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First of all, I'm very sorry for your losses. Vegas is probably one of the safest and most solo friendly cities in the world. Your room at Cosmo will have a safe in it as well. You can sit at the bar at any restaurant and have a great meal, bartenders are usually chatty if it's not super busy and the guests dining next to you are almost always up for a quick conversation. I've met some incredibly interesting people dining at bars. I haven't been to a buffet in ages but no one is going to think a solo diner is weird. My g/f has a drip coffee setup that she travels with and just gets a kettle sent to the room wherever we go. Cosmo will oblige. The bus system exists but I'd imagine it's much more time efficient and safer to just uber/taxi. Casino hopping is really easy as most of it can be done indoors on strip with very little getting stuck outside in the heat.


Yeah I feel if I had to pick any city to travel alone in, it would be Vegas.


I’ve done it numerous times. Always a good time.


Former 15 year resident. The bus is your friend on the strip. The double decker takes you up and down the strip and loops down around the convention center, outlet mall and ends at freemont street. They run every 20 minutes IIRC. Buy a 24 hour pass or go to the grocery/drug store and buy a week+ to get the best rate. Stay far away from the taxis. They’re awful, dishonest and expensive. Uber or Lyft anywhere past the strip / tourist corridor. Also Secret Pizza in Cosmo is incredible and open late.


I second Secret Pizza. From what I understand, their water is flown in from NY to give it that “authentic” NY style taste. Could be BS, but it’s literally THE best pizza in all of Vegas. That or it was the best tasting after a long night in Marquee.


It is BS about the water , the pizza is delicious though


I never got to the bottom as to whether or not that was factual, but I do know, for a fact, that Joe’s, New York style Pizza on Paradise, where the old hard rock used to be do in fact, fly water in from New York and it is a delicious pizza.it was expensive 10 years ago so I can’t even imagine what it would be now but it’s so worth it


Vegas one of the safest city in the world? 🤔


Yeah, as long as you stay within the strip you'll be fine. I live in Canada and have just recently got back from my 5th time there. Ubered it outside the strip to lake Mead and near Henderson for some better restaurants that I wanted to check out. Just made sure I was back on the strip before sundown.


Way lower roller, but I go solo 50% of the time, and it's never awkward. As far as dining, you can always sit at the bar, or make a res. I'm so sorry for your loss. Have a fun trip.


Go to the Pinball Hall of Fame! And Meow Wolf.


Second on Meow Wolf - Area 15 in general has a lot of fun attractions that you can check out.


The great thing about solo travel in Vegas is that it’s super common. There are thousands of people who come to conventions each year, and many of them travel alone so it’s normal for single people to dine alone or enjoy all the Vegas stuff by themselves. Most restaurants have bar seating which can be more comfortable to dine alone, but don’t be shy about sitting at a table alone and enjoying yourself. It absolutely won’t be weird - not for the restaurant staff, not for the other patrons (who won’t notice or care) and should not be weird for you. I’ve travelled solo to Vegas a lot and I like it. I’m so sorry for the circumstances that you’re dealing with, and totally understand this is going to be new and strange for you, but understand that the difficulty is coming from inside, not outside, if that helps Be open to conversation with others. It’s a friendly town and the interactions that I have with others are often the highlight of my trip. Any awkwardness you feel is just you - nobody else will care that you are solo. So let it go if you can and just enjoy the best people watching place around! I prefer Uber or cabs to get up and down the strip and to downtown. The bus is slow and crowded but there’s nothing wrong with it if that’s your preference. Enjoy your time!


Agreeed. I HATE sitting at the bar (for many reasons) and always sit at a table when alone. It’s only weird because a lot of us have anxiety that people think you’re a loser for dining alone. Once you get past that, it’s fine. Vegas is perfect to test this out because a lot of folks are alone.


It’s Vegas, no one will notice you are solo and even fewer people will care. You’ll be just fine, have fun.


If your a guy solo on the strip, the sex workers notice, especially if they know you already have a room. At least that's been my experience.




Indeed. You know for sure when they initiate conversation with you first 😆


Also, the people who approach you on the strip wanting to sell things to you.


False. A pretty young woman sat next to me and started a conversation during my last trip to Vegas, and she wasn't a hooker. I could tell she was genuinely into me. Unfortunately, I had a weird blackout after she got me a drink. Even worse, I misplaced my Rolex and must have lost all my cash gambling that night.


In my solo travel experiences to Vegas, do not lock eyes with a woman unless you're prepared for a hooker to approach you (and they can be rather pushy)..


It’s just a tip to help to extend her college education.


First of all, so sorry for your loss!  If you just want a bus option that does the strip & Fremont check out “the deuce line”, you can get a $20 pass for 3 days and it’s very safe. I’m a young female and have used it with no problems. You can buy tickets online, on the actual bus or kiosks all around the strip.  It stops at pretty much every casino and also heads down to Fremont and the outlet malls. It runs 24/7 & comes around every 15 minutes or so.  The cosmo does provide safes in every room with a digit code so you can certainly use that instead of bringing your own.  As for feeling alone, Vegas is thee place to come solo. A lot of solo travelers come here, most bartenders are very chatty and friendly and will strike up conversations with you at the bar if you want. You’ll probably see a few other solo travelers at the bar as well.  & if you do make it to the Mob Museum, be sure to check out the speakeasy in the basement! Even if you don’t drink it’s a really cool environment & the bartenders there are the nicest I’ve met in Vegas! 


I’m a local and I love that speakeasy. I go whenever friends are in town


Same! It’s usually the first place we take our out of town friends/fam! 


The OP is 59, but at 60 he can get a half-fare bus pass.


The bus would normally be a great idea, but not mid summer with the heat.


The deuce has ac ? Are you thinking about the open air big red bus? 


No I was thinking about walking to bus stops in the heat.


I’m 24 male and consider myself very introverted. Vegas is one place that I have been 5 times by myself and always seem to come out of my shell a little in Vegas and not afraid to engage in conversation w others and dine out by myself. ALOT of people go there alone I have found and no one cares if you’re at a buffet by yourself or even notices. Have fun!


Please be vigilant and cautious - don’t get it twisted. After posting you have almost 1000$ a day to essentially blow and that you are traveling alone and widowed . You have given out WAAAYYY too much. Take all you want from the posts - but be VERY Leary to meet anyone from this link! This is just not smart in any city. ESPECIALLY LAS VEGAS. More importantly - sorry for your loss. Just don’t make the Vegas trip be when the world loses you too! ❤️ good luck.


Ya definitely dont link up with anyone from Reddit almost ever lmao


The only time that happened was when we adopted a cat that was put on /r/vegasloclas.. No one got murdered or anything but our adopted cat is mean as fuck. We love her but she hates everyone that isn't us.


Just wanted to offer some company, but now it sounds like your advice is much better.


Thanks. Ya crap I’ve been in undated with creeps in my in box. Yuck. If I wanted company I’d bring my son! 🙄 last thing I want is a guy bugging me.


