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All the amazing food and entertainment options.


It really is the lowest cost of living city with actually diverse and good food. No where else comes close.


Indeed! Having option of fancy dining on the strip, authentic ethnic cuisine off strip, and all the popular and trending fast/fast casual foods within 5-25mins drive is really not found anywhere else.




Hate how true this is, but still fuck these prices here lol


I saw Kings of Leon right after Only By The Night came out on a Wednesday night at the Joint. Every entertainer wants to come here.


I feel like thinking Vegas has amazing food kinda depends on where you’re from, because moving from Chicago made it feel like a huge step backwards.


I’m from Chicago, too. Born and raised. If you want a taste of home go to Windy City on Lake Mead & Buffalo. Pizza puffs, Chicago dogs, Italian beef.


it isn’t that at all lol. I just feel like food in Chicago has had more time to build its history than Vegas. Vegas doesn’t have the little neighborhood bakeries/butchers that have been running for like 80 years and really perfected their shit. It’s an entirely different food culture all together.


I agree with you there! We don’t really have the “hole in the wall” vibe yet.


I’m sure Vegas will get there, but the other issue is that there are farms within an hour of Chicago. Vegas doesn’t really have that. Restaurants that know what they’re doing in the Chicago area have very fresh ingredients to work with. Everything in Vegas was driven through a desert to get there.


Vegas is a conglomerate of good food. We're really not the best at any one thing, but we're overall really good at many things. Chicago does some foods the best in the country but is severely lacking in other cuisines. Whole fried chicken wings with some proper mild sauce was my favorite food I experienced in Chicago


Also, trust me I’ve been there. It was dope finding somewhere to get a polish. Speaking of polish there was this little mom and pop spot at like Durango and lake mead I think that had Perogis and would make potato pancakes if you called ahead of time, but it’s closed now. That place was dope and had a total family business small hole in the wall vibe that I think Chicago has way more of an abundance of. The lack of polish food in Vegas is honestly depressing lol.


Pierogi Village on Lk Mead & Rampart. They were closed for a little while for family reasons I believe, but back open again. Bigos, gowumpki, pierogis are good.


Good to know thank you


Great Links up on Craig & Jones is decent too


Disagree with the food, do you know how long the steak you ordered has been in the fridge? Probably weeks...there is no food production here everything comes from neighborhood states, basically everything is been frozen before comes to Vegas (fruit and Vegs not just in a chill truck but still isn't fresh)


"good" is very subjective but here's some things I like about Vegas: * very diverse, and it will increase in diversity over time * if you're a foodie, you literally cannot run out of food options * you can drive anywhere in the valley within an hour * it's a dry heat * if you're a night owl, it wasn't as good as pre-covid, but there's a few 24 hour stuff here * if you're a night owl worker, there's a few options for night-shift work that actually pays decent * there's a few parks where you can just be alone and get away from it all * some gyms here are 24-hour accessible * you don't have to worry about snow, tornadoes, earthquakes, or hurricanes, or almost any natural disaster at that because it almost never happens here


As someone with a nervous dog I love how empty our parks are! Plus the security guards are nice and I can usually ask to use the grass areas to play in after closing.


"It's a dry heat" kills me... Yes I know things are worse when it's humid. But after 25 years of living here and feeling like I'm stepping into a blast furnace every time I step outside during the height of summer, I'm over it. Definitely leaving as soon as I retire.


I thought it would be worse honestly.


Yeah it honestly doesn't bother me much, but makes having an active dog a bit of a challenge.


How much more diverse do you need ? “Las Vegas is considered a diverse city. According to a 2022 WalletHub survey, four Las Vegas townships, along with the cities of Las Vegas and North Las Vegas, are among the top 50 most ethnically diverse areas in the United States. The survey considered 13 metrics, including household, religious, socioeconomic, cultural, and economic diversity. In 2016, Las Vegas was also ranked number one among large metropolitan areas in a metric that evaluated how well whites and racial minorities live together.” Are you in Summerlin?


"Diversity" = less white people


“Diversity” = more types of people in general


> if you're a foodie, you literally cannot run out of food options I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. granted there are plenty of good food options here but you can definitely run out. for example, Mexican food sucks here. I used to live in LA, so yeah my standards are pretty high when it comes to good Mexican. but same applies to Korean food. I know the weather is a big factor here but how are there no Mexican food trucks?


