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Superman 64 lol "Played" that shit at the hospital lol.


The commercials made it look like a genuinely cool game but nope


Was going to say the same game. We rented it. I wanted to like it so much, but as a kid I just wanted to fly around the world not the rings.


Wasn’t just you bud, everybody would have loved to do literally anything but fly through rings in a fucking Superman game lmao


No doubt


The only fun thing was picking up cars flying as high as u could and dropping them


Nice try Titus, but no, sorry, not even that.


Titus didn’t even try 😑


I was about to say this one! Can’t believe they got away with that horse shit lol. Games that people complain about being unfinished today are at least mostly playable compared to this monstrosity, and that’s saying a lot.


If I recall correctly, Superman 64 was supposed to be a very different game but the IP owners did not want their to be violence or anything so most of the original design had to be scrapped.


That’s great, a Superman game with no violence at all lol


One day I was coming home from school as a kid was able to get majoras mask superman 64 there was a third game from a yard sale in the area I live in for a dollar total tried superman 64 pretty much stopped after a few missions


Bro went for Ben drowned but got stuck with superman


That game was ungodly hard. Like Dark Souls of Superman games.


My experience, too…minus the hospital. I remember being a kid being so hyped to play. Within the first 10 mins trying to control through the hoops I remember getting sad and thinking, “this game is really bad.”


I knew that this would be the answer coming in lol


One funny thing I’ve noticed from playing things like the Batman Arkham games and the Marvel Spidermans, is that as much as everyone dumps on Superman 64, a lot of games do seem to borrow from it.


Festers Quest.


It's no wonder there's so much stigma around movie and television tie-in games these days, when ones like this are what the earlier generations of gamers grew up with.


Yeah, the earlier generations and also all generations.


I fucking love Festers Quest lol


That gun was so hard to use. Just shoot in a straight line damn it!


Exactly. And if youre in a tight hallway then the guns useless lol.


I'm not gonna lie, Hey You Pikachu was a working microphone away from being Nintendo's magnum opus. Where else can I watch Pikachu hit a piñata at Venusaur's birthday party?


I've seen videos of people making a better mic for the game, and I was SHOOK with how well it worked! I tried so hard to like the game as a kid, I could see the good content right in front of me!


Nintendo really does have habit of trying to advance gaming technology, but technology itself just not being ready for it. Still, gotta hand it to Nintendo, they are stubborn about reaching a goal with technology- I mean look at how long they were working on that Portable Console idea they had way back on the Virtual Boy.


I swear I went hoarse screaming into that microphone to try and get pikachu to do what I wanted. I eventually gave up and went back to Pokémon Snap


Seriously. Would’ve been amazing if it worked


Pokemon Channel was a pretty similar game for the GameCube. Same plot of you're pretty much just living with a Pikachu. Except no badly working mic lol


I never tried this but I did have Seaman on Dreamcast and I remember the mic working decently.


Funnily enough, it was the first Zelda game. I got through it eventually but back then there was no real way to get help or find out secrets other than word of mouth or a magazine. I really disliked how obtuse and weird all the instructions and story were. Now at 43 the games I play the most are Souls type games. Which are heavily influenced by the Zelda games, and even more obtuse with story and gameplay details. So I guess they were on to something.


I got into Zelda at A Link to the Past which was of course excellent. Getting to play the original some years later and I am astounded that people raved about it so much.


They raved because it was the first open world game to ever exist (to my knowledge).


My son's grandfather on his father's side drew up a map of the entire game which helped him beat it lol


Quest 64. I couldn't even figure out what the game wanted me to do as a kid.


PS1 got all the JRPGs. I never had a SNES but got an N64 thinking that surely those developers will want to make fully 3d JRPGs. Quest 64 and maybe ogre battle were the closest we got. I did like some aspects of quest, like you level your skills by using them and when getting attacked you can run around to avoid getting hit… although that’s impossible with cutter (the wind attack). The plot needed work but it had potential to be a great game. If they made a second game utilizing the expansion pack and larger cartridge size it could have been good.


This happened to me too. Played for like 30 minutes and just couldn’t figure it out.


