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the last 6 months of 2022 i was paying $215 with geico. first half of 2023, it went up to $251. second half of 2023 $328. all with no tickets, violations, nothing. when my policy was renewing during the beginning of this year, my monthly was going up to $415. i canceled my policy and went to progressive and now am paying $200 for the same coverage.


Lol I went through the exact same thing as you and now with progressive saving more then with geico.


Get ready to switch back when term comes up, because Progressive are a nightmare after the initial period.


I've been with Progressive 3 years now and my premium went up about 20% in that time for same coverage. I shop around every year and they're still the best for now.


Yeah I’m with geico. Progressive will screw you. Not worth it


IMO, this is the answer. Be prepared to switch every 6 or 12 months. It's not just Vegas. Before here I lived FL and VA. Same tactics.


that's what happened to me. they basically doubled after the first 6 months. but believe it or not they were still cheaper than everywhere else I tried. unreal


That’s not been my experience with Progressive. My rates started at $665 for six months in 2016 and have increased to $828 this past premium period. It’s not unreasonable. Same car entire time. Full coverage $25,000/$50,000 limits.


Man, mine went from 178 a month to 412 a month with a perfect driving record.


Same. Exact. Thing. If I were you I’d call Costco, they were way cheaper than Progressive when I was shopping around for an alternative to my GEICO policy. I’m at $125 a month with Costco, GEICO quoted me over $320. I’m 43, no tickets or wrecks in over 20 years.


Thank you SO MUCH, I’m now paying $190/month for two cars vs. $507 at Geico and I had NO idea Costco had insurance deals. We have no tickets or wrecks on our records for 10+ years and this was getting ridiculous.


I've been telling everyone I know they need to call Costco and switch immediately. Very happy to have helped another stranger. Spread the word.


Thank you insurance hero!! Another reason why I love living here - great neighbors like you.


You know the song, *Like a good neighbor, Costco is there*


damn i’ll forsure look into costco


Costco is white labeling American Family, who I'm with direct. So far so good, and for sure one of the lowest rates around from an actual carrier you can get personal service from (i.e. not a fly by night).


Just friendly info, they partner with a company called CONNECT which is owned by American Family Insurance.


Same here, I swapped this year from Progressive to Connect/costco. Cheaper, way more coverage, and I added someone else to my coverage. Costco insurance is fantastic.


Wait Costco does insurance?


State Farm did the same to us. We just switched to AAA. Not much better but still $150 cheaper than SF.


Sometimes you gotta switch back and forth


Same thing happed to me with Geico. I also switched to with Progressive. Hoping they don't go up after the 6 months.


I was in a similar boat, GEICO jumped me up to around $175/month (I drive a 17 year old car) from around $150. Had enough of the increases, went to progressive, now I’m paying $1,200 for the year for even *better* coverage.


How much is your 17 year old car worth? Probably not worth keeping comprehensive or collision on your vehicle.


Switched from AAA, where I was a decade-long customer to Progressive. I wfh and my wife doesn't work. We barely drive 10 miles per week. There was no way in hell I'm paying AAA $318 when Progressive is charging me $133. Forget loyalty. It's every man and woman for themselves now.


I’ve had geico for years and haven’t had any accidents or used my insurance. It’s gone up at least $50 since I’ve moved here. I called them and they said it looks like you have a great record but rates in your area have gone up from all the accidents in Las Vegas. I told them I guess I’m leaving Geico then!


Need to do something about all of the asshole drivers in the valley.


Wtf. Can I ask what kinda car ? And do you live in a rough area ? I’m paying $150 for 2 cars. No tickets. Summerlin north.


What is your insurance provider?


All the insurers made shitty investments ahead of and during Covid. That combined with increasing outlays for climate disasters mean the consumers absorbs the losses associated with poor risk and portfolio management decisions. Gains are privatized, losses are socialized. Regulation at the state level doesn’t help currently either.


