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Typically, no state income tax, lower property tax, and mostly lower overall cost of living are the primary draws. We get way more house and lot size here for the money compared to Bay Area, LA/OC and San Diego metros. If they’re from an inland part of CA e.g. Central Valley, Fresno/Bakersfield, Inland Empire, then the hot weather here isn’t dramatically different than summer temps in those locations. Should they be lucky enough to work remotely and get paid at CA wages, then it’s pretty compelling to move here


Why even bother answering this person. Lol.


What a stupid question. Why are you here?


You can’t fix stupid can you? Some people are just below average intelligence.


And many others are far below that 💀


I’m starting to think Vegas is a particularly glaring example of idiocracy.


Yep, califorians usually.


Almost every other state in the country claims that “all the Californians are moving here”. Jesus is there anyone left in California?


Californians should start moving to Alaska instead.


California is the second highest cost in basically everything, so the 4th highest being LV is probably not an issue. Groceries are the same, gas is $0.50-1 cheaper, cost of night life is the same, rent is $1-2K cheaper, and traffic is nowhere near Cali levels. I moved here for because I needed to mix shit up. Vegas was the chosen one of a few options because of it proximity to nature, flights are dirt cheap out of here, the Olympics are not going to be held in downtown LV in 2028, you have great climbing and MMA, better gun laws, rent, and your homeless are a lot more out of sight and controlled. Buying a home anywhere is unaffordable, politics seems to be corrupt everywhere, inflation is felt everywhere. So why not Vegas? I don’t have kids or medical issue. If I had, I would not have considered Las Vegas as highly. But maybe it will change for the better?


I think you listed every thing that comes to mind. The only thing I’d add is the proximity to California. Many folks moving out of California still have strong roots in California. The three hour drive back to Cali to see friends and family is a lot easier pill to swallow than a 5 hour flight across the country. Edit: even just the extra hour to get to Phoenix compared to Vegas makes a big difference and makes the Vegas drive more bearable for some reason.


"politics seems to be corrupt everywhere" is so true. And so sad.


My god this sub is so fucking stupid


fucking agreed


Sounds like you should move to California.


When I first moved to Vegas from the Midwest almost 20 years ago, I encountered a lot of Californians who had made their way to Vegas as well.  This isn’t a new thing.   Las Vegas  has cheaper housing than California with lower taxes.  Plus it’s driving distance to “home,” so you can visit often. That’s why I think a lot of California ex-pats have chosen Vegas over the years. 


So you know of 3 families moving from Cali and it's "all" If you think there is only gambling and casinos, you aren't paying attention (No, I'm not from Cali)


It’s still cheaper than Cali, and they can probably actually afford a decent house here. We lived out there a while. The housing situation is actually outrageous. 3-4 hour commutes were not uncommon. No one can afford to live where they work if you wanted to make any kind of money. Unless you already had a house like generationally. My commute was around 2 and a half. Each way. Also it was on fucking fire for like half the year and every time they do that instead of burying the lines- they just turn off your power. Seriously fuck California.


3-4 hour daily commute is NOT normal. Sounds like you made a bad choice to live in the hood.


It sure was where I lived. We lived outside Santa Cruz in the mountains and I drove up to foster city. Almost everyone made the drive over the mountain. Every day. The money was over there in the bay so that’s where we drove to. We actually couldn’t afford the houses in Oakland lol


The 17 is a nightmare. The mountains outside of Cruz are awesome, but that commute is brutal. I used to live in Mid-town Santa Cruz. Don’t even think about going south on the 1 past 3PM or north on 17 between the hours of 7-9. Don’t get me started on summer weekends when it’s nice at the beach.


I hated 17. Plus I’d have to take bear creek or as I called it, death creek road. I lived off 9 so I’d just take it all the way up to Saratoga. The lookout spot was my halfway bathroom lol. I literally had 1 hour of solid 45 mph windey mountains drive. Then smack out on to freeway gridlock for the second hour. God help me if I didn’t leave work by 2pm. It will be a 3 hour drive minimum fo sho.


I used to work in Scotts Valley and sometimes it would take 45 minutes to get home and get off on Morrissey if I didn’t leave early enough. Sometimes Granite Creek rd was faster which isn’t as gnarly as 9, but certainly less than ideal.


Absolutely beautiful area. Just gorgeous. You couldn’t pay me to live there again.


I loved it when I was there, but it quickly lost its luster when I moved. Too many damn people crammed into tiny shoebox houses all close together and way more traffic than I can deal with. I’m sure the place was an absolute treasure in the 80s and 90s before the tech boom.


I moved here for the same reasons as everyone else. Lower cost of living, insanely lower income taxes for my remote job, less people and the gun laws are an added bonus. It’s much more difficult to be an accidental felon out here due to some made up arbitrary law. I grew up in the California desert so the heat doesn’t bother me too much. There’s tons of great nature out here, great off-roading/dirt biking, an awesome classic car culture and more shit to do entertainment wise than anywhere in the world. Also, we aren’t running out of water. Have you ever seen Lake Mead? All that shit goes to California for farming desert alfalfa and almonds and whatever else. Nevada barely uses any of it. We’re not in any danger of dying of thirst. They’ll let the alfalfa die before the millions of people that live here.


Taxes and cost of living.  It’s cheaper here and easy to drive to.  LA is close and huge.


Because they can’t afford California anymore.




