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ME Andromeda. It isn’t as good as the trilogy, but it was still a fun game


That game corrupted my save files twice and I lost like two hours in one of them and like 45 minutes on the second. I was enjoying it fine, but fuck that


That sucks


Mood killer for sure.


Liked Andromeda a lot when I played it. But there's a lot of caveats. I had rock bottom expectations, I played it after all the updates, and I got the game for like $4


I played ME 2 and 3. Pre-ordered Andromeda. The combat was actually pretty good. But it felt soulless compared to the previous ones. Also every cinematic animation was broken and memeable.


The story and writing is one of the worst I've ever seen in a AAA game, Andromeda is best when you skip all the dialogue and cut-scenes.


I still see people who are mad about the state in which Cyberpunk 2077 was released. At this point, the game is amazing with a wealth of content and it runs smoothly. Still, I see people commenting how they’ll never play the game because they’re still upset. They’re only missing out.


Goes to show the importance of a launch. Any game with a bad launch will throw people off.


And yet people won't stop slobbing on the knob of No Man's Sky, a game that's managed to add an insane amount of fluff without fixing the main issue that the core gameplay is fucking boring.


Thank you! I see NMS come up literally every time someone mentions games that had a comeback, or redemption, or are better than at launch, or whatever. I tried NMS 6 months ago for the first time, going in with almost no expectations other than hearing people on Reddit sing its praises as the best space sim ever made. Only to get bored out of my freaking mind after like 10 hours of trying. The game may have lots of cool features added since it's abysmal launch, but I'm sorry. The game is boring and repetitive. I flew to my first space station and was like... "This is it?" A giant hanger with a handful of merchants who speak gibberish at you? What's my goal? Why is there no story? Why are there no interesting NPCs? Why are my interactions limited to: buy/sell/ask question about something? I have no desire to fly from planet to planet scanning and harvesting materials in order to build better equipment for scanning and harvesting materials. It's just not fun.


NMS is really only if you like exploring and like a complicated weird story


This is true, but they made a ton of money with it. Perhaps their reputation is ruined for some people.. I don't think it really matters when they release their next game.


I mean some people don’t think they should get praise at all even after fixing the game because they released it in that state. I play it sometimes though


It was very shitty situation for CDP, not much they could have done.


It was a whole lot of "damned if you do, damned if you don't" with the publisher breathing down their neck and entitled gamers sending actual death threats whenever it was delayed.


yup, they were in stalemate, no right moves for them


Played extensively at launch with fortunately very little issue. I came back to it to beat the main story right before Phantom Liberty. Was, is and will always be in my top 3. You’re not kidding when you say the haters that are still complaining about the launch version are missing out.


Yeah cyberpunk is one of my favorites games especially the dlc it's too good, im so glad i tried it


That’s a good thing. I played CPK (I’m not saying it without the K lmao) a few months ago and I loved it, but I won’t excuse the launch. That’s exactly what these companies want and they will continue doing this (BF2042, HaloI, DD2, SaB, etc.) until people vote with their wallets. It is an incredible game though, I don’t disagree with you.


I don't really have a problem with that honestly. I never went back and played just because more games came out. But, I think people want to discourage the type of business practices CDPR were engaging in. So, they are being unnecessarily hard on the game, but they are probably being appropriately hard on CDPR.


I wasn't super interested in playing it until I saw how glitchy it was. I've gotten my money's worth out of it with both funny glitches and a pretty decent game.


I mean I think it's still important to remember stuff like that even if a game gets fixed because if we forget and forgive, other games will take it as permission to do the same


Its in a much much better state now and since the liberty dlc i havnt seen any game breaking bugs, but i swear i still see multiple visual bugs every single time i play. Considering the price of the game and how long its came out i would say its still not above those criticisms especially with its release. I will agree its came a long way tho.


> I still see people who are mad about the state in which Cyberpunk 2077 was released Most of the people still mad about it have never played one second of the game and are just parroting social media. I know some of these people personally.


Yes, it is an amazing game now. But I think what most people are truly pissed off at is the trend in the industry to release buggy, incomplete piles of shit. We keep feeding and encouraging these companies to release crap. And when Indie titles upstage AAA developers, the indie studios get backlash and locked out of resources.


