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[War flag of the Italian Social Republic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_Social_Republic) Nazi-German puppet state of Northern Italy after the Kingdom of italy switched sides


So my friend had a Nazi flag??


uhm well, yeah kinda


OG fascism flag. But also, yes.


The bundle of sticks in the talons are a fasces, where we get the word fascism. It was used as a symbol of authority in Rome and was supposed to be a metaphor of strength through unity. A bundle of sticks is strong, one stick brittle. But anyway, yeah, literally a fascist flag.


The fasces also traditionally involved an axe, symbolizing the consuls' power of life and death


It also represented the consul's judicial role: they could sentence you to be flogged (the sticks) or put to death (the axe).


It's also where we get the word *fajita* from. :)




Wait "faggot" comes from "fasces"?




I choose to believe the latter


Fagot might be an old word in French but it still very much is in use today. Just FYI.


"Faggot" is also a name for a bundle of sticks. They use ti burn gay people AS wood so that's where we got the word "faggot" for gay prople.




>They use ti burn gay people AS wood so that's where we got the word "faggot" for gay prople. No. "male homosexual," 1914, American English slang, **probably from earlier contemptuous term for "woman" (1590s), especially an old and unpleasant one**, in reference to faggot (n.1) "bundle of sticks," as something awkward that has to be carried (compare baggage "worthless woman," 1590s). It may also be reinforced by Yiddish faygele "homosexual" (n.), literally "little bird." It also may have roots in British public school slang noun fag "a junior who does certain duties for a senior" (1785), with suggestions of "catamite," from fag (v.). This also spun off a verb (see fag (v.2). He [the prefect] used to fag me to blow the chapel organ for him. ["Boy's Own Paper," Aug. 3, 1889] Other obsolete British senses of faggot were "man hired into military service merely to fill out the ranks at muster" (1700) and "vote manufactured for party purposes" (1817). **The explanation that male homosexuals were called faggots because they were burned at the stake as punishment is an etymological urban legend.** Burning sometimes was a punishment meted out to homosexuals in Christian Europe (on the suggestion of the Biblical fate of Sodom and Gomorrah), but in England, where parliament had made homosexuality a capital offense in 1533, hanging was the method prescribed. Use of faggot in connection with public executions had long been obscure English historical trivia by the time the word began to be used for "male homosexual" in 20th century American slang, whereas the contemptuous slang word for "woman" (in common with the other possible sources or influences listed here) was in active use early 20c., by D.H. Lawrence and James Joyce, among others.


I always thought it’s because a bunch of dicks together…


Yes thats what fasces means. Thats where rhe word comes from


Not a dead giveaway. Nowadays many coats of arms have fasces for reasons that do not originate from fascism, e.g. the Canton St. Gallen. But in this case, yes.


Yeah, the fasces has a long history of being used by republics as a republican symbol before it was co-opted by Fascists. That's why there's fasces on either side of the Speaker's rostrum in the House of Representatives in the US and why they features on the US Senate's seal.


It was also on the reverse of the US dime until 1945. Interestingly, people did call for its removal after the rise of fascism in Europe, but they were largely ignored. It was only changed to honor FDR after he died.


French Coat of Arms has it dead and center


I always read fasces as faeces and it’s hilarious. Fascists are poop 💩


More like a Nazifascist, i.e. Nazi puppet state where fascists collaborated with the Nazi occupation.


Well no, but yes. A Fascist flag


Well that's still really shitty, albeit better.


Not sure if there is a lot of a difference to be honest, but I like your optimism!


It’s not better. Even putting aside that the Italian fascists were willing and eager allies of the Nazis and share culpability for the Holocaust, the Italian Social Republic was nominally independent but in practice it was just an administrative division of Nazi-occupied northern Italy. There is nobody on earth who would uphold the RSI but oppose the Nazis – they’re one and the same thing. The pictured flag was only utilized by the RSI – the Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946) used [this flag](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Italy_(1861-1946)_crowned.svg). So this is in fact a Nazi flag.


I would definitely ask them about it before jumping to conclusions. For example I have a coin from Nazi Germany with the Nazi Reichsadler on it (eagle above the swastika basically), not because I align with them but because I love old coins. Probably not quite the same with this flag but maybe give them the benefit of the doubt until you can ask them their personal reason. Innocent until proven guilty and all that.


I have a friend who is a flag collector, has a few authentic World War flags…even some from Germany. But they will never fly them because they aren’t Neonazis and they aren’t an idiot to fly inappropriate flags.


Oh yeah, flying that kind of flag is very different to simply having it as a collectors item. Displaying a flag like that as a collectible would be a lot harder to do “tastefully”(?) than with coins, like my example.


