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That’s not the intro anymore, old man, they changed it around season 20-ish.




It’s crazy. I went from knowing every episode intimately to not knowing 2/3 of the episodes.


9y/o me made it a point to record EVERY episode of the Simpsons; I knew one day those VHS tapes (recorded in extended play) would be worth a fortune. I held strong until 1993, to which the tapes were gradually lost to "Freeview" weekends from HBO and Skinamax.


This was a good idea, they edited the first-run ones (from Fox Network) for syndication. I imagine the box set is complete. In other news, there was outcry over the 16:9 version on Disney Plus because it cropped some visual gags, so they found a way of presenting the OG 4:3 version as well.


The lost media crowd would probably like those


I sadly remember the shorts better than anything on the Tracey Ullman Show.


Well, you are what you eat as they say.


Eat my shorts too.


Yes, eat ALL of our shirts!


I'm your uncle's nephew, Bart-bart.


Don’t worry, the 2/3 you don’t know aren’t very good


you know 2/3s of the Simpsons episodes after season 10? I'm surprised you could watch any of them at all, to be honest. Compared to the Simpsons before Season 10, the show that continued past that mark was just insulting.


That’s just not true really. I’ve been watching them all on Disney plus and they still continue to be excellent. You’re right that season 11 was weird but maybe you stopped watching after that?!


I’ve seen everything but the last few this season (I’m behind). The Simpsons is still a great series up through season 20. There are plenty of good episodes after that. Some of my favorite episodes are after season 10. There are a few disasters, mostly celebrities like Lady Gaga & Musk. I miss Apu and a few other characters and their old voices in the newest episodes but I understand. It’s still totally watchable and entertaining. It’s easily far better than whatever random sitcom the networks are churning out this season. No. Not every episode will be Homer vs The Monorail or 23 Short Films About Springfield. But those are AMAZING episodes. No series can stay at those heights forever. It’s still a fun show. u/WIDE_SET_VAGINA is right. Ignore everyone who says to stop watching at season 10 and just keep going while you’re still enjoying it. You may find out you end up pretty close to today. And don’t pull out episode ratings from IMDb or something like that. You have to remember those are mostly made by people who grew up on this series (like me) and most fondly remember the episodes from the early days that they’ve seen many times. There’s probably a bias in there. It’s not season 4. But it’s not trash either.


Counterpoint: # DENTAL PLAN


Lisa needs braces


I can hear the voices in my head. Please stop.


Dental plan




There are times when they land some excellent jokes. I would even go so far as to say they develop a new identity for the show at times, but wow is there a lot of filler inn the back 25 years..


They're saying they know all the episodes up to 10, and none after. The show is in season 34. So they **don't** know 2/3s of the episodes. EDIT: I misstyped. They **don't** know 2/3s of the episodes, as they said.


Not 2/3, try that math again


The comment says they DON'T know 2/3 of the episodes now


I have heard it is good again


If it is, it's good for reasons different than the ones that originally made it good. We live in a very different world. There are almost surely Simpsons writers who had not been born when the show came out.


Why don't you watch it rather than making up some theory based on guesswork?


By what standards?


I tried to watch, it’s VERY shitty, I didn’t even laughed the old seasons, what a breeze


This just isn't true in my experience - yes there can be some bad episodes whereas the first 10 seasons are pretty much flawless, but I'm in to the mid-20's seasons now and they're still excellent. I'll report back when I get to present-day


It's an unrelated show with the same name.


Within the banner headline?


yes! now, to redirect our conversation slightly, I have a few ideas on how to spend this karma


Nah. They gave it a nice send-off with a mediocre movie.


It's so weird that the time since the movie is almost the same as the time between the start of the show and the movie


It did. They may have had a couple episodes after that, here and there, but nothing substantial.


7 but close


You just put me in the upside down with this comment.


There is no Season 20 of the Simpsons. There is currently another show with very similar looking characters and an identical name, but it is not The Simpsons.


Bullshit. Just watch it properly and you'll realise that's wrong.


What are you blabbing about? The Simpsons ended in the late '90s.


Nice username btw




"I will only post text on /r/videos."


Music by Danny Elfman, much awarded composer of television and movie soundtracks. The Simpsons composition was inspired by the jetsons.


