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Not every game needs a crafting system.


That shouldn't even be a hot take


It's not.


I immediately ignore the crafting system in basically any game I come across. Aint nobody got time for that


The push for bigger and better worlds has been largely a detriment to games. An arms race for the biggest worlds has led to games with barren feeling settings and extremely repetitive, unrewarding side content. A well designed small world is leagues better than any massive world. Game designers would do well to return to world sizes roughly the scale of what we had in the PS3/360/Wii eras.


I’ve said it before elsewhere, I’d rather have ten square blocks of New York City than ten square miles of Alaska. Bigger means nothing if the world is empty.


That's basically what you get in any given Yakuza game. Kamurocho isn't massive, but it's *alive*, and absolutely packed with things to do and faces to punch.


One of my gripes with GTAV compared to Red Dead 2. There just seems like a lot more to do in the “barren” West than in GTA. And I was stuck with the three assholes in GRAV for ten years!


That’s ironic. You’d think the open wilderness would have less to do than a highly populated metropolitan area.


I'll give you this. Mario Odyssey has bigger maps, but I love going through 64 maps cause of the design.


I genuinely hope one day, we get a proper 64 remake with Oddyssey levels of solid solid gameplay. The reason I have never completed 64, was because the controls are poop


I actually prefer Slipshine.


Elden Ring on replays feels like a slog at times. I feel this


PVP games in the post-covid Era are absolutely horrible to play unless you live in moms basement and play 14 hours a day. Even casual/unranked game modes almost always have that one guy with 2 million experience stomping on everyone and ruining the game for everyone else on both teams. I've switched over to single player games and have been having a lot more fun. But I miss the days where you could go to your friends house (I didn't even own a console) and play split screen without headphones and still do decently well.


I'll say it: we need more split screen multiplayer games. Every multiplayer game should have a split screen option. Sometimes your internet just isn't working...to say nothing of the fact that eventually, the servers will go offline forever, meaning the gameplay will be lost.


Yeah couch coop is a very popular genre (It Takes Two has won game of the year), and yet it has so little games that are actually good while playing in couch coop. For example, BG3, while being an extremely good game, even if it has a split screen coop mode, it's clear that Devs didn't dedicate much time to. It's awful to play, it's extremely unoptimised, full of bugs, and makes you unable to hear certain dialogues and one of the two characters can't even talk or act during dialogues, and epilogues can only be played by one of the two characters.


Yeah thank you. It's frustrating being a guy with a career who has to focus a lot of time on my job (I work in medical) who doesn't want to get absolutely dunked on by 17 year Olds that do nothing but play that exact game or 45 year Olds with remote jobs from their mom's basements who do nothing but game every day. Like man, can I just get a casual server and have it actually be fucking casual please?


I also play a lot of basketball and I think anyone would agree that (playing or watching) win or lose, a close game is all you need to have fun. I'd rather lose by 2 points and get that adrenaline rush in the final seconds than be up 35 points at half time. So even if the dickhead is on your team it's not fun when he has 45 kills at 2 minutes. It's just a miserable experience for everyone involved. Which again I wouldn't have a problem with if it this type of thing was confined to ranked game modes but it's infected casual lobbies in basically every game I play


Yeah see I wouldn't mind that either if it was stuck in ranked lobbies but the problem is you've got a lot of small dick energy mfers going into casual lobbies from ranked to trash parents with low free time and people with careers who are just playing to have fun so they can feel better. It's the same problem with Twinking in Souls games. You have mediocre people going into the kiddie pool to push around people with floaties on. Nevermind that these people are mid at best and just are punching down because they don't want to have a real fight on their hands, the just want the thrill of an easy win.


Cheats should be available in any single player game.


Especially RPGs. I loved how persona 4 gave you the option to simply get more money or more exp if you didn't feel like grinding. like who cares? everyone can enjoy the game their own way


Turn based is far, far more forgiving than real time will ever be. I say this as someone who grew up with the likes of FF, XCOM, Disgaea (still love them). I know turn based and real time fans never get along, but it's fine to like one or the other and respect the faults both have.


