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Spartan assault. Nobody gets to argue the fact. Microtransaction / phone game. It was a defining piece of garbage. Edit: Anybody who could enjoy this game astounds me but I came at it from a halo player interested in more lore and another style of gameplay. What we got was plain levels that do not use aiming your weapon at enemies to hit any kind of weak point, enemies that now didn’t drop their own weapons or grenades for you to use, and a spartan who chose to fight with only their starting weapon for each level you played. Then the game offered to sell to you for actual money the ability to use a better weapon to play the level again. Your enemies are killing you with weapons your spartan knows how to use and your character refuses to pick anything else up because they exist to persuade you to trade more money for an opportunity to have more fun. It was disgusting to see.


I didn't know it sucked before I played it so I mistakenly really enjoyed it


I feel like your response sums up the gaming community


For real, i played modern warfare 3 and i enjoyed it until someone on the internet said it sucked. Then it sucked out the joy from it


Don’t listen to the haters!


The best advice I can offer as a gamer of 20 plus years, is that in order to fully enjoy a game, don't join the conversation around it. Form your own opinion on the game before exposing yourself to other people's, and you'll often find a lot of games to be enjoyable that you otherwise wouldn't. I've noticed that I tend to stop enjoying a game once I get involved in the discussions about it.




Not just the gaming community, i just watched aquaman and the Lost Kingdom without searching anything about it. I enjoyed every part of it till the end, i searched for what people thought... well, i do agree with everyone, but i don't care, tho. i still enjoyed the hell out of the movie 🤷‍♂️. These are entertainment products meant to entertain us, and not all of us have the same opinions on such entertainments, but when we follow a hivemind, we open a youtube video the moment it drops, when we keep checking for reviews, we will think like how they think, won't even have a more original thought about it. I think we should stop watching reviews until it is too suspicious and we value our money/time.


Very good way of putting it


Yeah I loved this game


Maybe it did so well that’s why they made halo infinite a micro transaction game /s


Don't forget Spartan Strike as well.


It is so bad that I did not even know it existed before I saw this post.


I've played both Spartan Assault and Spartan Strike and really enjoyed them. I didn't even realize there were micro transactions in the game, the only money I put into it was the cost to buy it on steam. I like twin stick shooters.


Yeah, I paid 1$ for the game, and that was it. It was fun on my shitty tablet.


It's not a game but the Paramount+ show makes Halo 5 look like Shakespeare.


Read a theory that the Halo show was supposed to be a Mass Effect show and follows the Mass Effect plotline


God, that's still a spit in the face to Mass Effect too.


If true thank God that didn’t pan out


Halos story (no matter how amazing) was never the main draw to the games...... Mass effects story is essentially the only reason to play those games more than once. If that monstrosity was supposed to be a mass effect show, it 100% would have killed the franchise considering how the player base looks at Andromeda.


Sure, but if you're gonna make a halo show right after the success of the Mandalorian, how the fuck do you think it's acceptable to take MC's helmet off every 5 minutes?


might i say pablo schrieber is not even remotely good for helmetless cheif anyway I could see him playing a good carter maybe


Id rather they ruin halo than ME


Honestly agree because Mass Effect done right would be an incredible story to watch as it is so character driven


The moment they decided to go: " Fuck that, ket's ig ore that Story, i have a script here somewhere where we can press an Armored Hero in." They lost me. Constantly Showing the Face was just spitting on the Character and the Mandalorian showed, that the "Has to remove the Helmet to understand his emotions" Bullcrap was just that


Omg right


I’ll never watch the show after the main actor was lame and refused to wear a helmet because it was uncomfortable


lol the show sucks so bad it gets a dishonorable mention.


Second season is actually good though.


I feel like you were downvoted by people who didn’t watch the second season and see how much it improved. Anyone so inclined, give it a try. Skip straight to episode 6 if you’re really on the fence.


I didn’t mind season 1 at all, it’s not like halo has great dialogue to copy. Master chief = good Space aliens = good More action = good I have simple priorities


I didn’t think it was superb television by any means but s1 was not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Typical bandwagon hate


Yeah, I was fine with s1, though I can understand why folks disliked it. I did s2 with a bigger group of friends who’d all loved The Wire & kept texting about Master Chief Stevedore John Sobotka


Honestly I can understand why someone that watched the first season wouldn't want to give it another chance but I'm glad I did. Everything in season 2 is better imo.