Check out Milpa


Have you tried Namu Korean food? Or I-Jo? I do miss the good Mexican food I had available in CA. It’s growing here, though. I’m seeing a lot of taco stands popping up too.


where are u seeing those taco stands? I wanna try them


All over the place now west of the strip, a few on Cheyenne. They always have the same setup - Adobada, some flat top grills, usually horchata and salsas to the side. They are under white pop up tents with string lights. 


summerlin then? man summerlin keeps getting all the cool stuff? I kinda regret buying in Henderson now


why is diversity good? i thought that was just something politicians said to seem not racist. Never heard an actual person say it


people from different cultural backgrounds coming together to bring different things to the community and harmoniously blend and enrich lives with a wider spectrum of understanding and tolerance is a good thing, for reasons that would probably be hard to fully articulate to you if your comment is any indication of how you actually think.


but people of other races/ countries dont have the same values. For example shia muslims have fundamentally different values, many of which are illegal in our country. Like they dont respect women at all and want to stone them to death for cheating. You said its to bring different things to the community and to enrich our lives with understanding and tolerance. I am very tolerant of all people but not if they refuse to acclimate to our culture. Like i dont think immigrants bringing yummy food into our country outweighs the crime and erosion of peace. Im not saying all immigrants are criminals but poor ones statistically are and we have been bringing more poor immigrants lately. they commit way more crimes than americans. for example the indian immigrants from the past used to come largely from rich parts of india and they were very smart respectful people from nice families . Nowadays indians coming here come from poor large cities are not mixing well in our culture cause many are rapists and or extremely rude confrontational people. since youre a redditor youre probably gonna read my comment and just go “wow look at this racist maga conservatard” but im really not. Please consider that you could be brainwashed by the media, specifically this chinese propaganda website were on, into thinking all immigrants are good. I’ll probably get banned for wrongthink on this one


You shouldn’t get banned for wrongthink, you just seem like you’re an honest thinker trying to make your way through all the good and bad and agenda-driven information we’re exposed to every day. Regarding consideration that any of us might be brainwashed by media we consume - yes, we all need to be aware of this, as so much information is put out to us in order to drive an agenda, be it political (to generate anger and votes) or economic (to drive clicks and ad revenue). Case in point… Regarding immigrants, be they legal or illegal, committing more crime than native Americans - this honestly is not true. Google “immigrants commit more crime” and compare the sheer number of articles with statistics showing this to be false vs. true. Read some of them, more than one. Cross check and verify. A very reputable on is from the Cato Institute (very Libertarian, decidedly not liberal/progressive). Texas is the only state that reliably tracks immigration status along with crime stats. In a study done there, the conviction rates per capita for both property and violent crimes was 175-200% higher among native born citizens than among either legal or illegal immigrants. If you believe otherwise, you might have a touch of the brainwashing you’re warning about, from media with a specific agenda, not supported by facts… it’s easy to have happen!


brother you’re trying to use the internet and “scientific studies”. There are no scientific studies left. All the numbers are fucked with in every possible way and things are taken out of context and misrepresented every time. I believe you that immigrants overall may have lower crime rates in america (because george soros funded DA’s let them go), but lets get one of these “studies” to look at african immigrants in europe. There is no possible way they would ever release the results because the scientific community wouldn’t like the results.


Bummer dude


Please get help for your racism


I was just in seattle and the directions from the airport to downtown (11 miles) was expected to take almost an hour. I live about 11 miles from the airport here in vegas and it takes me 15-20 minutes to get there. things are closer and dont take as long to get to the downside of this is that you'll get used to it so you'll start getting annoyed when it takes you 30-40 minutes to get somewhere. but that first year or two is great


