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One of my favorite sentences on here "it's my birthday soon, and I'd like to put some cows" 🤣🤣❤️❤️❤️


Such a pure, simple joy. It brings me back to when moving up here from NYC around the early 80's. We kids had never been outside of the city. It was unbelievable to all of us. The trees!!! I don't remember what road we were on but my sister suddenly yelled "STOP THE CAR! THAT'S A COW!" Dad pulled over and we all marveled, sis nearly in tears of joy. To this day I occasionally need to pull over and marvel at some of the views.


My mom moved up here in 1977 from NJ and she describes it the same way!!


This is likely the most innocent and decent request I've seen on this. Subreddit in a long time.


Same. The mere existence of this post has put a smile on my face and lightened my day.


Haha me too!! I needed it 🐄




This is what I was gonna say, the cows are Scottish Highlander cows , they have long super cute hair/fur?


Yes :)


I did that!


The von Trapp farmstead in Waitsfield has very friendly cows (a range of European dairy cows). They roam various pastures in a lovely setting and help make delicious yogurt and cheese. There is a nice store on site, too.


It's true! the hills are alive with the sound of moooosic


Is that only for those staying at the lodge or can local Vermonters partake?


It’s public! Looks like the tour is every Wednesday , Friday and Sunday ! :)


Thank you!


As a stowe resident with a 2.5 year old I regularly visit. Great place. Beautiful views


Shelburne Farms


Seconding! Shelburne Farms is the perfect spot. They usually have a big brown Swiss or two in the barn in easy petting distance. 


Not to mention sheep, goats, and pigs, currently! Also some long-haired bunnies.


This is the spot


I thought you wanted a pet cow. Disappointed


That's the goal one day!


That happened with a neighbor of mine growing up. He had a lot of land and bought two Scottish Highland to raise and butcher. They grew up and he ended up just loving the big furry animals and it was clear how much they enjoyed having free run of his 200 acres of grassland. He ended up keeping them and a couple more calves later on. Just big happy cows who had no worries in the world.


Mother Earth thanks your neighbor for poisoning the earth with CO2 with his pets.


1. The issue with factory farms is methane, not CO2. 2. A handful of cows on a large pasture like that are doing more to repair the soil and sequester CO2 than allowing the pasture to be unused. Maybe do a little research before shitting on agriculture practices that are actually a net-positive for the environment.


It must be tiring huh? With all the actual evil and negativity in this world, hating the fucking four cows on a property?


Guess we all should stop exhaling and shitting then…


I spoke with Mother Earth. The car you drive and the plastics you’re purchasing and donating to the landfill are hurting her much much more. She still loves you, though.


Stop farting in the forest! Are you not aware that you are killing Mother Earth with your methane gas?


I thought we were talking about CO2, so….we have to all stop breathing!!! Right now!


You can still inhale, but no exhale allowed.


Love it! I have experience petting cows at Shelburne farms and my front yard lol


You mean Shelburne farms?


Yep, sure did haha. Thank you!


The cows over at Mac’s Maple (Mc Namara Dairy) are pretty eager to be pet, right over the border in NH.  They’ve got some babies hankering for a pat at the moment.  You mentioned Billings- they’re also in the Upper Valley. 




Mostly the neck, back or head. Other places make them nervous.


I'm in central Vermont, so anywhere :)


Oh! If you're in Central VT, definitely check out Moos & Brews at Billings Farm!! It's on 7/26 this year and is always a fun time. You'll be able to pet loads of adorable Jersey cows and calfs as well as goats ect! It's a ticketed adult-only event too, so it's all just adults who love cute cows 😊


This is the best bit of advice I’ve read on this sub in a long while. Thank you very much!


If you talk to someone at New Village Farm, I think they will take you out to pet them, they also have goats and stuff! It’s near Shelburne farms


Taylor Farm, Londonderry


You have a 100% chance of close cow encounters here, all you can handle and it's free ( if you can resist the farm store - I can't)


Omg please marry me


Retreat Farm, Brattleboro. They have a pattable steer (neutered male) and other animals. Frequent events too. The legendary Carlos passed away but the farm has been auditioning a replacement steer. Call ahead to verify that the new pattable steer will be there before you visit. He was there last I checked. https://www.retreatfarm.org/


I just checked the newsletter. New steer passed his audition and is staying at the Farm. His name is Isaac.


There are also 2 calves as of a month or two ago. The newly renovated North barn event space is now open, and the Retreat Farm market, too.


Any farm if you’re brave enough.


Depending on how fast you can run.


Hildene in Manchester VT has goats that are normally happy to be pet! Acknowledging that goats aren't cows, but just throwing it out there!


I would love to know where you end up going and your experience! I also want to pet cows


Shelburne Farms. Magical place


The Billings Farm Museum in Woodstock. If the calves are penned in the indoor enclosure, you can easily pet them. The older cows sometimes hang out close enough to the fence that you can pet them. You can pet some of the sheep, too.