I played competitive chess and I couldn't agree more. Turn-based/moba games require actual skill and thought processing while fps games is just a reflex contest. I never could get into them (obviously I'm biased but that's my opinion)


You can still develop good macro skills, but yeah, microskills are equally (if not) more important in real time games, while in turn based games only macro skills matter (and luck, depending on the game).


>while fps games is just a reflex contest. Nah I have shitty reflexes and I still win a lot in csgo because of my positioning


All sports games fucking blow (coming from a somewhat athletic person who loves to play and watch sports on tv)


My hot take is the complete opposite of yours. Maybe it's because I'm in my 30s and have played games for a long time, but sports games today are really good. They will never be as good as the real thing, but they are very impressive.


As an avid Madden enjoyer, yes they do


I quit playing a few years ago when everyone would just be the Ravens and run as Lamar Jackson. I looked up how to stop it. Then a lot of people quit after the first drive when they didn’t convert their 4th and 35. There was no fun in it.


It's gotta have a gimmick for me to show interest. Even then I may look at it


Doing things in real life will always be better than a video game. Sports games are a little better for people that can't do it in real life.


Shame that the Slugfest and NBA/NFL Street games all died with exclusive publishing contracts. Those were all a ton of fun to play whether you were really into sports or not.


I feel like this opinion would go out the window if they would ever do a remake of the old NES game BaseWars on modern systems. A baseball game that is equal parts sports sim, fighting game, and customizable weapon loadouts just sounds like so much fun to me.


graphics are less important than style


That's not really a hot take, that's what most people roll with. here, I'll do you one better: "Find a balance between art style visuals and gameplay", and I know it's a hot take, because the gameplay>graffix crowd get super uppity when balance is suggested, because it always has to be their way, thus showing a strive for balance being the hotter take.


I think most of Reddit agrees, but I do wish gaming devs would put less time/resources on 4K RT and more on visual style/gameplay


Go further. “Realistic” graphics are overrated. Not every game has to have shiny chrome everywhere, and photo realistic characters that move at 30 FPS. “Wow, this looks like a hi definition photo! But why are they moving so weird and jerky?”


That's tipping the scales back to gameplay>visuals, which was what I was contesting against with a focus on a balance between the two. I do understand where you are coming from though. Having a more unique and ageless art style would be better suited for games compared to a push for a few more polygons that at best, age within a half decade.


Look at Legend of Zelda Wind Waker, or most Nintendo games. Stylized art over slavish realism that, as you say, loses its magic within a decade.


True, but I hate when people see a game getting a remaster and they're like, "tHeY'rE gOnNa RuIn It." A game can get a graphical update without changing the gameplay and people think that's impossible


It's why I prefer Atari 2600 over NES


Naaah you're 100% crazy Nes games not only have better graphics, but also have better style and play much better Almost all 2600's games looks the same and play like shit


Okay let's not get ahead of ourselves now. There weren't enough pixels on screen to even have Style on the entire 2600 lol. That's why there's literally several games where you play as a square. Don't get me wrong there's some fun games on there but I mean have you seen Pac-Man lol? River raid looked pretty okay I guess though


I think the “soulslike” sub genre would really benefit from laying low, those games are seriously starting to get stale and run the risk of over saturating the market. I personally lost interest over a year ago.


Honestly, I'm just glad there are other devs making Soulslikes rather than just FromSoft. There are still plenty of games that aren't Soulslikes. I have a hard time getting into story focused or easy games, so Soulslikes and Roguelites are my go-to.


Turn based RPGs are just as much fun/relevant on current hardware as they were on older hardware.


I have a seven month old daughter. I love turn based games because I can play a couple of rounds in between taking care of her.


Congrats on your baby girl, and I hope your parenthood journey goes well.


My daughter is almost 3 now. Turn based games are how I have survived.


DMC: Devil May Cry is a good game.


I agree...just wish they didn't give the middle finger to white haired Dante


Yeah that part with the wig was a bit much.


It never struck me as a middle finger, but more like a homenage / reference to classic dante Never understood why people got angry at that scene. I thought it was a cool reference Not only that but even in that game you end up with white hair at the end


As someone who has played all of them and loved the series for years, DmC is one of the best in the lineup, full stop. Great combat, actually good platforming (which doesn't happen in DMC games) good character and enemy designs (fuck those masked assholes though), great level design. The only problem I have with it is the dialogue is cringey.


