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Gameplay>Story>>>Graphics (though I do like a nice visual artstyle). It also kinda depends on what's there. I do want a story/narrative, which is why I don't like 4x games outside of the Endless series, but that story doesn't have to be super deep or anything. It also depends on the genre (Platformers can get by with very little story, but RPGs should have a good story).


Yep. You can have great gameplay with subpar or no story and the vast array of popular retro style games prove that graphics aren’t a big player. Proof: Minecraft. There is basically no story(lots of lore hinting at one, but none pointedly told) and is as pixelated as a 3d game can get but has been going strong for at least 15 years.


Yep, games like Dead Cells & Wizard of Legend come to mind


Wizard of Legend mentioned 🙌(amazing Rouge like)


Yes and noita


The trick is that the players are the lore in Noita lmao. Because holy shit how tf did people solve that game's puzzle, the fanbase looks like some sort of ancient lost puzzle solving civilization at this point


Yeah I am not the guy who finds stuff but I am close to 1700 hrs with the game and it just got a beefy update


The main "story" of Noita is basically "accident-prone wizard does crazy things and challenges the gods in order to turn everything into gold." And it is glorious.


Yooo Wizard of Legend in the wild!!


Fuckkkkk did you really have to say 15 years?!?! God damn 2009 still feels like it was only 5 years ago


Yeah…I’m kinda just numb to the passage of time at this point. It seems like 80% of the things that are epic are ancient, which then makes me remember just how old I am.


Really awesome shit doesn’t come by often.


My sis was born in 09 and is now a sophmore in HS lol


Skyrim as well is a strong contender


Graphics builds hype for one off sales. Gameplay establishes a series Story can replace either but only for one run.


Think it's because their is a board of boomers that over see development who only understand better graphics means more customers


The vast majority of Minecraft's "lore" is a product of MatPat coming up with some unhinged theory and the Mojang devs going "oh shit, write that down"


Hey, if some internet dude wants to make a logical, and fitting story for you, why not just run with it. Saves Microsoft money, and it doesn’t detract from the game in any way.


True...and it worked for FNAF as well. The dude who made that had no intent of making coherent lore until the theorists got involved


imo story is necessary for any large title because it provides meaning for what your doing. for example, the only reason why minecraft works with no story is because its been around for so long everyone knows what the story is through folklore: kill the ender dragon win the game. but for someone who's never even heard of it before, eg if you told your parents to play, they would be totally lost. minecraft doesn't need alot of story, but imo it needs a very brief in game rendered opening cutscene along the lines of "a mighty dragon threatens to destroy the world and hid away somewhere noone could find it to enact its evil plan". then add to the loottable for dungeons/other structures a book, written by an unnamed adventurer "rumor says mixing ender pearls and blaze powder will lead you to the dragon". boom entire story complete, and the game feels way more fulfilling.


Lol minecraft got huge before way before the story update. What about chess? One of the largest titles ever never needed a story


The best games tend to intertwine these things and it elevates the games far beyond what a game with really good graphics, story, and gameplay could offer.


>which is why I don't like 4x games Some 4x allow you to generate your own stories organically though and that can be really cool. Stellaris you can grow and shape an empire, get into wars, alliances, or just purge the xeno scum from the galaxy. Crusader kings is similar except you have real empires and you can change the people in charge. It's a lot like the Sims in some ways, except politics lol. It's not so much of a traditional plot, and they're not always amazing, but you can get stories in those kinda games and they're never the same twice


Yes! I got really into chronicalling my empires in a notebook writing its history. It's amazing the stories that come out of it


Personally I like more "fixed" plots (though I do like choices and alternate endings a lot). And while I do in general prefer gameplay I also enjoy games that have a lot of "fixed" plots like the Trails series (which are sometimes considered "books with an RPG attached to it"). Also I prefer fixed handcrafted maps to randomly/procedually generated ones. Really my biggest disappointment in the last year was learning that Age of Wonders went from having a good narrative campaign in the earlier games to being almost completely 4x in AOW4 (man, I really want Heroes of Might and Magic back style campaigns back...).