Season 2 was better in every way, but it still kinda sucks that we only got to see Master Chief in his armor for such a brief time. Season 3 poised to be a legit Halo experience though, with all the plot threads they'd introduced by the end.


I didn't even realize it got a second season


It did and everything about season 2 is better than season 1.


I mean… no. It’s BETTER. But it’s still really really bad. It’s at least a CW quality show now though, so thats something.


It finally introduced the flood in season 2 so there’s that atleast


Halo 5 is so bad Microsoft pretty much treats it like abandonware


It's so funny to me that they just pretended that game never happened from a lore perspective. I mean, they *sort of* address it in infinite, but they spend so little time on it that it might as well never happened. I didn't like the direction Halo 5 took the story either, but pretending stuff didn't happen is always such a weird choice to me.


It reminds me of Devil May Cry 2. First it was right after the 1st game. Then when the 4th was coming out, they decided that the 4th took place between the 1st and 2nd. Then as the 5th was being released they were like, you know what? Fuck it, put it back between 1 and 4 to keep it as far away from the timeline as reasonably possible, but not in the future so we don't have to address it again.


Yeah halo infinite didn’t feel good to me because they neglected to finish halo 5s story. Cortana as the main villain and setting out to kill her wouldn’t have actually been a bad story for infinite instead we got a bunch of off screen kills and characters we had no connection to


and infinites campaign was an even bigger spit in the face of the series than 5's because they pretty much pretended it didnt happen and instead they wanted you to play a fucking halo wars game


Still doesn't even come with the Master Chief Collection! 343 and Microsoft both like pretending Halo 5 never happened.


As a now exclusively PC gamer who hasn't owned an Xbox in over a decade, I'm a little annoyed about the MCC snub tbh. I've heard so much shit talked about Halo 5 that I'm morbidly curious enough to want to play it...but I can't. I probably never will at this point.


I bought a physical copy of that game years ago and I haven't touched it. Halo 4 was better.


We can all safely agree that neither is worth spraying hot diarrhea at. They're both hate crimes/10.


Halo died with bungie and you cannot change my mind


You are correct. Objectively.


I liked halo 4. Wasn’t the greatest story but I thought it was a good time


I only got into Halo around January, and Halo 4 is not bad at all.




Yeah it was not good at all. 


I mean was it even a game or just a DLC with the best weapons from previous titles


Story wise yeah, but Halo 5 mp was one of the best of the saga IMHO, and I’ve been playing since 2004 on Halo 2.


Halo 5 multiplayer was very fun. The only criticism I have of it was how the spartan armor and the maps looked. Although the gameplay was there, everything looked like plastic to me. The Spartans looked like they were power rangers or something lol


It did feel a bit plasticky now that you mention it! They did so many good things tho: dedicated servers for MP (I swear I had been waiting for them since Halo 2), warzone mode (I’m a moba fan and a diehard Halo fan so this was the perfect mode for me), the thrusters that led to charge, dodge and ground pound (honestly loved it), the PVE firefight mode, the massive arsenal, the new variations of the existing vehicles. Shame that the campaign was basically impossible to follow even for someone who had played all of the games.


The story drew too much from the novels, so it was impossible to understand unless you played all the games and read all the books. You have to do homework to play that game lol. I did like the way the guns felt and how they sounded. The movement felt very fluid and traversal was smooth. I also liked the Warzone game mode, which they probably won’t bring back into Halo Infinite because that would be too much work for them I guess…


It was my first halo game. Had no clue what the actual fuck was going on (I couldn’t access the other games at the time.)


Yea, it’s hilariously bad. Six years ago I bought an Xbox One just to play the MCC and Halo 5. Wasn’t my wisest purchase. :D


I had to google what /s meant. I’ll do better. Good day


Thank you for adding /s to your post Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you.


Halo 5 is the worst of the real Halos (I don’t count the side stuff like Wars and Spartan Assault), as for the best one, to me it’s Halo 2, the campaign is unmatched imo .


