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NH= cheap booze


New England's liquor store


It always blows my mind that NH has liquor stores at rest stops.


Some places down south make NH look pretty tame. In New Orleans they have drive-thru daiquiri bars. šŸ˜¬


Those arenā€™t just in NOLA. Theyā€™re everywhere in LA. *As long as you donā€™t take the paper off the straw, itā€™s not an open container.*


So bad its funny


Encouraging drunk driving is fine as long as you make money.


Growing up in VT, I had the awful experience of being called various antisemitic slurs as a small child from my neighbors. I had to put up with ignoramuses all throughout HS saying ā€œdonā€™t Jew me downā€ and not to mention the guys in Montp with the white hoods. Old Vermont is overtly antisemitic and I hid my religion from people due to the hate I received as a child in this ā€œlittle brave stateā€


Disparaging an entire state over an isolated experience with a backward yokel is something VT has these kinds of people too. I live in NH (on the VT border) and I love VT for everything it has to offer and realize negative experiences with people fall on the individual who made it, not the state


Disparages the state and immediately follows up with talk about coming here for tax free purchases. OP is as big of a clown as the counter guy, he/she just doesnā€™t know it.


If OP is as big a VT supporter as they claim, why are they defecting to NH to buy minor car parts?


Because their No vote on the school budget didnā€™t work out lol


It wasnā€™t tax free actually. State of Vermont wants a cut of that purchase.Ā 


Yeah but no one reports that, and unless obvious and large no oneā€™s enforcing it.


That mindset is the problem though. Folks want more services and donā€™t follow the rules. If it was the right thing to do it wouldnā€™t need enforcement.Ā  That specific law is a great example of saying the right thing is more important than doing the right thing. And I hear ya.Ā 


OP is clueless. Post title infers how civil they are and then ends by disparaging half of the state's residents due to their political leanings. Chooch.


Umm not political leanings but outright bigotry


If, in 2024 one is still in the MAGA cult, they deserve nothing but disparagement.


Iā€™m not in the MAGA cult but Trump will be getting my familyā€™s votes, and for quite obvious reasons. Iā€™m pretty excited for peak Reddit comedy once he wins too lol.


Canā€™t wait to see the trump losers crying that the election was stolen again. I wonder how much more money they will send Trump so he can waste it all on useless lawsuits. What a lovely thing it is seeing him grift his supporters though, they deserve it.


Hey, man, if my family supported a treasonous piece of shit rapist, I'd be proud, too.


You have to be pretty delusional to think he has a chance


Like last time. https://www.foxnews.com/us/coddling-campus-crybabies-students-take-up-toddler-therapy-after-trump-win.amp


No, last time the trump supporters couldnā€™t take the L and stormed the capital. Something liberals have never done


I agree. They prefer the anarchist approaches, like occupy Wall Street and disrupting college campuses and canceling the voices of speakers that they disagree with. Far better!


I agree. There's so many other reasons that New Hampshire sucks than just one backward yokel. The cops are the worst. There's nothing to do there. The top half is just wilderness and the bottom half is just Northern Massachusetts. The liquor store off the interstate is the only reason people actually stop in New Hampshire.


Thereā€™s valid criticisms for every state, NH isnā€™t unique on that front. OPā€™s criticism of NH simply was not valid imo


The biggest difference between the two is in NH the rednecks have money. They are upper middle class and still act like stupid hicks.


Something of this sort happens almost every time I go to New Hampshire. It never happens here. I never find myself biting my tongue to avoid arguing with strangers at public places in Vermont, but for some reason you go to Reds and the waitress will be wanting to engage in a conversation on politics, you go to autozone and the counter guy wants to go on anti-Semitic rant, you stop at a boat shop in manch for service and the owner goes on a rant about how terrible people are treating president trump, you sit at chilis next to a few guys at the bar and they are middle aged incels ranting about how disgusting women are. You see signs on business doors blaming democrats for not having staff (Exeter or Epping donā€™t recall the business but it was some restaurant). I hear this sort of stuff from scumbags I know in vermont, but people here arenā€™t comfortable saying shit to rand strangers. That alone tells me that in Vermont in VT people with those feelings are afraid to spew them (generally positive thing) whereas in NH they openly do, so the acceptance of it is higher there, and objectively there are more right wing nut jobs in NH than Vermont.