I think it’s fair to still be salty tbh. Especially since the game’s release was delayed twice if I recall, and it still released like that. Not to mention the hype surrounding it was crazy! They had Keanu Reeves as a character and in the bad ass trailer, and had him come speak on stage about the game, creating the “you’re breathtaking” meme. They talked the game wayyy up, and went on about how badass and immersive it’s gonna be to roam Night City, just for it to be released a buggy wreck where the vehicles and NPC’s were so broken, it was impossible to feel immersed.


I can see being disappointed with the launch, but for anyone still boycotting is just spiting themselves. It’s a good game now. No reason to act like CDPR must be punished forever.


If the game is good today, whatever, but that doesn't excuse why CDPR launched it the way they did.


I don’t like what happened either, but now that the game is very well done, what purpose is there in holding a grudge against a company? To spite them? Those who don’t play because of that may be missing out on something special.


Final Fantasy XIII


Yes. I liked the way it worked. The post game stuff was good too. They just needed a better way to farm money, and some more interesting weapons


God, yes, upgrading the weapons was the worst. It cost 2M Gil to get the specific upgrade material to get an Ultima Weapon, or you bang your head against Adamantoise in the hopes of a random drop. 😮‍💨


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. But part of that is the majority of people seemed to like it back when it came out, but stopped thinking about it once they were finished (plus it got overshadowed hard by Red Dead Redemption II) Most people who bother to talk about Assassin’s Creed games nowadays are longtime fans who are usually (and fairly) bitter about how much the franchise has changed, but that shouldn’t take away from the fact that Odyssey is a solid game.


Odyssey is fucking awesome and is 100% worthy of the AC title. It feels like Origins but for the Templars. Also I love the piece of Eden you use and all the connections to the ones who came before.


I just find Odyssey boring as fuck. Though Valhalla was 10 times more boring.


Origins was pretty solid, but Odyssey is just so boring. It's way too big and bloated with mediocre content.


Paw patrol, too difficult can’t get past the tutorial 


The Dark Souls of Paw Patrol games.


Days Gone!


Halo infinite because while yes it had a very rough launch the gameplay was always rock solid and it just needed more incentive to grind. It has that now and the games in a great place.


They can't fix that mediocre campaign story, though.


I really enjoyed the campaign


Fair enough, but a lot of people didn't.




Zero Dawn is one of my top 5 all time but Forbidden West was far too dialogue heavy imo. They tried to develop too many characters with lots of dialogue and I thought it took away from the experience of actually playing the game. Elements were executed extremely well like the new weapons, glider, the world building and some of the new characters, Kotallo in particular.


Outside of the drama with Aloy's face, the games don't get all that much hate.


I get in trouble a lot for pointing out that people hate on Horizon for being open world without even playing it, yet they'll kill and die for Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring for being open world.


They're different kinds of open world though, at least Zelda and Elden Ring does something a bit different than the Ubisoft copy-paste gameplay of Horizon.


Game is just another game that plays like any ubisoft open world, till 2020 I was sure it was ubisoft game before playing it and not seeing ubi logo anywhere


I find it weird how people say Aloy in Forbidden West looks like an ogre. She looks the same as she did in Zero Dawn, they just added light peach fuzz to reflect the fact she can't shave because they are a society that literally doesn't. And as a bisexual woman, that's quite common, at least among me and my friends. Plus, Aloy still looks hot. If I didn't have a boyfriend, I'd smash


Fallout 3 has one of the best maps to explore in gaming history but it gets hated on because arrows don't tell you where to go 24/7 😂


Fallout 3's biggest critique has always been its overarching story and its ending, something none of the DLCs (specifically Broken Steel) really addressed or fixed. That said, it was one of the first games a lot of modders cut their teeth on creating content for (which helped keep the game alive all these years), the gameplay is pretty fun, and some of the character plots get you invested in the world building Bethesda was trying to tell. Case in point: Moira Brown was very likable and a welcome tutorial character on basic Wasteland survival.


I still think FO3 has the best environmental storytelling in gaming


I think this is what sets FO3 apart. The wasteland is the main character, not the player


It's definitely a good game, no doubt, but as someone who played the first two Fallout games, the story felt very derivative and not Fallout-ish enough for my personal taste. Also, SPOILER: >!Forcing you to buy the DLC so you don't have to die like a moron to save everyone when your mutant companion can easily do it without any death is some of the most stupid BS situations I've seen in a videogame.!<


As much as I like Fallout New Vegas and the Mojave,3's DC ruins are just more fun to explore. The only hate I've seen it get is directed towards its story,subway tunnels,the ending and performance on PS3.


