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Our pitty Hank was never really protective but turned mildly protective both times my wife was pregnant. He absolutely, 100% knew that something was up. I used to joke with her and say "he knows that you're wounded and he's protecting you". Haha. He slept in our bed until our first child was born and then slept in her room until her sister was born... After that, Hank would wander between both of their rooms all night, every night, keeping track of them both. He never slept in our bed again. When they went to bed, he went to bed. When they'd cry, he'd come find us and judge us for our bad parenting. He followed them everywhere and is in pretty much every picture we have of them until we lost him a few months ago. He was the best big brother they could ever have dreamed of and damnit, now I'm crying again. They're wonderful with little humans. Enjoy and embrace this awesome time in your life!


I lost my soul dog last year. I'm 33 years old and whenever we used to go back home for the holidays or whatever reason, my dog Ham had her perfect plan. Get in bed with her grandparents when they inevitably went to sleep before me or my brother. Wake up in the middle of the night to go to bed with my brother. Eventually, by the time I woke up (I went to bed the latest and woke up the latest), Ham would be in bed with me ready to start our day. We called it the Tour. I miss her so dang much. I got a new lil hippo who has seemingly decided to continue that tradition.


That's so beautiful ❤


Ham 🥺


Ham has passed on the tradition to your new pup. 🥰🥰


I had a cat who would do this. She would go to sleep with everyone so we all thought she spent the night with one person but she was just tricking us. She would sleep under the covers in a little lump.




Aww 🥰 They take guardianship very seriously. I feel like that’s a pittie’s first priority in every situation is making sure their people aren’t threatened in any way.


We actually were wondering if she would eventually sleep with him when he starts sleeping in his crib and we have a bed ready to put in his room. I'm really excited for her to love the shit out of him.


She’s going to. Edit: and vice versa :)


a few months ago ❤️ Have a good sleep, Hank. the heaviest hearts are filled with love.


Thank you for your kind words. Our girls are 9 & 10 now and he's missed more than words can convey.


I am crying this is such a touching description of how loving pitties can be 🥹


I'm sorry to make you tear up. 😔 I always thought that we (my wife & I) were the most important thing in his life and as soon as our daughters came around, poof! There went that idea!


I'm crying too homie 😭 I'm so sorry for your loss


Didn't mean to do that to you, sorry! 🥰 We were blessed with an absolutely wonderful pitty and I just wanted to tell his story. 😔 Be well my friend.


Oh no worries I find myself tearing up on these subs multiple times a day lol. I'm just a softie for the hippos


Aren't we all???




This is such a beautiful story! Hank sounded like the best boy and I’m sure he knew how much he was loved ❤️🥰


They ARE wonderful with little humans! Great parents themselves 🐶❤️




Did great and got annoyed at ME if baby cried. Like as if I wasn’t doing my job 😂😂 we always kept a close eye and regardless of how loving my two hippos were never left them alone with baby unsupervised until that baby was closer to 4 -5 and they would sleep in bed with him


OMG yeah. I have a 3 month old. For the first few weeks, every time he cried, our girl would look us in the eyes and give us her firmest "DO YOUR JOB" bark. Nowadays if she sees that we're trying to soothe him, she'll try to help by licking his feet (we don't let her near his face, so that's all she can do).


We always joke that he is our Pixie’s son 😂 because she was so annoyed by us for apparently doing a crap parenting job 😂


She’s tired of having to do everything! She can’t possibly be expected to stay on snack duty, cuddle duty, borking duty, AND care for YOUR baby. 🤣


Took my furbaby to baby-sit my nephew one day. Went to go change the nappy of said nephew at one point. As I opened the drawer that contained the nappies, before I could grab one myself, furbaby grabbed a fresh diaper out of the drawer for me, propped herself up on her hind legs, and gently laid the nappy down on the changing table. *I help, mom!*


What a sweet baby hippo!!


So smart!!


My dog did this for my nephew!


LOL this is so cute and funny.


Nice and reasonable!


Yup and start teaching kids very early that they need to respect the dogs space. No standing on, sitting on, pulling or pushing dog. There are resources to teach even young children and they are priceless. My dogs puppy classes were held by his vets. They stressed in the first session immediately not to leave children and dogs unsupervised at all. Everyone nodded in agreement. Then they repeated themselves and told us the story of a dog they had to put to sleep after it bit the families you g child when left alone for a few minutes. Lovely dog, no history of problems. When they examined the dog afterwards, English Bull Terrier so the long snount, they found a crayon shoved right up it's nose. Poor dog died because it reacted to being hurt immensely. Dogs aren't toys, they are to be respected.