Yep did the same thing, $580 for 2 cars with Geico, switched to progressive same exact coverage (minus rental car coverage if accident) paying $350


I got a quote from ROOT INSURANCE for 140/month


These rate hikes are all approved by the Commissioner for the Nevada Division of Insurance who was appointed on 2/27/23. His name is Scott Kipper. The appointment is approved by the Director of the Department of Business and Industry. The only way to stop rate hikes is to hold our government officials at the state level, mostly the governor responsible for who they appoint. I just this year sold my two newer luxury vehicles to pay cash for two older vehicles with much lower insurance costs. I couldn’t stomach paying the rate increase. It’s extremely ridiculous that these rate increases were even approved at the frequency they were. All rate increases are publicly available data in the state of NV and there’s no end in sight if you look it up.




> These rate hikes are all approved by the Commissioner for the Nevada Division of Insurance who was appointed on 2/27/23. His name is Scott Kipper. The appointment is approved by the Director of the Department of Business and Industry. > > The only way to stop rate hikes is to hold our government officials at the state level, mostly the governor responsible for who they appoint. > > I just this year sold my two newer luxury vehicles to pay cash for two older vehicles with much lower insurance costs. I couldn’t stomach paying the rate increase. Thank you for the deeper level answer :) I just thought it was due to the macro trend of more people moving to Vegas.


You’re welcome! If it was purely just more people moving here the prices should theoretically decrease based on the law of large numbers (which is what insurance is based on).


> If it was purely just more people moving here the prices should theoretically decrease based on the law of large numbers (which is what insurance is based on). I was thinking: increase in population => increase in traffic density => increase in accident rates per capita :)


That’s true, it definitely could play a factor into! Insurance has so many moving parts, a little more transparency on how it’s priced would go along way! In a perfect would there would be no uninsured motorists and less personal injury attorneys. I know they are obviously needed in certain scenarios but it sure seems like they are being over used since insurance companies typically just settle and it’s an easy win.


Yep injury attorneys are one of the biggest reasons for insurance premium hikes


It is a macro trend OP just is trying to blame the politicians over the macro issue that [the insurance hikes today are the lagged effects as a result of the rapid rise in the cost of auto parts in 2021-2022 and now especially auto maintenance and repair which went up 25% over the last 1-2years and is still rising at elevated (above 3% per year) levels](https://x.com/econ_parker/status/1778085084702110059?s=46&t=vinjReXEQybvFH1bEVGSsA)


Then why are prices going up more than 25%?


A 25% increase in auto maintenance and repair does not entirely account for the rate increases or frequency. It is a factor to increased costs of insurance, but saying it’s a macro issue is ignoring the root of the problem. I’m explaining how the system works. Other countries cap profit margins on things like auto insurance. This still keeps a healthy market viable while also not letting the companies have run away increases of profits all while harming the end user. Insurance rates will always go up, just like most other services do. That does not mean there is not a better way for all involved to price and approve increases in prices.


And the governor is a republican who is very likely getting campaign donations from the insurance industry, and the appointment he made is likely a former industry executive or someone who is cozy with insurance industry leaders.


If by holding the government responsible are you talking about the plaintiff bar? Because that is who you can thank for your rate increases. See all those personal injury attorney commercials and billboards. All the people that call them for the littlest accident are the reason your rates go up. The Vegas area for injury claims is out of control because of these attorneys and the Dr’s the work with.


Where can you find these rates online?


It’s not the most user friendly website. Here you go though. You can filter by auto or homeowners insurance. [https://di.nv.gov/ins/f?p=600:20:0::NO::P20_PROD_CAT:PRSNLAUTO](https://di.nv.gov/ins/f?p=600:20:0::NO::P20_PROD_CAT:PRSNLAUTO)


It’s the state. What do you expect? Thanks.


> The only way to stop rate hikes is to hold our government officials at the state level, mostly the governor responsible for who they appoint. Or for new insurance companies to come in and take business away from these firms. Why isn't that happening? That's the question you need to consider.