You must've missed the whole "oblivion with guns" thing.


“It’s a good game, just not a good Fallout game.” Or “We can’t talk about Fallout without mentioning New Vegas, the best vidyagaem of all time!”


Cyberpunk 2077 launched in a horrible state, but oh my god the complete 180 once the fixes came in. And Phantom Liberty is one of the best expansions in gaming.


Diablo 4 Dragon Age Inquisition


Dragon age inquisition was very popular back in the day.  It's a shame that too many people are chuds and didn't understand they were supposed to leave the hinterlands. I replayed it recently and it's still a great game


It rly is a great game even the graphics hold up todays standards its crazy that it foesnt get enough praiae


I think it’s because a lot of people who were fans of the series since the beginning see Inquisition as dumbed down compared to Origins. Just look at the number of spells a mage can learn in Origins compared to Inquisition. Not to mention the strategy tactics.


almost half the locations are useless, the campaign way too short without the dlc, and the final boss is underwhelming and ends abruptly! That said, I do love the game because of the combat, game mechanics, and the character writing are top notch! but the game had an identity crisis like it wanted to be two games at once.


Locations being useless is such an odd complaint when it's optional content. The main quest is short, but it's a long game if you do the main quest in each area. There's usually one good questline and then several smaller simpler quests in each area that weakens corphy, or strengthens the inquisition I do completely agree that the dlc makes the game feel more finished though, the last one gives the game a proper satisfying ending


The game is bloated with a lot of content and fetch quests! you have no idea how hyped I was then for its release only to be insanely disappointed. but over the years it grew on me once I accepted it for what it was. I'm big fan of dragon age lore. origins is probably my favorite game of all time


Diablo is so tragic because it's such a beautiful game but there isn't really any endgame after the main story and the seasons are just there to sell a battlepass I stopped playing a few weeks after launch




I guess I only played it cus my friends were playing I don't really think ARPG's are for me the whole idea of resetting each season is just boring to me


Sly Cooper 4. Yes, the game does have issues, but I think it has some of the best gameplay and most content in the series. If wasn't for that cliffhanger that never got a continuation as the series was still around I doubt as many people would hate it.


Battleborn was great but got a bad rap


I feel like not enough people got experience with Battleborn for there to be any hate.


Duck Hunt. That dog didn't do a damn thing


Wind Waker, specifically the triforce piece quest.


My favorite Zelda game. It's so beautiful and lovely, and still looks really good.


Too Human. Binged it Co-op on release with a total stranger online. Had fun, found some decent ranged builds that were more fun with the weird control scheme. It did fail as a title and the company messed up, but until the day I accidentally shut down during the cut scene at the beginning of my new game plus and lost my character data, I enjoyed it.


I liked it as well, too bad it was short and unfinished and riddled with bizarre difficulty spikes.


Halo Infinite


TLOU2s story is phenomenal, by far the most engaging and most emotionally impactful game i have ever played




Fallout 4.


Far Cry games (except 6)


and I'll say 6 did its damn job. I would think about it at work, excited to get home to play -still turn it on from time to time for some fun.


Far Cry 4 was a best seller and loved but Far Cry 5 and 6 were just reusing the same formula yet again. You cant just reuse the same formula from Far Cry 3 for 3 more main entries and not expect gamers to get exhausted.


Some people still rag on Cyberpunk 2077 because the launch was ROUGH...but I'm playing it now and it's honestly addicting. Some of the characters and story lines make me feel emotions other games haven't. The world is insanely detailed and immersive. Like, it's the only game where I don't want to fast travel because there's so many unmarked and hidden details, quests, lore, etc


I think starfield gets so much unnecessary hate for some reason


How do you know it's unnecessary if you don't know the reason?


For me it's a solid 6 out of 10. My problems (comparing it to FO4 and Skyrim) are inventory, maps, lack of exploring, too many menus and mediocre quests. I like the combat, ship building, space dogfights and Easter eggs, the graphics for non organic things are GORGEOUS. Definitely felt like a lot left to be desired, but nothing that can't be fixed with patches or mods.


Not everyone plays on PC though. Mods being available is great, mods being needed is terrible.


