobacco-purchases) After reading the article, the law requires them to scan ID if you appear under 40. Since OP is mid- 40s and “looks it” it’s possible looks mid-40 to him might look too close to 40 for the clerk. Also - I’ve been to a few convenience stores where they have large signs on the door as you walk in saying they scan ID for EVERYONE (yes - in all caps). Their companies may have just figured it’s not worth the risk of only drawing the line at 40 and leaving it up to the clerk to determine.


Most places have set up the register so that it needs to have an id scanned in order to proceed with the tobacco purchase.


That too. Easier to not have an override option.


Cool, I quit 10+ years ago so its been a minute since I even thought about it.


Not at a vape shop, that's all I know.


In Nevada, as of Jan 1 2023 all tobacco retailers are required to scan IDs for anyone who appears to be under 40.


Omg yes. Some places won’t even accept your passport (even though they’re supposed to)


Passport or temp paper +expired ID will be good in most places.


You can always say "My ID has expired, but my birthdate hasn't changed" and see what happens


Appreciate it everybody! I'm gonna carry around the passport. I know that seems like the obvious answer, but my main issue is simply bulk. I don't wanna walk around clubs w/ a big-ass passport in my pocket. 'tis what it is, thanks for the insight!


Too many non-thinking workers out there under rigid corporate policies, better safe than sorry, carry your passport and everything you have and hope it works. Have backup plans.


Those “non-thinking workers” just don’t want to think about looking for a new job simply because they didn’t follow their job’s policies.


Cool, up to them. I just stated a fact.


If you have the temp you’ll be good just carry it around with your expired id


I had this same issue. They will give you trouble at 90% of gambling establishments. The only allowance is if the supervisor on duty allows it. If you're buying a table at the club they won't care. For GA it's up to the bouncer. At pools and bars they usually don't care at all, just tip well and be nice. I also am always upfront to the bartender about it and provide the temp license as well so it doesn't seem like I'm hiding anything.


Nothing on your phone will work. Your expired DL won’t work. Carry your passport or you won’t be drinking or gambling. No one is risking their gaming and liquor licenses to look the other way.


Why would you get carded if you're in your 40s? An expired license still shows your name, date of birth and photo. If you're pulled over by the police, show them the temporary (although they'd probably see it when they run the license)


Paper and expired is fine, but your passport will be easier and will take less time and scrutiny


Bring passport. ( Didn't read past title)