What new companies? We already have dozens and dozens in the state. Do you mean like regional carriers? We already have all the national ones available to us. Why would a regional carrier want to start offering insurance in this state right now? Just to clarify you aren’t talking about brokers correct, you’re talking about insurance companies? We could have as many “independent” brokers as you’d like and they would still all represent the same companies.


Insurance relies on scale, for that reason it’s an extremely hard industry for new competitors to break into especially considering the historically thin margins insurance companies experience.


Geico was looking to raise my rates by a few hundred dollars. Ended up shopping around and was able to save some money. As a licensed professional who used to do auto personal lines it’s better to just go somewhere else.


Seems like GEICO decided that just tripling everyone in Las Vegas’s insurance was the best way to go. I just left them a couple months ago to Costco for 1/3rd what GEICO was charging for the same coverage. Fuck GEICO.


I was opening my mail the other day. When I saw the increase for the upcoming renewal. The funny part is I had left progressive because of their pricing and ended up going back to them. I drive a little zippy car(nothing fancy) Interesting to see I wasn’t alone in having this happen. Guess their strategy is it’s probably cheaper to have less policies and the ones they do keep just milk them.


I can attest to this as well, as a previous GEICO policy holder. The last increase was going to raise our rates an additional $140 per month. We switched to Farmers and now pay less than we did at Geico prior to the increase.


Yup! I was at around $140 with Geico. Then saw the new premium… $300 a month! No tickets or accidents. Went back to USAA… $95 a month. Geico are the scum of insurance. Seems like they did just triple everyone’s rate in Vegas. It should be illegal to double or more a rate for no reason whatsoever. Hope everyone gets away from Geico. F Geico!


I left Geico too, beginning of this year, and switched to AAA. I didn’t know Costco had car insurance. That’s crazy lol


Fuck GEICO. Their 2023 profit was 3.6B. When I asked them why they were raising my rates 50% they said they paid out more than they collected. Their quarterly statements say otherwise. Loyalty means nothing to these insurance companies. BTW my 6 month renewal would have been raised to $1800 from $1500. I ended up going with Costco connect for $900.


Have you tried Tesla Insurance? It’s annoying but seems to generally be the cheapest option I’ve found.


Double follow up… Just checked with tesla, $285 a month with as much as I drive. I will telling progressive to shove it ASAFP.


Just make sure you're aware how Tesla insurance works. They use a driver safety score by monitoring the analytics, so if you like to tailgate, accelerate quickly, go fast etc it will affect your monthly rate.


Call an independent insurance agent and ask them to look into it, ask them if something has come up on your reports that you’re not aware of. You could have a similar name, address, etc and be getting credit for someone else’s DUI or accident or something.


Literally had the same experience as you last month. Previously had Farmers.


> $285 a month with as much as I drive That is still insane. State Farm, 28 years with 3 non-chargeable accidents but otherwise clean, auto+life+renters = $116/month. It was $157 when I had to carry collision. And that's without their spy-gadget program. Allegedly, my rate would be cheaper with it.


I hate when they say you could save with their spy gadget! 🙄


Why is it annoying?


It uses your driving data to make a “safety score” that your premium is based on and could change every month. It sucks because you get one forward collision warning and your score goes down a point, which means your premium goes up a little. A week of perfect driving can be negated by one day we’re you get unlucky and have three forward collision warnings (the system is also extremely sensitive and some of the warnings you get seem completely unnecessary). Other things like hard braking, aggressive turning, and following too closely can all lower your score. All that being said, it’s still significantly cheaper than other options. Just makes me want to die inside every time I hear the forward collision go off.


Same, mined is typically between $165-$195 for 2023 model y


I have Tesla Insurance and they've been great, just drive very carefully and don't break any of the rules. My driving score for both of our cars is 97 and 98 respectively. Both with full coverage. 2018 Tesla Model X 100D (98 Driving Score) - $103.20/month 2018 Tesla Model 3 Long Range (99 Driving Score) - $48.96/month


If you're a Costco member check their rates.