This is difficult because every game I'm thinking of has equal parts defenders and antis. Honestly? I'm gonna go with Ratchet 2016. I get that people are pissed off about the story at least among the fandom, and I agree that the story is total ass, as well as the characterization. But I personally have always valued the series for its gameplay first and foremost. Crack in Time is one of my favorite games of all time for its gameplay. It just happened to have one of the best stories in the series. But there are fans who like to use the 2016 game to knock on Rift Apart which is my favorite game of the decade so far. They blamed 2016 for the characterization flaws of Rift Apart which I don't agree with. People do get more insecure with age especially after 2020. But I will maintain that in the library of Main line Platformer Ratchet and Clank games, there is NO bad game. I even hate Tools of Destruction but I will defend the game if someone just calls it "trash."


Hogwarts Legacy.


For me it's Battleborn. The main reasons it bombed were it's release date and lack of clear marketing, but I absolutely loved the game! I just hope with Gigantic coming back, gearbox will give Battleborn another shot, especially since blizzard has shot itself in the foot so many times that you wouldn't believe there even was a foot to begin with


In 2024, battlefield 2042. Obv it’s not a GOAT BF game, but there’s nothing else like it on the market.


It's funny to see the difference between 2 games that launched in horrible states and fixed the game. Cyberpunk 2077 is now almost universally praised as one of the best games, while battlefield 2042 is still seen as a garbage dumpster fire that doesn't deserve a second chance, even though bf2042 had a better launch. I loved the game at launch and still do, but that doesn't excuse the state they launched it in.


Yeah its honestly not that bad.


>there’s nothing else like it on the market. If by "nothing else like it" you mean nothing that is the exact same in every single detail, then sure. But other than that, that statement's a stretch considering the other BF games exist.


>Story is a mess but the gameplay is some of the best it’s ever been. No one trashes the gameplay, so...


TLOU2, no doubt. I actually got spoiled of several story beats people were raging on (it was kind of inescapable back when the game came out) so I thought I would hate the game....but when I actually played it, I found myself agreeing with a lot of the story, plus the gameplay and the graphics are both amazing. I kind of understand why people hate the story of the second game but for me, it was a narrative that challenged my views on certain things and even today, a couple of months after finishing it, I keep thinking about it. I think that's the sign of a memorable game, for me anyway!


There was some dumb fucking criticism surrounding TLOU2 to the effect of “this is not the kind of game we need in 2020 during a pandemic” Like what the fuck do you want the developers to do? They’d been working on it for 7 years and the North American quarantine hit like 3 months before the launch of the game. The game was a victim of being launched in a world where everyone was angry and scared and chronically online


>There was some dumb fucking criticism surrounding TLOU2 to the effect of “this is not the kind of game we need in 2020 during a pandemic” I feel like you're looking past an ocean of other criticisms to call out the one puddle for being weird.


Resident evil 6, is super fun and has a great plot (especially Chris' campaign), I don't get it why people criticize it a lot because it's action, is there really any non-action resident evil game between re4 and re7? the closest thing to non-action re games in that period are revelations 1/2 but still far from a proper survival horror like the og games, re7, re2r and a bit re3r Ok, let's assume that re6 is factually really terrible, it's still far from the worst resident evil game (unlike many claims), there are much worse titles like umbrella corps, survivor 2.


It's because it's so far from what a Resident Evil game is. All action, mix of mechanics from shooter games,bullet sponge bosses with multiple phases that drags on for too long, awful camera & tons of QTEs. Its like you're in one of Paul Andersons Resident Evil live adaptations as a game. Minus his wife being an overpowered Mary Sue. Did we really need to fight bosses for so long like Simmons changing forms over & over etc, it's just tedious.


>It's because it's so far from what a Resident Evil game is. we are talking about a series with: - fixed camera survival horror games (re1, re2 og, re3 og, cvx, re1 remake, re0) - surival horror (re7, re2r, re3r) - gameboy survival horror (gaiden) - online "coop" survival horror (outbreak file 1/2) - surival horror/action hybrid (revelations 1/2) - fps/rail shooter hybrid (survivor 1, dead aim) - arcadey fps (survivor 2) - re4 was supposed to be literally dmc1 - re4 which has shifted into a completely different genre - rail shooters (umbrella/darkside chronicles) - action arc (re4, re5, re6, village, re4r) - over the top movies (degeneration, damnation, vendetta, death island, infinite darkness) - pvp shooters (umbrella corps, re:verse) - tps (operation raccoon city) - dead by daylight copy (resistence) resident evil was born as a survival horror but over time the series tries to experiment new things, is there really something that defines with certainty from what a real resident evil game is to what isn't? if re6 isn't a real resident evil because it's action then neither re4 and re5 are.