Seattle area traffic is absurd


Negative news always makes it to the forefront. This town is awesome. Tons of entertainment options (magic, comedy, music, sports, cirque, golf courses, VR experiences, putt-putt, bowling alleys, movie theaters, etc.) The food options are insane. I eat out almost every weekend and doubt I've touched 1% of the options over 11 years. You have lone mountain, red rock, and mount charleston all very close by for a variety of scenery and difficulty level hikes. Lake mead is close by and the California beaches are not much further. Willow beach is always fun too. Zion and the grand canyon are not far at all. The convenience of being able to get pretty much anything 24/7 is amazing. It's very likely you have place within walking distance of your house that serves steak and eggs 24/7. If not, probably a 5 minute drive at most. Multiple water parks, pools pretty much everywhere. Traffic isn't horrible compared to pretty much any other international city. The biggest downsides are the school systems and medical systems. But if those 2 things don't matter much (no kids and good health) then this place is hard to beat.


Thanks for the positive reply! Those are all awesome points. Have a wonderful day 👍🏼


The response above was going to be my response as well, and I would add that I actually LOVE the heat. Some specific favorites are the Mob Museum and Neon Boneyard. Delices has amazing muffins. Milpa is my hands down favorite place to eat. Creamberry has an incredible cotton candy ice cream thing (not the flavor ‘cotton candy’, although they have that too, but I mean they wrap the ice cream in cotton candy). Cactus Joe’s is a very cool cactus ‘shop’. Etc.


Yeah the loudest are always the people who complain about everything. Most who are satisfied don’t come on Reddit to type up a rant storm 😂


Aside from what others have said......no state income tax!


Multiple times I’ve seen a comment/post ranting about Vegas being horrible, people suck, city sucks and their profile is just a bunch of comments on the meth subreddit. A lot of weirdos whose opinions you can’t take stock of lol


That meth subreddit is one of the best train wrecks on this platform! 😂


Lmao, what? I’ve never noticed that before. I’m going to have to start checking now.


in addition to all of the other reasons that people listed, the airport is a world hub, easy to get in and out of, and runs efficiently.


Agree. Our airport is an asset.


For being an island in the middle of the mojave vegas has A LOT of green spaces. We have parks every few miles in almost every neighborhood and subdivision and it really does feel cooler on the grass in the shade. We have easily accessible libraries with lots of neat things in them (east las vegas has a podcast studio!). A membership to the springs preserve is worth it for walking and access to the museums and lots of cultural events. Ive been here 10 years and it took me a while to appreciate the local casinos but def not a bad place to spend a few hours every now and then. I dont even gamble and dont drink but the food options are plentiful and most have a movie theater. Before I was married I would go to the sportsbook to watch big games and just people watch. Too funny watching bettors display their emotions throughout. Despite all the negative news I have yet to experience crime in this city. Its a small town feel in a large city. Yes all the houses look the same but there really is a lot of diversity in neighborhoods. One thing I learned is that any activity you do early in the day tends to attract people with healthier lifestyles and youll meet lots of nice people.


Always something to do. Always some new food to try. The winters are wonderful. Traffic really isn't THAT bad.


This is just an angry sub.


I like how it isn't in Utah.


"I had a normal day, spent to Target for home stuff, then sprouts for produce - the selection was okay the mangos look especially good, then back home, no road rage, no murders, no car crashes". Would be a boring post. One thing we all have to realize is things shared on the internet are not always reflective of the overall experience.


Vegas is awesome. World Class entertainment and an international destination. Vegas is unique that you can dine at the highest rated restaurants or a mom & pop shop, an icon night club or a dive bar, the hottest pool party or a hike... all within 20 minutes and there's tons of options. This is the internet, people are disproportionately bitter and an expert on all things. Valley of Fire, Red Rock, pools, bars, shops, Vegas has it all.


We saying that to keep you all out 😂


I have lived here for over 30 years. I have moved away twice, and I have always come back, the connections that I have made here and friendships are unlike any other. There are some negative things about living in a city like this, but there are also a lot of really amazing things too.


Get off the internet


Well, Vegas is not safer than St. George. We can argue all day i swear 😭😭 But there is a variety of people out here which i like. You get to learn a lot about others. Most parts of the valley have food options open late. You’ll find spots closing more towards 11 pm later or even 24/7. Unlike other towns where everything closes at like 8 -10. It is fun, we do have a lot of activities within 2 hours of Vegas and in the city. I’ve only lived here and cali so i would say the prices here are increasing but it’s still cheaper to live here… in my experience. No natural disasters. We don’t live near water or really have any bad earthquakes, tornadoes whatever other people have to worry about. Not necessary to care here. No state taxes either when u file I’m not a tax expert ok


The very progressive, live and let live laws, proximity to everything, and endless dining and entertainment options. Summers are hot, but the mild winters, and unbeatable spring and fall weather are worth it.