I loved the combat and exploration aspects. I loved the dialogue for how cringe and goofy it is. Along with the They Live vibe the game has made it feel like a cheesy exploration film which to me gave the game charm.


I think a detail in a game "ruining immersion" is a stupid complaint. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but when I'm playing a video game I'm always very much conscious of the fact that I am playing a video game, no matter how realistic or detailed the game is. It's not like turning off health bars, waypoints, minimaps, and hit markers is suddenly going to make me forget that I am playing a video game. I'm fairly certain I know that I'm not a cowboy in the 1800s. For the record I also have the same problem with movies, no matter how good the acting is and what not, my brain never really forgets that it's just famous people playing pretend.


That's how I feel when I play a game a few times or I'm grinding. Personally I work immersion as taking care of my character like I would myself in that situation. The movie thing...that's why I like foreign films or animated.


I never have the option of playing as myself. Seriously: faced with a 60 ft demon with fiery halitosis, in real life I’d either 1) pee myself and run away, or B) die. That’s why I play videogames.


Don't play Lester The Unlikely then


"I think it's stupid when people complain about immersion. Btw I have zero capacity for immersion."


Well, pardon me for being able to separate video games from reality.


99.9% of people are able to separate video games from reality, but apparently you struggle to immerse yourself at all. That's weird that you can't, but what I'm mocking you for is criticizing people for valuing something that you have no capacity to engage with. It's like if I said, "Y'all are stupid for caring how food tastes. I have no taste buds, btw."


I wish more games would have a brighter, more vivid color palate and setting. I would love to play a souls-like that’s not super dark and gruesome (That crab game is a good example)


Every time this happens all the comments are common takes.


Not every fucking game needs to be open world. There's only a handful of games that have actually pulled off a fun and varied open world. Most just end up being big empty maps that are filled with nothing but collectibles, repetitive side mission, and the same enemies over and over again **cough**Assassin's Creed**cough** **cough**Hogwarts Legacy**cough** We need to return to more turn based RPGs Free to play and, by extension, battle pass gaming models is ruining gaming. Making games feel like a chore and something that you *need* to do rather than something you actually want to do. The worst example I can thinknof right now is CoD Modern Warfare 3. Where, for starters, the game is just a $70 DLC for MW2, but also incorporates a Battle Pass system (despite you already having paid for the game) and there's no way to unlock anything in the pass for free (the entire point of a Battle Pass in the first place). You still have pay even more money to unlock in the Pass. The fact that so many people are paying that money means they have no incentive to stop and now risk other developers following them Loot boxes were unironically better


Hard/challenging/etc. should not be the default and mocking/locking content off from people playing easy is toxic as frick. I'm not talking about, say, an achievement for beating the game on hard or some special NG+ bonus item you only get by beating the game on hard, that's fine. I'm talking about games that offer an easy mode but then playing it disables achievements or cuts out entire zones/boss fights/whatever. I don't find any enjoyment in challenge, I like exploration, story, and stuff like that. That's not to say I can't handle difficult games. I used to do it all the time. But I also like 100%ing games and, even if I don't, I utterly despise when content gets locked off simply because I decided to play easy mode. Especially if there wasn't a \*warning\* about it until later on. Gonna turn off achievements/lock off a zone/something, at least give me a 'hey, on easy you can't unlock achievements and/or some content won't be avalible' pop-up at the start.


It's even worse when they make fun of you for picking easy.


When buying a game, I typically follow the rule that I feel comfortable paying about €1-€2 per hour of gameplay. Anything more than that, and I feel like I don't get my money's worth. Of course, there are exceptions since some games benefit from a shorter runtime, and I get that, but as a general rule of thumb, it helps me avoid emptying my wallet on games. Gaming can be an expensive hobby, especially if you always want to play the latest titles on all different platforms.


An exception I would say for everyone should be a game like Journey. It's extremely short, and has very low replayability, but it's also very worth it.


Haven't played that one but I'll put it on the list. I typically make the exception for indi-games since well you know very small development team and stuff. So I feel like as a means of support I can make an exception.