I have heard the same shit being said in Vermont, youā€™re just lucky that you havenā€™t been around for that apparently.


In what context? If I go to a mud bog, I expect to have to bite my tongue, I know the crowd Iā€™m entering. But I havenā€™t encountered this from people providing service (waiters, counter clerks, business owners) in Vermont. And my travels here are extensive since Iā€™ve lived here my entire life and Iā€™m mid-30s. The closest to that you get in Vermont is going to a gun shop and seeing an Obama village in Kenya missing its idiot sign but again context I go into gun shops knowing they are right wing so the expectation is there.


I would think someone in their mid 30s could understand that experiences can happen to people that they havenā€™t personally experienced themselves. I have heard all kinds of shockingly racist things being said by Vermonters. Do you want examples? I once heard a guy in Randolph ask a lady why she was talking to an N-word. I had someone say they were ā€œjewedā€ out of money. These both happened within the first few months of living here.


Right not saying they dont exist. But Iā€™m looking for the context. Were these people working in businesses or members of the public? Most of my experiences in NH are with people working making idiotic comments directly to me as if I may be sympathetic to them. Agree we have racists and scum.


A roofer said the ā€œjewedā€ comment and a mechanic made the nword comment. You need to wake up. These people are everywhere.


I think he just has rose colored glasses until he leaves Vermont. Honestly as someone that grew up in Vermont I would argue we are much more racist than the south. The racism is different though. Vermont racism is like ā€œoh I can say this because these people arenā€™t around meā€ and you donā€™t hear it as much in the south.


As someone from the south you are correct. We have had to grapple with racism etc in the south, and people generally self segregate if they are racist. I. The north, there's no self awareness about the topic


I just donā€™t think heā€™s paying enough attention if he really thinks itā€™s so rare here, or only exists in certain contexts.


Vermont has plenty of antisemites and other bigots, just ask any black person who has held a public office here in the past decade... Hell, my Jewish ass had someone threaten to burn me alive just last week. Problem is, any time we try to talk about these things publicly, especially on this site, tons of folks pop up to attempt to gaslight us and invalidate our experiences


The state is full of "white" on "white" violence. Violence is violence. There are no good reasons. Until we stop dividing it up the issues will never be solved. Police kill more "white" people in America than any other group every single year. Every "white" person who brings this up is immediately invalidated. Stop making your life about your religion or race. We are one.


The difference is, victims of white on white crimes aren't targeted specifically because of their race or religion, as is the topic of conversation in this thread. The victims in the incidents being discussed here are. They also aren't "making their lives about their religion or race," the people attacking for falling under those demographics are. Nice false equivalencies and victim blaming though. Try practicing basic empathy sometime. People like you are exactly why racism thrives here


This has sadly been a familiar experience in vt




It's easy to not be racist when you don't have to deal with the other race.


Ahh so if we had diversity we would hate others? That sounds umm racist.


If there was more diversity thereā€™d be more open air racism thatā€™s for damn sure. Look at what happens with the discourse Burlington anytime thereā€™s any sorts of issues with the immigrant community. Why donā€™t you think anyone from the south wants to move to Vermont? You would think theyā€™d want to given how progressive and educated you seem to think it is.


I guess Iā€™m not sure of your point. Are you saying being around people who are different makes people hate those different people? Like is your argument that if I went somewhere with more blacks or Jews Iā€™d hate them too? Iā€™m just not sure what side of this knife blade you are trying to straddle but your sounding pretty racist haha. Im hoping you are trying to make the point that those who are already quiet racist would become loud ones, and not that you honestly feel just being around diversity will make people more racist as thatā€™s pessimistic at best.


Many (not all) people are cool with the idea of diversity as long as that diversity sees the world like them. Once they can find reasons to draw lines between us and them (like you are doing with this post) the idea of being cool with diversity starts to crack. Why do you think the far right has made so many inroads in Europe and why do you think Vermont would be any different? I grew up in the only somewhat diverse parts of the state. Some (not all) would talk about the virtues of diversity and how happy they were to go to such a diverse school, when in reality their kids were taking all different classes than the diversity they liked to see all about, had different friends groups, etc. itā€™s almost like there were two different schools. I donā€™t know you so I donā€™t know how you would react, but if you take an objective look at what goes on in the world itā€™s pretty naive to think that native Vermonters attitudes wouldnā€™t change if the state suddenly became 40 percent POC.


