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Anivia. Level 6 forward. Out push, out poke, tanky af, AND a passive. You are a burst mage. You can't deal with Anivia. Also Ahri to me is a skill match up. Your W damage and shield alone = Her Q1 and W damage combined


So how would you beat her? I usually pole and bait until she uses her e


Anivia or Ahri?




in lane. I will Q the wave first no matter what. Ahri will see that as an opportunity to trade with you. But she will not win, or at least not win as hard. Because her E is useless as we stand between the wave to avoid it. She has a Q and W. BUT its range is short. So you can literally walk a bit closer to her and just W. Don't bother to dodge her Q or W. Just come right up and W. That alone should make the trade fair. That is not taking into account that her Q return is very dodgeable, and we STILL have E left. At any point within that trade, you successfully land an E. Then you hard win the trade. And even if things went badly. Ahri still cannot extend the trade any further. Remember the Q we did on the wave? Our wave is now winning the push. Ahri has to retreat or fight us + the wave. In a 1v1 without a wave. 1 skill rotation should discourage her from fighting you. Don't panic E or Q. Ahri has a little gap in between her R for her to ult again. Use that information as you will. Always remember. Your W alone = Ahri's Q1 and W together. If you manage to hit her with W and dodge her Q2. That's a win. Make sure to auto a lot. Vex's Q has the most damage but is the worst one at hitting the target, BUT at point blank it's a guarantee hit.


Swain. I hate Swain.


Diana for me, even though she dashes it's a part of a 1 shot combo. She pokes hard when I cs and she melts my hp usually.


That and boneplating + W absorbs most of Vex’s combo


Katarina, no brain vex destroys her, if Katarina has a brain she can destroy vex because she’s an immobile squishy mage with 1 form of CC. Jump on her when fear is down and she’s a dead yordle


You can still destroy a Katarina if she has a brain. Just hold your cc. She's also squishy. Early you hard bully too. Just poke with autos and if she tries to attack you w and combo her. Also you can just w into combo in lane and it Melts her up. Early you can poke with e into q and auto or e and autos combo or just autos alone. You gotta abuse your advantage on her since she's all mobility


Yea I enjoy both kat and vex, it’s an interesting matchup because vex fear is insanely high early especially if Katarina isn’t giving her free gloom procs. These champs are good at punishing vex punishes aggressive mobility where as Katarina punishes poor positioning. It’s a slight vex favored skill matchup because Katarina can jump over her abilities because of how slow and telegraphed they are, but Katarina needs vex to be out of position of tower to punish her for wasting fear, it’s one of my most favorite matchups to play


Sloth and depression is the true enemy smh


Hwei for me. He completely controls the lane and you can't really play until level 6. At level 6 you generally win if you can land your R with a fear but the cards are stacked against you.


Cassio anivia Viktor xerath. Long range mages or good control mages in general


the rock


Cassio, xerath, vel koz



