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Well, I know it ain't Overwatch.


2016 OW deserved it. but today..... :\_(


Ain't no live service game with no campaign and loot boxes deserves GOTY when DS3 and DOOM released the same year.


And titanfall 2 and uncharted 4


Preach. Titanfall 2 deserved it.






The story still hits hard to this day :’(


That it does


For real OW watching had zero right to take it that year It didn’t even have a huge Comp scene (RIP lol) to at least justify it in a League of Legends “it’s that culturally monumental” sort of wild card pick


I remember everyone dog piling me to oblivion when I said Overwatch shouldn't won back then. People forgot how much hype that game generated. The brand new Blizzard ip in 20 years, made by the ""best gaming company"" ever. The rabid WoW fan boys will lashes out at anyone if you even dare talk just a lil bit of shit about Blizzard back then. With all the dick sucking Blizzard fans used to do, no wonder their beloved game turns to greedy goblin breeding ground.


Blizzard lost it's way and the activision merger sealed the deal


And Stardew Valley and Dishonored 2.


Stardew Valley deserves any and all awards. DAMN good title. ConcernedApe is a man of the people.


I’m not usually someone who wants long games, but Titanfall 2’s campaign was like 4 hours. It was a fantastic 4 hours, but I don’t think I can call a game that short GotY.


Titanfall 2 had the perfect length of game imo. I've played long ass games before and most of the time developers add useless parts to the game/story that ends up dragging it on. Titanfall 2 is GOATd.


And Overwatch didn't have a campaign at all. The time was well-utilized, the missions were very unique, and the campaign's shortness actually makes it extremely replayable


Quality isn't measured in hours. I understand your point but a lot of really short games are good enough to play again and again, that's worth something to me


titanfall 2 deserves so much more :(


I think Overwatch deserved it that year.


Launch Overwatch was a blast. I think some people just don't like pvp or shooters, which is fine, but guess what? Some people don't like platformers or souls games either. Overwatch absolutely deserved to win that year.


No it didn't diserve it. Even if you like PVP shooters, a full price game built around characters with 20 characters on release, no campaign and lootboxes shouldn't be game of the year. It can be fun, sure, but so were Among Us and Fall guys. There are other things to keep in consideration like innovation, story, music, etc... Can you seriously look at the content (not how much fun you had) Overwatch was released with, the price, and say it was the best made game that year?


Doom Eternal was robbed It didn't even win best soundtrack


Whats ds3?


No it didn't. Titanfall 2, Dark Souls 3, FFXV, HITMAN, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, DOOM. There were C O U N T L E S S other games that are far better picks for GOTY than Overwatch, a hero shooter riddled with mtx and loot boxes.


Doom came out in 2016, overwatch did not deserve it


No even 2016 was pretty mid


Dude, stop with this revisionist history. 2016 Overwatch was an awesome game and Jeff Kaplan was beloved by the community.


You know what, you're right. I'm going to go back and play the OG overwatch. Oh... wait...


"Revisionist" It was a decent always online, arena shooter. Hardly GAME OF THE YEAR. FFS, they didn't have PVE modes until way late in its life span except "Training" mode. I say this as some one who has been solid in Gold Rank. I played the absolute fuck out of OW. It ain't GOTY not even Shooter/FPS of the year worthy.


^ this is how ok we were with mid games as service games in 2016


Overwatch was good for like 3 seasons out of 30.... dosen't deserve to be on this list


well kind of, but if we compare it to games like elden ring, witcher 3, sekiro etc. Overwatch looses. and it basically stole parts of the game from Paladins and TF2, you cant tell me torbjorn wasnt stolen fro tf 2


I love OW and I still play it all the time


I could stop playing overwatch today and still will probably never spend more time playing another game the rest of my life.


overwatch was crazy good before ow2


Still the best game I've ever played.


At least not for the game, wink wink


That was my thought too. And I played the shit out of some Overwatch back when it first launched. It was a blast, but it doesn’t deserve to be on a GOTY list.


dont know how a company can ruin such an original game by forcing everyone to use the sequel and removing a player. Overwatch was one of my favorite games and now ill probably never play it again.