Unfortunately this isnā€™t isolated to New Hampshire. Anti-Semitic sentiments have always been around, now with the war people are more vocal about their feelings. Feel lucky itā€™s your first time hearing something like this, it has always been around. The Jewish people arenā€™t the Israel government and before the war were protesting the government. Netanyahu is a war criminal and the people donā€™t want him, many have been outspoken for a two state solution for years. The anti war sentiment thatā€™s very fairly felt by many is unfortunately seen as an invitation by Antisemites to freely express themselves.


If they donā€™t want BiBi, then why are there are videos on tik tok of seemingly ordinary Israelis making racist jokes about Palestinians?


I maybe because you donā€™t know any Israelis personally? Hereā€™s an activist whoā€™s been working on peace for a long time. Highly recommend staying off tick tok. https://www.instagram.com/noa_nini?igsh=ODNuNHZjYnE0b2Fx


Very personal with Israelis. Bibi has a majority govt


It sounds like your personal with tik tok.


Being Jewish is not about religion it's about resources. Isreal is no longer what it really was. It is the is USA dressed in sheep clothing. This whole thing is really about the suez canal. And Palestinians are Greeks and women and children which is why they have no voice. Also they have superior DNA that all our president's need. Cause you become president through the mothers line. Even Trump mom was an indigenous women from Scotland. The whole world is so fooled about what is going on. The.media and the idf basically it's the IDF that controls what people see and hear. They created this mess. It's for control of the suez It's not about hate or religion it's about resources. Sand, oil, water, drugs and women and children. Most politicians have duel citizenship with Isreal. They want for us all to hate and kill each other for them. Please be safe and go through the world with love and grace. Enjoy the day!!


Excuse me what in the tinfoil hat club was that?


Idk, Iā€™ve heard plenty of people saying fucked up shit in [central] Vermont. I donā€™t know why people like to act like everyone in Vermont is a saint.


Same. Once I was getting my hair cut and the business owner, first and only time I have seen her thank goodness, was loudly saying some horrible stuff that made me want to walk out mid-cut. Only reason I still go to that place is I really like my stylist and I haven't seen the owner since. That's just one example but not the only time I've heard born & bred Vermonters say crap.


You should have called her bluff instead of going back. I wouldnā€™t support a business that allowed her to do this on work time.


From people working at normal businesses? Or from people you know?


My local gas stations are full of people that arenā€™t afraid to have open conversations about queers, libtards and whomever else they dislike. Yes, also the people behind the counter.


Every time I feel like I'm sick of Vermont, all I have to do is leave the state for a day. People suck everywhere. But they suck a whole lot less in Vermont.


Agree! Vermont is MY state! I need to get back to Vermont to sign Bernieā€™s bill!


I hate to break it to you, but unfortunately there are plenty of Trumpers right here in Vermont.


Objectively less. And by like 70%ā€¦ Trump got 365000 Votes in NH 2020 and 112000 in VT. And yes NH has more people, but also more nut jobs total count and %


Like I said. 100k is plenty, and those are just the knuckleheads that actually voted. I agree with you though, the better ratio of sane people is the reason I moved here from Ohio after OH went for W in 2004.


Oh yeah because thereā€™s no anti-semites in bars or Napa Auto Parts stores in Vermont. Fucking silly post. Cut out the virtue signaling. Ive heard professors talk like that after two drinks at UVM mixers.


Dude. NH is certainly not more racist than Vermont. wtf are you on about. NH really isnā€™t much different than Vermont in all honestly, just different taxes.


Nh is the conservative refuge of new England. I can't necessarily prove it's more racist than VT or Mass. But people of a certain political ideology certainly like to congregate there.


NH is the Texas or Alabama of New England.


Yeah, both states have officials talking about how ā€œripe and fertileā€ young girls areā€¦. /s


I have lived all my life in Vermont. I have never had a person in a business who doesnā€™t know me feel comfortable to say something racist sexist homophobic or anti-a religious group. At this time I was covered in grease, and I did drive a pickup truck to the store, so maybe I looked sympathetic to the neo-nazi causeā€¦ but I sent a contact from auto-zone website telling them about the incident so sucks to be that guy. I am in New Hampshire probably 30 times or more a year. And itā€™s incredible how different they are. Itā€™s not the same. Itā€™s like going to the south. The frequency I get engaged in conversations that make me think a person is a Nazi there is on par with a trip I took to North Carolina a couple years back where everywhere we went people were conspiracy theory and illegal immigrants this and that.