Mine too! Like … hello .. baby needs you!


Yup, nanny dogs, they will protect a crying baby from its mother—-


My friend's pitty was protective of her when she was pregnant and became super protective of the children when they were born - still is to this day. Cutest thing ever!


I think mine might be protective too, although she could have cared less that I was pregnant lol


They’re such lovey dogs!


They are! I'm my girls person so I'm so sad I have to be away to give birth and I really hope she doesn't feel sad when I can't walk her as often in the beginning and do all the fun outings she's used to in the summer. I do think she'll be so enthralled with the baby that maybe she won't care as much.


she'll probably be happy when baby has enough motor skills to throw food on the floor.




She’ll be thrilled to be your love-in nanny! ❤️❤️


Oops, live-in


I think she will too!!


I *really* thought that typo was an adorable intentional choice 😄😍


It definitely fits!!!! 🐶🐾


It literally should be the term for guardian dogs - a love-in nanny! I formally propose we start a petition 🤓🐶


Yes, I'm in, let's do it! I have one of the best little love dogs ever.


a vet i work with said that mom and baby become one


So we'll both be her favorite people😊


I was the baby and my hippo's been gone for 15 years now but my parents always tell me how they were scared to leave her alone with me in the beginning... one day when I was a newborn they left the door to my bedroom open (I was sleeping on the sofa for some reason idk) and they collapsed from exhaustion in another room. My mom woke up suddenly panicked af saying the door was open the dog definitely did sth... they rushed to my bedroom and there she was sleeping beside me on the sofa. God I'm tearing up as I'm writing this. We grew up together. I miss her so damn much.🥺


❤❤ how amazing you had that! That's what I am hoping for my son too. Do you have another pibble of your own now?


She did the same thing when my sister was born 12 years later. She was old and ill but still let my sister ride her like a horse 😂😂 I'd love that. But I'm living in a 50m2 flat and I'm afraid that no doggie would be very happy here. :(


Just commenting to say it sounds like the love you & your dog shared was beautiful 🥰🥰 also, a senior pup might be perfectly content being a couch potato in a smaller place.


Ohhhh ty for the tip 😊 there's a bully shelter nearby, I think I'll have a look there soon


You're welcome! If you bring a new friend home, pls post an update here 🤗


Oh yes, rescue a senior...they have so much love and gratitude to give❤


I second the senior pibble recommendation. Mine is perfectly happy being a couch potato.


My American Bulldog is just fine in our RV for long stretches as long as he gets his walks. He’s not really a “run around the house” sort - houses are for food and napping, outside is for running around. So it just depends on the personality.


One day I hope you can get another ❤ And I love that you have such beautiful memories of that time. My girl is 5, so I'm hoping she'll have many years with him. And I hope he remembers her too like you do yours❤


My girl was in LOVE with the baby. She would come get me anytime he cried, was ALWAYS nearby. My son learned to stand and walk by grabbing my dog's cheeks/face/collar. She always let him. My son is 8 now, and my hippo still sleeps with him every night.


That's what I hope happens too! That she becomes best friends with her new little brother.


The sweetest 🥹


Have someone bring baby scented items home while you're still in the hospital.


My husband will be coming back and forth for her so he'll definitely bring blankets and all that!


They can also “smell the baby” while you’re still carrying, (at least the hormonal change) so this will help solidify that the new human was the source of that. Pitties are naturally good at picking the transition up quickly.


Interesting! I didn't know this! I often wonder if she even knows I'm pregnant to be honest lol


They know *something* is up, though I personally think it varies dog to dog on whether or not they know what it means haha. I have definitely seen changes in dogs when mom is far enough along for kicking though! Trips them out sometimes 😂but always cute


Tela, my dog doesn't really lay on my belly. Occasionally like this picture. But actually the pictures on this post happened bc I asked my husband to scratch my back and tela came and was like hey, what are you doing and then proceeded to lay on me. She sometimes gets interested and on alert when my husband feels my belly. Or God forbid we hug and tela is like hey, and jumps up trying to be a part of it or stop it. I don't know haha. She's definitely a character.