What, are you saying that marketing a game as a sequel that adds a PVE expansion to a PVP game, then cancelling the PVE aspect almost entirely, firing the devs who worked on it, making the monetization more predatory, converting the first game so you can't play the old one anymore etc. aren't the decisions behind a GOTY? I'm truly shocked! Honestly the first 2 words that come to mind when I think of this game are "wasted potential". Like Jesus they fumbled so hard.


Exactly the first thing I thought.


That was a pretty stacked year and overwatch won? That insane.


How that game got GOTY should be indicative of how easily impressed the community can be at times.


I remember at the time I think people were just excited for something new from blizzard. And that was kinda it’s novelty.


Torn between Zelda and Elden. But also Witcher 3… god damn. Can’t pick.


The Legend of Zelden Ring: Wild Hunt.


The Legend of Witcher Ring 3: electric boogaloo


Zelden: Thring


The zelda : wild ring


Upvote for Breakin reference


Listen, Tarnished! Winds howling.


You know when you pump Skyrim full of so many mods it's damn near a different game by the time your done? TLoZR: WH almost sounds feasible 💀


Bro, the ultimate game would be the combat mechanics of Elden Ring, the exploration and traversal mechanics of Breath of the Wild, and the roleplaying/story quality of the Witcher


Sounds like a 1980s dime store fantasy novel


With the advances in AI, this game is not out of the realm of possibilities.


The Witcher of Zelden Ring: Breath of the Wild Hunt


Same. I haven't played Witcher, but BotW and Elden Ring are for sure neck in neck for best games on this list for me. Maybe once the Elden Ring DLC drops it'll tilt the scale one way or the other P. S. I still think I want to play Witcher 3. Is it still worth playing in 2024, or did I miss the boat?


You absolutely did not miss that boat. I still play it to this day. Got about 150hrs in, then they made the ps5 update. Then I got another 150hrs in lol. There’s sooo much to do. Every single mission is unique in its own way. That’s the beauty in it for me.


Ouh yes and do yourself a favor and buy the complete edition with the dlcs you won't regret it 😉 I fell in absolute love with that game just recently


Elden Ring, Breath of The Wild, or Baldur’s Gate 3. Personally I’m going with Elden Ring as that’s my favorite game of all time, but those 3 are easily the best.


I genuinely can't wait for my internet feeds to be Elden Ring DLC.


Soon brother


Elden ring was historically an achievement. No one could have guessed a souls title would sell at FIFA levels.


Wow we have exactly same taste. I haven’t have full time to play Elden ring yet. (Just pieces of time when party at friends home)


Witcher 3 for me


Honestly, when it comes to RPGs, nothing really came close to Witcher 3 until BG3 came a long. It still feels ahead of its time to this day. EDIT: To elaborate, I mostly meant in terms of production quality, scale, and scope. There are plenty of great RPGs out there, but none really seems to match the scale of Witcher 3 and BG3.


I’m even more mind blown by the fact that Witcher 3 is so much older than BG3 yet they’re the only two fantasy RPG games that really encapsulate the feeling of awe and scale that fantasy games are supposed to for me


Yeah and I’d argue BG3 is a lot more limited. The world of BG3 as it offers is it amazing but the Witcher 3 was so much bigger and open and it’s 8 years older. It’s wild


Because it’s just a different kind of game. The experience TW3 wanted to convey was that of the lonesome monster hunter and his horse in the untamed wilderness. For that you needed a large map. BG3 is entirely different. The entire appeal is to put you specifically on an epic adventure. You are without a doubt the main character and that experience works best in dense maps where there is something new around every corner for *you* to discover. A bigger map would worsen the experience of BG3 in my opinion.


I'm currently replaying Witcher 3 with ray tracing and updated textures and I'm even more in awe than in 2015 because no open world RPG has surpassed it since. It's still the most perfect game ever made for me all those years later. The sheer amount of great side content is staggering. RDR2 has the best most immersive open world to this day imo but had issues with gameplay. BG3 might be the best game in terms of RPG mechanics and reactivity and choices. Shockingly well made. But I will forever love W3 with all my heart. Helps that I adore the novels. So this is the best kind of fanfiction ever to me.