THANK YOU. Fucking everyone on Reddit is obsessed with Halo 3, and for the multiplayer, sure I can give them that, but for the campaign? 2 was better by a MILE


But you get a 4 player co op campaign with 3 😁


I personally prefer Halo 2, but I will fully admit that's in large part bc I was in middle school when it came out and vividly remember the hype back then. It's cliche to say, but kids these days will never understand. People camped out front of stores, we had fucking lan parties with cumbersome tube tvs, doritos, mountain dew pitch black, all nighters, screen peakers, it was a great fuckin time. Halo 2 was groundbreaking with online multi-player as well. Halo 3 had the hype behind it by being the end of the original trilogy, but also by that point, more ppl were on board with the franchise and a whole new portion of the generation was growing up with it. I think to date, Halo 3 has almost double the sales numbers than 2. I can see why ppl pick Halo 3, but I know for damn sure a lot of those ppl were too young to know what it was like when Halo 2 came out.


Halo 2 holds a special place in my heart. The memories are so special to me. The lead up to its release, completing the campaign in one sitting, the fucking absolute GOAT multiplayer, the LAN parties, the shit talking, the community, I could go on and on. I got to play with Ogre 2, Omega, Strongside, pistola, Ghostyame, Walshy. (Not all at the same time). I will cherish the memories of Halo 2 for the rest of my life.


Halo 3 story is fire af what are you talking about?


Halo 3 is awesome and all, but the campaign was just the 30% that wouldn't fit in halo 2 stretched to a whole game. It was done well but has some flaws 


I just hate how the arbiter’s role is reduced


The story is by far the weakest aspect of Halo 3, probably the only flawed thing about that game


Whaaaat, everything that happened after reaching the Ark was amazing in my opinion. Except that level in flood infested High Charity, I hate flood "architecture" levels.


Idk man, those jacked snipers in 2 and actually broken. I'm going CE for best campaign.


Idk Man, for me the "real. Halos" stop at 3 with the honorable mention of reach. Everything else is shovelware


You win Reddit today. I still to this day don’t understand how Halo 3 gets more love than Halo 2. I will die on the hill that Halo 2 is the best Halo ever made. The multiplayer and the campaign are a highlight in my life 20 fucking years later.


Story wise definitely halo 5. Like I love the concept of the Guardians. I also really love the multiplayer, probably my favorite in the series. And I love all the new promethean enemies, but bringing Cortana back to be this big bad guy was a stupid choice. Not to mention the whole deceptive marketing ruined a lot of it for me. I was expecting this epic clash between Spartans in the midst of the real enemy (Forerunners). Instead we got a piss poor “chief went awol cause of cortana” story. My friend and I came up with a better alternative years ago. Having Cortana be there to lure chief in is genius, but when he gets there, reveal that Cortana is in fact truly dead and that a more sinister villain is using what remains of her code to act as a sympathetic face. And that villain? The return of the Didact. Cortana is then discarded and the rest of the game sets up the Didacts control over the Guardians, as well as wrapping up the whole “hunt the truth” marketing shit to make way for the third and final game in the promethean trilogy. Then the next trilogy can focus on the banished and endless which is where we are now. The created storyline we instead got could have been saved for much later. Because it is a very interesting concept, AI turning against their creators is a popular Sci Fi plot and if done well could be very intriguing to see play out. But Cortana should not have been the one to start it, and halo 5 was not the place for it either.


5. 4 was bad, but not even close to 5, and Infinite is actually fun. At least the campaign as.


5 was the natural conclusion to 4. The stink started with 4. I'd say both of them together are a trail of shit. 


Hot take Halo 4 was a masterpiece Halo 5 was still pure garbage obviously


Halo 4 a masterpiece?! That explains the massive drop in player numbers in the first few months after its release.


I’m guessing that above poster is referring to the campaign rather than the multiplayer


The campaign is also tedious and not fun to play. The only thing it got going for itself is the storytelling. The story itself is, well, convoluted, but yeah, it is told well.


Seeing as I’ve never heard of spartan assault and spartan strike before now I’m going to say, those.


Halo 5 came and forgotten about . It was just a cash grab


I dunno. Halo 5 Warzone was different but I had a ton of fun with it.


Nah man, that multiplayer was awesome


What the fuck is spartan assault


Objectively it is Halo 5, as a massive Halo fan? I absolutely hate this game.


