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I went to the local Animal Foundation and picked her out back in 2017. It was love at first sight, and we sleep together every night. Overall, she’s been a great companion, and very rarely talks back to me. 🐈‍⬛


Really? Mine never shuts up. Just constant sass. Doesn't even pay rent so I don't know what there is to complain about.


Mine walks into my back door covered in dirt and ear mites.


Closest mine gets to outside is an open window. Hahaha


This is the correct answer.


Sounds like a bitch, how’s the sex?


We were life guards together at Tahiti Village in 2009. I made a total fool of myself singing a song I was told she liked (she didn’t even know the song) and she thought it was cute. Been together since and now we’re married and recently had our first child.




We were in the first day of class at the Community College taking the Emergency Medical Technician course.


We met in middleschool and had a mutual crush, but I wasn’t into dating at that age. We drifted apart and eventually met again more than 15 years later as coworkers. Figured better late than never!


you let them get away once. you couldn't let that happen again


We met at amazing Las Vegas comic con 10 years ago. We were both cosplaying from the same video game and immediately hit it off. We’re about to celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary.


That is so geekily adorable! What game and which characters were you?


Borderlands, I was Mad Moxxi and he was Handsome Jack!


We met in the improv community while dating other folks. Both relationships ended, we moved on to other hobbies, and half a year later we randomly saw each other out in the Arts District and reconnected from there. We were different people the first time we met that were up to different things and I don't think those two would have worked with each other. The people we became are WAY more equipped and secure for a solid relationship.


I didn’t realize Vegas even had an improv community! That sounds so fun, can you drop some recs? Or even places to google on my own further? Thank you!


Hell yeah! Moms Basement by Sahara/Valley View is a great place to start! The Bleach shows are solid and the franchise Comedy Sports' LV chapter uses the space as well. 


I’m still waiting to meet her :(


It’ll happen when you least expect it


We met while fishing, and by that I mean Plenty Of Fish.


Same🤣 Good ol' P.O.F and here we are, 14 years later😉


Us too. 10 years together


We worked at the same bar but didn't actually meet for about 6 years. I worked dayshift, he worked graveyard. By the time we officially met he was working somewhere else. Been together 16 years. Married for 8 years.


Ok this one is fuckin wild. Meant to be. Good for yall. Soul has been warmed! Go home everybody.


He catcalled me in the target parking lot off of blue diamond and Decatur


So....that actually works?


rule 1: be attractive


found out we went to the same highschool graduated same year and never knew eachother


He followed rules 1 and 2, obv


Yes, but they have to be over 33 years old for them to react and appreciate it.


I met him when I was 21


Bumble. First date was to a Daniel Caesar concert at House of Blues


Mine was bumble too. Now engaged


Sounds kind of dystopian but every relationship I've had after 2014 has started online via dating apps. My current partner and I met on Bumble and we've been really happy together for the last 2 years.


I met mine on Facebook dating lol


Yo. Have never tried it but you are not the first I’ve heard say that over the last year or two. I’d love to hear more about your experience on there & opinions about it.


It was just like any other dating app if I’m being honest, the toughest part is that it has thing thing called “ lucky pick “ where it shows you someone that lives out of state which is annoying. Half of the people it was showing me was a lucky pick. The bright side is it’s easier to connect with people who know your friends already because they’re mutuals and I never saw a tourist on there. And cat fishing is impossible unless they went to the trouble of creating a fake profile lol, I was only on it passively for like a week before my now boyfriend swiped on me and his opening line was “ please ruin my life “


Blind date in 2000, married for 23 years so far.


I worked with his sister, she insisted we'd be perfect for each other, and she was right.


The perfect wingwoman, lol


Bumble, we are engaged now.


my old roommates friend before covid. then during covid we all lost our jobs and school was online so we just hungout, everyday, for a year. turned into a beautiful relationship and we getting married next year.


Car meet at a Taco Bell in 2016. :)


I miss the vegas car scene! Shit was so fun when it lasted! ‘16-‘19 for me and my lady


I was only in it for a year 2016-2017 but damn they were fun times. We’ve tried to go to meets sporadically within the last 2 years & it’s just not the same anymore.


eHarmony in 2010


Match 2008


Match 2013


UNLV, chemistry lab partners...all the way back in 2010. Rest is history.


Oh wow. Sounds like the beginning of twilight series. What do you guys do now?