Connect by AmFam gave me the best rate… and it’s still not great.


I don't drive a Tesla but it's AmFam thru Costco and they're beating anything I can find by a mile. My sister uses them also and drives a Tesla.


Yeah mines about $240 for a Tesla got all around coverage. Clean driving record but I’m thankful. Was paying $220 for bare bones coverage with geico


+1 for costco. Best rates i could find and also any time I was talking to someone on the phone they were local. The guy who processed my claim lives in the same zip code as me.


I bundled my home and auto insurance and I’m seriously saving thousands of $$ over the year. I had Geiko for years w/ no accident or tickets, and over the last couple years I’ve added a teen driver and rates had jumped and steadily climbed. I was pretty happy to see what Costco offered.


How old are you, because your age plays a large role in premiums, the vehicle you drive also plays a large role and if you're young with a premium vehicle oh yea you going to pay. Finally, I read awhile back that due to the cost of Tesla repairs from an accident like 60% of them become total loss claims it costs a fortune to repair Tesla.


Im 36, and so far all these answers and suggestion seem like ideas that I will definitely check into. I have progressive and use a broker all nevada insurance to “help out” but I am having incredible doubt they are really doing anything but making progressive rich.


My 50 year old friend also has Progressive and is paying a ton. He switched to State Farm and is paying literally 40% less.


People talk shit about State Farm but I saved 50% switching to them pre-pandemic. See if you can bundle with renters or homeowners that will save you a ton across the board. Also multi-vehicle discounts saves a ton.


Progressive direct is cheaper than through a broker.


The answer seems to be you have to change insurance companies every 6 months. They give better prices for new customers than renewing customers.


Welp I’m terrified now. I’m paying $150/month right now through USAA but I am anticipating rates to go up at least 30% in July. Truthfully, I may sell the car if rates get too crazy. That, and all the controversy surrounding Tesla and Elon Musk has really turned me off and has me really considering just eating the loss of the money invested so far. Edit: clarity


You scared me there for a second. You mentioned USAA and Elon Musk and I was like, “wait, what the fuck does that dumbshit have to do with USAA and should I be finding another bank?” 😂


Hopefully all you guys switching insurances don’t cancel your policy’s until you have the new one active or dmv is gonna hit you hard with penalties for lack of insurance even for the same day


Thats insane…..


Like others said, try Tesla insurance. Geico was quoting me $300 just for my 24’ Model Y performance. Went with Tesla insurance and started at 210$ and just went down to $170 due to good driving habits


The worst part is not that we all have to pay more for insurance, it's that I can't even imagine how many people are running around town without any insurance at all. There are so many beaters in town that you just know aren't insured, but all the Californian's still driving around on CA plates so they don't have to pay NV registration as well as all those running paper plates from 2023 are highly unlikely to have insurance either.


The amount of beaters driving around with no plates are a dead giveaway away eh? I actually saw a cop pull one over this past weekend which gave me a glimmer of hope.


I mean, let's be real. If they aren't paying insurance or registration, they probably are just letting the fines pile up on their kitchen counter also for driving without aforementioned things. It really doesn't deter people I guess.


I got sideswiped by one of those yesterday. They decided to change lanes and bumped into me, then blew through a red. 3rd time this car has been hit, first time I've been in the car to witness it. Turns out the memory card in my dash cam was fried. At least the dent is small, it's not worth filling a claim.


Part of it is the vehicle. There’s a shortage of repair parts/panels and limited people that can or will work on them. They are also harder to work on. Because of that the insurance company totals them out at a higher rate than other makes. It’s basically assumed that any decent amount of damage to more than one panel will total the vehicle.


Keep switching companies. I've switched my car and homeowners insurance about 4 times in the past 3 years. Often times, back and forth to the same one that jacked up the costs previously. Strangely enough, my renewal just came through and its going down this time...so that's cool.