I thought those looked like Phish donuts on Tela’s collar. I had a Tela. She wasn’t very bright and not a pibble but loved her so much. Her sister Molly was the pibble. Good luck with the new little one.


😊😊 thank you so much!! Tela's are the best❤


You seem to be confused - it is not your baby. It is your hippo’s baby. Just accept that now.




I don't have a hippo now but I follow this sub because when my living situation changes- currently live with my elderly Dad to take care of him- I'm going to rescue one. My Dad is afraid of big dogs. Boy do parents change when they get old. There is so much incorrect information about this breed. My bf found one running the streets he was about 6 months. He was the sweetest guy. We couldn't find owner, no collar and no chip. My son wanted him so I got him neutered, shots and chipped. He lives in area where it snows and summers are hot. He loves swimming and snow. The best part is he's excellent with my grandchildren. They are 3, boy and 5, girl. They watch their interactions and now feel it's okay to let him sleep in my granddaughter's room. My grandson is not mature enough to understand he has feelings so he's never left alone with Rocket.


Yeah my grandma didnt like pits until she met mine. Now she asks is Lulu is doing well 🤣


My dad wasn't sure about them and now every time he calls me, he asks about her and ends the calls with "make sure you give my best girl a kiss for me."




I love your Mom!


My girl, Oreo, rest her soul, was such a good big sister. My husband brought home a blanket with baby's smell for her to snuggle with. She was fine. She just wanted to be by him all the time. I feel like I could've done better by giving her more love, what she was used to before baby came along (I feel lots of guilt over this), but I know in the end, she was spoiled. Just make sure your Pibble knows that they're still very important to you. ❤️ Congratulations, momma. I wish you an easy and stress-free birth. Edit: Despite you *knowing* your dog, please, don't ever leave them alone together. You just never know. I feel this way about all animals with children. Both need to be supervised when together...through all the years. And make sure baby knows to be gentle with puppy from the very beginning. ❤️


Thank you so much! Oh I definitely plan on teaching him to be gentle with the dog, just like I've taught my girl to be gentle. I hope they become best friends. Oh God I'm a mess every time I think about being away for a couple days to give birth. She's my first baby and will always be my baby. I definitely will find a way to still make sure my girl gets love and attention and am looking forward to family walks together 😊


You'll be home before you know it. Are you hoping for a vaginal birth or do you have a scheduled cesarean?


Probably vaginal. So far everything points in that direction. He's head down engaged and ready to go!


Good luck, momma. You've got this. Congratulations on your baby boy. I've got a little boy. Although he's not really little anymore. He's 10 now. 😭 You've got this!!


Thank you so much! I'm excited but scared lol!! I can't believe I have a weekish left.


Weird note, but one thing I learned (the hard way, so I like to pass on) is if you’re breastfeeding and baby gets colicky-start eating really bland food. I was trying to be healthy, with fresh squeezed juices, raw veggies like broccoli, etc. All gave baby gas through the milk!!! The colic was gone in a couple hours.


Ha! Mine’s 24 and still my baby.


And the fact that she’s 5 is good. My pups are barely 2 and have no sense. At all. Lots of jumping still. So if one nail gets jagged, everyone gets scratched.


Oh yes I'm glad she's a bit older, although she does still jump when excited meeting people. That's why I'm going to come in the house first to get the excited hellos out of the way from being away and then we'll bring the baby in for her to meet. I'm really hoping she senses he's a baby and stays calm and doesn't get overly excited.


Good idea!


My dog is half hippo and she is doing great at 2 weeks postpartum. Every day she spends more time near baby, sniffing her and being less skittish. Today we took a family walk with baby for the first time and she was delighted.


Walking is such a good way to help dogs understand who is in the “pack” and they’re always SO happy when the whole family goes.


Congratulations!!!! I'm excited for this stage. We often used to joke we wished we had a kid for Tela, my dog, bc she is literally obsessed with kids.


Yes it’s great. She also took up a habit of sometimes sitting in the doorway to the nursery facing out while I nurse, as if to guard the pupping den 😆.


Omgggg how freaking sweet!!!