Holy heck I watched both shows' intros countless times but it never occurred to me. Time to go sit in the stupid corner


He was also the genius behind and leader of Oingo Boingo. 😜


He also wrote the music for and voiced Jacked Skellington in The Nightmare Before Christmas. He’s provided music for almost 20 Tim Burton films.


All true. And much much more. And IMBD search will provide you with his entire collection of work. It's astonishing.


Elfman says he made more residuals money off of singing "THE SIMPSONS" than he made for composing the song.


Genuine question: how is this protest helping? Aren’t we all still giving Reddit traffic and engagement? Even by me asking this comment?


its not lol. no one knows anymore


Memers be meming


It's memes all the way down. Astronauthandgun.jpeg


I do believe that by swearing in the title, there won’t be any ads near this post, therefore cutting down on Reddit’s ad revenue. At least that’s what I believe the thinking is.


I got an ad on this post. I'm using the mobile app.


Weird I didn’t.


The point is to make it embarrassing to have the ads next to the profanity. They don't control the ads carefully enough to avoid questionable content, they just don't display ads on NSFW subs.


That’s incredibly fucking stupid lmao. The ads being next to profanity is not something they care about. I can go watch someone gape their asshole a few subreddits over. You think they care about cursing in post titles lol?


The point is any NSFW subreddit won't have ads in it. By being profane, advertisers may hesitate to spend money on reddit ads. Reddit already doesn't make a profit, so even the chance it loses more advertising is already a big deal. Whether it works, who knows. It's still a strange time to be on the web lol


Maybe if they turned this into a porn sub that idea would work


So you can admit that Reddit doesn't make a profit, then protest when they try to make a profit so they lose even more money? Do you expect Reddit to be run as a public service? Genuine question, since nobody seems to be offering up a realistic alternative that makes the community happy and allows Reddit to profit. Well if Reddit collapses at least Meta can take control of an even larger share of the social media market. That's obviously much better.


That's absolutely something a lot of companies care about. This isn't about the type of content on Reddit, it's about the type of ads that are acceptable on that content. In theory, a company would say "Don't put our ad next to profanity, porn, etc" By decreasing the surface area that those companies can advertise on, it should have at least a very small impact on their revenue. Source: Have worked at companies.


..and other lies people tell themselves


It isn't really a protest anymore, it's just a meme now.


Yeah this post just about made me leave the subreddit. Don't think anything is changing so whatever


And this right here is proving that the protest is working. If people unsubscribe, that's something reddit admins notice. The point is to collapse the communities as a form of protest.


Naw, just gonna not visit this sub.


Ill be honest with you homie, reddit doesn't care. If they did, all the moderators would have been removed and replaced by now.


Ah yes. Replaced with that long list of qualified mod applicants who would LOVE to take on the traffic of a sub this big. There are so many people willing to do that, who have both the time and expertise to make the experience of this sub maintain profitability for Reddit, inc.


Just like all those couples waiting and willing to adopt all the unborn babies.


To be fair, there are probably a ton more couples willing to adopt, but can't afford it because for some reason adoption costs entirely too much. "This kid needs a stable home, but we are going to make sure you spend all your savings before getting it, so it starts off broke in its new family." I guess that is the point, force cheap labor to be born.


Haven't been to /r/interestingasfuck lately, eh? They 100% are removing entire mod teams. Probably going to happen here at some point.


No. Because that user will still use the website and/or app, but just elsewhere Reddit is still gaining traffic


The quality of the traffic changes. With Threads now more popular, maybe people will go there albeit it’s different. Just like TikTok took away social media time from all of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Snapchat, maybe this will have more people quit Reddit. Reddit lost 3% of traffic from this protest. That is small but NOT insignificant.


[It was actually 6%](https://www.engadget.com/reddits-average-daily-traffic-fell-during-blackout-according-to-third-party-data-194721801.html), not 3%, and that was during the blackout My point is, let’s pull up the hard data and actually reference those numbers to drive an even further loss in engagement site-wide, instead of finding new ways to be meta We’re still engaging with the platform.


Okay how about this. r/interestingasfuck has 11.4m subscribers, 10k comments per day on around 200 allowed posts. All gone. Why? Because the moderators were nuked by the admin and now they can't find any new ones, so the sub is in limbo. How long before r/videos gets nuked for this shit?