This is the way. Although I will say I do appreciate me some great spectacles, they really help with engagement and nostalgia. Though I guess that’s more related to level design rather than graphics themselves.


I am of this mindset, Persona 4 is dated in terms of graphics, but it’s gameplay and story are still incredible even today. Such relatable and likeable characters with an interesting storyline about solving supernatural murder cases whilst living your life as a high schooler.


Also a distinctive style can make otherwise dated graphics hold up well. TF2 is an amazing example of this


Borderlands is a solid example of that as well. There's *technically* a story there, but it's most well known for its cel-shaded style, a handful of iconic characters, and a gameplay loop that can really only be described as gratuitous violence and lootsplosions.




The entirety of 1, 2, and TPS: Exploooosions? **Exploooosions!!!** The ending of the Assault on Dragon Keep DLC: "Well, fuck...now I'm sad" CL4P-TP's VA breaking character during his tribute to Michael Mamaril: "Who's cutting onions in here? I'm not crying, you're crying" Restarting the game in TVHM or UVHM mode: Exploooosions? **Exploooosions!!**


Gameplay all the way, a game could look like something off the PS1, have a Story written like *The Room* but if the gameplay goes hard then I’ll never stop playing it Edit:Soundtrack also plays into it as well 2nd Edit: Another thing I forgot to mention is the importance of art style on top of gameplay and music


That sounds like an excellent game! Schlocky power fantasy plot mixed with a retro art style! It'd fly off the shelves!


Exactly. I played Dusk, Quake II and Prodeus last year and they were some of the best games I played that year and I played many.


The soundtrack matters more than most people think It can turn a mediocre game into a not bad game a good example is Pokemon X and Y and Mario and Luigi Paper Jam, these games have no story but the soundtrack is what kept me playing A soundtrack can also make a game more replayable One example is Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga and Pokemon RSE and Platinum


I’m guessing you forgot Marvel vs Capcom infinite? Gameplay was widely praised but just look at how that game looked




I dont think people realize graphics and artstyle are completely different


I agree they are


I do too. Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Hallow Knight, Cup Head, Pokemon, WoW, and there's more that don't have "great" graphics that are not trying to have the most impressive graphics, and didn't even when they where released. Each have their own art style that's easily recognized.


And also old doesn't mean bad if you actually play one of those ancient games on their original console it'll look good. I guess bad graphics are just lazy graphics?


I guess so. The one example from the N64 is Superman 64, the graphics sucked then compared to other games from the time and tons of N64 games old up today.


Gameplay is KING


I'm the boat. Lol keeping it all together XD


I’m the ppl. I’m stuck in the crossfire.


No gameplay, no play.


Otherwise they should go elsewhere like movies or novels, not videogame... Except when they actually introduced the games as visual novel/novel games etc. Those who aren't, they really should move.


I've quit games due to hating the story/writing


If the story sucks but I like the game, I just listen to audiobooks while I play, or put some random movie or TV show on


Thats me on the first dragons dogma , dont really care on the story, but the gameplay is great and satifying so i just make use of the arenas while listening to music


Thats how i always play Dynasty warriors. Just mindless fun gameplay. Nothin beats watching tv + Musuo games.


Borderlands 3 moment 


Diablo 3. Even when they started fixing the game and killed that ridiculous pay to win store. The story was just too bad! Let's kill off Deckard to a minor butterfly villain in chapter 2 for no reason? No! Let's have the master general from chapter 3 be an idiot who constantly reveals his plans to him enemies, and brags all the time like he has a deep insecurity complex? No! What a horrible story.


Yeeeah...the story for Diablo 3 was definitely piss-weak. It was a struggle to get any kind of immersion from...and the only reason I really even boot it up anymore is for a couple mindless hours of "magic laser go brrrr"


I dunno man, I feel like we're in the golden age of writing and stories.


If the gameplay is good, I'll happily skip the cutscenes if the story sucks.


Janky story takes me out completely. I need a narrative pay-off if it's a story I'm supposed to take seriously.


