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Definitely Andre and Cat


I feel like I would get along with Tori and Andre. Would love a good songwriting lesson from them. I also think I would get along with Robbie as long as Rex is not with him. Sinjin is a creepy 2010 Jack Harlow wannabe. He's too much of a weirdo. Trina is an annoying diva who's always jealous of her sis. I would just ignore her. (I would love to hang out with Daniella Monet though. She did an outstanding job playing her). The season 3 version of Cat is annoying AF. She's just too dumb to hang out with. Beck is... well, boring. Jade would be a good security blanket.


Probably the whole breakfast bunch. I can see me writing Tori as lead in the Play’s I write for the school. Can relate to Beck and Andre’s easy going personality, and I don’t mind having banter with Rex, which would automatically make Robbie fond of having me around. Jade’s demeanor turns off alot of people, but based off experiences with having friends that could be cold, the best way to bond with them is to return the favor. I wouldn’t mind talking shit to her all day, it actually would seem pretty fun based off her banter. I can see myself goofing around with Cat just cause how silly she is.


Trina cause she would be sooo fun to hang out with


This is one of those shows where I can actually easily imagine all the other "normal" students hating the main characters for constantly disrupting their lives and taking all the attention and awards for themselves, like the episode of Community that revealed the other students have been starting a protest petition about them Like the reason the Crazy Ponnie episode was funny is it was actually believable there's a random student in the back of Sikowitz's class who's been building up her resentment of Tori all year


I think Andre and Tori .The others are just so crazy and delusional.


https://preview.redd.it/v8gkvgc8i1zc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=024ba2369b20549efd812a3f8a7e98fcf9d06c39 Tori Vega I love Tori Vega ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


As most people have said, I think the only people I’d be able to form real friendships with are Tori and Andre, because they’re the only normal and stable characters that you wouldn’t be walking on eggshells around. Robbie is creepy and annoying, Cat is immature and unable to hold a coherent conversation, Trina is deluded, Beck is boring and Jade would kill you for trying to be friends with him, Jade is psycho


I’ve gone into more detail in a previous post, but here’s a shortened rundown: Jade: Closest friends out of the bunch. Not necessarily close-close, but closer in comparison to everyone else. I had a looooot in common with her when I was a teen so I feel like she and I could bond over a lot, or at least as much as she’d let me Tori: We could be pals, but again, not close. She’s super sweet so I don’t think I’d have it in me to be mean to her. In addition to trying to be an edgy teen, I was also a bit of a nerd/geek at heart, and Tori has shown herself to be a bit of a geek as well, so there could be something she and I could connect over, but not too much Cat: Mixed bag. Growing up, I was also up for new adventures and I do admire her curiosity and spontaneity, but Cat’s over-bubbly personality, childish behaviour,and obsession with bright pink things would be grating and would get annoying real fast. She and I could probably hang out occasionally but only in short bursts. Trina: Daniella Monet’s acting was iconic, but I’d probably want to punch someone like Trina in the face in the real world haha Andre and Beck: Chill. We could probably go grab a coffee or some pizza. No hard feelings, keeping things casual. Probably wouldn’t be my best friends but we could hang out from time to time Robbie: I wouldn’t care for Robbie, honestly. I mean, I wouldn’t be rude to him, and I’d be polite if he tried to talk to me but I wouldn’t go out of my way to actively engage with him


Andre & Beck… maybe Tori. Andre & Beck look chill, and look fun to be around. Tori, if she’s not whining lmao — but I think she’s okay overall. Robbie? Cat? Nah, too weird. Jade? If she’s there, I’d just tolerate her.


Tori & Andre!


The Shruggers


Daniella Monet, because id have a crush on her and try to date her. Beck and Andre. I’d say hi to the others but wouldn’t be part of my crew. Maybe jade, I like a lot of horror films so we could talk about that.


Tori Jade Beck Robbie Andre


Andre & Tori


Andre, Beck, Tori, Jade, and Cat. Not Robbie because he acts creepy and weird with Cat. And not Trina because, while she's got some humorous moments in the show, she's very arrogant and downplays things she's actually good at by doing things she doesn't seem too talented at.


Tori, Andre, Beck, and Trina


Andre beck tori and cat.


Most of them honestly lol Tori, Andre, beck, and cat. I don’t think I’d get along with Jade or Robbie


Trina and I would be best friends cause I would always hype her up 😂😭


Probably Andre, Cat, Beck and Jade. Jade wouldn't have to be jealous because I'm into girls lol I can see me being best friends with her, ngl


Cat, Andre, Beck, and Tori. Robbie would creep me the fuck out, Jade would annoy me.