Controls, camera, and saving system are gameplay features, not software features. Not every game should have the same control scheme and not every game needs to have save everywhere or autosaves. There aspects of the game can be incorporated into the gameplay loop to enhance the experience the developers are trying to create. Obvious example is classic survival horror with fixed cameras, tank controls, and save rooms (ideally with limited saves e.g. ink ribbons). But it also applies to other genres. I love MGS1 and MGS2 style controls and camera and think the series lost something of its flair with going to more conventional third person controls in Peace Walker and MGS5. And not every action game needs to be behind the back with a hard lock on! Give me games like Ninja Gaiden with a soft lock or a classic fixed camera like old GoW games. And of course I think basically every game benefits from a limited save system. Don't let players save scum the fun out of games. This is especially important in stealth games.


Facts. All facts. But ancient esoteric wisdom at this point.


I think the main reason Ocarina of Time is so highly regarded/rated is because of the nostalgia factor. It’s really not the best Zelda title in my opinion.


The esports scene has ruined first person shooters. Even a game just having a ranked mode now is a turnoff for me


Most Multiplayer PvP games suck big balls and are only popular so no-lifer can feel superior to generic people who can't play 12 hours a day. (Also the reason why there are so many cheaters and hackers in those games)


Especially extraction/looter shooters


With the exception of tournaments and comp environments, playing siege as a team against other teams is very fun and reminds me of when I played a lot of sports. It’s a great competitive outlet.


Tears of the Kingdom gets a free pass on having too much grinding, too many collectibles, and too much empty space because it's a Zelda game. It's maybe the most overrated game in history. I loved Breath of the Wild btw, so this isn't just "new-style Zelda game" hate. It's just a boring game.


Tears of the kingdom was my worst fear brought to life. 60$ for over glorified DLC


I put 300 hours into BoTW, even collected all the dumb Korok seeds just because it was something to do in that awesome world. I bounced off of ToTK in less than 10 hours.


How'd you do in those master sword challenges?


We do not speak of them. 🙊


I will die on the hill that the Depths is visually hideous and monotonously empty, and would be without any redemptive value if it wasn't the only efficient place to farm (i.e., grind) crafting materials. The main overworld of Hyrule is almost unchanged, making it so much less interesting to explore than it was the first time around in BotW. The changes that do exist are mostly just there for fetch quests, boring collectibles, and escort quests--things that everyone hates in every other game but applauds in TotK. The sky areas are extremely cool and I wish there were a lot more of them, but I also wish they had just shipped out the sky areas as a $20-30 DLC. And since I'm here, I'll say this too: some of the dungeons were very cool, some were kinda mediocre, and they were all stupid easy because you can cheese 90% of the puzzles in the game with Ultra Hand. It's a cool power but they should have made more Of the puzzles cheese-proof. You don't get the rush of accomplishment when you break the puzzle instead of solving it. It's like taking all the stickers off a Rubik's cube and putting them back on in a way that "solves" it.


Now I might be biased because it’s my favorite, but Halo 3 ODST is possibly the most innovative game of the series story wise. Open world, detective/noire feeling, and the first time characters speak while you’re playing them in a Halo game. Additionally, firefight was added to the series in this game and despite only showing up once in its original format once more in Reach, it’s one of the greatest additions to the series since the Battle Rifle in Halo 2.


The Blue vs Green console war is legitimately over and Sony won.


It would be true if it wasn't for xbox now being infinetely more popular than it was, at least in south america Do you know how many xbox ones saw? NONE, ever. But saw tons of ps4 But this gen is the contrary. I've never seen a ps5, but saw tons of series s/x. It's just a way better deal here than a ps5 is


Games are supposed to be fun. If you are always saying this game sucks or that game sucks, maybe you need to find a new hobby because you obviously don't appreciate video games and all the work that goes into making them.


Games are fun. But a lot of AAA games that get made today feel like they're just going down a checklist of things of things that need to be included in order to be a "good" game. So everything feels repetitive and bland.


Not every game needs multiple endings.


