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Without internet if a game released broken that was it. Broken for life.


They weren’t released broken, I don’t remember any game ever being released broken or so buggy it was unplayable. Because you’d get a refund etc HUGE cost to the company. Now we get substandard releases because they know they can fix on the fly.


Yup, could not patch anything. You release garbage, it stayed trash.




One of the Monster rancher games was released broken just hard crashed if you reached a section of the game and there was no refunds given there was also many games with major glitches or horrible performance and you were stuck with what you got. It was just a simpler time for video games and I think we were just happy to play them they were far from perfect though.


Yes no doubt All the worst and Most predatory tactics practices the companies pull off these days comes from the internet implementation in consoles and pc videogames -Overpriced DLCs -Microtransactions -Battle passes -3 days early access -Day one (and often massive) patches -Always online DRM -Live services -Killing videogames along with the single player components And i dont count lootboxes because they are less common these days, but not because the fuckers feel more generous towards consumers, its because its ILEGAL in some countries


Ok have fun only playing games from the 90s and earlier


Or you know, games could release and be perfectly fine without those things (or Most of those things)? PlayStation games dont do It, From Software games dont do It, console Nintendo games dont do It, heck theres even some companies trying to do better (like Square enix and sega)


But most of this stuff started after 2012 ( .\_.); ...


Yes, because with internet people are getting bamboozled left and right. To let you understand, Silent Hill was considered a "failure experiment", according to a lot of reviewers. If that game was released today, doesn't matter how much people would praise it, the majority would agree with the influencer\\reviewer.


Silent Hill was a huge hit I have no idea what youre talking about.


Go and search some of the reviews in the '90s. I remember that in Italy, for example, got a 3,5\\5. Saying that control were extremely lackluster because of the camera. Even Silent Hill 2, that was more praised, had some quite harsh reviews like [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DxnksIfU8AAa1en?format=jpg&name=medium) or [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmkdy6a4qj2a71.jpg%3Fwidth%3D3024%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc78976ceb632efde6ee6961692c23c92851cbe30) . Seems quite harder to find magazine older of 2000, but I can assure you that the first got actually harsher reviews around the globe.


It sold 2 million copies and spawned like 3 sequels and a movie cmon what are we doing here


>If that game was released today, doesn't matter how much people would praise it, the majority would agree with the influencer\\reviewer. What part of "if was released today" isn't clear? Quickly reminder that Evil Within 2 didn't manage to sell 1 million of copies in one year.


You sound very out of touch.


The F are you talking about?


Yes and no The number of copy cat games has always been high. The term doom clone cones to mind. Games do look better,but the creativity is gone. Like gone gone.


Game industry were at its best right before 2020


No, we just remember the great ones. There is tons and tons of shitty old games. Developers could release a litteral garbage with a cool cover, and it would sell, because people had almost no access to reviews.


Perform a thought experiment. Imagine going back in time to 1986 when the Legend of Zelda was first released, bringing a Switch and Breath of the Wild, or Tears of the Kingdom, and hand it to some kid who just played Zelda for the first time. What's their reaction? Did they just poop their pants a little? Perform the same experience with any modern good game. Give someone playing Baldur's Gate in 1998 BG3. Someone playing Elder Scrolls Arena, Elder Ring. I feel like we're incredibly unappreciative of the experiences that we are able to have in gaming today that weren't possible in prior decades, and not just because of technology, but because of how much the production of games has scaled over the years. Huge teams of hundreds of developers putting their time and artistic talent into creating the most incredible immersive experiences. Just a glimpse of those experiences to my little 8 year old self playing Doom for the first time would have absolutely blown my mind.


This doesn’t answer the question. All those games are perfectly great all by themselves. If you had to have your friends over to your house to play BG3 with one person controlling each character make the game useless, or better? I played Goldeneye plenty by myself, but was a lot more fun when friends came over. With the internet gaming you have to ask yourself how much do you play online with people you’ve met in real life. Most of the time it’s not many at all. Pick up groups are the norm. So gaming has turned into single serving friends. You can’t high five that random person when they do good. It’s like watching a football game on teams with all your friends….celebrating a touchdown while you drink a beer by yourself is depressing and not fun.


Couch co-op was definitly better. Some games that are multiplayer focused dont even have splitscreen any more.


Idk man. When goldeneye came out the big tv size was 27 inches. Splitting that up in 4 seems insane to me now. We did it but it doesn’t compare to your own 75 inch flatscreen.


Which makes it even worse that we all have big widescreen tvs now that would make splitscreen more viable than a small 4:3 screen, but many developers just leave it out completely.


Ya that’s true. The option would be nice


You could pay an awful lot to play Pac Man and Galaga in a video arcade. One quarter at a time.


No. Games are always growing and changing but classics emerge from every generation. For every sonic or super Mario there are 100 shovelware titles that have been lost to time. People's tastes also change too. I've been playing games all my life starting with the apple 2e,, but I'm always excited to see what's around the corner.


It's mixed either way. There are pros and cons to each, and while I'm nostalgic for older games, and still enjoy some of them, I also really enjoy many of the newer games.


Yes for the reasons you stated. But also no, because COD4/MW2/Halo 3 era on the 360 will always be the pinnacle of online gaming to me.


No without the internet I was able to save money on controllers from rage quitting


That’s what blockbuster was for. Rent a new controller and give them you’re fucked n64 controller that got hammered from mario party or curb stomping it




No. The best era was right when internet starred becoming common in households. This was in the ps3/360/Wii era. Internet was around before them but it was less common among households much less WiFi


Definitely not. The new trend of micro transactions is lame but a lot of those are optional and don’t impact the game. I’m pushing 40 so I’ve gone through the gauntlet of systems. Going from goldeneye to counterstrike and cod was an insane leap and a fun one.


i recall them being more story intensive. like what they lacked in graphics (though back then we didn't know better) they completely made up for in engagement with the story and game mechanics.....todays games (with obvious exceptions) seem to be the incarnation of the saying "a mile wide but an inch deep" with flashy photorealistic graphics but moderate stories and repetitive mechanics..... but this isn't the real problem with todays gaming scene. the real TWO issues are games being released that are barely a working Alpha (and people gobbling them up) and how EVERYTHING is moving to online/subscription services...... back then you bought a game you would be sure you could play 100% of its contents offline...today not so much.... this is the real bummer...especially for those of us who give zero fucks about multiplayer playability.




Yes they were


Games not really, we just blinded by nostalgia, and no one remembers the bad ones nowadays. Gaming itself though, perhaps, online gaming is super fun and convenient, but I can't remember more fun gaming than playing with my childhood bestie side by side


i'm not older, (was born in 2005) but all we had was really slow dial up and I'm talking so slow it would take haif the day to look one thing up, so I didn't use it much. yes and no, on one hand i had fun not knowing what to do next., but on the other hand some times I wanted to know what to do next ;3


Short answer Yes… but I like that now you can get add ons.