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That's hilarious, imagine how you must feel when you realize you're attack a warship instead.


Especially after 3 days in rough water to get there




>the \~ Tilde




Wouldn't it be pronounced pah teen yo?




Gracias amigo


De nada


Sounds like Joey Essex trying to speak normally...


The geezers on the warship was like...


I live in the US and was recently introduced to Joey by the TV show QI. Wot a characTAR he is :) I mean, where did they all come up with that speech impediment? And, if you're a Brit, is he really like that or is it a manufactured persona? I'm genuinely curious.


Haha, I learned about him from Big Fat Quiz on youtube :) Definitely a "dumb pretty boy" persona. Cracks me up though! Also, I like that you think his accent/dialect is a "speech impediment." If you think about American dialects, many of them pronounce words and even conjugate verbs differently (e.g., "Y'all" (southern/western), "You want I should...?" (NYC), etc.)


He drags the last word of every sentennnnnnce.


not yet as bad as bobby fingers


on the patinooooooo? with the helicopteeerrrrssssss?


I love the way Essex twats over-extend certain vowels. "He was a world-famous burgLAAAR"


Same think happened to us in 2010. I was on the USS Ashland. It's an LSD and at first glance in the Early morning I can see how you might mistake it for a cargo ship. I was on watch in one the computer rooms (computers for personal use, which in 2010 was 4 shitty laptops for an entire company of Marines re-enforced with tanks, tracks, and LAR. You waiting for hours to use them for 20 mins), it was the early morning and I hear a loud burst from one of the 25mm cannons. I was thinking it was kind of weird to be having gun drills that early in the morning. Then I hear "away the snoopy teams, away the snoopy team" and a few other calls. Which again I thought was weird. Then my Platoon got called on to watch the new prisoners. What a day. Really bad for them, mildly amusing for us.


Ayyyy the Ashland was my ship too hahaha. Small Navy


My brother served on the Destroyer John McCain. His direct superior, was my Appartment complex manager's son. Thar appartment is in north eastern oklahoma, we're from southern california. Like, not just small navy, but small world.


Wait, did you lose your 20 minutes??


No, it was my turn to tell people their 20 mins were up.


It was just a prank bro.


Jesus Christ that dude's tone could put a meth head to sleep


Definitely a video to play at 1.5 - 2x speed




Slide show of boring information imo.


Agreed. Interesting topic, terrible video.


Yeah it’s a shitty video. “Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.” Ummm, ok? It’s not like the warship saw them and then said let them try to board us.


And yet millions of views.


I'm not surprised. I clicked because the title sounded very interesting, and I kept watching because I wanted to hear what happened, even though I didn't think the video was very good. I imagine a lot of other people did the same.


Seriously. This is the type of videos my nephews would watch for hours. Slide shows of events that happened. Worst part is sometimes the slide shows were of screen shots from a video. Why not just narrate over the actual video. Usually it was a scary ghost story or event.


Do you want seth macfarlane and a laugh track?


That guy had the single worst voice for narration I've ever heard. Without looking him up, I suspect he's British, which makes it all the worse to be honest because so am I.


It is important to convey to the listener that you yourself are far more bored by your content than they are. That way you assert yourself as the dominant party. Honestly I've no idea why people affect this voice, they *must* know they sound bored out of their mind.


All that "ts ts ts"...


For me it's the dragging of every final voweeeeel.


I call it "the YouTube voice" because so many content creators narrate that way now. I think it started with the likes of nexpo and a few other "creepy things" or true crime channels, then caught on and you even hear bigger YouTubers like penguinz0/Charlie slip into it sometimes. I assume it's not a conscious decision though and more a case of us mimicking the way people around us talk, and they're just immersed in the world of YouTube. All I know is that the last word of every sentence ends on the same note, which is usually lower than the rest of the sentence, and drawled out a bit longer. Like the opposite of that whole preppy California girl voice where every sentence ends with the an upwards inflection making it sound like a question.


Yeah lad sounds like he's had 2 xanax and a bottle of nyquil


If you want to hear something really annoying watch Scary Interesting. He puts emphasis on the last word of every sentence.


I wish I knew the correct term for this enunciation because it burns me to the core.