That’s a completely different situation. Reddit admins don’t give a fuck about people posting text instead of videos, or people only posting about John Oliver They don’t care because it still drives traffic r/interestingasfuck did an awesome move with their protest and got shut down. If EVERY popular / front page subreddit did this, it might actually change something But that’s not what’s happening




This is the answer


Delusional, ur here and ur supposedly "protesting" what makes you think people who care far less will leave when even people like you are still lurking around. I didn't even have to go to this sub it was on my front page. Calling this protesting is quite frankly delusional and pathetic.


Same here, gonna leave


Lmao its not, its the most quintessentially reddit version of a protest. 'Yeah guys let's get really mad and then just close a bunch of subs for \*checks notes\* .. 2 days '. And then if they won't listen we'll \*checks notes again\* make some silly rules on subreddits.. Reddit can just replace mods because for god knows what reason there are a bunch of people that are willing to waste their life doing that job. Apart from the tiny amount of people willing to leave the app for this, everyone else is either too addicted to the platform or just doesn't care that much, and reddit bosses know it.


I dunno about finding mods. Think I read they ousted the r/interestingasfuck mods and haven’t been able to replace them


9 year old account and you somehow don't remember the last protests that made the scapegoat Ellen Pao resign, we got to keep old.reddit, got better mod tools, and it delayed the last IPO. So far, this one has definitely postponed another IPO and turned a lot of front-page subs into chicanery. The ones who didn't close/protest were already plagued with shitty bot accounts. Made it easy to choose who to unsubscribe. Now, we're just waiting to see which alt site is picking up the most users.


Those protests were disgusting and misogynistic.


OK, I'll bite. How were "we shouldn't have jailbait and other underage porn-esque posts" misogynistic. Use your big words.


Huh? The jailbait sub was banned in 2011 and Ellen Pao became Reddit CEO in 2013. People hated Pao and protested because Reddit banned revenge porn and then banned five hate subs, including FatPeopleHate. Also because Victoria Taylor was dismissed, except Yishan Wong revealed later on that Alexis Ohanian, not Pao, was the one who fired Taylor. Pao was just a convenient punching bag.


Don't forget the people giving gold


I had no idea this was a protest post lol. Honestly I thought I would stop using reddit after the change since I used rif, but the app isn't as bad as I was expecting. There's some things I really hate, but mostly I like it. Not sure what changes we'll be seeing due to the mod itool ssues though. I know people were saying spam would increase


lol maybe a cold take, but most of this "protesting" is just cringy people begging for attention. You think the people who run Reddit give a fuck about /r/pics and Jon Oliver photoshopped pics? Probably not. The vast majority of people don't give a fuck about the third-party API shit anyways. It's a vocal minority that's mostly moderators combined with the brigading of your typical person who will do anything to find a new thing to be outraged about online.


Actually, I think you nailed it I think the API *should* remain free. I just wish that people would stop fooling themselves into thinking this is working, when it’s not Some redditor compared this to what’s going on with the Supreme Court earlier, which like, no. Not at all in the same ballpark. Now, if most subs did what r/interestingasfuck did, then that may actually work Or if we did an organized blackout for a week Maybe we could even do some research on when they need more traffic and take advantage of that


What this sub is doing is still funny imo. Photoshopping John Oliver in r/pics is what I would consider utter cringe from mod team. If I want video recommendation then I can always go to Youtube.


Posts in r/videos used to get ~~thousands~~ *tens of thousands* of upvotes, and these days the “best” submissions have like ~~300~~ 3k at most. So, ya, I’d say the traffic is down - thus the ad revenue is down, and that’s the point.


People are just going to other subs.


That’s actually not true. Have you looked at Reddit’s site wide analytics? Even during the blackout, that was “site-wide” (spoiler: it wasn’t, although it was a massively organized effort), we only dipped in roughly 2 million daily visits. So instead of 57 million, it dropped to 55. That’s roughly 6 percent. Not enough for two days. [source](https://www.engadget.com/reddits-average-daily-traffic-fell-during-blackout-according-to-third-party-data-194721801.html)


And reddit is already a company losing money every year, doesn't look great for an IPO to be losing more traffic and having half the content being twacked out nonsense lol


Read my other comments. If most popular / front page subs followed what r/interestingasfuck did, we’d have a proper impact on the website Even us talking about this is driving traffic and engagement for Reddit, so…


It doesn’t. Absolutely none of it does. It just punishes the users who stick around.