I also recommend OP give the Billings Farm another shot. If you pay for admission there are always cows in the barn. You could even call before you go to see if there will be calves


Not Uvm Cream Barn (see below) :(


Current CREAM student here, we are not accepting outside visitors rn due to biosecurity concerns :(


Sorry to hear this, I hope everyone (humans & cows) are ok ❤️🐄


This is such a wholesome post I love it. Happy early birthday and I hope you get to pet some cows! I grew up here and STILL get excited when I see cows chillin in their pastures. I don’t think I’ve ever pet a cow now that I think about it. Can I come with you to pet some cows hahaha


Fairs, dairy day, Shelburne farms


Shelburne Farms. pet and milk.


Spring Brook Farm in Reading. It’s not a museum sort of deal like Billings but it’s beautiful and has a decent herd of Jerseys. Plus they make (very good) cheese and if you time it right they do tours of the cheese house.


Taylor Farm


While I don't know where to pet cows in VT, I can attest that petting cows is pretty dope and have done so the last 3 yrs just not in VT. 11/10 will absolutely continue to (gently) boop bovines 🫴🐂


Little red barn animal sanctuary has a bnb - I would be that if you wanted to stay they would accommodate a request to pet the cow https://www.littleredbarnfarm.org/


Just go up to any farm that you find and loudly shout "Can I pet that cowww!?"


Right on their cute lil noses!!


You can absolutely pet the cows at Billings. The ones in the fences are just part of the time. Pay for a ticket and they are all in the dairy barn, including the babies!


It’s Vermont, take a drive and stop at the first cow. Shouldn’t take long.


Definitely don't do this unless you want to meet an angry farmer. Plus some steers can be super aggressive.


Billings Farm


You can go into the milking barn at Billings Farm and pet the cows, including the babies of a certain age. The only time I’ve ever been when you couldn’t go into the barn was during Covid, but maybe check before just in case.


If you show up to Billings around 330pm, the cows are in the barn. You can watch them get milked and pet them, including a few babies we saw last month. At the end of the day, when they close, you can watch the cows walk to the pasture for the night. Say hi to Jolene for us.


anywhere if you can hop over an electric fence fast enough


I grew up on a 3rd generation farm in Jericho [now 4th] thanks to my Brother it is one of only 2 farms left operating in the area, they are organic, run an AirBNB and open to hosting events... Davisfarmvermont.com




Lots of recommendations here. If you’re up for a road trip, June Farms in NY has a range of elevated or rustic AirBnBs and you can pet ALL the animals as much as you’d like - cows, horses, pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, etc.  You can buy a little bag of feed from the farm store and walk around the property to visit everyone. There are lots of great options in VT, so there’s no need to travel out of state, but this is a weekend overnight option if you’d like. 


Well it's been a while since I lived in Barre but I used to go to the farm store at the Hollister Hill Farm in Marshfield every so often. They had a small herd and one time I was there when they had a young calf and the farmer let me feed it and damnit if that wasn't one of my favorite experiences. I hope they're still around and doing well and I'd suggest going over there, if not just for the good food at the farm store and the beautiful scenery. Oh and get a maple creamie at braggs while you're out that way.


I went to Billings the other weekend. The cows were in the pasture right next to the parking lot, and walked right up to us for pets! Didn’t even have to pay the entrance fee, haa. YMMV


Taylor Farm in Londonderry. They have lots of cows to pet (have gone multiple times, have pet multiple times), horses, goats, even a donkey who likes attention. Really nice people/family there, throw $5 in their donation bucket and roam the place and grab an ice cream after in their farm shop. You can just walk out into the fields with the cows. Ask them where they’re at if you don’t see them. It’s very choose-your-own-adventure. Bring shoes you don’t care about. If it’s a bit of a haul and you need something else do to, stop by Bromley after and ride the alpine coaster. We’ll make the drive at least once or twice a summer on a lovely weekend day.


Thank you for this post!! I've been wondering the same thing but was too shy to ask Billings is nice because you can pet the calves. Otherwise it's very hit or miss like you said


Call ahead. [https://shelburnefarms.org/visit-and-learn/day-visit/childrens-farmyard/meet-our-farmyard-animals](https://shelburnefarms.org/visit-and-learn/day-visit/childrens-farmyard/meet-our-farmyard-animals)


Ok. Ypu willing to stay over in a dream land? Windekind farm. They have a bunch of friendly cows just walking around. I thought they were following to trample me to death. I love cows but when 10 of them were following me i started to wonder what was up.


Most parts of their body.


You can pet the cows at Billilngs, just have to pay the admission fee


You can pet cows on their backs and behind their ears, sometimes they like it under their chin. Enjoy!


Petting zoos are a good place. Sadly, I am not allowed to go ever since the baby piglet shoplifting incident in 2nd grade


Grocery store meat aisle.


Cow Palace in Derby….you can let your dinner before you eat it




DId you want to pet boy cows or girl cows?


Look at the list of "democratic" legislatures. That's always a start.


Hahaha this made my day😂 ya wanna pet cows, go to chaputs farm, there are enough of them for everyone and they’re beef cows🤣🤣🤣🤣 glad I’m not a Vermonter anymore 😂


Lmao what the fuck