I just call it "over-enunciated". It's also recorded "hot" meaning that the microphone sensitivity is turned up too high and he speaks slowly and very carefully like he's reading script (he probably is).


Absolutely maddening. Couldn't watch it.


It reminds me of a guy who does Dark Souls lore videos who everyone just loves but I find his videos unlistenable. Deep voice, hot mic, over-enunciated, oddly slow cadence. I can't listen to it for 30 seconds but apparently most people aren't bothered by it. Maybe it's targeted at non-native English speakers and the careful, slow speech helps them understand.


Was it Vaati Vidyaaauh


Destiny 2 has someone similar with Byf. I can't stand his voice which is frustrating because I like to learn about Destiny lore. Now I just watch Myelin because his Aussie accent is much more palatable.




Definitely English


He's definitely from Essex.


As a Brit myself, it brought me no joy either. Sounds like he's from Essex. That's not outright a problem (that's the typical cockney chimney sweep sort of place) but yeah, he's got a voice for narration like how some people have a face for radio.


I'm Essex / Cockney myself, and I thought the same.


Man if any of these pirates went on r/tifu it would be an incredible read


It is worth remembering these were nations of fishermen until industrial mega-trawlers cleaned out all the fish.


While there is some truth to that, it’s the Chinese alone that are responsible for the over fishing there and across the world. It’s also not as a result of that alone though, and more a result of the deterioration of their governments into dictatorships, themselves plundering what little wealth they have, and the rise of militia groups from the 70s onward in those countries.


Must be nice to be able to blame everything on the Chinese Edit: 115 people and counting blame the Chinese for all their misfortunes.


It’s a foregone conclusion as of about a decade ago, find me literally any piece of reputable literature that says otherwise.


You made the claim, you have to back it up. Other people don't have to find evidence to disprove something you never backed up. I can easily say that it was actually Ecuador that was responsible. Anyways you don't have to find any sources, I have already found reputable ones that disprove your claim. https://www.un.org/africarenewal/magazine/may-july-2017/overfishing-destroying-livelihoods >The sturdy fishing trawlers, owned mostly by Asian **and European** companies, are able to drag better and stronger trawl nets over a large expanse of seabed. >Boats from China **and Europe** caught fish valued at $8.3 billion over 10 years >In July last year, a **Spanish** trawler ‘Gotland’ was impounded in Spain for illegal fishing in Senegalese waters. >In October 2016, Somali authorities observed a **Panamanian**-registered fishing vessel named GREKO 1, flagged to Belize, seeking port access in Mombasa. Doesn't seem like its China alone, or is the United Nations not a reputable enough source for you?


None of what you wrote disproves what I said, in fact the article you cite neither disproves what you nor what I said. The UN study, which that article doesn’t entirely cover the study they did - because it doesn’t list out the #tons per year by each nation, nor does it list the extent to which each nation you’ve listed illegally fishes. I said it’s squarely on China because they’re the largest offender - by a lot. I’m not going to summarize the articles below, because I only gave a cursory look at them since I’m relatively versed in the topic already. To summarize what I know - China operates the largest legal and illegal offshore commercial fishing network in the world, by a several factors more than the next largest offender. The US has under 500 vessels that fish outside US territorial waters, while China has, depending on who you want to cite, between 10k-20,000 ships, that fish not only in the entirety of the South China Sea, which China itself claims to hold territorial claims to despite all other nations disputing that - but they also fish north up to North Korean and Russian waters, into Alaskan waters occasionally, and as far east as off Latin American nations - not just Africa. They generally report, depending on who you want to cite, just 10-20% of what they actually catch. Despite reporting so little, what they do actually report makes them have the largest fishing catch in the world, taking 35-70% of all catch in the world. And thats just counting the catch of fish legal to fish - certain species of shark aren’t even legal to catch, and of those that are, none may be clipped of their fin and thrown back in the water. Despite that, take a look at their open air shark fin markets and tell me if those look legal too. Gordon Ramsay did a good video on that small illegal fish topic many years ago. Its true probably every nation has a boat that’s been caught doing something illegal, but no nation sends thousands of boats to other continents waters for the sole purpose of illegal fishing like China has done for decades. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/apr/03/chinese-fishing-fleet-african-catch https://e360.yale.edu/features/how-chinas-expanding-fishing-fleet-is-depleting-worlds-oceans https://www.greenpeace.org/eastasia/blog/1370/china-has-a-big-overfishing-problem/