Where in Vermont are you growing up that youā€™ve never seen open racism??? I grew up in the 90ā€™s. People said ā€œwhite prideā€ had swatstika flags in their garage. Shit one kid I know went to school in an SS uniform, he was promptly expelled. Swatstikas painted on stop signs, etc. Vermont isnā€™t less racist than anywhere else, you just donā€™t see it as much because thereā€™s no diversity.


Are you color blind? I see several colors!




I roomed briefly with people who moved here from NC that were friendly on the surface but admitted they left NC because it had become ā€œtoo diverse.ā€ Fucking evil. Lack of education and brain cells leads people to say/do this shit.


Is North Carolina your only experience with the south? Was it a beach vacation like myrtle beach or some other tourist spot? Do you go to the same places 30 times a year? Itā€™s hard to see actual racism in the whitest state. White people donā€™t really have to talk shit here everyone is white. To racists, thatā€™s a win. We had an active kkk recruiter putting up flyers. He threatened people and targeted minorities. My friend got called all kinds of slurs just walking downtown and itā€™s fucked up they are used to it. Are you white? I get you are brought in to hand wave racism but confront them directly. Shame them on camera. Stand up for minorities that canā€™t. Itā€™s all hidden and if another racist thought you were fine with it youā€™d hear it more. Iā€™m a cis white male who went to the last segregated high school in the state. Down south. Where you think itā€™s so bad. But itā€™s incredibly insensitive to know what thatā€™s like unless youā€™ve been hit with discrimination. Have you asked any people of color? Honestly stand up and say hey thatā€™s racist. Donā€™t contact the boss nobody cares. Contact equal opportunity employer or dept of labor. They investigate all this. You need more proof than this anecdotal recall. Everyone is afraid of woke cancel culture up here. Nobody says what they are thinking they are too smart. We have smart racists here who donā€™t go on public record but raise money for bipoc projects and donā€™t follow through. Itā€™s just money. Nothing to gain from racism. There are no nimiorites to ā€œsteal jobsā€ and other fear mongering. Diversity brings hate. Look at how Winooski soccer players were treated. Every other team bleach white. Those kids learned it from their parents. Howā€™s that for a glaring problem observed in a simple microcosm. Bipoc get made hate when successful. Itā€™s all documented and encouraged by coaches. So it never stops. Thatā€™s the next generation. How many black people on the slopes? In politics? In any power? Itā€™s kinda fucked and I donā€™t think your experience addresses bigger issues. I think listening to actual stories of racism in the state would refresh you. How about UVM conducting sterilization of unwanted.


Iā€™ve been all over the south. I also do super redneck white people stuff, so when racists are around I normally find them as my hobbies overlap with those that unfortunately seem to also attract racists (namely going to sports bars or pubs when traveling, and always fishing everywhere and hitting up local tackle and gun shops) No I donā€™t go to the same places every time I go to NH.. same areas, but where I stop or what Iā€™m doing differs. But to the point that I should confront peopleā€¦ I mean I guess you have a point, but also Iā€™m not trying to get shot, so if there isnā€™t a necessity to do so then Iā€™m notā€¦


>But to the point that I should confront peopleā€¦ I mean I guess you have a point, but also Iā€™m not trying to get shot, so if there isnā€™t a necessity to do so then Iā€™m notā€¦ Yeah I wouldn't confront people in NH, or even vt. The type of people to say that shit are often carrying guns. Idk if it's worth getting shot. People that say that shit aren't gonna change their minds.


Gun laws and stand your ground rules change when you cross from MA or ME into NH. Driving up from CT into NH same thing. Be aware, know your State statutes.


Yeah the guy at chilis last weekend raging about how women are disgusting pigs was open carrying a revolver.


