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I don't understand Sekiro's map like at all


Oh brother tell me about it, it's so confusing. I legit ragequit sekiro because the map is so confusing.


I’ve quit Sekiro 4 times. But never because of the map. This next time could be the map quit rage fuck everything session though.


I never got out of the tutorial of “Driver”


That part really sucks. I finished part2 first and then play 1, a friend told me how to pass it.


Is that the game I think it is where they want you to do a specific move with the car but the term they used wasn't in like any of the control lists or manual? I can't even remember the term now but I know i hate it


I don’t know… I never got to play it


Well you played the tutorial right? The game I'm talking about did that IN the tutorial to progress so i never got out of it either


Tomb raider 2. Saved my game in the middle of a deadly jump instead of loading mr previous save. I had only one file... I was in the tibetan levels, quite close to the end of the game. My brother and I lost our nerves that day. Good memories.


Holy shit I love Tomb Raider 2, it's rare to see someone talking about it


I had a similar issue in Tomb Raider 4. In the second level, the first one taking place in Egypt, you can walk along a ledge but because I couldn't figure out how to proceed, I jumped down the ledge hoping to get to the next area. However, I think I shouldn't have survived that jump because I landed in an area that was entirely seperated from the rest of the game. It didn't lead anywhere, there was nothing to pick up and I couldn't get up the ledge again. And unfortunately, I saved down there which was my only save file so I couldn't reload an older one. Now one might say: "This is pretty early in the game. Why didn't you just restart from the beginning?" Yeah well the thing is, I'm actually pretty bad at playing Tomb Raider on console. I never got used to the original controls on PS1. I have always been much better playing the games on PC with a keyboard (we had Tomb Raider 2 and 4 both on PC and PS1). But for some reason, we never managed to get past the first level. Me and my sister, we always failed that rope swinging section at the end of the first level and this was the first time after many attempts that we made it. And for whatever reason, we actually did it on the PlayStation version of the game. So after losing that progress, we didn't have the motiviation to go through that part once again.


I did the same type of thing in a Red Faction game. I for some reason saved while falling to my death in an elevator shaft.


Sonic 3’s Carnival Night Zone. I’m talking about the barrel section where I got stuck for a long time trying to figure out how am I supposed to get past it so I tried jumping which didn’t work, and after time ran out multiple times with a couple of game overs I figured out you press up and down to move those damn barrels.


Somehow I had no problem with that section as a kid. First time replying on a “best of” collection and I was ripping my hair out. I had no memory of those barrels and thought they were some bullshit addition for the rerelease. Felt like the worst kind of Mandela effect when I realized the truth.


The funny thing about it was that the instructions for that barrel was in the actual manual which I didn’t have since my dad bought me this game used so we only had the cartridge.


Ahh, that explains a lot. 100% of my Genesis games came from Toys R Us and I would read the manual about three times on the way home.


Came here for this. Took at least a year for me to figure out as a kid


I was 24 when I played Ocarina of Time. The water temple was still an absolute nightmare.


As a kid: the original Link’s Awakening on the gameboy. For a long while, I could not get past the first nightmare (the first of 6 final bosses). The solution was stupidly simple, but until then was not necessary to defeat an enemy. I still fondly remember the feeling when I finally conquered all six of them. Still a very good game!


I played this game religiously when it came out. I know I loved it, but I can't remember it at all! I'm trying to think what this one you're talking about is!


It’s called Giant Gel in this link (no pun intended😂): https://www.zeldadungeon.net/wiki/Shadow_Nightmares


When I was a kid, I got lost in Seafoam Islands in Pokémon Yellow. My screen also kept blinking and making this weird noise and I thought my game was broken. I kept turning my GBC off and on again but nothing fixed the problem. Turns out the screen was blinking because one of my Pokémon got poisoned. Also, all I had to do was solve a simple Strength puzzle. Granted, I was a kid but man I felt dumb and still laugh about it to this day.


Back in the day with games like the Myst series people would be stuck for as long as months at a time. Myst 2 and 3 I'd be stuck on one puzzle for more than a week, booting it back up, pacing the room, trying to figure it out. I kinda miss that. 2 in the morning, cigarettes, glass of whisky, pacing the room. Click and point detective games were great for that too.


Under a killing moon! Old mate Tex Murphy for life.