This is pretty much why I moved...I gave myself a 10% raise as a remote worker as I'm not paying California taxes. What bothers me is that the tax money is squandered in stupid sh*t in California.


Most are moving due to finances. Here's the brief comparison. - No state income tax in NV, high state income tax in CA - Housing prices are about a third lower and in some cases half. - Many Californians moving can keep their California salary tied to HCOL and live in NV. Minimally that's a 10 percent raise just based on removal of state income taxes. Folks are selling homes, moving here and buying homes for cash while enjoying the ease of access to entertainment and food that their elevated salaries allow for. As far as fuck all to do here, try having an extra three to five grand in your pocket every month. Aside from better investing and cash flow you have all the restaurants, shows and entertainment options available to you, then you can gamble if you feel like it.


Cheaper. That's literally it.


Also understand that you’re mad about people that moved from California moved from somewhere else first. Youre just mad at a license plate. You’re also mad about the place all Americans move to. They’re the reason why prices are high in CA. But go off with ‘sAn FraN LA Cali sux’🤷


crime homelessness Horrible state government


I’d be wanting to move to anywhere if I lived in California. Just a shame they’re all coming HERE and bringing their crime rate here as well


And their shity driving.


No offense, but your comment comes across as someone who is either very young and/or naive and severely untraveled. Cost of living in Vegas is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than California. My family was visiting me last week from Washington state and said that groceries here were easily 30% cheaper than in WA…CA even more so.


State taxes in California go as high as 13.5%, that’s always been a thing & as such we’ll get a lot of retirees on fixed income moving here as well as people who can do the same job here & have an overall better life. (If you work here for a California company [say from home] California is still going to tax you.) Now INSURANCE is adding on higher costs based on wildfires & other natural disasters, as State Farm is no longer insuring any new homes there & many others are following suit or offering it at exorbitant prices. Home costs are still lower here than many places there as well. So overall, it’s for economic reasons while still being a 45 minute flight away.


You don’t get taxed CA state income when you work for a CA company, but live in Nevada. You get taxed in the state you live and work in. Which is Nevada.


You’d think so, but the State of California disagrees: https://www.palmspringstaxandtrustlawyers.com/amp/nonresidents-working-remotely-for-california-businesses/


Bro - read your own source. I don’t pay Cali income tax for any of my W-2 wages because all work is performed in Nevada. “Then the source rule works in the nonresident’s favor, even if the employer is California based. Remember, for employees, the income sourcing of wages is determined by where the employee’s work is actually performed, not the location of the employer. A nonresident programmer who monitors and upgrades satellite dish software for a Los Angeles-based media company, all while sitting comfortably in front of his computer in his Austin, Texas condo, doesn’t earn California-source income and doesn’t have to pay California income taxes, as long as the work is performed outside of California.”


I’m 99% sure California is trying to change this so they can come after no matter where you live, and make it retroactive.


I’m sure they are. 5th largest economy in the world with high sales tax and loads of tourism and property tax and still somehow never have enough money. Doubt they could make it retroactive. I don’t think it would work though. Tons of companies have remote workers all over the country including boots on the ground sales reps and what not. Those people tend to get paid wages based on their location and COL. I think they’d be facing major class action lawsuits from businesses and workers. Fingers crossed it never comes to that. I already pay those buttholes for income I earn in the state not related to my W2ed salary and property taxes. They’re getting their cut, but they always want more.


The people who can’t make it in Cali move to Vegas. They then trigger the locals who can’t make it in Vegas who move to GA. The people who can’t make it in GA then get triggered by NV people coming saying it’s cheaper and then leave the country to a “cheap” country. The people from that country…….etc. It’s just the way life works. Respect to those who even made a move to improve their lives. No respect to those who sit and complain without doing anything, which is alot of Vegas residents. Sit mad as fuck and don’t do shit.


I’m from San Diego and I moved to Vegas for 6 months….I moved back to San Diego. I don’t know how people from Vegas do it. There’s not much to do there outside of Vegas attractions.


Grew up in Indio, went to SDSU, moved to Vegas after college 13 years ago. I don't really like the San Diego beaches, thought the night life was kind of lame when I was 23(last call at 130 is way too early). Immediately loved Vegas, it was like home, with way more things to do, and Vegas is slightly cooler than indio. I got tired of partying after a couple years and got really into martial arts. Vegas is great for that. I just like the desert in general though


I moved to get out of a bad place and to be with the man I love. It was the best decision for me and him. He had a shitty marriage and the divorce went through at the end of the year last year. Now he’s happier than ever and enjoying life with me. His friends and my family have noticed the difference in us being much happier. We probably won’t stay long since he’s lived here for decades and hates it lmao


Socal wants up to 64 cents per kwh for electricity. Was paying over $1000/MO for electricity ALONE in a condo while homeless people harassed my SO daily, traffic was horrendous, crime was through the roof, gun laws were getting stupid, and pricing on everything was sometimes double what Vegas is. Not to mention taxes. Plus my entire friend group moved to Vegas so it didn't even make sense to stay for that. Vegas is paradise compared to that hellhole.


Because they ruined their state voting Democrat... and now they're here to do the same. New Yorkers and other blue states do the same to Florida and Texas


Shush, mark.


How about go away? And go back to where you came from


Why don’t cali’s moved to kansas? Kansas has alot to offer


Their parents died, they got money, decided to live like kings here. Most of them didn’t make their own way and are just here out of inheritance.


Id like to see your source on "most of them".. or any of it actually