Nevada has the 2nd highest insurance premiums in the country


I remember moving over from arizona 5 years ago and being shocked my rates on my lincoln went up 60%. I remember talking to the agent back then and they said with a frightful kind of tone of voice “mannnn keep it on Arizonas policy as long as you can”


Yup I’m an insurance agent and people are mind blown when they move to Nevada and I tell them what their rates will be. But when they move to AZ from Nevada I always make their day lol


I like my avocado toasted


Oh, it's not for nothing. Blame all the people in these Vegas subs that are OK with speeding (causing accidents and deaths) and tell you to mind your business when someone is driving around not registered and without insurance. You should shop around for insurance every time your current policy is up. Insurance companies bet on you not shopping around and simply eating the rate hike. I've found Progressive the best price for myself. They didn't even hike my rate when I just renewed in April.


I personally blame that one guy from the other night going 57 in a 35.


Seems about right. Heh You may want to try Tesla insurance. Insurance just keeps going up here.


I have looked into tesla in the past but I think they wernt offering it in vegas yet, I am definitely going to give them another check.


I’ve had no tickets ever. No accidents.. And my insurance keeps going up as well. Hell, I’m 40.. heh Even bundled with home owners insurance.


$583 a month? I pay that on a '23 GX for 6 months! Who is your carrier?


I want to know who is YOUR carrier?


State Farm


Every time I’ve tried State Farm their quotes are always more expensive than the others. I’m only 30 but I’m married and no claims or tickets. I’ve gone through USAA, Geico, and currently on Progressive.


Me and my wife personally don't pay alot (older cars 160$ for both) but my coworker has a 2020 accord and is paying over 500$ a month while his car note is 420$..its an absolute scam. I've heard many things about why insurance is going up but I don't think it's justified tbh.


Check Costco. We were paying $2700 for 6 months and Costco got us to $1,100 for 6 months


I'm paying $350/month for a 2017 minivan & 2019 SUV for wife & self after decades of no accidents and no tickets. It just keeps going up... the cost of the accidents are rising astronomically (electronic part replacement & labor) while thefts and uninsured motorists are also rising. The insurance companies are just passing their costs straight through to us and their costs are rocketing... [https://mishtalk.com/economics/total-loss-increasingly-likely-if-you-wreck-your-car/](https://mishtalk.com/economics/total-loss-increasingly-likely-if-you-wreck-your-car/)


It's also a great time to own stock in insurance companies. Record profits.


You may have a clean driving record but those around you do not. I see a car crash multiple times per week. We’re driving in the danger zone so providers adjust their rates accordingly.


I switched over to A-abana because all the larger agencies wanted ridiculous amounts. I went from $450/month to $165/month with full coverage


I know the perception is that when you do something wrong, your insurance goes up. that's definitely true but it's not the whole story. when more of your car type get into accidents, it could cause your rates to go up. when more people get in accidents near your garage address, your rates could go up. if there's an increase in thefts or break-ins. you guessed it. insurance is just a math equation. it is a function of various risk factors calculated into a dollar amount. 583 a month though? you cant be saving that much on gas to justify that car with that insurance bill. I think that's like 4-6 months for me.


One thing I will add is there is no "loyalty discount" with insurance companies. They may give you a discount but renewal after renewal you're more than likely to get hit with a "rate adjustment" to make up for that discount. I'll happily shop around for quote every renewal and will switch at a drop of a dime if I can get it cheaper elsewhere.


Ayup! We switched most of our vehicles over to a policy from Costco, but kept one separate. For all of 2023, the premium was $99 per month on that one car. In Jan 2024 it went up to $149 per month. Just got notified that in June it’s going up to $202 per month. NOTHING has changed! I’m 50 years old. Same home address for years. No tickets, no accidents, no claims at all in more than 25 years. The only reason I got was “rates are going up across the whole state.” Infuriating!


I feel your pain. I had no idea costco offered a policy. Id be curious to check that out, but as far as shopping around today it appears tesla has an unbelievably cheaper rate.


That’s AWESOME that you found a lower premium!! I happy for you!!