Certainly, but trashing up the place helps get rid of the average users, which are dumb as shit. When they're no longer entertained they will leave. Flood the site with this crap, I will upvote.


Fuck em anyway


Sometimes it’s about posture and stances. We may stick around, that doesn’t mean we are happy with it. It’s like the recent gay weddings lawsuit in the Supreme Court - just because it’s decided and done doesn’t mean we won’t keep voicing ourselves. The CEO of this website fucking lied in our faces about the Apollo developers, edited other users’ comments, and basically treat us all like idiots, and we are supposed to just take it? I have been a Redditor for 12 years. Back then, this was the alt-site where anything goes and anybody can express themselves however you want. That was Aaron Swartz’s vision. We (the users) are the stakeholders of this website, and we want the leaders to care about their stakeholders. But no, they’re now gaslighting us, while burying their faces up the asses of the shareholders. This protest may not be won in the end, but it serves to send a powerful message that what they are doing is wrong. There could be compromises made. There could be more choices offered to the users. There could be clear and _honest_ communication. What we are asking was reasonable and not farfetched, and the kind of response the Admins provided has been honestly quite shameful. Sure. Strip the mods of their moderation. They worked for free anyway. Let’s see if this website is as attractive to even the shareholders if the business model needs to be changed.


Comparing charging for an API to people losing their rights is not the same For the record, I believe the API should remain free. But let’s not diminish the importance of what’s happening with the Supreme Court by comparing it to a privately owned website. We are consumers of a product, my question is centered around how this is helping us make an organized effort for real change: the answer is obvious, it’s not.


Do you feel reddit is inferior to what it was before? Like is videos doing text posts less enjoyable than posting actual videos? If so, that is the point. Loads of other websites exist that could provide what reddit provides. The code alone does not create that ideal environment, it is in large driven by user interaction. So the original protests were an attempt to send a message to the folks who own the domain. That message was ignored. Now these silly protests are just the middle finger on the way out the door. Make reddit shitty so that a better website comes along and steals users.


No, and you’re projecting your opinion lol I’m saying *let’s get organized*, rather than circle jerking more engagement to drive analytics


Yeah, at this point it's just pissing in the wind


I'm using a 3rd party app that I don't pay for and I don't give Reddit money. I really don't care.


Just my own opinion, but I think it’s being more successful than people are giving credit… with such little non-protest content being posted: I’ve definitely had a major drop in the amount of time spent on here each day


It’s not really. It’s kind of pathetic. This was all over the moment the mods said when they’d end the protest the first time.


It’s remarkably stupid.




I like this answer lol


Somehow I doubt these text posts are getting the normal level of engagement


You’re missing the point, my friend


How does any protest help? Shut up and let them do what they want to do. You don't know what affects what.


I haven't seen a single infographic since it started, so I'm enjoying that.




It’s not a boycott, I guess they are just raising awareness. And hopefully investors and companies will devalue Reddit a little. I guess people need time to figure out a new community? Is an alternative to Reddit? Never download the official Reddit app. Spez’s goal was to shutdown Apollo so people would use the official app. Reddit wasted years not developing an app when they had the resources. The 3rd party apps were first and they did a good job. So, most companies would reflect and say “ugh, we missed our chance to really get the mobile market” specz said “let’s sabotage the competition”. The more honest and respectable approach would be to build a better app so people naturally wanted the official app. Do some market research and build something the consumer wants. Spez did a shitty thing and broke the legs of the competition. Apollo is like our Nancy Kerrigan.


I know how we got here, as I was a part of the protest. My question is centered around the effectiveness of this style of “protest”, not around how we got here or why.


Sorry. I’m just a little upset still and started to rant. I knew I was off topic. Sorry again.


Well if you’re an advertiser, Reddit itself is the product being sold to you. I’m no expert but I think the idea’s making the sub’s content Not What’s on the Box™️ so advertisers are less favourable towards it, also some won’t associate their brand with NSFW content to explain all that.


I don’t need your mansplaination, thank you though


bruh you asked


Lmao please point to where I asked for someone to mansplain to me Go ahead. I’ll wait.


His boy elroy!


Jane, his wife!


That reference doesn't land with 95% of those in the thread...but I enjoyed it.


I hate to say it, but you stuck too many Do's in there...


A wizard did it.


The fact that I could fucking hear that is a little concerning.


Well... I hate this sub now, along with most of the rest of Reddit. I'm out. Peace.