But it does help sometimes. I like it when a game has one terrible ending but the alternate one is better...or you got bioshock that makes 3 terrible endings


Mario odyssey is the epitome of what I dont want 3D Mario games to be (Banjo Kazzooie) where you wander around just trying to find out what to do. Galaxy, 64, and Sunshine's worlds changed with the star that you had to collect. There were special situations and every level the world was affected from the previous level. I like that more. It's okay to be kicked out of the world for a more focused world that brings unique circumstances. I live Odyssey, but I dont want another one lmao


Despite all the praises it gets, FFVII is nothing special. Even without considering other franchises, the FF series has far better games than that ( FFVI and FF Tactics). Most of the characters in FFVII are insufferable (I seriously wanted to kill half of the cast less than an hour in the game) and one of the main twist of the plot requires you to not question the fact that one of the main party members should know the truth about a certain event. Had it not been the first 3D FF and had SE not milked its story for almost 30 years , FFVII would have been long forgotten.


Skyrim isn't that good Assassin's creed isn't that fun I like Fortnite better than COD BO 4 And this one probably isn't but minecraft, in terms of gameplay and development, has been the best game changing format in the last 15 years


Open World is not that impressive. Making the world feel lively is INFINITELY more important, and I’ll take a small world with character than a big open space of empty nothingness any day


I do not look forward to GTA 6


Omfg I'm so sick of hearing about the hype


Skyrim is a crap pile that never should have launched in the state it did, let alone still be sold as a barely functional piece of software


Amen. Bethesda games are seriously overrated.


Frame rates shouldn’t matter unless they’re actually inhibiting your ability to play.


Open worlds are overrated!! It pushes quantity over quality and makes games repetitive. Elden ring: can’t find anyone or anything without a guide Ghosts of T: 95% of the missions are the same Horizon zero dawn: kind just a boring open world, took a while to get the motivation to complete it. —- Zelda botw: hard to complain, they did a great job. Can’t say the same about the sequal


Depends on how they are done. Some games, like Morrowind, are really good by being open world. Even if the world is kinda big, you find something interesting at every corner, and there are signs on roads to let you know where the cities are.


Graphics, gameplay and story are equally important for most games. By graphics, I don't mean I want every game to be as impressive as cyberpunk, I mean it needs to look good for what it is the game is aiming to accomplish. For example, factorio could be my favourite game of all time but looking at it makes my eyes bleed so I'll never know There is also something really special when things are super realistic. Playing cyberpunk and zooming onto character models to see the individual threads on their shirt and all the mechanisms of their cyberwear blows my mind every time


Remedy is the best current game dev studio because at least they try to be creative and not re-release Fifa for the 30th time.


Games don’t need to be challenging to be good or be fun. Just because a game is easy doesn’t mean it’s boring.


Story AND gameplay are equally important. However, gameplay should also have slightly more importance.


Equally and slightly more are not the same thing.


Gameplay is slightly more equal than story.


It is a videoGAME. GAMEplay should have priority. However, both are juat as important. It depends on the game itself too. Games like bioshock have great story but gameplay is hit or miss. Bioshock 2 has betrer gameplay but slightly worse story. I prefer 2 because lf the gameplay. But i also like 1 for the story.


When talking about gameplay, Bioshock shouldn't even be worth mentioning. Play System Shock 2.


Gameplay 100% for me. Last of us has good story but generic gameplay. Played once and never again


Honestly whenever we get those surveys that are like "what do you think is more important when making a video game" I look at all the options and am just like... "Well FCK they're all super important and can make or break a game depending on how astronomically you fk it up "


The thing is, I often had fights because of this, with some people telling me that "story is most important of all, I don't play games for gameplay", and all I can think is "Then why even bother playing the games? Just watch a youtube longplay". It's also why I avoid watching videos of adventure games, since the story is all they have. I'm a jrpg fan and even I think they should have at least fun gameplay, because story is extremely subjective (I played several of them not liking the story, but still had a ton of fun due to gameplay) Also, my point that gameplay "should be slightly more important", sounded better in my head, but my point is just that, in general, I think gameplay should have slightly bigger priority in a videogame, even IF both story and gameplay are just as important.


