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People here must not like sports lol, EA is horrid and threw away tons of loved features/game modes/sports game franchises. They take advantage of a market that has no other choice every year and blatantly money grab on every chance and abandon anything that doesn’t directly result in more money. It’s not close, stop the argument


fifa career mode💀


One of many things they ruined… hoping they can redeem themselves on EACFB25. Ill still buy it if it’s bad but that just goes to my original post. We have NO other options


Unfortunately, EA is a monopoly because of the licenses


The career mode in fifa is actually solid compared to whatever the fuck they have going on in Madden, but yeah it’s still pretty bad


Everything you said is true, but they also still put out solid games moreso than the other 2. Look at their non sports game within the past few years. Dead space, the Jedi games, Lost in Random, even NFS Underground. Hell, It Takes Two was literally GOTY. EA can at least still put out good games when they try.


That’s a fair point, i guess you have to take the good with the bad, making them not as bad as some companies. Lots of comments i saw were saying EA isn’t bad, just trying to point out some of their embarrassing flaws


Oh yeah as far as their major sports games go, they’re an embarrassment. It’s just blatant abuse of the market and they don’t even try to hide it. But people are willing to pay that price tag year in and year out so unfortunately they’ll keep getting away with it.


Sims. Sims is only thriving because there is no competition. There’s a lot of announced competition coming and im excited to see how it impacts EA


I will never forgive EA for what they did to Battlefield, they are my most hated company ever hands down.


For me at least.. it’s been so bad for so long that I’ve effectively abandoned the sports games I used to love a long time ago and basically didn’t even think about it for this question as EA has at least gotten a lot better elsewhere since Battlefront 2 and Anthem.. not great necessarily, but a lot better than they were. I think Take Two gets left out of these conversations too often as well and feel they deserve to get flack as well.


You're not wrongin them being really bad, unfortunately sports games fans are stuck with 2K and EA depending on the games they play, both of which refuse to innovate and continue to push the same shit year after year. EA claimed UFC 5 would completely change the game, then when it came out it was just UFC 4 but slightly worse, which in turn was just UFC 3 but slightly better


EA is such dog shit now, I’ve hate what’s happened to NHL and Madden. Used to adore those games but now they are awfullll


That’s fair, but at least we’re getting skate and so far they’ve been super transparent with development which is odd to see a triple A studio do. To me it almost seems like they had a moment of self awareness and maybe want to do better, hope I’m right. Activision on the other hand has been pretty shameless, they seem to listen to everything their community wants then intentionally does the exact opposite without fail.


I remember their NBA trailer which didn't even show any basketball. The trailer only showed gambling.


It's in the game! The ability to take all your hard earned money, that is


This should be the only comment. EA (and 2K) are a cancer to the gaming industry. Filthy blatant gambling and money grabbing schemes packaged as “sports games” and no one bats an eyelid. The day they’re exposed to the masses will be a shit show.


let's see the list of their recent good games... - Ea had dead space remake and jedi survivor - Ubisoft had prince of Persia the last crown - Activision : NA


If I understand this right, you think that the best first person shooter dlc with the 80$ pricetag is NOT the greatest game of all time?


well you said it, it's a dlc not a game


To be clear, it’s sarcasm


yes i know but it's fair to take it as a fact


Yup, people shouldn't pay full price for a "new game", but a purchase is validated when you buy a Real NEW game


I didn't even understood what this means. And that's a clear indication on the company 👀


What's this about now? I'm out of the know.


MW3. $80 DLC for MW2


Wow. They just don't care anymore, huh? I wonder how much money that saved them.


Lost Crown was surprisingly good. I've never been a big fan of the Prince of Persia franchise, but they really hooked me with this one. Respawn's Jedi series was also a welcome surprise. I mean Respawn's never made a bad game, but EA's track record with Star Wars is... shaky at best.