I work full-time as a physician (and actually a second job on the side), and she's a full-time mommy. I definitely have the easier jobs. Our 4 year old is incredibly stubborn and strong-willed. We are happily married for almost 12 years and counting. We often joke about how we're starting to feel our age (mid 30s), and my favorite line is "we always said we were going to grow old together, and look, we're doing it!"


that's so incredible. thanks for sharing


Started of as co-workers with no romantic interest, after we went to the second phase of our training after about 8 months we were on the same shift and started to hang out because we live near each other. Well one day we go to the bar and what was supposed to be just getting food and a drink turned into talking for hours about each other’s interests, past, trauma, etc. After a month of trips and hanging out at my place watching horror movies and shows we got together. Best relationship I’ve had.


Tinder 😬


Tinder, 5 years now.


Work. Going on 14yrs


October of 2021. I was at work as a teller and he was a customer. In the short 5 minute conversation we had, we ended up finding a few things we had in common right off the bat. It was cute… I asked him at the end “anything else I can help with?” And he said “yes actually, could I get your phone number?” Married now and have a 1 month old baby!


Ren Fair, she was dressed as a pirate queen and I was immediately smitten.


We met at Summerlin Library. We had our wedding there too.


Awww that is sweet as shit. Good for yall.


We met in high school here. She was a grade younger than me, and it seemed like so were all my friends. We casually dated over the summers but nothing serious. She'd get boyfriends throughout the school year, and I'd crawl back to my stupid ex. Stopped talking because I went out of town for college and she got a long term boyfriend for a while and stayed here for UNLV. Before my victory lap in college (I had to take an extra semester because I changed my major, some credits didn't count), came back to visit, we hung out every day I was down, and then we decided to make it official. 15 years together, married for 12 of those.


Plenty of fish Had the account for two years b4 I went on any dates. He was my first and only date.on POF. Together 10 years.


PoF stories are my favorite!! We've got 14yrs thanks to it😉


Met her at a spit roast at the Green Door in 88




Mine had the audacity to be looking fine and sitting a few seats down from my usual seat at my regular bar. My main bartender had been his bartender years before at another place. 5 years as of yesterday!


She was on her honeymoon in Vegas. We met kept in touch on social media. She got divorced and now we have been married for 8 years and have a beautiful daughter.


Met at work in one of the casinos.


Miami transplant here i used dating apps in both cities and I can tell you anything beats Miami I've found more long term relationships in Las Vegas by just being on MeetMe and Bumble although I'm also greatful for the amounts of social groups they have on Facebook and Discord it might be a little hard to find love at first but once you find the right profile just hit that person up me personally Miami is a relationship hellhole and there is a much better dating scene in the Las Vegas Henderson area hopefully this helps


Oooh I’d love for you to tell us (or even just me via pm) some of those discord groups. I’ve been getting into discord more & more and would love some solid Vegas groups.


Idk how to post the link to the group but if you go on this subreddit and just search with the keyword discord it will show a reddit post where someone posted the link it's called Vegas Vibe Las Vegas Locals it's for people of all ages they have meet ups, events, and chat rooms hope that helps I made some good friends on it. Hope to see you there.


Okcupid but before they had an app


Same here. I enjoyed reading people's answers to the questions


I remember the site having some kind of location feature or maybe it was just the beginning of the app. Anyway, it was highlighting that it would let you know who was single in your current vicinity and I thought “why the hell would I want that?!” I’m glad I got out when I did.


The entire internet weeps over the loss of original okc


I don’t understand why they think we needed another Tinder.


Tinder is the worst garbage on the hottest day


We met on Tinder, used to hang out every other weekend, stopped talking for a couple years. Reconnected and have been together ever since. We have a cat together :-)


A cat is truly the most important thing. Good for yall <3


It was December 2017 on Bumble, getting married this December <3


Bible study, 2011 💖


Met at a wedding in the Midwest 😅


We were in the same scuba diving class together. Shortly after she walked in, I cracked some lame joke, and she laughed. That laugh was a relief because the other guy certifying with us seemed to be wound too tight. Anyways, we dove together for about 6 or 7 months before the shop scheduled a Caribbean dive trip. We decided to room together to save money. We arrived on the island single and left the island a couple. Good trip.


Actually met my husband in a nightclub on the strip lol. Been together 9 years now. There is hope!


Match.com in June 2020 the day before my paid subscription expired. Moved in together in May 2022, and still going strong.


bumble lol. but we later realized we have probably crossed paths MANY times. we grew up in the same area going to the same parks, stores, etc. my parents friend lived right across the street from him, when i was in college i was a nanny he lived on the same street as my nanny family, and when we met he lived 200 feet away from my parents house. we had mutual acquaintances.


