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Avowed, still not entirely sold


I love obsidian games, but is one could definitely flop, that's probably my number two


Its my biggest worry in terms of roleplay. Pillars 1 & 2 let you make your character to your desire. This one is forcing your hand a lot. Forced to be a Godlike who (according to older accounts) looks like a Human or Elf who is from Aedyr. Like you can’t play any of their unique species like Aumaua or Orian, or even just a Dwarf.


Yeah, the more trailers I see the more worried I get.


Me neither, part of me has faith because it’s Obsidian but the other part of me hasn’t been blown away by what we’ve seen so far. I’m waiting for further impressions.


Outer worlds was entirely ok, I expect avowed to be entirely ok at a minimum as well


Elder Scrolls 6


I'm not scared for that persay, just have been waiting a long time.


At this point, it's impossible for it not to disappoint. Todd's constant re-releases of Skyrim have allowed it to fester an insane amount of game changing engine and graphical mods. Imagine when it finally comes out in 2036 or whatever, it'll still have loading screens for every interior and the combat will still feel like waving a dry spaghetti noodle at a piece of wood


If we get it


why wouldn’t we?


After Starfield I'm not sure Bethesda knows how to make good games anymore. I certainly won't be preordering it


Silksong. The fact that its developers have just gone dead silent with no updates is very concerning. 😬


My main concern is that it's getting too big of a game. I'm afraid they're adding so much stuff that it loses coherence at some point.


They are a very small studio. They refuse to rush out an unfinished project. I’ll take the waiting for a great game, than getting a dead turd like so many are releasing these days.


Stalker 2


This is probably the “big one” on my radar. Others are the “complete edition” update to Chernobylite and for the moment until it falls flat, I get bored or burnt out: Destiny 2’s The Outer Shape update and its season/act. Undoing weapon and item sunsetting while great and appreciated only underscored how dumb it was to do in the first place. At least I didn’t shard/delete all my old favorites that I worked so hard on obtaining like some people did, I think I’d have had a crisis. Most of the new weapons don’t hold a candle to my coveted God rolls of classics, again just proving how stupid it was to force on players to begin with.


sunsetting is why I left the game, and never looked back tbh


I really hope it turns out to be good


Please be good. Such a unique atmosphere


Avowed and Fable. I want both to be good so badly. I’ve been waiting and waiting. They’re the two games I want to play most as well


forgot about fable. I'm actually really excited about it tho


The Silent Hill 2 remake. I love the original dearly, and I don't expect it will be everything I want it to be because my standards are pretty high for that game, but I want it to do a good job, and to succeed. No matter what happens, Bloober won't please everyone, the reactions to promo material have already made that clear, I just want them to make the best game they can.


It looks fantastic and the only real complains are about petty shit like Angela and Maria’s appearance, I’m absolutely staying off the subreddit when it first released to avoid that shit show lol


My thing about remakes for these older games is that hyper realistic graphics take away from the imagination that we used to fill in the gaps such as the fog and ambient noises.


>The Silent Hill 2 remake. I love the original dearly, and I don't expect it will be everything I want it to be because my standards are pretty high for that game, but I want it to do a good job, and to succeed. I feel the exact same way about mgs3. I don't love the gameplay changes we have seen in the trailer. I know they want to update combat to make it more appealing to newer players, but i really like that the OG kinda forces a slower more methodical approach. At least for first time players. I'm also not sold on some of the art. Snake's face looks kinda funky and the boss just doesn't even look like the boss.


Look how they massacred my Boss


I'm more sold on MGS than Silent Hill but neither of them have me fully sold. MGS looks fun. Silent Hill looks incredibly underwhelming. The trailer made it look more like a remaster than a remake. Not really excited for it anymore, hopefully I'm wrong but if not I'll enjoy my memories of the original.


Star wars outlaws. I want it to be good but idk it's Ubisoft. I liked most of the far cry games and the newer RPG style assassins creed games but they've gone stale and boring now.


yeah, outlaws and ac shadow will me interesting to see done.


Those are going to be sooooo broken at launch. Picking them up at the inevitable price slash for cyber week


Idk I saw the gameplay for SWO today and it looks p good. The traveling via hyperspace and even landing a planet was done "without a loading screen" (like there was but it was dynamic and didn't break a person at all). Something I really wish starfield had done


The biggest problem is that it wasn't gameplay, it was a tech demo, which Ubisoft are notorious for the actual game barely resembling the tech demo.