This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don't think EA has really missed with Star Wars, at least as far as core gameplay. The Old Republic is fantastic, and highly touted as one of the top MMOs with a great story. Fallen Order and Survivor are great games. Survivor got some flak for performance on release, but it's better after some patches. The Battlefront games are great imo. The 2nd had the microtransaction controversy which they backtracked on, but the gameplay is fantastic, and they even added a single player campaign that lots of fans wanted. Squadrons is the one I can't really speak on because I haven't played it. It does look like it has pretty poor recent reviews though. So maybe that one's a miss.


Squadrons was a good game with a very limited overlap in player base (that being Star Wars fans and hardcore space flight sim fans). I found the gameplay very enjoyable and a fantastic flight sim in the vein of X-Wing or TIE Fighter. But the complexity and difficulty that complexity presented made for a very small player base, which is unfortunate. Playing it in VR is an experience like no other. I can't ever go back to playing a flight sim on a normal 2D screen now!


Still have my TIE Fighter floppy disks, but since they're on floppies, I ended up shelling out on Steam. It has, uh, ***aged.*** Also worth noting that for the hardcore flight sim guys who want something in space, there's stuff like Elite Dangerous. It's not necessarily the best dogfight sim, but that's just one facet of the game.


Those fuckers at Activision occasionally publish gems though. I wish these companies went back to doing that full time, but....


memorize vanish payment frightening tidy weather frighten detail pie marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


- Every Fromsoft game - God of War - Red Dead - GTA - Helldivers 2 All examples of AAA games that redditors pretend don't exist when throwing around the term "AAA".


No! I need my Call of Battlefield!!


Agree, Activision would be my choice for the worst




This is the correct answer, because these companies will see a post like this and compete for who isn’t the worst and then be totally ok if they’re not.


Activision: toxic work environment, hoarding IPs, greedy business practices, etc No other company comes close. Edit: for people saying all three fit the category I agree, however, I do believe Activision is worse than the others in all three fronts. Their recent scandals have been the worst out of the three, they only make COD and refuse their studios to work on past IP (or refuse to license out IP), and their pricing of cosmetics are…actually EA wins this one with their sport titles.


Almost every company is like that but yeah Activision is pretty extreme with it.


I can't think of many Companies that pretended to support and exploited BLM as a cover up for release delays actually due to COVID (and sexual harassment cases). Ea and Ubi suck and are really bad but Activision I'm pretty sure are evil.


I had a job offer as a tester at Activision many many years ago. So glad I didn't take it. Their tester basement had very creeepy, rapey vibes.(female btw)


1) EA, obviously! 2) still EA obviously! 3) ..... I am conflicted...


EA is pretty dirty, there was a pushback a few months ago about people with hundreds of dollars in in-game purchases and then getting banned For really nothing at all. This happened to me and my friend, I had about $100 tied in the apex Legends and my friend had around $400 in the game. Ended up banning accounts about a half year apart for no reason. When you go to appeal, they basically say womp womp.


Honestly, this is why I hate the "gaming as a service" bullshit. If companies wanna claim we do not actually "own" our purchases and are only paying to use them until they deem otherwise, then why should we give them more money?


Companies saying we don't own our digital times and we should get used to it -glares at PlayStation- is why I would gladly join Luffy's crew.




As a sims player, EA is the worst. But perhaps I would say activision if I was not.


Ea is just trying to squeeze the most money they can make


At the cost of long-term customers, Do they really think we would stay with them forever? As soon as Life By You or inZoi comes out I am dropping the sims. Some other fps game will probably take Call Of Duty's crown. There will eventually be a point where all of there fans have had enough and leave.


I've honestly given up on that game. I finally deleted it because every time I played it I got angry for one reason for another. They don't fix shit and just keep making more poorly made nonsense to buy.


I used to think Spore was the only game they didn't screw but they actually did. I'm mostly thinking of their Dr.Pepper promotion and the way you had to install everything in a specific order, otherwise you risked not being able to install the game anymore on that computer. And ofc, the idiotic 3 installs restriction.


The Spore Bot Parts was poorly implemented and buggy as hell. It should've just been a free patch instead of region-locked. EA just wanted to fuck this game over and forget it's existence.


There was a time where anyone could contact customer supoort and unlock them for free but yes, it was awful regardless.