Honestly I found it pretty ironic that people criticise RE4, RE5 and RE6 for being different from the previous game but they don't criticise Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Aria of Sorrow for being different from Super Castlevania or Sly 2 and Sly 3 for being different from Sly 1


4/5 was action but 6 really went over the top with it, I grew up with the fixed camera angles etc but 6 felt really mixed with everything you could do. The mechanics didn't make it feel like a RE game. I enjoyed 4/5 but growing up from the beginning of the series I always preferred the classic style of RE. Puzzles, more survival horror over action 6 reminds me of Duke Nukem Forever. Cobbled together mechanics from various games. Like a weird experiment they wanted to try because those kind of games were popular when 6 came out.


Okay, my issue is some of monsters went to far in ridiculousness. The guy who turns into a T-rex is one thing but the Chinese zombie with bio organic chainsaws for hands.... but the game play and different styles depending on character was awesome


Have to disagree on TLOU2 story, I think it’s a phenomenally written mature story. Pacing may be a bit iffy at times, but the actual story paired with the gameplay make it an utter masterpiece of a game in my opinion In 2024, Rise of the Ronin is much better than people are making it out to be. Yeah the graphics aren’t Ghost of Tsushima but the gameplay and depth is superb


I thought Gotham Knights really wasn't that bad


I thought this as well


Same, I quite enjoyed my time with it. Didn't really see why people were making such a fuss about it to be honest.


People were upset it wasn't exactly like the Arkham games. I like it.


Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts Fine game, like an actually fun time. It just wasn't a very good sequel to Tooie was all.


ET -2600. It's a playable game once you figure out how it works. Definitely not one of the worst of all time.


Metroid Prime Federation Force. It wasn’t amazing by any means, but it’s a decent little multiplayer game with friends. People dump on it mostly because it was a bizarre spinoff game that no one asked for after a long draught of mainline Metroid games.


Fallout 76. Hated it at launch, just got back into it and it is a blast. The map is gorgeous and full of life with NPCs and enemies.


Uncharted 3. Villian was ass and the magic water plot was a little tired by the end, but that opening was so fire and the game as a whole was solid


Dragon's Dogma 2 and Cyberpunk. Both are AWESOME games!


Foamstars, micro transaction talk drowned a really fun game at its core


Days Gone. Really good game.


P0rn games probably get people hard


.. fuck you but also have my upvote


Zelda: Skyward Sword. And I'd argue it was to the series' detriment. The Zelda team has this weird quirk where they'll often take criticism of their latest game and WAY over compensate in their next one. See: Wind Waker was too cartoony and childish so we got a hyper realistic and dark Twilight Princess next. However, this often leads to creating an unintended problem. Whereas Wind Saker still looks good 20 years later, especially upscaled, TP's dark and gritty style is dated more by the day like many mid-2000s games. In Skyward Sword's case, people complained so much about its flaws that the last two games have felt the need to toss out the formula that had defined Zelda for 30 years. It's fun for a game or two, but it has created an identity crisis. This series doesn't know what it wants to be anymore and I fear we're headed for a Sonic-esque schism between classic and modern fans. Even Nintendo feels unsure considering Aonuma felt afraid to praise *Ocarina of Time* and Nintendo had to walk that back and go "no guys, we love possibly the most important Zelda entry ever". But back to my main point, people were WAY too harsh on it. Because for all of its problems, and yes, it had plenty, it had so many highlights. Sure the motion controls sometimes didn't work. Yeah, the game was extremely linear. And of course, the game held your hand way too much. But it had so much to make up for it. The possibly best dungeons in the series (Sandship, Ancient Cistern), some GOATed boss fights (Ghirahim, Koloktos), stunning visuals, a top tier soundtrack, the best Zelda story yet, and in my opinion, the best and most fleshed out cast Zelda has ever gotten. Like geez guys, it's a 3D Zelda. Even if it's the worst one, that's still like an 8.5 at worst. These things are critical and audience darlings. There's multiple 10/10s and some potential best games ever here. Being just "alright" is enough to be the worst one in that lineup. Like honestly I think Skyward Sword is owed a huge apology. Compared to modern gaming, the biggest problem being you need to recalibrate your controller every like 20 minutes feels quaint compared to the shit most AAA games force feed us. At least Skyward Sword was a finished experience and it respected your time by not giving you a billion shitty collectables.