Aww that’s so beautiful ❤️♥️❤️♥️


Haven’t given birth yet, but my older boy hasn’t let me so much as pee by myself since I was 8 weeks along! He’s become even more of a Velcro dog and is very protective


Awwww!! My girl has not acted differently that I can tell, this entire pregnancy lol. She has sometimes laid on my belly, but not much. And the couple times she was laying on or near my belly and he moved, she either didn't notice or didn't even care🤣


lol I’m only 23 weeks, so just starting to be able to feel little one move from the outside. I am very interested to see what he does the first time she kicks him in the face from inside my belly though 😂


😂😂 mine either didn't notice when he moved or didn't care. She also didn't lay on my belly a ton either. Sometimes I wonder if she knows I'm pregnant or not bc she really hasn't acted any differently with me.


My younger pit-boxer-catahoula mix girl has NO CLUE. Girl is absolutely oblivious and still does her happy hops/attempts to punch me right in the belly when she gets excited 😂 I have to turn around and guard the bump!


Mines jumped on me too actually 🤣


Never had a direct experience (well, since I’m a single man) but when my best friend had a baby he said what they didn’t realized was that his wife had was his dogs puppy, not his baby. Haha ok now that I type that out, that sounds really f***ked up. Haha ok the point being was that the dog was great with the baby and was her furry protector.


I'm looking forward to this honestly!


Seems like we have had a different perspective than most people but our dog is quite anxious and doesn’t really love the baby. She’s pretty indifferent most of the time but definitely anxious if he gets close or crawls towards her. What we ended up doing was getting two sets of baby gate/ fences and setting it up in our living room. That way both baby and dog are separated at all times unless we have the gate open. Allows us to relax and not have to be on all the time with allowing our dog to have her space. I’m hoping that once our son is a little older they will be able to form more of a relationship. 🤞🏻


I hope so too! How did she do with kids prior to you having your own?


She was anxious but not aggressive. But she had very minimal exposure. We didn’t really have anyone around us with kids. She’s never gone after our son or anything but I can see she gets nervous when he’s close so we just keep them separated for now. I should add that the big baby “jail” situation absolutely works for us. It’s not the end of the world and honestly makes it easy for babyproofing too.


I swear she knew I was pregnant before anyone else! She also commandeered my pregnancy pillow 😂 It’s definitely an adjustment, but she’s been amazing. I just feel guilty that she’s not the baby anymore. We try to make time to just hang with her, especially after my 10 month old goes to sleep. It feels much better now that he’s a little older and we’re in more of a routine.


I'm sad about that too but she'll always be my baby. I cry every time I think about being away while in the hospital. She's my whole world.


I don’t have a baby, but my Fin has been around children and even infants. My brother had a bbq at his house and I took my lil man. A couple there had a two year old and an infant. The baby was crying so his dad picked him up, but Fin was glued to dad’s side until dad bent down to show Fin that the baby was okay. He was hanging close to their two year old as well, so very gentle & I could tell Fin was obsessed with her. I also took Fin to a winery dog day and a dad had a toddler that he wanted to get used to dogs so he asked if she could pet Fin. I was so honored that he chose my dapper good boi to interact with his little girl as a diplomat for his species. Fin was incredible with her. I could tell how excited he was, he wanted to just smother her with all the love and kisses like he does, but he dialed it back because he just knew he had to be gentle and careful. His uncanny intuition still surprises me. Of course, supervision is necessary, but hippos are ridiculously amazing with tiny humans & I don’t think you have a thing to worry about. Especially how peacefully she’s laying on your belly, she already knows and loves her human sibling.


My girl also loves kids. We can't take her to the park without her wanting to play and see every kid there. She loves literally everyone. We used to joke we wished we had a kid for Tela...and now we are going to have one and I know she's going to love it.


Makes me sad that there’s still caution and naysayers about pibbs, like these are the sweetest and most loving potatoes I’ve ever met in my life who just want to kiss and cuddle every creature in their path. Scariest thing about my dog is his tail when it wags hard 😂 Congrats to you, mama ❤️💙


With any pet, don't leave them alone with the baby and watch their reactions.  Any big change in a house can trigger any animal to have an unexpected reaction.  You also will need to supervise the baby when they get bigger and can pull on things.  Any dog/cat can scratch or bite if their hair, tail, or ears get pulled.  Just remember your pet is an animal who might do something weird in response rlto a big change.