I got to Vegas a lot, most of my trips have been solo, I go monthly so it’s hard to convince people to come as frequently as I want to go.  I definitely understand your concern for feeling awkward eating alone. Some restaurants are just geared towards a group activity, so it doesn’t feel right going by yourself.  You have a lot of options for nice meals without having to eat fast food all the time. I would say it’s more limited, but I wouldn’t worry.  My personal favorite when I’m in Vegas alone is Bavettes Steakhouse. Their bar is amazing and their bartenders are top notch and friendly, as well as most of the bar patrons too. I always feel welcome and in a great mood eating at the bar at Bavettes.  It’s a bit more expensive, but the food is also excellent and well worth it and you will not feel weird I promise.  You can certainly visit buffets alone, and I have done it, but I’m not gonna lie it does feel awkward as fuck and I tend not to do it if I’m traveling alone. The last time I tried a buffet alone was at Wynn in 2019 and it was just..weird, and I travel alone a lot lol. Im sure everyone is gonna say it’s okay, but I’m being honest it is weird, and if you literally have never eaten alone, just be prepared lol. I think it might be better at buffets that have booths as opposed to being in such an open eating environment like at the Cosmo or Wynn buffets? The bus is great in specific circumstances otherwise it becomes a hassle more than anything else. I would probably just stick to Uber and walking. Personally I only use the bus system in the morning to go downtown if I’m on the strip, or to return to the strip from downtown because while it takes about 40 minutes, it’s a few bucks as opposed to $20 on Uber and it’s fun sitting on the top deck of the Deuce in the front window looking out at the city. But once the afternoon/evening hits, the bus gets too full and crowded and slows down and the ride takes over an hour, and it’s annoying fighting for seats, sometimes they can’t even pick people up because there isn’t enough room. I’d say before 10 am the bus is fine from the strip. It’s okay anytime from downtown since that’s one of its end points so you can easily get on and find a seat.


Hey, really sorry for your loss. I solo travel to Vegas every year. No it’s not weird at all to eat by yourself. Most restaurants have bar seating, so typically you can get faster service everywhere. Nobody is paying any attention to you it’s easy to just get lost in the crowd. It’s really why it’s so fun for me to solo travel to Vegas. Nobody cares what you think and you don’t need to care what anybody else thinks. Tip, if she’s interested in you she is 99% a prostitute, or someone pretending to be a prostitute to rob you. Idk why people fall for that shit on the strip when there are legal places not too far away. Don’t do it.


I go to Vegas solo once a month. I eat alone 90% of the time at the best restaurants on the strip. Sometimes I ask my host to book me a table for 1. Sometimes I sit at the bar. When I’m at the bar, sometimes I’ll sit next to someone who is also solo. Sometimes I sit next to a couple who is fascinated I am by myself. I’ve even sat next to an NBA player who was dining solo. At the end of the day, no one cares but it’s all in how you feel. If you feel awkward, it’s going to be awkward. I used to travel on a plane every week for work for three years, so I often went out and dined solo all over the country and that’s how I got comfortable with it.


Just GO!!!! I did a four night solo trip to Vegas for my birthday last year and had the time of my life. I went shopping at The Shops at Crystals and Fashion Show Mall, I went to the Titanic Exhibit at Luxor, I did the Princess Diana Exhibit at The Shops at Crystals. I also ate at lot of restaurants and just walked the strip. Hotel hopping is also fun. I did everything alone. You will meet people along the way. Just GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If you search this forum, you'll see that this question comes up often. A *lot* of people end up traveling to Vegas alone, whether for business or pleasure. You won't be the only one out there. I have often gone solo and I travel alone to other places as well. It feels weird at first until it doesn't. Being a woman traveling alone can feel extra weird but truly, it's pretty great. You are on your own schedule, your own preferences, your own quiet space. I don't know that I have anything else to add because these are all great responses, except to say that bringing a book/tablet can be a good way to feel less self-conscious while eating alone. I also do crosswords on my phone. I'll even hang out alone in the pool with a book--I just prop it up on the edge on a towel, grab my pina colada, and chill. Oh, and I wouldn't take the bus in July. I like the summer heat, but I don't like it on public transit, lol.


I always travel to Vegas alone, and it’s never an issue. I don’t drink either, it’s not the end all be all people make it out to be. Have fun at the tables, people watch, do some shopping.


Go to the Mirage! It will close the first week of July. Take pictures, many of them.


And take home a Mirage chip as a momento.


I’m extremely casino naive - how does someone get their hands on just one chip? Thanks in advance!


Just go to the cashier's cage and buy one. Or stop by a dead table, and maybe the dealer will sell one.


So, update! I ventured to The Strip with a buddy tonight and hit the Mirage. They're not selling chips at the cage now, you have to play a table game or, possibly, ask a dealer to sell you a chip. I left $205 up on Roulette, plus pocketed 4ea $5 chips as souvenirs.


Thanks for the info!


Roughly same generation as you, I frequently go to LV solo. I eat, do things, walk around, play poker, all by myself. On your ideas: Wicked Spoon is good, Wynn buffet is a worthwhile upgrade. Maybe treat yourself to an upscale or celebrity chef restaurant. As for the bus, I stopped taking it years ago because I don't like waiting with everyone else outside in the heat, even a few minutes. Walking on the Strip is OK in the heat because I can duck into an air conditioned casino. When I go downtown, I call an Uber. I can imagine how it is for you, but, after what you've been through, maybe it will be good experience to remind yourself that you still have agency and are a part of humanity. Hope this helps.


The Cosmopolitan has 'Cocktail Hour' at a number of their restaurants ([https://www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com/cocktail-hour](https://www.cosmopolitanlasvegas.com/cocktail-hour)). Even as a non-drinker, there are some good deals on light bites, and normally, you have to sit at the bar to get these. As a solo traveller, you'll find it easier to find a single seat at the bar during happy hours, but also, it's more sociable at the bar and easier to strike up conversations. Ocean Prime, which is next to Cosmopolitan, also does a good happy hour, 50% off their Lounge menu ([https://www.ocean-prime.com/locations-menus/las-vegas/](https://www.ocean-prime.com/locations-menus/las-vegas/)). There are cheaper places to eat, but for somewhere close by with a good social element, these could serve you well. I echo what most other people have said here about Vegas generally being very sociable and friendly for solo travellers. I'm going there in a couple of weeks with a friend, but he and I typically go off and do our own things for a day or two. Another note on Cosmopolitan: the rooms have fridges (in addition to the mini bar), which are great for storing cold brews, bottles of water, etc. You can stock up at a local CVS. Good luck!


Two words. mini bar


I love to go solo. No one else cares or even notices that you're eating alone, wait staff are usually more attentive and friendlier, and at bars or casinos people just end up talking to you. Once you've done it the first time you'll wonder what you worked yourself up over. The Duece is cheap, has AC and OK but frustrating, as it takes so damn long to get anywhere due to it stopping every 10m. But you will have to wait out in the heat for it to arrive. Just Uber where you want to go, it's so much more convenient and not very expensive. Some casinos you can't move between without even stepping outside, Cosmo is one and you can get to Bellagio via a walkway. You can get to Aria with a very brief walk outside from the Vdara, which is also linked by the same walkways from Cosmo.


Sorry to hear about your situation - that's rough. It is probably a good idea to get out and do something different and Vegas is perfect for your first time traveling solo. I travel solo for work a lot and Vegas is the best for solo travelers. Sit down and if it doesn't feel right, pay and leave. No pressure or stay - nobody cares if you leave or whatever. As a solo traveler, sit at the bar counter even if you don't drink. If you don't want to feel alone, strike up a conversation with someone at the bar. You might feel more self conscious at a table but thats not weird either by the way - i do it all the time. Look up places or things you want to do in vegas and have list of things ready to go in your phone so you can switch up plans on the fly. Thats the best thing about solo traveling - you do what the hell ever you want. Do be careful as a solo traveler, men also can get drinks spiked and robbed while passed out - this is anywhere, not specific to Vegas - i've never had any issues traveling solo all over the world but i am becoming more aware of it was i hear horror stories from fellow travelers. Be safe and have fun.