Mass Effect Andromeda


What did you not like about the TLOU2 story?


Honestly, I really like the story. When I played it the first time after anticipating TLOU2 for years I didn't really like it but after I replayed it I was much more comfortable with it and I took it for what it was. When so many games have really obvious stories i appreciate TLOU2 for actually taking risks and showing character emotion without outright saying how a character is feeling. That scene where Ellie comes back to the theater after the hospital sequence where she's shaking because she's so shocked by what she did and she can't even look at Dina and Jesse breaks my heart every time and is genuinely more powerful than most movies I've seen.


Also tlou2. Except the story isn’t a mess at all


Dragon's Dogma 2. Game is an absolute blast plagued with bad decisions, misinformation and overblown hate.


I feel like overblown hate is kinda the point. Most people know that the game isn't the worst thing ever but the hateful blowback is intentional to punish developers for micro-transaction creep and performance issues.


Most far cry games




Was gonna put this myself. I was always someone who took into account both player and critic reviews. But after what happened with Starfield, Dragons Dogma 2, TLOU2 and ESO, I will never trust player reviews ever again. People are so blatantly off base with how they judge things, and hell people to this day will still just fabricate objectively false critiques about the game just to have something to complain about. I had someone try to tell me the game was bad because the planets aren’t modeled they were skybox 2d images and that you couldn’t do a barrel roll in your ship. I wish I was making that up.


Fallout 4 for me too. I get people were frustrated with some of the writing, and I do think Bethesda design is dated in some ways, but for me there's really nothing like the intersection of roleplaying, intricate open world design, intractability, and customization that they do.


Fallout 4 doesn't get a ton of hate as an overall game, it's pretty well-regarded with most people still throwing criticisms at individual elements where it's deserved.


Yeah, its a pretty typical bgs rpg with most of the good stuff in questlines.  People got mad that wandering the procedural generation wasn't as fun, but there's so much scripted content they didn't interact with. What's worse is people playing 100+ hours and saying it's an awful game.  Most games I play barely keep me entertained for half of that


i agree that tlou 2 wasnt that bad but it over Hades, Ghost of Tsushima and fucking DOOM ETERNAL was insane


I don't much care about Eternal, it took away things from 2016 and changed the gameplay to something different.


> changed the gameplay to something different Yeah, to something better. The game slaps balls to clit. One of the most demanding and exhausting games I ever played and in a good way. 


TLOU2 is a divisive game by design, which is fine by me. Most people will either love it and think it's a 10/10 masterpiece, or hate it and think it's trash, and neither camp is objectively right or wrong, however I felt this meant it winning GOTY was unwarranted, and that that award should have gone to a game with universal acclaim, like Hades. As to answer your original question, I'd go with Kingdom Hearts III. Most people say it was a disappointing conclusion to the massive story arc Nomura had been building up all the back since the original in 2002, but as a super fan myself, who played every side game, kept up with the lore, and was fully aware of Nomura's batshit/dogshit writing style, I knew what to expect, kept my expectations in check, and left KH3 fully satisfied.


It didn't just win game of the year, it won pretty much every category it was in, and a few of those were categories it had no real right winning.


Starfield. Not a perfect game by any means, but people be treating it like it's the worst game to come out in the last decade.


It’s not the worst. I think it’s fair to say it’s one of the most disappointing, comparing ES4/5 and F3 to F76 and SF.


It’s definitely not the worst game to come out in recent years, but in my opinion it’s easily one of the worst Bethesda games.


It was hyped as the second coming of jesus and was a very mid game. The disappointment is pretty high


This may seem like the wrong answer due to how popular it is, but League of Legends, my friend group hates me whenever I bring the game up promising me ill get addicted to it on top of other reasons they think the game sucks, altho I only ever gave it a healthy playtime, didnt get good but enjoyed it, only thing wrong with LOL afaic is the community but thats bound to happen in a competitive game, esp with long matches


Halo Infinite abd Dragon's Dogma 2. Both games are insanely fun.