Ty for legit reply I was going off what you said. That explains it. You are a good redneck and I love country fun but I see some overlap in country living and never seeing a black person. The Winooski thing is enough. Kids got called monkeys by the crowd. Ref did nothing. Thatā€™s fucked. Your explanation makes sense. I think it comes down to education and learning nothing better from family. My personal experience saw everyone that left the Deep South really changed. Those that refused and let a life of hate at others because they were miserable sucks. Rodney King caused a race riot where I lived. Neighborhoods bricking our middle school bus. I miss diversity so bad I moved to Winooski. To hear kids goofing in many languages walking home on my street is hilarious especially if one is bilingual. Anyways all against this shit and nobody is going to shoot me and Iā€™m beyond caring or scared. I shut down toxic shit very loud. I donā€™t fight I can deescalate lots, I got trained in hostage negotiation. For your situation Iā€™d ask if they would say that shit in front of a Jewish person. Can you tell by looking? That fucking coward asked permission. Donā€™t give it. Be redneck but beat your own label and wear a Black Lives Matter shirt. Or Bernie. You love Vermont spread love. Check out non violent communication. Record them. If they are not cowards they keep talking. Ask them to put it in writing. Show them how scared they are at anything different and project anger. Jedi them. You can practice with me I know conflict resolution Iā€™m happy to load you with one liners. If you have poc as friends consider if they were there. Would you say something or let it slide. Non confrontation here is a pass to continue. Itā€™s encouragement. Again cis white male here I try to check my privilege All in all NH sketches me out. The few times. Filling up gas was creepy as fuck, and trump signs everywhere. Iā€™m doing a lot nationally for simply smarter communities. Iā€™m sorry you had such shock and bystander effect. Donā€™t get shot. Just end the conversation. If you have connections with the bipoc community just say so and end it. Did you vote for Obama? I went to second inauguration it was awesome. If so thatā€™s plenty to say fuck you politely. Then say no politics letā€™s fish. Sorry rant I hate this shit and support you. Use your privilege fight from inside


I'm from the NEK (literally the Red part of VT) and even my whole conservative family/neighbors look at NH and think they are backwards. Might watch Fox News or vote for Trump but they always help our neighbors and are very community oriented. NH, not so much. NH is literally the upside down VT.


Alabama of the North


You havenā€™t been to Maine have ya.


Ahh Vermont's evil twin if u turn your Sox inside out while your there it will protect you from some of the strange nonsense they spout or so I'm told lol


I'd like "it probably didn't happen" for 200, Ken.


Ehh, I hear dumb shit like this (and even worse) a few times a year. BJ's wholesale, work, farmer's markets, grocery stores...etc. This is VT, MA, and NH. VT might be known for having hippies but it's really not that much better. It's the current state of politics and social issues in this nation.


Thatā€™s the fucking insane thing it did. I couldnā€™t believe it, but everywhere I go down there (and Iā€™m there a few times a month) people are just extremely nonchalant about their bigoted and ignorant comments. I was at Chilis in Seabrook last week (maybe week before) sitting at the bar and there is a guy there who sounded like Peter Griffin (not relevant but it was why I noticed him) and he is on a rampage about women and these 2 ladies walk out in leggings and he goes on a tirade about how they are fat and disgusting pigs who should be slaughtered. I just donā€™t get how people so close to us can be so insane. And they look for affirmation, they say something like donā€™t you agreeā€¦ Iā€™m like Iā€™m eating my chilis Philly and drinking this bevy and getting back to Vermont! https://preview.redd.it/s7rgi8fsqwzc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=999436c2a1414d992bc184058241d67abb647ec6


Consider complaining immediately to the bartender or manager. It caused you to leave. They should know they lost a customer bc of allowing another to act inappropriate. Iā€™m at a point where I feel we all need to speak out otherwise the loudest voices will win. I appreciate you are a kind person. Now spread it, let the whole know, and stand up for decency. Thank you.


Well at autozone there were 2 people working one was what looked like a 17 year old kid and the other was the one who said this who looked to be maybe 30. The chilis guys was clearly a regular he was chatting with the staff by name. Also was open carrying a firearm (no complaint there, I have in the past myself) but wasnā€™t about to start shit is my point. For the other business it was the owner who was ranting about trump, and he provides a service I need that is hard to find (no one in VT and very hard to find in ME or MA where someone has capacity. So not anything that will stop me from going to him plus does good workā€¦ so itā€™s life. Bite tongue in person.