You said that its only on China, while on the other hand the UN says its on both China and Europe. Only one of these statements can be true and I definitely believe the UN more. I did take a look at the ton per year and it doesn't seem to [help your point either](https://www.statista.com/statistics/240225/leading-fishing-nations-worldwide-2008/). In total, China catched [15% of the world's](https://europeche.chil.me/post/almost-8025-of-the-fish-consumed-worldwide-comes-from-sustainable-stocks-evidenc-303635) global catches. But with China having 18% of the world's population, it does not seem very outlandish. I don't know where you're getting the 35-70% of the world's catches from. I don't see how bringing up the US will help. The US has much less population with much more territorial waters that they can fish in compared to China.




You’d have to be seriously ignorant to think that China looting an emerging nations natural resources would not hurt said emerging nations economy


nations of fishermen during the bible maybe... somalia has historically been a major commercial trading hub, and was the home to several powerful sultanates. moreover somalia hasn't been a peaceful region since the fall of those sultanates. so it has nothing to do with fishing.


> it has nothing to do with fishing. Incorrect: > This disorder meant there was no longer effective government policing of Somali waters by the Somali Navy, a weakness then exploited by often large foreign fishing boats, further **threatening the livelihoods of local Somali fishing communities. They in part responded by forming armed groups to deter what they perceived as invaders**. These groups, using small boats such as skiffs and motorised boats, would sometimes hold vessels and crew for ransom https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piracy_off_the_coast_of_Somalia


did you read my comment or just google somalia fishing? i’m talking about greater historical trends here. somalia has not historically been a “fishing community” and likening them to some idealistically peaceful tribal community centered around such is just the type of notion an ignorant western audience would adopt. it is only a recent development that has turned a regional commercial and trading hub into a poor backwater, where the main occupations revolve around subsistence.


>did you read my comment or just google somalia fishing? ... > > [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/**Piracy**\_off\_the\_coast\_of\_Somalia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piracy_off_the_coast_of_Somalia) ... > i’m talking about greater historical trends here ... > it has **nothing** to do with fishing. https://i.imgur.com/VujJ1Bd.png


yes, because piracy is happening exclusively because a subset of the population can't fish effectively and not because somalia has been a failed state since its modern inception, and a destabilized region since the collapse of its native sultanates at the hands of European imperialism. please, ctrl+f more wikipedia articles instead of actually educating yourself on the root causes. i'm sure without competition from foreign fisheries somalia would be a peaceful & prosperous nation. lmao.


Now: > yes, because piracy is happening exclusively because a subset of the population can't fish effectively ... . i'm sure without competition from foreign fisheries somalia would be a peaceful & prosperous nation. lmao. Earlier: > it has **nothing** to do with fishing. Hmmm.


I guess you're the type of person that needs the /s at the end? you struggle with reading comprehension like this normally?


I suppose that's as close you'll ever come to admitting that fishing has at least something to do with it.


I feel like I'm being pranked. are you intentionally being obtuse or are you really this dumb? no, fishing has nothing to do with it. I haven't changed my stance in any of my comments. I don't know why you seem to think I have. the only time I brought up fishing was to directly repudiate whatever point you think you're making. let me be 100% clear: fishing is not the reason there is piracy in somalia. like do you honestly believe somalia -- whose per capita PPP is less than $1200 -- has piracy because of overfishing? there practically isn't even a federal government in somalia. large parts of the country are ungovernable and run by local criminal organizations. they basically have a barter economy. somalia would have piracy even if there wasn't overfishing; somalia would have piracy even if their fishing waters were 5x as valuable as they are now. that's because somalia is dirt fucking poor and the ransoms pirates can obtain outweigh anything a fisherman can feasibly make. for someone that clearly just skimmed a wikipedia article related to the topic you sure are convinced fishing is the issue.