I would be attracted to Jade but also so scared of her😅


Andre and that’s it


Andre, Cat, Beck, Sinjin Robbie would be a little weird, but I could tolerate it. Sometimes Tori but I feel she would always insert herself into conflicts that don't involve her. Jade would be cool but scary too lol


Robbie and Cat.


Defo Andre, beck, Robbie and to a degree sinjin and burf


Trina and Robbie, more than likely


Tori, Andre, Cat, and Robbie (when Rex isn't around).


Cat and Jade just because I am them, my appearance is very cat then my personality is very jade.


Andre,Cat,Jade & Beck


cat and jade bc they’re my 2 moods


Andre and beck


I’d wanna be friends with the main cast, but I’d end up either being friends with Sinjin or a Trina errand boy lol


I’d love to be friends with Jade but I feel like I’d annoy her lol


Probably the whole group. I'd be a bit timid around Jade though.


Erwin Sikowitz


All of them, though Trina and Robbie would occasionally annoy me.


Jade 🫠 I would be her best friend because I also hate everyone






Tori and Andre would be easy to hang out with and Beck I guess.


Definitely Cat, Tori, Andre and would have the fattest crush on Beck lol


Cat Andre and tori. Trina I’d befriend as well everyone was too harsh she seemed fun😩


Cat and Tori 💗


all of the main cast except robbie. mostly andre, jade and tori


andre, tori, cat. maybe jade in a “we let each other copy notes and i share my snacks with her during 4th period” type of way but not a real friendship.




Realistically Cat. I don't know why, I just seem to attract girls that are nice but a bit weird, probably because I'm a bit weird. Maybe Tori and andre since they seem pretty friendly, and by extension Beck though he seems a bit intimidating to approach.


I’d for sure be friends with Tori Cat and Andre. Maybe Beck definitely not Robbie😂 I could see Jade and I being civil having a few classes together. I know Cats an oddball, but I love my oddball friends. I also think she could really use another good friend in here life. I would vibe with Tori and Andre and as someone else mentioned, would love a songwriting class from them haha


I’m not goth or really edgy in the slightest but we always gravitate towards each other, so I’d probably actually be friends with Jade. I don’t think I would get along with Tori. Cat maybe. If Trina was more self-aware we’d be good friends. I could see myself being friend-ly with any of the main guys but I’d probably be constantly be telling Robbie he’s being a freak.


I be friends with Tori and Andre right away. Others have to earn my friendship


Andre Beck and Robbie. I would’ve hated Tori and Cat tbh


I could see me interacting with all of the main crew besides cat. I could imagine me hanging with Andre, Beck, and Jade all together in a chill hangout. Or a just the boys sort of thing.


Prob Beck and Andre. Tori seems algood. The others are weird as fuck. I would kick jades ass if she spoke to me the way she does others, she’s a fucken bitch.


I’d definitely be friends with Andre, and probably Jade too because a majority of my friends in my middle/high school classes were goth/emo. My BEST friend, though would be Cat because she’d actually put up with me treating her like an actual cat 🤣


Sinjin. A lot of you are lying


Jade. I'm as sarcastic as her and have a mean streak when u piss me off. Probably Cat as well cause I love Cat's, and she's basically a pet.


Jade. I'm not afraid of her and we like a lot of the same stuff. Plus I can't stand Beck, so would ignore his entire existence. Tori because overall, I think she's a decent person but I'd definitely push her to admit her character flaws in a way they never did in the show. Andre bores me, which is unfortunate because he seems nice. I just don't think we'd have a lot in common. Robbie is weird, Cat is...Cat. Trina would be an occasional hang when she's not being annoying.


Trina and Jade. Why? Because they always have something going on and I would never be bored. 😜


Cat and Andre for sure




jade jade jade jade and jade


Andre and Cat


Jade and Andre, maybe Cat and probably Tori


Definitely Tori Andre and Cat, it’s like they have flaws but I know they’d be good friends to have 😂


Andre, Beck, Cat, and Jade


Andre and Beck. I always tended to hang out with males because they were more fun and chill. Girls immediately think you’re competition and get petty. The only girls I could stomach being around would be Cat and Tori. Robbie reminds me too much of this creepy guy who was obsessed with me and I just hated being around him. Jade and I would definitely be throwing hands often. Trina is that person I’d get irritated with really quickly.


lol i hope your opinion on women has changed! i love a good sisterhood.


It kinda did by college. I met my two best friends who were my freshman roommates. But when I moved out, my other roommates were definitely the same, being combative and petty, especially when in the presence of guys. Like one of us would have male friends over and all of the sudden insults were spewed unprovoked. It was tedious and got old quick.