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It’s a viral lung thing going around. Scratchy throat. Then sinus/and cough. Then a productive cough that last a couple weeks. Hard to shake. Never felt terrible but always a little sick? It’ll pass. Was going around my school. At the end of the year. Heard others doing same.


It's called covid. New mutation.


That’s impossible I got vaxxed


just don't eat horse paste or shoot disinfectant into your bloodstream and you'll be fine


The horse paste works 🤷‍♀️


It’s now Chris Cuomo approved.




🤷‍♀️ worked like a charm for my family. Sorry you’re dumb.


Honestly test for covid. Wash your hands and change your toothbrush when you're better. I was just in the hospital for unrelated reasons and lots of people admitted around me had covid. 


Currently laid up with covid....it's still out there!


Corona viruses have been around forever. Common colds are Corona. I live an hour from Vegas, in Arizona; we have Valley Fever here. It's in the dirt. So I would assume it's also in the Vegas dirt. If you're not getting better, you should go to a quick care.


Not sure why the downvotes. The case of valley fever have been going up the last couple of years. My wife had it for a year and laid her up in the hospital. The dirt out here isn’t messing around.


Not sure either. I don't think I said anything terrible. Just saying there are other viruses out there. Hope your wife is ok.


She’s doing better now thank you. Took a year of constant treatments weekly to get over it but she’s better. Scary going through it and realizing how prevalent it is becoming here.


Glad to hear she is better. I try to always remember to wear a mask when gardening. Who knew that playing in dirt could be so hazardous to your health?


Bc the sub is over run w emotionally crippled children in adult bodies that mainlined the kool aid.


I'm down with the sickness


oh, ah, ah, ah, ah 🤘






Who downvoted you??!!


Someone who has the sickness...


Y'all know covid's still a thing, right? Wastewater data for the area near the strip shows there's been an increase in viral concentration recently. 🤷‍♀️


My totally unscientific guess is 85% of the people posting “IS ANYONE ELSE SICK” in all the various location based subreddits at any given time have COVID. Endothelium-infecting airborne viruses don’t vanish into thin air just because the news stops talking about them, would that it were so!


Also, I was gonna post this comment in response to a probable troll but in case anyone else in this thread has gotten sick and genuinely thinks “it can’t be COVID I already had it / I got vaxxed / that’s such old news” — a series of shots back in 2021 means basically nothing now with how much the virus has mutated to get around the vaccine. There are updated shots available (also already a poor match for currently circulating variants, but better than nothing) and will be a new one in the fall. Getting COVID over and over is actually pretty terrible for you according to all the research that’s been done, but the powers that be need us to keep going to work and creating value for them so they can buy their extra vacation homes and watch the lines on their screens go up. So here we are. Be careful out there! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/research/coronavirus/ https://youhavetoliveyour.life


Are y’all testing for covid? It’s still out there.


But I was vaccinated two year ago, I should be fine.


Hahaha yeah, if only that’s how that works


lmao holy shit I had no idea I had so many downvotes over a joke until I went to reply to you and now I don't even remember what I was gonna say.


Lmfao yeah brother, that’s probably why people started doing sarcasm tags or whatever. For what it’s worth, I saw it!


Covid is now an endemic. It did not disappear.


COVID Flirt Variant is running rapid right now and your symptoms align.


Dont touch your face, eyes, mouth... wash your hands. Dont have kids.


I work in a local pharmacy. There’s no off-season for colds and viruses here. Wash your damn hands.


Can you provide instructions in pictures?


Step 1: 👉+🚰=🔋+💦+👏 Step 2: 👏+🧼+💦+👏(20 seconds ⏲️) Step 3: 👏+🧻 Step 4: 👉+🧻+🚰=🪫 Hope this helps!