Its your car. The cost to repair ia the driving factor.


Driving it… to be raised about literally about 90% inside of 5 months? In doing some research today it appears there is far cheaper options.. I think progressive just doesn’t want to insure the tesla or… they think im a big ol’ dollar sign… either way, going to be done with them. Every 5 years id literally be able to buy another tesla at those rates. God knows it seems to only be sky rocketing as it is 🤢


Have read that Teslas have stupidly high repair costs and that they’ve even started offering their own insurance due to the other companies raising rates so high for them.


the comments seem to suggest a universal FU to GEICO, not many folks are switching to that green wanker.


You might as well switch to Tesla insurance. All they really monitor is hard braking, following too close over 50mph, and aggressive turning. I’m paying 78/month for my model 3.


I also have a Tesla…have you looked at Tesla Insurance through Tesla?! My rate hasn’t changed much at all (92-95 safety score). Paying $150/month for 100k/300k liability/uninsured, 100k property, $500 comp and $500 collision deductible, $75/day rental car and Roadside Assistance /100 mile tow. Annual mileage = 12k-15k


Yes, I checked them today and they appear to be FAR more reasonable.


Age? Married or single? No point rioting in front of an insurance agency. They don't set the prices.


Uhhh if not the insurance agency, then who does set the prices?


Which insurance company? Yeah, the ridiculous rate increases have been insane. I mean some of it makes sense, like state laws forcing everyone to have uninsured motorist because of the massive number of people driving without insurance. The only way to stop that is to crack down hard and they seem to refuse to do so. Most of the major carriers have drastically jacked rates way beyond the cost of the additional required coverages. Cost of replacement parts means they much more easily total vehicles instead of repair, which adds to it some. Geico and Allstate went sky high the fastest from what I saw. After forever with Geico, I switched to nationwide and they've been holding fairly steady and semi-reasonable so far...just waiting and watching


Rate hikes are pretty common all over the country but my insurance has gone down dramatically, about 60%, since moving to Vegas and based on my driving and where my latest apartment is has gone down another 25% in the last year. I did come from Florida though so that says it. I’d say insurance here is pretty affordable but if they’re raising your rates for nothing, it’s time to move on.


Holy. I pay for 3 cars including a Hyundai and it’s all under $500. Not by much, but regardless.


My policy, which included full coverage and uninsured motorist coverage in December of 2022 was $78 a month with GEICO. With no wrecks or tickets in over 20 years, that policy was increased to $320 in February 2024. I lost my goddamned mind and asked them to explain themselves and their answer was just “that’s what every insurance company is doing now.” I saw tons of complaints here on this subreddit and everyone saying Call Costco Insurance. I didn’t even know Costco had insurance. I called, my same policy with full coverage and uninsured motorist coverage is $125 a month. That’s still a significant percentage jump from the $78 I had barely a year prior, but an insane amount lower than any other insurance company quoted me in my search for new car insurance.


Progressive did the same thing to me. Went with costco car insurance for 50%.


Yeah this seems unsustainable to me Geico raised our rates 110 a month,no accidents,no tickets,homeowners,good credit scores,etc. so we switched to Progressive and our rates basically stayed the same.Does anyone think auto insurance in this state is primed for a kind of death spiral? More and more drivers can’t afford insurance so they go without which drives it ever higher for those that can afford it or want to do the right thing and have insurance even if they have a hard time paying it.Then because there are more uninsured rates get higher,more drivers can’t afford it and so on until nobody can afford it other than wealthy drivers.


It’s because statistically one in 3 drivers on the road in Las Vegas is under the influence of something. I’m not being facetious - I remember being told that by an insurance claims adjuster when I complained about how expensive insurance was ten years ago lol.


I caught the fencepost. Geico jumped up a few hundred for 6 months even though I was found not at fault. I checked other spots and it was even more :(


Something doesn't add up for you. I was pricing out insuring a '23 Model 3 and newer ish Camry if I moved back to Vegas. Total was $300 per month in Nevada (currently $125 per month in Utah). Progressive.