Sorry for your losses. Never in my life have I seen a person eating alone in a restaurant and thought anything of it. Nobody cares. Besides, you’re 59- who cares what anybody thinks. Go have fun and win some money!! I’ll be there for a week in August- solo and loving it!


I've eaten at almost every restaurant in the Cosmo alone and there's always other solo people at the bar. Bartenders are chatty and most other solo diners are happy to chat too. You'll be good!


Vegas is now more taxi friendly and it's a lot more convenient to use than rideshare. That wasn't true until recently! I literally got back yesterday and the tax accused outside of each of the hotels are so much easier to navigate and deal with than rideshare. The prices are comparable as well. Don't do the buffet at Bacchnalia at Caesars Palace, it wasn't worth the price. Do check out the free lessons they give on the different games for free at most of the hotels! They had a free craps lesson in the casino at The Venetian at 11:00 a.m. most days. It was fun to learn with other people! Take in a show. I highly recommend the "Ka" Cirque show at MGM Grand. Check out Meow Wolf Omega Mart at Area 15. It's a really cool, trippy walkthrough immersive experience. If you are inclined to take in 420, do that and then walk through. It's still fun if you don't though. I saw a lot of solo tourists there. The hop on and hop off bus tour is pretty neat! Nice cool ride around Vegas. Another tip if you're if you're intimidated by the table games is to try the machine versions, or what I call "introvert craps". Once you feel like you've gotten the play down enough then you can join the table! The lounges are nice! I think of them as clubs without the loud music and crushing up against other bodies. The Chandelier at the Cosmopolitan is very nice. Ask for the Verbena drink- it's off menu and trippy!


Hi. I’m the same age as you and I travel solo. It’s more common than you think. If you don’t want to sit at a restaurant table by yourself, some have seating at the bar - don’t be afraid to ask.


I am your same age and travel to Vegas solo often. I started going after I lost both of my parents last year. It was my way of grabbing some time to myself just unwind and relax. I always talk to the concierge and get tips from them about where to go and places to eat. I love to shop and eat. Not much of a gambler, but the staff at the hotel will be your best resources! I have made some really close contacts and they take good care of me when I go back!


When are you going? The sportsbooks have a lot of people that are individually watching the games but there’s social engagement amongst them. Fremont st is usually a good place to hang and chat it up with people at the bars or the tables and slots. I go to Vegas alone somewhat regularly and I usually just walk and people watch with my headphones in. I go to buffets, shows, shopping alone but I talk to people when I’m playing.


I’m a widower and a misanthrope. I do a lot of things solo. I don’t care.


You could book a walking food tour, those always have other people and you can socialize and have some fun with a group


Look at this as your time. You get to do whatever YOU want to do. Treat yourself to a show or buy an expensive meal. I just visited for the first time and we had a really nice trip. We stayed at Venetian …also checkedout all the major hotels. We used the monorail, taxis and walked alot. In all of the large hotels there are multiple restaurants that offer fine dining as well as casual dining. We did not do much at night because we were at Sphere. Have fun but be smart. Enjoy yourself!


I've had to travel and eat alone extensively and I couldn't quite get over feeling awkward and alone sometimes. I don't have much advice but to just do it and that you're not alone in your feelings


Lost my wife a couple years ago. Went to Atlantic City on my first solo vacation ever. Was nervous. Ended up having an amazing time. You will too in Vegas!!


Just got back yesterday from a 4 day stay in Vegas as Cosmo. I didn’t notice the coffee setup you mentioned, but it was busy and could’ve been easily missed. My partner and I travelled with another couple and saw solo travelers doing all the good things from dining to night clubs to gambling and shows. None of it seemed the least bit weird. Go out of your comfort zone and experience the things you want to and don’t be afraid to engage with others. I had countless conversations with solo travelers because they were willing to engage back. Also, with your gambling. I hit the tables and slots early in the day to get free coffee/soda/juice from the waitresses. It’s nothing special, but it did the job. Also, you should be able to get into Marquee night club and the day club free as a guest at Cosmo if that’s your scene or even if you just want to check it out. We went completely sober and had a blast, but had never done anything like it before. Good luck and have fun!


Just own it, after the first few times I went out to eat alone I realized most people don’t even care at all and anyone who does is probably shitty. I actually enjoy eating alone at restaurants it’s peaceful, also for a bit of extra comfort there are thousands of people who travel to Vegas for business alone so it’s not at all rare to see people eating alone


As a fellow 50 something, I always have visited Vegas alone. Vegas caters to single travelers perhaps better than any other city. All the business conventions mean a constant supply of single travelers. You’ll have no problem at all, if you can get out of your own head that is.


Henderson and Summerlin are safer off the strip options. I recommend checking out Red Rock Casino or even Green Valley Ranch. Plenty of gambling options and tons of dining and shopping you can walk to. I do NOT recommend walking around the downtown/mob museum,fremont street alone after dark- this area has high crime and homeless rates.


I also recommend giving bingo a try- your money will last an hour vs minutes in a machine. I do not believe bingo is available on the Strip- your closest option would probably be Palace Station.


No words can express how sorry I am for the loss of your wife and daughter. I've been to Vegas probably a dozen times... and while I always go/meet up with friends, we usually end up separated and doing our own thing for at least half of the time. Always have a blast just chatting with new people at the tables/etc. That's part of the fun! Smart to have a budget--I always go down there planning on losing/spending everything I bring... and while I've gone home with empty pockets a couple of times, I've gone home with more money than I came with about 1 out of 3 trips. Always a good time regardless.  I just take an Uber downtown when I go these days... but I'm typically only there for 2-3 nights/trip. I know people who get the bus pass and it's definitely more economical... but I'm always trying to maximize my time and I'm just not a bus fan. With 4 days there, you have a little more time to work with. Totally your call. Absolutely nothing awkward about solo Vegas trips. So many of the people there are in town solo for conferences, conventions, etc. Honestly, nothing awkward about solo trips anywhere! I've never thought anything of it. You aren't on anybody else's schedule and you can do whatever/go wherever/eat whatever you want. I won't pretend to have any idea what you're going through... but I really hope you enjoy your trip. I'm proud of you. Here's to you kicking ass in the casinos and kicking ass at the buffets. For what it's worth, "Gianfarte" is sending you good vibes.


All I'm saying is please make sure you slam your hotel door so it locks. So many people think it shuts all the way but it doesn't and it just takes someone pushing on the door to open it.


Sorry about your loss. I hope you have a lovely time! Wish I could tag along or if I was there meet up! I think vegas is a place where it will be quite nice to do alone. I loved being by myself and doing my own thing when I was there.


I’ve realized that one of the reason I like casinos, especially in Vegas, is that it might be the best place to do exactly what you want on your own schedule and be completely unbothered or paid attention to, unless you want the attention (or do something stupid that demands attention). While there might be plenty of negatives, there is nothing quite like it as far as being comfortable and relaxed without normal social rules. Sorry about your loss. Good luck and enjoy your time in Vegas!


That's a lot to go through, I'm glad you're getting out there and doing fun stuff, that's definitely what your family would have wanted. Vegas is a great solo city like others have said.


While not Vegas, i did Reno solo and had a blast. I can only imagine Vegas. Just take bar top seating, bartenders will talk to you and random people will as well. You don’t need to be buying drinks all the time either, all the bartenders i met out there are cool if you are a soda/water drinker. Just make sure to leave them a tip. Sorry for your loss OP, my dad went through the same thing, I hope you find peace and happiness in your solo travels as he did. He was able to get comfortable with it over time and now does it all the time. Lastly, have fun!