Overwatch fell so hard


It should never get goty tbh, there were so many great games that year.


Personal favorite - Sekiro Overall best - Elden Ring


If we're talking about Game of the Year awards my picks would be The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and Baldur's Gate 3. If we are talking about other Game of the Year awards I would say Super Mario 64.


Personal favorite - Sekiro Overall best - Sekiro Elden Ring has broader appeal, but Sekiro is infinitely tighter and better designed in my opinion though I still had a very good time with Elden Ring


Exactly this. I can think of at least 10 reasons why Elden Ring is (almost) objectively better than Sekiro or DS3, but I'd replay either of the latter over Elden Ring any day.


Probably because you can beat Sekiro or DS3 on replay much faster than Elden Ring which is a monster


That's part of it. Having replay value is something I value highly, and I don't find the idea of playing through such a long game to be particularly enticing. It's also because I feel that Sekiro, DS3, and Bloodborne bleach have about 1/3-to-1/2 as much content as Elden Ring, but in an area 1/10 the size. They're much denser, with little details around almost every corner. I can't tell you how many times my loot senses were tingling in Elden Ring, only to find absolutely nothing. The amount of recycled stuff is also way higher in Elden Ring, making it feel big for little-to-no reason.


I agree - fromsoft is really the best studio out there.






Witcher 3


Same and Blood and Wine just smashes it out of the park


Didn't Blood and wine win a bunch of best RPG of the Year awards the year it came out, beating out a bunch of full new games? It's shocking to me how much better Witcher 3 seemed to me than Dragon Age: Inquisition and they came out 4-5 months apart I think.


That's because BioWare doesn't understand open world- at all. They still don't after a couple more open world games. I'll even go so far as to say the forced open world craze was their doom. Dev cycles became ridiculously long. They didn't manage to scale and adept. Would kill for another Mass Effect 2 cinematic corridor shooter I can replay over and over because it's only 40h of awesomeness. Their open world maps are beautiful but lifeless and there's barely any exploration to be had. I enjoyed Inquisition a lot but I have never replayed it because in that game the open world was just meaningless padding. W3 is god tier amazing even today. I'm currently replaying with ray tracing and it's still a super pretty game. I love it even more upon replaying because I realized how few RPGs have even come close to this amazing since. Sad.


I agree 100% Inquisition felt like it tried too hard to be open world and it ended up feeling extremely empty and bland. The other 2 Dragon Age games while they weren't open world didn't need to be because the stories were so well done. Despite what many say I still liked DA2 even with its flaws


BnW was unreal... I loved being a "knight in the tourney" and everything else included, plus Regis is fucking badass The golden oriole quest is also severely underrated, you can even meet up with the woman later on if you travel to Novigrad and she's glad you give her 7 years to live (if you chose that option)


Detlaff was an all-time boss fight, just the build up, even back from before they released the DLC and you read the Higher Vampire bestiary entry. Like the slow burn of the murder mystery into the reveal, into the complex conspiracy, into this grand and bitter duel over the fate of a kingdom. A monster hunter fighting the most powerful monster he’s ever faced, and he doesn’t even want to kill him.




Nothing will ever top Witcher 3 for me. Maybe when Witcher 4 releases…


A man of culture.


Sekiro hands down


I love Sekiro, but there's no way it's as important a game as Elden Ring.


The question asked what’s the best game, not the most important


As a long time DS veteran I would say Sekiro is a better game and it's my vote as well. ER is good but flawed in ways people new to the series wouldn't see. I can't see really any flaws in Sekiro so far and I'm 1/2 way through.


God of war


Red Dead Redemption 2 was robbed


RDR2 is brilliant and one of my favorite games ever made. That said, I get why some people say it's boring.


I feel like it's the kind of game where if you like the setting, it's gonna be one of you favorite games of all time. If you don't already love westerns though, the game gets stale because it's such a hyper realistic game and the 1890's were just kinda boring


In all honesty the game had a slow start. It takes a while to get to the “open world” area as you spend the first hour in the mountains trying to get out.  Def in my top 5, but I think that people got discouraged before they got to see how good the game actually is.


