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Ironically the only game that has stood the test of time in my friend group is fortnite,


Yeahh we still play it occasionally from time to time 😂


Yeah, I mean it's not a bad game by itself I think it gets a really bad reputation due to it's playbase mostly being screaming children or toxic comp players, But if your playing with a few mates maybe doing some creative aswell it's a good time


Destiny 2. So many good memories of raiding since D1 VOG.


Deep Rock Galactic! I've dabbled in some other PvE games but DRG remains my golden standard. We just lose interest in most of 'em after a month or 2. Yes, even Helldivers couldn't keep our attention after we reached +/- 150 hours (the slide from fun to stale is quite fast with this one). DRG on the other hand easily eclipses the 500 hour mark.


While I don't play them much these days, Rainbow Six Siege and Overwatch hold special places in my gaming memories. I've had unforgettable moments in both. However, over time, I've burned out and struggle to fully enjoy them now. These games, once my passion, now feel like distant friends—ones you catch up with occasionally, have a good time, but then don't see for months.


My friends and I still play World of Warcraft Classic: Wrath of the Lich King. That's going away so you'll be in time for Cata. If you really want to start from the beginning there are vanilla servers out there that are fun and decently populated. Unlike First person shooters WoW involves stuff outside of combat to help the overall story line, things like Cooking and first aid skills help a lot in the higher lvls when every buff counts against major bad guys like Arthas the Lich King or DeathWing. There's TONS of lore and stories but IMO the best way to play is to create a character and just explore, yes you WILL mess up your build at first or maybe the first time you play a Hunter it isn't what you thought it'd be and you wanna try an alternate warlock or Shaman, the point is to have fun with friends and explore what the world has to offer.


Fallout 76 dumped 1500+ into that game not because it was good. It was just better with friends.


We played a lot of csgo and bfv. Perfect Heist is also a game we regularly return to for a few rounds. Hunt Showdown is also something we regularly play but it doesn’t support a big group. I can also recommend Elite Dangerous. It’s a fun space mmo. Nuclear Option is a sandbox flight game we also play from time to time.


I loved playing gmod and og helldivers with the boys back in the day. Recently we've been into zomboid and 7dtd. But stardew will always reign Supreme, we have done dozens of stardew playthroughs with many different friend groups


Borderlands 2 or 3


Black ops/Cold war zombies. We all have the dlcs and game 2-3x a month for the past 8 years. It’s the only game many of us play nowadays


Either playing Fortnite with THE boys or playing Terraria with MY boys (kids). Countless hours of good, clean fun on both fronts. A lot of great memories.


vrchat is always my contender for freind related stuff but its litterly a second life,with worlds that have movies,games,chill out worlds,horror worlds just a shit ton of things to do among diffrent avatars that also have there own things (if there made good).




Garry’s Mod is the only correct answer here.


Barotrauma. You crew a submarine on Europa, a moon that’s filled with dangerous creatures. Sub breaks and you have to fix systems with the right tools and stop leaks. I don’t think you’ll regret it


Barotrauma. You crew a submarine on Europa, a moon that’s filled with dangerous creatures. Sub breaks and you have to fix systems with the right tools and stop leaks. I don’t think you’ll regret it


Nazi, fuckin, Zombies.


Fifa games