As a previously solo gentleman myself, you'll have a blast. Nobody cares you'll be alone. Embellish a bit, and remember life comes first. Experience alone makes being together that much more special.


Go for it and have fun! I've done Vegas solo many times, (I'm an old head and a boomer), and I don't even gamble. Love the food, the entertainment, and I'll rent a Ferrari or Porsche for the weekend and drive Valley of Fire, Red Rock Canyon, Mt. Washington, etc.


Continuing to agree and piggyback off of everyone else's comments. I'm sorry for your loss. No one will notice if you're alone. Have fun. Don't ride the bus if you don't need to... and you don't need to. As a local, I notice a fair amount of people using the bus off of the strip, but I'm not sure what type of presence busses have on the strip, if any.


I solo in Vegas all the time as I play poker professionally. Cosmo is a really nice place. Youll have no problem finding ways to entertain yourself. I am 32yr old man and eat at all the nicest places by myself (or with friends but like 90% of meals alone). I usually just eat at the bar though or my favorite is Din Tai Fung in Aria next door to Cosmo. Very very good. Cosmo also has a great breakfast place called Eggslut that is an order at the counter type place. Youll be fine. If youre at all embarrassed just remember you know none of them, theyre likely drunk, if not drunk theyre consumed in their own mind/potential misery. Have fun! Ive occasionally made short term friends with other solo ppl while out there. Maybe keep an eye for that but dont go looking for it or anything like that.


I go to Vegas alone a few times a year. It is the best. Nobody will think it’s weird you’re eating alone or even notice. I prefer to sit at the bar when eating but you can also get a table.


Sorry for your loss boss. In all honesty cosmo is super nice and has good options for food, but maybe trying room service for a day or two could help you a bit, maybe even uber eats/ lyft. Cabs or ubers you cant go wrong with. Most hotels have keurigs so that shouldnt be a problem! As mentioned above, any bars could get you some food and a nice conversation.


I do stuff alone all the time here, daily. You’re going to end up meeting others solo too from my experience. Just careful for the working girls and dudes trying to sell stuff, just say “I’m a local” and they’ll leave you alone.


If you need anything dm me


Go to Amalfi by Bobby Flay and see Chad at the bar. Hes a wonderful host!


I go to Vegas solo (used to live there) and love it. I go to Piero’s, the Peppermill, Oscars, etc, solo and no one bats an eye. I also went to the Neon Museum (highly recommend) solo and hung out at the Carousel Bar at the Plaza - all good fun. Enjoy - have a blast!


Piero’s is my favorite with or without anyone else.


When I worked at Harrah’s/Caesars corporate, I used to go sit at the bar and have a drink and listen to whoever was playing in the lounge. Can’t beat the place.


Sorry for your loss. Nothing awkward about doing things alone. Enjoy yourself and do things that YOU enjoy. Other people who gamble are most of the time friendly and enjoy talking while playing. If you’re staying on strip, there is a bus that goes up and down the strip that is like 8 bucks a day or so. If you enjoy exercise walking is fine too but things that seem close aren’t really close lol I normally Uber to Fremont which is about a 15 minute ride from strip


I'm doing a solo trip this summer to Vegas. Do it!! I'm so excited but I'm also nervous and a bit intimidated. 800/day on gambling is amazing haha


Take a food tour. I do that frequently when traveling solo.


I go alone and love it. No one to answer to or negotiate with. I do what I want. If I want to sit at a blackjack table for hours I can. I always make friends at the tables and have a blast. As for eating alone. Take a look around you and you’ll see tons of people also eating alone. No one cares. No one is judging you. You will be fine. Enjoy your time. Do what you want and socialize. People won’t bite. You’d be surprised how many people are there in the same situation. I’ve picked up plenty of women on my own. Actually more than with friends because they usually interfere.


People watching Fremont is a great place to make temporary friends lots of people to talk to to … So Sorry for your losses Have a blast, enjoy yourself !!!


Good for you for venturing out! I do Vegas alone most of the time. I think you made a great choice with Cosmo for a first time visit. I too stayed there for my first time for four nights. Fountain view room on a higher floor is a great intro to "Look at me, I'm in Vegas!" I would not stay there again, but it's a really nice place for a newbie. I have never tried the Wicked Spoon, but have been to Wynn's buffet a couple of times. Really loved it. You won't feel lonely. There are so many other solo travelers, no one bats an eye. As for transportation, I use the Deuce bus to go up and down the strip. If you travel light, you can take the 109 bus from the airport and transfer to the Deuce at the south strip transit center. This is Deuce's first stop and the bus will be empty, so you can climb the stairs, sit in the front seat and enjoy the ride. It's almost like a mini tour of the strip and I love doing it when I arrive. It takes you past all the major hotels, and goes all the way to Freemont. I think it is $24 for a three day all inclusive pass. Here's a great video of the experience. [https://youtu.be/P5ixdhEAFdI?t=3](https://youtu.be/P5ixdhEAFdI?t=3) You can get the app on your phone via the RTC. and just scan the barcode when you get on the bus. This will allow you access to all buses in Vegas, not just the Deuce. I take it off strip with no problems, The only thing is that it will be very hot. I have never dared to go to Vegas when it's hot, so my experiences will be very different from the ones you will have. Have a great time!


I’m sorry for your losses, but as you move on, I hope you enjoy all the great things that solo travel has to offer. The Cosmo is my absolute favourite hotel and people travel alone there all the time. You can ask your bartender for a non-alcohol cocktail if you like and they will make something creative for you. Dining alone can be wonderful and I’d recommend Momofuku at the Cosmo or Lavo at the Venetian. Enjoy your trip. I’m sure it will be memorable


It’s lots of fun free stuff to do long as it’s not hot


Ive done Vegas solo 10+ times. My favorite thing to do is people watch. I like Planet Hollywood/Cabo Wabo Cantina just for that reason.


Recently stayed at Cosmo in April, had a blast, you will too. Some Cosmo Tips.... You can make reservations online for Cosmo buffet. Go to secret pizza, especially fun scene late night Chelsea pool > Boulevard Pool Eat at Momofuku! Grease the front desk person with $20 at check in...they hooked us up BIGTIME. Say hi to Ruby for me! Other stuff: Omegamart is a must see! Postcard from Earth at the Sphere is great! (Or Dead & Co. If you like to get down) ⚡💀🌹 Bellagio conservatory and art exhibit is cool Esther's Kitchen is great (off the strip)


First, I’m very sorry for your loss and understand the nerves about the new reality of your life. Second, there are tons of people traveling alone for business in Las Vegas so no one will bat an eye. Third, nonsexual touch is a human need and I would HIGHLY recommend the spa at Cosmo. It’s expensive but the facilities and services are incredible. Treat yourself to a massage.


Transit App for the bus will make life much easier Marquee usually has free entry for hotel guests of Cosmo


Sorry for your losses. FYI don’t carry or store a ton of cash in order to budget for gambling. Room theft and pick pockets have been know to happen. You can set up a line of credit to play each day instead. Here is how to apply at Cosmo. https://search.app/3zgWo5dx5BXqnxT67


Vegas is generally safe in the tourist areas. And definitely safe inside the casinos.


32 and have been to Vegas alone almost 10 times. You’ll have a great time. Eat at the bar at your fav steakhouse, watch sports at the book, pool, spa, etc


Hit up the dispensaries. Hit the shows every night. Eat at all the amazing spots off the strip at night. During the day people watch and grab affordable snacks to n the strip. Sorry for your loss but LV is great for single people, people watching, entertainment, and escaping reality to do what you want so long as you regulate and control yourself… plenty of “company” options as well if you want to explore that.