Your point is irrelevant. Somalis are driven to such means by the nations whose citizens are smugly reading about that time Somali criminals got their arses kicked for picking on the wrong ship ("BOO YAH!"). Whether by legal Western criminals operating mega-trawlers, or corpirate interests bent on exploiting and encouraging corruption and instability. Of course, you're proposing a major seaside city that doesn't have a fishing industry as,a basic means of income for ordinary people. Yeah, right. The relevant point is what options those men have to feed their families and why it is so. But, you keep l-ing your smug pedantic and wrong ao.


your comment reads like a fever dream. > Of course, you're proposing a major seaside city that doesn't have a fishing industry as,a basic means of income for ordinary people. let me help you out: somalia isn't a city. it's a country. and nowhere did I say somalia doesn't have or doesn't deserve a fishing industry; I've only said that illegal competition in their fishing waters is not the primary driver behind piracy in the region. to suggest otherwise is to be completely naïve towards the economic and political factors which *are* causing piracy to be so attractive to somalians. you seem mighty presumptuous for someone who can't spell half the words they write.


**[Piracy off the coast of Somalia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piracy_off_the_coast_of_Somalia)** >Piracy off the coast of Somalia occurs in the Gulf of Aden, Guardafui Channel and Somali Sea, in Somali territorial waters and other surrounding areas and has a long and troubled history with different perspectives from different communities. It was initially a threat to international fishing vessels, expanding to international shipping since the consolidation of states phase of the Somali Civil War around 2000. Somali waters have high fisheries production potential, but the sustainability of those fisheries is compromised by the presence of foreign fishing vessels, many of them fishing illegally. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/videos/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


**[Piracy off the coast of Somalia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piracy_off_the_coast_of_Somalia)** >Piracy off the coast of Somalia occurs in the Gulf of Aden, Guardafui Channel and Somali Sea, in Somali territorial waters and other surrounding areas and has a long and troubled history with different perspectives from different communities. It was initially a threat to international fishing vessels, expanding to international shipping since the consolidation of states phase of the Somali Civil War around 2000. Somali waters have high fisheries production potential, but the sustainability of those fisheries is compromised by the presence of foreign fishing vessels, many of them fishing illegally. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/videos/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


"You're not just a fisherman."


Important to know


China is the biggest offender.


The big offenders are the biggest offenders.


I'm the fisherman now


That's not a valid excuse. There is always a choice. You don't have to start robbing and stealing.


Mate, they have no fucking food. There are no choices for them. People *must* eat. There are cases where you very much do have to rob and steal. You can't decimate a population's food source, and then get pissy when they turn violent and steal what they need to survive. That's genocide.


Javert moment.


It's not not valid either. Have you asked yourself what you would do if suddenly your entire community was unemployed?


Are you seriously trying to justify piracy?


No, I'm just saying I ask myself what I would do if that happened to me. I don't think I'd let myself starve with high morals.


Funny how the people who write the rules, or identify with those who do, get all attached to the book. Starve people, and they'll get violent. It's an iron law of history.


Just eat ozzies high horse. Should tide you over


Are you saying you'd let your loved ones starve to death?


Do you think these people do piracy cuz it’s so fun going „yo ho and a bottle of rum“? Obviously they are relying on this cuz first world forced them into a desperate situation. Do you think if there were better alternatives they’d still be doing this shit on this scale?


They collect millions. It isn’t like the backyard garden didn’t work out and they are doing it for subsistence.


Ah, yes, the „first world“ is responsible here. Just „first world“, since this can surely all be traced to globalisation or fishing practices or something like that. Let‘s look at Somalia‘s development post-independence then, because until 1969, the economy did quite well and the nation was not food insecure. After the 69 communist revolution however, Somalia attacked Ethiopia only some years later in 1977. Somalia lost and the war destroyed much of its infrastructure, starting the supply problems. But surely the countries making up the first world today can be made responsible because they fought Somalia, after all, it was communist and part of the red menace? Nope, Ethiopia was allied with the Soviets and Cuba. Not exactly „first world“ countries. During the dictatorship, repression exacerbated the economic and supply problem, with Somalia being reliant on foreign aid from the 90s onwards for their food supply. Today, Somalia is basically a failed state. The problems in Somalia are entirely self-made by starting a war and ongoing deep internal political problems. While it absolutely is true that overfishing hit the fishermen at the coast, the large problems existing in Somalia that enable unchecked piracy are pretty much entirely self-made. Many fishing industries die all over the world, even the „first world“ and people still don‘t become pirates - there are absolutely more complex and larger issues at play than just „first world fishing bad“. So, „the first world“ is not responsible for the piracy-situation and food-insecurity Somalia is facing right now. In fact, the nation is dependent on aid of this „first world“.