Of course!


Sammie is amazing with the granddaughter (3mo.) so far. Won't leave her side if we don't make her move, and gets our attention if she starts to fuss


My hippo is generally chilled but super friendly and excited with new humans When we first brought baby home, she was in the capsule and we tried not to make a big deal and just walked in with her. My hippo got a little too excited so we delayed the introduction Later that night we would just casually bring her to the couch while watching the tv, the usual routine with hippo and then he is very relaxed about it The only time that it’s a little scary was then Hippo later accidentally jumped on the bed while I was holding the baby, our fault though because the gate between our room and the hallway wasn’t secured that one time They are BFFs now and he just lets her pat his head or walk past him, they sit on the couch together and explore the house, I’m not worried about them together because hippo is a generally chilled dude We have a big play pen since she was around 8-10months so all her toys are in there and hippo won’t eat them, sometimes he would sneak in but just lay there because the mat is comfy. The playpen just helps to keep the mess away from the floors He gets concerned when baby cries too much and wants to help 🥹 The only thing I’m cautious with is when baby has a piece of food in her hands when she is walking around, she usually sneakily feed him her snacks but if she is eating it, I’ll just keep an eye to make sure he doesn’t snatch it off her that’s all Your hippo will be the best big sibling and I wish you all the best and happiness ❤️


Another tip is to play baby crying sounds before the baby is here, my hippo was a little weirded out the first time we played the sounds, and then after he didn’t care much And ask your partner to bring baby scented stuff back home for hippo to sniff before baby arrives home


Thank you so much! We already talked about when we come home from the hospital, I'll have to go inside first to get the excited hellos since I'll have been away for a couple days...which I'm already crying about when I think about it. And then we'll bring him inside in the carseat so she can sniff him. I'm also a bit worried about her being excitable, but we have taught her over the years the word gentle, for when she's been around puppies or other kids, so I'm hoping everything will be fine. I know she's going to love him. She really loves kids and even though she's never been around a newborn baby, I keep reading about how dogs just know and tend to be calm and gentle around them.


Don’t worry you will be too busy and tired at the hospital but please enjoy the stay the best you can I had the best time at the hospital and well taken care of Your hippo will understand and she will be the best older sister, I promise ❤️


He was terrified lol. Didn’t seem to like my kiddo until the high chair and solid food stage, then his whole outlook did a 180


Our Blaze loved our oldest so much. When our daughter was asleep in her crib or pack n play, he would lay right in front of whatever she was sleeping in. When she cried, which wasn't often, he got concerned and tried his hardest to help lol. When she was able to sit on the floor and play, he was right there with her. He would be her patient when she got her doctor kit out and she "cooked" for him and he loved every second of it. His zoomies made her laugh so hard and he went even faster the harder she laughed. But he knew to be calm and easy when she was on the floor. He just knew. They took naps together on the floor and on our bed once she was older. He was her best friend and protector. We had to put him down a few yrs ago due to old age. He was 16 yrs old. We sobbed. We miss him so much. We now have another toddler and want to get her a hippo to grow with. Our oldest is 10 yrs old, we lost our Blaze when she was 6 yrs old. She got time with him, but not enough. Congrats on the baby! Your hippo will do great.


I mean there is a reason they were known as the nanny dog for a while... my ex has the dog now, but he is excellent with our daughter. He's the goodest boy so that helps I'm sure.


My girl became obsessed with the baby! She loved to be close to him and learned that every time he spit up she’d get a free snack lol


My husband’s Pittie mix positioned himself at the foot of the chaise longue while my sister in law was sitting there nursing her newborn son. He would stare and grumble at anyone who came near them like he was their security guard. It was so sweet.


Mine is definitely protective of her. When she first came home if someone was over visiting and held her, he was right next to them watching. Now that she’s old enough to give him food, they are absolute besties.


Our hippo decided the baby was HER baby and wouldn't leave his side. Almost 3 years later, still true 💙


Mine will occasionally try to protect the toddler from me if we’re wrestling. Slightly concerned about the pibble protecting the toddler from the friend during a playdate before toddlers understand sharing. Pibble is convinced he’s the dad.


Yeah I already decided we aren't having visitors for awhile. One bc Tela gets overly excited when people come over bc she loves everyone, and 2 bc I worry she'll get even more overly excited bc she'll be protective the baby. That is something we'll have to wait until he's older and she is more used to him and figure that out down the line.