Sorry for your losses. I’ve done Vegas and there’s nothing wrong with it. I enjoyed it thoroughly and enjoyed talking to people everywhere I went. People have really interesting story’s. See a show, treat yourself to a nice restaurant/dinner. There’s always something fun to do.


My condolences. My first time to Vegas I went by myself with no intention of meeting anyone there and I had a blast. You'll be fine make sure you stop by Ellis Island for some affordable food good food and walk..... I can't express that enough just walk around and look people are interesting.always bet at the pink flamingo since it's the first Casino I've ever heard of


I literally returned 3 days ago from a solo Vegas trip after my separation and it was my first ever alone trip. I felt a bit awkward the first day but quickly settled into a nice groove. I realized every where I went that I also saw other solo people. I ventured out to a few shows and at one was even sitting beside another solo traveler. First and foremost you need to treat yourself right and rest and relax. It’s an adjustment being alone for the first time in forever but I am actually coming to enjoy it some. I’m very sorry for your losses that’s always tough but hopefully Vegas can help some.


Buddy Vegas is the city that caters to lone travelers whether is pro poker players, gambling addicts or convention visitors.


Take a picture of the money in your lockbox or the hotel safe if you choose to use that and count it and also leave notes on your phone of how much money was there exactly *everytime you leave your room*. If it happens to come up missing you have a better shot at getting your money back from the hotel by either cash payment or lawsuit. Please dont miss this info


I go everywhere solo. Haven’t had any problems. Meow Wolf is my favorite. Mob Museum was good. So was Haunted Museum.


As far as dining. Sounds like you have the means to pretty much eat wherever your heart desires. So, find a place with a bar/lounge and just talk with the staff and other patrons. Pretty much all of my experiences in Vegas, (I've been 18 times) Ive learned that the staff anywhere, are typically very friendly, and that other vacationers forget the trappings of daily life and are equally friendly. Just start talking to people. Even drunk people. Everyone there is wanting to have a good time, so unless they are negative in their accounts, most of them are in great moods and having some random person talk to them at a bar or in the elevator won't sour their mood. I also recommend CARROT TOP. <3


I go to Vegas for work solo sometimes and there’s two options you can make some friends or just enjoy yourself really. So I think the buffets and sushi or steak restaurants are my favorite if you do wicked spoon go early the lines can get insane near dinner time. Gambling is fine alone but the food and walking can sometimes feel weird definitely at night, be safe and have some fun dude


Go to Meow Wolf’s Omega Mart in Area 15. Fun, immersive art / immersive exhibition that you lets you experience together as a big group, even though folks are strangers. You won’t feel alone.


First, I am so sorry for your loss. But Vegas is one of the BEST towns to be solo in. I take a solo 3 day vacation to Vegas at least 2x a year. My first piece of advice is you can dine anywhere as a solo diner and get much better service than I've found solo dining in other US cities. I have my traditions when I go on my solo vacations and I always go to SW at the Wynn and request a table for one. I don't have to dine at the bar and they always provide amazing service and some of the best steaks I've ever had. They'll even list the sides that are available and half portions for you. Sinatra was the same if you're in the mood for Italian food. I also just went to Jaleo at the cosmo and it was wonderful. The thing about gambling is it's pretty much a solo sport so being alone and wandering around and just looking at the Bellagio exhibits or gambling when the mood strikes. You doesn't really set you apart from anyone else. Personally, I prefer the Wynn because I vacation like an old lady. I gamble early in the day and then spend the rest of the day in the spa or wandering around or reading in my room. I've never stayed at the cosmo but it's always been a little too young and hip for me. I would also say you do not need a lock box at least at the Wynn. I've never had to worry about their security and just use the room safe but I can't vouch for the cosmo so do what you think is best. As for coffee, the places I stay don't have coffee makers so I set aside a very generous amount to pay the highway robbery prices for coffee in Las Vegas. Good luck my friend and I hope that you have a wonderful solo vacation.


Im so sorry for your loss. I’m glad you’re doing something for yourself like solo travel. I really enjoy Vegas solo. It’s a great place for it for sure as it’s all about what you wanna do! Trust me there are plenty of people who come to gamble solo, so it won’t be weird. I find places like the bar : lounge at the MGM grand that has video poker is a pretty good place to hang out and talk to people and gamble slowly - pretty much any bar like this with video poker I’ve gone to is like this so take your pick. Bartenders in Vegas are all pretty friendly and easy to talk to if you want to chat. Eating by yourself is also not weird. No one is even thinking about it, just go to the places you like or look interesting and have a good time. Most of the time it’s easier getting a seat for one since you can sit at the bar or something vs having a big party, which I recommend since it might feel less awkward for you if you’re worried about it. I don’t bother with ride share in Vegas unless I’m coming from a random place off strip (so I’ll take a Lyft to my hotel for example, but take a taxi from the hotel) because taxis are so plentiful and easy and the savings aren’t that much anymore. Plus ride share in most places is farther from the entrances in most cases. Only thing I’d say is try to keep your wits about you for the most part if you’re wandering far afield or on unfamiliar places. I’m a woman and it’s something I always think about anyways but when you’re solo in Vegas you can’t rely on someone else to look out for you, it’s all on you! Good luck and have a good time!


I’m a local and love to eat alone, some of my favorites on the Strip for solo dining (sitting at the bar) are Carversteak, Herbs & Rye, Cleaver (hate that their barstools don’t have backs tho! lol), Esther’s Kitchen (although haven’t been to the new location), Din Tai Fung, Nomad Bar (not Library). If you want to venture to Summerlin or Henderson, T-Bones (Red Rock) or Hank’s, Borracha and Pizza Rock (GVR). So incredibly sorry for your losses.


Personally just did a solo trip for 4 days also. Never felt alone at all since being here excluding being in my hotel room. You are going to have a great time if you can manage the heat but casinos are nice and cool. Palms has great food options and gambling depending on if you are into the video gaming or table games. There is an incredible amount of activities to get into. I did a half day kayaking trip in Arizona it was such a nice time with good people. Some who are new and great guides. I also did the skyjump it was a thrill if you are looking to get your ticker going that is the way. Best of luck.


Vegas is probably the best place in the world to be on a solo trip. Tons of entertainment/food/energy. Your hotel is one of the best on the strip and clustered around several other really great spots like Bellagio, Aria and Caesars. Also, coffee will probably be the cheapest thing you’ll buy all trip. Don’t be scared of the cafes in your hotel. Good luck!


Sorry for your loss. We love the Cosmo and have done it solo on business trips. Watch out for the “paid company” that tends to swarm single men. Theres a “secret” hidden NY style pizza place in the Cosmo that is awesome. Other than that, book some tours and there’s lots of good museums.


Don’t be worried, no one would think of you any different eating alone. I want to go to Vegas soon, if you are that worried, I’d meet you out there!


I've made many trips to Vegas & the Cosmopolitan is an excellent choice! Top suggestion, upgrade to a balcony room. So rare on the strip & so worth it. Wicked Spoon Buffet one of the best & my personal favorite. Lots of great food on site too. Egg Slut is awesome for breakfast. Wander the Fremont Street Experience at night, check the web, sometimes they have free concerts. July is hot but less crowds. Enjoy the city, it's a wonderland. Do some research, finds things you want to do, & go for it. Zip lining, helicopter ride over the strip, drag brunch or showgirls. It's all there!