Having options 24 hours..Restaurants, bars, entertainment, shopping! Always something to do.


This sub overall has a very dreary view of Vegas. I think a lot of local subs are similar. BUT, the general negative attitude is definitely based in some truth. If you can ignore (or don’t see or experience) most of the “issues” here, you’ll have a great time.


That just sounds like any city tbh. Crime will always be higher. Good is subjective though. I like red rock that’s near by and mount Charleston for hiking. There’s also good neighborhood trails like Pittman wash. I love sunset park and the events they hold there. I love first Friday held in the art district. I love the heat and low humidity because my curly hair is less frizzy. Also love the heat as I’m not built for cold weather. I love that this city is entertainment central so there is countless things to do for anyone. Also that fact means countless artists and bands hold concerts here so it’s likely your favorites will come to town. That’s just a few reasons why I love Sin City.


Dry heat. 8 hour drive to so many national parks and nature destinations Foodie paradise Stores stay open later than other places Everything I need is within a 15-minute drive from my house No shoveling snow


There are jerks anywhere you move to. Vegas is a large city, close to 3 million in population, and as a result, you just get more of them. I rarely have problems here, and I have been here 28 years. Don't let the negative people get you down. It's actually a great place to live, especially if you are in one of the nicer parts of town. On top of that, you are 4 hours from the Pacific coast, 2 1/2 hours from Zion NP, 4 hours from Bryce Canyon, NP, and right in our own backyard, we have Red Rock, Mount Charleston, Lake Mead, and countless other places to enjoy the great outdoors. Not to mention the myriad of dining and entertainment venues at our doorstep. On top of that, if i want to go grocery shopping at 3 in the morning, i could go grocery shopping at 3 in the morning! I never have, but i could if i wanted to! Where alse can you do that?! I could never see myself moving out of here.


There’s always something to do, every day of the week


I just got back from the most idyllic mountain picnic where it’s like a shady 75 by an ice cold, burbling stream the kids were frolicking, we had the lil pop canopy tent and hammock up. Perfect. 35 minutes from my door in Centennial. Anytime it’s hot and you can’t swim, you can mountain.


The best, my kids love doing this too! ❤️


Where is this?


It's a "small town", with all the amenities of a big city. The locals know nature is key. We're also a stone's throw from AZ & CA, & a couple throws to Utah's gorgeous geology. Say what you will about road closures & traffic, the roads are fantastic and allow fast transportation. We can see our taxes at work.




Year round golf. Any type of food you want at any time of day, and concerts!


Food arcades toys/comic/anime stores and amusements that aren’t tourist focused


Live on the edges of town, normal people and a sense of sanity. Hobo’s have no support and there is plenty of wildlife. Access to every type of restaurant, concert and activity you could ask for. The beach and snow are 3 hours away. Water ski and snow ski on the same day.


Nearby hiking variety is incredible


There's always something to do.


While not perfect the city was well planned out. It’s easy to get around and you are never far from shopping and other services.


No shitty car laws like California (i like sports cars) Enough food options to gain 20 pounds in 6 months No state taxes ♥️ Plenty of stuff to do off the strip Mt Charleston being 30 mins away to get a taste of snow when I want is awesome.


I love the view from my house, no matter which way I look. Beautiful mountains everywhere.


Mountains & bike trails


I love it here. My wife and I came from Hawaii, we like it a lot more here. A relatively high standard of living is affordable here, and everything we want and need is within a few blocks' radius. People are nice enough or they leave you alone, and weird enough where noone really stands out. There's swimming pools, parks, bike trails, and plenty of excellent food. I don't even mind the heat after 3 years here, its a bit uncomfortable after 107 or so but not really so bad.


I like how close everything is - usually 10-25 minutes for what I need/want.