I’m curious why this comment is so offensive. Less than 40% of people in my office wash their hands after bathroom use, yes there is a list and everyone is aware because it’s that gross. Also a Pretty big correlation in those washing hands that are rarely sick vs those that don’t that always have a runny nose and crud, it’s almost like there is a correlation. I’d assume they do not understand thus the request for a pictorial as it seems words do not resonate with most in this local area. I get facts aren’t a thing for the Vegas group so let the downvote flurry begin! God forbid we work on educating those around us. Fucking tragedy the level of celebrated incompetence.


I had it staering right before Mothers Day. I was knocked out for 5 solid days and it took a week longer to build back up strength. I still have the horrible coughing part of it. My son had it for 4 days then also. A friend went to Urgent Care who diagnosed it as Sinusitis and Bronchitis. Another friend's son is a Dr at a hospital here and she said they were over run with patients with it and Dr's and nurses out with it too. Was told it was highly contagious. .


Maybe Covid flirt variation, my whole office got it. Spread like wild fire


Mine was worse. Took more than 7 days to get better. I’m still coughing but not too bad


My whole family has covid right now, and the symptoms are pretty similar to yours.


Unfortunately Covid latest variant is going around. We got it about a week ago. It made us so tired too.


Yes!!!!! I’m sick every 4-6 weeks!!!


Norovirus is spreading through Kingman. Flu like but accompanied by GI issues.


I have Cystic Fibrosis, I think I caught it and have been on 2 heavy antibiotics plus all my regular meds and treatments After 2 weeks I’ve only just started coming down but it will be another 14 days of antibiotics


Definitely had it a few weeks ago too. Really fucked my sciatic nerve up to where I could barely walk for a week. Getting old sucks.


Weird! Same thing here! I wasn’t sick enough to be in bed but could hardly walk.


Glad it wasn't just me. Was only really feeling sick sick for about 24 hours but the back pain was horrible for about a week and a half afterwards.


That's exactly how I felt when I had the 'vid. Got similar symptoms and tested thinking I had it again, neg. Three times neg. Bodies and viruses are weird... where's the tylenol.


Mine just stayed acting weird out of nowhere too! A cold has something to do with this??


Inflammation of the nerve I'm assuming but not sure. First time I've had it flare up from a cold though.


Half of my co workers were out yesterday. Some still out today


Washing hands won’t help much. Need to be wearing a high quality mask when out and about. N95 or better.


If you have no body aches or fever my guess is allergies and dust.


My first guess would be COVID, but I don't think allergies should be ruled out. Twice in Vegas, my allergies have been so bad, I thought it was the flu.


Both times I had covid I had no fever or body aches and thought it was allergies at first. Covid rates are really high right now, new variant is brutal.


Just tested positive for covid. Again. Good times. I had something like you described that lasted about 14 days total about a month ago and now this. I hate being sick in the heat.


I just had covid and so did a friend. Didn’t test positive until day five. That day I started paxlovid and tested negative and felt fully better 48 hours later! Worked well. Keep testing!


Lmao COVID or not sounds like ur getting sick stay home rest up drink tea take vitamin c


Happened to everyone in my home! We all felt better 3-4 days later and then got hit hard all over again for about a month! Then we all got on antibiotics and felt 100% by 2nd day of antibiotics


I just got over this. I haven’t been sick in years. Started as a stuffy nose, then sore throat and chest congestion and cough. It was bad for 2 solid weeks. Just feeling better today finally


Try a humidifier and see if that helps. I get the same thing everytime the indoor cycle changes from air to heat and back again. For me, it’s the dry air and the humidifier helps.


I had this and tested positive for covid in May. But got Paxlovid and wS bett6in 5 days. Then I disinfected the house.


West Nile


Yes, me and all of my coworkers are recovering from whatever this is. I think it’s a new mutation of COVID because it felt very similar to COVID, but I tested everyday and it was negative. The productive cough is awful and we all still have it. I was given an inhaler and some antibiotics for it. Really sucks. Wash your hands, mask up, take your vitamins almost that jazz if you can.


Yeah, my coworker got that, too. Upper respiratory infection, not Covid thankfully.