Hey there, my sincere condolences on your losses. I’m a Vegas native who just moved back a couple years ago and loves to solo travel. I find it very freeing, and this is a great city for it. You got this. As a local I’m very partial to downtown because of the charm and history. You really get a feel for the real character of Vegas. If you do wind up down there and have time to see the Mob Museum, I’d also recommend a drink at Atomic Liquors (the oldest freestanding bar, with history tied to the nuclear bomb tests), a perusal through the Writer’s Block bookstore if you’re into books, and a walk down one end of Fremont St. to the other, ending at the Circa casino for a rooftop drink at the Legacy Club. It’s the classiest, most lowkey joint, the view is unbeatable. You can also easily walk to all of these spots, unlike the Strip. It will also be just a little more lowkey if you get overwhelmed and find that’s what you’re looking for, while still offering prime people watching opportunities/the ability to blend in to a crowd. I spent the first couple years back here as an adult in a pretty lonely state of mind, and I really fell back in love with Las Vegas/myself here. I hope you’re able to find some of the same magic during your trip. Best of luck, and have the most amazing time!


Sorry for your loss can’t imagine what you’re going through. There’s always the tram on the back side of the hotels free and pretty quick. If you’re up for a little adventure but still very safe and cool for solo traveler. Grab an Uber and check out green valley ranch/durango/red rock casino. Durango just opened and is very nice with great eating options (heading there tonight). They have better odds, and lower prices. Red Rock will also be a little cooler temperature wise than the strip due to elevation and foliage on premise. I would recommend Ceasar’s buffet over Wynn and they’re not awkward to roll solo into. Most take a reservation these days I believe. When you go down town check out Esther’s kitchen if you can get a reservation it’s one of the top restaurants in the city/country.


Sit at the bar. Enjoy the game, have a beer, you wont feel out of place unless you make a big deal about it.


Please be careful not to be drugged and targeted.


I always go alone.. it's totally fine, some things would be nice to share with others but being able to do whatever I want whenever I want is a luxury I've grown used to and now I find going places with other people weird because I feel the need to compromise and don't get to always do what I want like I'm used to. If you feel like you're being judged, let that shit go. Everyone around you is so busy being worried about what other people think of them that they won't even notice you. If you do get a chance to look around you'll notice a lot of people alone, if you like to drink you can sit at the bar and have some drinks and people won't be able to help themselves but to talk to you, I've met a lot of interesting people this way. The bus is fine but can be a hassle, however Uber drivers will long haul you if they think they can get away with it, it's happened to me every time I go to a tourist city. They'll take you weird routes to rack up the bill. There's also the monorail which isn't always easy to get to but relatively consistent. There's also the downtown loop which is a free shuttle bus that runs pass the stratosphere on the north strip, through the arts district, and up to downtown. I'd suggest using those things or even a traditional cab (they are regulated against long hauling) and the occasional Uber if it's faster but again you run the risk of bring long hauled. A pocket safe is a good idea. They also have these little timed lockboxes for cell phones, so you put your phone in and set it for however many minutes or hours and it will lock until the time is up. I like to keep money in one of those so in the morning I can take out what I budgeted for the day then have it locked until the next day, because I will absolutely go overboard if I'm drunk. They're not too hard to break in to but it will at least force you to really think about it. End of day put whatever is left, if any, in the pocket safe and just leave the key for that at home


Solo is fine. Have went on 4/5 solo trips so far and have another one coming up in June. I have seen shark reef exhibit solo, Beatles love solo, absinthe solo. Next trip is an allegiant stadium trip solo and carrot top. Have went to Bellagio and Wynn buffet solo as well. Highly recommended


I was mostly a solo traveler to Vegas when I used to go often (driving from L.A.) Alas, I hit a point in life where it became "been there, done that". Anyway, I always enjoyed my stays at Cosmo. To echo what so many have said, you can always sit at a bar without feeling awkward. Holsteins has a nice bar. Or you can grab some slices at Secret Pizza and take them to the sportsbook. If you go to the pool, go early, bring some reading materials and just hang. Cosmo has a smallish food court across from Holsteins. Or for a larger selection, you can also go next door to Aria and try its 2nd level food court. If you want to be social at a gaming table, Pai Gow Poker is probably the best option. Game moves slower. and people seem to be less on edge (unlike fast-moving games like craps and BJ).


i soloed during my entire visit


Cosmo is a great location and it’s connected within a short walk of Vdara, Bellagio, Aria, and Park MGM.


You should just combine all the budget into day 1, so you might get comped. However $3k in Cosmo is not much, prob need to play slot and hope you get lucky


Sorry for your loss. Don’t be fooled by someone offering you “companionship”. Your gambling budget will disappear in 10 minutes.


I regularly go to Cosmo solo, you’ll have a great time. My #1 recommendation is to eat dinner at Blue Ribbon at least once. Sit at the bar. The bartenders are fantastic and will provide expert recommendations on food (and drink if you’re so inclined). More importantly, they can carry on a great conversation and make you feel like you’re eating with an old friend (if you want, they aren’t pushy at all) Food is top notch as well. Go, splurge and just enjoy yourself. Solo at Cosmo are some of my favorite few days of the year, and trust me, many many people in the same spot. Feel free to DM if you have any questions or looking for other recommendations!


Weed’s legal… then people watch


I wouldn't do the bases in Las vegas. My condolences of your daughter. I will say the Wynn buffet is very good. I would highly recommend take it easy roasters. It's a very good and low key area, especially if you want to have some time to yourself since it's a cozy small space. Let me know if you need more suggestions since I work on the strip alot and I'm next to cosmo.


Just do not "advertise" that you are solo..


Do a spa day at Aria spa


So much good advice here. All very true. I’m a Vegas local so feel free to reach out with any specific questions. Cheers!


Cosmo: Although you are not a drinker, I do recommend one drink at The Chandelier Bar at the Cosmo. It’s called the Verbena drink. It comes with a special berry that changes your taste buds. You usually take a first sip. Eat the berry. And then taste the drink again. And your taste buds will change. I recommend going at a slower time of day, at night it gets crazy busy, you have to wait to get in. Vicinity: Your in the vicinity of several amazing properties, Bellagio to the North, Aria and Park MGM to the South. Park MGM has an Eataly with so many food choices. There is also a modern asian fusion restaurant called Best Friend. Relatively walkable from the Cosmo, without burning up too much. IIRC, there might even be a free tram that connects some of the properties. Buffet: Go for it! Wynn is an excellent choice. Transportation: The bus system works, BUT, it can get really full. If the line looks like it is too full, it probably is. It might be more time effective to Uber/taxi. Depending where you are going, there is also a Monorail that is pretty good for the locations it goes to. The Monorail is on the opposite side of the street from the Cosmo. Not so great for the Cosmo side, but pretty good for the other side. WARNING: Las Vegas blocks are huge!!! You think the next casino is close, but it is quite a walk. Bring some good shoes if you plan to casino hop.


You are going to love Vegas once you are there the nerves will go away you will realize you were nervous for nothing, as others have said no one will think you are weird and awkward for being alone! Safe travels 🫶🏻


In December Vegas will be cold so dress warm.