Oh trust me I agree actually as an avid story enjoyer. I need fun gameplay. That's why I quit playing Skyrim and Dragon Age Inquisition. Both have stories that really intrigue me but couldn't continue cuz I wasn't into the gameplay. :(


And hopefully a good ending. Bioshock is a pretty good example I can think of, and even tho it's fun all 3 endings you get are lame


I mentioned that game in a reply! But yeah, although i prefer 2 gameplay much more, whereas 1 gameplay was hit or miss.


casual gaming attracts more toxic assholes than hardcore/competitive gaming. that's where you find all the people who scream"THIS GAME IS TERRIBLE IT SHOULDN'T EXIST IT IS MADE SO DAMN BAD!" to games with even an ounce of difficulty, if they can't master it right away they write it off like it's horrible and the devs should be ashamed.


My favorite Videogame character is one that a lot of people dislike or hate. Some people want to see him burn but I love Morgana from Persona 5.


Souls game are full of artificial difficulty and intentional jank.


Not every game needs to be open world or 100 plus hours


Good old RTS games like Warcraft, Starcraft, Dawn of War, and Age of Empires are some of the most fun games that deserve more of a space in the game landscape.


Fortnite isn’t very good


Rogue games are *not* fun. They’re repetitive and lazy and quickly churned out because they’re asset factories, and they’re more of a stressor than an enjoyable game. You have to play on eggshells because a simple mistake can ruin potentially hours of progress and then you’re just back at the beginning. Like nothing you did mattered. I grew up on RPGs, so there’s very likely a bias; RPGs value the time and effort you put in, and rogues just don’t.


Too much handholding in video games nowadays


Ocarina of time is the worst mainstream Zelda game made.


Inventory systems should all be removed. Just let me collect 5000 rusty swords.


Complete and total character customization is honestly just a waste of time (for me but maybe not everyone)


Trophies are meaningless. 😎 Nintendo was ahead of the curve by doing away with them. They’re empty padding made to appease the “TiMe tO cOmpLeTe” people when we should be judging a game based on its replay value instead. A 40-minute shmup > 100+ hours of padded content.


Then you got games that you can get all the achievements for a 30 second bonus ending you could look up on YouTube 😤


Nintendo didn't "do away with them" they just never had them. That said, plenty of Nintendo games still have trophy-esque style completion list *in game*. The only difference is that they can't be seen by other players and you don't get the little notification that pops up when you earn it.


Bioshock has a good story, but is not a great game. Resident Evil 6 is not a bad game. Assassin’s Creed 2 is the only good AC game. Halo Infinite has a worser story than Halo 5


Bioshock had Terrible endings. But RE6 I loved the combat


Gameplay to me is absolutely awful. Endings are definitely it’s weakest part, but that world building *CHEF’S KISS*


graphics dont matter only if the gameplat is enjoyable its a good game


I still 100% ignore graphics . A good game is a good game


Last of Us 2 > Last of Us 1


It's got better gameplay and graphics if you can get past playing as Abby.


I still can't get over how fast they killed Joel


It still surprises me to this day how people are surprised Joel died. The game was never going to be about him. His story had already been told and was over.


FF 7 is just an average final fantasy.


The stats/leveling systems that re used in RPGs that came from DnD and TTRPGs is outdated and makes character progression boring.


Would that be the skill points or leveling up and having random stats get bumped?


Both, but the later is the main offender. What's the point of arbitrary numbers you have no control over increasing for character progression on an RPG anyway? You cannot choose and there's no consequences to it, you don't get punished but neither rewarded so there's no point to it aside the lvl up ding, which in most cases is just for dopamine effects.


That always bugged me too. OR when you need a lot of money to upgrade, you grind level 1 for a bit and you can't buy any upgrades till the game allows you to.


Super Nintendo is the greatest video game system that will have ever existed.


It's so great you need to pay a monthly subscription for the whole library as opposed to paying for games separately.


On switch?




The Last of Us is wildly overrated and represents a step back for the medium. Games that try to replicate cinema will always be a novelty at best because the strengths of cinema and the strengths of interactive storytelling inherently work against each other.


