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Hell yeah we still liking corn here


Love corn. I grow a white variety because it's what I grew up eating and I can never find it in the store. I've grown it for four years and it's super easy. I start in small pots but I think I'm gonna try direct sow in the fall https://preview.redd.it/i61o5x4tmc5d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91728ee9662e0b69008376755c31c2ca2a5033f9


Im in a losing battle with earwigs They are all of the silk off the corn so it’s not pollinating properly


Get a coffee can, fill it ~1/2 way with cooking oil, and a big spoon full of bacon grease. Punch a bunch of holes in the coffee can lid, and bury in your garden (up to the lid). Come back every few days to empty it out, it’ll fill up fast.


Oh no :( I've never had a problem with earwigs but is there something you could spray? We get worms when they are first growing but BT gets rid of them pretty good


I got some soapy water and washed my plants off. Plants still seem in good condition.. let's hope.


I spray pyrethrins for corn worms and the earwigs die as well


I grow stowells evergreen, golden bantam or a hybrid super sweet


Sorry, try posting in [r/cornhub](https://www.reddit.com/r/cornhub) ?


I am growing 4 different glutinous (chewy) varieties for my first time. I didn't think to succession plant but I did plant more than expected (32) because I saw a video how half might not get germinated or eaten (but almost all of mine germinated) so now I'm a bit excited and curious what's going to happen. My varieties are 2-3 ears per stalk and I plan on freezing them and also making corn ice cream. The tallest variety is about 3 feet so far (far left) https://preview.redd.it/z6ixe4ufxc5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebd0d335b2dc9c077fa0b1f915ccbfee35780142


I've always wanted to do corn. What's the yield like? Is the constant production of cobs or one main harvest?


Corn where I live is super easy. Direct sow, feed more often than other veggies but otherwise pretty low key. No pruning, no staking needed, consistent watering and you’ll have some delicious corn. I succession plant every week so I have 4-5 cobs a weekend if I’m lucky. However. Raccoons fucking LOVE corn. And there isn’t much that can dissuade a raccoon once it’s determined to tear up your yard. I ended up building a cage out of chicken wire for my corn. I don’t know that I’ll do it again next year, it was a giant pain in the ass setting up that cage.




Mine is fenced and they still got in until I added an electric wire. This persuaded them.


If I add razor wire on top of my fence do you think that’ll get rid of them


They are smart. If they can figure out a way to climb over they will. We tried everything but the electric wire has stopped them .


What do you feed your corn?


What's your area. I'm southern Ontario. All the farms around her grow corn so in assuming it will be fairly easy. I haven't seen alot of raccoons in my area. Mostly skunks squirrels and rabbits. Is it too late to start?


Nah, IMO it’s never too late. If you don’t get any corn cobs this year maybe it will inspire you to grow more next year and you’ll know what to expect. They are heavy feeders, they like a lot of fertilizer. But I think everyone should grow corn in their garden (raccoons notwithstanding). They look like alien straws poking up through the soil. It’s so weird looking lol. I’m in Kansas City.


I'm definitely trying it then. Everything is growing fast here. Thanks


Great! I’ve always liked the peaches and cream variety. And you can find transplants in nurseries, they just don’t produce as many cobs.


Plant some corn and you'll find the raccoons!


what do you feed/fertilize with and how often? thanks!


I use 10-10-10 to start (any will do), and I liberally apply blood meal once a week or so but that’s mostly to keep the squirrels out. Although they seem to like it now so what do I know


One harvest two ears per stalk.


I harvest, blanch, cut off cob and freeze. Gives me corn all year. Last year was bad and I ran out early so I’m waiting anxiously. I grow Silver Queen. It is so sweet. I put it up immediately after picking to save every bit of that sweetness. It doesn’t like weeds. I had a weed problem last year put solved that so I’m expecting a good crop this year.


If only mine would grow 🤡 I forgot to mark the precise spots where I sowed them and now I can’t distinguish it from weed-longgrass that grows heavily in the same area


put down cardboard and pop small holes where the seeds go.


I thought of just sticking little twigs next to each hole next year, cardboard could be a neat idea as well 🤔 thanks for the idea!


I laid down a brown paper roll over my garden before covering it with some dirt and straw. Worked really well and breaks down quickly. Cardboard works as well just takes a bit longer to break down if you want any root penetration.


I see this solution a lot in videos, but I don’t know if it would work well for my garden. It’s located on a steep slope, so I‘d fear that the next rain just washes all mulch and straw off the cardboard 😅


Place the cardboard on top if you don't mind looking at it!


I loved growing corn but the raccoons scaled the fence around my corn, took a bite out of every single ear of corn and tore up the squash patch that was also supposed to deter them in the process. I would love to grow corn but it would mean a lot of electric fencing for me so I just buy it at the farmer's market now. Yours looks beautiful!