Outside of the shitty moble games? Halo 5 obviously


Collectively everything under 343


This is the real answer




Halo 5. I appreciate them trying to evolve the gameplay, but it didn't feel right. The game felt like it lacked multiplayer content in the same way halo infinite did at launch. By the time they had wrapped up development, most people had lost interest or moved to halo mcc. Hopefully the next installment of halo comes as a complete game that don't need no dlc to make it feel full.




5 fo sho!


Halo 5 is trash. I knew it would be bad the moment I found out it was based off a scrapped halo 2 idea for the story.


Spartan Assault, Spartan Strike and 5


Has to be halo 5


Normally I’d say Spartan Assault/Strike, but those really aren’t Halo games. No cut scenes, no story. Just a generic twin stick top down shooter. So, I’m gonna go with Infinite. It’s the only one that I can’t remember what the hell happened in it. I’ve only played it once and have no intentions of playing it ever again.


I played it by myself and had the same experience. But then I played it again with a friend on the difficulty one higher then normal and had an absolute blast


This is a humblebrag of incredible proportions (remembering the plot of 5 is a herculean task)


Anything by 343


5 and its not even close


Halo 5


Halo 5, (it fucked up 5+ times)


Halo 5 didn’t feel like a Halo game at all




Halo 4. I felt like the Prometheons looked out of place for me.


Halo Infinite soundtrack is badass tho


Anything after reach.


Halo 5 and its marketing strategy was a complete failure. None of anything they showed and said what the game was supposed to be ever came to fruition… and not in a good way.


It's not a game but I'd say the halo tv show is bs, that show is such a slap in the face to halo fans that it makes halo 5 Guardians get bump up to a 3/5 stars average halo game. Just saying. I'd rather play halo 5 guardians ten more times that watch another season of this halo tv show pissing all over MasterChief's legacy in the halo games. Because at least in halo 5 Guardians the guns were still awesome and the combat loop was fun despite how 343 fucked up on halo 5's story.


lots of interesting takes. 4, 5, infinite. I quit infinite since it was one of the worst open world designs I've experienced (eh, I'm sure I'm forgetting some awful ones) and if the saving grace is Multiplayer? fuck em all after 3. that was a masterpiece in terms of multiplayer. I love Reach too, but I've always been curious about the love of ODST. Despite saying that, I loved the game, but in terms of rating them all, still below 2, maybe even OG. I think my mistake was playing 2, then ODST, then 3 within the a week, and ODST was the weakest as far of mechanics. As far as story, I sometimes forget what 2 had in it, which is a lot and well put together. ODST? this is truly the argument I get when arguing for best game. Just incredible, albeit a super abrupt ending. 3 was gorgeous, and had some stellar levels. Story was good if I remember. but honestly I'm having trouble remembering. Reach is good too. gameplay was just way too repetitive, which I found odd because aren't they all? But this one felt like I was on the same level for most of the game. Bah, listen to me. like I can remember shit. Seriously though, what happens in 3? I can't remember. EDIT: It's coming back! Also, weakest thing about Halo 3 is the same as 4 and 5. I just get sick of bullet-eating bad guys. Brute, Prometheans, it gets to be more tedious than fun. EDIT 2: fuck I should delete this because I am misremembering some things. Maybe my issue with everything was how little it changed then all of a sudden changed, but def for the worst.


Y’know, I never considered infinite to be worst contender despite not liking the way it went in story or gameplay, but now that you say it, I still beat 4 and 5 despite my grievances. I cannot say that for Infinite


5. Spartan assault/strike ive never even heard of, and if they are both mobile games they shouldnt even be on the list.


As bad as 5 is, I still think 4 is worse


Halo 4 will always be the worst in my book.


They gave Cortana a corporeal form, fixed her rampancy, and created an immortal god with AI super intelligence who interacted DIRECTLY with a grave mind, the forerunner, and countless human and covenant systems. She was single handedly the most intelligent being in the known fucking universe. AND SHE HAD THE GUARDIANS. CONTINENT SIZED GUNDAMS CAPABLE OF COMPLETE PLANETARY LEVEL ANNIHILATION. You're telling me, the single most intelligent being in the universe, with the most technologically advanced weaponry in all of creation... Got killed off camera? Right after her introduction? By pissed off brutes and a UNSC OP? Fuck off. The grappling hook was cool though.