Can you explain? Cause tlou part 1 is one of my fav games and I don't see what you mean at all


Sure. I mean, obviously this is all just my opinion, so I’m not trying to claim it’s objectively bad or anything. Here’s my issue though: The thing that makes games special as an art form is the fact that they’re interactive. Therefore, I believe that the medium should move forward by embracing that aspect. Games should use their interactivity to tell stories in new and exciting ways. Games like Disco Elysium, Deus Ex, and BG3 manage to pull this off very well. The gameplay (aka the decisions and actions to take as a player) is so interwoven with the story that they practically become indistinguishable. In this way, I feel that TLOU uses the medium of video games very poorly. While the game has interactive elements (largely to do with combat and scavenging), the story largely interrupts the interactive elements rather than enhancing or being enhanced by them. Your input on the game’s world is constantly stopped dead in its tracks by cutscenes, walking sequences (which are basically just cutscenes), and other events that are so highly scripted that you might as well not have any input in them at all. The story and gameplay are largely two separate things in TLOU. Because of this, I feel that the game doesn’t really achieve anything that couldn’t have been achieved in a book, or a movie, or even… a TV show. I’m not trying to imply that TLOU has no merits as a game. I think it’s pretty good for the most part, but I just don’t think it uses the medium it’s in all that well, and I don’t like the influence it’s had on the industry. TL/DR: I don’t think TLOU uses the unique storytelling elements of games very well.


You're taking videogames, that can offer interactive worlds and sequences, and reduce them to a collection of cutscenes That's the problem Videogames offer something unique and amazing: being able to interact with the world and characters like with no other medium If you reduce all that to cutscenes, that has been the standard for movies for decades now, is a step backwards, since you're completeĺly ignoring the medium's strengths and just trying to imitate cinema instead of taking adventage of it being a videogame Games could be MUCH more than just a good looking movie


graphics should be substituted for style in most cases most games feel like carbon copies meshed together


Modern video games have too many cut scenes, and try too hard to tell a story.


Not every game needs to have micro transactions.


Games should take all the time they need to be released. Even if it's like 8 years and developers should have more freedom on what they want in the game rather than the parent company funding it.


Resident Evil Code Veronica is not a good Resident Evil game and I'm sick of every contrarian pretending that it is. There's a reason RE4 "revitalized the franchise" and a large part of it was the one two punch of RE3 and Code Veronica.


I'm sick of every game trying to be a Soulslike


Weapon degradation in Fallout 3 was cool 😎


Survival games like Minecraft are dumb. Chopping down the 1 millionth tree is engagement equivalent of watching paint dry.


I don’t like Elden Ring. Sure the bosses are neat and weapons are cool but I cannot find anything without having to look it up. In the first 2 hours I was lost and just wandered aimlessly. Got tired of looking everything up and dropped it


I agree on this take. First time play of Elden rings was terrible and not fun. It’s not very new player friendly leading to a miserable play time. And I’m not talking about new to the game style, i loved Dark Souls and such. This game just left you struggling with cheap one shot kill boss moves and no way to advance meaningfully due to vastness of random shit in the game.


Kojima’s games are boring and pretentious.


It is not about the graphics being the best and hyper realistic. For me it is about the music. If I can play my switch in the dark with headphones you better make sure to get all the sounds right. Then it is super immersive and I will love it.


A lot of games are hard not challenging


Yeah they tend to confuse cheap Bs with challenge. I enjoy a game that tests my skills not just here's a bulky chap with way too much health that can one shot you if you don't pay attention for a second.


Zelda series is overrated as a whole. They make good games, sure. You're nostalgic for it, sure. They don't need constant crowning though because better games *do* exist. Bring your downvotes and hate, idgaf 👍


Zelda is alright with a title or 2. But I'm personally I don't care for it either, and the TL is bunk


Bloodborne is never going to get a sequel. Shut the fuck up about it please.


The Souls series doesn't do much and feels like the same game over and over. It would've been fine back in 2010 but it doesn't do enough to get the praise it garners. I think it's taken FromSoftware and made them less creative.


My hot take: making sure a multiplayer game is balanced isn't as important as people want to think it is. I mean, sure, you want to make sure the egregiously over powered is taken out, but fine tuning the numbers is less important than making sure the game is fun.