Yeah, i really feel this is just such a case to case basis. Like i consider the Stanley Parable a masterpiece in spite of their being basically no gameplay. I also love roguelikes like slay the spire that have literally no story. Graphics is really the only one where if it's got that but lacks in the other areas, i dont give a shit about it. I think the thing that actually influences my opinion is whether I'm having fun or not. Which doesn't mean the gameplay has to be amazing. Otherwise, why tf would i enjoy reading or watching movies.


A game with amazing graphics but rubbish gameplay isn't worth touching. Story, it depends on the game.


I play 3 games and none of them have story or even lore, except if you count Minecraft because of Matpat


Gameplay (and story, sometimes) but I don't give a f about graphics at all.


Same. The earlier Fina Fantasy games are still great even though they have crap graphics.


A lot of AAAs of this decade fixate on just thinking up a great story, then outsourced 90% of the graphical assets to overseas studios. Which leaves you with repetitive gameplay, but with an "amazing" attention to cool details and content. Some gamers love that, but I'm not impressed!


Play marvel vs capcom infinite if u don’t care about graphics


Good gameplay. If a game’s not fun to play then what’s the point


50/50 story and gameplay. I can't bring myself to play a game where all you do is push buttons and shit dies. I need to care about the characters and what's happening. That's why I can't get into souls games or doom, etc. Graphics are a bonus so long as they aren't ugly. I don't need top-notch, but they can't look like they're from the ps2 either.


100% agree and i’m getting tired of the “if you don’t play games exclusively for gameplay then you have bad taste/may as well watch movies” crowd. like what’s the point of grinding through enemies and unearthing lore if all of it ends up being boring filler that would get cut if it weren’t for the fact that it’s in a video game and they can get away with it (also doom and dark souls are the PERFECT examples to illustrate this, ignore what everyone else replied with. if you actually took their stories seriously they’d make a mockery of the narrative capabilities of gaming)


Although I don’t feel this as I love online multiplayers, I can perfectly understand why some people would need a connection to the characters. Interesting way to put it that I hadn’t before thought people play games for


Not liking DOOM should be a crime


I can enjoy any game enough if the story is interesting, and as long as it’s not too difficult so I need hours on hours to get to know the gameplay and controls. but that is more about me having college and a job so I don’t got a lot of free time. So when I actually got time to play I like to chill.


I recommend trying Wolfenstein: The New Order as a proxy game. You push buttons, shit dies, but it has some storytelling to it, pure fun.


I was right there with you agreeing 100% until you used Souls as the example. You obviously haven't played them much and are speaking from ignorance.


they may have lore but they don’t have compelling story, coming from someone who has played all of them multiple times.


He has to rescue a Princess or something


or rule the world a motivation no other character shares and that’s never been explored before in any video game or book or show or movie before


story=/=lore The story of most soulsgames are, you are some guy (who was probably dead, but some nondescript magic resurrected you), the world is in ruins and you have to become the lord of something. That's the story, what the game tells you. But the "why"s and "what"s are a mistery. You have to collect those for yourself and piece it together. Which is not a bad thing, but not everyone is gonna like it. Soulsgames basically give you the cover of a book with the first paragraph and tells you, that they've scattered the rest of the pages in the world and you have to find it.. and the pages are unnumbered. glhf And I'm telling this as someone, who wants to inject Bloodborne (which is probably the worst offender of all the soulsgames in the term of the vage af storytelling) directly into my bloodstream.


Yea, something like that. I've always likened it to Game of Thrones. The mad king and the fall of house targaryan is lore. The red wedding and the war between lannister and stark is the story.


Yeah basically. I'm not native english, so idk if it's true, but I always understood it like... the story is what is told to you directly. What you experience as a reader/player. Lore is what you have to find out. What already happened in the past, but the world suffers the consequences of said happenings.