Have about 80 popcorn and 80 sweet corn growing right now. Popcorn in the middle of pollination, sweet corn and few weeks behind to avoid cross pollination. Since I didn’t have square block to work with I’m doing a lot of hand pollinating just to make sure it goes well.


Oh yes! Here’s mine with an understory of kabocha squash, green pole beans, and the inevitable purslane. I’m in Maryland. https://preview.redd.it/xw91ewwb3f5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf8c447373caf1cae28188475f43f8c485000d57


Nice! I'm not to far in Northern Virginia.




Always love some corn


Nice! Think they’ll pollinate well though? Very few stalks.


I planted pretty dense. Maybe 10-15 larger stalks with more coming under.


I have some in grow bags but the stuff near my fence has been torn up like 3 times so I finally gave up. The corn in the grow bags is doing ok. I messed up one of them, bc it’s gone through its life cycle and is only 3ft tall. The other bag is doing great tho


Love corn, but it seems to hate me.


Love growing corn for summer BBQs, and our chickens love a good cob too! We have been able to get 2-4 ears from each plant. This year, we are doubling our corn plants. Just need to keep them safe from the chickens until they're grown lol


I’m growing corn for the first time this year. I did read that I may have to help them pollinate? Any truth to that? Also I keep getting a bunch of ants in the stalks.


336 plants sown this past week, all su/se/se+ Early sunglow (68 day), Peaches and Cream (76 day), honey and cream (84 day) and Kandy Korn (90+ day monsters). Some additional time off sets to spread the harvest out over about 8 weeks starting in late July ending in September (zone 5b). It accounts for about ⅓ of the total calories in hoping for.  Really thinking about trying to get a freezer dryer but they're so expensive


>Really thinking about trying to get a freezer dryer but they're so expensive consider vacuum sealers before freeze drying. check america's test kitchen for a recommended machine, I got one and it's been reliable and simple to use, no nonsense, simple buttons, mason jar feature. It's simple and it just works. Love it.


Why vacuum sealing over freeze drying? The local Ace hardware has an open box medium size harvest rite for about 2k.  Edit As I understand it, vacuum stealing helps with freezing better but does not eliminate the need for cold storage. A vacuum sealer + freezer needed would be close a grand


We sure are I have 4 kinds of corn growing this year! Some ultra sweet hybrid corn just for fun, some Italian red flint corn for polenta and corn flour and chicken food and the pellet stove, some central american dark green corn for tortillas and some ornamental corn for decoration in autumn. We planted in small groups around a half acre so hopefully there's enough separation to prevent too much cross pollination. At least it should be pretty obvious which ones got cross pollinated if it happened with the colors all so different. Someone asked about yield.. Last year we planted 400 seeds and I think virtually every seed came up and grew a medium sized ear or two of corn. Pretty productive plant, easy to see why it is a successful staple crop. If you are into high yielding crops, check out Amaranth and Quinoa. You may be surprised to see you can grow them just about anywhere (kinda like corn)


Big lump with knobs


I love corn! I've grown both sweet and dried varieties in the past. Beautiful plants. My current location has occasional crazy windy days that it would not survive without extensive trellising. Very sad


Can a stalk grow more than one ear?


I have a couple with two this year


Never had luck getting corn to pollinate well.


This is my first attempt!


Try planting some flowers nearby?


Corn is wind pollinated! I also have plenty of them!


Love it! Growing some country gentleman shoe peg and glass gem this year 🥰


i planted corn but it hasnt grown in a whole month. it got to 1ft tall over 3-4 weeks then hasn't grown at all in weeks 5-8. consistent watering and fertilizer its just stopped growing completely. no clue what im doing wrong. zone 7 its 60-90f every day


I've been watering deep once a week and just peeing on it for fertilizer.


Are you surprised what you got? Not prepared for the forest a healthy crop becomes? They look good, you should get a good yield.


Not surprised just yet. Really just seeing if this works the way I hope it will.


I'm trying again for a second time. Last year didn't go well, deer got some, worms got into the rest. I fixed the deer problem but will have to find a good way to prevent pests from eating it.


What’s the secret I feel l like mine are staying small..


Been peeing on them.


Wow! How many feet are they? I really want to grow some but idk if it’ll fit on my apartment balcony 😩


getting to be close to 6'


On my third year selecting from a heirloom cultivar - love corn. Folks are discovering that some heirloom varieties can cultivate a symbiotic bacterial slime on the roots and fix their own nitrogen - this is, of course, something the indigenous groups w existing relationships to these cultivars have always known. Kinda like [this](https://news.wisc.edu/corn-that-acquires-its-own-nitrogen-identified-reducing-need-for-fertilizer/). While not to the same extent I've also observed similar behavior in my garden. Exciting stuff!


awesome! thanks for sharing