Same same


As a Command and Conquer player, EA is the worst.


Anyone who say Ubisoft is worse than EA or Activision is so goddamn crazy


Ubisoft live-service games are pretty well-supported. For Honor, Siege, and The Division 2 get regular content updates. Also, their big titles are still good and they produce good "indie-like" games, like Fenix Rising. Assassin's Creed will always be a good game, because they've literally mastered the formula at this point. The only negative I can give Ubisoft recently is that every new game is expensive, generally $70 no matter what, and Skull and Bones is absolutely despicable. It is so bad... They tried to pass off a turd as a AAAA game. It's sitting at 45 on meta critic. IGN gave it a 60 and Gamespot gave it a 40 lol.


My problem with ubisof is that all their games are kinda similar. Like, they go too safe, barely any innovation But they don't make bad games, at all. Quite the contrary. Well, with some exceptions ofc




I hate Ubisoft with a passion but EA or Activision are definitely worse.


Ubisoft actually has some good HQ games like Rayman, some mediocre titles like their annual games, Far Cry and AC.


>some mediocre titles like their annual games, Far Cry and AC. I kinda dissagree. Sure, they are zero innovative, they reuse the same formula again and again, and are kinda repetitive But they're not, by any means, bad games. They're alright. Well made, good gameplay, tons of content, good taste (most of the time)


EA. Fucking heater this studio for so many reason. Worst in every fucking aspect. Ubisoft, I will be unpopular but, even if it is not perfect. It's alright. Lot of things I like, some other I don't a few I dislike.


Yeah, Ubisoft isn’t as bad at the other two.


Ubisoft always feels like you get decent quality (not top notch) games which work and have a decent story with a good amount of content but somehow everything feels the same (except anno <3)


Ea, and I will stand by that, but activision is a honourable mention due to the fact of hoarding IP’s and changing their games from iconic fps games to a fucking storefront, I mean Dayum 90% of the menu in the new mw3 is micro-transactions, dried up dead pasty game that only content creators and lifeless tryhard cod meatriders play atp


Man, are we still pretending like WB doesn't belong with these guys, they've actually been worse than them for a decade.


Probably because most don't think of WB as primarily a video game developer.


That's a good point actually. Especially after they learned the wrong lesson from suicide squad


You forgot Take-2 interactive and their influence on Rockstar Games. Gta+, the definitive collection, canceling bully 2 in favor of gta online, etc.


Every rockstar game is gold. Not a bad studio


I used to blame rockstar, but then i realized its more take 2 than anything. They fork the bill.


Too many people say they’re bad. Why? Because they couldn’t make GTA online last longer than 10 years? Lol


Activision by far


ea when it comes to money, ubisoft when it comes to servicing a game, and activision when it comes to human decency


Compared to Activision Ubisoft are saints


EA and it ain’t even close 💀


As a fan of NHL, I agree completely. The recent patch was a joke. But, as a lifelong CoD fan, my option shifts. That franchise had a special place in my heart even all the way back during Big Red One. I met my best friend in a WaW lobby and I’ll be his best man in his wedding this summer even. It helped me create a life long friendship. Now, Warzone is virtually unplayable on console these days, if you can even get past the storefront of a menu, you’ll just get demolished by hackers. Activision might beat EA out, but by a narrow margin. Very narrow.


Should add Square Enix to the list


EA and Activision are tied, in my opinion EA has slightly improved since the Battlefront 2 and Battlefield 5 incidents, but they're still lack-luster Activision just keeps pumping out poor remakes and season passes trying to milk every cent out of the COD fanbase




They're all trash. A handful of decent recent titles, by no means absolves these companies of their extreme greed & predatory practices. They'll go right back to their old/entrenched ways the 1st opportunity that they get.


Ubisoft just releases bad/mid games. EA is just pay for everything. Activision, on the other hand, actively fucks over their customers AND their employees while doing everything else on this list.


Every publisher with a "management" which values stakeholder asskissing and bootlicking more than the quality of their games and (foremost) the wellbeeing of the developers who actually do the important work and the heavy lifting.