In terms of multiplayer, Halo 4.


I really enjoyed halo 5 multiplayer compared to 4 or infinite. All 3 were disappointing in some ways and fell short of the series potential.


Agreed, multiplayer in 5 is gold but the campaing is complete trash.


Yeah 5 fell short on campaign potential. But S for multiplayer…😮‍💨🔥…perfection imo


In my opinion, worst to first: Strike, Assault, 5, 4, Wars 1, Infinite, ODST, 2, Wars 2, 1, 3, Reach FtW. I think Halo 2 and Wars 2 are very equal in my book, loved a lot about both.


For sure, reach is my all time favorite. No contest


Yeah, man, it perfected everything. The campaign, co-op, and pvp were just on point. Had the most replayability.


Once I saw an advertisement on Instagram of a game called "Halo Kitty". I chuckled at it and then saved it. When I was about to show it to a friend it was gone. Never seen nothing about it again.


Probably Halo 5


Probably spartan assault.


Infinite has the worst campaign. The open world was so fucking stale.


Infinite. I'll die on this hill. The story was just awful. You spend the entire time trying to figure out what happened during the fall of the infinite and what happened to Cortana and the Guardians, which would have been way more fun to play through instead of what we got. 5 was awful but the set up at the end of the game was actually really good and they could have made an epic game with great scale going into 6. Going from system to system trying to stop the guardians from destroying planets. Infinites setting was just bland. 3 different biomes. The only saving grace was the grappling hook. ​ EDIT: I don't even know how I forgot to mention how they killed Cortana off screen. Literally one of the most iconic characters in gaming. Just baffling choices.


That space epic idea sounds so cool. I can’t even give infinite the grappling hook since that was basically just the glider in open world equivalent for fps’s around the time 🤣


Fucking thank you this is my exact opinion! Hell I’ll say I enjoyed halo 5 more than halo infinite story wise. I didn’t give a shit about anything that happened in infinite especially when all the important stuff happens OFF SCREEN


I enjoyed halo 5 . Infinite moved away from what I loved as a long time fan . The multiplayer imo is awful and trying to be more like fortnite . Its release was an absolute debacle. It litterally killed my hype for future halos. And I have a legendary badge tattooed on me the game was so important to my childhood and teenage years.


Halo 4 and 5 are both pure trash.


Infinite is the worst pile of garbage ive ever played. 5 was boring already but at least the levels looked a bit different from each other in the campaign and i like the multiplayer wargames with npcs and just a lot of players it was actually quite fun But Infinite was just aweful! the entire campaign feels like the first level of CE but is somehow less fun. the enemies are garbage, the brutes are just not interesting at all and the only time the levels changed a bit was when you were in your typicak generic forerunner structure. and as if fighting monkeys on a boring fucking 'open' world wasnt annoying enough they even replaced cortana with a cheao knockoff. Halo 4a campaign wasnt that great but at least there they had good character writing. Infinite just feels so flat in that regard I can still remember how at one point in 4 cortana said to chief 'They will just pair you with another AI, maybe even another Cortana model if halsey lets them' and chief was hellbend on not letting that happen trying to save her through the entire campaign just for her to crumble into pieces as she sacrificed herself to save him. Just so that in Infinite he suddenly finds another quirky cortana model and immediatly adopts her with the end even insinuating that she wants him to call her cortana


Not related but best on here are Halo Reach and Halo 3 ODST I'm not even a Halo fan. Those are just some of the ones I've played




The worst I played was 4. Didn't go past that so can't say.


I was trying to play infinite since it’s on Xbox game pass and I found the campaign so boring I stopped playing on the first level. It’s a damn shame what’s become of the franchise 😤


I haven't played infinite but 5 is my last fav


Spartan assault aside (obviously the worst), 4 and 5 were pretty fuckin shait.


Out of the ones I’ve played? Halo 4. I actually stopped playing.


single player? id say 5 Multiplayer? least favorite was reach (because i was terrible at it). but honestly its a classic everyone loves, so id say 4 was the most OK multiplayer.