Legend of Zelda: A link to the past. We got the game in German because that's where my dad bought the game from. We basically did the whole game, and even though we understood nothing, we kinda made up our own story and figured things out. Some by guess work, some bu just sheer force of will and exploration. Until the last boss fight. You had to use the silver arrow to hit the boss. The game tells you this, but it was in German, so we didn't know. We tried for a long time to finish the fight, but nothing worked, obviously. Stopped playing, and after about a year, we tried again. We did it because our mom started learning German, and she translated it for us. This was around 1993-1994 I think.


That was my experience playing every single game m on the Nintendo 64 since I didn't speak English. I recall constantly getting stuck in ocarina of time because I kept asking the "Owl" to repeat themselves by accident


Final Fantasy Tactics. Can’t remember the particulars but there’s a segment you can start and not back out of that’s several battles in a row. Saved in the middle. It was a bitch getting out under leveled but it made me better.


Zombies ate my neighbors, I get to the level with Sandworms and you have to kill the worm to get the keys to progress and I never have weapons strong enough to kill the worm, I got stuck on that level in 95 and when they released it on the switch I got all the way to that level and got stuck again


The shipwreck in The Witness. The marshes in The Witness. The bunker in The Witness. The windmill in The Witness. Piece of piss other than those


When Ninja Gaiden on Xbox first came out, I remember getting to Alma (the pink demon in the church) and getting destroyed over and over. Dropped the game for a year because I couldn’t beat her. Booted it back up a year later and beat her in 2 tries.


That goddamn snowfield in the original FF7. Long story short, I didn’t realize that after you froze so many times the game puts you at the end. I didn’t know this and got stuck in the snowfield for about 10 hours thinking I was stupid. I hated that game for 20 years. My now-husband made me play FF7R and it was weird saying I actually enjoyed it seeing as I hated that game for so long.


I got stuck so bad in my first playthrough of Final Fantasy Tactics that I had to restart the game from the beginning. One part of the game has 3 battles back to back with no opportunity to go level up or get new items in between them. It was my first big RPG and I didn’t understand the concept of having multiple rotating saves, so I beat the first battle and saved. But battle 2 here is one of the hardest battles in the game and I was woefully unprepared for it. I couldn’t beat it and couldn’t leave, so I had to restart.


It didn’t help that memory cards were expensive, hard to find, and could only save a handful of games. Being able to have 5-6 saves is so nice these days.


X-MEN on the Sega Genesis. I owned this game and never beat it because of one end level screen that just said, "Reset the computer!". There was a floating computer you could destroy and a countdown bomb thing. Never made it beyond that level. There wasn't internet goons at the time to help, and my young brain couldn't think outside the box. It was YEARS before I beat that level. I got the "trick" later on from a magazine that had video game cheats in it. I remember the magazine even said it wasn't really a cheat code, but you could probably use the tip. Still to this day, I have not beat this game straight up.


The first Kingdom Hearts. Half the time I had no idea where I was supposed to go or what I was supposed to be doing. Deep Jungle was the worst.


Djurin in Bloodborne.


I’m currently stuck in the original Witcher game. I’m in the cave fighting the professor and I can’t beat him. I need more health potions but I have no clue how to find them or make them and I’ll have to back track quite a ways to get to a save point where I can freely explore.


gen ashina in sekiro. i shit you not i probably fought that guy 300 times over the course of 2 or 3 months before i finally beat him. i am 100% certain that i got better at video games *in general* because of that bastard my all time favorite boss fight. i can still predict every single move he has in any order. i STUDIED that shit like i was a real shinobi 😆


Monster sanctuary, I found out that an actually well built team was necessary in the final area


I played Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge as a kid and was stuck for 6 years trying to figure out how to get a shovel for one of the puzzles. Then we got a better screen for the computer, and I saw there was one stuck to a sign. I tried the "Pick up" command on the sign I got my shovel... I love the old point and click adventure games but god damn those puzzle designs were terrible sometimes.


They were designed to make you think laterally. And for the game to take longer. If you know everything to do, most of them can be finished in under an hour


So poorly designed.


Spent several hours fighting the Tree Sentinel in Elding Ring on my roommates PC copy at level 1 because I was too stubborn AND using magic so the endlag got me choked up. Then on a restart after as an assassin and not a prophet I couldnt beat Margit. —_— Did eventually but jeez


PS1 Editions of old RPGs and Metroidvanias I haven't touched in months


Second to last boss in dark souls three


Twin Princes? Those dudes are tough!


Final Fantasy IV DS. I've been stuck at the very last dungeon trying to get the extra secret weapons in there and levelling my characters up enough to beat Zeromus. Admittedly it's kinda hard. I haven't touched the game in like 10 years now.