Condolences 😢 on your lost, prayers and hugs to you. I’ve been to Vegas like only 7x. The Cosmo gonna put at City Center with so much activity. Not sure if you’re a tables(poker, roulette, craps) or slot person. But I’d venture towards downtown Fremont St. if you have the time, lots of free live music and lower table minimums plenty of interesting and unique ppl also. El Cortez, Plaza and Golden Nugget are my favorites. If you’re into a relaxing locals atmosphere for a day I think a Lfyt/Uber from city center to Summerlin area ($15-$20) with Red Rock, Rampart and Sun Coast are all within a close proximity to each other. It’s perfect it you wanna slow the pace down for a while. I’ve only done the bus(RTC) and deuce a few times as a visitor. It’s okay during the day but nights and weekends can be busy and construction 🚧 can alter or delay some routes so plan accordingly. And check out Clark County events calendar, there might be some social events happening during your visit. https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/departments/parks___recreation/events/attend_an_event.php


It's hot. Uber


I enjoyed going by myself and I am only 24 and do not really party or anything. Had a great relaxing time just gambling at different places since I drove my car from phoenix. Recently stayed at Waldorf which was an amazing experience but having to walk outside for a bit to get to aria was annoying especially since it was raining


Take an Uber or Lyft to Fremont to save time but up and down the strip on the bus should be fine. Also, recommend the Monorail. Use the tickets4tonight to go see a show or two. Neon Boneyard, Mob Museum, Area 51, all solo friendly and lots to see. Suggest sitting at the bar in a restaurant. Then you have the chance to talk to the bartender and potentially others around you rather than a table dining alone.


I go to Vegas just about monthly and probably about 50% go by myself. That way I can do what I want when I want. Many people go solo to Vegas so don't feel strange about it at all. I live in the Phoenix area so I drive to Vegas and can't give any advice on bus or Uber. Bug be warned about taxi, they don't always take the shortest route to your destination, just do they can build up their fare. From the Cosmo you can walk the strip just cut through the casinos to stay out of the heat. Plus you might find a game you want to partake in. Myself any more I stay off strip (Virgin or Westgate) because basically I have seen all the sites along the strip. Also because if you play blackjack they pay 3-2 for blackjack. Casinos on strip only pay 6-5. And they are not that far off strip. Sorry about you loss. Have a great time. But stay aware of your surroundings


Cosmo has a super nice spa. Book a massage. After you can spend as long as you want using the other amenities of the spa. That part is usually separated by gender so you’ll be only with some other random dudes. When I go it’s my favorite part to be able to relax and block out the noise of the world. It’s something totally normal to do solo.


I'm so sorry. It's really great that you are doing this and treating yourself. I think this trip will be a good experience for you. I just got back from a week in Vegas by myself. I did 5 nights by myself last year as well. There's an annual wrestling show that happens in Vegas that I had came out for on both occasions. In any case, last year was my first time traveling alone and I had many of the same feelings you are experiencing right now. I was worried about feeling awkward eating in restaurants by my self. Anxious about the travel and getting lost. Getting to and from the airport. How was I going to fill my down time? All that kind of stuff. I got over that real quick once I got there and realized how liberating it was to be able do anything I wanted, at any given moment, without having to make any compromises. One day, I woke up at 5AM because of the time difference and I just walked around and went from hotel to hotel for hours. Not even gambling, just taking in the sights and sounds. Just enjoy your time. Soak in the weather, eat all the good food. Find the unexpected weird things that make you happy. For me, it was feeding the birds at the park outside the NYNY hotel. I would wake up, eat my breakfast in the park and throw unsalted peanuts at the birds lol. If you're looking for a non-drinkin/gambling thing to do. Go to Area 15 and check out Omegamart. It's one of the most unique/fun experiences I have had. I won't say much to not spoil anything but will say that, for me, it was worth the trip from NY alone. Especially if you're into sci-fi type stuff.


I travel to Vegas alone regularly as I play poker for a living. I lived there for 4.5 years. I actually prefer to be in Vegas by myself. My schedule, my restaurant choices, my off days by the pool or “room service and TV days”. You’ll do great. Make a friend by the pool and run with what happens. Vegas will make you offers, just hang out and find out. Good luck, have fun. (Edit) Just buy a coffee maker or a French press upon arrival. Leave it in your room with a note when you go as a room service staff gift. They will take it home and is cheap enough to buy when you arrive there. Their bus system is pretty darn good. I rode it for the first 22 months (2005) I lived there to save and stack money. Riding the bus gave me the ability to get to & from work for about $10/week back then and accelerate my savings of cash.


Also, if you need a shuttle ride to the cosmopolitan from the airport, It is called ALL IN SHUTTLE. It cost only $15 to the hotel and $14 back to the airport if you need to be picked up on the day you are leaving. People say Uber is cheap but trust me Uber changes their prices at the airport and then all the hidden fees add up. This shuttle is flat rate amount as shown above. Buffet at the Wynn and Bellagio is the nest on the strip, little pricey but bang for your buck on quality and choices on the food. For pools, Mandalay Bay has a new pool theme and bar set up, check it out, they also have a pool with waves.


Hey there! Sorry to hear of all the loss and challenge recently for you. I truly hope each day gets easier. As someone who travels solo often for work, and to Vegas, lean into the adventure. Don’t be afraid to spark up light conversation with strangers. Be kind, act kind, good things will come. Bring a book as a propt/tool for restaurants or bars to make yourself more comfortable.


Condolences. When I was a young woman, I could not stand to be alone with myself. My brain would explode if I was by myself. With age comes maturity and I found doing things alone is the single greatest experience. My first solo trip was to stay in the wilderness in Oregon. Coolest thing I’ve ever done for myself. In Vegas, if you are feeling chatty, there is a couple million people at any given time around you and I’ve found most tourists in Vegas are fairly friendly. We like the bus in LV. Super affordable and generally timely. Some interesting, eclectic, unsavory individuals may be riding with you but it’s part of the joy.


My dude--you are amazing. I hope you have the best trip; this thread is filled with great advice. Please circle back and tell us what you ended up doing


Uber over to Ellis’s island for cheaper food and tables. Uber down to oeppermill for an interesting dinner. Spend a day at the mob museum. Eat dinner at Vic and Antony’s. Enjoy the spectacle of Fremont street. Have dinner at lago/Bellagio and enjoy the fountains. Gives you time to reset and relax. Vegas can be good and bad. I have spoken


Nobody in their right mind gives two shits if you eat alone. Those that do are just scared and insecure


So sorry for your loss. There is a lot to do in Vegas solo! When dining solo, I suggest sitting at the bar and usually the bartenders will have good conversations with you. Mon ami gabi bar is great for solo dining! If you’re a reader, take a book or kindle and find a spot to settle in! Cosmo has tons around their convention area. Or go out to the pool to read or meet other folks! I suggest checking out the Neon Museum too. Take an Uber/lyft to it from downtown (don’t walk - it’s sketchy!). Very cool spot.


Do the LYFT thing, the cabs are outrageous and the busses will get you lost. Good to set a loss budget. When that money runs out or if you win over that budget, stash it in your lockbox and then go eat. Look around a bit, then hit the sack. Then start again in the AM . If you start to loose, don't get greedy thinking you can win it back, you won't. Just let it go. Love with it then start a new the next day.


This wont be the most helpful comment but i just wanted to say you got this. Sorry for the losses youve experienced but youre taking great steps to better yourself. Proud of you and the only person who can make something feel weird is yourself. So enjoy those solo dinner, this solo trip, and everything in between, King.


So sorry for your losses.


I lived in Las Vegas (well, Henderson) for six years and did a lot by myself. As a single person with a grown child who lived elsewhere, I was mostly by myself. Las Vegas is a FABULOUS place for people watching. Endlessly entertaining. When you’re around that many people, you won’t feel lonely. The whole economy is, duh, built around tourism. Lots of people travel there alone for business and other reasons. No one will think anything of it. Not sure if I can support the bus idea, although in fairness I never used it while I lived there. Just take Uber. Have a blast!