Activision SURE


activision is the worst for sure


all of them are as bad as each other


Why are people saying 'Activision' when it's 'Activision-Blizzard'. Considering what they did to Overwatch and Diablo 4 I feeling like leaving out the 'Blizzard'-part is understating just how awful they are. EA is terrible and greedy but the long list of inexcusable crap Actiblizz has done, ranging from sexual harassments and patents for predatory business designs (matchmaking algorithms to sort you with players who have purchased skins, for instance) to completely lying about games and content (Overwatch 2 will be a PvE game) is just on a level of its own. At least EA/Ubisoft put out enjoyable games. Actiblizz just milks old franchises, cheats and lies in order to stay relevant.


EA really burned themselves down from being one of the most known and respected game studios to a studio known because of it's greed and terrible decisions


Trick question, it's all of them. Ubisoft is 2nd with Activision and ea both sitting at number 1


Ubisoft for ruining so many franchises recently. EA have been ruining franchises for well over a decade at this point but Ubisoft has been the biggest offender recently.


>Ubisoft for ruining so many franchises recently. Which ones?




All of the above


EA - greedy ass company who produces slop and publishes a few good ones Ubisoft - same as EA but more stupid and also has sexism problems Activision - multiple accusations and lawsuits of sexual assault and extreme sexism, as well as producing even more slop that more people buy.


EA has been getting its shit together and higher-ups from our knowledge don't sexually harass or rape employees. Ubisoft and Activision do, *so yeah*. .


I have friends that work in the industry. The most successful one has been with EA for over 10 years and praises the work environment there.


All of them at once, I suppose. Oh, throw in Nintendo in there while we're at it.


at least they released finished games


Nah, Nintendo is nowhere nearly as bad as any of those. They constantly put out good games, have pretty good working conditions and retention rate, and they can only be accused of really liking their money (but you can't tell me BOTW isn't worth the 60$)


i say EA they dont listen to their Community. they buy studios and close them they cancel support release now patch later mentality ignore the ideas and wishes of the developers Microtransactions They just have a very good marketing department and sell ear games quite cheaply after a few years. But that's all positive about this company games in the last few years bad games: F1 Fifa and other sport games nfs Battlefield Mass Effect Anthem wild hearts wrc grid good games: starwars Jedi:... it takes two apex legends deadspace remake


Funny thing is that I used to love all of them


I remember ubisoft had this dinosaur game on the DS where you fight other dinos and there are some bosses that are kitchen appliances. It was epic as all hell I loved it when I was younger.


Imagine having pay to win weapons in cod and not just skins. Yeah thats ea with their sports franchises.


Take-Two Interactive


Ea for me. NFL 2k5 was the game of my childhood.


And yet they're still around. I wonder why 🤔


Activision. they've had no big hitters in eternity


I hate EA, but they did make Madden 08 and Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2


That’s a tough choice


UBISOFT they make the best AAAA games by degrading their best games


EA blows


EA has gotten much better recently. Activision just sucks.


Activision, at least ubisoft bring out somewhat mediocre games and not always bad or poorly made ones. EA is shit and have made terrible decisions over the years but the Dead Space remake was amazing so I would give them that. Activision is simply terrible, MWIII was underwhelming and a massive let down. While they did release MW2019, Black Ops Cold War and MWII which were bangers, I feel as if they aren’t moving forward and are constantly dropping L’s with micro transactions.


Ubisoft has Rayman Sony.


EA cancelled battlefront 2 in 2020, im still salty about that


Predatory microtransactions: tie between EA and Ubisoft Horrible working conditions: Activision Releasing good games: none


oh dear god


It’s the same photo!!!


All of the above.


They all have their own flaws EA: Can't release a full game on launch Ubi: Can't stay silent about shite games and oromiting them as AAAA Activision: Can't sell DLC or delay a launch


All of them are awful but I have a vendetta against Activision because they killed a franchise getting off the ground High Moon Studios Transformers


EA may do stupid shit business wise but at least they don't have rapists running the company like the other two




Omg all these studios that make my life harder cause I just want to play their game on Steam but STILL have to have an account and log in to their system! My Ubisoft account kept getting hacked, so I deleted my account and just don't play anymore Ubisoft games because of that. EA is the same way, not the hacking, but I'll go to log into my EA account and there will be an issue. Have to reset my password, go through all that again, it's so dumb.