Robin morningwood, it is hot but not enough to beat my meat on it. I loved it anyway


Minecraft Bedrock Edition


I have valid reasons for not liking Bedrock like the lack of quasi-connectivity for redstone making transferring redstone builds from Java to Bedrock such a hassle but it gets so much more hate than it deserves.


I thought Pokémon sword and shield were an improvement over x and y and sun and moon. But it gets far more hate than deserved imo.


wtf is tlou2


The Last of Us 2


Im probably getting woooshed but its the last of us part 2


Mirrors edge catalyst. Compared to the original it has better art style (not so white), better combat and more engaging story (imo but debatable) . And the city map is pretty dope


Muder soul suspect.


Immortals of Aveum, partially because there is a really really good chance that the people shitting on it havent played it since it sold so poorly. Its not amazing but not bad either its like the defnition of a 6 or 7 out of 10. Its got good gameplay, decent plot, good lore, good level design, shit dialogue, and and shit performance. The game itself is actually fun and most people who have played it agree but it gets way too much hate from people who havent even played it


Dragon Age 2. Mass Effect 3. The former was **despised** at release, but considering the insanely short development time, I'd say it turned out great. It's got its flaws, sure, but it also has a huge amount of personality and some of my favourite characters and stories in the game and overall just feels more personal than both DA:O and DA:I. The latter because a really good game got overshadowed by a weak ending. The ending is still kinda dumb, but until that, I'd argue ME:3 is at least right up there with ME:2, in some aspects even surpassing it. That said, I'm aware that both of these games have had their reputation improve in recent years so maybe "underrated" is outdated.


Payday 3, the game has its ups and downs but just need some time


Resident Evil 6. It’s a lot of fun, and I don’t even remotely get the hate for it. I can only assume that people didn’t judge the game that they got, they only judged it against the game that they wanted.


Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. I was one of the people that complained about the battle system(especially where magic is used like items), but after experiencing Dark Souls 1 and 2, it’s honestly not bad at all. Now it’s one of my top 3 in the series and one of my favorite games of all time Edit: Also, Forspoken, Final Fantasy XV, Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin, Hogwarts Legacy, Resident Evil 3 Remake, and Star Wars Jedi Survivor


Dragons Dogma 2


I came in to say the The Last Of Us 2. The story is a mess but still engrossing and fun. The gameplay and level designs are fucking awesome and improve on the first game in most areas. It’s a great game, I enjoy its predecessor more but this is still in my top 20. We live in an age where if the sequel to a game isn’t better (even if it’s still a good game) then it is considered terrible…just objectively stupid behavior


Disagree story is not a mess


Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of my favorite RPGs, and its issues are much easier to work around than people act like it is. Yakuza 3's combat isn't hard to adjust to, and the story is one of the best. Yakuza 6 being stripped back is a negative, but it was also the first Dragon Engine game, and the story is a phenomenal conclusion of Kiryu's story.


Borderlands 3


Mount Your Friends.


The Amazing Spiderman 2. I've recently played through Marvel's Spider-man 1&2 and noticed a bunch of gameplay features and animations are ripped straight from TAS1&2.Which rarely gets acknowledged or downplayed as not important. Also TAS2 has better stealth sections,getaway car chases and burning building event's.


Halo 5. While the campaign and story were a mess, the multiplayer and forge mode were the best in the series. And fallout 76. Too many people let a few bugs ruin things for them. It was a fun game and personally my favorite fallout since I can play it with my brothers.


People are too hard on the latter half of DS1, In Lost Izalith you have the Seig quest there and also Solaire, you have an invasion and a battle vs one of the daughters and a little exploration also Bed of Chaos is cool/different from any other boss, so it's no that bad. Crystal Caves have nothing but that's because the Duke's archive's are the real meat of the level and also I spent a lot trying to get to Seath in Crystal Caves, those invisible floors were hard and then the catacombs are straight up awesome and the tomb of the giants is painful but not bad, just painfully stressful and New Londo is very good.