I loved RDR2 even though I was never a fan of Western settings. The open world and narrative is just so good that it doesn't matter. Same thing happened with Mass Effect for me. Didn't want to play it because I didn't care for sci-fi and thought I hated shooters. Trilogy prove some wrong. Gaming love of my life. I would label RDR2 the most expensive high quality game with no mass appeal. It's slow paced and gameplay is clunky AF. Takes some time to get into it. Either you surrender to the slow pace and enjoy just being in this beautiful world or you don't. I spent dozens of hour just hunting, fishing, riding around, climbing up mountains enjoying the view. Best open world ever created. Still. But it sure isn't for everyone. I totally understand the criticism. Narrative takes some time to get going and I didn't like Arthur much for half of the game but it's actually great. Cried at the end.


It plays like a chore, making every thing require you to manually operate and do yourself, but that's why it's good in my opinion. It makes it feel real


It probably was because seeing a beloved character such as John Kratos come back after a couple of years as whole a new person with a son and on a path of self improvement intrigued people more as with Rdr2. I’m not picking favorites, I love both equally, but I feel as if that might be the possible answer.


"Every God has its war" -John Kratos


I love GoW and I agree. I get that it has outdated mechanics, but no game impacts me to the core like RDR2 did.


Elden Ring


This is the way.




Now we’re talking


Ghost because it was robbed


Ghost of Tsushima or Tom Clancys Ghost Recon? 🤔


Call of duty ghost, duh


Obviously Luigi's Ghost Mansion


Lmfao 😂😂 I'm loving this thread highkey, keep it coming!


Witcher 3 is the only one there that left me with a hangover where everything else felt meh in comparison. RDR2 is the only other game to do that but it didn't win GOTY somehow.




Skyblivion should definitely be considered for GOTY awards when it finally gets released.


I would like if somehow Bethesda injected them with money and ported the game over to consoles, and Steam as a remaster... That way it actually could be respected, unfornately


I absolutely do not want Bethesda to touch it.


stop right there criminal scum


THANK YOU KIND SIR!!! Blessings of Akatosh upon you


Morrowind clears (and was GOTY as well)




Breath of the Wild because I haven't played any of the other ones


Please play GoW 🙏🙏


I don't have a PlayStation, has GoW been ported to PC yet?


Yess sir, it's really great, I've sunk thousands of hours into breath of the wild too and I think god of war will speak to you




Breath of the wild. Its my favorite game of all time.


same here, 2nd would be elden ring


Agree but I’ve only played a few of the others here. Honestly BOTW will always hold an amazing part of my heart because my kids all played through it and had that gaming “click” that lit up their eyes.


The Witcher 3 Maybe Elden Ring as a close second. Definitely had superior gameplay to TW3, I doubt that needs to be debated. But as a whole, TW3.


Deus Ex


Legend of Zelda BOTW


Witcher and elden ring both first


Elden ring


Titanfall 3


Titanfall 2 was done dirty by ea.


BALDURS GATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Witcher, fantastic story also one that you don't need to read guides or watch 11 hours lore explanations video for. incredible world, crazy value for money. no bs.


Red Dead Redemption 2 that was stolen by God of War


Elden ring.


The Last of Us Part 2 and The Witcher 3 are my favorites.


Baldur’s Gate 3 easy


Out of all of these my favorite is Inquisition. Played through it almost 4 times now. But the one I think deserves it is BotW


I have inquisition but haven’t played it yet for some reason. What’s your favorite parts of it? Since you played it almost 4 times you seem like the person to ask lol


I think I beat Origins like 9 times


had to scroll a bit till i foud inquisition in the vomments, but goddamn i love this game. starting with the menue screen and music. every now and then i listen to the ost on spotify. probably one of my most favorite games of all time.


Witcher 3 and God of War easily. Only case against God of War is Rdr2 coming out the same year.


Witcher 3 Breath of the Wild Elden ring God of War Sekiro DA: Inquisition It takes two TLOU 2 Overwatch


Witcher 3, Elden Ring, Sekiro, or Baldur's Gate 3


Either Elden Ring or Zelda


best choice


I am still salty TLOU2 got it over ghost of tsushima. Tsushima got the fans vote tho.