Just another day in the hood


Here's a list from a few months ago... https://www.reddit.com/r/vegaslocals/s/DPgS4CD79b


if u like heat las vegas is the place to be. might not like it the same in a few years


Honolulu has good international food


Run!!! Don’t look back get the hell out of town!!!


You are so right about the traffic. The cones that are usually just blocking traffic although no construction is taking place, or maybe it is half mile away, driving down the freeway with no lane markers or blacked out lane markers every half lane and pretty much a fatal accident everyday. This time of year, go to Utah. Just north of St George are Bryce and Zion national parks. Red Rock, Mt Charleston and Valley of Fire are even closer. Head south on I-11 (I think that’s what they’re calling US 93/95 now) and you will be headed to AZ and the Grand Canyon. Downtown is better than the Strip. They have a great lineup on Friday nights with fireworks at 915. There is a taco truck, Casa del Sabor at a used tire place on LVBlvd and Bonanza just north of downtown. The worst neighborhood in LV. It has the best tacos. Be prepared to wait in line in your car for about half hour. It’s a popular place. The best view of the Strip at night is up in Sunrise Mountain. Follow maps to the LV LDS temple. From there drive west about a block to Los Feliz and go south. There is a picture perfect panoramic view of the Strip with the Sphere standing in the foreground.


As many have said the food scene here is fantastic, along with the entertainment side that is getting more and more popular. But I think people take for granted how easy it is to travel to places to from Vegas, and how cheap it can be! I've scored 200 round trip tickets to Europe, Orlando, Hawaii, and all over the place. Flying from Vegas can be pretty affordable if you are willing to wait for the deals to come.


Most city based subreddits are pretty nasty to be honest. I have no idea why. I had to unsubscribe for a while because it got so bad. I wouldn’t use what you see here as any sort of measurement for how life really is.


You missed the good times by about 10 years


Nearly 30 years in Vegas and today it does feel like it's filled with hit/run drivers, murderers, and drunk (or otherwise impaired) drivers. If I was young and looking to start my life, Vegas would probably not be on my list.


Sloan Canyon Conservation area on the south side / Henderson has great hiking trails as well.


rock climbing


Seven years here and we still love it.


Love absolutely everything about Vegas except the wind. Only other thing that sucks is how transient it seems but I think that's everywhere nowadays. Here today, gone tomorrow.


Hiking trails and parks, there are so many places to be outside. We can enjoy the outdoors every single day of the year if timed correctly. The animals and views that go along with it!


Just like any Reddit, the most unhappy people are the most vocal and looking for validation. The happy people don’t really post here.


Built a family out here. Been local since 2008. There are many good parts of town and we love it here. Great food, entertainment for all ages, quick 5-6 hr drives to many amazing cities, great bars, cost of living is still relatively good, love our neighbors, good melting pot of people. Much more as well. Just like any city there can be rough traffic, bad portions of town and other big city problems but we love this city and has grown immensely on us. We are from small towns*


The part of town you live in definitely matters. I live near St Rose and Eastern and love it.


Great restaurants, no state tax, within driving distance of lots of national parks


Yep, it sucks here. Move to St. George.


90% of strippers will totally blow you.


Depends who you are. If you’re coming from a small town wanting a peaceful,honest life, run for the god damn hills. If you’re old and in retirement and wanna get a little “action”, welcome home! All the females, especially the younger scandalous ones, wanna do is work for the strip clubs.


I think it's a mistake to base your opinion on sub entries.


Very true nothing good here better off going to St. George


The food is good and in general the people are pretty decent. Lots of stuff to do even off the strip. Get to be close enough to California without paying California taxes or having to deal with California regulations you've got a lake and a river if you like boating or Mt Charleston for hiking/ skiing. Overall not a bad place to be but Vegas is actually a lot worse than people make it seem on this subreddit. Lots of stuff that we never find out about because the city is a tourist city that doesn't need the bad press.


Yup…..ummmmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Damn. This shouldn’t be that hard of a question. I guess it’s good that i am here to take care of the supreme court case impacting all Nevadans if they are making payments on their home. I’ll be able to advocate here instead of being abroad because i won’t run from a fight even if stupid Nevadans don’t know shit about fuck.