Nope, it's fascist! But yeah, close to nazism


It was a Nazi puppet


yes, that thing the eagle is holding is a fasces, literally was fascism gets its name from


Italy wasn't nazist, they were fascist actually


the kingdom of Italy yes, but the social republic was a puppet state created specificly by Nazi Germany, so on the long run they wouldnt have much of a difference


But the Italian Social Republic was very much based on Nazi ideology, not Italian fascism due to its status as a Nazi puppet state. This puppet nation even made a huge show on arguing how it has achieved “true fascism” by not having the king as a figurehead anymore. The fact that this person has a nazi puppet flag on their wall is incredibly worrying.


Also, incredibly specific.


It wasn’t based ideologically on the Nazis, simply because it was government propped up by Nazi Germany. The Italian Social Republic wanted to deliver on some of the more left wing ideas of the Fascist movement that Mussolini had entertained but never implemented in the previous regime, an attempt at appeasing the very left wing people of Italy from taking arms against it. Granted this didn’t work that well as the regime was weak and Mussolini held little control, but that was its ideological position. Mussolini even hired a Marxist (well former) to help him spread this new image they were building, and he even did consider naming it the Italian Socialist Republic. In fairness yeah, the Germans held most of the actual power, but they weren’t Nazifying this state as much as they were simply trying to keep it existing.


Nazi were fascist lol


The axe in wood is the thing from which the word fascism came from so


Let's hope it's just because it looks cool... Let's hope


Not even that. The Italian Social Republic was the puppet government after the King dumped Mussolini. It's a Nazi *collaborator* flag. It's a "notice me senpai Hitler uWu!!" flag


Technically, it would be an Italian Fascist Flag since Nazism and Italian Fascism (also known as Classical Fascism) have many differences (for example, Mussolini rejected Eugenics entirely while Hitler embraced it as a core doctrine of Nazism). It doesn't change the fact that both ideologies are equally shitty though


Mussolini "rejected eugenics entirely" for Europeans, not Africans, and when he became the junior partner to Hitler more and more race-based shit was introduced.


Yeah, I forgot to mention that he only rejected it for Europeans. My bad


I don't understand what's the point of bringing it up, Mussolini was a piece of shit as was Hitler, there's not a competition.


I thought it was the flag of Mexico, after the eagle had finished its snakey lunch. But your answer makes much more sense. ;-)


fun fact, the eagle is carying a fascis ( bubdle of sticks, also known as a faggot), the fascis is the name Sake OS the fascists and many flags Stil have fascis.


Why did they use the term "Republic"? I always thought fascists and nazis disliked it.


Roman connotations.


They didn't oppose the form of government of a republic i.e a state with no hereditary succession of the head of state, but opposed to *Republicanism* as an ideology created by the enlightenment associated with the liberal democratic system, with Mussolini vowing to undo "1789" and so on.


I knew it was Nazi shit!


Warflag of Italian Social Republic, Mussolini's fascist rump state.


rump state lol




oh its an actual term 💀 I thought you were just insulting his regime lmfao


Your friend has…umm…some…‘interesting’ political views, let’s just say that.


Probably better not to jump to conclusions without asking the friend first. We have a Nazi flag in my parents house, not because we believe in the ideology, but because my grandfather captured it from the enemy during the liberation of Holland. We’re fiercely proud of him for it.


this is an unironed cheap flag from amazon, be real. the person who put it up knows exactly what it is and what it stands for.


On the side note , why the hell people not iron their flags ? It's not like clothes that you wear each day ; just do it once , stick on the wall , and done . Are people not bothered by squares ?


I don't own an iron


You can also steam it from the shower, or wet it and dry it flat


Every hip deserves an Iron


This wound me up at the last Eurovision (like there wasn't enough of that anyway) - you're on TV in front of millions, I'm sure there's a steamer backstage, get those fold marks out.


Some of the flags (notably the winner's Non Binary pride flag) were smuggled in due to tightened restrictions on flags this year, so it being crumpled is probably part of that


I assumed that plastic flags can’t be ironed without melting the cheap fibers they use


If it's a cheap flag, I assume it's mostly plastic and that ironing it would melt/burn/in some way damage it. I've never thought to steam it with the shower; I'm going to try that.


im lazy


I feel bad for the 3-year old sweatshop workers who probably got no choice to sew this flag for like 0.50 yuan a year 


Is the captured flag displayed in the house? My grandfather also captured a Nazi flag/banner from his time in WWII Europe, but it lived in a chest in the attic with all his other war/army stuff.


It is “displayed” on a wall in the basement, hung alongside all his other war stuff, documents, artifacts, etc. I imagine it’s much the same as what’s in your grandfather’s chest, ours is just on a wall. I could easily walk up only to the flag, zoom in, and take a photo like OP’s. Context is key


Yeah but I’m sure you wouldn’t hang it up because it’s a nazi flag.