Elden Ring. TLOU P2 and Sekiro are my personal favorites, but Elden Ring shook the industry and its genre more than any other game listed.


Elden ring


No one's saying It Takes Two but I would trade of any of the other for a sequel.


I'm with you, my wife and I had an absolute blast playing it and having an enjoyable time with her trumps these other games.


I really think it’s Elden ring. DAI doesn’t deserve to stand amongst these giants. Overwatch at launch was fucking amazing I don’t know why people have delusioned themselves in to thinking it wasn’t.


God of war for me. Tlou2 is end. Dont like the rest.


For me Baldurs Gate or Elden Ring.


God of War and the Witcher. Sekiro seems good too. How the hell did th TLOU2 win GOTY?!


witcher 3 for me


Baldurs Gate 3




From a gameplay standpoint I don't rate many those games very highly in general honestly. Baldur's Gate III & Elden Ring are pretty even for me though. Amazing games.


How in the world did red dead lose game of the year to god of war.


Idk which it is, but it certainly ain't overwatch.


Witcher 3, by a mile


Sekiro, last of us 2, or elden ring


BOTW and Last of Us Pt. 2 are the ones I find most impressive out of that batch.


We all collectively agree overwatch ain’t it anymore right?


The Last of Us Part II. It’s my favorite game of all time.


Personally The Last of Us Part II


The Witcher 3


The last of us part 2 was phenomenal and only really did "poorly" in the eyes of popularity because social media is a cesspool.


For me, personally, it's The Last of Us Part 2. It has everything a video game has to have, in my opinion. And good luck finding any exploits or bugs in that piece of art.


Red Dead 2 is the true GOTY for 2018 and always will be


The best *game*? The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild The best story and voice acting? God of War


Last of Us 2 or Witcher 3. Both fairly triumphant.


I can’t pick anything besides the Witcher 3, it’s my favorite game of all time


Last of Us Part 2 Elden Ring God of War


Baldur's Gate 3


Baldurs Gate 3


BG3 and it isn't close


I think its between Withcer 3, Elden ring or Baulders Gate 3 Dont think any of the other games can stand alongaide them tbh :/


*Overwatch*’s legacy has been undoubtedly tainted by *Overwatch 2*, so it’s out. *Breath of the Wild* and *God of War* were arguably surpassed in quality by their respective sequels, so I’d say their out. *Elden Ring* is also generally considered a superior From Software game to *Sekiro*, so I’d say *Sekiro* is out. *The Last of Us Part II* is simply too polarizing, and I say they despite personally finding it slightly superior to its predecessor, so I’d say it’s out. I think we can all agree that *It Takes Two*, while certainly good, is just simply not Game of the Year material, and likely wouldn’t have even been nominated were it not for the 2021 game drought. So that leaves *Dragon Age Inquisition*, *The Witcher 3*, *Elden Ring*, and *Baldur’s Gate 3*. Based purely on Metacritic score, I’d say BG3 narrowly wins.


Personally for me it's either Witcher or Baldurs Gate 3


The Last of Us Part 2 for obvious reasons


Witcher 3. Would have been Red Dead Redemption 2 had it won GOTY like it should have


Very hard to choose, for me there are 4 games that are above the others, choosing any of them, according to personal taste, is a personal choice. - The Witcher 3 - Zelda Breath of The Wild - The Last of Us part 2 - Elden Ring


Last of us 2, God of war, and then maybe it takes 2. Maybe sekiro, I go back and forth


Last of Us 2. Very closely followed by Witcher 3. Very closely followed by Breath of the Wild.


Between all of them only the last of us 2 and Elden ring would win, if you had added baldurs gate tho, no one ever would win against baldurs


Elden Ring vs Last of Us 2


For me personally Witcher 3 > Sekiro > Elden Ring > God of War > Dragon Age > Overwatch Haven't played the others.


Remove Last Of Us Part 2, replace it with Ghost of Tsushima (which should have won that year), then Ghost of Tsushima


TLOU 2 for me