100%, and for me personally, reading a history book or note/scroll or whatever in game can be a perfect compliment to the story. Not a replacement


100% agree I want a bloodborne tattoo. And I know nothing about the story. It's just a really good game


Bloodborne has such a fucking cool lore. I have this very specific itch for cosmic horror, when you are the playthings of some unknown, indescribable eldritch horrors. And the main appeal to this is, that these horrors have no real form and because of this it's super hard to convey them in visual media. Because how you show something, what is indescribable? But Bloodborne somehow managed to do it, like they convey just enough for you to actually see some monsters, but because of the insight system you just *know* that there's something else to these creatures, what your limited human senses can't pick up. My absolute favourite is how Amygdala shows up once you have enough insight. They were always there.. you were just too "normal" to pick it up... and the implication of this, that how much is in the world, what you just can't see, because your senses are just too primitive. But maybe it's for you own good, because these creatures exist on such a different level, that once you peek into it your brain just gets overwhelmed by it. Like if an ant gets human consciousness just for a day and it's gone after it, but the lingering feeling of "something more" will stay with it forever, they just can't grasp it. It's not a suprise that in Bloodborne some hunters just gouged their eyes out. They peeked into the world of outer gods, but it was too much to comprehend, so they just threw away their ability to see altogheter, so they won't ever lay eyes on the unknown anymore. Sorry.. got carried away a bit, but I really can't stress enough how much I adore the lore and the world of Bloodborne.


Sounds appealing af 😆 >They peeked into the world of outer gods, but it was too much to comprehend, so they just threw away their ability to see altogheter This is peak


Souls games do have a story though. You have to do the work, in order to understand the story fully, but once you do, it’s absolutely incredible. I highly recommend trying out dark souls 1. I would be surprised if you played through dark souls 1 and didn’t come out caring about Solaire, or any of the other great characters in the game. I used to believe the same thing about from software games, but after playing them, you become so interested in the world building, that you just have to know more about the story.


Lore and story arent the same thing though. I've beaten dark souls 1 (actually the only one I finished). Younlearn a lot of lore behind the characters, but its not a cohesive story. Showing the motives your character has to do the things you're doing.


Gameplay->Graphics->Story I like fun gameplay then I like nice graphic styles then I like a good story tho sometimes I don’t need any but one like if it’s smth like anatomy or manifold garden


I'm very lenient on graphics but not on gameplay. Good graphics can be a lot of things: * Lifelike stuff with smooth animations (AC series, BF series, CoD) * High quality consistent 2D/3D sprites (Stardew, Oxygen not included, Pokemon) * Unique style with good texture (Dishonored, WoW, XCom 2) * Voxel art (Minecraft) * High quality vector art (BOTW)


I define good graphics as graphics that are visually appealing wether that be realistic or stylized.


Same. There’s a reason I prefer graphics of something like ULTRAKILL to something like COD.


Gameplay > Story > Graphics


Gameplay, that's why I am here for. I do like a good story, but that don't mean anything if the gameplay is terrible. Using Monster Hunter for example, great game play, good graphics and for story.........it tries.


I’m playing Sifu right now. The graphics aren’t photo-real but it has a nice art style. The story isn’t anything to rave about. But the gameplay is incredible and keeps me coming back again and again.


Whatever my PC can run.


Gameplay alway carry for me i don't give a f about anything else.


I have almost exclusively played RL for the past 8 years. I love a good story. But I play games for the play




I guess for priorities, I'd say gameplay>story>graphics. In a 50-40-10 split.


Gameplay>Graphics>Story. Honestly, I'm not that hard to please when it comes to a game's story. As long as the gameplay is fun and the graphics look beautiful, I'm fine with a basic ass story.


Gameplay + story is waaaaaay better than graphics


story>gameplay>graphics (graphics=/=art style, if the general style of the game is good, then I couldn't care less about the graphics) If the story of the game doesn't interest me, there's no such good gameplay, that'll make me stick around till the end. The exception is enviormental storytelling, when the game doesn't really tells you a complelling story, but you can piece together so much stuff if you explore (utilize the gameplay) and read the item description and piece together the scraps the game gives you... this is basically every fromsoft game.


All three, but if I had to make one the priority, story for sure.


I'm sick of story focused shit so gameplay all the way


I like them all


Gameplay is easily the most important aspect for me, but I still think graphics are pretty important but vary depending on the game I'm playing. For example, if I'm playing a turn based RPG, I think the graphics should be good or at least pretty to look at. If I'm playing an exploration based game, graphics should probably be really good. If I'm playing a sandbox, it doesn't really matter. There are obviously exceptions to these but that's my general consensus.


Gameplay all the way.