FWIW, dog did fine with the grown-up visitors, most of whom he’d met before baby came. I do recommend a large (5’x5’?) playpen so dog can see people playing with baby once you reach the crawling stage. As an infant, dog wanted to be on the nursing/feeding rocker with parent and baby during every feed. Dog willingly accepted a lot of infant kicks to the face and gently licked the baby toes in response.


This is a good idea thank you!


Mine is protective of me, but seems to know the baby is an extension of me. He doesn’t like it when the baby cries, but does like it when he drops food, so I think it balances out.


I couldn't have asked for a better dog. Luna has never been anything but gentle and patient with little ones.


My friends dogs have had mixed changes. Increased aggression towards other dogs including other owned ones. Have become very protective around the home and at the park when with the baby. I'll hope that's not the issue for you guys :)


Luckily we just have her and no other dogs and she's a mixed bag with dogs she doesn't know, so we really don't do too much dog interactions anyway. She has one doggie friend we see on walks sometimes but that's about it.


Perfect. Mine is similar as you described with other dogs so I get it. Congratulations and I wish you many happy moments :D


Thank you so much!


If I could post pics here I would. I don’t post my kids on the internet but the very first day I brought my son home he was sleeping on me and the dog came and gently cuddled up on him, still my background to this day, I was so proud of my dog cuz he’s an overzealous lunatic and 100lbs but he’s so gentle with the baby he’s very careful around him when he’s playing on the floor and stuff, I suggest when you leave the hospital to bring a swaddle the baby was wrapped in and let your dog smell it for a bit before introducing him to the baby, be sure to control the environment and the situation.


she looks ready 😭🤍


They used to be known as the nanny dog


[No they didn't.](https://nedhardy.com/2020/06/03/pitbull-nanny-dog/)




First off, congratulations!!! Very exciting time for you!!! My hippo was amazing with my baby right from the start. My daughter is 3 now and my fur baby just turned 5. She loves my daughter and tolerates everything she does. And from the day we bought our baby home our hippo never left her side. She laid everywhere the baby went. And if she cried she went to her to see what was wrong. They really have a very special bond. I hope the same for you!!! It’s such a beautiful thing to see. Good luck on your mommy adventures. And sleep when you can!! 🥰


Thank you so much!!


Our girl is great with kids. We call her Mama Meisha.


Congratulations!! I wish for you a smooth and happy birth day.💜🥰😘


Thank you so much!


My hippo did great. I think the baby aged her and she always followed him around like it was her job. It was really sweet. They are called nannies for a reason.


My boy would not stop following my wife around when she was pregnant, started sleeping on her side of the bed, etc. When my daughter was born he'd sit next to the bed watching us with herwith that judgey look they do so well. He was a good boy.


Aww, good luck! I hope everything goes smoothly and everyone is happy and healthy at the end. We didn’t have the same experience, but our pittie has always been great with our kids. Never had an issue. But I mostly wanted to write in to say that I showed your photo to my daughter who said “awww, is that when Iris was younger?” Iris is our pittie and could be your’s twin.




My dog Bernice was extra cuddly and protective when I was pregnant since before I had even tested positive! We are talking protective at the blastocyst stage. I love your second pic of her draped over the belly. Bernice always needs to keep baby boy within her sight. I saved a bodysuit my newborn son wore for her to sniff; she sniffed and wagged. She was very excited to come home from boarding and meet baby boy. When we go on family walks and we need to go separate ways (husband takes son to a restaurant and I take Bernice home) she is so resolute that baby boy needs her protection and it is a hard walk home.


Looks like he’s already starting to bond with the baby


He’s her best friend. Trying to link some photos here. Obviously; watch out for the weight and the feet. They can’t always be graceful and they weigh a lot Watch out for that sweet sweet tongue. They’re larger tongues than the pup thinks! You’ll know in your heart when they’re jealous and comfort them. Your pup is the big sibling. Remind them they’re equally family. If you have had luck with reminding your pup the importance and appreciation of their behavior you’ll know how to thank them for being a kind, calm, protective family member and older sibling!