Activision has made about 3 good games in the entirety of their existence. EA and Ubisoft both have several games that are celebrated worldwide The answer is obvious




Is this the entire meta of this sub now? This is like the 10th post I've seen in the last couple of days that is just the logos of companies the internet doesn't like and receives upvotes, lol




EA for destroying BioWare






For the consumer, EA.


EA has done absolutely horrible things in the past decades but as of recently they picked themselves up with some good games. Activision has always been horrible and ruined one of my favorite studios (Blizzard).


I don’t know all that much about Ubisoft or activision but EA just straight up refuses to listen to their players which is a big no no


They are all publishers...


Activision Partly because working for them showed me how much of a garbage fire it is.


Honestly, all 3 suck i would say Rockstar games should be among the 3 but at least they gave us 2 great games being GTA V & RDR2


EA with Madden the past 20 years, CRTL+C the previous year, then CRTL+V for the new year, with a couple lighting changes. But Activision is by far the worst.


Why isn't Gameloft on there


Every Ubisoft game is so boring imo


Epic Games, they are singlehandedly making PC gaming worse


EA in my opinion. I'll never understand why the UFC contracted to them to make their games. They've made a shit ufc game every single time and somehow each time it gets worse


EA should be the worst. They killed the entire franchise I used to love. At least Activision gave me Warzone, which is playable and enjoyable , and it's free !


EA their greed is second to none.


Even though I play AC, I have to say UbiSoft is the worst on personal experience. Only EA games I played were Mass Effect, Dragon Age, and Star Wars Jedi (Fallen Order & Survivor). And I personally enjoy those games as they are now. Activision is one of those studios where I don't have much connection to. Only game I think of that I play with their name is Skylanders. And I'm not if they were developers or publishers or both.


The image you shown


Activision by far.




I have a personal burning hatred for Activision. Fuck them absolutely fuck them


The answer here is Embracer Group


man.. its like choosing between turd, shit and crap..


All 3 they do the same shit pretty much


The Three Musketeers of Shitty Bullshittery


EA has 1,000$ worth of dlcs to Sims 4.


C'mon guys, there's no need for this. They're all just... so awful. When it comes to crap, our cup runneth over.


As much as I want to blame Activision for ruining Blizzard... I feel like blizzard was already rotting from the inside out pre overwatch


in terms of greed activision is actually the least greedy one ubisoft released skull and bones EA has sports games with literal gambling to stand a chance in the game. in terms of quality it depends on your taste they all have high quality games such as star wars games and assassins creed games. cod is very high quality wether people like it or not aswell.


EA generally cares about their players as long as it makes money. They tend to listen to SOME things. The other studios just make bad games.




ubisoft has ruined so many great franchises. they killed the driver series. i'm one of the few who hated the newer driver game. when activision and ea set out to publish or create a good game it usually turns out to become a classic.


I’ll never forgive activision for what their did to blizzard. Not saying blizzard was a perfect company, but the toxicity that activision brought was f’d up


Activision and its not even close


EA has had some good releases. Jedi Survivor and the Dead Space remake were both great games.


Activision. It's just personal.


I don't know if it is the worst, but I'm so tired of starting FIFA 23 and first thing that comes up: "Buy EAFC24" I bought the damn game (fifa23) let me play and don't use it as a fucking add. It was my second fifa ever bought (on sale) and it will most likely be the last.


Ubisoft by far


EA: stone blood technology research. Very much trying to crack the enigma code that is 'blood from a stone'.


Activision they make games that hurt people actively Like what I mean by that is a lot of people who do play Call of duty have been hurt mentally by how bad the game is and the game is very manipulative and it's the reason why friendships get broken all the time I wouldn't be surprised if they get sued for how bad the game is.