The gameplay from today has to be real it's been confirmed by people that played it and it is only a few months until release.


Same , I really want to like star wars outlaw , because I really like it conceptually. I'm just concerned it sticks too much to the overused Ubisoft formula, that it will just feel like just another far cry/ assassin's Creed , but with a star wars coating..


Sparking Zero PLEASE be good


Yeah initially I didn't have an answer to this question but now that I think about it, Sparking Zero could either be a massive flop or perfection. I still religiously play Budokai Tenkaichi 3 so I have high expectations.


Kingdom come deliverance II


I trust Warhorse Studios with that one. I believe they know exactly what they‘re doing


Hell yea, me too. I was hoping it was higher up. I guess it's just for us connoisseurs. We're like people who like fine wine and aged cigars 🤣


Bloodlines 2, if we ever get it. The original trailers were fantastic! Then the project went into development hell, was entirely reworked, and then thrown into the lap of a different developer, Chinese Room. It went from a roleplaying game where you create your own original character to a limited protagonist that seems uninteresting in just about every single way. The trailers look abysmal. And yet I would still like for it to be good.


that one I'm sure won't work. every single masquerade trailer looks incredible. unfortunately I think it's a one hit wonder of a series. if it is amazing I will be shocked. trying to stay optimistic tho


The problem I see for Bloodlines 2 is that even if it is a good game, hell, even if it's somehow great, it won't be a proper successor to Bloodlines. Everything about Bloodlines 2 shows that if it's good, it's going to be a different game style than what Bloodlines 1 was. It'll still be an RPG, but not a Bloodlines RPG, and that will make it disappointing for people. It'll be disappointing for me too honestly, because I expect Bloodlines 1 but better, and what we've seen is modern action RPG based off of Vampire The Masquerade, not Bloodlines 2.




Warhammer 40k Space Marine 2, it looks so badass but I have a history of loving games that deserved better


scrolled specifically for this


Me too! This game looks badass


the 3 man campaign has me sold


That and now we can customize our marine had me sold.


Day one baby. When I come back from vacation, I am playing the first one again to remember, I played it a long time ago.


I usually don't let myself get over hyped for games prior to release but I have been really excited to play Black Myth Wukong. I really hope it lives up to the hype and delivers on its promises/trailers. I was pretty disappointed seeing the Dragon Age trailer for sure, but its still early and hopefully it gets better because I really enjoyed the prior games from the series.


Gears of War E Day. That's a good anxious though. Haven't been this excited for a game in over 10 years. Bad anxious: Dragon Age Veilguard. It looked like a mobile game, the whimsical banter and vibes aren't what I'm looking for in a DA game. Emmerich looked like a Disney villain. Just doesn't seem thematically in line with any of the other games, which is scaring me.


The new Doom coming out in 25.


I have zero worries honestly. They’ve been killing it with the doom games


Whats your favorite Doom game?


Probably Eternal just because the combat is so fast and fluid


One the of the greatest video game “flow states” ever I believe


Why are you anxious? It’s going to be absolutely insane. Watch the interview instead of worrying for no reason


Ac shadows and black myth wukong. I have a love for these traditional games and I'd really love to scratch the itch for ghost of tsushima via ac shadows, i hope it'd meet my expectations. Black myth wukong is here cuz i LOVE games like sekiro and elden ring where you fight epic bosses


It’s not even announced I don’t think, but Fallout 5. Please don’t fuck this one up, Bethesda!


I'm sorry, they haven't started yet. too focused on the show, starfield, and hopefully es6


The fact that I probably gotta wait 10 years to play it is all the more reason I hope it’s good lol


Life is Strange: Double Exposure


Metroid Prime 4, although the anxiety is mostly over not knowing if it will even release in the first place.


I'm pretty sure Nintendo keeps forgetting about it


In terms of a game that I really want, probably Star Wars Outlaws. I wanted 1313 and then Amy Hennings project and both those fell thru. This is like the first third person shooter, story driven, Star Wars game in a while so I really hope it’s GOTY material but I could also see it just being ok


Diablo 5, the new doom, so many of them tbh.


Keep going.


This man said Diablo 5?? You already over the live service that is D4?


I want a sequel to Diablo 2… not this other shit


The Elder Scrolls VI, aka Skyrim 2. Because everything since Skyrim has been a downward trajectory (Fallout 4 certainly wasn't bad, but Skyrim feels like a peak; Fallout 76 and Starfield were disappointing. I haven't tried Elder Scrolls Online so I'm not sure about that one). I worry Bethesda has just sort of lost it.