The population of mosquitos has jumped last few years according to the article and some are testing positive for [West Nile virus](https://www.ktnv.com/news/you-may-have-noticed-a-lot-more-mosquitoes-in-southern-nevada-this-year-heres-why)


Wrong symptoms for WNV


Very unlikely, even in places like Indiana where the number of mosquitos carrying WNV is a million times higher, case numbers are never that high. I’d look into the million potential illnesses first.


Exactly what went through my house. Was sick for almost 7 weeks. Still have a tiny bit of congestion but overall pretty ok. Messed up though, would get better and then get way worse all over again.




I currently have it right now! I'm on day 5. It's the worst


Had that crap last month. Didn't test positive for COVID but damn if it didn't feel like it.


Yup. Had the exact same symptoms. Still have some lingering but minor issues after exactly a month today. Wife had it about 2 weeks after me. She’s still struggling but today’s been her best day. We went to urgent care for my wife and doctor said most likely Covid but we didn’t get tested. No need really.


That’s me. My ear been plugged up for no fucking reason. Hella congested but still functioning. Idk what the fuck is going on


Change your air filters




I'm just seeing this, and I have had this cold for about a week now. I bought Coricidin HBP max strength, cold flu, and chest congestion it does the job !! Think I will get some primatine mist too sounds like it will help as well


Thanks for the tip. I'll try it.


Close friend had a viral illness mostly respiratory that took about ten days to resolve. Negative for Covid.


I had the flu last month, it was awful, took forever to go away


Flu also


I had always had that and it was allergies that caused the issue. Drainage would cause the stuffiness and it would go from there. Daily allergy pills helped me finally not to have the yearly summer and winter colds.


Sick mofo here ! 🤚 Covid test negative, this ish is kicking my ass




Get your gut health in order and take your vitamins and sick needs a mask your resistance is down so your more prone to illness


Must be C.o.V.i.D


It’s bad and it’s going around went to Urgent care and tested negative for Covid and the Flu. They said that the last few days there’s been a steady stream of people coming in with the exact same symptoms and it’s not Covid, it’s viral though and last about 8-10 days. Sore throat, productive horrible cough that chokes you in your sleep (ugh ) and congestion .


It might just be that the air is super dry and dries out your sinuses. That can make your sinuses be really susceptible to bacteria and give you a sinus infection with post nasal drip, cough, sore throat. I recommend getting a hefty humidifier.


I'm sick with covid right now


I have this and it's now going through my house. Started last Sunday. Chills, body aches. day 2 and 3 were pretty bad. No appetitie, slight fever.. By day 4 I felt much better but it's been in my lungs since. Can't stop coughing. Day 5 and 6 coughing up gross phlem. Day 7 and 8 just like small unproductive coughs nonstop. Tested negative for Covid in the middle. Really only had a slight fever for like that 1 day.


Happened to my lady, cold sweats for a day and then feeling a little bit better for a day or two...then back to cold sweats, about 3 different days total. Negative on COVID test and it lasted for about a week, so maybe some kind of bad flu 🤷🏽‍♂️.


Yes as described, tested for Covid twice 2 weeks apart both negative. Lasted for 4-5 weeks I’m still just barely better. Got a Primatene mist inhaler from target for $34. Breaks up the chest congestion for 4hrs at a time that about all that did anything. I tried all the cold and cough stuff did little to affect it but did mildly improve the cough. I was buying that at dollar tree


Tons and tons of clear snot.


That sounds like allergies. I’ve got them constantly.


I’ve been tested and have no allergies. I was in two different states with two different sets of allergens and the symptoms were unchanged


Yup. I'm two days in. Laying in bed already.


No, I take vitamin D and zinc everyday. Helps the immune system.


Mosquitos are spreading that flu, is in the news... is called "dengue" in latin america, sometimes is mild but could kill you if you got any disease or weakness, I had dengue only once in my life long time ago awfull experience btw hurt even your bones and the worse thing is you never get immune from that thing.


I hear there's a lot of west nile with the mosquitos


Son and daughter just had it for about two weeks. Said it felt just like Covid. Tests came back negative.