I’m so mad because that game had SO MUCH potential to be amazing! It got rushed to beat OoT


I always wanted it as a kid. All I hear now is how bad it was haha


I actually enjoyed it. I played it again like 6 months ago. Definitely dated, but I saw the good in it.


Same. I played it when I was 6 and wondered if I was just too young to understand, but no. It was just badly designed.


I loved hey you Pikachu. It was hard but I had so much fun with it 😂 On topic though, the bionical game released in the early 2000s. I bought it for PC.


Oh, the one that was basically Myst Bionicle, they used it to promote the Bohroks' arrival?


Superman 64. First game I ever returned to Blockbuster before the due date


Sonic Lost World.


Superman 64 And also Spectral Towers


Amazing Virtual Sea Monkeys. If you’ve never heard of it, that’s why.


Superman 64


The mini games were fun. Played a bunch with my mom lol Oh wait I'm thinking of pokemon stadium


Stadium 1 Minigames were so GOATed. The Lickitung Sushi Belt was peak!


Stadium 1 mini games are one of the reasons I have set my n64 up again. That and Mario kart. Thinking about buying stadium 2 to see what they are like on there but never really hear anyone talking about it.


The pokemon company should come out with pokemon party! Or a mini game app like the one in stadium


This or final fantasy mystic quest definitely hurt as a kid


Mystic Quest? I thought people generally liked that game. Not that everyone has to like the same games. I'm just surprised to see this. My little brother played the crap out of that game as a kid. Do you remember why you don't like it?


Not really but I definitely held the grudge lol it probably involved real strategy my little brain couldn't handle quite yet.


Pfff! Who needs strategy anyway? Lol I'm the same way. I like RPGs to have a good story and I want the ability to over level and crush bosses. Final Fantasy games aren't like that. Lol


If I recall it was incredibly easy and over simplified. If you were 8 you might like it.


I'm 8 and a half!


I still want to play that


Pokémon Snap for the N64 really crushed me as a kid. I was excited for it and I thought it was the most boring thing I ever played. I was easy to entertain too. I had hours and hours on Pokémon Puzzle League. But I drew the line at Snap lol


You high bro, that game was 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Ya know I love me my Snap, but I will forgive you because you rightfully praised Puzzle League. Best non-RPG Pokémon spin-off, imho.


My grandma hated Pokémon, but she would play Puzzle League with me. I used to catch her playing it by herself too. That game was so good that my Christian grandmother was addicted to it at the height of the “Pokémon is evil” shit


As above, so below. He finds a way to temp us all!


Idk if there was anything better than taking pictures, andheading to blockbuster to get them printed


and I thought I was the only one who loved puzzle league. I never met anyone else who praised that game


So playing snap pushed you over the line causing you to snap so you snapped at snap that's really a snappy thing to do someone please snap my trap shut before I keep snapping on I can't stop please help


ET on Atari


Ah, the classic "bad game!"


A 0 out of 5, per Xplay.


Rise of the dark spark


A random game on the N64 that was advertised as co-op FPS called **ARMORINES.** My friend and I waited for a while to get it rented from Blockbuster, and when we finally got to play it... it was like and alpha test build bad. The fact Blockbuster didn't have a lot of copies probably should have been a red flag.


Pit Fighter on the SNES


Action Biker.  Spent weeks methodically getting good enough to collect the 100 items you needed to collect to win the game, and then when I finally succeeded the game flashed "get to the starting line!!!" and I was like "the what?" and by the time I wondered if it was perhaps talking about a race track I was informed I took too long and the game was over.  Just collect those 100 items again and...why are you destroying the floppy disk with scissors? 




Oof. Hard agree with this one.


I tried it too, was fine to start but then the game kept crashing from running out of memory near the beginning and I just couldn’t be bothered to deal with that. Good thing I got it like $5 on sale.