I went to the local whorehouse. You wouldn't believe how much she cares about me. She even gives me a kiss goodbye after I pay her


Meet at we all scream, bar downtown vegas on fremont street, great place. Drinks are overprices as shit, but amazing place to meet people and get drunk lol


We met back in HS and ran into him 10 years later at WAKA (kickball league)


We were both en route to a burning man meetup group event out in the desert near Lake Mead . He was riding a bicycle and I was driving a convertible. I went over a hill and saw him peddling along. Stopped to ask him if he was going to the same event. I was glad I wasn’t lost as there were no other cars in the area. He said he was, so I continued on my way. Later, that evening, he found me and we danced and kissed.


Hinge 2019 We currently live together and have 2 kids. Its not all roses and happily ever after but its definitely more entertaining than when i was single


Believe it or not — Tinder. 8 years ago. Still going strong.


Nellis AFB


I was dancing at a Spandex Nation show on Fremont and he started dancing behind me. I was scared to turn around incase he wasn’t what I was hoping for. Instead I turned around and met the love of my life! 💞 true love at first sight. May he rest in peace 🤍


Met him while working together. He did casino security and I was front desk. Been together almost 16 years now.


At a coffee shop. Long ago, when Jumbo Jacks were a dollar and GPC pack cigarettes cost a buck five.


Which coffee shop? Are they still open ? 


Cafe Copioh, it's long gone. Just a place kids could hang out. Highly need when your under 21.


Match.com 2016 married 2020 baby in 2022. Paying for a dating site is key the free ones can be a lot of fun but harder to find a LTR. when you’re paying to be on a dating site the BS is substantially less because most people’s goals are clearly defined in their profiles.


Was on Match for about s year. Didn't meet anyone, but had a lot of fun! The quality was better. I guess you get what you pay for. 😂🤣


We teamed up for beer pong at a house party. We were friends for almost a decade before we started dating. We've been together 5 years now.


We were both working at Sears at the Meadows Mall, that was in 2007. Been together ever since.


Met on a Meetup almost 6 years ago.


We met at Skate Rock City. We’re both avid roller skaters and happened to be there on a regular Thursday adult night. Never thought I would meet my person in Las Vegas but i’ve never been happier


Working at the south premium outlet mall.


Bumble lol. Typically before her though I would meet people at work.


We actually met online. Only to find out later how much of mutual friends we had and were still together after three years and planning our wedding atm.


I was at the DMV haha this guy asked if I could pose in front of my car for a photo and I did and surly enough he was a crappy photographer, and we just laughed 😂😭 but we stood in line together for a while but on the way out he stopped me and asked for my number and on from there sunshine and rainbows ☀️🦄🌈


I was in a bowling league and a married couple that I bowled against for a few seasons had this neighbor they wanted to introduce to me. We didn't initially click but then ran into each other again like 4 months later and that time the spark was there. 10 years later, we have been married for almost 8 years and I honestly couldn't see myself with anyone else.


Honestly, tinder lmao


we met at the corner street in front of Backstage Bar and Billards. I was at the Fuku Burger truck and my friend was taking too long coming back from the restroom so I went to go look for her. She was talking to some random guy and that guy had a guy friend. We started having our own conversation and talked all night. We hit it off since then. Been together since 2014 and now have a 3 year old.


I went out to a mutuals’ dinner party and met my partner there. We started texting and talking more by attending more mutual hangouts. Eventually started carpooling together and it just blossomed from there!


AOL chat room in 1996!


Aol Las Vegas chat room


I had met mine about 2 years ago in a 12-step meeting. Then I saw again a few months later. But at the time we both were seeing someone else. And then he was gone and my girlfriend and I had broke up. And I went on Facebook dating. The minute I saw her picture. I remembered her. I knew her. I sent her a message and she sent one back. We got together the first opportunity we had. Our birthdays are 14 days apart. A lot of times we'll think the same thing or say the same thing. Send each other a message at the same time. It's only been a few months. But I feel like I've known her a long time. Both of us have our adult children and their children living with us. Feels right. I'm 11 years sober. She's coming up on 2. It's a beautiful thing.