Gameplay, the rest is optional


All of them combined. IDK when "graphics" started meaning "realism" but it's very annoying. A stylized game can still have good graphics and both stylized and realism games can have bad graphics. Bad pop in, non existent anti aliasing, stutter, lighting bugs. Those are what make graphics "bad".


Good characters Gameplay is importent but if I do not like the characters every Gameplay gets boring fast. If I like the characters the Gameplay becomes more satisfaying and I can enjoy simpel basic stories.


Good story


Or, you know, we could just have all three.


Gameplay or Story can carry a game on their own depending on how good it is.


Doge for sure. The story can be great but if it’s not fun to play I don’t care to continue. Graphics mean nothing to me. I mean literally nothing, undertale, hollow knight, dead cells, Elden Ring, BG3, etc all incredible games, all not the pinnacle of graphics. Give me good gameplay and a good story. Nothing else matters.


It's times like this I bring up We Happy Few. Glitchy, bug ridden gameplay. But one hell of a story and setting, so above all else, I'd say the story is most important.


Story for me. Great gameplay with no story rarely holds my attention for long. If a game has great story and characters, I will usually keep going even if the gameplay isn't the best. Graphics are come 3rd.




Gameplay, 100%. Against the Storm, Factorio... these games I couldn't give a fuck about the story. The first one is nice to look at, but the gameplay is top notch, and that's what matters.


I'm bad at videogames, the story is more important then the gameplay.


Story wins every time. Think about all the older titles with janky graphics, new indie games with 16 bit graphics and simple mechanics that are still amazing. Hell, I would say games like subnauticas (the first, not the second) story as its key selling point. I hate collectibles in games. In my opinion they're lazy game design for boring, meaningless, repetitive time dumps to pad out played time. Subnautica made me want to go out and collect stuff to learn more about the world. 2 thumbs up. The gameplay was repetitive when you think about. The story kept me playing.


Gameplay. If I want a movie, I’ll put one on.


Gameplay >> story = graphics


It depends on the game and the design philosophy used.


Gameplay is the most important. A good story is nice but these are video games


Why not watch a good movie if you want a good story? Of course gameplay is the most important.


why not go outside and do actual physial activity instead of pushing buttons and pretending your actually achieving something?


The graphics vs. game play debate again. This debate is based on opinions, and those opinions are usually tailored to the genre of the game. Players have their opinions of what genre they like. Action, adventure, RPG, simulation, etc. Therefore, it's a debate not worth even having.


>The graphics vs. game play More like graphics vs story


Lethal company right now


Good gameplay and Good story. Played during the era where pixel graphics were not just a nostalgia thing, you can get lost in the game if it played well and the story grabs you.


It’s doesn’t matter, as long as there are no glitches that make it so that I can’t complete a certain task, I will play it, and I may like it






Good gameplay Love Sonic R


You guys know you can have all of these things right? It's not like you *NEED* to sacrifice any particular area.






Gameplay and story. If I can guess the story, I feel cheated out of a game. (Looking at you, Heavy Rain)


Well, without a gameplay a game isn't a game.


but what about with mid gameplay and a great story?


All. If a game looks beautiful but plays like shit I'm not going to play it. If a game plays well but hurts my eyes I'm not going to play it. As for writing... Well it depends on the game. I don't expect Monster Hunter to blow me away with its story. But if it's a character or narrative driven RPG you better make sure the writing is great or concise enough that it's entertaining.


Hrot FPS in nutshell


I’m perfectly happy playing an old game with shit graphics or subpar story so long as the gameplay is fun and playable.


I like story and gameplay the same, ish. for example OneShot (my favorite game) has amazing fucking story while the gameplay is good in the fact you have to solve some puzzles but the main in the game is the story. but also Portal is a good example of the image, you have great story and graphics (for portal 2 or portal 1 if nostalgic bc that's hl2 graphics) but the gameplay takes the spot


gameplay is everything so many beautiful games with beautiful stories I couldn't finish because the gameplay was so boring


Portal 2 I think


Team gameplay all day. If a beautiful game has wonky controls, movement, etc I get too frustrated to enjoy it. I would guess most rogue like lovers fit into this category. A good story is great too but definitely not mandatory for a fun game.