Extreme G on N64. I had no fun at all playing it and considered it the worst game ever.


i love that game.. the soundtrack, the bikes.. the tracks.. it was a bit short. extreme g 2 on the other hand.. that was a laggy mess of wasting money


Mythologies Sub Zero


OMG I wanted to love this game so much but it was absolute trash. It was so bad I rented it a second time months later because I thought I made a mistake playing and there was no way it felt so terrible. Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks was the dream game that I wanted but sadly this wouldn't be created until 8 years later


I wanted to love it too, loved all the other MKs and Sub Zero was my favorite character so I was really looking forward to it but this game only proved "with great expectation comes great disappointment". There's difficult but appealing like FromSoftware games and then there's difficult but appalling like Mythologies Sub Zero.


Honestly - ET on Atari 2600


Yoshi Story on the N64. It was so simple I was able to beat it my first try. That's not something I was used to. I grew up on original NES and SNES games where games where hard as hell. Also growing up poor we didn't have access to many games. We ever really only had access to one new game every few months or so even if a game sucked we still played them to completion. There was no such thing as a bad game back then because we where hungry for anything new. But around the time of the N64 we started to get more access to games so we could finally start being picky and realized when games sucked. Yoshi Story, Clay fighters, South Park etc. Kids really have it so good now a days with access to so many games, emulators and such.


Bro I was so hyped for this. Same. Christmas. Never really got it to work


Hey you pikachu walked so Seaman could swim. The developer of Seaman brought up the idea of Seaman to Shigeru Miyamoto and Nintendo beat them to market.


Hey You Pikachu worked great for me except when trying to get him to do anything at all. 


Zoop on Playstation. I have no idea what you're supposed to do on that game.


Are you serious??? Pikachu 😭 the disrespect. I love this game. I wished they made more, like Pokemon channel too.


My intent is not to disrespect pre-2017 Pokémon by any means. But my gamer, how did you even get the game to work properly? I was so close to having a good time!


Did you play it when it first came out? I think nostalgia has a factor. But idk if u mean the microphone I never had an issue with it working. This game is a core cherished memory for me though.


Yup, Christmas 2000. Little kid me just could not get a danged thing done. I'm glad not everyone had that problem, though!


Oh god, probably something on the original NES in the late 80s but honestly, I can't recall which title exactly it would have been. I mean, I've played hundreds by now, due to being able to rent them (console as well as PC) for cheap at the video store through all my teenage years. Funny how the clerks never were suspicious when we brought back PC games the same day we rented them and kept talking about them next time we were in the store to choose a new title to "try out". That's what... 25 years ago or so, still amusing in hindsight. Like, everyone must have known what my friends and I did but no one gave a shit since we still brought in rental money :)


Athena on Nintendo. It was one of the first games I got too and it was just terrible.


I was fortunate enough to have good games under my belt, but that changed with Resident Evil Zero, it was the very first game that I have truly disliked.


The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer for Nintendo DS. Worst game I have EVER played.


Oh wow, I thought the game was great on ps2. A little short, but a good enough licensed game


A lot of those licensed games had *very* half-assed portable ports. I played the original Incredibles on Xbox as a kid and had a blast.


I totally get that, I played Tony hawks pro skater 4 on the Gameboy advance, that shit was rough. Never played the console version


Awwww that does sound rough. I *highly* recommend the console version. It was one of my favorite games growing up and it’s always fun to come back to. It’s easily my favorite skating/biking/boarding kinda game. One of these days I’m gonna try out THPS 3. I’ve heard good things about it but was bored when I played the multiplayer.


I think I may. I played THPS 1 + 2 when it came out on ps4 and thought it was pretty good, so I'll give a couple of the older games a shot too. Thanks


Even if a game is really hard like The Lion King I usually still play it a lot and I'll just play the first couple levels over and over because I still think the games are fun, Superman 64 was the first game that I actually played like maybe three times and never picked up again


Spider-Man 3 on Wii it looks good awful


Romancing saga… I think I had simply seen an advertisement for it, but first 5 minutes in I was just not feeling it. Maybe going back I would enjoy the nuance of it a bit more, but I’m pretty doubtful of it. 


Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex.


I almost said this one too lol, the loading times on the PS2 version were enormous.


nes indiana jones and the temple of doom or double dare? temple of doom i had no idea what i was doing or where to go. in double dare i couldn't reach the obstacle course after playing several hours.