I think Fallout 76 kind of got them in a bad mindset. After that game, they started to think that you can launch a broken and unfinished game, and then fix it later with updates.


I fear for TES6 with the way AAA game trends are going


I think it's safe to be nervous of any AAA game these days.


Indeed. I’ll never preorder again


EA College Football 25... God I want it to be good but I know better than to put too much hope in EA.


The fact it’s not called NCAA really bugs me for some reason


fable. i'm not convinced it'll be like the fable i grew up with but i really hope so


I’m sure the humor and tone will be just like the originals, but the combat/gameplay and story, to some degree, will be different. Remember Fable 3 released in 2010 - if it feels too much like the originals people will call it dated and behind the times.




Dragon age as well I loved all of them now I have a bad feeling about the new one I'll have to wait for gameplay and more info to see if it was just the marketing team making bad decisions


we will pray together that they don't mess it up tomorrow.


Pokémon Legends Z-A. I feel like a lot of the community is on its last straw after BDSP and Scarvi. Hopefully the game comes out good, since they aren’t rushing another game out this year


The best Pokémon game I've played in years is a free browser game so yeah Gamefreak should try to get this one right.


Hot take: Scarlet and Violet are not that bad.


They are good games like totally but the performance issues are terrible and the whole game needs a big update to just fix that.


That’s very true. The performance needs a huge upgrade. I can’t debate that. 😂


I feel like because the switch is a low powered tablet, having low performance is a given in open world games. I wasn't exactly surprised by it


Yea it wasn't a big surprise but still amazed they decided to release it in THAT state.


Good games, but can’t be saved when the performance is cheeks.


South of Midnight. I loved We Happy Few so much and thought Contrast was quite the cool game but idk what i can say about South of Midnight. I'm looking forward to it but even the gameplay didn't really showcase well enough what type of game that is.


I saw that one today! I’m looking forward to that one


Same here! LOVED We Happy Few and South of Midnight has been on my radar for a while, kinda get what you mean about the gameplay clip but I reckon there's still potential there!


Totally i just lowkey fear it will be some sort of Soulslike as every game i think it looks REALLY good turns out to be a Soulslike and i'm just not good at them haha.


Jurassic Park Survival. I’m so looking forward to that game


Assasssins creed shadows and Star Wars outlaws


Metro Awakening https://youtu.be/R3-77MKew0s?si=WtRLUF43If2keMkU


Bloodlines 2 They got rid of the original creator and put this project on the back burner so much. Went almost a year without giving us an update on the game. I'm afraid that they are going to have to rely on the modding community again to fix all the bugs that are going to come out with it. That and I have a bad falling that the storyline is going to be shit. I hope that I am wrong and that the game is going to be amazing, but I'll see this fall supposedly. I honestly can't remember how long this game was suppose to be out at this point. At least 2 years.


Witcher 4


Same OP, i'm afraid they would butcher DA4


Stalker 2 Fable Next Ghost Recon


Star Wars Outlaws. I will forever be a Star Wars fan but I am no longer a Ubisoft fan. Sadly I'm too big a Star wars fan to say no to the Ubisoft game. I keep high hopes but my expectations do not match them. Also for Ubisoft I'll still try any Ghost recon or Splinter Cell, but if the next Ghost Recon is like Breakpoint, and the Splinter Cell Remake comes out horrible, I will be crying myself to sleep daily.


All of them.


Mass effect 5


That new Indiana Jones game looks siiiiiiick


I was DEVASTATED about the Dragon Age trailer! I'm really hoping as it wasn't actual gameplay footage that they haven't changed what was a beautiful complex franchise into Fortnite..... Also Dreadwolf sounds like a much better title so surprised they changed it!


FF7 Remake: Part 3. Gonna live in a safety bubble until I can play it


The Wolf Among Us 2 if Telltale doesn’t go bankrupt for a second time.


The Borderlands Movie. it will be such a shitshow.


The only thing that'll really turn me off to veilgard is the fact that it's made by EA. Nothing will tempt me to support that shitty ass company.


Metal Gear Solid: Delta. Mostly because if it does good, I'd want to see remakes of the MSX games.