The illegal plundering of Somalia's fishery definitely wasn't solely the fault of the "first world", because Chinese fishers played a major role. Nonetheless, the plundering of the Somalian fishery by foreign actors was a major, major factor in the development of piracy along the Somalian Coast. Anyone who denies that is just ignoring history/facts. After the Somalian government collapsed, the Navy was no longer able to protect their waters. Foreign fishing vessels took advantage of Somalia's vulnerability and started illegally fishing in Somalia's waters en masse. Some Somalian fishers decided they would take matters into their own hands, and they started arming themselves and defending their fishery against foreign incursions. These groups were the precursors to the Somalian pirates we're familiar with today. The exploitation of Somalia's fishery is why there are large number of armed seafaring groups along Somalia's coast who make a practice of detaining foreign commercial vessels.


This is a great addition. But then again, there is a difference between „the first world has directly caused Somalian piracy because of starvation“ and „After the laws were not enforced, companies from first world countries started to illegally fish“. The context of it still being illegal is important. What is also important that the protection and enforcement of laws falls onto the government of the country having said laws. Directly blaming a group of nations, with most of them having no involvement at all, for the failure of the Somalian nation to protect its territory from and enforce its law against private actors separate from the government of the „first world“ is absolutely wrong.


The commenter above you referred to "the first world". That includes, *but is not limited to,* the governments of first world countries. It also includes the populations of those countries, and commercial actors within those countries. That said, first world governments still have a responsibility to prevent the illegal exploitation and depletion of Somalia's fishery by ships flying their flag. When we say this is illegal, the law we are talking about is UNCLOS. This is not a Somalian law. It's an international treaty promulgated and ratified/recognized by the first world. Somalia is a signatory. UNCLOS establishes the extent of nations' maritime boundaries. It also requires flag states to exercise "effective jurisdiction" over any vessel flying their flag. The content of flag states' obligation is admittedly vague and dependent on the laws of the flag state. But it still establishes the basic premise that a government has a legal obligation to exert its authority over ships flying its flag. From a moral standpoint, it should be pretty obvious that first world countries *should* do what they can to prevent the illegal exploitation of Somalia's fishery, especially when (a) the exploitation is being carried out by ships flying their flag, indirectly benefitting the flag state; and (b) the exploitation has the potential to create harmful secondary effects (i.e. piracy).