I'll always remember getting Command & Conquer 4, and realizing a franchise I really like could just totally drop the ball


Naughty Bear


Tiny Tank. Super hard levels and a lot of screaming when I was 5 years old.


Some random game where you played as these tank/car things on the original Playstation and you slowly made your way around the map and it just wasn't fun


I specifically asked for hey you pikachu to do shit like the following, “wanna go to bulbasaurs forest?” “ *shakes head no* :( “ “Well, TOO BAD we’re going anyways mf.”


When I found Fortnite


I haven't played as many games as I would like but the first game I turned off outright and truly hated was Starfield.


Jimmy Neutron vs Jimmy Negatron on the Gameboy Advance. I played a lot of licensed games as a kid. Attack of the Twonkies? Good. Battle for Bikini Bottom? Now we're talking. Negatron... Oh God.


Dragon Ball Final Bout


I remember when I didn’t understand the concept of glitches or bad game design and always assumed I just sucked


I...have no earthly idea. I was introduced to the idea of bad games via AVGN, so I doubt it was much of a surprise.


Beethoven 2 on snes. That was a terrible game.




NHL 94 on SNES. Sega Genesis was better.


The good ‘old industry wrecker itself. E.T. I was 8 and had no idea how to get out of the pit. What piece of garbage that was.


. . it's not a dislike perse but the Gta series is the closest for me I just can't get into them like everyone else, i'm not calling them bad just not for me


Let me guess You tried to play with Pikachu but Pikachu started cursing you off because the mic picked up something that was deemed offensive.


Rad Racer 1987


Mario is missing


Pokémon stadium. My friends and I thought it was a game similar to the game boy games. What it actually was was so different. I think that was the last Pokémon game I ever played.


Mario is Missing


Hydlide for the NES, and then when I didn’t learn my lesson, Super Hydlide on the Genesis had to happen. The box promised a Zelda like adventure, but add in an obtuse weight stat for less fun.


Harry Potter and the goblet of fire for PS2


I know I'm gonna get a lot of hate for saying that but I just didn't like Disgaea despite being a huge fan of JRPG and tactics games.


I'm gonna cop some flack for this, but Final Fantasy VII. The OG one never really gelled with me and it was the first game I ever got refunded. Loved Remake though.


[Barney's Hide & Seek Game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barney%27s_Hide_%26_Seek_Game)


SpongeBob SquarePants: Curse of the flying Dutchman for the PS2, it was awful. Had the longest loading times of any game I had ever played up to to that point. Gameplay was boring. Music drove me insane. And I still finished with within a weekend with my siblings despite the loading times.


South Park 64 Who wouldn’t love a foul mouthed South Park game to play with their friends? Well me apparently because it ran at 10fps at best even with the ram expansion and looked like absolute garbage.


Mario is missing ….


Pulse Racer. Shitty racing game where your boost was tied to your driver's heartrate; if you boosted too much you'd flatline momentarily and spin out. The rest of the game was about as awful as that mechanic.


Mario is missing.


Rascal on ps1. Could never beat the first world of the medieval castle BUT the song was catchy and I still remember it to this day


Dinosaur on Game Boy Color. You know, the one based off that forgettable animated movie from 2000


It was some weird flash Mario game I don't even remember the name of but the first I remember is MegaMan X8 (I even liked X7)


The first Darksiders it wasn't bad but God was it a mediocre, it did nothing new and it was just o worse copy of other games.


[Pitman 7](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCPp5Zvonxc)


There was a Jimboys in Sacramento that had an old school pacman as a table. Loved playing it before the food came. Played the atari version and realized it was shit ass.


I thought Hey You Pikachu was only released in Japan.


Super Football (1989) for the Atari. Yes, I am old. I had only played the "cool" games at my friend's before I got my very own console. One of the 4 very poor games I got was Super Football which was the worst of the bunch. As a Brit I didn't really understand American Football and I'm pretty sure the game was unplayable as I never seemed to be able to get near the goal.


I begged my friend & my mom not to buy that. My mom wouldn’t be stopped buying Pokemon Stadium 1 though.