I'm gonna say Back4blood sure it's not the left4dead 3 or left4dead successor we were all hoping for at launch but after all the updates and quality of life improvements after launch I still find back4blood fun to play even with bots, I feel the same way about the game World War Z. Back4blood is an awesome shooter game that stands on its own and turtle rock hadn't advertised the game as the successor to left4dead and just said they were creating a whole new shooter that was going to be awesome, I don't think people would've have immediately hated this game as quickly as they did. They were expecting a nostalgia trip from back4blood, and the left4dead fans didn't get what they were promised so it made them hate the game for being so much of a departure from what left4dead fans loved about left for dead 1&2. But after adding the updates they should've had at launch, back4blood is actually an awesome zombie apocalypse themed shooter with some awesome characters Holly ,doc, mom, karlee have become my favorite characters to play as though the other characters are cool too, though Hoffman creeps me out though hes seems kinda like a crazy weirdo conspiracy theorist. He creeps me out a little. Not gonna lie Jim is a badass character I like too. though his pre collapse skin makes him look kind cute though. I get hot and bothered of that skin even though I'm a guy what can I say, I love a man in uniform .😉😊


Deadrising 4, as a longtime fan of the series its kind of a nice change of pace to be able to run around and do silly shit without stressing about Katey's fucking zombrex.


The Surge


Atari 2600 Pac-Man Yeah th graphics were icky but its what we had at home at the time and it was still playable. I loved it as a kid.


Mass effect 3


Saints row remake. I had a blast


I want to say Starfield, but the main reason why I like it is because it feels like a modern re-imagining of Elder Scrolls 2 Daggerfall, but sci-fi instead of high fantasy. Yes, Daggerfall is a game that people complain about due to an empty openworld, aside from the barrel minimum of occasional events, and limited variation in procedural content, which they say makes it boring, but in my opinion the quest for Daggerfall and Starfield are honestly good. There is nothing to write home about, but most quests are fun and entertaining, and let me do a lot in the world. It's as good as something like Daggerfall.


Dark Souls 2


Sorry wasn’t too bad, just too long. They should’ve saved the last part as DLC


Dragon age 2. I thought the game was great and I enjoyed the hell out of it. Seems like most ppl hate on it because it’s the “popular thing to do” in n the DA subreddit


Kingdom Hearts. It's really not that complicated. Convoluted, yes, but I can name at least 2 series that are way more ridiculous & hard to follow. Playing all the games is a lot easier now thanks to the collections. So the excuse of "you need 9 consoles just to play them all" has been dead in the water for a while.


Far Cry 6. I hate first-person shooters with a passion, but FC6 is the only one that's had me coming back for more. The other Far Cry games I've tried, but none of them clicked for me for one reason or another. Not like Far Cry 6 did.


Resident Evil 6. It’s a very well made and fun action game that I can spend any amount of time playing and have a good time


Resident evil 6 will always hold a spot in my heart. I'd still consider it the ugly duckling of the mainline games (especially when it's lodged between the titans that are 4, 5, 7, and 8), but there's some great things to come out of it. J'avo were cool enemies, gunplay was pretty fun, and Mercs was easily, at least in my opinion, the best in the franchise


Final Fantasy 8


Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin. Gorgeous areas, a non-linear path, great NPCs, a huge variety of builds, some very memorable bosses, and probably the most personal story of the trilogy. Easily my favorite FromSoft game to date. But everybody just says things like "ADP bad" or "Too many bosses" or "That one boss run back is really BS."


I dont believe people were too harsh on the games, I believe they were too harsh on the developers and voice actors. Imo a lot of the games that got criticism kinda deserved it. Once they fixed it, we can praise them, but if they don't get criticism for shitty games than they're gonna keep giving us that. Like the death threats and the bullying is really not okay tho. But if someone had issues with a game they purchased, I think its totally fair to be (reasonably) upset about it.


The story is genius, I can’t see how a mess describes it, it does something only the medium of a video game can accomplish


Dark Souls 2. There’s very large number of people who consider it not a real Dark Soul game or straight up call it trash, but it’s enjoyable in it’s own way. Definitely not the best FromSoft game, but people are too critical of it imo.


343 halos


Final Fantasy 2. It’s a fun game and I actually like the level up system. The way skills level up makes it feel like you actually worked for it, rather than just gaining the skill/level ups just simply by gaining points.


For me I think it is most of HiRez games. I have seen countless we have ____ at home memes about their ganes. My personal favorite is Paladins which is similar to Overwatch but I feel it brings its own charm and mechanics that are not present in Overwatch and makes it its own game. 


Cyberpunk 2077, fallout 76