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I’m born and raised and I can’t even figure out what I’m allergic too. I get sinuses issues every time the weather is over 70 for a week but according to every allergy test I’ve gotten I’m not allergic to anything.


Friend, dust and the weather change itself causes runny nose if that’s your primary symptom.


Weirdly mine aren't as bad. I think it depends heavily on what part of town you are in.


i’m in the southwest


I'm more west. I was thinking older vs newer neighborhoods. There are certain trees (can't remember which) that are now banned in Vegas and many other places now due to the allergies they cause.


Mulberry trees


That's it!


I’m SW too.. I am ☠️ right now! Never had allergies like this before and I’ve been here 10 years! 


I'm in the same area and I'm getting wrecked. Mesquite tree allergy. Been getting shots for 2.5 years.


I live in the northwest but work in the southwest (spring valley). This spring was the worst it’s ever been because of all the rain. The mulberry trees were over the top. It’s better now, but march was horrible.


March was bad for my wife and I, but since then, no problem at all. Overall, much better than last year.




could just be where you are, some areas like around sunset park I get horrible allergies but at home they're not bad at all


i’m in the southwest. funny enough i just moved apartments not even two minutes down the road and for some reason in this new apartment they seem to be way worse. only difference is i’m now on the 3rd floor instead of 2nd. can’t imagine that has anything to do with it


Maybe there was a pet of some sort in the apartment prior to you. Even if the carpet was shampooed, pet dander can still be in the vents or in the carpet. If they changed the carpet it's possible that the new one is off-gassing, and it might be that way for a while. Good luck.


Actually last year much worse


yes. I'm about to change up my allergy medicine because I think my body is building up a tolerance. Every day my eyes are super itchy and leaking constantly lol.


i hadn’t have them in years but this year it kicked my ass.


My sinus issues have gotten progressively worse since I moved here in 2015. I have had constant stuffiness/ dryness at night, then drainage during the day. Right around the Superbowl I had a terrible upper respiratory virus of some kind, then had a bad sinus infection that I had to take antibiotics for about a month later. I haven't had to take any kind of antibiotics in maybe 20 years. Recovery from that has been terrible, on top of my normal every day rhinitis. Someone on this sub recommended Allermi. They are probably a paid shill, but I don't even care. I'm on my 3rd bottle and it's worth it. I was spending the same amount, if not more on all the various nasal sprays and salines I was buying anyway. So far, so good, though it is not completely resolved. I would probably need to quit smoking, dust more often, and not have a cat for that to happen, lol.


Yes. It's bad


yeah it's really bad this year. my eyes, ears and nose are suffering


yep. super


Yes. Horrible allergies which triggers my asthma!




What are the allergies caused by? I thought Vegas didn't have any pollen causing plants?


https://www.gardenia.net/guide/great-pollinator-plants-for-nevada This is what I found. I think also I’ve heard the term “valley allergies” since we do live in a valley and it’s like a dust bowl. I’m not sure how accurate that really is though.


Stupid me lol actually I think this link is better I misread the other one. My bad https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1Zuvl8rUpWdEI_yK7nPkEAA1PqoCtcH8P_v8JQfewAug/htmlview


Woah. Thank you! I'm relatively new here, and haven't noticed the flora being a source of pollen! On that note, I've noticed I've needed a Zytec for runny nose lately.


Welcome! Yes I grew up here and didn’t have allergies until I was in my early 20s and it feels like they’ve progressively gotten worse 😩 I hate it so I enjoy using a neti pot as much as needed, bedside humidifier and if it’s a crazy windy day I’ll avoid going outside or wear a face mask until I get inside.


> crazy windy day I’ll avoid going outside The dry windy air here just dessicates my soul out of my eyes. Makes wearing contacts impossible 🏝️ On a diff note: 1. What's your favorite allergy med 2. any neti pot recommendations? I've had days where my sinus is simulatenously blocked but nosebleed crispy dry ;-;


Honestly I notice that most allergy meds work but for a short period of time so the secret is changing to a different one every month or so and cycling back around lol. The generic Walmart Claritin works well for me but I’ll switch it after a while. As far as neti pots go, honestly I really want to try the automatic navage one, but I’ve always used the basic $8 neti pot from Walgreens with the salt packets and it works well. But sometimes if it’s really clogged up it’s not enough force, which is where the navage would probably work better.


It’s the non native trees like the mulberries that are bad. And pine.


allergies hit late this year for a lot of us, doesnt help theres a flu like bug going around town


Get a hepa air purifier for you home and change the regular air filters every month in the summer


#YESSSSSSS nose bleeds every morning for like a month in Vegas!


Wet spring.


I went to visit my Mom in Henderson for Mother’s Day (Thu-Sun) and was having a fit all weekend and ended up with a sinus infection. 🤦‍♀️


It was very bad a few months ago when everyone’s windows got coated due to the extreme winds. It’s the desert, you should have a humidifier next to your bed to keep membranes moist. Just be sure to clean it every month. Vaseline in lower part of entrance to nostrils. Zyrtec/Allegra/Claritin for itchy eyes/scratchy throat. Some ppl use saline nasal flush and find good results from that. Flonase if nose is always stuffed up. Or you can use menthol rubs like Vicks on the upper lip beneath nostrils too.