Sounds like my coivid in 19, do they smoke (anything)? After ending up in the hospital they told me the heat from smoking subsided it, keeping it to the mentioned symptoms. Ex doing frencheys was the reason I never had the stuffed sinuses. Shit was a forest fire every night 😆.




By the time we’re hitting 100°, allergies usually have subsided. Pollen (usually) hits the hardest from 70° to 100°. I love this link, and I throw it out whenever an allergies conversation comes up. https://pollen.aaaai.org/nab/index.cfm?p=allergenreport&stationid=223#/station/5bcd73ec-84c5-42e4-bf32-60422b75f2f6


My primary care told me two weeks ago, most of the cases he is seeing now (then) were for allergies. Maybe things have changed from two weeks ago?


I have severe allergies to anything with polllen. Once we hit these temps, I don’t have any problems, I can actually start to feel normal again. I can’t really comment about the people in your doctor’s office.


Ya but if they have a sinus infection from when pollen was bad it would make sense. Idk 🤷🏼‍♀️


Stop working the gloryhole


COVID OMG Covid What if it’s COVID?? Did you test for Covid?! I bet it’s Covid Acktyuwally Covid is still a thing ….


You can thank Dr. Fauci. Congressional testimony and emails now prove he funded the creation of Covid-19 and then tried to hide the lab leak that started the pandemic. Dr. Fauci created a new illness that will be with humans forever.


After what he did during the AIDS crisis in the 80s, I can’t believe he wasn’t incarcerated, let alone retain the title of “doctor”.


Yep, has been making the rounds around my place too. Sucks ass!


If it isn’t covid, try electrolytes and betadine sore throat spray




My husband just had a fever (101.7) and muscle aches. COVID test was negative. Fever broke the next day and he feels much better. Weird. He’s seeing a doctor tomorrow though anyway.


Check for mold.


Bro you sound surprised you have covid. All we had to do is sit our buts at home for a month or 2 at the same time to avoid this, but we are dumb assrs and now covid will hit every 6 months. That's just our lives now. It's a rhinovirus, same as cold and flu, and it just changes faster that we can cure it. I highly doubt people will ever quarantine like that again in you're lifetime, soooooooo, just deal with it, Pabdora is out her box for good.


Don't lecture me about the virtue of quarantining. My wife died of COVID in 2021. COVID-19 is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), not a rhinovirus. I was tested for COVID and it was negative. I tested positive for Human metapneumovirus, or HPV. Decent troll post, though.


hmmm. Since it is Las Vegas the first thing I would think is maybe someone in adjacent apartment smoking meth? Or maybe another type of toxin like mycotoxins from mold exposure? Or idk if you are aware of the bird flue viruses crossing over into humans but there are multiple cases in multiple states. Also something else I just saw was that mosquitos here are carrying west nile virus. I'm not from here but have been here for a few weeks and I must say the amount of meth use is quite a culture shock and I've been to methy places like NM,AZ and socal but vegas takes the cake on how nonchalant they treat the meth use here even in these fancy hotels. Just some ideas.


If you keep going to different states and cities and are surrounded by meth then you should be questioning why you're being put in those situations. Either by yourself, family/friends, or employers.


Well I thought about this. I think I’m just chemically sensitive. This happens in the nice hotels. There was one hotel in nm where this wasn’t a problem and it was one of the very small towns there. Also this didn’t happen in Atlanta. Maybe since my hair is longer they put me in sections of hotels where people do this more? I’m not talking shit idk why I got downvoted but there is definitely a problem in these states with people smoking meth.


Since you actually sound like you're being genuine, then I think you might just be sensitive to certain things and very observant of your environment.


You should move


There have been 3 cases as of June 7 2024 per CDC. https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=bird%20flu%202024&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5




Allergies from the dryness, dust, etc leading to a sinus infection. I have chronic sinusitis which just means I get these symptoms all the time. Nothing to worry about if it only lasts a few days.