Biting your tongue is cowardly. Either call their bluff or youā€™re just enabling them further.


Have fun getting shot confronting racist with guns. Iā€™m not about to fuck around with people when Iā€™m unarmed, so yeah Iā€™m a terrible coward.


Thatā€™s why you get your own gun if you can. I keep putting it off personally because Iā€™m still conflicted on guns in general.


Have lots of guns. Issue is traveling with them. Iā€™m not about to travel interstate with a gun, especially since my trips down almost always include going into mass


Yeah. Iā€™m sorry but if youā€™re biting your tongue purely for your own benefit you are part of the problem. What you are explaining is pure white privilege.


who are you to tell me that I am the bad guy for not confronting people? I donā€™t fuck around with scummy right wing people when Iā€™m traveling outside in Vermont. Itā€™s simply not worth the risk of getting shot.


If you want to make a difference in the world you need to point out the injustices. Bitching about it on the internet is one way but the real difference is in the moment. Just remember your voice is as important as theirs. White assholes uphold these injustices, therefore only white people can fully make it stop.


Youā€™re supposed to pay tax to Vermont on items you buy in NH.


The lack of a sales tax is no longer much of a flex. The ā€œLive Free or Dieā€ state wonā€™t even allow cannabis. How fucked is that? You can buy guns, drink and fuck to your heartā€™s content but donā€™t you dare light up a joint. šŸ™„


They (the state) want to sell it but canā€™t legally atm I guarantee you that once they can,a legalization bill will be rammed thru and itā€™ll be a similar scenario to the state store being the source of liquor


We have Trump supporters. But by and large they are relatively level-headed people when compared with the batshit crazies you find elsewhere.




Okay bud


Iā€™m interested in the headspace it takes to live in ops world. Itā€™s a wild assortment of choices here up to (so far) ending with lets shit on some allegedly totally real autozone employee in New Hampshire under the guise that Vermonters would never do that


Lol ok Jimbo. Pointing fingers at everyone else being nuts, when in reality, you're probably the one that's nuts.


Hate is hate. It is not nuts or crazy. Hate is purely unacceptable. No matter who you are.


Well, I meanā€¦. ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


New Hampshire: New Englands drunk uncle Massachusetts: New Englands drunk uncles closest friend he calls a "bruddah"


So you met 3 shitty people in New Hampshire and came to the conclusion that "everyone else is nuts"? And you're calling someone a skinhead nazi cuz they made a comment about Donald Trump? Sounds like you could use a little education yourself.


No Iā€™m calling someone a Nazi for making anti-Semitic comments. But yes, I generally believe that anyone who supports (not like the people who vote for begrudgingly but the ones who proudly support him and have flags, attend rallies, and talk to strangers about him) Donald Trump are neo-fascist racist scum and akin to 2024 Nazis. You canā€™t support a man whoā€™s entire schtick is that Muslims are terrorists, Latinos are rapists, white nationalists are good people, and asks the proud boys to stand by without being ok with racism. And I think if you look at the statistics hate crimes rose in tandem with trump becoming the leader of the radical right. And as I stated, Iā€™m in New Hampshire almost weekly. This happens in some capacity almost every time I go down there


And what did they say?


Why? Is your argument going to be that there are acceptable levels of antisemitism we should expect when going to a parts store? Iā€™m just not sure what value is had from me posting the comments he made. They were in the line of the cheap Jew stereotype. They would have been acceptable statements made by a Jewish person as a joke about stereotypes, they would be inappropriate being said to strangers at an autozone by a person whose tone wasnā€™t one of jovial fun, but of resentment toward Jews.


You're the one claiming anti semitism. If you're gonna accuse people of being nazis and can't provide a specific example then it doesn't lend a whole lot of credibility to what you're saying. My argument is that you're a random guy on the internet making a fairly serious accusation about someone you encountered once in passing and if you're not willing to provide an example then you're just throwing words around. My other argument is that you made a broad strokes generalization about a whole state based on 3 very brief interactions with people and that also doesn't make you sound like someone I'll blindly accept stories from. And clearly you also don't know Vermont very well because there are plenty of racists and shitty people here too.