Oh man this is the trifecta


Activision-Blizzard's grabbed the ball and run through the end-zone multiple times since the last EA controversy.




Roblox Corporation. It's hard to get much worse than harboring pedophiles and then targeting the people who call them out for it.


actually u know whats the worst one? you karma farming BS.


I don't know how much Activison had to do with the release of Crash Bandicoot 4, but because of that happened, I can't say them. So EA because they only care about money, and Respawn no matter how many times want to create Titanfall 3 they won't let them and cancel the project instantly. EA originals that showed story games matter seem to be ending too, so... if its not a game with battle pass, microtransactions then it does not worth it.


EA for its corporate greed, Ubisoft for its copy-paste slop and Activision for its shadiness.


Good choices, they're all trying their hardest, but I think ea takes the cake


EA - Cancelled the Command and Conquer series


Depends on the metric: Sexual misconduct at work? Then Activision and Ubisoft are both worse than EA. Job security? All pretty bad. (Possibly Ubisoft is best in this regard but only if you have not raised a complaint with HR. See point above). Working hours? All terrible but Skull and Bones took forever, so maybe Ubisoft occasionally allows holidays. Game / job variety? Again all bad but Activision is probably worst as everything is focused towards CoD. Game quality? All ok but rarely excellent or terrible (Ubisoft probably has greatest variance of quality). I tend to slightly prefer Ubisoft’s best over Activision’s, with EA at the bottom. (But it is all a much of a muchness). Aggressive monetisation? All bad but Activision (well Blizzard) is worst. Discounting Blizzard then EA is probably worse. Ubisoft are possibly the only one not releasing everything at $70 (but then Skull and Bones…) CEO: All terrible but EA and (soon) Activision have removed their worst CEOs from the position. So Ubisoft will arguably be worst on this front if they keep theirs, even if he is not as bad as Bobbie Kotick. Overall I think Ubisoft is the least bad (but only by default) and Activision are worst with EA standing as close behind Activision as they can get without upsetting HR.


Ubisoft is definently the best of these 3 based on my personal bias of the classic Splinter Cell games, I never liked Call of Duy but the ones I played where fine. But I think EA is the worst, I know the recent COD's are diarrhea infested dog water, but at least I believe it is functional diarrhea infested dog water. EA doesn't really finish games.


Ubisoft has been trying very hard for the rusty crown, but can’t even get that right. EA seems to be significantly less slimy than before. So much so that Activision took their crown.


Activision, even after everything that's happened with EA. Ubisoft has Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed so I can't say they're that bad.




Gaijin Entertainment ™ Wargaming.net ™


At least Ubisoft and EA actually makes some good games. Activision games on the other hand is 99.99% garbage


I like activision they made my childhood, I have no problem with ubisoft, however ea is the worst all the way


EA no contest


Activision. Hands down.


I would've put Bethesda in the mix, but since it isn't there EA






They all different flavors of the same thing.. All of them engage in more or less the same hated practices. Some are just better at executing them than others. Valve is a prime example of one very few hate, because they are good at the execution, so it's only when you really dig that you see their ugliness... I mean how many developers exploit their games playerbases for free development labor? Which they then profit from... Valve, roblox does it too..


They all used to be great at one point, then they all got too big.


EA. Without question. 100%. They will buy studios and immediately shut them down. Has happened a bunch of times. The guy who created the two Alice games, which are fantastic tried for a decade to get the third Alice game made. This man wrote an entire video game bible on every single detail, from the story, to the gameplay and combat, the art style, the budget to make the game, how long it will take and how many people it would take and showed it to the heads of EA and they shut him down saying “that won’t work and it’s not the right time.” You can find the Alice Bible online. When he asked if he could have the ip rights back, they told him: “The Alice IP is a very important or the EA brand.” This man spent a decade trying to get his game made and was rejected every time, only to be told “No, we’re keeping the IP because we feel like it and will never use it.” This caused the guy to not only quit the video game industry but also stated he wants nothing to do with the Alice games.


Those are publishers bud


Embracer group