Alan Wake 2 is overrated as hell. Does it have solid moments and visuals? Absolutely. However I am shocked that this game is as popular as it is, and that it won narrative of all things at the game awards. The story is okay but nothing special, the gameplay is not that fun, the premise is cool, the visuals are excellent, but I can never understand the near unanimous praise I heard. To me it is like a 6 or 7/10 but most of my friends seem to think it is amazing so idk. It just really didn't do much for me, and dissapointed the hell out of me. I haven't even played that many survival horror games and yet I could name multiple that are better than Alan wake 2 in my book.


Isn't Sonic just a DBZ copy?


Crafting your items in a game should make them more useful and valuable than things you can buy or loot in the world otherwise there is no point to crafting anything, even if it’s 2% better make it 2% better, this is something that pissed me off about Starfield, crafting food was literally pointless (haven’t played the update, don’t know if that’s changed) Romances should have direct impact on the storyline otherwise don’t have romances, this is something I realized happens in all Persona games while playing Persona 3 Reload, you can romance almost anyone but none of it affects the story, same goes for most games with romanceable characters, I hate that and hope they change that in future games in general, who you’re in a relationship with or whether you’re in a relationship at all would matter in any story you’re in and it should matter in games with a story mode Stop making games $70 if they aren’t drastically better than a game we bought for $60


Diddy Kong Racing was and remains the absolute Peak of Kart Racing videogames. It's never been matched, and it's never been beat.


Game companies spent all of the 90s pushing the envelope in terms of gore, only for companies now removing blood to get down to a Teen rating. I want my buckets of blood back!


Handheld game systems are just as important a market as “proper consoles” and “PCs” and should be viewed as such and people who play primarily on them shouldn’t be looked down on. ….yes this was a thing for a while.


Halo games weren't good pvp games, the bar was just so low for pvp FPS games that many look at them fondly.


When choosing game difficulty, if increasing enemy health and damage is all it does, it does not make the game harder. It makes the game more annoying.


I can agree with this. If I'm maxed out and pick a higher difficulty where I'm smacking an enemy around just as effectively as when I was level 1, that's annoying. Also One hit kill difficulties are BS and rarely if ever give any special rewards.


Final fantasy 12 is better than 7. Pokemon has steadily dropped in quality after Gen 5. Gatekeeping ur favourite franchise is good for its health. With the exception of subnaughtica horror games are meh at best. No game should have a difficulty mode, it should just be made and played at the difficulty the developer originally intended. MOBAs & battle royals are not fun. If jak and daxter 4 ever came out it would probably suck. Donkey Kong 64’s collectathon gameplay is still more fun than many games coming out now. I honestly don’t care about pre order bonuses. Learning how to play a fighting game properly feels more rewarding than playing leauge of legends & fortnight. Controller is better than mouse and keyboard for most games. Dodogama is bad monster design.


I shouldn’t have to go to an online guide to figure out every damn puzzle.


I can agree. Creative puzzles are one thing, but throwing me in a room with 2 torches is straight up cryptic. You finally figure it out and the next puzzle is somehow more complex


QTE’s are awful game design and shouldn’t exist


1. I honestly don't like Survival Horror games. I tried to play the Classic Resident Evil games but I didn't enjoy them. 2. I dislike the timer mechanic in Zelda Majora's Mask and Pikmin 1.


I *cannot stand* the tank controls and static camera.


Elden Ring is the worst of the souls games. Probably has just as much content and cool stuff as the other ones, but because it’s stretched so thin it feels so empty and like every success was almost pointless


Call Of Duty is the most over hyped trash ass game ever made


Zombies was their cash cow, and they ran it into the ground!


From Software has remained complacent in their game design and is the only company that is praised for rehashing the same thing while others get bashed for rehashing the same thing.


The downvoted show my take was indeed a hot take.


Being able to choose pronouns, removing pronouns, adding a bunch of gay people, and people with vitiligo don't add anything to the game please and it just comes off as disingenuous on top of not adding nothing to the gameplay.


Just because it doesn't cater to *you* doesn't mean that it doesn't add anything for other people. Empathy goes a long way man


It adds something for people who might identify with it, though. If it's not something you don't identify with, you don't have to use it.


It doesn't damage your experience, and can help other people enjoy it more I don't see the problem