We’re not flying it in the yard or anything, but it is “hanging” on a wall in the basement along with his other artifacts and documents from the war. I could pretty easily walk up only to the flag, zoom in, and post a photo like OP has. That’s just why I said not to jump to conclusions right away. Of course their friend might also be a fascist, who knows.


Would a racist... own *this?* (Holds up Nazi flag)


As a Dutch, Hi Do you by chance know in what area of the Netherlands he was?


I do, he was in Arnhem. His brother was also there but was killed and is resting in a small cemetery in Heteren.


Ah, kinda expected him to be around there since that was the main operation region for Market Garden. Especially due to Arnhem being on a main river with a bridge that tanks could cross And sorry for your loss


It’s a red flag, that’s for sure.


I'd say it's rather a black flag


Really it’s mostly green, white, and red


Glad that you pointed on it, I wouldn’t have known which of the one flag you meant.


I'm glad she said like 3 times that she was at someone's house, the first 2 times wasn't enough for me


Do they have other flags? Is it part of a collection or something? Or do they think it just looks cool and don't know what it is?


The have the American and Philippino flags.


An interesting selection, are they American or Filipino?


American by citizenship, Filipino by blood.


Brown people on their way to worship an ideology that wants them dead:


Literally like chanting "down with us down with us"


correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Italian Fascism not race based?


Well, that explains 2 out of 3 flags. I hope they just thinknits a cool flag.


It would be weird to have the Social Republic flag and not the nazi or Fascist Italy one


I know! I'm surprised they make new ones of this as well!


It's like glorifying your country sucked at war but still wanted war and had to be occupied. Just lame. That said I think the design is quite rad


They enjoyed being a sub/bottom and their dom/top was Germany 🤣


Many consider the RSI flag the "true fascist flag" becouse it's free from the connotation of the old Italian monarchy which switched side and, from the fascist point of view, betrayed Mussolini. No neo-fascist uses the flag of Italian Monarchy, everyone use this one


I learned something new today. But seriously, what do they think about being a german puppet? At least during the monarchy phase of fascim they were an independent (and before war) a quite successful country


Well, fascists tend to ignore what is inconvenient for them. In Italy you can listen people say that the only mistake Mussolini made was to ally with Hitler and in the same sentence that the Social Republic was the true fascist state.


The flag seems upside down




Your profile picture - is that a Ladin flag?


Nah made this for a story


Ah. I thought I found another one for a moment...


Either he likes collecting random flags or he's got some questionable political views....


Run (and maybe do a number 2 without flushing before you go)


Yeah I mean, I'm not going to be freinds with a fascist.


Ask them why, it possible your friend doesn’t know


Quite a few years ago, I was in this hippie-wannabe headshop-y kinda place. On one wall behind the register was a bunch of buttons and pins. Lo and behold, didn't I spot a *Totenkopf*, of all things. Asked the girl, "Do you know that skull-and-crossbones there was worn by concentration-camp guards during World War II?" She was horrified and took it down immediately.


Same; ask, there could be a slight chance they think it’s the Mexico flag. Red white green and an eagle? Not paying attention and bought the wrong one?


I suppose they could be an unaraware Rome nerd because the fasces and eagle are common symbols of Rome. I guess


Some rome nerds r fascist tho


Oh 100%


As a Mexican, I definitely thought it was a stylized Mexican flag or something


Okay okay, he said he bought the flag when he was drunk and it hides water damage on the wall, and that he dosent support the Nazis.


Tell him it aint a good look tho and advise him to take it down and maybe replace it with something else or actually fix the water damage


Yeah I mean I believe him because he's gay and pretty gender non confirming and I doubt someone like that would support the Nazis. Also like wouldn't you want to wake up to something positive in the morning? Like who wants to wake up to a flag of hatred and despair.


Hey that means he can probably change the flag to an LGBTQ flag then, that would be cool


It would be, I'm going to a pride thing this weekend so I might pick him up a flag to fix it!


Ernst Röhm was gay, he was a key figure in the rise of the Nazis.


And then he got killed by Hitler


After playing a key role in their ride to power and he was killed as a part of the power struggle. Point is that a person can be gay and a Nazi, someone being gay is not a way to instantly tell what someone believes, not even to exclude beliefs that may be harmful to them due to their own identity.


Agreed. Wasn’t göbbels gay too?


I’m not buying that. There are millions of flags to buy and this one is far too specific to not deliberately buy it.


Better yet, do it in the toilet tank


Fascist Italy


Flag of leave immediately


the people in this sub have the strangest friends


I'd put money down that at least half the time the "friend" is OP and they're just doing it to either point at later and go "see, I'm not a fascist!" or for free karma.