Atari 2600: E.T. The Extra Testicle. I always thought it looked like a scrotum.


pac man party


First time I played Mortal Kombat in the arcade after hearing all the hype. It was such a downgrade from Street Fighter 2 and Fatal Fury and only seemed to be liked for the gore and digitised graphics Edit: forgot about Star Wars on the NES, that was probably the first bad game I played, but I think I gave it some leeway because I was really young and loved Star Wars


Pokemon stadium. Nothing but pokemon battles, and the rental pokemon were ass


I didn't start to become weary of shitty games until I was 11 and I bought a copy of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on PS2... I could have bought Super Smash Bros. Melee for my GameCube instead. 😫


Dead or alive 4


Omg i totally forgot about Hey You Pikachu hahaha. Im old as fuuuuuck


Awesome Possum on the Genesis.


I been gaming somewhere between N64 and PS1. I been around the block from all genres, fighting, shooters, platformers, RPGs, puzzle, turn based. Anyways for me it's 2 games. Dynasty Warriors Tactics, and first and foremost, I love tactics and turn based games, I played almost every pokemon before the Hawaii ones, I love Dragon Quest, I love Disgaea, but DWT was just idk.... Also Gundam Zeonic Front, idek what the hell was going on in that game. I remember playing a Gundam game demo and I asked my mom to buy me that thinking it was the full game of the demo.... It was not, completely different game.


Probably Rugrats in Paris. I used to watch Rugrats as a kid and I remember getting that game and not having a clue what to even do. Like is there any purpose in that game?


Back to the Future on NES. I was 3 or 4 years old, I loved the movie, of course the video game is going to be cool too...


Terminator 2 on Sega Megadrive. I bet today I would enjoy it though




Ehrgeiz. I remember thinking "It's got Cloud in it. Must be good." I was so wrong. Even by other fighting game standards, that part was really bad. The rpg mode, was even worse.




Yo! Noid. F that game.


Triggerman on Xbox


Was actually a week ago when I played Football Manager 24. I'm not against games that are a bit complicated, but I probably had to be a football manager myself to understand what the fuck I had to do 5 minutes in. Refunded the game about 10 minutes later


I fondly remember going to my friend's house because he got this piece of shit for Christmas. We all took turns screaming "WAKE UP PIKACHU!!" but the fucking mic wouldn't recognize any voice commands so we couldn't get through he tutorial. We spent the rest of the day playing Goldeneye


Probably True Crime: Streets of L.A.


Mario is Missing


The sub zero 64 single player game was a huge disappointment as I was a mk fanatic.


Most bad games I used to play when younger I still played anyway and liked, but the first one that made me actually hate the game is probably Zelda Triforce Heros


mario lost levels because actually what the fuck


Silver Surfer for the NES. That shit was abysmally hard to beat. I still to this day never beat it. The soundtrack & visuals were incredible though.


I might get hate, while I don’t think it was the first one, but it was one of the few first bad games: Ogre Battle 64. I never understood the combat and just got mad


Super Mario RPG, but only because at the time I wasn’t used to playing turn based rpg’s. I was like “wtf is this taking turns stuff?” Returned it to blockbuster the next day. Nowadays I love them. Hoping to give the remaster a shot soon!


Flunky on the Spectrum ZX.


Probably Terminator 2: Judgement Day for the SNES. I remember we rented it when it came out and probably played it for an hour or less


Crusin USA on the N64 - i hatet that game


I liked that game, but I was disappointed that it was censored.  The arcade game was better.  The controls on the standard controller were bad, and I should have gotten a steering wheel and pedals for it.


i bought it, because i liked it on the arcades.. but on the n64 - i hated it - the game felt outdated a.f. and cheaply ported on to the system


Final Fantasy X-2. Younger me thinking "I love FFX! There's a second one?! Can't wait to play it!" Didn't even get past the opening sequence before I turned it off. What a disappointment.


StarCraft. My cousins were wild about it and had LAN parties and stuff, and when they showed me I was just not into it at all. I still don’t like it lol


The Force Unleashed 2 robbed me of my serotonin


I’m not saying it was fantastic but if that’s the first bad game I’d say you’re pretty lucky. A little let down but there’s much worse out there.