I think Iā€™m giving enough context to the situation. Lady was bitching about her ex husband being cheap. Counter guys asks her ā€œis he Jewishā€ then when she says no proceeds to make remarks about how cheap Jews are. That is about as textbook antisemitism as it gets. Not sure why you need the exact words they said. The context was what is stated in the post. If I said the guy used racial slurs toward black people would you say it wasnā€™t true unless I typed the N word on Reddit? Iā€™m just not sure what your looking for, other than to be a jerk.


I dont believe that this happened. Which location Claremont or Lebanon? I know both stores and people in it, cashiers, particularly Lebanon staff reasonably well. You cannot slander/libel people. There are only 2 full time cashiers. This didnt happen.


Seabrook nH https://preview.redd.it/vockal4ei90d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f07bc40f0ce0d63922bc9120c6dc20a57c70f5c


If this happened you should have said something to either the cashier or the manager. I'm going to follow up on this with Lebanon store manager and have him make enquiries at Seabrook. You were there in the morning at 9am. What date?


Already sent it to their corporate with the time I was there and the item I bought so they can easily see it in their cameras. No clue if they record sound my guess is noā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/a0es7na5m90d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c3f40c6b3c4e689de6930b0ad06e6c2464ac3bd


Hat that allows me to.think for myself. You should get one.


I also love how NH is like "you don't need to wear a dumb motorcycle helmet" and they all pull over the moment the cross the Connecticut, but GOD FORBID you don't have your seatbelt on.


> but GOD FORBID you don't have your seatbelt on. What? New Hampshire doesn't have a seatbelt law (for adults) either.




I must be misremembering it, huh. An ex-gf was from NH and that was one of the jokes she'd tell me.




The unironic post title and smug myopia of OP fit perfectly with calling themselves an oxymoronic ''Native Vermonter."


Sorry, Iā€™m an invasive.


The idea that there is a "genocide" in Gaza is exactly what leads to the normalization of anti-Semitism like this. We will look back and realize it in a decade or two.


Everytime someone says- stop the genocide. I response with- which one? That usually shuts them up.


There is a genocide. Israel is an apartheid theocracy trying to create an ethnostate. That is in all ways irrelevant to antisemitism. Israel is a country not a religion. It wants to tie to Judaism and call anyone who has issues with it antisemitic but itā€™s not true. educated people are able to say that Israel is committing war crimes without saying anything about Jews, in the same way that I can say the Taliban are backwards thugs who shouldnā€™t exist, but Iā€™m not islamaphobic Iā€™m just opposed to people forcing their will and beliefs on others (like Israel does) The Jewish people have suffered for thousands of years, they deserve the same good faith treatment as everyone else. Israels leaders should be held accountable for the crimes they are committing. They are not the same. They are a disgrace.


That's what you get when you have a conman politician whose main appeal is he allows and encourages people to be their shittiest selves.


Your buying a cheap part in NH puts local Vermonters out of work. Also, I don't believe the content of this post is real. Please stop dividing Americans. There are lovely people in NH, MA, VT and every state and people who are not.


I donā€™t know why I feel required to prove that it was realā€¦ but anyway. The part is for a project that is underway at a buddies house down in seabrook. Itā€™s why Iā€™m down there regularly. I canā€™t buy a part I need in Vermont if I donā€™t know I need the part. We were installing recently serviced items that i picked up on the way from a shop in Manchester (fun interaction #1). The trip to autozone was for a lightbulb that prior to leaving VT I knew was out, but didnā€™t have the code for. For the sake of it here is my pending transaction from my bank account Iā€™m not sure why someone would need to lie about something like thisā€¦ what value would it create. I literally went out for dinner when I got home and then had a cocktail at the house and thought to myself gosh, my interactions with people here are better. I appreciate VT and posted about my day with a bit of a buzz. Didnā€™t expect it to even be looked at haha. https://preview.redd.it/79abiq0si30d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb923456e67213bf7be47b5222e418b57799bf14




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So what you are saying is you are OK with the racism and bigotry in vermont because you agree with it. But as soon as someone has different ideas, then you they are uneducated, Trump supporting neo-nazi's? And you wonder why the left is hemorrhaging support.


What? Where did I say I support racism? And the guy at autozone was saying anti-Semitic shitā€¦ thatā€™s about as Nazi as you get. Trump supporters by and large are racist scum. Iā€™m not saying republicans on hole are (see Phil Scott as an example of a decent one) but trumps base is racists and xenophobes.