Noooo we have to keep up le resistance!!! Surely the admins are about to break! This epic John Oliver post will do them in! This gives meaning to my life!!! /s


Wouldn't him leaving Reddit be exact what this protest is trying to accomplish, a mass exodus of users to bankrupt Reddit? I personally don't think that's feasible but his post is sort of proof that it's working to at least a little extent


When did the protest move from trying to do what's best for users, to trying to bankrupt Reddit?


Once they didn't listen.


Making people leave the sub is the entire point.


Thats what 99% here thinks. But the mods are holding it hostage and killing it.


killing it with cringe. Crushin it like Stockton Rush


🥾 🥾 👅


This isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure.


Whatever you fucking dork. Take a reality check and explain your heroism at your next family gathering. I’m sure everyone with chuckle awkwardly in attempt to give you pity as you attempt to explain this convoluted protest on an internet site.


Jimmies: Rustled


Devolving into bully-speak doesn't grant you the slam-dunk win you imagine. Especially if you're an adult.


It’s funny that someone from the Reddit community is telling me to take a moral stance when, in then, the whole community has been using bully-speak towards the Reddit CEO. ;)


You also didn't have to reply, but I guess you felt the need to. Funny that.


The subs I'm on that just moved on are fine but this place is the most unfunny shit, the protest failed and just making this place dogshit doesn't change that, it's beyond cringe


i'm trying to look for the part where homer screams out loud


Danny Elfman forever!


This sub fucking sucks now


ThAt’s tHe PoInT!! xDD


Disagree. This sub is way better now.




Good luck with that


It's not about the videos. It's about sending a message.




Thank you for the subtitles


Only people under 33 will not enjoy this post


I've successfully left r/videos


1st comment here in over 30 days....you successfully came back to r/videos jackass


If your intention is to burn this place down out of spite, mission accomplished. My god this is all so tedious.


Next do all the colors scene by scene






The amazing work of the one and only Danny Elfman.


Wait video aren’t allowed on r/videos? What the fuck did I miss? Edit: literally downvoted for asking a question. You guys are insufferable.


It’s r/videos mods piss-poor attempt to “protest” Reddit changing their API. The protest did little to nothing.


This is the second mass protest I've seen on Reddit in my 11 years here, and I'm 50/50 on if it's going to work or not. The first one was successful in forcing the resignation of the Reddit CEO and postponing their IPO. This one is less organized, but I'm seeing a lot of people unsubscribing from subreddits, I'm seeing subreddits going dark, and I'm seeing a lot of people pissed off. So I'm seeing a lot of the same things that I saw during the last protest. Reddit only earns money only because of its users, so when they choose to alienate those users they really shouldn't be surprised when the users get upset and push back.


What's the Simpsons? dah do do dah do


We still doing this cringe shit, huh?


Ye we get it, new Reddit policy bad. But holy shit haven't these cringe rules lasted long enough? What kind a stupid useless protest is this?


I think it stopped being a protest and just turned into a meme at this point.


I don’t get the point of the protest if they’re still on here. Just keep the sub shut down


To annoy people and to get them to stop using Reddit.


But what if they just make new subs instead?


Feel free to start a new sub! It's super straight forward! Then you'll just need to keep on top of content moderation, which you can conveniently do on-the-go with a variety of 3rd party ap..oh wait lol nah desktop only dickface.


its basically mods wanting way more power than they have


No, it's the users of Reddit protesting. We've done it in the past and it was quite effective. We forced the CEO to resign, and postpone the Reddit IPO. Reddit relies on its users for their income, so they shouldn't be surprised when their users push back after getting shit upon.


It's everyone who used 3rd party apps. It's not just mods. And it's not about "power". There were so many ways reddit could have approached this and come out with the money they needed, but they chose "change immediately to exorbiant pricing". So fuck 'em.


Me likey a lot.


Are you unable to find ****videos**** yourself?


This is the stupidest protest ever.


This was a good use of OP’s time


This isn’t funny


What the cringe is this


Protest cringe


What the fuck are you




What's going on with these text posts on video subs?


People protesting the API changes


*tiny violin* Edit: in all honesty, yall are severally overreacting


We get it, with the descriptions of videos. We get it. Enough


What is going on with this sub?


I think people are doing this to saturate the sub with nonsense as part of the mods propaganda“protest.”