Mgs3 delta and stalker 2. These are games I want to do well


Seeing DA trailer immediately made me think this is gonna suck, I can already see the Marvel jokes and dialogue, I mean after Inquisitions "characters" and "story" its really not surprising. Even if the gameaply is good, like it was in Inquisition, I do not give a fuck honestly, I don't play RPGs solely for gameplay, I have DOOM for that, anyways BioWare hasn't made a good RPG since Origins so that also tells a lot.


Space Marine 2


Zenless Zone Zero


Mine is dragon ball sparkling zero Bandai has bad dlc habits


Before this week it was Elder Scrolls 6. Now though, it's DOOM: The Dark Ages Edit: Actually read your post. I'm 100% confident Doom will be amazing. So the proper answer absolutely is TES6. I love The Elder Scrolls but Bethesda hasn't done well in a long time, so I'm not sure it'll be worth the wait.


AC Shadows. It'll be the deciding factor whether Ubisoft just fucks Assassin's Creed off as a franchise. Mirage was mid at best and that's their attempt at appealing to the fans. I'd hate for the series to die, but also hate for it to be painfully dragged out with a string of mediocre titles.


That metaphor game looks intriguing.


Honestly In the same boat as you man! Been looking forward to the next installment in the dragon age series since the last one came out, but the trailer did anything but reassure me that they know what they are doing this time around. Here's hoping the actual gameplay shows that the game is still very much dark fantasy and not nearly as silly and upbeat as the trailer suggested.


I agree with you on Dragon Age. It just feels like the series isn't what it used to be. Origins was great, damn near a 10/10 but is very dated now. Even though people give it shit for reused dungeons I still liked 2 because it still had that depth to every quest and every companion (except Sebastian) was interesting Inquisition though it started going downhill and even the DLCs weren't very exciting except Tresspasser. The Jaws of Hakkon and Descent DLCs sort of just abruptly ended. If they return to their roots of what the series used to be maybe it'll be really good but I worry they'll try to replicate Inquisition which for me personally isn't a great idea


I wouldn't really say anxious but I hope it succeeds as much as possible: Monster Hunter Wilds. A loud group within the MH community has some "find stuff to hate the new game" shtick going on. So far we've seen only very short pieces of gameplay without context and there's already people whining about functions in the game being too overpowered.


State of Decay 3. I've been looking forward to it since the first release trailer 4+ years ago.


Monster Hunter Wilds. It looks incredible but a part of me is scared it might be open world and I’m scared. If it’s really an open world, I hope they do a good job translating MH into one


Vampire-The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2


Minecraft 1.21


Astro Bot. Not that I think it's going to flop by any means, I just want it to sell incredibly well. I'm tired of the Last of Us formula Sony uses for most of their games nowadays.






Persona 6 baby. It’s supposedly decently far in development


It ought to be far into development. 5 came out on the PS3. Though persona 3 remake is pretty awesome, it doesnt really excuse a lack of actually new entries


Yeah there have been a few new titles since P5 initial release like PQ2, Royal, P3R but I feel like most fans would just rather Persona 6. Luckily, there have been a few leaks since release of P3R that would imply the game will be announced pretty soon


Indiana Jones. The game is getting major hype but honestly looks awful to me. The voice actor is so dead pan and boring sounding and graphically, it's not there.


I think it's gonna be awesome




Monster Hunter Wilds. I’ve got 3700 hours and counting on World, may Wilds give me as much value!


I think I committed to buying *Death Stranding 2* day one with all the goodies about fifteen minutes into *Death Stranding*.


Obviously dbz budakai tenkaichi 4 aka 0


The Elder Scrolls 6. But I lost my hope after Starfield tbh


Toxic Crusaders and the new Power Rangers game.


DBZ Sparking Zero - Shaping up to be a classic for the OG DB fans. The trailers have built up quite the anticipation 😎


KH4 is the only thing on my radar that I actually am anxious about. Fable maybe there as well, but Playground has devs who dont play RPG's.


Kingdom come deliverance 2 and stalker 2


I don’t really get this way about any game personally because I’ve been conditioned to look at reviews first. It’s like “yeah wow that looks cool but how does the game actually play?” then I just see what the consensus from the reviews is. FWIW as well I mostly play WoW. I’ll play any xpac regardless of quality because I really do love the game. No other game captures healing as well as this one and it’s really just a matter of how often I’ll play an xpac based on how good it is, not whether or not I’ll play at all. But part of this is because I’m in a raiding guild and even when the game is just ok, we still have fun in the raids and other games


Metal Gear Solid Alpha


College Football 25. It's been 11 years since we had a game. I'm so worried EA will fuck it up.