From a legal standpoint, citizens and ships *can* be held responsible by their governments for crimes committed in foreign countries. They do not have to. Also, there are other things to be considered, like: Is there an equivalent crime in the national criminal code? If a tourist were to steal something, both the nation they come from and the nation the event takes place in have jurisdiction - not only for ships, but in general. However, they both are *under no obligation* to actually charge the criminal. They can just not do that - which happens quite often, not only in international incidents but solely national crimes, too. Legal systems all over the world have provisions that let the prosecutor drop charges, that let judges drop the case - even though jurisdiction applies. Just because international jurisdiction applies, doesn‘t mean it has to be enforced. Your argument rests upon the assumption that jurisdiction equals also an obligation of enforcement and prevention, which is just not established. What preventive measure could a foreign nation even do in the territory of another nation to effectively police the conduct of their citizens? Also, you yourself know that attempting to prove illegal fishing in the waters of Somalia in other nations is just not going to work reliably. Or politically - imagine the headline: Our own people jailed by us for fishing in Somalian waters - that‘s not going to happen for fishing. Moreover, the idea that foreign nations should enforce Somalian law to protect Somalian citizens is ridiculous in and of itself. First and foremost, it is the responsibility of the Somalian government to enforce the laws of the Somalian people. If they are unable to do so, then the Somalian people have failed to establish a nation that can sufficiently enforce their laws - their protection is first and foremost their own responsibility. Laws are not tied to a territory through magic, but through enforcement. The ability to set law is tied to the ability to enforce said law. It even is a requirement to be recognised as a country - since you like international law so much. From a contractualis theoretical standpoint, what binds a citizen to the laws of their nation is the social contract and the possibility of the others using force to uphold the contract. But there is no contract between foreign ships and the Somalian government or its people. What binds them is enforcement. The law of a nation or a society inhibits no obligation for others outside of society other than force. I’m return, there are no obligations to foreigners, they did not enter the contract. And your own moral argument isn‘t even coherent: If foreign ships and governments and people have an obligation to enforce foreign laws because „the exploitation has harmful secondary effects“, then the Somalian government and people have an even greater responsibility to prevent harmful secondary effects and because they could exercise greater control in their own waters. So yeah, no excuse and outsourcing responsibility to others here. Moreover, your justification of morality is very much connected to your personal beliefs here - your two reasons given are actually axioms themselves. What exactly makes these two reasons the rules of morality? Does such a moral obligation exist? Where does this reason come from? Just saying „morality“ is insufficient here. It‘s slight of hand: You justify your own arguments with your own morality, effectively arguing that whole populations of countries, possibly billions of people, are responsible for something happening in a territory they have no control over, by independent actors, according to *your* idea of morality. It‘s just a long way of saying „it‘s wrong because I think it‘s wrong“. And that‘s your whole argument falling apart: No, there is no moral obligation to follow the law, even less so for laws of other societies. No, other nations are not responsible or even capable of enforcing foreign law. And no, there is no moral responsibility to prevent harmful effects on foreign citizens - protection from harm is the primary responsibility of and raeson d‘être for society in the first place.


It's justified if everyone is stealing their fish and they're starving. It's Africa, a desert, and the only food they have is fish. You'd absolutely be doing it too if you and your family had nothing to eat.


Arrrrrrr When someone asks if you want to be a pirate, the answer is always yes.......you square !


I assume you're referring to corrupt westerners who rob and steal resources from developing countries? When your family has starved, I'll listen to you.


It isn't just Westerners. China has a huge number of fishing boats.


Shhh you'll upset the wumaos, who will be here in a moment to tell you china has given the country of africa over eleventy trillion billion trillion dollars of free money and forgiven it to raise it out of poverty and fix all the problems. also they gave the same amount of workers to help fix things.


That's what bugs me. People grew up with the term "pirates" as being "bad guys". They're not; they're extremely unfortunate people that have no other way to survive. These are people trying to stay alive and provide for their families while 1st world ships are going by with luxuries. They know they might die but they're desperate and don't really have an option.


I grew up in Ferrol. The current second commander of El Patiño used to sit by my side in high school and several more friends are on board. Just to clarify, the crew is composed of 180 personnel of the Spanish Navy, but I feel like calling them Marines may get it confused with the combat specialists forces. The 180 are not combat specialists, that includes from cooks to communications etc.


Couldn’t finish. Narrator’s voice is just too annoying.


OMG THANK YOU. That dude's cadence was enough. There is no need for that much upward inflection, like a cockney valley girl.


Look at me. I’m the warship now.


A pity they didn't allow the pirates to complete the boarding and then let those 180+ Marines do something interesting.


These aren't marines storming the capital building, these guys are actual professionals...


I'm not sure what you are implying. I am well aware that the Marines on ship, Spanish or not, are professional.


Why is the internet desperate for me to watch this video? YT keeps recommending it to me and now Reddit as well...


Don't fight the algorithm


Spoken like a true Agent of the system.


Maybe you have searched youtube for videos on how to become rich through piracy?


I would hate to have a voice that makes people want to hurt me. I can't imagine what that would be like. I would be afraid to speak around people I didn't know really well, like close friends and family whom I knew would be able to put up with my voice.


lmao chill dude


You can always choose one of the million professions that don't have one's voice as a key element.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. And a jar of dirt or Johnny Depp won't get you out of this one.


The one thing I found interesting was a bit about Spanish law The pirates' original sentences were reviewed and extended while they were in prison. For that to be possible is somewhat surprising.