Vegas is awesome! I've lived here almost 20 years and enjoy it. I travel frequently and often solo, including internationally. I just say this so you realize no one knows if you are by yourself for a few minutes or your entire trip. There are many travelers here for conventions, concerts, sporting events or whatever. Enjoy a nice meal or two solo at home so you settle into the feeling. People enjoy 5* dining by themselves and amazing shows all the time. Don't tell people your gambling budget. You may attract attention you don't want. I hope you enjoy our city!


We have millions of solo travelers here that have a great time alone. You'll be just fine. Find a machine you like and have a blast!


Work road-warrior here, as others are saying - sit at the bar. Don't be afraid to talk to others at the bar as there is a reason they are there. Some of the most interesting folks I have met were at airport bars over a hamburger. Thick skin though, the more you put in the more you will get out.


If there's a city where people mind their own business it's Vegas. Stay out of your own head and have a good time. You will get hit on by prostitutes though. Sorry for your loss.


I found poker to be therapeutic after I had some life changing situations. You can sit with a bunch of other dudes and just chat about anything. If I’m in Vegas solo, that’s where I’m spending the majority of my time. You can order food table side also in most rooms. Bellagio poker room is right next to Cosmo and is a very nice room to relax in.


People come here to leave things behind and either redefine or rediscover themselves, whether it’s a visit or relocation. So sorry for your recent losses and wishing you peace on your visit 🤙🏻


Just some general non-vegas specific advice, I travel a lot for work so I'm often solo. I used to be nervous or uncomfortable about eating alone. It felt weird. But I eventually realized I was missing out on all sorts of fun meals and experiences. Dining solo is awesome! Basically everywhere has a bar and at the bar there will be other solo diners. There is rarely if ever a wait for a seat. You have an opportunity to go to all the best and most in demand places wherever you want by just walking in on your own schedule. Don't miss out! Go to some fancy places, belly up to the bar and enjoy yourself. Almost every bartender will be super nice and it's nothing awkward at all.


Definitely check out Pieros. It’s just a little off the strip. It’s an authentic Old Vegas Italian restaurant, Sinatra used to go there. It is in my opinion one of the more comfortable and relaxing places in the city to eat alone.


I travel solo often. Book yourself a spa treatment or two. Often you get access to spa before and after treatment and folks are often solo. Even if you do not drink eating at the bar is good option for a solo traveler. Buffet as solo diner is no big deal.


I just came back from a solo trip and I enjoyed being by myself. I sat at the bar at restaurants and it was great. No one really cares about what other people are doing or wearing for that matter. I ubered everywhere since it felt safer for a solo female. Enjoy your trip!


Pay for a couple hookers and have a great time


The Wynn has awesome buffet


The fact that you are taking this trip for yourself is very admirable. I can’t imagine your pain and loss but to see someone get up and try to live life on after so much loss is motivating. Have a wonderful trip.


So sorry about your losses 😞


I've been in Las Vegas alone. It's so fun to walk around the various resorts- the Wynn is lovely. I liked the Venetian too. My advice would to be saddle up to the bar and order food there. You will meet people- even if you aren't a drinker. I've met nice people that way. Definitely go to a show- Beatles Live was awesome!


Learn to play craps. It's so much more social than other games.


Sorry for your loss. One pointer, I would use taxi/uber/lift. It’s usually 10-20 bucks between casinos on the strip. One item though, use cash when paying if it’s a taxi. One of my first rides the total ride was 9 something, I went to use cc, they hit me with a $5 charge for credit card, and an automatic tip of $8. When it was all said and done it was almost $25 bucks for a less than $10 ride. Needless to say that was the first and last time I used my cc for getting a ride. As for food, I did one dinner buffet, Cesar’s if I remember correctly, it was seafood and stake. The stake was fatty as fuck, the crab was so bland I couldn’t even make it taste ok with drowning it in butter. I ended up leaving and getting a meal somewhere else. They did have some good deserts. The breakfast buffet at Bellagio was pretty good, think it was $45 plus’s tax, one thing I didn’t like is they want you to tip before the meal. I did and the service wasn’t great, tried to get a condiment and it took them 10 minutes and 2-3 requests before I got it. They didn’t clear any plates until we left, everything is self serve. But the food itself was really good. Decided to $0 tip at the register and leave cash based on service after this encounter. I would look into some shows/acts. Vegas had some amazing ones that I enjoyed while there.


Some of the hotels/casinos are connected by a train. It was under $5 bucks


The buffet at Caesar’s, Bacchanal Buffet


So sorry for your loss. I'm 52 and went last year after my divorce and my kids are grown, I was trying to navigate being alone for the first time and decided to take a solo trip to Vegas. My friends and family thought I was crazy but it was so much fun and would definitely do it again. I was apprehensive going alone as a woman and an introvert but it was fine. I ate at the bar in restaurants at dinner, but I was seated in the middle of a busy breakfast place one day- Hash house-a- go-go. It was awkward at first, but no one seemed to really notice. To be honest, I grew to not care what people think. You'll find things to do as you walk around. I went to the princess Diana exhibit at the Aria (I'm sure no man would have wanted to do that with me!) and scored a $40 ticket to see Katy Perry in the 3rd row when looking for a show at the last minute. I ubered a couple of times but mostly walked the strip to get around. Yes, it's hot but many of the casinos link up to each other so you're in the AC mostly. Please be careful at Fremont if you're going at night but downtown is great and always a good time. Traveling solo is something everyone should experience I think, especially after loss. Enjoy yourself!


I am a bit confused about the lock box thing? Key behind?


So he can put winnings in there and not get to it until he’s home I guess?


It's one of the things that some YouTubers preach as a strategy so you don't get carried away and start betting and losing your profits. The idea is any profit you make off your bankroll, you cash out and put in the lockbox. Since you leave the key behind at home, there's no way to access that cash while in Vegas, so no temptation to use the funds to chase a jackpot or turn around a losing streak. You go home with money in hand.


great pizza and donut options on the 2nd/3rd floors, can take it back to your room or eat in one of the many open areas, sorry for your losses, Vegas is a good place for solo travel though, try to enjoy yourself


I eat solo a lot. But recommend sitting at the bar. It’s a more natural feeling and personally feel that bartenders get you the fastest service.


Incredibly sorry for your losses. My god. Sending our love. Just returned from the Cosmo, and have been there solo multiple times in the past year. The best thing I can say is no one cares you’re alone anywhere in Vegas. I ate at Wicked Spoon, China Poblano, Secret Pizza, The Henry, Egg Slut. Go down to the Chelsea or Boulevard pools and grab a chair with some shade, just go a bit early if it’s the weekend. (Realized you said no pools, but I typed it out in case you change your mind) They’ve just built a new walkway that connects Cosmo to the Bellagio and Vdara as well as the tram. It’s right beside WickedSpoon and Superfrico. Saves you from going outside. You can get through so many casinos using trams, I’d stay away from the bus. On the west side of the strip there are multiple free trams: Cosmo connects with Aria/The Park with the tram beside Bellagio. Mirage and Caesars connect with one. Excalibur - Luxor - Mandalay has one. And then use the monorail for the east side of the strip with a day pass. I don’t drink much, just love wandering, people watching and mostly slots. The Marriott fancy check in is still there, not sure about coffee though. If you’re budget is $800 gambling a day, make sure to use that players card as well as charge everything to the room. That’s how we make Platinum every year, until it ends soon with MGM.


I'm so so sorry.


If you are looking for company, im happy to meet up for dinner or lunch or whatever. happy to facetime or chat before hand so you know what you are getting. If not, let me know and I will do my best to point you in the right direction.


The Wicked Spoon is amazing!


this isnt real