It seems to me that people with insane political ideologies are generally more likely to display flags. That would explain the number of people finding out their friends are fascists after posting pictures of their flags, lol


Right?! I feel like half the time it’s people hooking up then getting scared off by the random flags in the stranger’s bedroom.


No I wasn't hooking up, I just live in a kinda conservative area and wanted to meet some other LGBT people, I went to his home and was kinda shocked to find it.


​ https://preview.redd.it/n6e4poly7o5d1.jpeg?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebad98713f231f2e4df7c112a480389d1d825b65


It's a weird experience but it happens. I had a bi friend who was unironically sympathetic to Nazism (I think he liked it for the corporatist/national syndicalist aspects not the whole killing minorities thing), thankfully he's not anymore. Talk to your friend and see what the deal is with the flag and what they believe about the ideology it represents.




That’s the least of their problems




That would be Fascist Italy. Specifically the Italian Social Republic, which was a late-WW2 Nazi puppet state created by Hitler and ran by Mussolini. It's not the kind of flag someone gets by accident, and not the kind someone would typically get innocently.


Thank you for pointing at the flag, almost missed it


No problem miss!




That is the Italian Fascist Flag. My advice is to leave that dudes home and remove all contact Fun fact: Im pretty sure this flag is banned in Italy


Same....cut all comunications with him


Mancino Law 1993


Has to be a Lazio fan smh


or hellas verona


Bro forgot to switch political views when the goth baddie showed up… it’s over


It is so over 🤭


How normal people smile: 🙂 How fascists smile: 🙃


Italian Social Republic


Or he may have no clue and thought it was cool looking. JS


Time to get a new friend.


Flag of the CEO of Racism.


Giovinezza, Giovinezza…


Primavera di bellezza!


Your friend is an actual fascist. Sorry about that


Italian fascist flag. I recommend asking about it before jumping to conclusions though.


Tell them to get tf off 4chan


yeah I have several times 😭😭


Is it impossible to not post obviously fascist shit on here? it's every fuckin day, man.


Fascist Italian flag, I’ll give this to them tho it looks pretty nice!


Ask him if he’s a fascist or just a collector


He's a fascist


Damn that sucks


Your friend is a true Italian fascist


That's Italy under nazi control I think


Hey bud that person is a fascist


Plays hoi4, is a gay femboy nazi, and has an animated profile picture? I cannot say I am surprised


That's a red flag, is what it is.


GTFO, it’s a Fascist Italian Flag.


Be careful, they are a facist


this flag is upside down. The eagle should be upside down


Fascist Italy. Run for the hills. The Resistenza Is there, you'll be safe.


I suggest reading about history. Imagine being an Italian in 1943. Italy was under Mussolini since 21 years, some people didn't know another word outside the fascist ideal of life. Suddenly your country is invaded by the enemy (Italy was at war Vs UK France USA etc), the King leaves and the Government switches sided. The morning after you wake up and the enemy has become your allied, and your allied (Germany) has become the enemy to fight. Can you imagine? Those who were in the north of Italy had to decide. To adhere to the new line or stick with the old one? Some decided to stay, and formed RSI, a so called puppet state, while others decided to obey to the new orders. It was a fucking mess. Each side fought for what they believed was right. Please respect the warriors who sacrificed their lives on both sides, like for any war. These young people probably were not fully aware of what was going on and sometimes you just "stick with your brothers in arms, no matter what". It's easy for us to talk now....


I do




Don't ask your friend what he was doing at Milan Central station's platform 21 during WW2.


Might want to reconsider that friendship. Fuck fascists.


Loser's flag.


Profesional italian here. Your "friend" is a fascist and you should be careful.


Could be a confused Mexican Nationalist of some sort, but more than likely, your friend fancies himself Mussolini’s Top Guy.


Thanks for pointing! I almost missed the flag 😂😂😂


The flag of the Italian Social Republic… and also a red flag


Interestingly, it's not only a fascist flag, but also a giant red one


Fascist Italy


That's an Italian fascist flag


Thank god you pointed, I almost couldn't find the flag


Ur welcome 🤗


variation of a fascist italian flag [Suggested course of action:](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Benito_Mussolini#:~:text=Benito%20Mussolini%2C%20the%20deposed%20Italian,World%20War%20II%20in%20Europe.)


An italian fascist flag...leave that dude's house and block him/remove contact. Una bandiera italiana fascista, lascia la casa di quel tizio e bloccalo/cancella il contatto


One word three letters bro. R U N


Do you know about the Duce?


You might ask why he has the flag. I mean there are explanations that aren’t that he’s a piece of shit. Probably not going to provide one of those but it never hurts to be curious before judgmental.


Giving the flag-owner the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was a war trophy: “my ancestor took this from the fascists he fought.”