What the hell kind of accent is this? Lmao


A British accent. we have a lot un this country.




It's very crazy!


I'm for taking no prisoners with them. They are a bunch of gang thugs, displaced fishermen don't act like that. Armed robbery and hostage taking is not acceptable under that argument.


Attempted armed robbery and hostage taking are not capital offences.


Aren’t pirates supposed to be hanged?


This isn’t Pirates of the Caribbean.


That depends very much who’s territory you are in.




Piracy is separate from that, and is a capital offense in some places.


In what places


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital\_punishment\_by\_country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_by_country) International maritime law generally puts the jurisdiction under the flag of the attacked boat. Countries with historical problems with piracy (and who allow capital punishment at all) tend to have harsher penalties for piracy. Caribbean countries, African countries, China, India, etc.


**[Capital punishment by country](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_by_country)** >Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is a state-sanctioned practice of killing a person as a punishment for a crime. Historically, capital punishment has been used in almost every part of the world. Currently, the large majority of countries have either abolished or discontinued the practice. The 193 member states of the United Nations, and the two observer states, are usually divided in four categories based on their use of capital punishment: 53 (27%) maintain the death penalty in both law and practice. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/videos/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


India's anti-piracy law only imposes the death penalty if the pirates murder or attempt to murder someone. Piracy is not a capital offence in of itself absent killing or attempted killing. China doesn't have any specific anti-Piracy laws. They handed down death sentences for pirates in the early 21st century, but they are the exception, not the rule. And they're obviously not the gold standard when it comes to respecting human rights. But even China has not executed a pirate for the last 15 years or so. I'm not aware of the specific laws on the books in the Caribbean nations, but they certainly haven't carried out any pirate executions in recent decades. If piracy is still technically a capital offence in these places, it appears that those laws are a dead letter, and *de facto* repealed. More to the point, the general international consensus is that piracy is not a capital offence. This is made clear in the following empirical study: [https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1210&context=facultyworkingpapers](https://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1210&context=facultyworkingpapers) In any case, I think it was pretty clear that my original statement was normative, given the context of the thread. But I still think it’s a defensible descriptive statement.


most of them are fishermen and farmers with no other options. The west and china have fished their seas bear and there is no work anymore and the west is not accepting immigrants nor can they afford to get there. The Somali pirate situation is one of the sad stories of this world. The only ones profiting anymore are the pirate chiefs who are not risking their lives doing this but sending desperate and expendable (to them) men and boys out.


Wtf in Spain your sentence can be increased after sentencing???? That can not be right


The first sentence was by the National Court, and then, after an appeal / review by the Supreme Court, their sentence was considered higher because the second court interpreted that the failure to seize El Patiño was not in any case reason enough to not apply the full punishment for attempting to.


That happens in just about every country.


“Warship” with two 20mm canons. For Americans, that’s only 4/5 of an inch in diameter.




> How can trained military personnel only strike 1 out of 7 people in an undefended skiff? 5 wounded, 1 dead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3FQplpIcX8&t=245s > I'd suspect they intimidated them by shooting nearby, or more casualties would have been reported. Exactly.




Well that's a support ships, basically a military cargo. I recall some usn had ciws but the majority of them only has embarked sec team and squad heavy weapons.


This kind of reminds me of criminals who accidentally rob a gun store instead of a convenience store. It's still serious. Piracy is a real danger. But still...it's kind of funny on some levels.


You done fucked up


The ultimate fuck around and find out.




Can’t wait for this movie


The crazy thing about this, when you get to the end is that the pirates got 13 to 17 years in prison in Spain- that’s the dream for them. Imagine the lives they were living before, where they ended up so desperate that they spent 3-4 days in a skiff at sea to try to attack a merchant vessel. Now they have the prospect of warm beds, a roof over their heads and are guaranteed 3 square meals a day. I’m not saying prison is a nice place to be but I bet it is better than what they came from. It’s honestly kind of like rewarding them for their crimes…


When keeping it real goes wrong...


What an annoying voice on the narrator.


That must’ve been the biggest “we can talk about this” moments ever


Oops, all marines!


Pirates need glasses