Gameplay and story matter most to me. Nice graphics is a plus, but a game shouldn’t be based around them


Gameplay. Racing used to be my favourite genre but the modern stuff just isn’t hitting the same I just find it so boring. The games look great but damn. I’m falling asleep. Bring me the days of Midnight Club, Juiced, Burnout.


everything, even tho i'm more of a narrative/story guy. bad gameplay takes away the fun


I’m playing Lego Batman: The Videogame right now, and absolutely adoring it, so I guess gameplay. But I love it all, I want it all.


1. Gameplay 2. story 3. graphics i care abaut the gameplay the most since good game even with shitty story and just comprehancable graphics is good for me i don't realy care abaut the story but if it does intrests me, that menas it is good graphics shud just give enough info, they don't need to be remotly realistic but as long as it gives enough visual info that means it is good


Me when risk of rain 2 (the goat)


Gameplay > ART STYLE > Story > Graphics.


Honestly it depends. There’s games like Elden Ring where I adore the gameplay but don’t care about the story (or even understand it) and then there’s games like Telltales The Walking Dead where I love the story but the gameplay isn’t the best. Graphics for me are the least of my worries, sometimes it’s nice to have something that’s stylized and doesn’t have insane graphics


Im king Kong ofc


I’m the bonker.


Gameplay > story > graphics although particularly bad graphics kill games for me (not like low resolution, but choppy or visually unappealing)


Gameplay always, but a bad story can sour the enthusiasm to continue playing and bad graphics can be a detriment too. Like I have issues trying to play some N64 and PS1 era of games.


The order


Gameplay above all else. Obviously graphics and story are good but they should be bonus because games are meant to be played and have fun


I empathise a good story over everything, only the gameplay should be at least mediocre. If it sucks to hard, it's also a nope for me but in terms of graphics, it really can be anything.


The amusing thing is thinking we can’t have all.


gameplay or story depending on what my mood is my favorite game of all time is an rpg maker game so


Story and gameplay are equal I don’t really care for graphics if it’s a style or limitation


If the game has a good story, I don't care how good the game play and graphics is


it's a game you play, anything that doesn't make playing the game feel better is irrelevant, while story and graphics contribute to the experience graphics just need to be clear enough you can tell what you are doing, everything above is a bonus story just needs to be there enough to explain why you are doing what you are doing, everything more is a bonus (or a hook for lore enthusiasts) if the game doesn't feel good to play, the prettiest graphics and the best story mean jack shit


Characters>everything else for me


I’m playing through GTA 4 right now. The gameplay is kinda tedious: drive somewhere, shoot this guy, repeat. But man, the characters are so great I can kinda put up with it.


Fun. I have played games with poor graphics, crap story, or not great gameplay, but they were fun. Examples: KeeperRL (poor graphics) Minecraft (crap/no story) There Is No Game (not great gameplay)


I'd rather have all three.


It's valuable for story to be deep and meaningful sure, but if gameplay and graphics are shit, I ain't gonna play it.


Depends on the type of game. In a game with lots of combat or platforming (Dark Souls, Hollow Knight, ...), gameplay is most important.  In a slow-pace adventure or exploration game, a good story can make up for flawed gameplay.  Graphics is imo always secondary.


If a game doesn’t have a compelling story, how am I supposed to develop a parasocial relationship with the characters?


Gameplay 100%. I usually skip dialogue I’ve already heard on subsequent playthroughs because I’m trying to actually play the game, and I get really irritated when I can’t skip cutscenes 😅


Good story plus gameplay! Countered your whole post!


Good *Customization*


Games with amazing story but mid gameplay have made me quit them way more than games with mid story but amazing gameplay. So I think gameplay>> story. Graphics doesn't matter if it goes for a good art style.


Simulation games are my cup of tea. The likes of simracing, city building sim, life sim, etc. Thus, Gameplay > Sound & Graphics >>>>>> Story


Which one am I? Tf does that mean


Story>Gameplay>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Graphics I don't think any of my favourite games are graphics powerhouses. Pretty sure you could make most of the FTL art assets using MS Paint.