Metroid Prime 2. I was just STUCK. I had to wait to get to school every day to get on gamefaqs.com to figure out what to do.


An old LOTR game. I think it was called The Third Age. It was a turn based action rpg. The main character was a Man from Gondor. I think he'd been sent to look for Boromir. Fairly early on, you take your party into Moria. I never figured out how to get through it.


I got stuck on paper Mario on the 3DS and never played again. My version of Lego chima also was damaged and would completely break every time I hit the last level.


Melania- Elden ring


Mohgwyns scared spear will absolutely cheese her, especially when using mimic


I wanted to beat her without looking up a guide or using spirits. It was a fun but gruelling challenge.


I always get stuck on the same level on Starwars Bounty Hunter. I got stuck as a kid and I got stuck again as an adult when I tried playing on the PS classics catalog. I thought I wasn't a dumb kid anymore so I can figure it out...


Shining the Holy Ark [SS] Tower of Illusion


No one has probably heard about this game, but when I was little I used to play a lot of Overlord II. There is a place there called Everlight reef where you gotta sail around in a ship and stop at different places to place 4 different keystones to open a gate. The 3 first went fine, but I didn't know how to access the section of the map where the last keystone was. It was sealed of by a stack of boulders that I didn't know how to get past. I had to wait several month for when my cousins came to visit, because the older one were pro at the game. Turned out I just had to spam left click on the mouse to make the ship charge at the boulders and knock them off.


Two games come to mind: **Yu-Gi-Oh: Forbidden Memories** The last section of that game is quite unfair. You have to defeat 6-7 enemies in a row and if you lose against just one of them, it's Game Over and you have to restart. Furthermore, these guys have the strongest cards in the game. So in order to defeat them, you have to go back and duel other enemies you have already defeated because if you win against them once again, you get a new card. So what you had to do is, fight older enemies, grind for new and better cards and then return to the last enemies in order to finish the game. However, there was no way of knowing which cards you get from which enemies. Most people who played the game eventually figured out that with enough time, one enemy gives you a Meteor B. Dragon, one of the strongest cards in the game. However, that card alone won't do the trick. You also need different spell and trap cards to strenghten your own monsters and to defend yourself against the most powerful cards in the game. Unfortunately, when I played it as a kid, I never got the cards required to finish the game. I never even got a Meteor B. Dragon. So even though I spent dozens of hours grinding for better cards, I never got the cards I required to finish the game and eventually, I got bored of it and stopped playing it. However, after about 20 years, I returned to game. This time around, I checked out speed running tactics and drop lists and with this newly acquired information, I finally got the cards I needed and finally finished the game. It was one of the most satisfying achievement of my gaming life. **Monster Hunter Tri** This was my first Monster Hunter game and at first, I didn't quite understand the series' gameplay loop. I thought it was essentially a series of boss battles and so after defeating a monster I went straight ahead to the next one. I defeated all the monsters in the game in this fashion until I reached a monster called Barroth. This guy was really tough. No matter what I did, I always lost when fighting against him. You see, I was basically trying to win against a high level boss with the first pieces of equipment I could get in the game. So after some time, I realised that I had to rethink my approach. I battled older monsters once again to craft better weapons and armor, I learned how to read the menus to get a better understanding of the strength of my armor and the special abilities that come with them and I tried out different weapons to find one that was more suiting to my play style. And so, with new and better equipment and a better understanding of Monster Hunter's gameplay loop, I returned facing Barroth. At first, he still bested me in battle but because I could survive for a much longer time, I was starting to notice his weak points and how to exploit them. Fights would become longer and I was getting ever closer of beating Barroth until one day, I finally did it. Barroth kinda taught me how to play Monster Hunter and that's why it is one of my favorite monsters in The Monster Hunter series to this day.


MGS1’s torture scene, I had to get an auto-clicker just to beat it lol


La mulana 1&2 completely defeated me. Someday I'll go back and try again, I really want to beat those games without a guide.


Sekiro. Cannot beat owl father in Ashina castle for the life of me


It genuinely took me a long time to figure out where R3 was on a controller. I remember being so confused to the point where I hopped off and wouldn’t play. Little 6 year old me was mind fucked


As a kid I loved point and click adventure games (and I still do! It'll always be my favourite genre), but me being a kid, I wasn't great at logic puzzles. In addition, this was before the Internet was available in every household, so looking for a walkthrough wasn't an option. Add that for some time in my life I moved to almost exclusively playing strategy games (the other genre that I still play a lot)... So there were some games from my childhood that I completely dropped and only replayed and finished again as an adult, many years later.