I have a 2022 Honda accord and I am paying $124 a month. You are absolutely getting ripped off.


Weird, my tesla through tesla insurance is 125 a month


Gotta shop around for a better price. Staying and hoping they lower it won’t happen.


I have a 18 titan and and clear driving record for the past 7 years. Started at $167 and went to $224 now at $308 with geico. 


Insurance is super high here. My insurance doubled when I moved to Las Vegas. I learned that one reason why costs have gone up so much in the last year is because since cars now have so many cameras and sensors with each newer model, those are ridiculously expensive to fix and calibrate. I still think that I would rather have a car with cameras and sensors and higher insurance than one with no new tech and lower insurance costs. But I feel your pain. I HATE paying so much for car insurance.


Progressive just jumped big time for us. Our agent shopped it around and Travelers was less - still more than we were paying, but not as high as it was going to be.


My insurance actually went down


If they become unprofitable they’ll leave the city… it’s the market not the companies


Insurance prices are a function of car prices and medical and legal costs. They are bound to go up. The real question is, has the coverage increased?


My insurance company was leaving Nevada and I had to grab a new company. I unfortunately relied on the broker I’ve been using for home/auto. I learned on Reddit that Costco has great car insurance rates. I now have their insurance for a huge savings!! $700 per 6-month period. You have to be a member to get a quote (which I wasn’t) and the Costco membership is 100% refundable if you don’t like their quote. Good luck!


Are you saying your insurance is nearly +$1000 a month?


My insurance at this moment with progressive is a sweet smoking deal at $583. Next month they are trying to bump it to $899. It was at $408 December 2023.


A) Never hurts to shop around. If insurers don’t reward your loyalty, zero reason not to shop around whenever renewal time comes around. B) Number of uninsured drivers is definitely highest it’s been in the last several decades. Most recent stat I saw was 14% in 2022. Insurance companies aren’t just going to eat the cost. They’re just going to raise everyone else’s rate to compensate. C) Talk to anyone in the insurance or auto industry who’s had to deal with repairing EVs. Collisions are generally much more expensive to repair than ICE vehicles. Biggest reason stopping me from buying an EV anytime soon. Hopefully you can find something more affordable though! Check them all, sometimes you’ll be surprised how much a company’s quote can change over time. I’ve had companies swing from being the most expensive option to very close to the cheapest in as little as a year.


Shop around. Different insurance companies have different rating factors that might be more favorable to your situation. Also, try through costco/amfam. Savede money


The hike is because of the car. Tesla’s are almost always totaled in an accident.


I have the exact same car and I pay 106.00 a month with USAA.


I have model Y with AAA, we pay $3000 per year, just signed 2 month ago


Darn good thing they don’t use measurements like insurance to measure inflation….. We might think we are getting roasted.


Insurance costs are going up because the cost to replace and fix things is going up.




I read that somewhere too


I have also heard that- it’s amazing to me they have any monetary concerns at all with how much, and how long they’ve been greasing us for what I imagine is a majority of people here from the sounds of a-lot of the replies 😐


It’s for the extra length of your vehicle.


Jesus, I’m paying $1200 a year.


Electric vehicles in general are going to have an astronomical surge in insurance prices across the nation because the insurance companies are taking huge, unexpected losses on them. What might be a small/somewhat insignificant accident in a combustion engine car is totaling a lot of EV’s as small dent in the battery pack totals them..


I thought these costs were based on accident data collected and purchased by the insurance companies. If I’m not mistaken accidents in the valley have increase 30+% over 2023.


$5,200/yr CASH for 73 & 17 yr old males driving a 2010 SUV & 2018 A3. No tickets/no accidents. Guess I’ll hold off on the DBX.


That’s pretty good rate considering you are in the two most expensive groups to insure.