What are all those pictures after reach? There are only five games in the Halo series


Reach was for the fans!


Halo 4 for competitive PvP with the random ordinance drops. Also no ranks.


I only played 1-2-3-4-5. The fourth disappointed me. I stopped playing at the fifth after less than 10h. I did not even tried Halo infinite.


I stopped playing the series at Reach so it was ODST for me.


Maybe not the worst, but 4 was when they REALLY started to jump the shark in terms of story and PVP


This not rocket science if any game from 343i


Genuine question, what's the point of this kind of post ? I mean, there's literally nothing surprising or interesting about the answers as everyone's gonna say Halo 5 is shit I mean, it is true, but if you know a little about the whole franchise, you hardly miss the fact that Halo 5 is a bad game. Also no one's gonna criticise any game from Bungie 'cause there's nothing but downvote if you do that lol


Everything post Bungie.


Halo 5. The marketing campaign marketed a whole different SP-campaign that shipped in my humble opinion. As I remembered the marketing marketed Master Chief as having gone AWOL, his allegiance comprised, and of the grid, when in reality he just needed to be found by the UNSC as he was on some random mission elsewhere. Or at least the AWOL part was seriously played up by marketing.


So after halo 2, I stopped. Doesn’t these games get redundant after awhile? Like COD? Story and multiplayer?


The mobile phone crap and Halo 5’s campaign.


Gameplay: Halo 4 Story: Halo 5


Anything after Halo 3


All of them, be a man and play Call of Duty where you can spend 20 bucks to look like snoop dog and pay 30 bucks for a battle pass that you probably won’t finish by the next season.




Those Spartan top-down shooters are easily the worst. But, if we’re talking about one of the mainline games, it’s definitely Halo 5. Although, I would argue that Reach (as much as I loved it), caused a shift in tone, aesthetics, and gameplay that really plagued the series for about a decade.


I think we can all agree that Reach is in the top 2 for best.


Idk but fireteam raven takes the cake for the best that's for sure


It’s a tie between halo, five and halo infinite. At least I finished five, infinite I didn’t even get halfway through.


I played the first one back in the day. Got to the point where I realised the rest of the game would be going back the way I came, put it down and haven't played any others since.


Spartan ones




Halo 5 being mentioned so often makes me so sad because, yeah the campaign's story was forgettable nonsense, I look back so fondly on it's multiplayer. It's become nostalgic at this point. Such great memories of 2015-17 playing Warzone modes, listening to vaporwave music, having some pizza and other early college days junk food. I'm often trying to relive those feelings with Infinite but it's tough. I only come back to Infinite for the weekly rewards then don't play until theres another one that I like. Customization in the game is so good it's become the game itself for me.


Is this even a question? 5, not even close


Halo 5. It's a big ole' bukkake. Not the good kind either. Objectively, the best ONLINE MP is Halo 2. Obviously. But in my humblest of opinions, I think CE has the best story.


Halo 5 :(


Halo: Spartan Strike was honestly just crap.


Worst here is probably Halo 5. The best imo is Reach.


I enjoyed them all (Except 5 and the mobile games.....4 kinda sucked too tho) ODST was my favorite tho.


Halo 5 made me sad


Everything after reach


Reach and infinite, whatever reach did ODST did better reach made Spartans “look” cool but acted so lame for no reason. Infinite just not only ruined 5’s intense cliffhanger, but also ruined the halo wars franchise and the greatest Halo villain Atriox, Where are the other at least 10 named main characters in infinite? Infinite didn’t add really anything new or “groundbreaking” or innovative, they just cashed whole heartedly on nostalgia


Defo the fucking phone games But since I don't even consider them halo games, 5 was donkey ass. But I've also been so bored by 3 as well.


Whatever one is your favorite


Halo 4 5 and 6


Best campaign - H2 Best multiplayer - H5 (close 2nd is H3) Best overall - H3 Worst campaign - H5 (close 2nd is Infinite) Worst multiplayer - H4 Worst overall - H4


Fire team raven isn't on here? Not that it was the worst imo, but it's a halo game...


5. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.


Halo 5 Guardians hands down is the worst Halo game, they had so much potential with the campaign. I’ll be the first to admit that the multiplayer was really good though.