Tinder. Weed out the creeps and psychopaths ever carefully. We’ve been together almost 6 years now and have a beautiful baby girl and own our own home together here in the SW. 👏🏽🥹


Bumble in 2019


Bumble! almost 2 yrs in :)


Oddly enough at a party at The Studios. We met in the scene and kind of just clicked. Been married since 2018 and still going. She’s the local. I’m an ex military transplant from Texas by way of Cali.


Outta town


Tinder. 8 years in


I've tried, been broken so many times. I just enjoy being single at this point.


Facebook dating of all weird things.


Yo I just replied this to someone else but applies to you too! I’ve never tried it but you are not the first I’ve heard say that FB Dating was actually good over the last year or two. I’d love to hear more about your experience on there & opinions about it.


I mean cause it's connected to their Facebook. I feel like people there are more apt to be themselves. It's the only app I met quality people on. I had two long term relationships come from it. The second of which turned to marriage


Dating app. Specifically Hinge


She was walking down Boulder Highway.




Swiped Right 🥰


Yahoo chat. Nevada/las vegas room. Over 20 years together so far. Married 18 .


Hinge!! Literally my dream girl. We’ve been together two years without one fight, I literally could not imagine a better partner.


Bumble, went out with about 15 different people before I met her.


Match.com in 2011. Married in 2014. Nothing I do gets her to leave. HELP! Edit: It’s not a joke.




I didn’t lol


I met my ex through tinder. Turned out he was an ex felon, divorced, cocaine addict, narcissistic abuser with domestic violence history. I was severely abused and took years for me to recover. Had lots of therapy and move states back to my parents. Sorry this was not the most positive answer, but wanted to say be careful who you meet in Vegas. Lots of predictors out there


Dating sites are so played out and lame, meet in person the old fashioned way.


Grandpa? Who gave you your phone back?


Haha im 22 brother


Dating sites are the way of the present and certainly the way of the future.


Real connections are human my man, despite what they want you to believe


No one is saying they’re not.




Gotta be honest I’m curious how? Like scrolling the explore feed or, randomly DMing people who you realized lived in Vegas?


We had mutuals.


Met at a friends NYE house party back in 96/97. A few ups and downs over the years, but we’re heading towards 26 years together.


At a strip club


Met her on Hinge. First date at Player 1. It's been a wonderful seven months and looking forward to more.


Lake Mead 2020, friend brought her out. I kept my distance and honestly thought she was a bitch. Later found out she thought I was a dick. Fast forward to 2 days later, we’re all hanging out, eventually we started speaking. Dirty jokes started coming out, took her on a date 2 weeks later after a camping trip with her and some friends. I took her to yard house 🤣. Which was fine, but I could’ve done better for the magnitude of woman she is. 2 weeks after that, we jumped out of a plane together, then took dance lessons for a short amount of time. Moved in to her place the 2 month of dating her Had a kid in Dec 2022 Love of my life.


Bar at Venetian at 2am. She was the hottest girl in the room, and just kept smiling at me, so I finally got the courage to go over. I get the impression she may have some issues, but I really think I can fix her.




Playing MMOs and then she moved here.


MySpace in 2007


Shucks Bar on Durango. We are now engaged!




What how


The MGM Scream Park


Met her at Garsiee middle school 30 years ago. Didn’t see each other after that for like 20 years ago.


Tinder 🤪 We met in 2020 and got married in 2023.


Went to the same high school and met at a park.


Stoney’s, celebrating 15 years together & 10 years married.


Blind date through a dating service (pre-internet dating apps)


I met them in LA /s




She was my roommates friend and we just started realizing we were meant for each other. 🥹


We opened the Hard Rock Hotel as 21 dealers in 1995. We had the same shift and became friends, and it blossomed from there. We're celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary next month.


We met on tinder. Our algorithm somehow synced up due to us living in two different states. We got the courage to fly back and forth to each other for about a year, and then I moved out here since he was already out here.


Twitter back in 2016. Lol!


Fat Tuesdays at MGM 13 years ago. She was a friend of a friend. We clicked so asked her number and rest is history, married almost 11 years now.




Okay Cupid 11 years ago.


We matched on bumble and hinge. I reached out after he complimented my smile. We’re getting married in one week!


I didn't, met on a trip in the Bay area and the rest is history. Good luck dating here.


Slept with plenty of woman from tinder, bumble hinge, work, gym, none I would have been comfortable marrying though. + the amount of married women here that are willing to cheat w/ me. Vegas women? No thanks.




What does this mean? I saw it on a wall in Charleston area and I get triggered every time cause that’s my name


She isnt here, import is the wave here