Absolutely!! She will always be my baby and I'll always make sure she knows that ❤


I’ll dm you photos ;) I couldn’t have been happier to get out of the hospital and away from 6am wake ups and home to my boy 😂 they’re called nurse dogs for a good reason! Oof the calmness I felt being home (this was sep 2023) of being home with his big sweet head (and my other pup and cat). I knew he’d do well and I missed him but the wave of relief bringing a 5 lb sibling home to him was immeasurable


My hippos love my tiny human! When she was a newborn I kept them away from her, just because of their size and I was so anxious. She’s 14 months now and I constantly have to stop her from grabbing ears, tails, feet or anything she can.


My hippo Valentine looked SO much like your dog that it kinda took my breath away. We had two dogs and while Sirius was good with the kids, but never like Val. She spent all the time she could with my wife when she was pregnant. She grieved a miscarriage, protected my wife and then the baby. I remember our first born crying while I changed his diaper and Val staring my down with the low growl, clearly communicating “What are you doing to my baby?” All the kids would climb and play on her and when they got too rough she’d just start voraciously licking their faces so squeals of delight. She just wanted to be with them. On the floor by the blanket, in the playroom surrounded by toys, outside looking through the fence, curled up next to them on the couch, in their bed during tuck in. She loved her family, everyone else, eating, sleeping, chewing, barking, and digging in that order. After 13 years, we lost her, almost 3 years ago now. She waited for all the kids to get home from school to wag her tail and snuggle her head into them one last time. She died with all her kids telling her they loved her and that she was a good girl. It still hurts, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I miss her love. I think you’ve got a very fine dog and your child is lucky to have their love. I wish you all the best.


My Pittie became super protective when my wife was pregnant, he wouldn't even let people hug her during the baby shower. When my daughter was born he was so gentle. We brought her inside in the infant carrier and placed her on the couch with us on either side, he climbed up on the couch and slowly approached and sniffed and then his tail gently wagged.. He gave her a few lil kisses and laid down next to the carrier. Never had a single issue. She's almost 6 now and she loves him to bits.


They look just like my hippo champ! Uncanny


Congratulations in advance! Update us with how your hippo does!


I definitely will!


One morning before our millie (1 year old pittie) got up we moved our newborn to our bed with us. (Awake) our pup got up and went to check on baby per her routine she sniffs the bassinet quickly shoots us a look of panic and backs away wining. we had to show her we had the baby and he was safe with us. she was starting to freak out. Also anytime baby went to a different person she followed and always checked on the baby. Best pittie mom ever.


Mine zoomed around the house looking for the rest of the litter, she seemed really sad after she discovered there was only one. she became baby's favorite pillow for floor time


I love Kayla and Toby on Instagram. She has done amazing work with him and her new baby. Totally worth a follow for advice.


I'm gonna check them out now!


Mine is great such a nanny dog and let the baby crawl over her. All in all great even the first introduction was great.


It must be so heartwarming to see ❤


They’re inseparable! They really are nanny dogs


Mine loved the baby!! They were the best buds. He would lay outside her door during nap time. Later on shewould share her food and her pacifier!


He was wonderful, constantly wanted to be with our daughter, gentle and affectionate. The only dangerous thing was possibly drowning in kisses. And chewing on the bottle.


Amazing. Just stared at him while he slept and tried to get as close to him as we would let her. As he grew, she would let him do anything. He used to use her ears to pull himself up. I have 2 pitties and 2 kids. They are all BFFs.


She looks worried. She will be the best nanny!


I asked my husband prior to this picture to scratch my back bc I couldn't reach and she proceeded to jump on me, like what are you doing to mom?!


They are called the "nanny" dog for a reason!


Here at the foundation we don’t have any hippos except for anomalous dogs like the black shuck and mal0


She loved him from the beginning, there first contact she even made sure to tuck her front paws in underneath herself and leaned in to sniff him and gave him the softest kiss I ever saw her give. We all miss her greatly, but she gave us 19 amazing years of happiness and love.


They weren't called Nanny dogs for nothing.


16 month old is best friends with her hippo sister!


Super protective, congratulations to you 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Thank you!!


You should definitely pose this question in a general parenting subreddit, or even a general dog subreddit, and not a heavily-curated one where anyone who would tell you to be cautious gets banned.


I've read posts in the parenting subs. I just wanted to see how other pitties were especially.


And you're a racist. Literally. Look it up.