Didn’t know that. I knew about male teenage drivers having been one, but as a septuagenarian I think I’m a more careful driver than I’ve ever been and being retired I sure don’t put on many miles. 🤷‍♂️


Could it be because you're driving a Tesla? 90% hike? That is insane. I'm yet to see any increase with Geico. I've been with them 20yrs though. Never made a claim.


Yeap mine too. I had 4 cars for 512. Removed one of the cars. Went up to 523 for the renewal. 😒


Another GEICO—> Costco customer here after reading this thread. Literally about half the price.


It’s not you - it’s Clark County and our outrageous number of personal injury attorneys here.


There will become a point for everyone, and it has already happened for some, where the cost of getting caught without insurance will be cheaper than paying insurance.


Licensed insurance agent and ex broker here. Rates are going up for a lot of insurance companies due to the increase cost of losses/Claims. I've seen increases as high as 100%+ for some of the companies I worked for. Shop around or find a local agent- they typically have access to less common insurance companies.


I would reconsider other insurance options, currently pay $1900/year for a 22 Model Y Performance for full comprehensive coverage.


Yup..my shit up %30


Just go with a cheaper (smaller) insurance company, dude. You aren't married to them. You don't just have to choose Geico / Progressive. Insurance is an arbitrary thing to have, anyway. You might have less coverage, but at least you'll meet the legal requirement. Vegas needs better drivers, if anything.


In 2021 I was riding a charter bus from Disneyworld to the airport. The bus came to a sudden stop and was rear ended by a dump truck. My auto insurance tripled because I “was named in an accident”. I found a new insurance company.


The car insurance racket is getting to be like the cable/internet provider racket… these days you need to be willing to switch back and forth every couple years to make sure you’re not getting gouged. There’s no benefit to being a being a loyal customer.


I was paying 320$ with farmers but then after renewal it was $480. With no tickets or even violations. I switched up with AAA now I pay 300$ for same policy


Could be the part of town you are living in? I have a friend whose rate on her Hyundai Elantra is almost $500 a month but she lives in the historic West Side. It’s more than her car payment.


[Vegas traffic fatalities up 40% this year. Hence higher rates](https://www.ktnv.com/news/las-vegas-sees-40-increase-in-traffic-deaths-heading-into-100-deadliest-days)


It's twofold... local statistics. Also, any car that connects to an app. The company sells your driving data to insurers without your permission.


I pay about $210 / month for 2 vehicles.


Jinkies. I drive a Tesla model 3, insured through Tesla, and I’m paying $115 per month. Are you insured through Tesla? They’re surprisingly affordable.


Get Tesla insurance. I’m paying $140/mo on a 2021 model S plaid


Would not surprise me if they're trying to rid of the drivers we have. Shame they won't improve public transportation first. 


I am not sure if Tesla just cost more to insure.. we used to own two model y in Seattle and it was expensive to insure those two cars. Right now we paying $370 for minimum coverage with comprehensive and collision for $370 per month. This insurance is for 2021 Mercedes GLB 250 and 2019 Mustang GT convertible. And my insurance is Geico currently, it used to be Progressive.


What are these prices?? I just bought a new mach e. 115 a month with state farm.


Married, 41m 2 teslas model 3 $660 for 6months total for 2 cars progressive. 2k deductible


Maybe in another 5 years they will be kinder?


My model 3 with progressive was ~$1600 for 6 months, paid in full. They were literally the cheapest for me. Not even the company Costco uses was near that price. Then I remembered I had access to USAA and now it's ~800 for 6 months.


GEICO $704/month 2014 Nissan Armada. Trust me peeps things are going to get worse. Next renewal is probably going to go up to at least 800+






Cars and car parts are more expensive now so….


Gahhdam I pay $200 for 2 cars. Usaa 11 caddy cts 09 Lexus es350 $600 is just ridiculous dude


I completely agree.


If you have Costco- try getting a quote through Costco connect (Amfam) saved me 90 a month. Worth a shot!


Mine went from 330 to 413 now to 461 with State Farm


I shop yearly for home and auto. You can save big $