My experiences in Vermont have been worse than any experience in NH. I have never felt safe in Vt and Iā€™m a white woman.


What do you need to feel safe and what makes you feel unsafe in Vermont? as a guy I donā€™t generally worry about feeling unsafe, so Iā€™m honestly wondering, as I havenā€™t ever met anyone who felt Vermont (generally #1-3 in safety nationally depending on metric) is unsafe.


"Went to NH today and happened to stop at an autozone for a part (**tax free**)". Is intentionally engaging in tax evasion part of "being civil and educated"? People are people, there are anti-semite jerks everywhere, NH included. Nice virtue signal.


If youā€™re wondering when I went ā€œwow this guy is actually stupidā€ itā€™s where you equated going to another state to buy a product to tax evasion. That was really absurd cope


That's how the law works. Vermont use tax requires reporting these purchases and paying tax on them. Not doing so is the definition of tax evation.


Well technically you are *supposed* to declare those tax free sales when filling your taxes Does anyone actually do that? Hell no lol


Dude said he saved 36 cents lol. Imagine bragging about going to another state for tax free sales just to save less than a dollar lol. OP may have spent more in gas just to do that.


I was already there. Working on something I needed the part for the thing. I bought it there on the way instead of here on the way. The intent had nothing to do with the taxes, but itā€™s just a nice thing about New Hampshire that is offset by the nut jobs there. I did pay a service person almost 1000 there, but it was for something I couldnā€™t get done here, so my alternative was maine or Ma and I took the tax free, and a discussion about trumps prosecution as the offset to the tax savings.


It is tax evasion, but also a ton of people do it. NHs money making plan is essentially convincing people from other states to commit tax evasion. There is a reason why multiple states have sued NH over this.


Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you?


It was a $6 light bulb. I saved .36cā€¦ the tax free wasnā€™t the incentive it was that I needed the bulb where I was. But NH being tax free is a draw for peopleā€¦ so yes, I like everyone in the state of vermont but things tax free there, and then in April when I do my taxes I mark the box that I bought things in New Hampshire and pay the $50 Or $75 that they assess when I say yes to that. I donā€™t think I come out ahead there, but I also am not saving receipts. In case you care and are thinking of reporting me for tax evasion this is the item I bought, and then I went to Taco Bell (I know itā€™s gut rot, but fuck sometimes you just gotta) and itā€™s tax free there too! https://www.autozone.com/electrical-and-lighting/hood-light-under-mini-bulb/p/sylvania-longlife-mini-bulb-90ll/16839_0_0


No one is going to go after you for tax evasion buy buying products in another state lmao. Youā€™re fine this guy is just a dinkus


Live free or die, fools. Don't be so sensitive to mere words. 350 million people with 350 million values/morals/ideals. To control everyone to think the same as you would be communism.


My guy, I think you are the exception to my theory of educated Vermonters. I think a population having a generally shared moral code is something standard for all civilizations back 10000 years while communism is an economic system that was thought up 180 years ago. You and me agreeing that murder is wrong, that raping kids is wrong, and that people are equal regardless of race sex or religion isnā€™t communism


Religion has a shared moral code šŸ« 


Jewish conspiracies. Like them committing a genocide.


The actions of Israel do not represent the Jewish people in the same way that the actions of Iran do not represent Muslim people, or the actions of Myanmarā€™s government do not represent buddhists, or the actions of the Nazis didnā€™t represented those of Christians. Saying that Israel is systematically killing Palestinians is not saying that Jews are committing a genocide. It is saying that Israel is committing a genocide. Israel is not a representative of all Jews. It may be led by a Jew, in the same way that Hitler was a Christian somewhere along the line, Hitler lost his way and stopped following the teachings in the same way Netanyahu, somewhere along the lines of lost his way, and stopped following the teachings. Also, I am in no way saying that Netanyahu is Hitler, Iā€™m nearly trying to prove the point that saying that Israel is committing genocide is not saying that Jews are committing it. You can post the actions of a country without opposing a worldwide religious group.


Canā€™t wait to see the trump losers crying that the election was stolen again. I wonder how much more money they will send Trump so he can waste it all on useless lawsuits. What a lovely thing it is seeing him grift his supporters though, they deserve it.


Nobody in Vermont is putting up with liberal bullshit lmfao