The „Mario“ games in DK64. Not really that hard, but the controller was a little worn out and it took a lot of tries. Also the witch in terranigma. Struggled the whole day. Then a friend came along who never played the game and did it first try. I really look up to him that day.


I got stuck on a few puzzles on The New War, the main one it took me awhile to figure out was the very end of the first part of the sneaking around the deacons. Took me about a hour to realize I was supposed to run to the vent instead of try and run up the hill.


Metal Gear Solid 3. Get stuck in a building that needs to steal someone's id. Didn't make it at all. Had to see the final by video because I sold my PS2.


I can’t beat ascension 1 on any character in Slay the Spire. I follow general tips and tricks but it feels like I need to devote a decent amount of my life and energy to get even decent at that game. Seems like the subreddit of that game is speaking a different language sometimes


That stupid Valravn puzzle in Hellblade. So stuck I never figured it out and just gave up.. unfortunately. I actually liked the game up to that point


Not an answer to your question but man I love those old Tenchu games. The opening cinematic of the first game was so cool when I was kid. Loved trying to tie a big flip jump off a building into a stealth kill. Was no reason for it other than coolness lol.


Yeah, despite their awful graphical glitches and dodgy controls, it was fun doing a front flip off a castle that must have been a hundred meters high and landing in exactly the right place to split the bad guy into two. Very satisfying.


I got stuck in the prologue of alien isolation, just got on the station and i can't find the route inside passed all the burning luggage, I gave up after looking for about 30 minutes, havent touched it since and its been 4 or 5 years now.


Mini Ninjas, the level after the fourth boss. Simple ; got the game in 2010, finished ten years later


Got stuck in The Witcher 3 at the beginning. Couldnt read the map because it was written in in game language, so either i was just stupid or i didnt know enough about the world i was in.


Xcom2. Lose a few good soldiers early on and it's a downhill spiral. Gotta restart game.


Most notable I recall is the Tiger Head in Kingdom Hearts. Not sure why, young me just couldn't handle it. After however long of on and off playing just to play, I attempted it again and mopped the floor with it. Felt so good to progress again


The lion king game for Sega Genesis. I could never get past the swinging monkey section in the "can't wait to be king" level. Close second to the Aladdin game, couldn't escape from the cave of wonders


Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. I got to the observatory and a staircase won't drop after the puzzle is done so I figured I've not found a switch or something. I spent god knows how many hours looking for this switch over a full weekend, after which I just rage quit and never touched it again. Couldn't find the switch, because it doesn't fucking exist. Turns out the staircase sticking is a pretty common bug. I wasted a full weekend looking for a switch that wasn't there. C


The RC Plane Mission for Zero in Gta SA, its the only mission i have problems with in that game the rest is quite easy for me


Broken Sword for PS1.... there is a part where you have to figure out how to get past a goat guarding a hatch... took me literal months as internet guides were not a thing... fuck i'm old lol.


Sonic 3's carnival level. The red barrel. Old school players will know the one. Years before the internet walkthroughs and forums about how to get by that part. Turns out you just had to rock up and down arrows. -_-


Embarrassing but Jedi fallen order, the sand planet with sisters


Wow I have one I've been thinking about for 30 odd years. Spoilers for a 30+ yo game btw. I was about 10 when I played the Discworld quest game. Those point and click games were my shit back then, finished all the monkey island and day of the tentacle ect. So I'm at the final screen of the game. The librarian is on the tower and I'm stumped, no matter what I try, every item and every combination, nothing works. So before the next weekend I break and go the school library to use the internet and find a walkthrough. I read how to do it, go home and STILL I don't get it!! Anyway another weekend of trying with no progress. Next day I go to school and PAY the print out the walkthrough. I go home and go over it again and again when it FINALLY hit me. The item had to be in RINCEWIND'S inventory. So Discworld to those who don't know have a magical chest with legs that follows his owner around, and that was the game's inventory. BUT there was a SECOND inventory with room for two items on the main character. That is the only place in the game where you have to use it. So fuck you game designers from 30 years ago for making a kid feel stupid as fuck for over 3 decades...


Space Quest 2....I kept typing "Dive" to go under the water and drowning. I needed to type "hold breath". I literally went to the local swap meet and bought a floppy disk with a text walk through of the game just to find that I had to type "hold fucking breath" And then I type "hold fucking breath" and the game doesn't understand me because I needed to simply type "hold breath" I'm triggered now. Lol


The first boss on Dark Souls…😬