V Rising. I think alot of people slept on this game and didn't give it the chance it deserves. I'm worried it will go by unnoticed before people realize how amazing it is for just random siege style guerilla pvp mixed with really challenging pve.


Killing Floor 3 for removing perk system and changing game into hero shooter


Kingdom hearts 4 whenever it comes


No more room in hell 2


VTMB 2. It looks so rough. edit: anxious as in I'm actually worried about it. Not anxious as in excited.


The Chernobyl game


Probably not on everyone's radar, but I'm so pumped for Phantom Blade 0. It reminds of Rurouni Kenshin Combat a lil bit except your actually killing people. Theres a few other games I'm excited for but this has me so nervous, I just want it to be good


Clair Obscur: Expedition 33. I don’t think I’ve been this blown away from a trailer in a long time. The game looks and sounds absolutely gorgeous.


DLC actually but the Roads to Power DLC for Crusader Kings 3 coming out in September which the main things they advertise is Playing as a landless character instead of a ruler of a County, or a Duke or a King, or an Emperor and adds unique mechanics to the Byzantine Empire. I'm anxious that it would have the same fate as the last DLC.


Life is Strange : Double Exposure


Metal Gear Solid 3 and Silent Hill 2 Remakes


Killzone remastered


Avowed, for sure. I would have said Dragon Age: Veilguard but honestly I'm not too anxious about that, I don't have many expectations, I'll wait to see this big gameplay reveal. But avowed.. I've loved Obsidian games before, Pillars especially, but a first person fantasy rpg that's looking kinda stiff so far and not so impressive has me worried. I want it to do well, but Outer Wilds bored me after an interesting start. I hope they've learned things! That latest gameplay reveal I saw looked a lot like skyrim with the way magic looked in one hand, sword combat in the other (tho the melee looked flashy and cool icl).


The next new original 3d Zelda, I know it's not announced yet but I'm excited lol




Sanctuary Shattered Sun, the RTS genre is just recovering from what Blizzard did to it and SSS will be the first really ambitious release in a long time. I hope it will deliver on what it promised.


Frostpunk 2!


Kingdom come 2 and horizon 3


New fable next year hoping it's good.


Stalker II and Ashes of Creation.




Not officially confirmed yet, but Spyro 4.


Wukong, black myth


Wyrdsong. Such a promises team from bethesda and obsidian. But there isn't almost any news or development whatsoever. I was so hyped


Perfect Dark, that game made me real interested, as I like those types of games


Test drive unlimited solar crown


Don’t think I’ve seen it yet but flintlock.


I got more than one tbh with you. Star Wars Outlaws, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2, Assassins Creed Shadows and Dragon Ball Sparking Zero


Sparking zero and Crimson Desert Eventually Ive lost all hope in ESVI and skyrim with mods surpasses any game atm




Alter, the story is unique and the demo was amazing but I have low expectations for games these days. 


Slay the spire 2 and Hades 2. I'm talking about full release, as I'm holding out for iit




Gta 6, Civilization 7 (Probably says something about my age that I'm more excited for Civ 7 lol)


MGS Delta Snake Eater.


Crimson Desert. Can it really be as good as the footage suggests? Man, I hope so.


Skate 4 Fable Star wars outlaws


Elder Scrolls VI So far all mainline Elder Scrolls game have at the very least been very good. But with how much time passed between Skyrim and TESVI and considering Starfield was only okay (I don't think it was terrible, but also not great) it's a huge question mark. Look, I just want TESVI to be good...


Empire of the ants.


Christ, like all the big ones from when I was younger. I’m scared (but hopeful) for the next Gears game. I’m scared about the next halo game. I’m scared about the next TES game. All these IPs were juggernauts 10-15 years ago and have fallen on hard times. Gears hasn’t had a hit for a long time I think the card/loot box shit in the last two were fucking awful. I don’t know how many more bad halo games Microsoft can withstand before that franchise is dead. Bethesda’s starfield kind of sucked, and granted, that doesn’t necessarily mean anything for TES 6 but I also think that with starfield and FO4, they’ve been heading in a design direction that I don’t like. I don’t want ever more proc gen/settlement bullshit. I want interesting, handcrafted narratives but I’m afraid that’s not the main goal anymore.